Breaking the Jewish Code

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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A book review



Outline of Presentation: Introduction

A brief insight into the 12 Code Conclusion

The amazing success of the Jewish people has been a mystery pondered. The Jews(Israelis) have been able to achieve great success amidst several forms of persecution and oppression especially the Holocaust which saw about Six Million Jews killed by the Nazis, some identify the success phenomena as a special factor and Perry stone tags this as the Jewish DNA of success and survival- as it all began with one man, Abraham.The Israelites were marked as Gods covenanted people and their daily guide for living was the Torah, the first five books of the bible written during Moses forty years in the wilderness, being the God code for social, moral, ceremonial, sacrificial and civil laws that will forge the Hebrews living standards and moral ethics. Many Practical truth are encoded in the Torah code which we are often negligent of.

Code 1: Devout Jews have known andlived by the God code in the Torah.

The Torah( Pentateuch in Greek) consists of the first five books in the bible which were all written by Moses during his forty-year wilderness journey with the children of Israel. The themes of these five books are as follows: Genesis- history creation to the time when the 12 sons of Jacob and their Families went down to Egypt. Exodus- the call of Moses, the departure from Egypt and the establishment of the priesthood and Tabernacle. Leviticus- details of the sacrificial, ceremonial and moral laws of God and instructions for following them. Numbers- details a census of the 12 tribes and the failures of the Nation to obey God in the wilderness. Deutronomy- a summary of Israels wanderings, new guidelines, and prophecies about Israels future. It is Gods law given to Moses, but, more importantly, it is the revealed mind of the creator concerning how His people should live and how to be successful in the journey of life. This was literally the God code.

The Torah code can be divided into three main categories: The Sacrificial code The ceremonial codeThe judic

ial-moral code

in the Torah, animal sacrifices for atonement was a preview and a shadow of what is to come, that is, the ultimate sacrifice that would complete the redemption process once and for all (Exo. 12, Rev. 12:11).

The ceremonial code includes 7 feasts: Passover Unleavened bread Firstfruits

PentecostTrumpets Day of Atonement Tabernacles

The Old Testament Passover was a preview of the crucifixion of Christ, also the day of Pentecost. Pentecost is identified as the time when Moses received the law on Mount Sinai. Christ was crucified during Passover, placed in the tomb during the feast of unleavened bread and rose during the time of firstfruits. The church was born on the day of Pentecost. The judicial-moral code in the Torah reveals the code of moral-ethical conduct and civil law decisions.

Code 2:all blessings are linked to the Abrahamic covenant (gen 18:17-19). The first time the word covenant is used in the Torah is in Gen 6:18 when God made a covenant with Noah, the second reference is with Abraham Gen 17:1,2. God progressively appeared to Abram, revealing His divine purpose for Abram and His future children. God told Abram he would become a great nation Gen 12:2 Gen 17:4 Gen 17:6 Gen 18:18 Gen 22:18 With each step of obedience, he was able to attain the promises- from just a nation to a nation that will bless the entire world. The master key to the fulfillment of these promises was obedience to the instructions demanded by God in His covenant.The seal to Abrahams covenant was in the blood through circumcision. Circumcision which must be done on the eight day Gen 17:10-12. God waited 24 years until revealing this as a sign of His covenant with Abraham (99yrs.) at circumcision the child is initiated into the Abrahamic covenant. Medical research has shown that Vitamin k, that contains prothrombin, a blood clotting factor is more available on the eight day than any other day in a persons life. Thus, God knew the physical significance of the eight-day circumcision.

Code 3: the Hebrew language is the language of God. According to Rabbi Michael Munk the 22 sacred letters are the profound, primal spiritual forces. They are in effect, the raw material of creation. The Hebrew alphabet called the alef-bet has a sacred mystique shrouding the alef-bet. For example, the word for truth is emet when spelling truth in Hebrew, the first letter is alef, and the last letter is tav. Christ said I am the way, the truth, and the life (john 14:6). Thus,He is the beginning and the end of all truth. When God revealed His heavenly mysteries and spiritual code to Moses and the prophets, it was heard and written in an early form of the Hebrew language, this reveal the language is important and sacred to God. Jews treat the Torah as a living person. The fact that devout jews have honoured the written word of God has marked them as a special people above all other nations on the earth.

Code 4:God loves to have a celebration. The jews celebrate 7 feasts and all 7 have physical, spiritual and prophetic application: Physical application: these celebrations are timed around Israels seed planting, rain and harvest cycles Spiritual application: spiritual events are linked to Israel; Passover reminded the Israelites of deliverance from Egypt when an angel of Death passed over their Homes, also the feast of unleavened bread reminded the Israelites of their quick departure from Egypt (bread without leaven). The feast of atonement also was marked as a day once in a year when the high priest would atone for Israels sins. Prophetic application:

The feast

Past and future fulfillment

Passover Unleavened bread Firstfruits Pentecost

Christ was crucified on the evening of passover Christ, the sinless sacrifice ( without leaven) was in the tomb Christ rose and was seen as a the firstfruits of the resurrection of the dead The birth of the church

TrumpetsAtonement Tabernacles Reasons for celebrating:

The return of Christ and first resurrectionJudgment of God, called the tribulation A picture of the future reign of the Messiah in Jerusalem.

Reminder of Gods blessings Rest from labour ( Sabbath) Bringing men together for bonding and fellowship

Code 5:there are Hebrew secrets for training a child following Gods life cycles Being the creator God initiated specific time frames for special life cycles, giving each person an opportunity to learn, mature and experience a new level of Grace and blessing. The tanakh(old testament) identified 8 stages of growth:

A new born

Exo. 2:3,6,8 A suckling Isaiah 11:8 Ask for bread not milk lam. 4:4 Weaned one(end of 2 yrs) Isaiah 28:9 Clings to mother Eze. 9:6 Becoming strong and firm Isaiah 7:4 Shaking himself free Isaiah 40:30 Ripened and growing Isaiah 31:8

The first learned prayer of a jewish child is, shema yisrael, Hear O Israel according to deut 6:4 reads like this in Hebrew shema yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad . the lifecycle of a Jewish family is full of celebration and it progresses through 5 stages

Celebration of circumcision

8days Celebration of Adulthood 13yrs Celebration of maturity 20yrs Celebration of spiritual development 30yrs Celebration of marriage

The jews have passed this on from generation to generation including praying for their children (prov. 22:6).the jewish child has four learning methods namely: Visual Repetitive Chanting Musical

Code 6:there is significance to the name you give your children (Gen 32:28). Since Abrahams time, when a Hebrew child is born, the most significant element was the meaning of the name given to the infant by parents. Circumcision demonstrated inclusion in the Jewish covenant, but the childs birth name often identified his/her prophetic destiny. Names could be linked to a particular event in the parents life or an unusual circumstance in child birth. Each of the 12 sons of Jacob received a name based upon the circumstances of birth and the prayers prayed by his mother. By guiding your words and actions, you can protect a good name. the destiny of a person is linked to the meaning of their name.

Code 7:God can make the barren womb rejoice. Barren women birthed six of the greatest men in Israels biblical history(Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, Samuel, John The Baptist) all of whom transferred, transported, transplanted, transfixed, transfused and transitioned the nation respectively. The nation Israel was formed from barren wombs blessed with sons of destiny. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PRAYER,HANNAH PRAYED RADICALLY, RACHEL PRAYED TOO (GEN 30:11).

Code 8:

every house should be marked by Gods word. Deut. 6:4. The word of God must dwell in us and be manifest through us by our outward conduct. The jews have through time placed a Mezuzah- a box that contains the shema on their doorposts.

Code 9:

eating from Gods restaurant Menu keeps you Healthy. Jews eat from a kosher menu. The word kosher means proper or fit, kosher is food that meets therequirements of jewish dietary laws, these kosher were revealed to Moses in Lev. 11 and Deut. 14. The basic kosher requirements are: Animals that have hooves and chew their cuds are kosher Animals must be slaughtered in certain manner, and only certain parts are to be eaten Most vegetables are kosher Most domestic birds are kosher; Medical research confirms that eating Gods way will produce better long-term health.

Code 10:

there is a covenant of wealth God has with His people. Deut 28:13 Prosperity is one branch of the covenant tree. When we are blessed never forget it was God who gave you the ability to get wealth Deut. 8:18

Code 11: the Hebrew scriptures reveal future world events. Prophecy is when God prewrites the headlines using inspiration, dreams,visions and divine visitations revealing future events before they occur. The ancient prophecies have prophesied about Israel, preserved Israel and produced a reborn Israel.

Code 12:Blessings are generational- leave a heritage, and pass on a legacy. Heb. 11:20,21. Is it possible that todays families can begin planting a family tree, nourishing a generational seed that will become a legacy of righteousness? The first four generations of the Hebrew prove this is possible. Abraham planted the spiritual seed(Gen 13:2), Isaac watered it (Gen 26:13), Jacob grew it(Gen 27-31) and the abundance of Jacob could be fourfold: hardwork, loyalty to vision, determination and walking in a covenant relationship with God; Jacobs 12 sons protected the tree.

The ability to impart to another is as old as Jacob blessing his sons; there are three things you can impart to your descendants before you depart this life: A heritage: something that is not material, such as traditions handed down from one generation to another A Legacy: Passing on a good name, including teams and goods continually used A dynasty: A succession of rulers or a group maintaining power from the same family line. Note: people will always remember two things about you: your Entrance and your Exit

HOW TO LEAVE A SPIRITUAL LEGACY a spiritual legacy is your History as viewed through His story, the story of your walk with the Lord and the blessings you experience in life. Begin a legacy by: Sharing the word of God with your family Showing the love of Christ Setting yourself as a good example in all endeavours

It is clear that God selected Abraham for a new nation and revealed the code of heaven to an earthly people. The covenants were sealed in blood, and out of the seed of Abraham came another nation of destiny, which the jewish apostles identify as the church born out of a blood covenant ratified and sealed through Christs own Vicarious sufferings. The church must understand the jew and the jews must understand that true Christians love Israel and the Jewish people. We are from the same tree and as such much tap into the covenant of our fathers.

Thank You!

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