Branding, Design & Email Marketing Basics

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Branding, Design & Email Marketing


Digital Strategist + Designer + Owner


I’M APRIL EDWARDSDigital Strategist + Designer + Owner



Bachelor of Fine Artsin Illustration

+Minor in Technology

Integrated Media Arts


Experience…Animated emoticons & avatars for MSN Messenger.

Designed packaging, displays and managed Bonne Bell & Lip Smackers digital efforts.

Served as the creative director to a reputable niche insurance company.

Moved to San Diego where I subcontracted as a Flash Animator, Web Designer & Email Marketer for various marketing and digital agencies.

Like to help people so they can get back to doing the things they love the most.

Started { ae } Design Co. to provide growing businesses clarity and a stronger foundation with modern websites that they can easily manage on their own.

We also provide the training, tools and support they need to better reach their customers and to market smarter.


Recently relocated our office to beautiful Carlsbad (full of sunshine, motivation and inspiration) where I’m looking forward to being an active roll in the success of local businesses. 

And…being here today is my first step to paying it forward in my professional life. THANK YOU!



• PART 1: Branding Basics• PART 2: Tips for Creating Stand-Out Designs• WORKSHEET: Strategic Design• PART 3: Email Communications Made Easy• Helpful Resources• Q & A• One-on-one Knowledge Bar

The Master Plan…



You need to be clear so your audience is too!Understand how you serve your audience differently and what is unique about you.Speak (write) in a tone that will reflect your organization’s personality.

Visual Representation...

Choose a few words that represent the essence of your organization.Use these words to guide the look & feel

Create a Brand Guideline or simple Mood Board: Define the fonts and colors you will use for headlines, main copy, calls-to-action and graphical treatments you’ll use



Design Basics…The most effective designs have…

1. Have balance between elements2. Keep the most important information in the spotlight

3. Use white space/ negative well

You can do this by emphasizing focal points with:1. Use of color

2. Graphic treatment3. Scale.

#1 TIP: keep things simple.

Composition/ Layout…

Use grids & guides to properly align elements. This will keep your designs clean and enjoyable to look at.Look at your composition by squinting your eyes. If everything is blending together, then re-adjust for more interest.If using columns in your layouts, try to use justified paragraphs for a distraction free design.

Scannable Content…Always make content scannable by breaking it up with headlines and sub-headlines. It will actually help you keep your copy focused as well!Think in terms of main content and then secondary. Use white space as a design element. It should frame and seperate content. The less crammed things are the easier it is to read.

Typography…Headlines should be bold and large sometimes with more letter spacing (kerning). My general rule of thumb is that they are 2x larger than the main copy.Keep main body fonts simple. When all else fails go with Arial or Helvetica and leave the creative touches for the headlines and textures.Calls-to-actions should be treated differently so it is very apparent what your audience is to do next.

The Skool 2/25/16

Image provided by

Inspiration Bucket…Always be on the prowl! Fill your inspiration bucket by skimming through magazines, critique the mail you receive (email too). Take screens shots or save pins on Pinterest to reference later. Pick people to follow and see what they’re up to.Follow your competition or others in your industry that you admire.



Download Worksheet Here:



Layout…Make sure your copy flows well from subject to preview text to main headline. Sidebars are extremely difficult for people to read on mobile devices.Think “sections” within your content to help seperate content areas and make it more scannable and enjoyable to read

Call-To-Action…Newsletters are great to keep your audience informed and up-to-date with everything going on, but don’t forget to have a main call-to-action on them as well preferably at the bottom in a large colored block as a secondary element, i.e. "Giving Goals: We’re on our way! Help us help others by giving today.”End with clear contact information including other ways to connect, i.e. email, address, social accounts.

Xero 2/25/16

Mobile Friendly…Use images @2x the actual size you want and scale them with CSS so they look crisp on retina displays.Your logo should look crisp scaled down to 280px wide.Always use text when possible. Its crisper and easier to read on mobile devices since it reformats for the width

Test. Test. Test…

Use inbox previews to ensure proper rendering on the main email clients your list uses. MailChimp has this feature built in and its quite impressive.

Subscribers…Make it extremely easy for people to subscribe to your list. People may just not be ready yet and are looking for more information before they are comfortable. 1.Clear sign up form on website2.Add “Forward to a Friend” and “Join our Mailing List"

links on your emails to attract others that may have not received it directly.

3.Create a sign up form on your social media accounts4.Add a link in your email signature asking to join your list5.Have an iPad or collect email address manually at events

Highridge Church 2/25/16

Litmus 2/25/16

Set yourself apart in your communications by adding a personal touch (and photo too)! Taking a few minutes to welcome subscribers to your list in this way will make a lasting impression.


1. Know your positioning.2. Use brand style guidelines.3. Build your resource bank.4. Explore!


Learning• Lynda • Treehouse

Industry Related• AIGA • HOW Design

Typography• Google Fonts• What Da Font• Adobe Type Kit • Font Awesome

Stock Photography & Graphics• iStock • Stocksy • Subtle Patterns

Color• Adobe Kuler • Colour Lovers

Email Marketing

• MailChimp • Litmus

Website• Squarespace • Wordpress • Beaver Builder • Genesis

Hosting• Flywheel (Managed Wordpress) • GoDaddy (Affordable Shared Hosting)

Analytics• Google Analytics • Google Search Console

{ ae } Design Co. • Download worksheet• Sign up for emails• Get consultation

? ? Q & A ? ?



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