Post on 31-May-2022






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6-Jun Mother of all

the living

Genesis 3:8-20 (Mary Hutchings)

Mark 3:20-35 (Adele Carr)

HC (Col Baxter)

Leader: Greg Tenni

Prayer for Others: Lyn


13-Jun Reach out

to Jesus

2 Corinthians 8:7-15 (Lyn Dippel)

Mark 5:21-43 (Adele Carr)

Leader: Pierre

Prayer: Moira Adams

20-Jun Stormy Weather 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (Lyn Anderson)

Mark 4:35-41 (Dulcie Ash)

Leader: Bob Hutchings

Prayer: None


27-Jun Let anyone with ears

to hear listen

2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17 (Greg Tenni)

Mark 4:21-34 (Maureen Peart)

Leader: Marg Grove

Prayer: Marg Grove


Offerings to date are below budget by around $1,000 per month. We have sufficient funds at present to

support our activities and ministry. However, with our deficit 2021 budget of $10,000, current level of

offerings and fundraising activities, maintaining these funds to the end of the year may be difficult.

If you are using the envelope or loose offering system for your weekly giving, each Sunday we have the

offering bowls on the welcome desk for you to utilize. This is working well and your weekly giving in this

manner is appreciated.

If you would like to move towards the Direct Giving option, the details are as follows to make an internet

transfer -

Name of Account: UCA Bribie Island Congregation

BSB: 014 01

Account #: 1915 19891

Description: My Offering

Thank you for your support. ANN BULLEY, TREASURER, 0414 637 562

Pierre is on compassionate leave for 2 weeks to care for Cherie after surgery:

Thursday May 27th—Thursday June 10th

Pierre will be on Annual Leave from Sunday June 20th — Saturday July 17th

The elders and church council are available if you need assistance while Pierre is unavailable

During these times, Sunday Services will be conducted by the following people: MAY 30th Col Baxter JUNE 6th Greg Tenni (Col Baxter—Holy Communion) JUNE 20th Bob Hutchings JUNE 27th Marg Grove JULY 4th Dave Greig (Holy Communion) JULY 11th Geoff Webber



While a guest on the "Proud Mary" as we cruise down the Murray River, we see so many beautiful sights of God's crea-tion. To me as we turn each bend there is another breath-

taking view of the tall cliff on the edge of the Murray River. I felt while cruising on the river we were very privileged to see the beauty of this very dry, wide country, we can see how we are a small part of a country that is part of God's handy-work. Our Creator God has a sense of humour as we see the funny animals that live in and on the banks of this mighty River.



Brian was born and grew up in the coal mining town of Huntly on North

Island NZ. He was the town's standby ambu-lance driver at 16, but he was still at school, so

he took the ambulance to school when he was on call! He also played rugby, and won awards with

the shooting club.

In 1950 he went to university in Wellington to study accounting, and then worked as a student for early version of Price Water-house. In 1952, he completed his studies and was offered a job in Auckland. He de-cided to travel there by luxury coach not train for a change, and the train crashed on that trip, killing many passengers, including one of his mates. He later worked for Burrows computer company as a salesman, and the change to decimal currency brought bumper computer sales, one sale being $1million!

Brian was promoted to Burrows headquarters in Detroit USA, and lived there for 7 years and did sales all round the world, especially in Japan. In 1978 he went back to NZ to start farming, and also as a company direc-tor for Apple Computer company. In 1992 be moved to Australia, and then in 2002 to Bribie and golden years for retirement and much travel. His latest goal is to visit a new Great-grand daughter recently born in NZ.



June 1 June COOPER

June 3 Barry COOPER

June 8 Sonny MOON

June 13 Shirley BILLING

June 18 Lyle THOMAS

June 18 Neena THOMPSON

June 20 Allan TORR

June 23 Peter GOOD

June 26 Leonie BELLINGHAM

June 26 Paul CONN

June 27 Katie PAPP

June 28 Jenny EASEY

June 29 Barb Mc CLELLAND





by Ray Sweatman

2008 was the year that saw Carol and I ready and able to retire to our holiday home here on Bribie. We joined the church at a

time when the need for a new audio visual system was being discussed to take over from the presentation of hymns each

Sunday using two overhead projectors (manually operated). I willingly volunteered to be part of the discussion group regard-

ing the cost and benefits of installing a computer operated desk and public address system that was a new innovation for

churches at the time.

The result was that the AV Desk was designed and built, new screens installed and two projectors were purchased and

mounted in front of the screens allowing hymns to be sent from a computer on the desk to the screens. Operators were

trained and the singing of hymns under the new system was commenced. All of this installation was carried out using the

skills of members of the congregation at the time, all of whom are still here and 10 years older. Only the projectors were

installed by the company who supplied them to ensure their operation was covered by warranty.

I wish to acknowledge the late Phil Anquetil whose knowledge of the old system assisted me greatly in the installation of the

new. This system was installed at minimum cost and operated effectively for 10 years until Covid struck in 2020.

Over this ten year period, discussions were in progress as to how our Sunday services could be relayed to those in the congre-

gation who could no longer attend worship, by a phone set up or some other method. The subject of streaming of funerals

was also discussed as funerals are frequent at this church and requests had been made to make it possible for relatives to take

part in funerals if unable to attend in person.

During Covid, Pierre was able to record parts of the Sunday service through the week and include hymn singing from the con-

gregation that had been recorded on a weekly basis from the desk over a number of years for anyone who requested a copy of

the service. He then uploaded this recording weekly for watching at home by the congregation who could no longer meet to-

gether at the church. By 2020-21 the concept of live streaming was being adopted by the wider church and had the potential

to solve many of the issues of presenting services to people at home as well as the issues relating to funerals.

The technology to accommodate live streaming of the service each Sunday requires a vastly more sophisticated system than

the one we installed in 2009-2010 which enabled the congregation to see and hear the service from the pews each Sunday.

Cameras have been installed and married to the existing technology.

I wish to thank Rev. Pierre for all the assistance he has given in planning the upgrade to the new system and the Church Council

for enabling better equipment to be purchased to make live streaming possible. Please bear with us as the skills needed to live

stream including the use of cameras are far more complex than were needed when the system was originally installed.

It is still a work in progress.

JUNE 9th and 23rd

ACTS 1– 12 UNITS 8-9

Lyn Mc Mahon’s Home 2.15 pm

Enquiries Flo Mc Kay 34089512

Closing date for July Bulletin June 16 th

Articles submitted to Barb McClelland


Phone 0427200466






Bribie Sports Club - All ladies welcome

Notify Neena or Dulcie if attending


7-30 am

South African Café

Spinnaker Drive

Please notify Marius

if attending

How easy it is to become distracted I say

With so many challenges facing your day

Hurdle numero uno the alarm kicking off at five

When it’s still pitch black and birds are yet alive

And then it’s the rain, heavy, unrelenting and


Already I’m starting to think it’s no fun being old

With my wife, produce, craft and me all piled

into the car

We head to the markets thinking it may be a

bridge to far

And then on the wind-swept foreshore the fun


The tables were set and the fabulous produce


The weather and our location were challenges

to face

We all pushed on confident our Lord would

show grace

Being the sole custodian of the cash box and

Jean’s trusty bulldog clip

And beautiful salesgirls bedecked in Saints

colours some giving me lip

Were all distractions that could not impede our

success in any way

But blow me down and strike me pink it ended

up a real cracker day

Though the foot traffic and would be buyers, to

me, seemed kind of sparce

Our team of devoted helpers all ensured the

day was anything but a farce

Though on the day buyers seemed to spend

more money than at our previous stall

It still surprised me that we managed a welcome

increase on our past monetary haul

Leaving naught more to be said than a big well

done and thanks to one and all

Until we re-convene on Sundays at Church

and thence at our next market stall.




We have had two very successful Market Stalls at Brennan Park and our thanks goes to those who have contributed by way of goods for sale on the stall and those who have volunteered their time to be at the stall welcoming customers and making contact with those who visit the markets. It has been a wonderful outreach to the community.

Our next market stall is planned for the month of July.

To date, including donations, fundraising at the market stalls have raised $1705.

Our fundraising budget for 2021 is $10,000 - $8,300 to go!


French Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease in Paris, explains the subject in a rather reassuring way: If anyone is aware of memory problems, they do NOT have Alzheimer's.

We forget the names of people, or do not remember where we have put some things. This often happens in people 60 years and older, who complain that they lack memory.

But the information is always in the brain; it is the "processor" that is lacking. This is "Anosognosia" or tempo-rary forgetfulness.

Half of people 60 and older have some symptoms that are due to age rather than disease.

The most common instances are: - forgetting the name of a person - going to a room in the house and not remembering why we were going there - a blank memory for a movie title or actor - searching where we left our glasses or keys

After 60 years most people have such a difficulty, which indicates that it is NOT a disease, but rather a characteris-tic due to the passage of years. Many people are con-cerned about these oversights, hence the reassurance of the following statement by Professor Dubois: "Those who are conscious of being forgetful have no serious problem of memory. Those who suffer from a memory illness or Alzheimer's, are NOT aware of what is happening."

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