
Bourne identity 9 shot analysis

Shot 1

In the opening scene of Bourne identity it is clear to us that he is abroad, somewhere which has a resemblance to the favelas in Brazil. Creating a thought of danger as Favelas tend to be dangerous locations known to gangs and drug barons. This scene leaves the audience questioning where he may be and what sort of business may be of his concern?

This extreme long shot of the horizon in the distance creates a tourist effect, as if a holiday company were to advertise the city or resort, adding to its significance by highlighting the positives

The seaside and white sand represent luxury which is not a typical convention in a thriller movie, where it would usually be suspense and anxiety there appears to be luxury and relaxation.

Shot 2

Shot 3

Shot 4

As the screen progresses we understand that the attractive holidays resort and the tourist attractions there are men who are sat by the bay side who seem to be fishermen, and a woman who has no stall but sells drinks with a knife as a bottle opener. enforcing the state of poverty on the screen and that the people appear to be working class. The woman uses a plate as a place to garrison her change. We also see a close up of the woman's face where she appears distraught and tired.

The job of the fisherman which is shown to the audience could be an indication of tough life and a struggle which is overcome in order to make a living.

This being the opposite to what we saw in the first seen as it was more attractive than the scenes that are shown in the town centre

In this scene the character appears to look more like a tourist as he is surrounded by the market stalls. He is quite distinctive in the clothes that he wears enabling the audience to realise that he is from out of town, with his big bags and baseball hat. American perhaps?

It becomes clear to the audience that Bourne may have other reasons to why he travelled into a foreign county, as the music is slowly building into a crescendo creating tensions and adding to the enigma of the curious way which Bourne checks his surroundings.

In this scene Bourne asks a woman who is sat beside a wall if she is from the town, implicating Bourne himself is an outsider, this shows the audience that Bourne did not come

Shot 5

Shot 6

In this scene Bourne asks a woman who is sat beside a wall if she is from the town, implicating Bourne himself is an outsider, this shows the audience that Bourne did not come

we then hear Bourne ask the woman if she had seen a girl, then hands over a picture. This adds to the enigma because we realise that Bourne's purpose is to look for someone leaving the audience thinking what he wants with the girl? Creating a sense of engagement and thought. The woman being at a low angle and Bourne at a higher point could indicate that Bourne is the more superior as he asks the questions and expects answers.

As Bourne departs from the company of the two other tourists who told him to check for the girl in another direction, there is a dramatic change in tempo of the beat playing alongside the swift movements of Bourne as he is walking towards another destination. This over the shoulder shot shows us the pace and the hurry in which Bourne is in.

This effect shows us that Bourne could have a limited amount of time to get to his next location, adding to the importance of the girl, raising her significance and why Bourne needs to find herBourne walks for a few more yards

accompanied by the fast tempo instrumental, the instrumental comes to a stop, indicating to the audience that something isn't right, and Bourne turns around to find a

Shot 7

Shot 8

Bourne walks for a few more yards accompanied by the fast tempo instrumental, the instrumental comes to a stop, indicating to the audience that something isn't right, and Bourne turns around to find a

This close up shot shows us the emotion on the face of Jason Bourne. This shot shows us the discomfort or anxiety he is as his facial expressions suggest he is undergoing some sort of shock or harsh pain. He then begins to quiver anxiously, this could have some, showing the viewer the discomfort he is in.

Shot 9

Bourne then rubs his eyes as he looks at the drink bottle in shock as if it had some sort of role in the intoxication or discomfort of Bounre. The shot of him glaring at the bottle indicates to the reader that the drink may have caused the problems with Bourne.

Bourne then begins the hyperventilate and obvious sweat can be seen on his forehead as he drops the bottle and falls hopelessly on the floor, looking around in shock. This scene could indicate that Bourne is undergoing hallucinations as before when he turned around and everyone had left, but we understand that the drink had something to do with the trouble Bourne has overcome, as he falls unconscious as a result

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