
Boys and girls

Adapted from Programa ‘Queremos saber’, by Canal Encuentro

Throughout history, there have been stereotypes for men and for women. These stereotypes define and limit what a person can or can’t do according to their sex. They define roles and characteristics.

Be careful!!

These stereotypes can predetermine our sexuality and prevent us from enjoying it.

The problem is that stereotypes give a limited image of people. They don’t consider differences; and they determine our judgement, emotions, values, and decisions to act. And in our daily life, they can result in unfair situations.

What are stereotypes?

Stereotypes are general comments about people that have no scientific evidenece.

An example of a gender stereotype is when people say that women are “the weak sex”. So, they don’t think that women are strong, and they don’t trust women to do jobs involving responsibility. In our society, boys tend to have a more dominant role than women, who have a submissive role.

What are gender stereotypes?


Think about it, and you’ll find many exmples.

And we don’t notice them, because we think it’s normal.

You can also see how these stereotypes appear on the radio, TV, the internet, videogames, magazines and newspapers.

Think of situations that tell us how women are supposed to behave, like games and leisure activities, or work. For example, people insist that girls should learn to do the housework: cooking, ironing, washing.

But we never hear these recommendations said to boys. We assume these are girls’ activities.

Think advertisements for cleaning products. It’s women who suffer when the house is dirty, and they magically become happy when a new cleaning prouct appears. As if women’s happiness depended of cleaning only.

Think of some of the phrases we say in our daily life:

•“Girls are tidier, more responsible and organised”

•“Girls are good at humanistic subjects”

•“Girls don’t use bad language”

•“Girls don’t play rough”

•“Girls are more romantic”

•“Girls are calmer”

And there are much more! What things do we say about boys?

Time to think!

Following these prejudice, we expect women to be soft and obedient, even as girls. And that later they get married, have children, and take over most of the housework and child upbringing

Actually, even though they may work outside the house, they still face domestic responsibilities virtually on their own.

And what about boys?

Boys are expected to get high previliged positions at work where they have to make decisions

Boys are not expected to show their emotions or ask for help

Even when they’re little, we demand that bouys are tough, respond aggressively, win fights and are self-sufficient.

Don’t we often say: “Boys don’t cry?”

Both girls and boys experience a lot of emotions every day:

We feel happy when we achieve something

We feel sad when we lose a person we love

We feel depressed if our relationships don’t work

So why don’t boys have the right to express those emotions and share them with others?

We feel touched by a song or movie

Can we ignore those prejudices?

It’s not that simple.

When we’re very young we learn to be girls and boys, and to behave according to our sex.

And we incorporate those stereotypes as a natural thing.

A clear example is the type of toys for boys and girls.For girls, dolls (which act as children), baby carts and objects for the house

For boys, cars, race tracks, balls and tool sets

And the types of games…

Calm games for girls, and games with a lot of movements for boys.

We incorporate these ideas which determine our gender. And we don’t realise they are learnt attitudes. We believe they’re natural and we are convinced that this is how we are supposed to be.

And if we don’t follow these stereotypes, we feel we’re strange or wrong.

Imagine that a boy doesn’t like footbal and prefers reading, but his friends mock at him because of this. So he does things he doesn’t like to fit in.

That situation is totally wrong.

Don’t forget!

There isn’t only one way to be a woman and one way to be a man.

Every person is unique.

We all have different wishes, stories, interests and needs

And you know what?


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