BrightonSEO 2017 - SEO quick wins from a technical check

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Technical Check???

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Quick Wins??

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Your Go-To Tools

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo




Top Technical SEO Quick Wins


@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

+1,010%Organic transactions YOY

What Results To Expect?

● Amount of keywords ranking has increased by 90% over last 6 months

● This lead to a massive jump in transactions from organic traffic.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

+138%Increase in organic goal


What Results To Expect?

● Page 1 rankings for local terms.● Organic traffic is up 49% year on year● Goal conversion rate increased 60%


@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

301 Redirects

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● New site?● Older domains?● URL structure changes?● Https migrations?● Relative links?

When Could You Have Issues?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Missing 301s● Redirect chains ● Broken 301s● 302s● Unnecessary Redirects

What To Look For?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Analyse & Fix the issues.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Site migration rushed - resulted in lots of redirect

chains/broken redirects

Redirect chains and broken redirects fixed

301s Case Study

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Set up 301s from old & 404 pages to new ones● Prevent redirect chains - URLs should 301 redirect straight to the final

version.● Update all internal links to point to the final destination URL to prevent

unnecessary redirects● Ensure site-wide 301 redirects are set up from non-preferred to

preferred versions (www, https & trailing slashes)● Ensure all redirects are permanent 301s and not temporary 302s

UNLESS the move is temporary

Redirection Tips

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Don’t just check and fix the redirects in your web crawl!Look way back…● Gather backlink URLs via tools such as Majestic● Gather previous domain URLs ● Gather top landing page URLs from Analytics ● If you’re not sure of the old URLs, check websites like Wayback

Machine which store domain website snapshots.● Gather 404s from Search Console

Consider old website versions too

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Use Screaming Frogs List Mode to crawl your list of URLs.

Make sure ‘Always Follow Redirects’ is ticked in Settings. (Configuration > Spider > Advanced)

● Update Redirects which have multiple Redirect Chains● Create Redirects for key 404s (esp. Backlink or Landing Page 404s)● Fix broken/incorrect Redirects

Crawl your URLs

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo


@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

User-agent: *Disallow:

Sitemap: https://www.yourwebsite/sitemap.xml

“Make use of the robots.txt file on your web server.”

Google Webmaster Guidelines

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Analyse & Fix the issues.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Disallowing full site post migration● Disallowing CSS/JS files ● Disallowing unexpected URLs● Not disallowing staging site

What Issues Could You Have?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Site Disallow

● Unexpected URLs Disallow

● Disallowing CSS/JS files

What To Look For?

User-agent: *Disallow: /

User-agent: *Disallow: /index.php/

User-agent: *Disallow: */js/

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Category page!!!

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Robots sorted

Technical actions implemented

Robots.txt File Case Study

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Improve your crawl budget.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

What is a Crawl Budget?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

How to optimise your crawl budget?

1. Crawl your website.

2. Excessive URLs for users rather than search engines being crawled? i.e Add to Basket / Wish List / Parameterised URLsEg: /claim/?action=claim_listing&listing_id=33910 /claim/?action=claim_listing&listing_id=33911 /book-an-appointment/997 /book-an-appointment/223

3. Disallow these via robots.txt (after testing!)

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Add pages irrelevant to search or that you don’t want crawled!

How to Fix It?

User-agent: *Disallow: /blog/tag/Disallow: /whishlist/

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Option 1:Use the robots.txt tester in Search Console - this requires the robots.txt file to be actually updated.

Option 2:Use the custom robots.txt tool in Screaming Frog to test then and there.

Check the commands you are adding will work for the URLS you want to block.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

How to test your robots?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

For more info check out Liam’s blog on How to Improve Your Crawl Budget !

@chloebodard | #brightonseo


@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Optimisation Quick Wins?

● Page titles● H1s● Meta descriptions for CTR.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Missing page titles/meta descriptions/ H1s● Duplicate page titles/meta descriptions/ H1s● Lack of keyword targeting● Meta tags improvement potential● Internal cannibalisation

What To Look For?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

How to check?

● Crawl your site

● Look at overview report tab

● Download the SERP Summary report which you can then filter:


@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

How to check?

● Main phrase at beginning of Page title?

● Main phrase/ variation in the H1?

● H2s semantically relevant?

● Close rankings for different pages?

● Organic traffic drop to one page & increase for a similar one?



● Use SC Search Analytics report

● Check CTR - is rank high and CTR low?

● Do you have KW ranking on top of page 2?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo


@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Analyse & Fix the issues.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Search Console Search Analytics Report

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Page Titles, H1s & Meta descriptions Updated

+46% increase in organic traffic


Optimisation Case Study

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Ensure ALL pages have a unique Page title, meta description and H1s.○ Targeted keyword should be at the start of the page title & in the H1○ Look at top rankers !!○ Seize improvement opportunities from SC○ Make meta descriptions engaging & with a CTA.○ Include KW & semantic variations in H2s

● Ensure page titles & meta descriptions are within recommended length (up to 61-63 characters now)

● Ensure each page targets a different phrase to avoid internal cannibalisation● Push pages ranking on top of page 2 to page 1

Optimisation Quick Wins

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Be a Flamingo in a flock of Pigeons.

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Canonical Tags

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Relative URLS● 404s and 301s● Non-preferred domain● Listing URLs canonicalised to the first page

Issues To Look For?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Tech changes made and canonicals set to non preferred (http) version

Canonicals updated to avoid 301s and point to preferred version (https)

Canonical Tags Case Study

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

How to check?

Run a DeepCrawl Canonical Report to highlight:● canonical errors, ● orphaned canonical URLs ● pages without a valid canonical tag

Use Screaming Frog to:● Identify canonicalised URLs ● Check for errors by exporting the Canonical Errors report

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Analyse & Fix the issues.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Use absolute rather than relative URLs● Make sure your canonical matches your preferred domain (http or

https) ● Update canonical tags if you migrate. ● Don’t canonicalise listing URLs to the first page - they are not

duplicate content, use rel=”prev” & rel=”next” tags● Canonical tags should not point to a 404 or 301 redirect● Add self-referencing canonical tags to non canonicalised pages

Implementing Canonical Tags

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo


@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><urlset xmlns=""> <url> <loc></loc> <lastmod>2005-01-01</lastmod> <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> <priority>0.8</priority> </url></urlset

A standard sitemap as shown within looks like this:

● Does not improve rankings● Does provide a key list of your important pages to Google. ● There can be lots of hidden issues within your sitemap.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Errors in your sitemap, such as 404, 301s or canonicalised URLs

● Orphaned URLs that you may / may not want to be indexed ● Missing/inaccurate Last Modified Date● Missing key pages● Noindex pages & URLs blocked by robots.txt file

Issues To Look For?

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

How to check?

Use DeepCrawl to analyse your sitemap. Sitemap report will:

● Highlight any orphaned URLs to be linked ● Pages missing from your sitemap to be added ● Errors within its pages to be fixed

Use Search console to submit it & check for errors:

● Check for warnings & follow recommendations● Look at number of URLs submitted vs indexed

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Analyse & Fix the issues.

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

● Best type of Sitemap is dynamic - automatically updates!● Check for errors in your sitemap, don’t include 404, 301s or

canonicalised URLs● Beware of orphaned URLs that you may not want to be indexed ● Include an accurate Last Modified Date ● Make sure your key pages are in there & use child sitemaps to

separate sections/large list of URLs.● If multiple types of content, use additional sitemap types (image,

video & mobile )

Sitemap.xml Guidelines & Quick Wins

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Choose Yoast for beautiful dynamic sitemaps, but...

Default settings include EVERYTHING that isn’t set to noindex!

● URLs you never knew existed like layout & slider sections? Likely to be in the sitemap.

● PPC pages that you’ve created but not linked internally? Likely to be in the sitemap.

● Old pages you’ve used but haven’t redirected? Likely to be in the sitemap

● Test pages you’ve made for fun? Likely to be in the sitemap

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Using Wordpress?

● Always check your sitemap settings, crawl your sitemap for the list of URLs that you’ll be submitting to Google.

● Any URLs you don’t agree with? Remove via settings or noindex them (will remove them from Yoast).

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Optimising Yoast Sitemaps

@chloebodard | #brightonseo

Check out Michelle’s AWESOME Sitemap Guide!

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

BRAUMGroup 56

301 Redirects

● Don’t forget about 301s for

migrations & preferred version

site-wide rules

● Eliminate redirect chains, check

for redirects from internal links

● Don’t forget about old domains!!

Key TakeawaysTop Technical SEO Quick Wins (Part 1)

Robots.txt File

● Check & test your robots.txt file

● Optimise your crawl budget


● Optimisation should be unique, strategic, user friendly & tailored to competition

● Overuse SC’s search analytics report

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

BRAUMGroup 57

Canonical Tags

● Use absolute links for canonical tags

● Beware of canonicalising pagination links

Key TakeawaysTop Technical SEO Quick Wins (Part 2)

@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo


● Beware of hidden errors within your sitemap(s)

● Ensure all important pages are included in the sitemap, that there are no orphaned pages, nor unwanted pages

● Use Last Modified date to notify Google of page updates

@chloebodard | #brightonseo@chloebodard | #BrightonSeo

Thank You!

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