Braving the Wilderness - Resurrection Lutheran Church · work on belonging and courage, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone” and

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November 2018

Resurrection Lutheran Church and School

6170 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Core Office Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Belonging, Bartimaeus and community -- Mark 10:46-52

The one who sees nothing risks everything to be noticed by the one who

sees everything. Bartimaeus raises his voice from the side of the road,

from the margins of society. He cries out again and again, “Jesus, son of

David, have mercy on me!” Louder. Louder. Louder.

This concludes our 7-week “Be…” series based on the discipleship scriptures in Mark 8-10.1 Alongside the Markan scriptures we’ve placed Dr. Brene Brown’s latest work on belonging and courage, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone” and the practices that go with it. This week in particular I reference the last practice of “Strong back. Soft front. Wild heart.”

Jesus is “on the way” and has been since chapter 8. It is the eve of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and he prepares to make that final turn to Jerusalem, to the cross and resurrection. But before he does, there is on more healing to be done and that is Bartimaeus.



Heidi Moore 540-786-7778

Office Staff 540-786-7778

Stephanie Anderson

Donna Roberts

Music Ministry Leader

Amy Burcher 540-368-2557

Youth Activities Director

Pastor Heidi Moore 540-786-7778

Preschool Director

Brandalee Cooper 540-786-7778

Preschool Staff

Megan Snell – Teacher

Melissa Headley – Teacher

Carrol Martin - Teacher


As we embark on “Belong” we talk about the one who didn’t belong, the one who has been pushed to the edge, devalued and told to shut up.

He just won’t shut up. And the more the disciples try to shush him, the louder he gets. Bartimaeus understands what it means to be vulnerable.

His life is filled with uncertainty. He is s a beggar. He owns one possession – his cloak. He doesn’t know where or when his next meal will be. He is blind.

The one who sees nothing risks everything to be noticed by the one who sees everything. Bartimaeus raises his voice from the side of the road, from the margins of society. He cries out again and again, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” Louder. Louder. Louder.

Enormous emotional exposure comes with risk taking2, especially for Bar-Timaeus, this son of honor. The name Timaeus means honor. In the 1st century, honor is synonymous with value. This risk could leave him even more devalued and dehumanized and excluded.

With courage, Bartimaeus yells louder. In his desperation, he no longer cares what people think. He ignores the harsh and ugly commands to be quiet. Bartimaeus has a strong back.3

Jesus hears Bartimaeus’ voice cutting through the cacophony.

And he stops. Stands still. Jesus hears Bartimaeus through the chaos. Jesus hears us too through the chaos and cacophony.

Jesus says call him here.

Yes, Jesus could have walked over to him. Jesus makes a point: those who excluded Bartimaeus now are told to include him. Jesus tells us to include the excluded, to hear the voices that are being silenced.

Take heart, get up, he is calling you.

Casting aside the only thing he owns, blind Bartimaeus runs head long through the crowd, not waiting for the disciples to guide him. Now is his chance! He pushes people out of the way. He didn’t know how this encounter was going to go, but he willingly showed up – Bartimaeus has a soft front.4


And that wild heart? It’s showing up in vulnerability and courage. It is being both/and. It is living into the paradox that is love. It’s made possible by having a front made of love and a back made of courage.5

Bartimaeus is experiencing transformation. His faith is already making him well. He just doesn’t know it yet.

Jesus asks Bartimaeus, “what do you want from me?”

This is the savior of the world. We know Jesus knows but Jesus doesn’t assume. It is about empowerment. By asking one question Jesus empowers Bartimaeus to participate in his own healing, to once again feel the value that every human being feels.

“Let me see again.” Or “let me lift my eyes up.”

Beggars sat by the road, blind people were considered sinners, punished by God. No one wanted them around. Blind beggars have no community.

At the heart of the request is Bartimaeus is the longing to be a part of a community again.

Go. Your faith has made you well. Return to your community.

Not come and follow, I healed you, you owe me.

But Go. Your faith has made you well. Jesus describes the event as emanating from Bartimaeus’ “audacious, humble and open-hearted faith.” 6

We read this scripture as we celebrate the 501st anniversary of the Reformation.

Luther saw first hand those who were excluded by the 16th century church – precious children of God. They couldn’t pay the indulgences. They were not permitted to receive the cup. Even the language was exclusionary; they couldn’t read much less understand the Latin.

Martin Luther embarked on empowering people as he insisted that all people be able to sip the wine of salvation and not just the bread. Most importantly that they heard God’s word in a language that they could understand.


Luther struggled with having enough faith only to discover that he did, just like Bartimaeus. Luther rediscovered faith, a precious gift that only the Holy Spirit gives and comes with promises of absolute and complete acceptance and unconditional love.

Faith is lived in community. The promises are received in community. Total inclusion. All means all.

We need to hear again and again that we are loved and accepted – no exclusions. All means all.

500 years later, hear a voice cutting through the cacophony of voices that tell us that we aren’t enough and never will be. Just as God spoke through the voices of various prophets of old, Jesus,

Rising through the chaos of the worst crime against our Jewish brothers and sisters in the history of the United States, a young gay man finally laid to rest 20 years after his death because his parents wanted his grave to be safe from desecration, military force being used against a caravan of people fleeing from abject poverty and violence in Central America hear a voice.

Hear the voice of Jesus speaking through another as she proclaims, “This church belongs to all of us.”

Be you. Jesus loved Bartimaeus and Jesus loves us just as we are.

Be here. Bartimaeus joins the rest of the disciples as they go along the way to Jerusalem, a fully functioning member of the community. We too, are called to be fully present and part of the worshiping community that we call RLC.

Belong. Jesus didn’t send Bartimaeus away but welcomed him into the band of disciples. Jesus bids us also to welcome all – because all means all – to our table and into our hearts. True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are, it requires us to BE who we are7, following Jesus along the way.


Pastor Heidi


Property - Capital Campaign Update - 2018

Narthex: Soon, (hopefully before Christmas), will replace the ceiling and lights in the

Narthex. Along with this we will reroute the water lines (currently in the unheated

attic) that provide water to the new building. In addition, we will run a water line to

the sacristy and also improve the condensation drains from the heating/cooling

systems in the attic. These lines were subject to freezing so rerouting them into

heated space makes sense.

Sanctuary: In early 2019 work will begin on modernizing the Sanctuary and the plan is

to have that complete by Easter (Sunday April 21, 2019). This will involve a lot of work.

Cleaning ductwork, painting the ceiling, removing and reinstalling the pews,

refinishing/re-carpeting the floor, painting walls, electrical/audio visual improvements,


HVAC Systems: There are many systems at Resurrection that heat and cool the

complex. Some of these systems are near their end of service life and will need

replacement. The Property Committee anticipates that the HVAC units in the attic

above the Narthex will be replaced in 2019.

Replacement Reserve Report/Study: What is this and why? It is a study that provides

the church with an inventory of the common community facilities and infrastructure

components (valued at $1,000 or more) that require periodic replacement. It

provides a general view of the condition of these components and it provides an

effective financial plan to fund projected periodic replacements over the next 40


Miller Dodson of Annapolis, MD was selected as our contractor to prepare this report

for us. In August the contractor evaluated the infrastructure of RLC and prepared a

detailed draft report that the Property Committee is evaluating and will receive the

final report shortly. The final report will be made available to all and there will be a

presentation on the report in early 2019.

Fortunately, the draft report confirms that RLC is focusing on the correct

replacements for the beginning of our Capital Campaign. However, the reserve

study also advises that we focus on a parking lot repair effort and replacement of the

front door exterior canopy in the near future.


Are you planning to spend the holidays alone?

Do you know of someone in our congregation who might be alone for Thanksgiving Day or

Christmas Day? While we all agree that holidays are best shared with family, in these days of

families spread out at great distances, some members might not be able to gather with their

family for a special day. The Hospitality Team would like to assist those who might be debating

roasting a turkey for one (or two)! If this might be of interest to you, either as a host or as a guest,

please see the “Holiday Gathering” sign-up sheet in the narthex. If there is an interest, we will

meet to discuss and decide on a plan.

Music News Dear RLC Family and Friends, As November arrives, we start our month with our "All Saints" service which also happens to be "day light savings time" that day. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, our choirs are busy rehearsing our Christmas Cantata which will be presented on our first Sunday in the season of Advent. Each year, as the feel of winter takes hold and covers our days with moments of silent wonder, we are called to "reflection." The beautiful Christmas hymn "I Wonder As I Wander" is a favorite of mine and has been on my mind this week, and it has inspired me to think and pray about how to prepare music with the "heart" of worship for our services. With more opportunities to come together with holiday gatherings and added worship services, we light our candles of hope in the beginning of Advent. We read the ancient words about Christ entering the world as a baby and sing the jubilant hymns about peace and love. The cantata choir will present "Sing a Song of Christmas," telling the story of Christmas using music and narration of scriptures and prayers on December 2nd at our 10:00 service. My prayer for all of us is that while singing our beloved hymns, we may allow ourselves to put away all of life's burdens and distractions to find moments of peace and joy through song. May you capture the warmth and sparkle of Christmas and be awakened to truth, as well as the mystery and miracle of our true gift. That gift is "grace".....and it came wrapped in a baby named Jesus! Invite your family and friends to join us in about 4 weeks to hear this cantata, enjoy some lunch, make ornaments, and decorate. I look forward to sharing in song together as we enter this new season. Love, Amy


October at RLC in pictures




Pet Blessing


New Roof over the Sanctuary

Sight and Sound Theater


“Jesus Live”



Trunk or Treat Winning Trunk!




Thank you to

everyone who

submitted pictures

from all the events

in October.

More pictures are

available on our

Facebook page.


Preschool News

The Preschool welcomed Fall with several activities In October. The beginning of the month started

with a field trip to Round Hill Farm. The pictures below highlight the fun – pumpkins, a hay ride and

the corn box! The corn box was a school favorite – so much so that Ms. Melissa and Ms. Megan

switched their sensory table fillers to corn the following week!

The 2-day class hosted a Parent’s Morning where parents attended class and participated with their

student. The parents helped their child with crafts, play in different centers and with classroom jobs.

The month ended with an invitation to participate in the RLC Trunk or Treat. Several families enjoyed

the hot dog bar, crafts, games and, of course, visiting all of the decorated trunks!



Tuesday, November 13th at 12 Noon

Place: Durango Grill

4256 Plank Road

Fredericksburg, VA

(540) 322-1552

Menu: See Bulletin Board. You can order from the menu including lunchtime

meals and sandwiches.

Directions: Durango Grill is located in the former UKROP shopping center, just off

Route 3.

Please sign up at the NAF bulletin board no later than November 8th.

Sue Merna and Emily Slunt, Host

Theology Pub November 18

BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse

Central Park

6:00 p.m.

Come be a part of this low-key fellowship that enjoys conversation,

questions, and the occasional cold one! For more information contact

Bob & Terri Kuckuck


Church Office Requests Please call the Church Office at 540-

786-7778 when:

You are in the hospital or

prior to going to the

hospital. A relative may

call for you but in order

for the pastor to visit the

hospital, permission must

be given for the church

to be notified.

You are confined to your

home for an extended

period of time because

of illness or accident;

You are going to a

rehab center or a

nursing home;

There is a change in your

family status (birth,

death, marriage, or


You move to a new

home, move out of the

area, go away to

college or graduate

school, or join the


You would like to

schedule a meeting or

event at the church. For

communication with

everyone, all scheduled

gatherings must be

included on the church


In Our Hearts and Prayers Members: Sue Perdue, Marion & Frank Jacobeen, Betty Parde, Mary Grace Niemi, Shevawn & Paul

McIntire, Virginia Shkrlac, Hazel Riedl, Carol Cappozzi, Julie Young, Hope Hall, Leah Lauderback,

Leslie Stalker, Bill & Joy Bushman, Sharon Rose, Tom Strentz, Wanda LaRue, Ginger Gearhart,

Kathleen Lisagor, Cheryl Huntington, Barbara Lee, Nancy Downie, Ingrid Allard, Dorothy Vernon,

Terri Evers, Joanbeth Millikin, Dee Tillman, Bryce Downie, Jack Morisak, Spike & Donna Roberts,

Chris Brunjes, Kelli Slunt, Art Sohlke, Marti Martin, Shannon Broden, Joy Kerley, Tammy Campbell,

Nathan Moore, Chris Sefchick, Ann Lamphere

Military: Chris Griffiths, Tony Jenkins, George Winters, Christian Jenkins, Greg McIntire, Nick

McIntire, Terri Piekosz, Brittany Patterson, Leah Lauderback, Aric Roberts, Christopher Harold, Josie

Lyons, Drew Meeker, Jessica Meisinger, Tobias Peckhaus, Garrett Lipscomb

Friends and Families (Short Term): Cliff Hughes, Family of Debbie Cooley, Family of Tom Baker

Friends and Families (Long Term): Nia Jones, Art Franco, Carole Downie, Karen Howard, Ray

Williams & Family, Joy Morgan, Mark Fenton, Dawn Shifflett, Ron Davis, Jesus and Jennel Vidal,

Dave Meilstrup, Danielson Family, Hollyanne Robinson, Tim Compton, Val Ellis, Jones Family, Rae

Stevenson, Andrew Schelske, Ann Sutton, Dwayne Boyd, Florio Family, Karen Anthony, Laura Barth,

Johnson Family, Babb Family, Chris Grimley, Dave McCracken, Rae Stevenson, Carrie Wyatt, Our

Nation, Cristy Curtis, Mary Anne Schneider, Andrew Lyman, Lois Culler, Barbara Smith, Kathy Nick,

Mike Kish, Pastor Carl McKenzie, Karen Nich, Thomas Barr, Debbie Betts, Daniel Askin, Gloria

Melillo, Mary Jane Spiers, Bill & Mary, Holland Family, Larry Budd, Donald Hair, Donna Straka,

Claren Henderson, Jane Gearhart, Zoe & Cody Jones, Mark Suplicki, Joy, Kathy Bennett, Willow

Hahn, Katie Hawley, Joyce Huffer, Linley Mullins, Brad Johnson, Tom Baker, Jan Gray, Katherine

Faith Evans, Ernie Lehr, Sonya Humphrey, Doris Ann Bradburn, Leo Bradburn, Steve Benton, Carol

Ways, Benny Vanhoose, Jeff Temples, Jennifer Walker, Millie Edwards, Baby Sebastian, Peggy

Stubbs, Noelle Holland, Becky Kirk, Debbie Betts, Nixon Family, Cheryl LaRue Mead, Diana,

Michelle Simones, Lori Carey, Mark Igoe, Craft family, Renee Douglas, Paul Weifenbach, Elkins

Family, John Zienka, Austin Mueller, Laura Ridgeway, Kathleen Sullivan, Janice Marks, Ann Moore,

Jim Hennessy, Tom Yuneman, Myra Bannon, Nancy Wessel, Benjamin Allan, Mark Hoover, Tracy

Slagenhaupt, Alan & Nancy Johnson, Maryann Adkins, Austin Mueller, Richard Slosson, Sheri

Wittnebel, Betty Sue Rose, Page Painter, Mark Sprenkle, Judi Camaione, Paula Kaplan, Carmen

Mims, Christopher Girouard, Sue Gardner, Fred Pupke, Tim Clawson, Nemanic Family, Clarence

Henderson, Zachary Williamson, Marlene Jazz, Marty Buckley, Scott Pollock, Glenna Lee, Dunn

Family, Ursual Spoddig, Marguerite and Mike Dwyer, Scott Pollock, David LaRue, Bob Wilcox,

Family of Bill White, Sharon, Jim Spencer, Sean, Mary Stallard, Diane Portner, Callie Harry, Al

Mehlbaum, David Sullivan, Bob Meyer, Vincent Weimer, Dione Balzano, Phyllis Spence, Evan

Cameron, Rose Ellmore, Chris & Gary Burris, Harry Weimer, Susan Moore, Zoe and Cody Jones,

Rhonda & Michael Williams, Morelle & Richard Slosson, Joyce Lee, Brian Bahr, Bruce Bahr, Juanita

& Jared Anderson, Karen Howard, Jerry Stubbs, Mrs. Hart, Mary Lou Haas, Kathy Perusi, Migrant

families, Tim Tillman, Pete Whitenack, Richard Snow, Matt Campbell, The Jeff Long Family, Keith

Bray, David Sullivan, Adam Gentry, Mallory Andrews, Ralph & Jerry Dado, Len Archer, Marty

Buckley, Lori Link, Terri Reese, Marue Biggs, Donna Hershey, Sonni Beranak, Joy Williams, Don

Bakker, Ellen Sole, Jerry Stubbs, Ron Livingston, Tom Passante



Chris Brunjes 11/1

Wendy McArtor 11/3

Kelly Burcher 11/6

Linda Morisak 11/7

Sharon Vines 11/10

Michael Broden 11/11

Zoe Embrey 11/12

Ken Tillman 11/12

Tammy Campbell 11/14

Joyce Halston 11/15

Phil Midland 11/16

Tony Jenkins 11/18

Elaine Lyman 11/20

Michael Stalker 11/23

Jim Kerley 11/24

Wanda LaRue 11/24

Megan Miller 11/25

Michael McArtor 11/27

Bill Gellerman 11/28


Faith in Action

It’s hard to believe, but it’s time for the Annual Angel Tree Christmas Project. The

Boy Scout Troop at Resurrection is disbanding, and we cannot count on the Scouting

for Food Saturday to provide non-perishable food to fill the food boxes distributed to

Angel Tree families. There will be wooden baskets at the narthex Baobab Tree to

collect the food products over the next several weeks. Resurrection members and

teams are encouraged to regularly bring items to services and meetings. A variety of

canned food and packaged items are welcome for this collection. The following items

are merely suggestions to assist you while shopping.

Needed Items

Canned corn, green beans, or peas

Canned sweet potatoes or yams

Muffin or biscuit mix

Stuffing mix

Gravy packets or jars

Cranberry sauce

Canned fruit

Instant potatoes


Boxed macaroni and cheese

Pasta and sauce

Evaporated milk

Pumpkin pie mix or other pie filling (boxes preferred)

Erica Suber at Chancellor Elementary is finalizing the list of Angel Tree families.

There could be 8-10 families. The gift tags will be ready the week of November 12th.

Plans call for the Angel Tree to appear in the narthex on Sunday, November 18th.

Angel Tree Instructions:

Select a tag from the Angel Tree. The tag will become the package tag for the gift

with the vital ID number. PLEASE put your name and phone number on the attached

index card and place the card in the basket. Above all, have a good time shopping for

the gift and place it under the Angel Tree.


Angel Tree gifts must be at the church by Sunday, December 9th. The Faith in Action

Team (and hopefully other members) will assemble food boxes and gift bags for each

Angel Tree family. These Chancellor families will be coming to the church on

Monday, December 17th to receive the items.

A special congratulations to Chancellor Elementary for being recognized as a Blue-

Ribbon School, quite an awesome distinction. Any questions, please contact me.

Holiday blessings,

Gene Ernst


Summary of RLC Council Minutes for October 23, 2018

Treasurer’s Report:

Budget Sheet - Income is up because of 5 Sundays and also the summer is over and fall

is traditionally higher in giving.

Team Reports

October Team Captains Meeting

o Property Team – need to get an interior designer/architect in to make

recommendations. The requirements will be gathered from the staff. We will send

out the recommendations to the congregation and receive information back as to

what the congregation comments. This will give everyone an opportunity to weigh

in. The council will make the final decision after Steve and the property team make

the recommendations.

Old Business

Update on Constitution/Bylaws Committee – changes from everyone except the school –

deadline is November 1, 2018

Capital Campaign – roof is almost done – the gutters and soffit need to be done. The cost

of the parking lot repairs is being covered by members in the church. It was asked if in a

few months the Capital Campaign can possibly give to the principle of the mortgage. The

response was that eventually the council will make the determination of the division of the

CC funds and decide where the money will go. It was also stated everyone should have a

voice, but not everyone will have their opinion met.

Audit update – The recommendation from the audit team is for RLS is to have an overall

improvement of the paper trail for the expenses. The audit from RLC will be forthcoming.

Council retreat – November 2 6:30PM-9:30PM & November 3 9AM – 3PM.

New Business

The new members for RLC were approved. A list of inactive members (transfers, moved

away) were approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Missy Arp

Council Secretary

Total contributions to date for

the Dream! Capital Campaign

$ 139,409


Time to order Christmas Poinsettias

Watch for the Christmas Poinsettia notebook in the narthex on the table with the altar

flowers/communion elements notebook. Poinsettias can be placed in the sanctuary in

memory or in honor of a loved one. The cost will be $10 for an 8-inch pot. All orders

must be completed and paid by December 9th to reserve the order for Resurrection.

Last year, there were problems with poinsettia orders not being paid which left the

church to make up the difference. If you pay for plants online, please let the church

office know and your order will be marked paid. You can also utilize your offering

envelopes by writing “poinsettia” on the “other” line. Any questions, please contact


Holiday Blessings

Gene Ernst



Come and join us on December 2, 2018 for a

multi-generational ADVENT ADVENTURE!

Immediately following the Cantata, we will be

singing songs, making Chrismons, and having

lunch. All ages are welcome. Invite your

friends! Please contact Cheryl Huntington to


10:00 am – Advent Cantata

11:15 am – Advent Adventure


December Schedule of Services

December 2 – 10:00 am – Advent Cantata

11:15 am - Advent Adventure

12:15 pm – Lunch and Decorating

December 9 – 8:30 am and 11:00 am

December 16 – 8:30 am and 11:00 am

December 23 – 10:00 am

December 24 – 7:00 pm – Family Carols and Candlelight Service

December 24 – 9:00 pm – Candlelight Service

December 30 – 10:00 am – Lessons and Carols

top related