Brave Heart Wall Hanging - Create Mixed Heart Wall Hanging Ruth Rae describes her Brave Heart wall hanging

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Brave Heart Wall Hanging

Ruth Rae describes her Brave Heart wall hanging as a virtual fabric journey. “Layers upon layers of both seen and unseen beauty dance with one another in

this fabric piece,” she says. Irresistible, no?

Along this journey with Ruth Rae, author of Layered, Tattered & Stitched, you’ll sew, stitch, metal stamp and embroider. But you’ll also learn a whole host of other unique techniques—like bleaching, burning and bead wrapping—that will enable you to set your work apart from the rest.

To learn more about or purchase Layered, Tattered &Stitched by Ruth Rae, click here.

Layered, Tattered & Stitched is published by North Light Books, an imprint of F+W Media, Inc.

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

The poetry of E. E. Cummings speaks to me. I adore his

unmistakable style and lines that oftentimes deal with

themes of love and nature. I wrapped this interactive

hanging heart around his poem, “i carry your heart with

me.” I envisioned Cummings’ words in every aspect of the

design. As I created this piece, it became a virtual fabric

journey. Layers upon layers of both seen and unseen

beauty dance with one another in this fabric piece. This

is my ode to E.E. Cummings.

I label my tortured hearts as “Brave.” Our hearts are,

figuratively and literally, our life lines. We feel them

breaking when we are let down and filled with joy when

something extraordinary occurs. The heart form is a

constant in my art.

“brave heart” Wall Hanginggather thisto begin

Beads (assorted)

Bleach pen (Clorox® Bleach Pen® Gel or liquid bleach)

Book text or handwritten journal page

Bookbinder’s awl

Dowel (½" [13mm] diameter)

Fabric: felt in black and red (Kunin craft felt only; no wool); cotton jacquard; muslin; polyester organza; tulle


Heat gun

Ink: StazOn® or fabric ink

Leather punch

Letter punch set and hammer (optional)

Metal sheet (24-gauge, any kind) for heart charm

Metal tray, cookie sheet or other heat-resistant surface

Needle (embroidery)

Quilting machine needle, size 14/90

Quilting machine thread

Pearl cotton #5 (or embroidery floss)

Pen: LePen™ by Marvy® or fabric pen

Pinking shears (optional)


Pliers (round nose, chain nose)

Ribbon (I used vintage seam binding)

Rubber stamps


Seam ripper

Sewing machine

Spoon (metal)

Tea light candle

Tin snips

Vinyl (clear)

Wire (16-gauge [I used annealed steel]and 24-gauge) and cutters

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

3» Cut 3 random holes through 1 of the

red heart pieces. Singe the holes over a

tea light candle to open them up (blow

the flame out before it gets too big). Cut a

small wedge out of the heart's center, using

pinking shears to create jagged edges.

2» Cut 2 pieces of red craft felt to a heart

shape that is slightly smaller than the large

black heart. Add decorative machine stitch-

ing with black thread to each piece. (I prefer

to stitch a line around the perimeter of the

shape first, then fill the space in with zig-

zag lines.)

workingwith bleach

Bleaching may be the easiest surface-altering technique

that I use. Ordinary household bleach is effective on

such natural fibers as cotton, linen, rayon, broadcloth,

denim, piqué, gauze, velveteen, corduroy and jacquard.

If the fabric contains polyester, which is usually color-

fast, the color may not discharge.

You can also brush or drip the fabric with bleach.

A bleach pen will yield a more controlled look, and

patterning is easier to achieve. Removing the top layers

of dye will reveal an array of colors. Commercial fabrics

are dyed in multiple applications with a broad variety

of under colors, so results will be different each time

you employ this method.

1» Cut a large black felt heart to the

size you desire, then cut a second, smaller

heart. Apply a bleach pen to both black

hearts (or use regular bleach in a bowl,

diluted with water).

When you are satisfied with the bleaching

effects, rinse the hearts thoroughly in warm


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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

7» Use a ¼" (6mm) leather punch to make 5

holes down each side of the wedge on the front of

the heart. Working from the top down, insert both

ends of a length of black ribbon or strip of fabric

through the 2 top holes from front to back; adjust

to make sure both halves of the ribbon are equal.

Continue to lace the wedge from front to back.

Do not pull the ribbon too taut; the gap at the top

of the wedge should remain visible. At the bottom,

tie the ribbon into a bow.

4» For each hole, cut a

few small scraps of a vari-

ety of fabrics, layer them

together and sew each

stack of layers to the front

of the heart over a hole,

stitching around each one.

8» Place the larger of the 2 bleached black

hearts under the red heart with the holes.

Position a scrap of clear vinyl under each of

the holes, sandwiched between the red and

black hearts. Pin each piece of vinyl in place

on the black heart.

the effectsof burning

A few years ago I started burning

felt to achieve a distressed effect.

I suggest that you experiment

a bit with burning, as it takes

some time to discover the

various effects you can produce

from this form of fabric


6» Use a heat gun to

burn the edges of the

layered fabrics a bit. The

organza shrinks up quickly.

5» Use a seam ripper to

open the center of the holes

and use scissors to remove

some of the fabric. Also use

scissors to snip the layers

to make them ruffle a bit

around each hole.

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

11» Create a stuffed muslin insert for

the red heart. Cut out 2 muslin hearts that

are about 1" (3cm) smaller all around than

the finished red heart. Stamp over the

surface of each muslin heart with a text

or background stamp.

Cut a small piece of coffee-stained

muslin for a pocket and stamp a heart in

the center of it. Sew it to 1 of the muslin

hearts along 3 sides. Sew the 2 muslin

hearts together, leaving about a 3" (8cm)

opening. Stuff the heart with fiberfill,

then sew it closed.

To make an enclosure for the pocket,

create a small strand of wire-wrapped

beads. Rosary-wrap the first bead and

repeat for as many beads as you like,

linking them as you go.

10» Cut 2 tulle hearts and 1 organza

heart about 1½" (4cm) larger all around

than the red hearts. Sew the smaller

bleached heart onto the front of the

second red heart. Make a sandwich with

the red hearts on the outside and the

tulle and organza hearts in the middle.

Pin everything together.

To secure the layers, sew around the

perimeter of the heart, leaving the top

of the heart open. Use scissors to snip

through the tulle/organza about every

1½" (4cm) around the heart. Burn the

layers a bit with the heat gun.

9» Sew 3 sides of each piece of vinyl

to create pockets, which are sewn to the

black heart but show through the holes

in the red heart. Decide what you want

to show inside each of the holes. Here,

I have used some found text, tiny pearls

and a heart crystal.

Stuff your selected items into the

pockets. Sew the fourth side of each

pocket closed.

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

15» With scissors, cut the loops of the bundle

opposite the knot. Trim the ends of the strands to

clean them up and make them even in length.

Attach the completed tassle to 1 end of the

strand of rosary-wrapped beads.

12» Cut three 1-yard

(1m) strands of pearl

cotton or embroidery floss.

(Mix different colors,

if you like.) Wrap them as

a group around a card

1½" (4cm) wide.

16» For the other end of the bead strand,

create a charm from a piece of 24-gauge

metal sheet. Use tin snips to cut a heart

shape. If you wish, use letter stamps to spell

out a message on the heart.

how to rosary-wrap a bead

Begin with a 3" (8cm) length of 24-gauge

wire. Using round nose pliers, make a

loop about 1" (3cm) from one end of the

wire. Wrap the tail of the wire around the

base of the loop. Thread on a bead, then

create a loop in the wire at the other end

of the bead and wrap the tail of the wire

around that loop.

To link, insert the unlooped wire of

a bead through the finished loop of a

second bead. Make a loop on the wire

of the first bead and wrap the tail of the

wire around the base of the loop.

14» Wrap a 2" (5cm)

length of pearl cotton or

floss around the top of the

bundle about ¼" (6mm)

from the top. Tie a snug

knot to secure it.

13» Carefully remove

the wrapped bundle from

the card.

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

17» To create a small fabric book,

rip coffee-stained muslin into four 2½"

× 7" (6cm × 18cm) pieces. Layer scraps

of organza and tulle between the first

2 pieces of muslin. Sew down the cen-

ter (spine) of the muslin page spread

to secure the layers.

19» Repeat for the other spread. Sew

the 2 spreads together down the spine.

If you like, you can singe the tulle around

the edges a bit.

Now you're ready to decorate your

pages. I like to use a combination of

embroidery stitches and journaling

with a Marvy® LePen™ .

18» Next, sew around the

perimeter of each page on each

side of the spread.

20» French knots are a fun element

to add. To make one, start with a

double strand of embroidery floss.

Wrap the floss around your needle

about 5 times.

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

21» Push the needle back through

the fabric near where the thread

came out of the fabric, pulling the

floss through the wrapped portion

on the needle. (Be sure not to sew

through the muslin page on the

other side; try to begin and end your

stitch between layers.)

23» Cut a 1-yard (91cm) length

of 16-gauge steel wire. Leaving a

3" (8cm) tail, wrap the wire around

a ½" (13mm) dowel until 3" (8cm)

remain at the other end.

22» After your pages are decorated

the way you want, attach the book

to the center of the small black heart

by hand stitching down the center of

the book.

24» Ease the coil off the dowel

and stretch it out a bit. Use a

leather punch to make holes on

either side of the red heart

positioned about ½" (13mm) from

the edge near where the heart's

opposite sides meet.

Create an eye at 1 end of the

wire with round nose pliers. Thread

the wire through 1 hole in the

heart, then wrap the excess around

the base of the loop. Repeat for the

wire's other end and the other hole.

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(From Layered, Tattered & Stitched by Ruth Rae, 2009; Courtesy of

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