HITKARINIhdch.hitkarini.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Dental_Brochure_NEW.pdfbone grafts, PRP, PRF, dental implants, management of trauma cases, fabrication of cast You will be making

Post on 29-May-2020






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COLLEGEHitkarini Hills, Dumna Airport Road,

Jabalpur (M.P. 482005) India

Tel : (91-761) 2600366

Fax : (91-761) 2600366

E-mail : dental@hitkarini.com,

Website : www.hdch.hitkarini.com

HEAD OFFICEHitkarini Sabha, Civic Centre, Marhatal,

Jabalpur (MP 482001) India

Tel : (91-761) 2410270

Fax : (91-761) 2413298

E-mail : sabha@hitkarini.com

Website : www.hitkarini.com

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Qfa°fûÔ E½fa ¸fÀfcOÞXûÔ IYe ¶fe¸ffSXe °f±ff I`ÔYÀfSX AfdQ ªff³f »fZ½ff ¶fe¸ffSXe IYe ÀfWXe ´fWX¨ff³f °f±ff CX´f¹fb¢°f d¨fdIY°ÀfIY ÀfZ CX´f¨ffSXÜ

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d½fdIYSX¯f (X-ray) Àfa¶fa²fe ªfûd£f¸fûÔ ÀfZ ÀfbSXÃff ´fc¯fÊ BX»ffªfÜ

RYûSmXd³ÀfIY ´fdWX¨ff³f °f±ff Af¹fb A³fb¸ff³f IYe ´fdWX¨ff³f kÃfl dIYSX¯f IZY õXfSXf IYe ªff°fe W`XÜ

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VffSXedSXIY °f±ff ¸ff³fdÀfIY øY´f (Cleft Palate) ÀfZ d½fIY»ffa¦f ¶f¨¨ffaZ IYf ½¹fd¢°f¦f°f Af½fV¹fIY BX»ffªf IYSX³ffÜ

AfPÞZX MZXPXÞZ Qfa°f IYf ªf¶fOÞZX IZY Àff±f ¸ffaÀf´fZdVf¹fûÔ IYf ÀfWXe Àfa°fb»f³f IYf d½fIYfÀf AüSX BX»ffªf IYSX³ffÜ

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HITKARINIDENTAL COLLEGE & HOSPITALApproved by Dental Council of India, Government of Madhya Pradesh

A n i n s t i t u t i o n o f H i t k a r i n i S a b h a , J a b a l p u r

Contact us for admission details :Mr. P Parashar, Adm. Officer. Mobile No.: 9425803160

E-mail : prashant@hitkarini.com

Bachelor of Dental SurgeryBDS : 4 Years Course

All India Pre Medical Test conducted by Central Board of Secondary Educationwww.aipmt.nic.in


Dental & Medical Admission Test (DMAT) conducted by Association of Private Dental and Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh (APDMC MP)

Master of Dental Surgery*MDS : 3 Years Course

All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Exam (AIPGDEE) conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)www.aiimsexams.org


Pre-Post Graduate Dental and Medical Admission Test (PrePGDMAT) conducted by Association of Private Dental and Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh (APDMC MP)

*: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics; Periodontics; Pedodontics; Oral Medicine & Radiology; Prothodontics and Crown & Bridge; Orthodontics














Smt. Chandra Prabha Pateria - A TRIBUTE










Introduction 1

The Society: Hitkarini Sabha, Jabalpur 2

Dental Education; Career Path; Hitkarini Dental College 3

University: Curriculum; Affiliated Hospital 4

Administrative Team; The Faculty; Library 6

Deptt. of

- Prosthodontics & Dental Materials 7

- Dental Anatomy & Oral Pathology 8

- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics 9

- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 10

- Periodontics 11

- Oral Medicine & Radiology 12

- Orthodontics 13

- Paediatric Dentistry 14

- Public Health Dentistry 15

- Human Anatomy, Embroyology, Osteology & Histology 16

- Human Physiology 17

- Human Biochemistry and Nutrition 18

- General Pathology 19

- Microbiology 20

- Pharmacology 21

- General Surgery 22

- General Medicine 23

Lecture Theatre; Hostels 24

Identity Card; Attendance; Ragging; Cultural Activities 25

Continuing Education Programme 26


Noble Soul who led not only the parent society for a number of years but was also the founding Chairperson of the college.

The team from the society and others, who joined the journey as this college was being established, saw in her an ever blessing motherly figure - a simple, humble, loving and compassionate human being whose motto was to love and treat everyone as equal.

She believed in forgiveness and humility, was always aware of others feelings, put herself in others' shoes many times, forgave many people's transgressions simply because she loved them.

We look at the college today, bustling with students, patients, staff and faculty and the lush green trees in the front and remember her for the silently strong and supportive presence that she gave the entire team, without which, creating such an institution might not have been possible.

As a continued tribute to her, and with her divine blessing, the college now embarks on the second leg of its journey to be the brightest shining star in the constellation of institutions of Hitkarini Sabha, as it approaches its 150th anniversary in 2018.

Pioneer, Founder and Chairpersonof Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital










1 2


Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital was some of the most advanced dental equipments, established by the Hitkarini Sabha in the year including Brazilian state of art electric dental 2005. Its establishment has provided an chairs, digital OPG, ultramodern ceramic lab, etc.opportunity to people of the entire easter Madhya Pradesh region to study Dentistry. The college Several batches of dental surgeons have passed remains the only dental college covering about from the college and are providing quality oral 16 districts of the region. health care in the entire region and abroad also.

The college has grown into a well known Students of the college have secured merit institution in the field, drawing students, staff and positions in university examinations. Many patients from all over the country and now along undergraduate and post graduate students have with Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) course won best paper prizes in national level of 4years + 1 year compulsory rotating internship conferences. The college is soon going to have it is offering Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S.) affiliations from foreign universities like University course of 3 years in 7 specialities. of Maryland USA and University of Louisiana

USA for student exchange program. Every year Dental treatments are provided at the college the faculty member of national and international hospital at very affordable charges bringing them repute come to give guest lecture and live within reach of thousands of poor and smiles to demonstrations of recent surgical techniques in the young and the old. It is providing all types of various departments of the college.routine and specialized treatments like single The college is also starting an accredited sitt ing root canal, apicetomy, Lingual program on implantology by Noble bio-care in the orthodontics, cleaning, scaling, application of implant center of the college. bone grafts, PRP, PRF, dental implants, management of trauma cases, fabrication of cast You will be making a right choice for you or your partial and complete dentures , oral cancer, cleft child's dental studies by selecting Hitkarini Dental cases, esthetic surgery of face, designing of College & Hospital. The college will provide maxillofacial prosthesis etc. All dental clinics are quality education from experienced and qualified centrally linked computer system for efficient medical and dental faculty, modern and well patient management in the Hospital. equipped laboratories, an unparalleled clinical

and practical experience with large patient With Hitkarini Sabha's unwavering support to footfall and a vibrant campus life. Welcome to provide best infrastructure, the college boasts of Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital.

he Society - Hitkarini Sabha, JabalpurT

The Society established in 1868 in a non- Thus the society is fulfilling its commitments profitable, Philanthropic Organization towards social mission by providing the extending literary and technical knowledge in students a unique opportunity for a rewarding the Mahakoshal Region of Madhya Pradesh career in the society. The vision is to provide and promoting moral, social and intellectual the most advanced educational institutions in interest and well being of the people. The India with leadership in the respective Sabha is managing 8 colleges, 17 schools and professions.one Computer Center enrolling about10,000 students and employing about 1000 teachers The Hitkarini Sabha will be completing its and staff. It is imparting value-based education 150th year of establishment in the year 2018 in the fields of Law, Humanities, Education, and accordingly has embarked upon a 3 year Science, Computer, Nursing, Engineering, plan to further improve and strengthen its Architecture & Town planning and Dental existing institutions. Also it would establish Sciences. some new educational institutions and serve

this region and country.

Jabalpur stands majestically on the bank of river Narmada which takes its perennial journey through the marble rock cluster, a site known for its picturesque beauty. Jabalpur is situated in the heart of the country on Mumbai-Kolkata railway line. It is also connected with major cities of the country by road through National Highways NH-7, NH-12 and SH- 27. It is also well connected by air to Mumbai and Delhi. The Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University has also been established at Jabalpur along with existing established Rani Durgawati University (earlier known as Jabalpur University) and Jawaharlal Nehru Agriculture University and Veterinary University. Jabalpur is also the Head-quarters of West Central Railway Zone.









3 4

ental EducationD

Dental Education: The Need For









f f i l iationsA

Affiliated Hospital - Jabalpur Hospital & g

Research Centreg





Paediatric Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac Bypass Surgery

Cardiac Health CheckupThe college is affiliated to Jabalpur Hospital

& Research Centre under a long term Pacemaker Implantationagreement as per requirement of DCI.

NonInvasive CardiologyThe Jabalpur Hospital is a 300 bedded

Cardiac Valve Surgerymultidisciplinary hospital providing excellent health care to the people of Mahakoshal Region.

General Medicine and General Surgery It is recognized by Govt. of M.P., CGHS, curriculum is being taught at this affiliated

West Central Railway and several PSUs. hospital to IIIrd year BDS students.

The hospital has Internal Medicine, Critical The final year BDS students are posted in Care Deptt., Paediatrics/Neonatology operation theatre to learn Anaesthesiology Deptt., Cardiology, Nephrology, Dental Oral and Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery and it is also and Maxillofacial Surgery, Neurosurgery and affiliated teaching hospital for MDS Students.Neurology, General Surgery and Minimal

Out Patient Department spreads over a I n v a s i v e S u r g e r y, O b s t e t r i c s a n d

large area on the ground floor with a huge Gynaecology, Opthalmology, Ear Nose &

waiting lobby. Computerized registration has Throat, Orthopaedics, Joint Replacement

been provided. Surgery and Urology.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial The Hospital has also recently started

Surgery is affiliated to Govt. NSCB Medical modern comprehensive Cardiology Unit and is

College for postings of MDS Students in now also providing Cardiac procedures such

various surgical subjects and cancer hospital as :-.

he Faculty & Administrative TeamT

5 6

The Faculty

The College has well-qualified and experienced faculty as per norms of Dental Council of India. Dr. Rajesh B. Dhirawani, Director of the college is a leading Dental Surgeon of the state who has dedicated his life towards health care and dental education. With vast overseas experience, it is his vision and obsession to attain world class standard for the college. Dr. K T Chandrashekar is the Dean, Prof. & HOD of Dept. of Periodontics. Mr Prashant Parashar is the Administrative Officer. Senior faculty is available as per DCI norms and is supported by Readers, Sr. Lecturers & Lecturers as required.


The College is maintaining a full-fledged library in 10,000 sq. feet area to enable the students to allow their academic pursuits. It has, to begin with, about 5000 books on different branches of Medicine & Dentistry which will grow to more than 10,000 volumes in the next two years. Apart from foreign publications, many volumes of popular Indian authors are made available.

The library has well trained and qualified librarian and assisting staff and is open to the students even after working hours. A WIFI system duly protected is installed in the library with electrical connections for the use of the laptops of the students and faculty alike.

E-Library is fully functional and we have the EBSCO system which we have subscribed. The library boasts of having about 95 journals hard bound both National and international with their respective back volumes of more than 10 years. We use the AACR11 Cataloguing system and computerized library automation system.

We encourage students to go on line and use the various search machines to update their knowledge an easy and all time available reprographic system is at hand.












7 8

rosthodontics & Dental MaterialsP

Prosthodontics is a discipline of dentistry Prosthodontic clinic is assisted by pertaining to the restoration of oral function, Prosthodontic laboratory where in qualified comfort, appearance and health by restoring and experienced dental technicians prepare natural teeth, replacing missing teeth and acrylic, cast metallic dentures, highly equipped contiguous oral and maxillo- facial structures ceramics. Porcelain fused to metal, etc. All with artificial substitutes. Broken teeth, ceramics and modern casting laboratory missing teeth, defects in jaws and facilities are available. Pre-clinical laboratory disfigurement of facial structures adversely Prosthodontic laboratory and Prosthodontic affect individuals in their personal, family and clinic spread over 10,000 sq feet area; are fully social life. equipped with modern equipments. The

department has over the last four years alone Prostheses, the artificial substitutes, are provided over 18,000 dentures of different type

fabricated for these patients. Stomatognathic to various patients. functions like speech and mastication are conveniently performed using these artificial Undergraduate training is done under well substitutes. These artificial substitutes such as equipped lab for preclinical prosthodontic partial dentures attached to natural teeth, roots work, which caters to the need of 60 students or implants and removable partial dentures are and postgraduates.those which can be easily removed and replaced in the mouth by the patient and Recent materials and latest equipment like restorations replacing missing or defective IPS Empress 2, Stereomicroscope, Autoclave parts of jaws after cancer surgery and maxillo Uniclave C 79 B, Hot Air Oven, High seed alloy facial prosthesis like obturators, speech bulb grinder AG 04 (Ray Foster), Multimat NTX prosthesis, orbital, nasal, ocular, ear, finger Press unit, Bego Vacuum mixer, Orion and lip prosthesis, etc are fabricated. pressure moulding machine, Bego Advanced

surveyor with inbuilt milling machine has

added to the new dimension in treatment planning.

The department focuses not just on patient care, but also gives equal emphasis to i n n o v a t i v e t e a c h i n g methodologies and research.

The Post Graduate Teaching Programme i.e. Master of Dental Surgery creates in depth learning experience through Seminars, Journal Clubs, Bench work, Demonstration, clinical and teaching experience, inter departmental meetings and research projects, all under the supervision of experienced faculty members.

Post graduate students are engaged in research work. The aim is to equip students with skills and knowledge related to d e s i g n , e x e c u t i o n a n d interpretation of lab and clinical r e l a t e d r e s e a r c h a n d D e p a r t m e n t a l l i b r a r y i s adequate ly s tocked w i th textbooks and internet facility

rosthodontics & Dental MaterialsP

Other academic activities


Achievements and Awards


Department organizes continuing education programs to upgrade the knowledge of faculty and students.

Department published 40 articles in national and international journals.












ental Anatomy & Oral PathologyD

Dental Anatomy requires learning about the Leukoplakia, Carcinoma, Oral submucous morphology of the various teeth in human fibrosis, cysts, tumors etc. Some relatively rare dentitions and knowledge of how the shape, cases of odontogenic tumors & salivary gland form, structure, color and function of teeth tumors etc have also been reported.relate to each other in the same dental arch and to the teeth in the opposing arch. Oral Pathology department laboratory

having following facilities for the patient needs The Department is well equipped with, and investigation are based on hi-tech

Binocular/trinocular (research) microscopes laboratory procedures.with CCD Cameras and attachments. Monocular Microscopes for each student. Histopathology Processing & reporting of

Oral Lesions, Hematology, Blood examination, Understanding of Histopathological CT, BT, Blood Sugar, BloodGrouping, HIV and

appearance of lesions is enhanced by HEPATITIS Screening test kits.explanation using Direct Field Projection with LCD Projector as well as individual detailed placards made for each field. Many charts, Models, specimens and Histopathological Department published 16 articles in national diagrams are always on display and well and international journals.maintained throughout the department. The Histopathology Lab is fully equipped with Microtomes, Tissue Processing Unit, Water Bath, Wax Bath, Automatic Knife sharpener, Micropipettes, reagents/ chemicals including routine and special staining reagents.

The department is capable of handling sufficient Biopsy & Cytology Input. The reporting time is usually 3-5 days. Reported common biopsies include cases of

Achievements and Awards Publications

onservative Dentistry & EndodonticsC

9 10

“The Art of Conservation - Soul of Dentistry” facility.is what the department believes in.

Clinical Section are provided with modern The objective of Conservative dentistry is equipments for Sterilization (Autoclaves,

conservation of tooth structure by prevention, Ultrasonic cleaners, Ultra violet and interception, preservation, restoration and Glassbead sterilizers etc.), Operative (Light rehabilitation; all to enhance general health of cure, Variable intensity unit, Air roters and dental patient. Micromotors, X ray machine with Processing

unit etc.) and Endodontics (Apex locaters, Incorporating new & advanced concepts Pulp testers, microsurgery kits, RVG,

into provision of the patients care to conserve Operating Microscope etc. ) Bleaching light, more number of teeth than ever before. Variable intensity light cure unit, Endomotor,

Rubber dam kit, Apex locator, Meta and hot Rapid advances in basic dental sciences shot obturation units, Endosonic handpiece,

and sophisticated instrumentation have had a Endodontic Microscope & Micro-endodontic pronounced effect on the clinical technique in surgical kit with the aid of which special field of Conservative & Endodontics. treatment such as Endodontic retreatment,

Bleaching of vital and non vital teeth, Post and Endodontology deals with health, mishaps core, Inlays, Onlays, Tooth coloured

and diseases of dental pulp and periradicular restorations are carried out and department is tissue. Endodontic treatment including direct centrally linked computer system for efficient and indirect pulp capping, pulpotomy, patient management.pulpectomy, single and multiple visit RCT, ReRCT, post&core, endodontic surgery Complicated and critical procedures such (apicectomy, curettage, hemisection, as surgical management of periapical lesions radisectomy), management of discolored and using bone grafts, and application of PRP and traumatized teeth, Walking bleach etc are PRF, Esthetic management of fractured teeth, performed. Composite and porcelain laminate veneers,

tooth segment reattachment with post, etc. are Various restorative & aesthetic needs of being done.

patients are catered by amalgam, cast metal (inlay, onlay), direct & indirect composite, Departmental library is adequately stocked conventional & modified glass ionomer, PFM & with textbooks, atlas and internet facility.all ceramic restorations.

The department has pre-clinical and clinical section for undergraduate and post graduate Deparartment published 27 articles in national students and Clinical laboratory has casting and international journals (2012 to 2015).

Achievements and Awards Publications






ral & Maxillofacial SurgeryO


Department of Oral and Maxilloficial Surgery clefts and craniofacial anomalies. The and Implantology is involved in providing full department has dedicated operation theatre time outdoor and indoor surgical facilities to complex with state of the art patient monitoring patient with a simultaneously running, systems like multiparameter monitors, pulse meticulously designed academic program. oxymeters, cardiac monitors etc. Our highly The outdoor unit is equipped with hi-tech qualified and well trained paramedical staff dental chairs with distribution both in under takes optimum care of pre and post operated graduate and post graduate clinics. Basic cases.services in the department include diagnosis and surgical treatment for various ailments of The residency program in the department is the oral and maxillofacial structures. Outdoor elaborately framed. Residents are exposed to surgical procedures like tooth extraction, extensive intensive care and casualty training surgical extraction of wisdom tooth, surgical at Jabalpur Hospital and Research Center. removal of cysts or jaw cysts, biopsy Residents are also periodically posted at procedures, surgical treatment of tooth borne Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Govt. Medical infections, surgical orthodontics etc. are done College in Oncology, Neurosurgery and other on a regular basis. departments as part of their perpheral training

carriculum.The department also provides facilities for

indoor admission and treatment for patients There is an adjoining implant sub unit where requiring surgical intervention like surgery for clinical and research oriented Implantology is fractures of mandible, maxilla and various practiced. The entire spectrum of implant cranial and facial bones, surgery for tumors of surgeries with the intention of fixed tooth / teeth jaws, malignancies of the oral cavity, various replacement of missing ones with the help of c o s m e t i c j a w s u r g i c a l p r o c e d u r e s implant is carried out. The department also (orthognathic surgeries), treatment of provides exposure and training in Laser congenital defects of the facial and oral dentistry to all the residents and under structures like cleft lip and palate & other facial graduates.






ral & Maxillofacial SurgeryO

The department has been principal in The department is starting an accredited conducting surgical workshops of international implantology course in association with Noble level which is an annual affair. These Biocare.workshops provide unlimited opportunities to interested students to interact with many Post Graduate Clinic is connected to a well international and national faculties who have established department library with recent proficiency in their field. The department also books. It also has a seminar room provided offers international exchange program for with multimedia audio-visual aids along with interested students with universities in United internet facilityStates of America, like Louisiana State University and University of Maryland, etc. Achievements, Awards & Publications :

The department is in an advanced stage of Department published 34 articles in national the process to get affiliated with certain and international journals.programs offering accredited fellowships in various specialties of Maxillofacial Surgeries for post MDS doctors. Department is also affiliated with Smile Train project supporting treatment for patients born with congenital anomalies (cleft lip and palate).

Hitkarini Hitkarini






The term Periodontium arises from Greek surgical procedures like periodontal tissue word “Peri” meaning around and “Odont” regeneration, guided bone regeneration, meaning tooth thus it can be defined as the resective osseous surgeries etc. are available. 'tissues investing and supporting the teeth.’ These materials are available in the form of

bone al lograf ts, per iodontal barr ier The main objective of the specialty is to membranes both resorbable and non-

bring awareness, and management of resorbable, local drug delivery systems and periodontal related diseases and its relation professional sub gingival irrigation system. with other parts of the human body. The available biomaterials and specialized

equipments are being routinely used in the The branch of dentistry “Periodontology” Department of Periodontics to perform routine

consists of Periodontics and Implantology. and advanced Gingivectomy / Gingivoplasty, Periodontics deals with the study and subgingival curettage, ENAP, periodontal flap preservation of the supporting tissues of teeth surgeries, periodontal plastic surgeries.whereas in implantology, we deal with the meticulous fixed replacement of already lost The latest periodontal plastic surgeries like teeth. Speciality deals with complete gingival depigmentation, Lip repositioning, reconstruction with inter- disciplinary root coverage using soft tissues grafts, PRF approach. and sinus lift, Ridge augmentation and Dental

implant are performed. It also plays a vital role in preventive

measures of periodontal disease by Post Graduate Clinic is connected to a well educating, motivating and instructing the established department library with recent community at different levels. books, atlas, and journals and multimedia

audio-visual aids along with internet facility.The department has 20 Sonic and

Ultrasonic scalers, surgical instruments, LASER, Electrocautery and separate implant section with latest sterilization equipments. Department published 25 articles in national

and international journals.The requisite material used for advanced

Achievements, Awards & Publications







ral Medicine & RadiologyO

The Department is having three intra-oral X-ray machines: one is provided with RVG facility and one conventional machine to take good quality radiographs.

There is one Digital OPG machine connected to computer and dry view X ray printer in an air conditioned room. There is one 100 mA X-ray machine for extra oral radiographs.

The post graduate programme with intake of three students every year is being operated with required resources in the department.

The Dept. of oral medicine & radiology offers diagnosis and medical management of mucosal lesions, orofacial pain and orofacial infections. We also offer special treatment in cases like OSMF, Leukoplakia, Lichen Planus,

The Department of Oral Medicine and Trigeminal neuralgia, xerostomia etc. Radiology deals with detection and treatment of various or ofacial pathologies. It is the first Therapies like TENS are used to treat department in which the patient's complaints muscles pain the diagnosis of TMD is done are recorded and treatment is planned / given. with the help of various radiographic

modalities in the dept. We also offer the The subject oral medicine and maxillofacial counselling of tobacco cessations and patients

radiology has two parts. Oral Medicine part with psychosomatic disorders get special deals with Diagnosis and management of counselling in the department to improve the diseases of oral mucosa, salivary glands, TMJ, quality of life.orofacial pain, infections of head and neck region etc. It also deals with medical The department is aff i l ia ted wi th management of systemic diseases including Government Medical College for peripheral psychosomatic disorders. The radiology part posting at cancer hospital of the students. deals with the making of radiographs, interpretation and radiographic diagnosis for all kinds of maxillofacial diseases.

The department has published 5 articles in The department has a well-planned OPD national and international journals.

with 13 well equipped dental chairs in the Undergraduate section and 12 well equipped dental chairs in the post graduate section.

A departmental library having recent books and a seminar room equipped with a computer, scanner, printer, LCD projector and internet facility. A well-made dark room and automatic X ray film processor are present. There is sterilization room with 2 Autoclaves and a hot water sterilizer for sterilizing the instruments necessary for examination of the patient.

Achievements, Awards & Publications











15 16


The Department of Orthodontics and under the supervision of teachers is provided.Dentofacial Orthopaedics caters to the Over the past few years, the department has orthodontic needs of the population of the treated over 400 patients with various Mahakaushal region of Central India. The appliances such as Removable and Fixed, for department has fully functional Under- both the labial and lingual interface.graduate and Post-graduate clinics with 20 state of the art dental chairs and complete armamentarium required for removable and fixed appliance Mechanotherapy. In addition facilities for postero-anterior and lateral cephalometric tracing, cast/model analysis, patient education software is available for the benefit of the residents, students and faculty.

The Dentafacial deformity can be a handicapping deformity because of the social & psychological implications associated with it. It is better to treat the cause of the problem; hence a great emphasis is placed on the overall development of the child.

The department of orthodontia is well equipped and also has its own mini library and museum. It also uses modern diagnostic aids and diagnostic software.

The students are encouraged to present seminars and symposiums at both under graduate and postgraduate levels. Practical training, first on models and then on patients

Special treatments offered by the department







Comprehensive fixed appliance orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic management of Cleft Lip and Palate cases.

Management of cases requiring orthognathic surgery.

Corticotomy facilitated orthodontic.

Growth Modulation.

Lingual orthodonties, invisiline orthodonties etc.

aediatric DentistryP

The Department of Pedodontics and of waiting in the reception area; the room has P r e v e n t i v e D e n t i s t r y f o c u s e s o n attractive pictures, posters, cartoons, soft toys, Paediatric/adolescent disease causality and playing games, educative posters, coloured p reven t i on , Ch i l d psycho logy and television, CD player, CDs of cartoons etc. management of all aspects of highly especially for the lovely patients of the specialized paeditric restorative techniques department.The whole aim is to develop and modalities. It also specializes in the care of positive dental attitude of children towards “special needs patients” such as patients with dentistry and make them a better citizen of mental retardation, syndromic patients, tomorrow. Their smiles are precious for us.spastic children etc.

The post graduate programme with intake of The doctors here are trained in establishing three students every year is also being

trust and confidence with children to provide operated with required resources. Department them with their required dental treatment both conducts dental examination of school preventive and restorative with proper tender children from time to time.love and care.

The department is well equipped with latest devices like light cure devices, ultra-sonic Department published 15 articles in national scalers, conscious sedation unit, RVG unit and international journals. amalgamator and all recent restorative materials.

Ultrasonic cleaners, front loading autoclave device, needle destroyers are available in the department to work with proper sterilization. The lab of the department has all the machines and materials required.

The department has developed a separate playing room for children to spend time despite

Achievements, Awards & Publications

Hitkarini Hitkarini





ublic Health DentistryP


Public Health Dentistry forms the corner stone of dental education and oral health promotion. It is the science and art of preventing oral diseases, prolonging life and promoting physical and mental efficiency.

Department of Public Health Dentistry aims Department conducts skits, dramas & rallies at educating people preventing the occurrence

at prominent road intersections/crowded of dental diseases & their treatment. Various localities of the city to spread awareness about preventive procedures are carried out in the the oral diseases and their causes & methods department like Topical Fluoride Application, of prevention.Pit & Fissure Sealant etc.










uman AnatomyH

The Department of Human Anatomy is concerned with the teaching of structures of Human body providing knowledge of structure, arrangement and relation of muscles, nerves, arteries, Lymphatic and viscera.

The Deptt. has more than 50 microscopes and 500 glass slides. Deptt. has big dissection hall for 100 students and has suff ic ient Cadavers.

Embalming room is also attached with the dissection room for embalming the cadavers.

It has a big museum including more than 50 mounted specimens & more than 50 models and charts.

Deptt. has 3 articulated skeletons and 5 disarticulated skeletons, loose bones, charts and diagrams & dissected parts of the body.


Hitkarini Hitkarini Hitkarini

Physiology is defined as the study of anaemia. They can also determine blood functions of various systems and group, which is helpful in matching for different organs of the body. It forms blood transfusion.the basic as it deals with the normal cells, organs and The Sphirometer helps the functions. s tudents to determine

pulmonary volumes and P h y s i o l o g y t e a c h capacities function is e s t h e n o r m a l i m p o r t a n t f o r homeostasis. It unfolds calculating pulmonary t h e m y s t e r y o f f unc t i on wh i ch i s c o m p l i c a t e d important for anesthesia functional aspects of administration before various surgical individual organs in the body. procedures.

Even before knowing the language, To ensure a proper foundation for the culture and society, men knew future doctors, the department is well about the hunger, thirst, pain and equipped with all the necessary fear which are the basic of equipments required for the students.physiology.

The department is also provided special With the knowledge of Physiology equipments, l ike phys iograph, the students are able to determine Polygraph, Spirometer which not only haemoglobin and RBC and classify gives ECG but also EMG & EEG









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Department of Biochemistry renders a The Various clinical analysis done in thorough theoretical & practical knowledge of Biochemistry laboratory help in diagnosis of biomolecules, biochemical techniques & various diseases.analysis of various biochemical parameters.

Dental Students of first year and post graduate Biomolecules are important for development courses are also taught about importance of of teeth & in different types of diseases of teeth Biochemistry, biochemical reactions & like dental caries, dental hypoplasia etc. & is metabolism in the body and also about its very important for everyone associated with normal and abnormal functioning.dental sciences.

In the department instruments like colorimeter, spectrophotometer, flame photometer, electrophoresis chamber, incubators, hot air oven, complete glass double distillation plant, rectangular water bath etc. are available. These facilities are

used for doing various Biochemical investigations like quantitative analysis of glucose, bilirubin, fractions of proteins – a l bumin and globulin, calcium, phosphorous, e lect ro ly tes, enzymes l ike a lka l ine phosphatase, SGOT, SGPT, & LDH isoenzymes etc.

eneral PathologyG

The department provides pathological facilities for the treatment in the various dental departments. The facilities include Haemoglobin estimation, Total Blood counts, ESR, PCV, HIV Rapid test, HBs Ag, HCV, Blood group detection, Bleeding time, clotting time, serum glucose estimation etc.

The department has all necessary

infrastructure and special equipments including Autoclave, Binocular Research Microscope, Distilled water apparatus,

P h o t o c o l o r i m e t e r, M o n o c u l a r Microscopes, pH meter, Rectangular water bath, Refrigerator, Slide cabinets, Rotary

Shaker, Electric Analytical Balance, Museum specimens, Microtome, Biopsy set, Knife sharpener, Spectrophotometer, Spring Balance, Needle Destroyer, Centrifuge, Incubator etc.


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Microbiology is very important for the dental students, in order to diagnose oral microbial infections which are intimately related to overall treatment plan for the patients.

The two major oral disorders, caries & periodontal diseases are due to changes in the oral bacterial ecosystem.

T h e a d v e n t o f H u m a n immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the early 1980's & subsequent c o nc er ns on cross infection via contaminated blood & instruments have resulted in increased regimentation of infection control practices in dentistry.

For safe practice, the discipline of Microbiology is intimately woven into the fabric of dentistry & comprises of a c ruc ia l componen t o f den ta l curriculum.



Pharmacology is the science of drugs that and specially dental pharmacology that produce therapeutically useful effects which includes dental caries, dental abrasives, are given to prevent, diagnose or cure disease dentifices, mouth washes, bleaching agents, processes. Pharmacology as a science covers dental protective and dressing.ground from the basic screening of drugs to their safe application in the treatment of disease.

The department consist of well equipped pharmacy laboratory which can accommodate 50 students at a time for practicals of clinical importance.

The department is well equipped with various pharmaceutical apparatus like dispensing balance, liquid measures, pestle & mortor, pill tile, spatulas etc. That helps the students to learn the art of preparing and dispensing drugs for the use by the patients.

The valuable & incomparable knowledge of the sources of drugs, their absorption,

distribution, metabolisms and excretion, their mode or mechanism of action and their toxicity











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eneral SurgeryG

Gen. Surgery is the art, and science of treating diseases of various body organs, injuries or deformities by manual operation.

The basic knowledge of Clinical examination, diagnosis and surgical treatment planning of organ diseases is given to 3rd BDS students in the Deptt. of Gen. Surgery at Jabalpur Hospital & Research Center, the affiliated teaching hospital of the College. The students have to attend the theory classes, clinical demonstration of physical examination of

the patients at bedside in the wards and surgical work at the operation theaters. Students are posted at Casualty Emergency Deptt. also to learn the emergency management of Trauma patients, surgical dressings, plaster of orthopedics injurie's patients etc.

They are also given the hands on training of intra muscular and intra venous injection procedure as well as on site training of Cardio-Pulmonary resuscitation. Deptt. of surgery includes highly skilled experienced teachers to teach art of General Surgery.

eneral MedicineG

Hitkarini Dental College is affiliated to Jabalpur Hospital & Research Center, a 300-bedded hospital for teaching of Clinical Medical subjects.

A basic understanding of General Medicine for BDS Students is mandatory. History taking, diagnosis and treatment plan of common diseases is taught in 3rd BDS.

T h e m o r e e m p h a s i s i s g i v e n o n haematological disorders, common

respiratory diseases, cardio-vascular disorders, nephrological diseases and gastro-intestinal disorders. Students get the training o f w a r d r o u n d s , o n - b e d c l i n i c a l demonstrations, physical examination of the patients and prescription writing.

Teaching faculty includes well-experienced teachers with a vast knowledge of internal medicine and super specialities. The faculty takes the theory classes and accompanies the students to the wards and intensive care units for clinical teaching.


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ecture Theatre; HostelsL

Lecture TheatresThe college has several lecture halls and seminar rooms and these are equipped with audio-visual teaching aids like OHP, DLP, LCD Projectors, PA system, Cordless mics, etc. Projection microscopes are also available for teaching subjects like Histopathology, Oral Pathology and General Pathology. There is CCTV installed in the college. A separate examination hall is also available in the college.


There are separate hostels for girls and boys. The rooms are fully furnished with attached bathrooms and have all facilities for lodging and boarding. Mess facility has been provided in the hostel and the atmosphere is congenial for studies. Applications for hostel have to be made on the prescribed form. The students in the hostel are subject to Disciplinary control of the Warden/Lady Warden.

t tendence, Cultural ActivitiesA



Financial Assistance:

Cultural Activities and Sports :

Every student must attend a minimum of 75% of theory and practical classes separately failing which wards will not be eligible to appear in the Examination.

Hitkarini Dental College is a no-ragging institution. Any student found involved in ragging may be fined, suspended or rusticated by the Dean of the college. Ragging is a punishable offence under law.

Scholarships are available from State Govt. to SC/ST/OBC students. Educational loans are available to all students from scheduled Banks.

The College Students take active part in a variety of literary and cultural activities including extempore speech, poetry, quiz, etc. The College won several prizes in the Vidya Parishad Competition.

The staff Quarters have been provided for the faculty and other staff members within the campus. The sports meet is held every year in the month of January.

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ontinuing Education ProgrammeC

The college frequently organizes seminars in which the faculty gives a scientific presentation on various aspects of dentistry, which is attended by the teaching staff and local surgeons. The college organizes a Maxillofacial Workshop every year in collaboration with its affiliated hospital viz Jabalpur Hospital & Research Center. Under the Cont inuing Education Programme, Dr. G.E. Ghali and D. David Kim and Dr. S. Connor, Professors of Lousiana State University U.S.A. addressed the staff, students and local surgeons on Maxillofacial Trauma ands Oral Cancer under this programme.

CDE on Conservative Dentistry on the topic “Micro Endodontic A New Era” by Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Punjab, was organized on 30th July'2011 at Hitkarini Dental College, in collaboration with its affiliated hospital i.e. Jabalpur Hospital & Research Centre.

tudents On CampusS

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tudents On CampusS tudents On CampusS

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