Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ...szymansk/files/B.K.Szymanski-Vitae.pdf · 16. IBM Faculty Development Grant, (sole PI) IBM Corp, July 1992 - June 1995.

Post on 24-Jun-2020






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Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteClaire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor of Computer Science

Professor of PhysicsDirector, Network Science and Technology (NeST) Center

Lifetime IEEE FellowForeign Member, National Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland


M.Sc. (Electronics) – Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology,the Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 1973

Ph.D. (Computer Science) – The Institute of Computer Science,the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 1976

Professional Career

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland1973-1975 Assistant Professor

Institute of Scientific, Technical, and Economic Information, Warsaw, Poland1976-1978 Researcher1979, Fall Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Aberdeen, UK1979-1982 Head of Information System Division

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA1982-1985 Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Science

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY1985-1989 Associate Professor of Computer Science1993-1994 Acting Department Chair, Department of Computer Science1997-2001 Associate Dean for Information Technology1997-2002 Chair of Information Technology Research Board1990-2007 Professor of Computer Science2003-2006 Founding Director, Center for Pervasive Computing and Networking2007-present Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor2009-present Director, ARL NS CTA Social Cognitive Network Academic Research Center2010-present Founding Director, Network Science and Technology Center2015-present Professor of Physics

Professional Society Memberships, Honors, Awards and Activities

Appointed Presidential Professor of Engineering by the President of Republic of Poland, Warsaw 2011Elected Foreign Member, National Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland, 2009Awarded Wilkes Medal, British Computer Society, 2009Appointed the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor, RPI, 2007William H. Wiley 1866 Distinguished Faculty Award, RPI, 2003IEEE Fellow (since 1999), Computer Society of IEEE: member since 1982Member of the Board, Network Science Society, 2011-2018ACM National Lecturer(1988-89), Association for Computing Machinery: member since 1982

Member of the Editorial Board: Computer Science Journal, Krakow, Poland (since 2010)Member of the Editorial Board: Computational Methods in Science and Technology (CMST) (since 2013)Editor-in-Chief: Scientific Programming (2000-2014)Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (2014-2018)


Member of the Steering Committee: IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (2013-2016)Area Editor: SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (2003-2007)Member of the Editorial Board: Wireless Networks, Springer, Berlin (2014-2015)Member of the Editorial Board: Scalable Computing: Practices & Experience (2005-2013)Guest Editor: ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review (1996),

Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications (1996), Scientific Programming (1996, 1998)Member of the Editorial Board: Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices (1999-2004)Member of the Editorial Board: Computing & Informatics (2009- 2013)

First Prize in SuCuPar93, international parallel computation competition, Mannheim, Germany, 1993NASA Certificate of Recognition for development of technical innovation, 1997Gold Medal at the International Olympiad in Mathematics, 1968

General Co-Chair, NetSci X, Wroclaw, Poland 2016Member of the Steering Committee for Workshops on Social Sensing, since 2016General Chair, The First International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens) Dallas, TX, 2015General Co-Chair, and then Co-Chair of Steering Committee,Auctions, Market Mechanisms and their Applications Conferences:

Boston, MA, May 2009, New York, NY, 2011, Chicago, IL, 2015Vice-Chair of Program Committee, Parallel Programming and Applied Mathematics, Poland, 2005 - 2011Co-Chair, Program Committee, 1st Annual Conference of Information Technology Alliance,

Washington, DC, September 2007Chair, Network Simulation Track, European Modeling and Simulation Symp., Barcelona, Spain, 2006Vice-Chair, NSF-RPI Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Networking, Troy, NY, April 2004Chair, The Third Workshop on Compilers, Languages and Run-Time Systems, Troy, NY, May, 1995Tutorials: SCSC’02, IEEE ICA3PP’96, ACM SAC’96, ISC’88A member of the Working Group of EU Ubiquitous Data Mining Initiative, 2006-2007

Entrepreneurship and Industrial Consulting

IAI Inc, Consultant on SBIR Grant, 2015-presentOptimaret, Inc., Newtonville, NY, 2004-2015, co-founder and PresidentPremonitia, Inc., Waltham, MA, 2001-2003, co-founderEnterNet Inc., Troy, NY, 2000-2003, co-founderCCCC, Philadelphia, PA, 1983-88, chief scientific officer and consultant

Consulting: Gauda, Inc., San Jose, CA; Emerson, Inc., St. Louis, MO; International Medical Programs,Albany, NY; Cardiomag Imaging, Schenectady on SBIRs, NY; IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY;Research and Development Center, General Electric, Schenectady, NY;

United Nation Development Office,Vienna, Austria

Senior Scientific Advisor to Create-Net, European Research Consortium in Trento, Italy since January 2005Scientific Advisor to Gauda Inc, 2006-2012Scientific Advisor to Quantum-PI Inc, since 2007-2011

University Administrative Leadership and Experience

Founding Director of the Network Science and Technology (NeST) Center (started in2010). The center unites research of the ARL Social Cognitive Network Academic Research Centerand the RPI Pervasive Computing and Networking Center. The combined research program focuses on


fundamental research and engineering of natural and technological networks, ranging from social andcognitive networks to computer networks. The scientific understanding of network structures and thedynamic processes arising in them, combined with the novel designs of protocols for communication andalgorithms for applications, will enable experts in fields ranging from sociology, to biology, medicine,physics, computer science and engineering and transportation engineering to apply the results of thecenter research in their specific disciplines.

Director of the ARL NS CTA Social Cognitive Network Academic Research Center.(started in 2009, became a part of NeST in 2010). The center has been awarded in the nation-widecompetition between multi-campus teams of researchers in 2009 as a part of the ARL Network ScienceCollaborative Technology Alliance. The research team that I led included ten faculty at RPI and 19professors and researchers at Harvard, MIT, NYU, Indiana, Northeastern, Northwestern, CUNY andIBM. With unique focus on technologically based social and cognitive networks, broad and diverseresearch team and funding of up to 10 years, the center is likely to define research agenda in this areain the next several years.

Founding Director of the Center for Pervasive Computing and Networking (started in2003, became a part of NeST in 2010). The center involves 12 faculty at RPI with research spanningcomputer networking, sensor networks, embedded system software and computer security. The researchprogram expanded research activities at RPI in those areas and ushered the Center into the ARLInternational Technology Alliance led by the IBM Corp.

Associate Dean for Information Technology (1997-2001). A principal member of the teamthat created the Information Technology Program at RPI and developed the IT curriculum; chair ofComputer Science department faculty search that hired eleven assistant professors from top schoolssince 1997, all of whom won prestigious NSF Career’s Awards; chair of the “Future of School ofScience” panel and principal author of a report that identified Information Technology, Biotechnologyand Energy as the three strategic directions for the school in 1999 (two of those were selected asgrowth initiatives at RPI and the third was adopted later by the entire university); led the successfulintegration of research in Information Technology involving the Schools of Engineering, Science andHumanities & Social Science.

Chair of the Information Technology Research Board:(1997-2002). Advisor to the Vice-President for Research and the Vice-Provost for Information Technology on strategic directions of ITresearch for the university.

Founding Member of Scientific Computing Research Center (SCOREC) (since 1988).The center focuses on adaptive solvers for partial differential equations and multiscale and multiphasesimulations. Co-author and co-Principal Investigator in major SCOREC grants.

Research InterestsSocial networks and network science. Computer networks: sensor network, mobile networks, andnetwork management and simulation. High performance computing: parallel computation, run-timeoptimization of parallel and distributed object-oriented programs. Algorithm design and verificationfor parallel and distributed systems.

Developed Systems

GANXiS An SLPA based parallel and sequential algorithm for overlapping community detection usedby over 800 researchers world-wide.

MilkyWay@home A BOINC based system computes trajectories of star streams pulled into Milky-Way from nearby galaxies. With nearly 100,000 users that collectively enable over 2 PFLOPScomputational speed, it the fastest BOINC-based computational project as of 2010 compara-ble to fastest supercomputers in existence (Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence,


Springer, 2010:63-90).

Sensor network simulator, SENSE: This is a composable free software that is used in sensor net-work research all over the world (Advances in Pervasive Computing and Networking, Springer,2004:249-267).

Genesis network simulator: Using the fixed-point solution based methodology allows this simulatorto combine packet level simulation of local details with coarse-grained global synchronization.Genesis fills the gap between fluid flow network models that are fast but imprecise, and especiallyfor wireless networks, and precise but difficult to parallelize packet level simulations (ComputerNetworks, 2006:2028-2053).

Equational Programming Language, EPL: The language and its compiler included array syntaxand subscript expressions that later influenced High Performance Fortran and other parallelprogramming languages (Parallel Functional Languages and Compilers, Addison- Wesley, 1991).

Research Grants

Current Grants

1. CINA, DHS Center of Excellence, PI, Department of Homeland Security, GMU Partner, Novem-ber 2017 - June 2027.

2. SocialCube: A Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Framework for Social Streams, DARPA, sub-contract with UIUC, PI, October 2017 - September 2021.

3. Forecasting Emergent Phenomena with Human Computer Collaboration, PI, Army Research Of-fice, June 2016 - May 2020.

4. Culture Sensitive Predictive Modeling of Societal Instabilities, (PI) Office of Naval Research, May2015 - April 2020.

5. Social Cognitive Network Academic Research Center, (Director) Army Research Laboratory,September 2009 - December 2019.

Past Research Grants

6. Equipment for Parallel Scientific Computation, (co-PI) Army Research Office and Air Force Officeof Scientific Research, September 1987.

7. Parallel Scientific Computation, (co-PI) Army Research Office, June 1986 - May 1989.

8. Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers Using an Equational Language,(co-PI) National Science Foundation, August 1987 - January 1990.

9. Travel Grant, (sole PI) National Science Foundation, 1990.

10. Development of a Definitional Language Processor for Real-Time Applications, (sole PI) Officeof Naval Research, July 1986 - September 1990.

11. Parallel Scientific Computation, (co-PI) Army Research Office, May 1990 - April 1991.

12. Research Experience in Computer Science for Undergraduates, (Co-PI) National Science Foun-dation, June 1989 - May 1992.

13. Adaptive Solutions of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers Using an EquationalLanguage, (co-PI) National Science Foundation, April 1990 - September 1992.


14. Computing Environments for Mathematical Applications, (co-PI) National Science FoundationOctober 1988 - September 1993.

15. Travel Grant, (sole PI) National Science Foundation, 1994.

16. IBM Faculty Development Grant, (sole PI) IBM Corp, July 1992 - June 1995.

17. Software Tools for Adaptive Parallel Computation, (sole PI) Office of Naval Research, December1992 - January 1996.

18. Programming Paradigms in Run-Time Support of Parallelism for Irregular Computations, (solePI) NASA GRFP, July 1993 - June 1996.

19. Acquisition of HP 9000 workstation with C++ and Fortran90 compilers, (sole PI) Hewlett-Packard, June 1996.

20. A High-Performance Problem-Solving Environment for Optimization and Control of Chemicaland Biological Processes, (co-PI) National Science Foundation October 1995 - May 1997.

21. Domain Specific Parallel Adaptive Scientific Computations, (co-PI) National Science Foundation,July 1993 - June 1997.

22. Parallel Software Tools for Spatial Modeling of Ecological Systems, (sole PI) National ScienceFoundation, July 1994 to June 1997.

23. Acquisition of Instrumentation to Facilitate Large Scale Parallel Computation, (co-PI) NationalScience Foundation Instrumentation Grant, August 1997.

24. Mobile Agents in Distributed Computing, (sole PI) IBM Shared University Research, February1998 - December 1999.

25. Network Management and Control Using Collaborative On-Line Simulation, (co-PI) DARPA NextGeneration Internet, August 1998 - May 2000.

26. Understanding Human Joint Mechanics through Advanced Computational Models, (co-PI) Na-tional Science Foundation HPCC, September 1993 - August 2000.

27. Proactive Problem Avoidance and QoS Guarantees for Large Heterogeneous Networks, (co-PI)DARPA Next Generation Internet, October 1997 - September 2000.

28. Equipment for Distributed Network Laboratory, (sole PI) IBM Corp., Shared University Research,PI, October 2000.

29. Agent-based Middleware for Network Management, (sole PI) IBM Corp., Shared University Re-search, January 1999 - December 2000.

30. A High-Performance Problem-Solving Environment for Optimization and Control of Chemicaland Biological Processes, (co-PI) National Science Foundation June 1997 - May 2001.

31. Scalable Instrumentation and Database Approach to Performance Analysis of Parallel ScientificApplications, (sole PI) NASA GRFP, July 1999-June 2001.

32. Metacomputing: Nomadic and Parallel Computation Over the Internet, (sole PI) IBM Corp.,Shared University Research, January 2000 - December 2001.

33. Automatic Classification of Magnetocardiograms, (SI) National Science Foundation SBIR PhaseI, Senior Investigator with Karsten Sternickel of Cardiomag Imaging Inc., January - June 2003.


34. Scalable Network Performance Modeling and Prediction for Network Management, (sole PI)CISCO URP Grant, June 2001 - July 2003.

35. Mapping Results of Continuous Simulations onto Spatially Explicit Parallel Distributed EventSimulations , (co-PI) National Science Foundation KDI July 1998 - September 2003.

36. Techniques for Resource Discovery, Monitoring and Allocation in SmartGrids, (sole PI) IBMCorp., November 2002 - February 2004.

37. Scalable Online Network Modeling and Simulation, (PI) DARPA Network Modeling and Simula-tion, June 2000 - January 2005.

38. Automatic Classification of Magnetocardiograms, (SI) National Science Foundation SBIR PhaseII, Senior Investigator with Mark Embrechts and Karsten Sternickel of Cardiomag Imaging Inc.,February 2004 - August 2006.

39. Simulation and Analysis of Large Scale Complex Systems, (co-PI) National Science FoundationCISE Research Infrastructure, August 2003 - July 2007.

40. CLEANER: Collaborative Research: Riverscope: Large Scale Engineering Analysis Network ForEnvironmental Research on the Hudson River, (co-PI) National Science Foundation, co-PI withArthur Sanderson, August 2004 - July 2007.

41. US-EC Cooperative Activities: Interactive Service Negotiation and Adaptive Delivery Platformfor IP-Based Communications, (sole PI) National Science Foundation, September 2004 - August2008.

42. Uncovering Hidden Groups that Support IED Activities, (PI) Office of Naval Research, March2006 - March 2009.

43. Astroinformatics: Data-Driven Discovery of the Milky Way Origin and Evolution from the SloanDigital Sky Survey, (co-PI) National Science Foundation, August 2006 - July, 2010.

44. Development of a Database System for Metamorphic Geochemistry, (co-PI) National ScienceFoundation, co-PI, August 2006 - August 2010.

45. Performance Mining of Large-Scale Data-Intensive Distributed Object Applications, (co-PI) Na-tional Science Foundation NGS Program, September 2001 - August 2010.

46. Citizens Science: Enabling Computational Probabilistic Methods for Organism’s TranscriptionalRegulatory Network Using Voluntary Computing Platforms, (PI) National Science Foundation,PI with 2 co-PIs, September 2009 - December 2011.

47. International Technology Alliance, (PI), the IBM consortium funded by the Army Research Lab-oratory, May 2006 - May 2015.

48. Theoretical and Computational Studies of Tipping Points and Community Detection in SocialNetworks, (co-PI) Army Research Office, with C. Lim and G. Korniss, September 2012 to August2015.

49. Community Stability and Social Engineering in Large-Scale Social Networks: Employing Individual-Based Models for Opinion Dynamics to Detect and Destabilize Communities, PI, Office of NavalResearch, March 2009 - April 2020.

50. Theory Building and Hypothesis Testing of a Multilayer Network, PI, Rush University MedicalSchool, January 2016 - October 2016.


51. Optimizing Robustness of Large-Scale Information and Infrastructure Networks, (PI) DefenseThreat Reduction Agency, PI with co-PI Gyorgy Korniss, July 2009 - July 2017.

52. MetPetDB: A Database for Metamorphic Geochemistry, (co-PI) National Science Foundation,with Sibel Adali (co-PI) and Frank Spear (PI), August 2010 - July 2017.

53. Mathematical and Computational Studies of Realistic Aspects of Social Contagions and CascadingInstabilities on Networks, co-PI, Army Research Office, July 2016 - July 2017.

54. Social Cognitive Advancement for the Tactical Edge (SCATE), SBIR Phase I/II Grant for Intel-ligent Automation Inc., Army Research Office, Consultant September 2015 - December 2017.

Postdoctoral Researchers Supervised

William Maniatty, January-August 1999Dr. Gang Chen, Post-doctoral Researcher, 2003-2005Travid Desell, 2010-2011Sameet Sreenivasan, 2010-2015Andrea Asztalos, 2010-2013David Hunt, 2012-2013Noemy Derzsy, 2013-2017Tao Jia, 2013-2016Pramesh Sing, October-December, 2014William Pickering, January-August, 2017Diego Fregolent M. Oliveira, October, 2017-October, 2019Ashwin Bahulkar, August-September, 2019

Ph.D. Graduates (listed with thesis title and current positions)

Jeanette Bruno: “Analyzing Conditional Data Dependencies in an Equational Language Compiler,” 1989;the McNaughton Award for the best CS graduate student (1989);Senior Researcher, Corporate Research and Development Center, GE, Schenectady, NY.

Balaram Sinharoy: “Optimizing Iterative Algorithms for Distributed-Memory Machines,” 1992;the McNaughton Award for the best CS graduate student (1992);Chief Engineer (Power Series Processors), Future Directions Division, IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY.

Can Ozturan: “Distributed Environment and Load Balancing for Adaptive Unstructured Meshes,” 1995(co-advisor J. Flaherty); Professor, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Charles Norton: “Object Oriented Paradigms in Scientific Computing,” 1996;Principal Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, Pasadena, CA.

Ewa Deelman: “Performance Optimization of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of SpatiallyExplicit Problems,” 1997; Associate Professor, University of Southern Californiaand Group Leader at the International Science Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

Wesley Kaplow: “Compile-Time and Run-Time Methods for Cache Optimization in Scientific Codes,” 1998;Senior Technology Director, Qwest Communications, Whippany, NJ.

Mohan Nibhanapudi: “Adaptive Parallel Computations on Network of Workstations,” 1998;Researcher, Yahoo!

William Maniatty: “High-Performance Computing Ecological Modeling,” 1998;the Gerhardt Prize for the outstanding graduate student in Science and Engineering (1997);the McNaughton Award for the best CS graduate student (1998); Assistant Professor, SUNY Albany.

Jeffrey Nesheiwat: “Instrumentation Data Base Approach to the Analysis of Large Parallel and ObjectOriented Scientific Applications,” 2000; Researcher, Oracle, Inc.

Gang Chen: “New Methods for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation,” 2003;


the McNaughton Award for the best CS graduate student, 2003;Researcher, MathWorks, Boston, MA.

Alan Bivens: “Distributed Framework for Deploying Machine Learning in Network Managementand Security,” 2003; Researcher, IBM TJ Watson Laboratory, Poughkeepsie, NY.

Yu Liu: “Loosely-Coordinated, Distributed, Packet-Level Network Simulation,” 2004;Researcher, SyncSort Incorporated, NJ.

Houda Lamehamedi: “Decentralized Data Management Framework for Data Grid,” 2005;Researcher, l’Universite Internationale de Rabat, Rabat, Marocco.

Bouchar Bouqata: “VOGUE: A Novel Variable Order-Gap State Machine for Modeling Sequences,” 2006;Researcher, GE Research and Development Center, Schenectady, NY.

Paul Evangelista: “The Unbalanced Classification Problem: Detecting Breaches In Security,” 2006;Associate Professor, US Military Academy, West Point, NY.

Joel Branch: “Opportunistic Routing and Middleware Composition for Sensor and Actuator Networks,” 2007;the McNaughton Award for the best CS graduate student 2007;Researcher, IBM TJ Watson Laboratory, Hawthorne, NY.

Juong-Sik Lee: “Recurrent Auctions in E-Commerce,” 2007;Researcher, Microsoft Research Center, Palo Alto, CA.

Qiming Lu: “Propagation, Cascades, and Agreement Dynamics in Complex Communicationand Social Networks,” 2009; Researcher, Fermi Lab, Batavia, IL.

Travis Desell: “Asynchronous Global Synchronization for Massive-Scale Computing,” 2009;Assistant Professor at the North Dakota University, Grant Forks, ND.

Eyuphan Bulut: “Opportunistic Routing Algorithms in Delay Tolerant Networks,” 2011;Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, NC.

Apirak Hoonlor: “Sequential Patterns and Temporal Patterns for Text Mining,” 2011;Assistant Professor, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Jierui Xie: “Agent-Based Dynamics Models for Opinion Spreading and Community Detectionin Large-Scale Social Networks,” 2012; Senior Researcher at Samsung, Inc, San Jose, CA;

Sahin Cem Geyik: “Network Data Modeling Via Grammatical Structures,” 2012;Senior Engineer and Scientist at Turn Inc, Redwood City, CA

David Hunt: “Network Synchronization in a Noisy Environment with Time Delays,” 2012;Postdoctoral Scholar at UCLA Department of Biomathematics, Los Angeles, CA.

Pramesh Singh: “Opinion Formation Models in Static and Dynamic Social Networks,” June, 2014;Postdoctoral Scholar at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Tommy Nguyen: “Proximity, Interactions, and Communities in Social Networks: Properties and Applications,”September, 2014. Researcher, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.

S. Yousaf Shah: “Dynamic Management of Network Systems,” October, 2014;Researcher, TJ Watson IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.

Ferenc Molnar, “Computational Analysis of Complex Systems: Applications to Population Dynamicsand Networks,” November, 2014; Postdoctoral Scholar, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Xiaoming Liu, “Towards a Unified Modelling Framework for Adaptive Networks,” 2015;degree at the University of Western Cape, Capetown, South Africa (co-advisor),Postdoctoral Scholar, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Mingming Chen, “Discovering Community Structure by Optimizing Community Quality Metrics,”December 2015; Researcher, Google, Mountain View, CA.

Thomas Babbitt, “Information Assurance in Resource Constraint Networks,” May 2016;Academy Assistant Professor, USMA, West Point, NY.

Herbert O. Holzbauer, “How Embedding of Social Ties in Space Impacts Human Behavior,” November 2016;Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.

Xin Lin, “Prediction Limit of Cascades in Interconnected Models,” March 2017;(co-advisor Gyorgy Korniss); software engineer, Bloomberg, Inc., New York, NY.


Panagiotis D. Karampourniotis, “The Impact of Heterogeneity in Thresholds of Opinion Dynamics,and in Crowd Decision-Making,” July 2017;(Physics, co-advised with Gyorgy Korniss);postdoc, IBM, Boston, MA.

Konstantin Kuzmin, “New approaches to efficient structural analysis of social and biological networks,”November 2017, the Founders Award of Excellence; lecturer, RPI, Troy, NY.

Alaa Moussawi, “Failure Mitigation, Vulnerability Detection and Persistence of Network Flowsin Complex Systems,”March, 2018, (Physics, co-advised with Gyorgy Korniss);Chief Data Scientist, The New York City Council, New York, NY.

Casey Doyle, “Introducing Non-Markovian and Empirical Effects into Social Interaction Models,”August 2018; (Physics, co-advised with Gyorgy Korniss); researcher, Sandia NationalLaboratories, Albuquerque, NM.

Xiaoyan Lu, “Community Detection and its Applications in Understanding Dynamics of Social Networks,”March 2019; researcher, Google, Inc., New York, NY.

Xiang Niu, “The Dynamics in Opinion and Global Risk Networks: Modeling, Discovering and Control,”June 2019; (co-advisors Gyorgy Korniss and Jianxi Gao), researcher, Google, Inc., MountainView, CA.

Ashwin Bahulkar, “Evolution Dynamics of Attribute-Rich Social Networks,” July 2019;Researcher, Facebook, Inc., Menlo Park, CA.

Stephen Dipple, “Modeling Complex Human Behavior in Socio-Economic Networks,” July 2019;(Physics, co-advised with Gyorgy Korniss).

Supervised 84 M.S. theses and projects. Member of 49 Ph.D. committees at RPI, and 21 in the fol-lowing institutions: University of Pennsylvania; Temple University; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH;Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada; Girona University, Spain, McGill University, Montreal,Canada, Wroclaw University of Science and Technological, Wroclaw, Poland, National Institute ofTechnology, Kurukshetra India.

Strong commitment to diversity resulted in development of a methodology of involving students fromunderrepresented minorities in research. Supervised Ph.D. theses of five women and three AfricanAmerican students as well as one student with disability.

Teaching Experience

• Graduate courses: Frontiers of Network Science, Computer Operating Systems, Parallel Program-ming Languages, Theoretical Issues in Operating System Design, Theory of Compiler Design.

• Undergraduate courses: Parallel Programming, Operating Systems, Operating System Funda-mentals, Compiler Design, Programming Languages, Discrete Structures, Fundamentals of Com-puter Science.

• Several graduate and undergraduate special topics courses in networking, distributed and parallelcomputing.

University Service

• Founder and Director of the University-wide Network Science and Technology (NEST) Center(since January 2010)

• Director of the Social Cognitive Network Academic Research Center (since 2009)

• Director of the Center for Pervasive Computing and Networking (since 2003)

• Associate Dean for Information Technology (1997 - 2001)

• Chair of Information Technology Research Board (1997 - 2002)


• member of Faculty Council (1989-1991), Faculty Compensation Committee (1991-93), and Fac-ulty Planning Committee (2003-2006);

• at various times chair of departmental committees on: Graduate Curriculum in Operating Sys-tems, Enrollment Committee, Search Committee, Best Teacher Award, Ph.D. Preliminary Exam,Planning Committee, Chair Search Committee, Graduate Curriculum;

• at various times member of departmental committees: New Staff, Graduate Curriculum, Labo-ratory, Planning Committee;


1. Discrete event simulation system and method, granted 07/17/2007, US Patent Number 7,246,054(with Gang Chen), RPI.

2. Network Management and Control using Collaborative On-Line Simulation, granted 4/22/2008US patent number 7,363,285 (with S. Kalyanaraman, K. Vastola, N. Sikdar, J. Jiang, Y. Tao, D.Harrison, B. Mo, B. Sikdar and H.T. Kaur), RPI.

3. Use of Machine Learning for Classification of Magneto Cardiograms, granted June 22, 2010, USpatent number 7,742,806, (with Karsten Sternickel and Mark Embrechts), CardioMag Imaging,Inc.

4. Method for Classifying Cardiography Data, granted June 22, 2010, China Patent (with KarstenSternickel and Mark Embrechts), CardioMag Imaging, Inc.

5. Auction procedure for use with a special purpose digital computer for an efficient achievementof limited resources in a competing environment, granted March 20, 2012, US Patent number8,140,426, (with Josep Lluis de la Rosa I Esteva), University of Girona, Spain.

6. Use of Machine Learning for Classification of Magneto Cardiograms, granted March 5, 2013, USPatent Number 8,391,963 (with Karsten Sternickel and Mark Embrechts), CardioMag Imaging,Inc.

7. Sigma Tuning of Gaussian Kernels: Detection of Ischemia from Magnetocardiograms, grantedSeptember 3, 2013, US Patent Number 8,527,435, (with Long Han, Mark Embrechts, KarstenSternickel and Alexander Ross), Cardiomag Imaging, Inc.

8. Apparatus and method for conducting a recurring auction using a participant retention mech-anism, granted May 6, 2014, US Patent Number 8,719,141, (with Juong-Sik Lee), Optimaret,Inc.

9. Use of Machine Learning for Classification of Magneto Cardiograms, granted June 3, 2014, USPatent Number 8,744,557 (with Karsten Sternickel, and Mark Embrechts), Cardiomag Imaging,Inc.

10. Use of Machine Learning for Classification of Magneto Cardiograms, granted November 3, 2015,US Patent Number 9,173,614 (with Karsten Sternickel, and Mark Embrechts), Cardiomag Imag-ing, Inc.

11. Use of Machine Learning for Classification of Magneto Cardiograms, granted May 23, 2017, USPatent Number 9,655,564 (with Karsten Sternickel, and Mark Embrechts), Cardiomag Imaging,Inc.

Selected Publications (out of more than 500)

Books Edited


1. B.K. Szymanski, Parallel Functional Languages and Compilers, Addison-Wesley, ACM Press FrontierSeries, New York, 1991.

2. B.K. Szymanski, Trends in Parallel Processing, UNIDO Emerging Technology Series, Vienna, 1996, 84 pp.

3. B.K. Szymanski and B. Sinharoy, Languages, Compilers and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 335 pp.

4. B.K. Szymanski and B. Yener, Advances in Pervasive Computing and Networking, Springer, New York,2005, 296 pp.

5. S. Das, M. Ostrovsky, D.M. Pennock, and B.K. Szymanski, Auctions, Market Mechanisms and TheirApplications, Springer, New York, NY, 2009, 107 pp.

6. P. Coles, S. Das, S. Lahey, and B.K. Szymanski, Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications,Second International ICST Conference, AMMA 2011, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2012, 113 pages.

Selected Journal papers

7. J. Dobosz, M. Halski, and B.K. Szymanski, “JOSK Compiler for ODRA/1304 Computers,” ArchiwumAutomatyki i Telemechaniki, 20(3):301-310, 1975 (in Polish).

8. J. Bankowski, J. Dobosz, K. Fialkowski, M. Halski, T. Sarnecki, and B.K. Szymanski, “Survey of ProgramOptimization Methods,” Informatyka 10(5):3-6, 1975 (in Polish).

9. J. Bankowski, J. Dobosz, K. Fialkowski, M. Halski, T. Sarnecki, and B.K. Szymanski, “MERA-BASICLanguage Implementation,” Informatyka 11(7):2-5, 1976 (in Polish).

10. B.K. Szymanski, “An Optimum Length of Fixed-Size Multiword List Items,” Bulletin de l’AcademiaPolonaise des Sciences, Ser. Scien. Techn., 25(9):89-93, 1976.

11. J. Bankowski, J. Dobosz, K. Fialkowski, M. Halski, T. Sarnecki, and B.K. Szymanski, “BASIC Languagefor MERA-305 Minicomputers,” Informatyka 12(3):1-4, 1977 (in Polish).

12. A. Minczuk and B.K. Szymanski, “A Representation of an Electric Power Distribution Graph,” ArchiwumElektrotechniki 27(2):367-380, 1978 (in Polish).

13. B.K. Szymanski, “Trends in Development of Relational Model of Data,” Informatyka 14(6):36-39, 1979(in Polish).

14. I. Domaszewska, and B.K. Szymanski, “Translator of a Language for CAD of Electric Power DistributionNetworks,” Elektryka 55:35-45, 1979 (in Polish).

15. A. Minczuk, and B.K. Szymanski, “Optimization of Computer Representation of Electric Power Distribu-tion Networks,” Elektryka 55:47-55, Warsaw, 1979 (in Polish).

16. B.K. Szymanski, “Relationinterface fur die Informationsdatenbanken,” Dokumentation/Information, 45:84-101, 1979 (in German).

17. J. Bankowski and B.K. Szymanski, “JOSK–A Syntax Description Language,” Weiterbildunszentrum furMat. Kyb. und Rechentech. 38(1):85-115, 1979.

18. S. Kujszczyk, and B.K. Szymanski, “Double-Chained List Structure for Electric Power Distribution Net-work,” Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 56(11):477-479, 1980 (in Polish).

19. B.K. Szymanski, “Relational Interface to ISIS Databases,” Aktualne Problemy Informacji and Dokumen-tacji 25(5/6):22-28, 1980 (in Polish).

20. J. Bankowski, J. Dobosz, K. Fialkowski, M. Halski, T. Sarnecki, and B.K. Szymanski, “JOSK Language–Towards Automatic Translator Generation,” Information Systems, 5(2):158-159, 1980.

21. J. Bankowski, J. Dobosz, S. Romanski, B.K. Szymanski and E. Zabza-Tarka, “Software for RelationalAccess to CDS/ISIS Files,” Informatyka 16(1):17-21, 1981 (in Polish).

22. J. Dobosz and B.K. Szymanski, “An Implementation of a Relational Interface to an Information System,”Information Systems, 6(3):219-228, 1981.

23. H. Rybinski and B.K. Szymanski, “Multilevel Information System–Toward More Flexible InformationSystems,” Information Processing and Management, 17(4):277-290, 1981.


24. K. Fialkowski, H. Rybinski, and B.K. Szymanski, “Information Flow in National System of Scientific,Technical and Organizational Information,” Int. Forum on Information and Documentation, 7(2):28-30,1982.

25. M. Sulej and B.K. Szymanski, “Design of a Specialized Hardware Device for Data Selection and Transfor-mation,” Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 10(4):255-259, 1982.

26. J. Dobosz, S. Romanski, B.K. Szymanski, and E. Zabza-Tarka, “Relational Access to Data in InformationSystem: Research, Development and Applications,” Nauchno-Tekchnicheskaya Informatsiya 16(4):4-9,Ser. 2, 1982 (in Russian), English translation in Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics,16(2):54-63, 1983.

27. B.K. Szymanski, Y. Shi, and N. Prywes, “Synchronized Distributed Termination,” IEEE Transactions onSoftware Engineering, SE-11(10):1136-1140, October 1985.

28. J. Tseng, Y. Shi, B.K. Szymanski, and N. Prywes, “Real-Time Software Life Cycle with the MODELSystem,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-12(2):358-373, February 1986.

29. N. Prywes, Y. Shi, B.K. Szymanski, and J. Tseng, “Supersystem Programming with Model,” IEEE Com-puter, 19(2):50-60, February, 1986.

30. B.K. Szymanski, “Parallel Programming with Recurrent Equations,” Int. Journal on SupercomputerApplications, 1(2):44-74, 1987.

31. Y. Shi, N. Prywes, A. Pnueli, and B.K. Szymanski, “Very High Level Concurrent Programming,” IEEETransactions on Software Engineering, SE-13(8):1038-1046, September 1987.

32. B.K. Szymanski and N. Prywes, “Efficient Handling of Data Structures in Definitional Languages,” Scienceof Computer Programming, 10(3):221-245, 1988.

33. B. McKenney and B.K. Szymanski, “Generating Parallel Code for SIMD Machines,” ACM Letters onProgramming Languages and Systems, 1(1):59-73, March 1992.

34. B.K. Szymanski and B. Sinharoy, “Complexity of the Closest Vector Problem in a Lattice Generated by(0,1)-Matrix,” Information Processing Letters, 42(3):121-126, May 1992.

35. W. Maniatty, B. Sinharoy, and B.K. Szymanski, “Efficiency of Data Alignment on MasPar,” ACM SIG-PLAN Notices, 28(1):48-51, January 1993.

36. B.K. Szymanski, “Parallel Computers and Their Industrial Applications,” Microelectronics Monitor, 45/46:76-82, 1994.

37. B.K. Szymanski and T. Caraco, “Spatial Analysis of Vector-Borne Disease: A Four Species Model,”Evolutionary Ecology, 8(3):299-314, 1994.

38. B. Sinharoy and B.K. Szymanski, “Finding Optimum Wavefront of Parallel Computation,” Journal ofParallel Algorithms and Applications, 2(1):5-26, 1994.

39. B. Sinharoy, C. Ozturan, and B.K. Szymanski, “Compiler Technology for Parallel Scientific Computation,”Scientific Programming, 3(3):201-225, 1994.

40. B. Sinharoy and B.K. Szymanski, “Data and Task Alignment in Distributed Memory Architectures,”Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 21(1):61-74, April 1994.

41. B.K. Szymanski, “Trends in Software Engineering for Parallel Processing,” Microelectronics Monitor,2(2):1-13, 1995.

42. B.K. Szymanski, “An Upper Bound for a Time Step in Parallel Spatially Explicit Biological Simulations,”System Analysis, Modelling and Simulation, 18-19:717-720, 1995.

43. B.K. Szymanski, W. Maniatty, and B. Sinharoy, “Simultaneous Parallel Reduction,” Parallel ProcessingLetters, 5(3):437-449, Sept. 1995.

44. B. Sinharoy and B.K. Szymanski, “Memory Optimization for Parallel Functional Programs,” ComputingSystems in Engineering, 6(4/5):415-422, Oct. 1995.

45. C. Norton, B.K. Szymanski, and V. Decyk, “Object-Oriented Parallel Computation for Plasma Simula-tion,” Communication of the ACM, 38(10):88-100, Oct. 1995.


46. W. Kaplow and B.K. Szymanski, “Program Optimization Based on Compile-Time Cache PerformancePrediction,” Parallel Processing Letters, 6(1):173-184, March 1996.

47. C. Norton, B.K. Szymanski, and V. Decyk, “On Parallel Object Oriented Programming in Fortran90,”ACM Applied Computing Review, 4(1):27-31, Spring 1996.

48. B.K. Szymanski, “Paradigms and Compilers for Parallel Processing,” Scientific Programming, 6(2):159-162, Summer 1997.

49. B. Sinharoy and B.K. Szymanski, “Parallelising Compilers and Systems,” Journal of Parallel Algorithmsand Applications, 12(1-3):5-20, 1997,

50. V. Decyk, C. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “Expressing Object-Oriented Concepts in Fortran90,” ACMFortran Forum, 16(1):13-18, April 1997.

51. W. Maniatty and B.K. Szymanski, “Fine-Grain Discrete Voronoi Diagram Algorithm in L1 and L∞Norms,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 26(4):71-78, 1997.

52. W. Kaplow and B.K. Szymanski, “Tiling for Parallel Execution - Optimizing Node Cache Performance,”Parallel Processing Letters, 7(4):393-407, 1997.

53. J.E. Flaherty, R.M. Loy, M.S. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco, and L.H. Ziantz, “AdaptiveLocal Refinement with Octree Load-Balancing for the Parallel Solution of Three-Dimensional ConservationLaws,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 47:139-152, 1997.

54. V. Decyk, C. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “How to Express C++ Concepts in Fortran 90,” ScientificProgramming, 6(4):363-390, Winter 1997.

55. W. Maniatty, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “Parallel Computing with Generalized Cellular Automata”Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, 1(1):31-50, 1998.

56. J.E. Flaherty, R.M. Loy, C. Ozturan, M.S. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco and L.H. Ziantz,“Parallel Structures and Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Finite Element Computation,” AppliedNumerical Mathematics, 26(1-2):241-263, 1998.

57. V. Decyk, C. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “Expressing Object- Oriented Concepts in Fortran 90,” NASATechnology Briefs, 22(3):100-101, March 1998.

58. T. Caraco, M.C. Duryea, G. Gardner, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Host Spatial Heterogeneityand Extinction of an SIS Epidemics,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 192:351-361, 1998.filad 20

59. V. K. Decyk, C. D. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “How to support inheritance and run-time polymorphismin Fortran 90,” Computer Physics Communications, 115:9-17, Dec. 1998.filad 24

60. T. Caraco, G. Gardner, E. Deelman, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Lyme Disease: Self-Regulationand Pathogen Invasion,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 193:561-575, 1998.filad 20

61. T. Caraco, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Population Dispersion and Equilibrium Infection Fre-quency in a Spatial Epidemic,” PhysicaD, 132:511-519, 1999.24

62. V. K. Decyk, C. D. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “Fortran 90 ’Gotchas (Part 1),” ACM Fortran Forum,18(2)22-25, August 1999.

63. D. O’Hallaron and B.K. Szymanski, “Software Systems for Scalable Computers,” Scientific Programming,7(3-4):191-194, October, 1999.

64. P. Fry, J. Nesheiwat, and B.K. Szymanski, “Experiences with Distributed Computation of Twin PrimesDistributions,” Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, 2(3):299-313, November, 1999.

65. J. Nesheiwat and B.K. Szymanski, “Scalable performance analysis for parallel scientific computations,”Electronic Modeling, 22(2):25-43, June 2000, US version in Engineering Simulations, 18(2)179-198, 2001.

66. S. Koenig, Y. Liu, and B.K. Szymanski, “Efficient and Inefficient Ant Coverage Methods,” Annals ofMathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 31(1- 4):41-76, May 2001.

67. S. Glavankov, D. White, T. Caraco, A. Lapenis, G. Robinson, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “LymeDisease in New York State: Spatial Pattern at a Regional Scale,” American Journal of Tropical Medicineand Hygiene, 65(5):538- 555, May 2001.


68. J. Miller, P. Fishwick, P. Benjamin, S. Tayor, and B.K. Szymanski, “Research and Commercial Opportu-nities in Web-Based Simulation,” Simulation Practice and Theory, 9(1-2):55-72, October 2001.

69. T. Caraco, M. Duryea, S. Glavankov, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Host Spatial Heterogeneity andthe Spread of Vector-Borne Infection,” Theoretical Population Biology, 59(3):185-206, May 2001.lista filad24

70. J. Bivens, M. Embrechts, and B.K. Szymanski, “Network Congestion Arbitration and Source ProblemPrediction Using Neural Networks,” Smart Engineering System Design, 4:243-252, 2002.

71. E. Deelman and B.K. Szymanski, “Simulating Spatially Explicit Problems on High Performance Architec-ture,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 62:446-467, 2002.

72. C. Carothers and B.K. Szymanski, “Checkpointing Multithreaded Programs,” Dr. Dobb’s Journal 15(8):45-60, August 2002.

73. T. Caraco, S. Glavankov, G. Chen, B.K. Szymanski, T. Ohsumi, and J. Flaherty, “Vector-borne infec-tion with stage-structured transmission: a spatial model for Lyme disease,” The American Naturalist160(3):348-359, September 2002.

74. J. Nesheiwat and B.K. Szymanski, “Instrumentation Database System for Performance Analysis of ParallelScientific Applications,” Parallel Computing, 28(10):1409- 1449, 2002.

75. K. Fialkowski and B.K. Szymanski, “Conceptor: a Model of Emergence of Basic Speech Structures as apart of Consciousness Development,” Pro Dialog, 16:45-49, 2003.

76. A. Bivens, R. Gupta, I. McLean, B. Szymanski and J. White, “Scalability and Performance of an Agent-based Network Management Middleware,” International Journal of Network Management, 14:131-146,2004.

77. Y. Liu, B.K. Szymanski and A. Saifee, “Genesis: A Scalable Distributed System for Large-scale ParallelNetwork Simulation,” Computer Networks, 50(12):2028-2053, August 2006.

78. T. Caraco, S. Glavanakov, S. Li, W. Maniatty and B. Szymanski, “Spatially structured superinfection andthe evolution of disease virulence,” Theoretical Population Biology, 69(4):367-384, 2006.filad 24

79. G.G. Chen, J.W. Branch, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Self-selection Technique for Flooding and Routing inWireless Ad-hoc Networks,” Journal of Network and System Management, 14(3):359-380, 2006.

80. H. Lamehamedi and B.K. Szymanski, “Decentralized Data Management Framework for Data Grids,”Future Generation Computer Systems, 23(1):109-115, 2007.

81. K. El Maghraoui, T.J. Desell, B.K. Szymanski and C.A. Varela, “Towards an Internet Operating Sys-tem: Middleware for Adaptive Distributed Computing,” Int. Journal of High Performance Computing20(4):467-480, 2006.

82. C. Norton, V. Decyk, B. Szymanski and H. Gardner, “The Transition and Adoption of Modern Program-ming Concepts for Scientific Computing in Fortran,” Scientific Programming 15(1):27-44, 2007.

83. J.L. de la Rosa, and B.K. Szymanski, “Selecting Scientific Papers for Publication via Citation Auctions”IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(6):16-20, Nov/Dec, 2007.

84. B.K. Szymanski, and G. Chen, “Computing with Time: From Neural Networks to Wireless Networks”Computer Journal 51(4):511-522, April 2008; best paper in volume 51 award.

85. Q. Lu, G. Korniss, and B.K. Szymanski, “Naming Games in Two- Dimensional and Small-World-ConnectedRandom Geometric Networks,” Phys. Rev. E 77, 2008.

86. G. Chen, and B.K. Szymanski, “Time Quantum GVT: A Scalable Computation of the Global VirtualTime in Parallel Discrete Event Simulations,” Scalable Computing - Practice and Experience 8(4):423-435,February 2008.

87. S. Coull, and B. Szymanski, “Sequence Alignment for Masquerade Detection,” Computational Statisticsand Data Analysis, 52(8):4116-4131, April 2008.

88. N. Cole, H.J. Newberg, M. Magdon-Ismail, T. Desell, K. Dawsey, W. Hayashi, X. Liu, J. Purnell, B.Szymanski, C. Varela, and J. Wisniewski, “Maximum Likelihood Fitting of Tidal Streams With Applicationto the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Tails,” The Astrophysical Journal 683(2):750-766, August 20, 2008.listafilad 24


89. J.L. de la Rosa, and B.K. Szymanski, “Citation Auctions as a Method to Improve Selection of ScientificPapers,” Journal of Digital Information Management, 6(5):414-420, October 2008.

90. T.A. Babbitt, C. Morrell, B.K. Szymanski, and J. Branch, “Self- Selecting Reliable Path for WirelessSensor Network Routing,” Computer Communications, 31(16):3799-3809, November 2009.

91. J.L. de la Rosa, and B.K. Szymanski, Even Science Can Benefit from Auctions, Communication of theACM, 31(11):5, November 2008.lista filad 24

92. K. El Maghraoui, T.J. Desell, B.K. Szymanski, and C.A. Varela, “Malleable Iterative MPI Applications,”Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(3):393-413, 2009.

93. Q. Lu, G. Korniss, and B.K. Szymanski, “The Naming Game on Social Networks: Community Formationand Consensus Engineering,” Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 4(2):331-235, 2009.

94. S. Coull, and B.K. Szymanski, “On the Development of an Internetwork-centric Defense for ScanningWorms,” Computers & Security, 28(7):637-647, October 2009, featured in the New Scientist, issue 2821,pp. 16-17, August 15, 2009. lista filad 15

95. F.S. Spear, J.M. Pyle, S. Adali, B.K. Szymanski, A. Waters, Z. Linder, C. Ozcalar, and S.O. Pearce, “Met-PetDB: A Database for Metamorphic Geochemistry, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10:Q12005,2009.

96. M. Zaki, C. Carothers, and B.K. Szymanski, “VOGUE: A Variable Order Hidden Markov Model withDuration Based on Frequent Sequence Mining,” ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data,4(1) article 5, (31 pages) January 2010.

97. L. Chen, Z. Wang, J.W. Branch, B.K. Szymanski, D. Verma, R. Damarla and J. Ibbotson, “DynamicService Execution in Sensor Networks,” The Computer Journal 53(5):513-527, May 2010.

98. V. Chaoji, A. Hoonlor, and B.K. Szymanski, “Recursive Data Mining for Role Identification,” InternationalJournal of Hybrid Information Systems,7(2):89-100, May 2010.

99. Z. Wang, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Distributed Energy Efficient Target Tracking with Binary SensorNetworks,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 6(4), paper 32 (32 pages), July 2010.

100. D. Hunt, G. Korniss, and B. K. Szymanski, “Network Synchronization in a Noisy Environment with TimeDelays: Fundamental Limits and Trade-Offs,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 068701 (4 pages), August 2010;highlighted in the Synopsis section of Physics August 2010.

101. E. Bulut, Z. Wang and B.K. Szymanski, “Cost Effective Multi-Period Spraying for Routing in DelayTolerant Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(5):1530-1543, October, 2010.

102. David Hunt, Gyorgy Korniss, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “The Impact of Competing Time Delays inCoupled Stochastic System,” Physics Letters A, 375(5):880-885, 31 January, 2011.

103. E. Gelenbe, P. Liu, C. Morrell, and B.K. Szymanski, “Cognitive and Self-Selective Routing for SensorNetworks,” Computational Management Science, 8(3):237-258, 2011.

104. N. Chapin, B. Szymanski, S. Bringsjord and B. Schimanski, “A bottom-up complement to the logic-based top-down approach to the story arrangement test,” Journal of Experimental & Theoretical ArtificialIntelligence, 23(3):329-341, July, 2010.

105. W. Zhang, C. Lim, S. Sreenivasan, J. Xie, G. Korniss and B.K. Szymanski, “Social Influencing andAssociated Random Walk Models: Asymptotic Consensus Times on the Complete Graph,” Chaos, 21(2)025115, June 2011.

106. J. Xie, S, Sreenivasan, G. Korniss, B.K. Szymanski, W. Zhang, and C. Lim, “Social consensus throughthe influence of committed minorities,” Phys. Rev. E, 84(1) 011130, July 2011 (8 pages).

107. Mani Srivastava, Tarek Abdelzaher and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Human Centric Sensing,” PhilosophicalTransactions of Royal Society, series A, 370”176-197, 2012.

108. B.K. Szymanski, J. L. de la Rosa i Esteva, and M. Krishnamoorthy, “Internet Measures of the Value ofCitations,” Information Sciences, 185(1):18-31, 2012.

109. J. Xie, J. Emenheiser, M. Kirby, S. Sreenivasan, G. Korniss, and B.K. Szymanski, “Evolution of opinionson social networks in the presence of competing committed groups,” PLoS ONE 7(3):e33215, 2012.


110. P. Singh, S. Sreenivasan, B.K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “Accelerating consensus on co-evolving net-works: the effect of committed individuals,” Phys. Rev. E 85(4), 046104 April 6 (2012) [8 pages].

111. S.C. Geyik, S.Y. Shah, S. Das, B.K. Szymanski, and P. Zerfos, “Market Mechanisms for Resource Alloca-tion in Pervasive Sensor Applications,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 8(3):346-357, June 2012.

112. A. Asztalos, S. Sreenivasan, B.K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “Optimization of flow and cascading effectsin weighted complex networks,” European Physical Journal B, 85(8):288 2012, 10 pages.

113. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Exploiting Friendship Relations for Efficient Routing in Mobile SocialNetworks,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23(12):2254- 2265, December 2012, SpotlightPaper in the December 2012 issue.

114. D. Hunt, B.K. Szymanski, and G.Korniss, “Network Coordination and Synchronization in a Noisy Envi-ronment with Time Delays,” Physical Review E, 86(5), 056114 (2012) [18 pages].

115. W. Zhang, C. Lim, and B.K. Szymanski, “Analytic Treatment of Tipping Points for Social Consensus inLarge Random Networks,” Physical Review E, 86(6), 061134 (2012) [7 pages].

116. A. Hoonlor, M. Zaki, B.K. Szymanski, and V. Chaoji, “Document Clustering with Bursty Information,”Computing and Informatics, 31(6+):1533-1555, December 2012.

117. Z. Wang, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “An Energy Efficient Location Service for Mobile Ad HocNetworks,” Ad Hoc Networks 11(1):273-287, January 2013.

118. J. Branch, B.K. Szymanski, C. Giannella, R. Wolff, H. Kargupta, “In-Network Outlier Detection in Wire-less Sensor Networks,” Knowledge and Information Systems, 34(1):273-287, 2013.

119. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Efficient Mobile Data Offloading Using WiFi Access Points,” ACM SIG-MOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 17(1):71-78, January 2013

120. F. Molnar, S. Sreenivasan, B.K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “Minimum Dominating Sets in Scale-FreeNetwork Ensembles,” Scientific Reports, 3 article 1736, 26 April, 2013.

121. J. Puiggali, T. Jov, J.L. Marzo, and B.K. Szymanski, “Dynamic Branch Prediction in Master/Slave Spec-ulative Parallelization Architecture for Computer Clusters,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice andExperience, 25(7):932-960, May 2013.

122. M. Newby, N. Cole, H.J. Newberg, T. Desell, M. Magdon-Ismail, B.K. Szymanski, C. Varela, B. Willett,and B. Yanny, “A Spatial Characterization of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Tidal Tails,” AstronomicalJournal, 145(6), 163, June, 2013.

123. P. Singh, S. Sreenivasan, B.K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “Threshold-limited spreading in social networkswith multiple initiators,” Scientific Reports, 3, article 2330, July 2013.

124. J. Xie, S. Kelly, and B.K. Szymanski, “Overlapping Community Detection in Networks: the State of theArt and Comparative Study,” ACM Computing Surveys 45(4) article 43, August 2013.

125. M. Chen, T. Nguyen and B.K. Szymanski, “A New Metric for Quality of Network Community Structure,”ASE Human Journal 2(4):226-240, September 2013, arXiv:1507.04308

126. A. Hoonlor, M. J. Zaki, B.K. Szymanski, “Trends in Computer Science Research,” Communications of theACM, 56(10):74-83, October, 2013.

127. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Secure Multi-copy Routing in Compromised Delay Tolerant Networks,”Wireless Personal Communication, 73(1):139-168, November 2013.

128. S.C. Geyik, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Grammatical Inference for Modeling Mobility Patterns inNetworks,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 12(11):2119-2131, November 2013.

129. Sahin Geyik, B.K. Szymanski, and Petros Zerfos, “Robust Dynamic Service Composition in Sensor Net-works,” IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, 6(4):560-672, Oct.- Dec. 2013.

130. A. Asztalos, S. Sreenivasan, B.K. Szymanski and G. Korniss, “Cascading Failures in Spatially-EmbeddedRandom Networks,” PLoSONE 9(1):e84563. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084563, 2014.

131. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Constructing Efficient Limited Scale-Free Overlay Topologies for Unstruc-tured Peer-to-Peer Networks,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems 25(4):919:928, 2013.


132. E. Bulut, Sahin Geyik and B.K. Szymanski, “Efficient Routing in DTNs with Correlated Node Mobility,”Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 13, 2014, pp. 150-163.

133. M. Chen, K. Kuzmin, and B. K. Szymanski, “Community Detection via Maximization of Modularity andIts Variants,” IEEE Trans. Computational Social Systems 1(1), March, 2014, pp. 46-65.

134. P. Bogdanov, M. Busch, J. Moehlis, A. K. Singh, and B. K. Szymanski, “Modeling Individual Topic-SpecificBehavior and Influence Backbone Networks in Social Media,” Social Network Analysis and Mining 4(1)article 204, June, 2014.

135. W. Zhang, C. Lim, G. Korniss, and B. Szymanski, “Opinion Dynamics and Influencing on RandomGeometric Graphs,” Scientific Reports 4 article 5568, July 4, 2014.

136. F. Molnar Jr., N. Derzsy, E. Czabarka, L. Szekely. B. K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “DominatingScale-Free Networks Using Generalized Probabilistic Methods,“ Scientific Reports 4 article 6308, Sept. 9,2014.

137. Andrew M. Thompson, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Chjan C. Lim, “Propensity and stickiness in the naminggame: Tipping fractions of minorities,“ Physical Review E 90(4):042809, Oct. 2014.

138. F. Molnar Jr., N. Derzsy, B. K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “Building Damage-Resilient Dominating Setsin Complex Networks against Random and Targeted Attacks,“ Scientific Reports 5 article 8321, Feb. 14,2015.

139. K. Kuzmin, M. Chen, and B.K. Szymanski, “Parallelizing SLPA for Scalable Overlapping CommunityDetection,“ Scientific Programming 23 Article 461362, 18 pages, 2015.

140. Tao Jia, Robert Spivey, Boleslaw Szymanski, and Gyorgy Korniss, “An Analysis of the Matching Hypoth-esis in Networks,” PLoS One 10(6):e0129804. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129804, June 18, 2015.

141. Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Xin Lin, Andrea Asztalos, and Sameet Sreenivasan, “Failure dynamics of theglobal risk network,” Scientific Reports 5:10998, June 18, 2015.

142. Mingming Chen and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Fuzzy Overlapping Community Quality Metrics,” SocialNetwork Analysis and Mining 5:40, July 2015, 14 pages.

143. C. Doyle, S. Sreenivasan, B. K. Szymanski, G. Korniss “Social consensus and tipping points with opinioninertia,” Physica A 443 2016, pp. 316-323.

144. S.Y. Shah, B.K. Szymanski, P. Zerfos, and C. Gibson, “Towards Relevancy Aware Service Oriented Systemsin WSNs,” IEEE Transactions on Service Computing 9(2), pp. 304-316, 2016.

145. C. Gaiteri, M. Chen, B. Szymanski, K. Kuzmin, J. Xie, C. Lee, T. Blanche, E. Chaibub Neto, S.-C. Huang,T. Grabowski, T. Madhyastha and V. Komashko, “Identifying robust communities and multi-communitynodes by combining topdown and bottom-up approaches to clustering,” Scientific Reports 5:16361 2015.

146. P. Singh, S. Sreenivasan, B.K. Szymanski, and G. Korniss, “Competing Effects of Social Balance andInfluence,” Physical Review E 93:042306, April, 2016.

147. William Pickering, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, and Chjan Lim, “Analysis of the high-dimensional naminggame with committed minorities,” Physical Review E 93:052311, May 2016.

148. Xiaoyan Lu, Eyuphan Bulut, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski,“Towards limited scale-free topology with dy-namic peer participation,” Computer Networks 106:109-121, September 2016.

149. Mikolaj Morzy, Tomasz Kajdanowicz, and Boleslaw Szymanski, “Benford’s Distribution in Complex Net-works,” Scientific Reports 6:34917, October 2016.

150. Konstantin Kuzmin, Xiaoyan Lu, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee, Juntao Zhuang, Christopher Gaiteri andBoleslaw K. Szymanski, “Supporting novel biomedical research via multilayer collaboration networks,”Applied Social Networks 1:11, 2016.

151. Sameet Sreenivasan, Kevin S. Chan, Ananthram Swami, Gyorgy Korniss and Boleslaw Szymanski, “Infor-mation Cascades in Feed-based Networks of Users with Limited Attention,” IEEE Trans. Network Scienceand Engineering 4 pp. 120-128, April-June 2017, doi:10.1109/TNSE.2016.2625802017.


152. Xiang Niu, Casey Doyle, Gyorgy Korniss, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “The impact of variable commit-ment in the Naming Game on consensus formation,” Scientific Reports 7 :41750; doi: 10.1038/srep41750,Feb. 2, 2017.

153. Roman Wyrzykowski and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Algorithmic Advances for Parallel Architectures,”Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2(9), May 10, 2017 doi: 10.1002/cpe.4095.

154. Tao Jia, Dashun Wang, and Boleslaw Szymanski, “Quantifying patterns of research interest evolution,”Nature Human Behavior 1(4):0078, 2017.

155. Ricardo B. Sampaio, Bruna P.F. Fonseca, Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Network analysis tosupport public health: identifying synergy among leishmaniasis researchers,” Scientometrics 111(3):2001-2021, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11192-017-2346-6 June 2017.

156. Stephen Dipple, Tao Jia, Thomas Caraco, Gyorgy Korniss, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “AssortativeMating: Encounter-Network Topology and the Evolution of Attractiveness,” Scientific Reports 7:45107,doi:10.1038/srep45107, 27 March, 2017.

157. Jaroslaw Jankowski, Pior Brodka, Przemek Kazienkio, Boleslaw K Szymanski, Radoslaw Michalski, TomaszKajdanowicz, “Balancing Speed and Coverage by Sequential Seeding in Complex Networks,” Scientific Re-ports, 7:891, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00937-8, April 18, 2017.

158. Casey Doyle, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, and Gyorgy Korniss, “The Effects of Communication Burstiness onConsensus Formation and Tipping Points in Social Dynamics,” Physical Review E, 95:06203, 2017.

159. Xin Lin, Alaa Moussawi, Gyorgy Korniss, Jonathan Bakdash, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Limitsof Risk Predictability in a Cascading Alternating Renewal Process Model,” Scientific Reports 7:6699,doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06873-x, August 28, 2017.

160. Alaa Moussawi, Noemi Derzsy, Xin Lin, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Gyorgy Korniss, “Limits of Predictabil-ity of Cascading Overload Failures in Spatially-Embedded Networks with Distributed Flows,” ScientificReports 7:11729 2017, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11765-1, 15 September, 2017.

161. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Nitesh Chawla, Omar Lizardo, Kevin Chan, “Influence ofPersonal Preferences on Link Dynamics in Social Networks,” Complexity, 2

¯017:4544563, 2017.

162. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw Szymanski, Kevin Chan, and Omar Lizardo, “Coevolution of network edgesrepresenting multiple social relations,” Computational Social Networks, 4:11, November, 2017.

163. Xiaoyan Lu, Konstantin Kuzmin, Mingming Chen, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Adaptive ModularityMaximization via Edge Weighting Scheme,” Information Sciences, 424:55-68, January, 2018.

164. Robert Paluch, Xiaoyan Lu, Krzysztof Suchecki, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, and Janusz A. Holyst, “Fast andaccurate detection of spread source in large complex networks,” Scientific Reports, 8:2508, February 6,2017.

165. Pramesh Singh, Jay Uparna, Panagiotis Karampournioutis, Emoke-Agnes Horvat, Boleslaw K. Szymanski,Gyorgy Korniss, Jonathan Z. Bakdash, and Brian Uzzi, “Peer-to-peer Lending and Bias in Crowd Decision-Making,” PLOS One, 13(3):e0193007, 2018.

166. “Dual-regularized one-class collaborative filtering with implicit feedback,” World Wide Web, Special Issueon Geo-Social Computing, online first, May 1, 2018,

167. Xiaoyan Lu, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Scalable prediction of global online media news virality,” IEEETrans on Computational Social Systems, 5(3):1-13, September 2018,

168. Xiang Niu, Alaa Moussawi, Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw Szymanski, “Evolution of Threats in Global RiskNetwork,” Applied Network Science, 3:24, September 2018,

169. Dong Wang, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Tarek Abdelzaher, Heng Ji, Lance Kaplan, “The Rise of SocialSensing,” IEEE Computer, 52(2), February, 2019.

170. Panagiotis D. Karampourniotis, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Gyorgy Korniss, “Influence Maximization forFixed Heterogeneous Thresholds,” Scientific Reports, 9:5573, April 3, 2019


171. Roman Wyrzykowski and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Algorithmic advances in parallel architectures andenergy-efficient computing,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 31:(19), first pub-lished: 25 March, 2019

172. Casey Doyle, Zala Herga, Stephen Dipple, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Gyorgy Korniss, and Dunja Mladenic,“Predicting complex user behavior from CDR based social networks,” Information Sciences, 500, May 30,2019, pp. 217-228,

173. Xiaoyan Lu, Jianxi Gao, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “The evolution of polarization in the legislativebranch of government,” Journal of Royal Society Interface, 16:20190010

174. Xiaoyan Lu, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “A Regularized Stochastic Block Model for the robust communitydetection in complex networks,” Scientific Reports, 9, Sept. 13, 2019,

175. Xiang Niu, Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Supervised Learning of the Global Risk NetworkActivation from Media Event Reports,” Computer Science, 1, Springer Nature, in print, 8/17/2019.

Book Chapters Contributed

176. K. Fialkowski, H. Rybinski, and B.K. Szymanski, “Information Flow in National System for Researchand Development,” in Informatics and Industrial Development, F.G. Foster (ed), Tycody Int. PublishingCompany, Dublin, Ireland, 1982, pp. 308-342.

177. B. Sinharoy, B. McKenney and B.K. Szymanski, “Scheduling EPL Programs for Parallel Processing,” inLanguages, Compilers and Run-Time Environments for Distributed Memory Machines, J. Saltz and P.Mehrota (edts) North Holland, Amsterdam 1992, pp. 221-236.

178. M. Benantar, J. E. Flaherty, C. Ozturan, M. S. Shephard, and B.K. Szymanski, “Parallel Computation inAdaptive Finite Element Analysis,” in Adaptive Analysis and Meshing, Elsevier, London, UK, 1993, pp.255-279.

179. C. Bottasso, J. Flaherty, C. Ozturan, M. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J. Teresco, and L. Ziantz, “TheQuality of Partitions by an Iterative Load Balancer” Languages, Compilers and Run-Time Systems forScalable Computers, B.K. Szymanski and B. Sinharoy (edts), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Reading, MA,1996, pp. 265-278.

180. E. Deelman, W. Kaplow, P. Tannenbaum, B.K. Szymanski, and L. Ziantz, “Integrating Data and TaskParallelism in Scientific Programs,” Languages, Compilers and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers,B.K. Szymanski and B. Sinharoy (edts), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Reading, MA, 1996, pp. 169-184.

181. T. Caraco, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Spatial Effects and Competitive Coexistence,” Spatiotem-poral Models in Biological and Artificial Systems, F.L. Sliva at al. (edts), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1997,(Vol. 37 in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications), pp. 9-16.

182. J.E. Flaherty, M. Dindar, R.M. Loy, M.S. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco, and L.H. Ziantz, “Anadaptive and parallel framework for partial differential equations,” Numerical Analysis, 1997, Papers pre-sented at 17th Dundee Biennial Conference, UK, June 24-27, 1997, Pitman Research Notes in MathematicsSeries, 380, Griffiths, Higham and Watson (edts), Addison Wesley Longman, Edinburgh, UK, 1998, pp.74-90.

183. B.K. Szymanski, “Scalable Computers,” Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 39, A.Kent and J.G. Williams (exec. edts), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1998, pp. 211-228.

184. J.E. Flaherty, R.M. Loy, M.S. Shephard, M.L. Simone, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco, and L.H. Ziantz,“Distributed Octree Data Structures and Local Refinement Method for the Parallel Solution of the Three-Dimensional Conservative Laws,” Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms, M. Bern, J.E. Flaherty andM. Luskin (edts), IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 113, Institute for Mathematicsand its Applications, Minneapolis and Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999, pp. 113-134.

185. M. Nibhanapudi and B.K. Szymanski, “BSP-based Adaptive Parallel Processing,” High Performance Clus-ter Computing, vol. I, Architectures and Systems, Rajkumar Buyya (editor), Prentice Hall, New York,1999, pp. 702-721.


186. K. Fialkowski and B.K. Szymanski, “Conceptor: a model of selected consciousness features includingemergence of basic speech structures in early childhood,” Art, Technology, Consciousness mind@large,Roy Ascott (ed.) Intellect Press, Bristol, U.K., 2000, pp. 185-190.

187. W. Maniatty, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “Parallel Computing with Generalized Cellular Automata,”in Progress in Computer Research, Vol. I, edited by Frank Columbus, Nova Scientific Publishers, Hunt-ington, NY, 2001, pp. 51-75.

188. P. Fry, J. Nesheiwat, and B.K. Szymanski, “Experiences with Distributed Computation of Twin PrimesDistribution,” in Progress in Computer Research, vol. II, edited by Frank Columbus, Nova ScientificPublishers, Huntington, NY, 2001, pp. 187-203.

189. N. Lehman, T. Caraco, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Spatial Models of Persistence in RNA Worlds:Exploring the Origins of Life,” Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, vol. 2328, Springer Verlag, Berlin, June 2002, pp. 896-903.

190. G. Chen, J. Branch, M. Pflug, L. Zhu and B Szymanski, “SENSE: A Wireless Sensor Network Simulator,”ch. 13 in Advances in Pervasive Computing and Networking, Springer, New York, NY, 2004, pp. 249-267.

191. M. Embrechts, B. Szymanski and K. Sternickel, “Introduction to Scientific Data Mining,” ch. 10 inComputationally Intelligent Hybrid Systems: The Fusion of Soft Computing and Hard Computing, Wiley,New York, 2004, pp. 317-365.

192. K. El Maghraoui, T. Desell, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco, and C.A. Varela, “Towards a MiddlewareFramework for Dynamically Reconfigurable Scientific Computing,” Grid Computing: New Frontiers ofHigh Performance Computing, vol. 14, L. Grandinetti (editor), Elsevier, November 2005.

193. Paul F. Evangelista, Mark J. Embrechts, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski “Taming the Curse of Dimensionalityin Kernels and Novelty Detection,” Advances in Soft Computing, vol. 14, Springer 2006.

194. B.K. Szymanski and G.G. Chen, “A Sensor Network Component-Based Simulator,” ch. 35 in CRC-Handbook on Dynamic System Modeling, P. Fishwick (ed), CRC/Taylor and Francis, 2007, pp. 35-1 –35-16.

195. J-S. Lee and B. Szymanski, “Auctions as a Dynamic Pricing Mechanism for E-services,” ch. 5 in ServiceEnterprise Integration, Springer, 2007.

196. N. Cole, T. Desell, S.L. Gonzales, F.F. de Vega, M. Magdon-Ismail, H. Newberg, B. Szymanski and C.Varela, “Evolutionary Algorithms on Volunteer Computing Platforms: The MilkyWay@Home Project,”Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence, F.F. de Vega, E. Cantu-Paz (eds), Studies in Com-putational Intelligence, vol. 269, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010, pp. 63-90.

197. L. Han, M.J. Embrechts, B. Szymanski, K. Sternickel, A. Ross, “Sigma Tuning of Gaussian Kernels:Detection of Ischemia from Magnetocardiograms,” Computational Modeling and Simulation of Intellect:Current State and Future Perspectives, IGI Global, 2011, pp. 206-223.

198. Josep Lluis de la Rosa and Boleslaw K. Szymanski “Towards Symbiosis between the Scientific Communityand the Internet with Peer Review as One of the Core Scientific Processes,” Internet Policies and Issues,vol. 9, B.G. Kutais (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, July 2011, pp. 75-91.

199. G. Korniss, R. Huang, S. Sreenivasan, and B.K. Szymanski, “Optimizing Synchronization, Flow, andRobustness in Weighted Complex Networks,” Handbook of Optimization in Complex Networks, Thai andPardalos (edts), Springer, Berlin, 2011, pp. 61-96.

200. W. Zhang, C. Lim, and B.K. Szymanski, “Tipping Points of Diehards in Social Consensus on LargeRandom Networks,” Proc. 3rd Workshop on Complex Networks, CompleNet, Melbourne, FL, March 7-9,2012, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 424, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2013, pp. 161-168.

201. B. Holzbauer, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Incentivizing Participatory Sensing via Auction Mecha-nisms,” Chapter 12 in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 2014, pp.339-376.

202. H.J. Newberg, M. Newby, T. Desell, M. Magdon-Ismail, B.K. Szymanski, and C. Varela, “MilkyWay@home:Harnessing volunteer computers to constrain dark matter in the Milky Way,” Setting the scene for Gaiaand LAMOST, Proc. IAU Symposium No. 298, 2014, pp. 98-104.


203. Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Omar Lizardo, Casey Doyle, Panagiotis Karampourniotis, Pramesh Singh, GyorgyKorniss, Jonathan Bakdash, “The spread of opinions in societies,” Modeling Sociocultural Influences onDecision Making: Understanding Conflict, Enabling Stability, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2016, pp.61-84.

Selected Refereed Conference Proceedings

204. J. Bankowski, J. Dobosz, K. Fialkowski, M. Halski, and B.K. Szymanski, “Use of JOSK Language forAutomatic Program Analysis,” Proc. III National Computer Conference, vol. 4/1, pp. 1-10, Katowice,1976 (in Polish).

205. I. Domaszewska, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Language for Computer-Aided Design of Electric Power Dis-tribution Networks,” Proc. First Conference on Methods of Computer-Aided Design, vol. 4, pp. 27-36,Warsaw, 1977 (in Polish).

206. A. Minczuk, and B. Szymanski, “Data Structures for Electrical Power Distribution Networks,” Proc. FirstConference on Methods of Computer-Aided Design, vol. 4, pp. 125-132, Warsaw, 1977 (in Polish).

207. I. Domaszewska, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Metalanguage for Automatic Generation of Languages for CADof Electric Power Distribution Networks,” Proc. Second Conference on Methods of Computer-Aided Design,vol. 3, pp. 391-398, Warsaw, 1979 (in Polish).

208. S. Kujszczyk, A. Minczuk, and B.K. Szymanski, “An Analysis of Efficiency of Electrical DistributionNetwork Computations,” Proc. Second Conference on Methods of Computer-Aided Design, vol. 3, pp.179-187, Warsaw, 1979 (in Polish).

209. K. Fialkowski, H. Rybinski, and B.K. Szymanski, “Implementation and Use of CDS/ISIS Software for De-velopment of Information Systems in Poland,” Proc. Informatics ’81, IFIP Int. Symposium of Informaticsfor Development, Delhi, India, pp. 103-104, 1981.

210. H. Rybinski and B.K. Szymanski, “The Concept of a Multilevel Information System,” Proc. 41st FIDCongress: Organization and Economics of Information and Documentation, FID, Copenhagen, Denmark,pp. 176-177, 1980.

211. M. Sulej and B.K. Szymanski, “Hardware Data Extractor,” Proc. µP81, Second Int. Symposium onMicrocomputer Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 153-159, Budapest, Hungary, 1981.

212. N. Prywes, Y. Shi, and B.K. Szymanski, “Nonprocedural-Dataflow Specification of Concurrent Programs,”Proc. COMPSAC ’83, Seventh Int. Computer Software and Application Conference, Chicago, IL, pp. 287-297, 1983.

213. N.S. Prywes, E. Lock, A. Pnueli, and B.K. Szymanski, “Use of MODEL VHLL in Software Developmentand Maintenance,” Proc. COMPCON ’84, San Francisco, CA, pp. 316-320, 1984.

214. N.S. Prywes, E. Lock, A. Pnueli, and B.K. Szymanski, “On the Scope of Static Checking in DefinitionalLanguages,” in Proc. ACM Annual Conference (San Francisco, CA, October 8-10, 1984). ACM, NewYork, pp. 197-207, 1984.

215. B.K. Szymanski, Y. Shi, and N. Prywes, “Terminating Iterative Solution of Simultaneous Equations inDistributed Message Passing Systems,” Proc. Fourth ACM Symposium on Principles of DistributingComputing, Minacki, Canada, pp. 287-292, 1985.

216. N. Prywes and B.K. Szymanski, “Programming Supercomputers in an Equational Language,” Proc. FirstInt. Conference on Supercomputing Systems, St. Petersburg, FL, pp. 37-45, December 1985.

217. B.K. Szymanski, “Predicate Analysis for Parallel Program Generation,” Proc. Workshop on Future Di-rections in Computer Architecture and Software, Charleston, SC, pp. 245-252, May 5-7, 1986.

218. J. Bruno and B.K. Szymanski, “Use of Theorem Proving Techniques in Equational Language Compiler,”Proc. MCC-University Research Symposium, Austin TX, pp. 173-182, July 14-15, 1987.

219. B.K. Szymanski, “Beyond ADA - Generating Ada Code from Equational Specifications,” Proc. SixthAnnual National Conference on ADA Technology, Washington, D.C., pp. 494-499, March 14-17, 1988.

220. J. Bruno and B.K. Szymanski, “Conditional Data Dependence Analysis in an Equational Language Com-piler,” Proc. Third Int. Conference on Supercomputing Systems, Boston, MA, pp. 358-365, May 15-20,1988.


221. B.K. Szymanski, “A Simple Solution to Lamport’s Concurrent Programming Problem with Linear Wait,”Proc. 1988 ACM Int. Conference on Supercomputing, St. Malo, France, pp. 621-626, July 4-8, 1988.

222. K. Spier and B.K. Szymanski, “Interprocess Data Dependency Analysis,” Proc. First Annual IEEE Sym-posium on Parallel and Distributing Processing, Dallas, TX, 1989, pp. 387-388.

223. B.K. Szymanski, “Mutual Exclusion Revisited,” Proc. Fifth Jerusalem Conference on Information Tech-nology, Jerusalem (October 1990), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990, pp. 110-117.

224. K. Spier and B.K. Szymanski, “Interprocess Analysis and Optimization in the Equational Language Com-piler,” Proc. CONPAR’90/VAP IV Conference, Zurich, Switzerland (September 1990), Lecture Notes inComputer Science, Vol. 457, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp. 287-98.

225. S. Azzaro and B.K. Szymanski, “Simulating Dedicated UNIX PC-Based Application Systems,” Proc. 1990Winter Simulation Conference, O. Balci, R.P. Sadowski, R.E. Nance (edts), New Orleans, LA, December1990, pp. 831-838.

226. R. Govindaraju and B.K. Szymanski, “Synthesizing Scalable Computations from Sequential Programs,”Proc. Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April 1992, IEEE ComputerSociety Press, pp. 228-231.

227. C. Ozturan, J. E. Flaherty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Adaptive Methods and Rectangular Partitioning Prob-lem,” Proc. Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April, 1992, IEEEComputer Society Press, pp. 409-415.

228. B. Sinharoy and B.K. Szymanski, “Finding Optimum Wavefront for Parallel Computation,” Proc. 26thHawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI, Jan. 1993, IEEE Computer Science Press, LosAlamitos, CA, Vol. II, p. 225-334, 1993.

229. T. Caraco, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Epidemics Modeling and Simulation on a Parallel Ma-chine,” Proc. Int. Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-23, 1993,pp. 69-70.

230. W. Maniatty, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “Implementation and Performance of the Parallel EcologicalSimulations,”Proc. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Caracas, Venezuela, April 1994,IFIP Transactions A-44, C. Girault (ed), North Holland, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 93-102.

231. B.K. Szymanski, “Parallel Functional Language – EPL and its Compiler,” Proc. 2nd Massey FunctionalProgramming Workshop, Palmerston North, New Zealand, January 1994, L. Leslie and N. Perry (edts),Massey University, pp. 129-152.

232. B. Maniatty, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “TEMPEST: A Fast Spatially Explicit Model of Epidemicson Parallel Machines,” Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium, A. Tentner (ed), San Diego, CA,April 10-14, 1994, SCS Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 114-119.

233. L. Ziantz, C. Ozturan, and B.K. Szymanski, “Run-Time Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplica-tion on SIMD Machines,” Proc. 6th Int. Conference on Parallel Architecture and Languages, PARLE’94,Athens, Greece (July 1994), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 817, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994,pp. 313-22.

234. B.K. Szymanski and J. Vidal, “Automatic Verification of a Class of Symmetric Parallel Programs,” Tech-nology and Foundations, B. Perhrson and I. Simon (edts), Proc. 13th IFIP World Congress, Hamburg,Germany, August, 1994, IFIP Transactions A- 51, vol. 1, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 571-576.

235. W. Kaplow, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Impact of Memory Hierarchy On Program Partitioningand Scheduling,” Proc. 28th Hawaii Int. Conference of System Sciences, Maui, HI, January, 1995, IEEEComputer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995, vol. II, pp. 93–102.

236. C. Norton, B.K. Szymanski, and V. Decyk, “Parallel Object Oriented Implementation of a 2D BoundedElectrostatic Plasma PIC Simulation,” Proc. Seventh SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scien-tific Computing, San Francisco, February, 1995, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1995, pp. 207-212.

237. M. Nibhanapudi, C. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “Plasma Simulation on Networks of Workstations usingthe Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Model,” Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingTechniques and Applications (PDPTA’95), Athens, GA, November 1995, CSREA, 1995, pp. 13–22.


238. B. Sinharoy and B.K. Szymanski, “Optimization in Parallelizing Compilers – An Introduction to theMinitrack,” Proc. 29th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI, January, 1996, IEEEComputer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995, vol. I, pp. 181–182.

239. E. Deelman, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco,”Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Lyme Disease,” Bio-computing: Proc. 1996 Pacific Symposium, Hawaii, HI, January 1996, L. Hunter and T. Klein (edts),World Scientific Publishing Corp., Singapore, 1996, pp. 191-202.

240. M. Nibhanapudi and B.K. Szymanski, “Adaptive Parallelism in the Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Model,”Proc. EurPar96 Parallel Processing, Lyon, France, August 1996, vol. II, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, Vol. 1124, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1996, pp. 311-318.

241. J.E. Flaherty, R.M. Loy, C. Ozturan, M.S. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco and L.H. Ziantz,“Parallel Structures and Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Finite Element Computation,” Proc.Conference on Grid Adaptation in Computational PDE’s: Theory and Applications, Edinburgh, Scotland,July 1-5, 1996.

242. E. Deelman, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “Simulating Lyme Disease Using Parallel Discrete EventSimulation,” Proc. 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, J.M. Charnes, D.M. Morrice, D.T. Brunner andJ.J. Swain, San Diego, December 1996, pp. 1191-1198.

243. C. Norton, V. Decyk, and B.K. Szymanski, “High Performance Object Oriented Scientific Programming inFortran 90,” Proc. Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Minneapolis,MN, March 14-17, 1997, SIAM Press, N. Heath, et al. (edts).

244. W. Kaplow, B.K. Szymanski, P. Tannenbaum, and V. Decyk, “Run Time Reference Clustering for CachePerformance Optimization,” Proc. Second Aizu Int. Symposium on Parallel Algorithms/ArchitecturesSynthesis, Aizu-Wakamtsu, Japan, March 17-21, 1997, pp. 42-49, IEEE Computer Science, Los Alamitos,CA.

245. E. Deelman and B.K. Szymanski, “Breadth-First Rollback in Spatially Explicit Simulations,” Proc. PADS97,11th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Burg Lockenhaus, Austria, June 10-13, 1997, pp.124-131, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA.

246. E. Deelman and B.K. Szymanski, “Continuously Monitored Global Virtual Time”, Proc. Int. Conferenceon Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’97), Las Vegas, NV, June30-July 3, 1997, Vol. I, pp. 1-10, CSREA, 1997.

247. E. Deelman and B.K. Szymanski, “System Knowledge Acquisition in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation”,Proc. 1997 IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Orlando, FL, October 12-15, 1997,pp. 2996-3001, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA.

248. M. Nibhanapudi and B.K. Szymanski, “Runtime Support for Virtual BSP Computer,” Parallel and Dis-tributed Computing, Proc. Workshops at 12th Intern. Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS/SPDP 1998),Orlando, FL, March 1998, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1388, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1998,pp. 147-158.

249. J. Nesheiwat and B.K. Szymanski, “Instrumentation Database for Performance Analysis of Parallel Scien-tific Applications,” Languages. Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers, selected papersfrom 4th Int. Workshop LCR98, Pittsburgh, PA, May 30, 1998, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.1511, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1998, pp. 229–242.

250. M. Nibhanapudi and B.K. Szymanski, “Adaptive Parallelism On A Network of Workstations,” High Perfor-mance Computing Systems and Applications, J. Schaeffer (ed.), Papers presented at HPCS98, Edmonton,Canada, May 20, 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Reading, MA, 1998, pp. 439-452.

251. W. Maniatty, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “High-Performance Simulation of Evolutionary Aspects ofEpidemics,” Applied Parallel Computing, B. Kagstrom et al (eds), Papers presented at 4th Int. Workshop,PARA’98, June 16, 1998, Umea, Sweden, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1541, Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1998, pp. 322-331.

252. E. Deelman and B.K. Szymanski, “Dynamic Load Balancing in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation forSpatially Explicit Problems,” Proc. 12th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation—PADS98,Calgary, Canada, June 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 46-53.


253. P.H. Fry, J. Nesheiwat, and B.K. Szymanski, “Computing Twin Primes and Brun’s Constant: A Dis-tributed Approach,” Proc. Seventh IEEE Int. Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing,Chicago, IL, July 1998, IEEE Computer Science Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1998, pp. 42-49.

254. W. Maniatty, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “High-Performance Computing Tools for Modeling Evolu-tion in Alamitos, CA,

255. A. Bivens, L. Gao, M. F. Hulber and B.K. Szymanski, “Agent-Based Network Monitoring,” Proc. Au-tonomous Agents99 Conference, Workshop 1, Agent Based High Performance Computing: Problem SolvingApplications and Practical Deployment, Seattle, WA, May 1999, pp. 41-53.

256. J.-F. Zhang, J. Jiang, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Distributed Simulator for Large-Scale Networks withOn-Line Collaborative Simulators,” Proc. European Multisimulation Conference, vol. II, pp. 146-150,Warsaw, Poland, June 1999, Society for Computer Simulation Press, Brussels, Belgium, 1999.

257. S. Koenig and B.K. Szymanski, “Value-Update Rules for Real-Time Search,” Proc. National Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 1999, pp. 718-724, Orlando, FL, July 1999.

258. A. Bivens, P. Fry, L. Gao, M.F. Hulber, Q. Zhang and B.K. Szymanski, “Distributed Object-OrientedRepositories for Network Management,”Proc. 13th Int. Conference on System Engineering, pp. CS169-174, Las Vegas, NV, August, 1999.

259. K. Fialkowski and B.K. Szymanski, “Conceptor: A Model of Emergence of Basic Speech Structures inEarly Childhood as a Part of Consciousness Development, Proc. Consciousness Reframed 3, Newport,U.K., University of Wales College Press, August 23- 27, 2000.

260. M. Yuksel, B. Sikdar, B.K. Szymanski, and K.S. Vastola, “Workload generation for ns simulations of widearea networks and the Internet,” Proc. Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling andSimulation, SCS, San Diego, CA, 2000, pp. 93-98.

261. G. Chen, B.K. Szymanski, and T. Caraco, “Multiparadigm Simulations in Modeling Spread of LymeDisease,” Proc. ESM2000: 14th European Simulation Multiconference, Ghent, Belgium, May 23-26, 2000,Rik Van Landeghem (edt), SCS Press, Delft, Netherlands, 2000, pp. 631-638.

262. A. Bivens, M. Embrechts, and B.K. Szymanski, “Forecasting and Mitigating Network Congestion usingNeural Networks,” 5th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC5),September 4 - 18, 2000

263. S. Gurun and B.K. Szymanski, “Automating Internet Routing Behavior Analysis Using Public WWWTraceroute Services,” Proc. IFIP/IEEE MMNS’2000 Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil, September 2000,Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2000, pp. 47-59.

264. J. Bivens, B.K. Szymanski, and M. Embrechts, “Network Congestion Arbitration and Source ProblemPrediction using Neural Networks,” Proc. Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering, ANNIE’2000, ASMEPress, Fairfield, NJ, 2000, pp.489-494.

265. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “Component-Based Simulation,” Proc. European Simulation Multiconfer-ence, ESM2001, SCS Press, Delft, Netherlands, 2001, pp. 68-75.

266. T. Ye, S. Kalyanaraman, B. Mo, B.K. Szymanski, D. Harrison, B. Sikdar, H. Kaur, and K. Vastola,“Network Management and Control Using Collaborative On-line Simulation,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conferenceon Communications ICC2001, IEEE Computer Science Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2001, Helsinki, Finland,June 2001.

267. B.K. Szymanski, Y.Liu, A. Sastry, and K. Madnani, “Real-Time On- Line Network Simulation,” Proc. 5thIEEE Int. Workshop on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications DS-RT 2001, IEEE ComputerSociety Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2001, Cincinnati, OH, August 13-15, 2001, pp. 22-29.

268. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “Component-Oriented Simulation Architecture: Towards Interoperabilityand Interchangeability,” Proc. 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, B.A. Peters, J.S. Smith, D.J. Medeiros,and M.W. Rohrer, eds., SCS Press, 2001, pp. 495-501.

269. B.K. Szymanski and M-S. Chung, “A Method for Indexing Web Pages Using Web Bots,” Proc. Int.Conference on Info-Tech & Info-Net ICII’2001, November 2001, Beijing, China, IEEE CS Press, p. 1-6.


270. B.K. Szymanski, Q. Gu, and Y. Liu, “Time-Network Partitioning for Large-Scale Parallel Network Simu-lation under SSFNet,” Proc. Applied Telecommunication Symposium, San Diego, CA, April 14-17, 2002,SCS Press, pp. 90-95.

271. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “Lookback: A New Way of Exploiting Parallelism in Discrete Event Simu-lation,” Proc. 16th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Washington, DC, May 12-15, 2002,IEEE CS Press, pp. 153-162.

272. B.K. Szymanski, A. Saifee, A. Sastry, Y. Liu and K. Madnani, “Genesis: A System for Large-scale ParallelNetwork Simulation,” Proc. 16th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Washington, DC, May12-15, 2002, IEEE CS Press, pp. 89-96.

273. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “Lookahead, Rollback and Lookback, Searching for Parallelism in DiscreteEvent Simulation,” Proc. SCSC 2002 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 2002.

274. A. Bivens, M. Embrechts, C. Palagiri, R. Smith, and B.K. Szymanski, “Network-based Intrusion Detectionusing Neural Networks,” Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 12, Proc.ANNIE 2002 Conference, November 10-13, 2002, St. Louis, MI, ASME Press, New York, NY, 2002, pp.579-584.

275. H. Lamehamedi, B.K. Szymanski, and E. Deelman, “Data Replication Strategies in Grid Environments,”Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP2002, Beijing,China, October 2002, IEEE Computer Science Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2002, pp. 378-383.

276. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “COST: A Component-Oriented Discrete Event Simulator,” Proc. WinterSimulation Conference, WSC02, December 2002, vol. I, pp. 776-782.

277. G. Chen, B.K. Szymanski, and L. Wilson, “Component-Based Simulation and Agent-Based Brokering:Towards Ad Hoc Simulations in Crisis and Emergency Management,” Proc. Computer Networks andDistributed Systems Modeling and Simulation, CNDS’03, Orlando, FL, January 2003, pp. 37-44.

Using Component Based Approach,”

278. H. Lamehamedi, Z. Shentu, B.K. Szymanski, and E. Deelman, “Simulation of Dynamic Data ReplicationStrategies in Data Grids,” Proc. 12th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW2003), Nice, France,April 2003, IEEE Computer Science Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2003.

279. B.K. Szymanski, Y. Liu, and R. Gupta “Parallel Network Simulation under Distributed Genesis,” Proc.17th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, San Diego, CA, June 2003, pp. 61-68.

280. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “Four Types of Lookback,” Proc. 17th Workshop on Parallel and DistributedSimulation, San Diego, CA, June 2003, pp. 3-10.

281. B. Bouqata, C.D. Carothers, M.J. Zaki, and B.K. Szymanski, “Understanding Filesystem Performancefor Data Mining Applications,” Proc. 6th International Workshop on High Performance Data Mining:Pervasive and Data Stream Mining (HPDM:PDS’03) at the Third International SIAM Conference onData Mining, San Francisco, CA, May 2003.

282. I. McLean, B.K. Szymanski, and A. Bivens, “Methodology of Risk Assessment in Mobile Agent SystemDesign,” Proc. 4th Annual Information Assurance Workshop, West Point, NY, June 2003, IEEE ComputerSociety Press, June 2003, pp. 35-42.

283. K. Sequeira, M.J. Zaki, B. Szymanski, and C. Carothers, “Improving Spatial Locality using Data Mining,”Proc. 9th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, P. Domingos, C. Faloutsos,T. Senator, H. Kargupta, L. Getoor (eds.), Washington, DC, August 2003, pp. 649-654.

284. M. Embrechts, B. Szymanski, K. Sternickel, T. Naenna, and R. Bragaspathi, “Use of Machine Learningfor Classification of Magnetocardiograms” Proc. IEEE Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics,Washington DC, October 2003, pp. 1400-1405.

285. S. Coull, J. Branch, B. Szymanski and E. Breimer, “Intrusion Detection: A Bioinformatics Approach,”Proc. 19th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Las Vegas, NV, December, 2003, pp. 24-33(the Best Student Paper award).


286. B. Szymanski, J. Flaherty, J. Teresco and C. Varela, “Adaptive Computation over Dynamic and Heteroge-neous Networks,” in Proc. Large Scale Scientific Computing Workshop, R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, M.Paprzycki and J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Proc. 5th International Conference, PPAM 2004, (Revised Papers)Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3019, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004 pp. 1083-1090.

287. Boleslaw Szymanski and Yongqiang Zhang, “Recursive Data Mining for Masquerade Detection and AuthorIdentification,” Proc. 5th IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Information Assurance Workshop, WestPoint, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, CA, June 2004, pp. 424-431.

288. Paul Evangelista, Mark Embrechts and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Computer Intrusion Detection throughPredictive Models,” Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Pro-gramming, Data Mining and Complex Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, ASME Press, November 2004, pp.489-494.

289. Lawrence Bush, Christopher Carothers and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Algorithms for Optimizing EnergyUse and Path Resilience in Sensor Networks,” Proc. 2nd European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks(EWSN), Istanbul, Turkey, January 31-February 2, 2005, pp. 391-396.

290. J. Branch, G. Chen and B. Szymanski, “ESCORT: Energy-efficient Sensor Network Communal RoutingTopology Using Signal Quality Metrics,” Proc. International Conference on Networking - ICN 2005,Reunion Island, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3420, 2005, Editors: Pascal Lorenz, Petre Dini(eds), pp. 438-448.

291. G. Chen, J. Branch, B. Szymanski, “Local Leader Election, Signal Strength Aware Flooding, and RoutelessRouting,” Proc. 5th IEEE International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc Networksand Sensor Networks, WMAN05, Denver, CO, April, 2005.

292. P.F. Evangelista, P. Bonnisone, M.J. Embrechts, and B.K. Szymanski, “Fuzzy ROC Curves for the 1Class SVM: Application to Intrusion Detection,” 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,ESANN05, Burges, Belgium, April 2005, pp. 345-350.

293. J.-S. Lee and B.K. Szymanski, “Stabilizing Markets via a Novel Auction Based Pricing Mechanism forShort-term Contracts for Network Services,” Proc. 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on IntegratedNetwork Management, Nice, France, May 2005, IEEE Press, pp. 367-380.

294. P.F. Evangelista, M.J. Embrechts, P. Bonnisone, and B.K. Szymanski, “Fuzzy ROC Curves for Unsuper-vised Nonparametric Ensemble Techniques,” International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2005, pp.3040- 3045, Montreal, Canada, August 2005.

295. J.-S. Lee and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “A Novel Auction Mechanism for Selling Time-Sensitive E-Services,”Proc. 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC’05), Munich, Germany, IEEEPress, July 2005, pp. 75 - 82, (nominated for the Best Paper award).

296. G.G. Chen, J.W. Branch, and B.K. Szymanski, “Self-selective Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,”Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Commu-nications WiMob 2005, Vol. 3, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2005, pp. 57-64, 2005 (the Best Student Paperaward).

297. L. Zhu, G. Chen, B. Szymanski, C. Tropper, and T. Zhang, “Parallel Logic Simulation of Million-GateVLSI Circuits,” Proc. 13th Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis,and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS05, Atlanta, GA, IEEE Press,September 2005.

298. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “DSIM: Scaling Time Warp to 1,033 Processors,” Proc. Winter SimulationConference, WSC2005, IEEE Press, December 2005.

299. S. Adali, B. Bouqata, A. Marcus, F. Spear and B. Szymanski, “A day in the life of a metamorphic petrol-ogist,” Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (SWDB’06), 2006 Atlanta,GA.

300. L. Han, M.J. Embrechts, B.K. Szymanski, K. Sternickel and A. Ross, “Random Forests Feature Selectionwith Kernel Partial Least Squares: Detecting Ischemia from MagnetoCardiograms,” Proc. EuropeanSymposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 2006, pp.221-226.


301. Qiming Lu, G. Korniss, B.K. Szymanski, “Threshold-Controlled Global Cascading in Wireless SensorNetworks,” Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Networked Sensing Systems, Chicago, IL, 2006, pp. 164-171.

302. J.W. Branch, B.K. Szymanski, C. Bisdikian, N. Cohen, J.S. Davis, M.R. Ebling, and D. M. Sow, “TowardsMiddleware Components for Distributed Actuator Coordination,” Proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on EmbeddedNetworked Sensors, EmNets, 2006, Cambridge, MA, pp. 71-75.

303. B. Szymanski and J-S. Lee, “Impact of ROI on Bidding and Revenue in Sponsored Search AdvertisementAuctions,” Proc. Second Workshop on Sponsored Search Auctions, 2006, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

304. J. Branch, B.K. Szymanski, C. Giannella, R. Wolf, and H. Kargupta, “In-Network Outlier Detectionin Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,Lisbon, Portugal, 2006.

305. P. Evangelista, M. Embrechts and B. Szymanski, “Data Fusion for Outlier Detection through Pseudo-ROCCurves and Rank Distributions,” Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks, 2006.

306. G. Chen and B. Szymanski, “Parallel Queuing Network Simulation with Lookback-Based Protocols,” Proc.European Multi Simulation Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 2006.

307. Q. Lu, G. Korniss and B. Szymanski, “Naming Games in Spatially- Embedded Random Networks,” Proc.Proc. 2006 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, Interaction and Emergent Phenomena in Societies of Agents,TR FS-06-05, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2006, pp. 148–155.

308. B. Bouqata, C. Carothers, B. Szymanski and M. Zaki, “VOGUE: A Novel Variable Order-Gap State Ma-chine for Modeling Sequences,” Proc. 10th European Conf Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discoveryin Databases, ECML/PKDD 2006, Berlin, Germany, 2006.

309. B. Szymanski, L. Han, M. Embrechts, A. Ross, K. Sternickel, L. Zhu, “Using Efficient Supanova KernelFor Heart Disease Diagnosis,” Proc. ANNIE06, Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial NeuralNetworks, vol. 16, St. Louis, MO, November, 2006, ASME, New York, NY, pp. 305-310.

310. W.-J. Wang, K.E. Maghraoui, J. Cummings, J. Napolitano, B.K. Szymanski, and C.A. Varela, “A Middle-ware Framework for Maximum Likelihood Evaluation over Dynamic Grids,” Proc. e-Science 2006, SecondIEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, P.M.A. Sloot, G.D. van Albada, M.Bubak, and A. Trefethen (Eds.), Amsterdam, Netherlands, IEEE, December, 2006.

311. S. Coull and B.K. Szymanski, “On the Development of an Internetwork-centric Defense to ScanningWorms,” Proc. 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40), 10 pages, CD-ROM, IEEE Computer Society, January 2007.

312. K. Wasilewski, J. Branch, M. Lisee, B. Szymanski, “Self-healing routing: a study in efficiency and resiliencyof data delivery in wireless sensor networks,” Proc. Conference on Unattended Ground, Sea, and Air SensorTechnologies and Applications, SPIE Symposium on Defense & Security, April, 2007.

313. B.K. Szymanski, L. Zhu, H. Long, M.J. Embrechts, A. Ross and K. Sternickel, “A Computationally Ef-ficient SUPANOVA: Spline Kernel Based Machine Learning Tool,” in Proc. WSC11 Soft Computing inIndustrial Applications Recent and Emerging Methods and Techniques, Applied Soft Computing Technolo-gies, Series: Advances in Soft Computing, Vol. 39, Saad, A.; Avineri, E.; Dahal, K.; Sarfraz, M.; Roy, R.(Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2007, published April 2007. pp.144-155.

314. K. El Maghraoui, T. Desell, B.K. Szymanski, and C. Varela, “Dynamic Malleability in MPI Applications,”Proc. 7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGrid 2007, Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, May 2007, pp. 591-598 (nominated for the Best Paper award).

315. J.W. Branch, M. Lisee, and B.K. Szymanski, “SHR: Self-Healing Routing for wireless ad hoc sensor net-works,” Proc. International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and TelecommunicationSystems SPECTS’07, San Diego, CA, July 16-18, 2007, p. 5-14.

316. P.F. Evangelista, M.J. Embrechts, and B.K. Szymanski, “Some Properties of the Gaussian Kernel for OneClass Learning,” Proc. 17th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN2007, Porto,Portugal, September 9-13, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4668, Part I, Springer, Berlin,Germany, 2007, pp. 269- 278.


317. J.L. de la Rosa and B.K. Szymanski, “Citation Auctions as a Method to Improve Selection and Presentationof Scientific Papers,” Proc. International Conference on Digital Information Management, ICDIM 2007,Lyon, France, October 26-30, October, 2008, pp. 479-486.

318. T. Desell, N. Cole, M. Magdon-Ismail, H. Newberg, B.K. Szymanski, C. Varela, “A Distributed andGeneric Maximum Likelihood Evaluator,” Proc. e-science conference, Bangalore, India, December 10-13,2007, pp. 337-344, the Best Paper award.

319. P.F. Evangelista, M.J. Embrechts, and B.K. Szymanski, “Synergistic Classifier Fusion for Security Ap-plications, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando,FL, November 2007.

320. T. Desell, B. Szymanski, and C. Varela, “Asynchronous Genetic Search for Scientific Modeling on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Environments, “ Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop at IEEE International Par-allel and Distributed Programming Symposium, 2008, p. 1-12.

321. M. Goldberg, M. Hayvanovich, A. Hoonlor, S. Kelley, M. Magdon- Ismail, K. Mertsalov, B. Szymanski,and W. Wallace, “Discovery, Analysis and Monitoring of Hidden Social Networks and Their Evolution,”Proc. IEEE Conference for Homeland Security, Boston, MA, May 2008.

322. E. Bulut, Z. Wang, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Cost-Quality Tradeoff in Cooperative Sensor Networking,”Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshops, May 19, 2008, Beijing, China, p.112-117.

323. Z. Wang, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Distributed Cooperative Target Tracking with Binary SensorNetworks,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshops, May 23, 2008, Beijing,China, pp. 306-310.

324. V. Chaoji, A. Hoonlor, and B.K. Szymanski, “Recursive Data Mining for Author and Role Identification,”Proc. 3rd Annual Information Assurance Workshop ASIA’08, Albany, NY, June 4-5, 2008, pp. 53-62.

325. J.W. Branch, B.K. Szymanski, and L. Chen, “A Middleware Framework for Market-Based Actuator Co-ordination in Sensor and Actuator Networks, “ Proc. 5th International Conference on Pervasive Services,ACM Press, pp. 101-110, Sorrento, Italy, July 6-10, 2008.

326. T. Desell, B. Szymanski, and C. Varela, “An Asynchronous Hybrid Genetic-Simplex Search for Modelingthe Milky Way Galaxy using Volunteer Computing,” Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference,GECCO 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, July 12 -16, 2008, pp. 921-928.

327. E. Bulut, Z. Wang and B. Szymanski, “Minimizing Average Spraying Cost for Routing in Delay TolerantNetworks,” Proc. 2nd Annual Conference of International Technology Alliance, ACITA 2008, London,UK, September 2008, pp. 70-77.

328. L. Chen, B. Szymanski, and J. Branch, “Quality-Driven Congestion Control for Target Tracking in WirelessSensor Networks,” Prof. First IEEE Workshop on Quality of Information (QoI) for Sensor Networks, FifthIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, MASS’08, Atlanta, GA, September29-October 2, 2008, pp. 776-771.

329. Z. Wang, E. Bulut, and B. Szymanski, “Distributed Target Tracking with Imperfect Binary Sensor Net-works,” Proc. IEEE Globecom 2008 Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium, November, 2008.

330. E. Bulut, Z. Wang, and B. Szymanski, “Time Dependent Message Spraying for Routing in IntermittentlyConnected Networks, Proc. IEEE Globecom 2008 Wireless Networking Symposium, November, 2008.

331. S. Geyik and B. Szymanski, “Multi-target Tracking and Identification by a Vector of Sensors,” Proc.Milcom 2008, December 2008.

332. E. Bulut, J. Zheng, and B. Szymanski, “Balancing the Cost-Quality Tradeoff in Cooperative Ad hoc andSensor Networks, Proc. Milcom 2008, December 2008.

333. J.L. de la Rosa, and B.K. Szymanski, “Study on Diverse Scholar Agents Participating in the SecondPrice Sealed Bid Citation Auctions,” Proc. International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid,SKG08, Beijing, China, December 2008.


334. N. Cole, H.J. Newberg, M. Magdon-Ismail, T. Desell, C. Varela, B. Szymanski, “A Study of the SagittariusTidal Stream Using Maximum Likelihood,” Proc. 18th Annual Conference on Astronomical Data AnalysisSoftware and Systems, 2008 Quebec City, Canada, Nov. 02-05, 2008, in Astronomical Data AnalysisSoftware and Systems XVIII, Bohlender DA; Durand D; Dowler P, (Editors), Astronomical Society of thePacific Conference Series, vol. 411, pp. 221-225.

335. J.L. de la Rosa, and B.K. Szymanski, “Scholar Agent Alfa: the Agents and Web Services Architecturefor Citation Auctions,” Proc. Sixth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, EUMAS08, Bath, UK,December 2008, pp. 1-7.

336. L. Chen, J.W. Branch, and B.K. Szymanski, “Auction-Based Congestion Management for Target Track-ing in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. Seventh Annual IEEE International Conference on PervasiveComputing and Communications, PERCOM09, Galveston, TX, March 9-13, 2009, pp. 1-10.

337. S. Geyik, and B.K. Szymanski, “Event Recognition in Sensor Networks by Means of Grammatical Infer-ence,” Proc. 28th Conference on Computer Communications, Infocom09, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April19-25, 2009, pp. 900-908.

338. J.L. de la Rosa, B.K. Szymanski, J. Battle, and E. Battle, “A Design of Complementary CommunityCurrencies for Education,” Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU2009, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009, pp. 410-141.

339. Z. Wang, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Energy Efficient Collision Aware Multipath Routing for WirelessSensor Networks,” Proc. International Conference on Communication, ICC09, Dresden, Germany, June14-18, 2009, pp. 1-5.

340. T. Babbitt, C, Morrell, “Self-Selecting Reliable Path Routing in Diverse Wireless Sensor Network Envi-ronments,” Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC’09, Sousse, Tunisia, July5 - 8, 2009, pp. 1-7.

341. A. Moreno, J.L. de la Rosa, and B.K. Szymanski, “Reward System for Completing FAQs,” Proc. TwelfthInternational Congress of the Catalan Association, CCIA09, Cardona, Spain, on October 21-23, 2009, vol.202, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 361-370.

342. E. Bulut, Z. Wang, and B.K. Szymanski, “Impact of Social Networks in Delay Tolerant Routing,” Proc.IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2009, Honolulu, HI, November 30 - December 4,2009.

343. Z. Wang, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Distributed Target Tracking with Directional Binary SensorNetworks,” Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2009, Honolulu, HI, November30 - December 4, 2009.

344. N. Cole, H. J. Newberg, M. Magdon-Ismail, T. Desell, B. Szymanski, and C. Varela, “Tracing the Sagit-tarius Tidal Stream with Maximum Likelihood,” American Institute of Physics Conference Series, vol.1082, Bailer-Jones, C.A.L. (ed.), December, 2008, pp. 216-220, DOI. 10.1063/1.3059049.

345. Juong-Sik Lee, and B.K. Szymanski, “A Participation Incentive Market Mechanism for Allocating Hetero-geneous Network Services,” Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2009, Hon-olulu, HI, November 30 - December 4, 2009.

346. T. Desell, C. Varela, M. Magdon-Ismail, B.K. Szymanski, and H. Newberg, “Robust Asynchronous Op-timization for Volunteer Computing Grids,” Proc. IEEE e-Science Conference, e-Science 2009, Oxford,U.K., December 9-12, 2009, pp. 263-270.

347. S. Adali, R. Escriva, M.K. Goldberg, M. Hayvanovych, M. Magdon- Ismail, B.K. Szymanski, W.A. Wallaceand G. Williams, “Measuring Behavioral Trust in Social Networks,” Proc. IEEE International Conferenceon Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI’10, pp. 150-152, Vancouver, Canada, May 23-26, 2010.

348. E. Bulut, Z. Wang, and B.K. Szymanski, “Cost Efficient Erasure Coding Based Routing in Delay TolerantNetworks,” Proc. International Conference on Communication, ICC10, Cape Town, South Africa, May27-29, 2010.

349. E. Bulut, Z. Wang, and B.K. Szymanski, “The Effect of Neighbor Graph Connectivity on Coverage Redun-dancy in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. International Conference on Communication, ICC10, CapeTown, South Africa, May 27-29, 2010.


350. T. Desell, M. Magdon-Ismail, B. Szymanski, C. Varela, H. Newberg and D. Anderson, “Validating Evo-lutionary Algorithms on Volunteer Computing Grids,” Proc. 10th IFIP international conference on dis-tributed applications and interoperable systems, DAIS, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 7-9 June 2010, LectureNotes in Computer Systems, vol. 6115, pp. 29-41, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2010.

351. E. Bulut, S.C. Geyik, B.K. Szymanski, “Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,”Proc. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoW-MoM’10, pp. 1-6, Montreal, Canada, June 14-17, 2010.

352. J. Xie, B. Szymanski, M.J. Zaki, “Learning Dissimilarities for Categorical Symbols¡” 4th InternationalWorkshop on Feature Selection in Data Mining, FSDM’2010, June 21st, 2010, Hyderabad, India, Journalof Machine Learning Research (JMLR) Workshop and Conference Proceedings, 10:95-104, 2010.

353. S.C. Geyik, B.K. Szymanski, P. Zerfos, and D. Verma, “Dynamic Composition of Services in SensorNetworks,” Proc. IEEE 7th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2010, pp. 242-249,Miami, FL, July 5-10, 2010.

354. J. Ibbotson, C. Gibson, J. Wright, P. Waggett, P. Zerfos, B.K. Szymanski, D.J. Thornley, “Sensors as aService Oriented Architecture: Middleware for Sensor Networks,” Proc. 6th International Conference onIntelligent Environments, IE’10, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 19-21, 2010.

355. T. Desell, D. Anderson, M. Magdon-Ismail, H. Newberg, B. Szymanski and C. Varela, “An Analysis ofMassively Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms,” Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.IEEE CEC 2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-23, 2010.

356. Z. Wang, E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “An Energy Efficient Location Service for Mobile Ad Hoc Net-works,” Proc. 25th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, London, U.K.,September 22-24, 2010, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 62, Computer and InformationScience, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 163-168.

357. E. Bulut, S.C. Geyik and B.K. Szymanski, “Efficient Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks with CorrelatedNode Mobility,” Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, IEEEMASS 2010, San Francisco, CA, November 8-12, 2010, pp. 79- 88.

358. S.C. Geyik, E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “PCFG Based Synthetic Mobility Trace Generation,” Proc.IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.

359. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Friendship based Routing in Delay Tolerant Mobile Social Networks,”Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL, December 6-10,2010.

360. Z. Wang, E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Service Discovery in Delay Tolerant Networks,” Proc. Heter-WMN: Workshop on Heterogeneous, Multi-Hop, Wireless and Mobile Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010,Miami, FL, December 6, 2010.

361. Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Syed Yousaf Shah, Sahin Geyik, Sanmay Das, Meenal Chhabra, and Petros Zerfos,“Market Mechanisms for Value of Information Driven Resource Allocation in Sensor Networks,” Proc. 3rdInternational Workshop on Information Quality and Quality of Service for Pervasive Computing, IQ2S atthe IEEE Percom, Seattle, WA, March 21, 2011, pp. 62- 67.

362. Christopher Gibson, John Ibbotson, David Braines, Tom Klapiscak, Boleslaw K. Szymanski and SahinGeyik, “Model-driven SOA for sensor networks,” Proc. SPIE 8047: The Defense, Security & SensingSymposium 2011, Orlando, FL 25-29 April 2011.

363. Travis Desell, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Carlos A. Varela, Benjamin A. Willett,Matthew Arsenault, and Heidi Newberg. “Evolutionary N-Body Simulations to Determine the Origin andStructure of the Milky Way Galaxy’s Halo using Volunteer Computing,” Proc. 5th Workshop on DesktopGrids and Volunteer Computing Systems, PCGrid at the 25th IEEE International Parallel & DistributedProcessing Symposium, May 16, 2011, pp. 1888-1895.

364. Eyuphan Bulut and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “On Secure Multi-copy based Routing in Compromised DelayTolerant Networks,” Proc. Workshop on Privacy, Security and Trust in Mobile and Wireless Systems atthe IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN, Maui, Hawaii,July 31, 2011, pp. 1-7.


365. Sahin Geyik, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Petros Zerfos, and Abbe Mowshowitz, “Sensor Service Selectionthrough Switch Options,” Proc. 8th International Conference on Service Computing, IEEE SCC, Wash-ington, DC, July 4-9, 2011, pp. 717-724.

366. Jierui Xie and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Community Detection Using Neighborhood Strength Driven LabelPropagation Algorithm,” Proc. IEEE Network Science Conference, West Point, NY, June 22-24, 2011,pp. 198- 195.

367. X. Zhuo, Q. Li, G. Cao, Y. Dai, T. La Porta and B.K. Szymanski, “Social-based Cooperative Cachingin DTNs: A Contact Duration Aware Approach,” Proc. 8th IEEE International Conference on MobileAd-hoc and Sensor Systems, MASS, 2011, pp. 92-100.

368. T. Desell, L. Newberg, M. Magdon-Ismail, B.K. Szymanski, and W. Thompson.“Finding Protein BindingSites Using Volunteer Computing Grids,” Proc. International Congress on Computer Applications andComputational Science CACS 2011, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 15-17, 2011, Advances in Intelligentand Soft Computing, 144, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2012.

369. J. Xie, B.K. Szymanski, and X. Liu. “SLPA: Uncovering Overlapping Communities in Social Networksvia A Speaker-listener Interaction Dynamic Process,” Proc. Data Mining Technologies for ComputationalCollective Intelligence Workshop at ICDM 2011, Vancouver, CA, December 11-14, 2011, pp. 344-349.

370. S.Y. Shah and B.K. Szymanski, “Transient Traffic Congestion Control with Traveling Auctions,” Proc.IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOMWorkshops), Lugano, Switzerland, March 19, 2012, pp. 14-19.

371. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “On Growth of Limited Scale-Free Overlay Network Topologies,” Proc.IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), Orlando, FL, March25-30, 2012, pp. 208-213.

372. B.K. Szymanski, S. Sreenivasan, J. Xie, G. Korniss, W. Zhao and C. Lim “On influence of committedminorities on social consensus,” —it Proc. HFM-201 NATO Specialist Meeting, Tallinn, Estonia, 16-18April 2012, pp. 32-2 - 33-25.

373. Jierui Xie and B.K. Szymanski, “Towards Linear Time Overlapping Community Detection in Social Net-works,” Proc. Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD, Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia,May 29 - June 1, 2012, Lecture Notes Artificial Intelligence, 7302, Part II, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp.25-36.

374. T. Nguyen and B.K. Szymanski, “Using Location-Based Social Networks to Validate Human Mobility andRelationships Models,” The Second Workshop on Social Network Analysis in Applications (SNAA 2012),the Best Paper Award, Proc. 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social NetworksAnalysis and Mining, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26-29, 2012, pp. 1247-1253.

375. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Access Point Deployment for Efficient Mobile Data Offloading,” Proc.First ACM International Workshop on Practical Issues and Applications in Next Generation WirelessNetworks, PINGEN’12, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26, 2012, pp. 45-50.

376. B.O. Holzbauer, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Socially-Aware Market Mechanism for ParticipatorySensing,” Proc. First ACM International Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networking,MiSeNet’12, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26, 2012, pp. 9- 14.

377. R. Dilmaghani, S. Geyik, K. Grueneberg, J. Lobo, S. Y. Shah, B.K. Szymanski, and P. Zerfos, “Policy-Aware Service Composition in Sensor Networks,” Proc. IEEE Ninth International Conference on ServicesComputing (SCC), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-29 2012, pp. 186-193.

378. S.C. Geyik, E. Bulut, and B.K. Szymanski, “Utilizing PCFGs for Modeling and Learning Service Compo-sitions in Sensor Networks,” Proc. IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing (SCC),Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-29 2012, pp. 282-289.

379. M.Y. S. Uddin, M.T.A. Amin, H. Le, T. Abdelzaher, T. Nguyen and B.K. Szymanski, “On DiversifyingSource Selection in Social Sensing,” Proc. 9th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems(INSS), Antwerp, Belgium, June 11-14, 2012, pp 1-8.

380. M. Chhabra, S. Das, and B.K. Szymanski, “Team Formation in Social Networks,” Computer and Infor-mation Sciences III, 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Paris, France,October 3-5, 2012, Springer, Berlin, 2013, pp. 291-9.


381. J. He, H. Tong, Q. Mei, and B.K. Szymanski, “GenDeR: A Generic Diversified Ranking Algorithm,”Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 NIPS 2012, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, December 3-6,2012, pp. 1151-1159.

382. J. Xie and B.K. Szymanski, “LabelRank: A Stabilized Label Propagation Algorithm for CommunityDetection in Networks,” Proc. IEEE Network Science Workshop, West Point, NY, April 29-31, 2013, pp.138-143.

383. K.A. Cosenzo and B.K. Szymanski, “Challenges of Social Cognitive Network Science,” Proc. IEEE NetworkScience Workshop, West Point, NY, April 29-31, 2013, pp.122 - 125.

384. S.Y. Shah and B.K. Szymanski, “Price Based Routing for Event Driven Prioritized Traffic in WirelessSensor Networks,” Proc. IEEE Network Science Workshop, West Point, NY, April 29-31, 2013, pp. 1-8.

385. J. Xie, M. Chen, and B.K. Szymanski, “LabelRankT: Incremental Community Detection in DynamicNetworks via Label Propagation,” DyNetMM Workshop at SIGMOD/PODS, New York, NY, June 22-27,2013.

386. T. Nguyen and B.K. Szymanski, “Social Ranking Techniques for the Web,” Proc. 2013 IEEE/ACMInternational Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, Niagara Falls,Canada, August 25-28, 2013, pp. 49-55.

387. P. Bogdanov, M. Busch, J. Moehlis, A.K. Singh, and B.K. Szymanski, “The Social Media Genome: Model-ing Individual Topic-Specific Behavior in Social Media,” Proc. 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conferenceon Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 25- 28,2013, pp. 236-242.

388. M. Chen and T. Nguyen, and B.K. Szymanski, “On Measuring the Quality of a Network CommunityStructure,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, SocCom2013, Washington DC,September 8-14, 2013, pp. 122-127.

389. K. Kuzmin, Y. Shah, and B.K. Szymanski, “Parallel Overlapping Community Detection with SLPA,”Proc. IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, SocCom2013, Washington DC, September8-14, 2013, pp. 202-212.

390. T. Nguyen and B.K. Szymanski, “Analyzing the Proximity and Interactions of Friends in Communities inGowalla,” International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining, SSTDM-13, Proc. 2013IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2013), Dallas, TX, Dec. 7,2013.

391. B.O. Holzbauer, B. Szymanski, and E. Bulut, “Impact of Socially Based Demand on the Efficiency ofCaching Strategy,” Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Conf. Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops(PERCOM Workshops), Budapest, Hungary, March 24-28, 2014, IEEE Press, pp. 401-406.

392. D. Wang, T. Amin, S. Li, T. Abdelzaher, L. Kaplan, S. Gu, C. Pan, H. Liu, C. Aggrawal, R. Ganti, X.Wang, P. Mohapatra, B. Szymanski, H. Le, “Humans as Sensors: An Estimation Theoretic Perspective,”Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ACM/IEEE IPSN), Berlin, Germany,April 15-17, 2014, pp. 35-46.

393. M. T. Al Amin, T. Abdelzaher, D. Wang, and B. K. Szymanski, “Crowd-sensing with Polarized Sources,”Proc. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOSS 2014, MarinaDel Rey, California, USA, May 26-28, 2014, to appear.

394. D. Galehouse, T. Nguyen, S. Sreenivasan, O. Lizardo, G. Korniss, and B.K. Szymanski, “Impact of networkconnectivity and agent commitment on spread of opinions in social networks,” Proc. 3rd InternationalConference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making, Krakow, Poland, July 19-23, 2014.

395. M. Chen, K. Kuzmin and B.K. Szymanski, “Extension of Modularity Density for overlapping commu-nity structure,” Proc. IEEE/ACM ASONAM, 4th Social Network Analysis and Applications (SNAA)Workshop, Beijing, China, August 17-20, 2014, pp. 856-863, Best Paper award.

396. S.Y. Shah and B.K. Szymanski, “Dynamic Policy Enforcement using Restriction Set Theoretic Expressions(RSTE),” Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference, MILCOM, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 6-8, 2014,pp. 198-203.


397. Y. Yao, H. Tong, G. Yan, F. Xu, X. Zhang, J. Lu and B.K. Szymanski, “Dual-Regularized One-ClassCollaborative Filtering,” Proc. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM14,Shanghai, China, 3-7 Nov. 2014, pp. 759-768.

398. A. Trias Mansilla, M. Chen, B.K. Szymanski, and J.L. de la Rosa, “Naming Game Dynamics on Pairs ofConnected Networks with Competing Opinions,” Proc. SocInfo 2014, Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, Nov.11, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8862, Springer, 2014, pp. 368-379.

399. T. Babbitt and B.K. Szymanski, “Trust Management in Resource Constraint Networks,” Proc. 10thAnnual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA ’15), Albany, NY, June 2-3, 2015, pp. 51-56.

400. E. Bulut and B.K. Szymanski, “Understanding User Behavior via Mobile Data Analysis,” Proc. IEEEInternational Conference on Communication Workshops, London, UK, June 8, 2015, pp. 1548-1553.

401. T. Babbitt and B.K. Szymanski, “Trust Management in Delay Tolerant Networks Utilizing Erasure Cod-ing,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, U.K., 8-12 June, 2015,pp. 7959-7965.

402. T. Babbitt and B.K. Szymanski, “Trust Metric Integration in Resource Constrained Networks Via DataFusion,” Proc. 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, Washington, D.C. USA - July 6-9,2015, pp. 582-589, doi:978-0-9964527-1-7@2015.

403. O. Lizardo, M. Penta, M. Chandler, C. Doyle, P. Singh, and G. Korniss, B.K. Szymanski, and J.Z.Bakdash “Analysis of opinion evolution in a multi-cultural student social network,” Proc. AHFE 2015,4th Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making, Las Vegas, NV, July 26-30, 2015, pp. 3977-3984.

404. B. Holzbauer, T. Nguyen, B.K. Szymanski and A. Pentland, “Social Ties as Predictors of EconomicDevelopment,” Advances in Network Science, A. Wierzbicki, U. Brandes, F. Schweitzer, Eds., Proc. Int.NetSci-X 2016 Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, Jan 11-13, 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 59642016, Berlin, pp. 178-185.

405. K. Kuzmin, B.K. Szymanski and C. Gaiteri, “Synergy Landscapes: A Multilayer Network for Collaborationin Biological Research,” Advances in Network Science, A. Wierzbicki, U. Brandes, F. Schweitzer, Eds.,Proc. Int. NetSci-X 2016 Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, Jan 11-13, 2016, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 5964 2016, Berlin, pp. 205-212.

406. M. Chen, A. Bahulkar, K. Kuzmin and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Improving Network Community Structurewith Link Prediction Ranking,” Proc. 7th Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet), Dijon, France,Mar. 23-25, 2016, Studies in Artificial Intelligence, 644, Springer, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 145-158

407. T. Babbitt and B.K. Szymanski, “Trust Based Secure Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,” 8th EEEInternational Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom), April 10, 2016,pp. 846-851.

408. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Omar Lizardo, Nitesh Chawla, Yuxiao Dong, Yang Yang, “Anal-ysis of Link Formation, Persistence and Dissolution in NetSense Data,” Proc. IEEE/ACM ASONAM16,Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Applications, San Francisco, CA, August 18-21, 2016, pp.1197-1204, Nominated for the Best Paper Award, SNAA 2016.

409. Eyuphan Bulut and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Rethinking Offloading WiFi Access Point Deployment fromUser Perspective,” Proc. IEEE WiMob 2016, Workshop on Smart Environments & Urban Networking,(SEUNet), New York, NY, October 17, 2016, pp. 59-65.

410. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Kevin Chan and Omar Lizardo, “Co-evolution of two net-works representing different social relations in NetSense,” Proc. 5th International Workshop on ComplexNetworks and their Applications, Nov. 30 - Dec. 02, 2016. Milan, Italy, in Studies in ComputationalIntelligence Series, Springer, 693, 20017, pp. 423-434.

411. Kshiteesh Hegde, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Boleslaw Szymanski, and Konstantin Kuzmin, “Clustering, Promi-nence and Social Network Analysis on Incomplete Networks,” Proc. 5th International Workshop on Com-plex Networks and their Applications, Nov. 30 - Dec. 02, 2016. Milan, Italy, in Studies in ComputationalIntelligence Series, Springer, 693, 20017, pp. 287-298.

412. Eyuphan Bulut and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Mobile Energy Sharing through Power Buddies,” Proc.IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 19-22, 2017, San Francisco,CA, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/WCNC.2017.7925944.


413. Xiaoyan Lu and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Predicting Viral News Events in Online Media,” IEEE Workshopon Parallel and Distributed Processing for Computational Social Systems (ParSocial 2017) Proc. 2017IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, June 2, 2017, Orlando, FL, pp.1447-1456, doi:10.1109/IPDPSW.2017.82.

414. Eyuphan Bulut and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Identifying Spatial Buddies to Track Lost Items,” Proc.2nd ACM International Workshop on Social Sensing, SocialSens’17, New York, NY, USA, pp. 69-74, doi:

415. Zala Herga, Casey Doyle, Stephen Dipple, Caleb Nasman, Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, JanezBrank, Jan Rupnik, and Dunja Mladenic, “Building Clients Risk Profile Based on Call Detail Records.Proc. Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses (SiKDD), Oct. 9th, 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia,pp. 1-4.

416. Yalin E. Sagduyu, Yi Shi, Tugba Erpek, Sohraab Soltani, Sharon J. Mackey, Derya H. Cansever, MiteshP. Patel, Bart F. Panettieri, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, and Guohong Cao, “Multilayer MANET Routingwith Social-Cognitive Learning,” Proc. Military Communication Conference, (Milcom 2017), Baltimore,MD, October 23-25, 2017, pp. 103-108.

417. Derrik Asher, Justine Caylor, J., Mark Mittrick, John Richardson, Eric Heilman, Elizabeth Bowman,Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “The Investigation of Social Media Data Thresholds for OpinionFormation,” Proc. 22nd International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium (ICCRTS2017), Nov. 6-8, Los Angeles, CA, November 6-8, 2017, paper 27.

418. Xiang Niu, Alaa Mousawi, Noemi Derzsy, Xin Lin, Gyorgy Korniss and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Evolutionof the Global Risk Network Mean-Field Stability Point,” The 6th International Conference on ComplexNetworks and Their Applications, Complex Networks 2017, Lyon, France Nov 29-Dec 1, 2017, Studies inArtificial Intelligence, 689, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1124-1134.

419. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “Interaction Patterns in a Multilayer Social Network,” Proc.27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Hangzhou, China,Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2018, pp. 1-8.

420. Eyuphan Bulut, Steven Hernandez, Aashish Dhungana and Boleslaw Szymanski, “Is Crowdcharging Pos-sible?” Proc. 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN),Hangzhou, China, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, pp. 1-8, 2018.

421. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Orkun Baycik, Thomas Sharkey, “Community Detection withEdge Augmentation in Criminal Networks,” Social Network Analysis and Applications, Proc. ACM/IEEEASONAM Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, August 28, 2018, pp. 1168-1175.

422. Casey Doyle, Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Derrik Asher, Elizabeth Bowman, “Mining per-sonal media thresholds for opinion dynamics and social influence,” Social Influence Workshop, Proc. ofIEEE/ACM ASONAM Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, August 28. 2018, pp. 1258-1265.

423. Ashwin Bahulkar, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Kevin Chan, and Omar Lizardo, “Impact of Attributes onGroup Formation,” Social Influence Workshop, Proc. of IEEE/ACM ASONAM Workshops, Barcelona,Spain, August 28, 2018, pp. 1250-1257

424. Aastha Nigam, Kijung Shin, Ashwin Bahulkar, Bryan Hooi, Boleslaw Szymanski, Christos Faloutsos,Niesh Chawla, “ONE-M: Modeling the Co-evolution of Opinions and Network Connections,” Proc. Euro-pean Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases(ECML/PKDD), Dublin, Ireland, September 10-14, 2018, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, 11052,pp. 122-140.

425. Ashwin Bahulkar, N. Orkun Baycik, Thomas Sharkey, Yeming Shen, Boleslaw Szymanski, William Wallace,“Integrative Analytics for Detecting and Disrupting Transnational Interdependent Criminal Smuggling,Money, and Money-Laundering Networks,” Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Homeland SecurityTechnology, HST18, Woburn. MA, Oct. 23-24, 2018, to appear.

426. Tarek Abdelzaher, James Flamino, Yifan Hao, Dongxin Liu, Shengzhong Liu, Huajie Shao, BoleslawSzymanski, Shuochao Yao, “A Predictive Self-configuring Simulator for Online Media,” Proc. WinterSimulation Conference, WSC, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 9-12, 2018, pp. 1262-1273.


427. Derrik E. Asher, Justine Caylor, Casey Doyle, Alexis R. Neigel, Gyorgy Korniss, Boleslaw K. Szymanski,“Opinion Formation Threshold Estimates from Different Combinations of Social Media Data-Types,” Proc.52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Grand Wailea, Maui, HI, Jan 8-11,2019, pp. 1262-1273.

428. James Flamino, Weike Dai and Boleslaw Szymanski, “Modeling Human Temporal Dynamics in Agent-Based Simulations,” Proc. 2019 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation,Chicago, IL, June 3-5, 2019, pp. 99-102.

429. James Flamino, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, “A Reaction-based Approach to Information Cascade Analysis,”Proc. 2019 International Conference on Computer Communication & Networking, Valencia, Spain, July29-31, pp. 1-9.

Invited Papers

430. J. Baron, E. Lock, N. Prywes, and B.K. Szymanski, “An Argument for Nonprocedural Languages,” in TheRole of Language in Problem Solving I, R. Jernigan, B.W. Hamil and D.M. Weintraub (edts), ElsevierScience Publishers (North-Holland), New York, NY, 1985, pp. 127-145.

431. N.S. Prywes and B.K. Szymanski, “Software Development of Parallel Processing in a Distributed ComputerArchitecture,” in Supercomputing Systems: Architecture, Design and Performance, S.P. Kartashev and S.I.Kartashev (edts), Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, 1990, pp. 271-291.

432. C. Ozturan, J.E. Flaherty, and B.K. Szymanski, “Scalable Software Tools for Adaptive Scientific Compu-tations,” Trans. Tenth Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing, West Point, NY, July1992, ARO Report 93-1, pp. 159-172.

433. B.K. Szymanski, “Scalable Software Tools for Parallel Computations,” NATO Workshop on High Per-formance Computing, published in Software for Parallel Computation, J.S. Kowalik and L. Grandinetti(edts), NATO ASI Series F, Vol. 106, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993, pp. 76-90.

434. B.K. Szymanski, J. Hicks, R. Jagannathan, V. Sarkar, D. B. Skillicorn and R. K. Yates, “Is There aFuture for Functional Languages in Parallel Programming?” Panel Summary, published in Proc. IEEEComputer Society 1994 Int. Conference on Computer Languages, Toulouse, France, May 16-19, 1994,IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 299-304, 1994.

435. B.K. Szymanski, “Specifying Parallel Programs in Functional Language: the EPL Experience,” DIMACSMeeting on Specification of Parallel Programs, published in Specification of Parallel Algorithms, G. Blel-loch, M. Chandy, and S. Jagannathan (edts), DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and TheoreticalComputer Science, Vol. 18, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1994, pp. 201-223.

436. J.E. Flaherty, R.M. Loy, M.S. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco and L.H. Ziantz, “Predictive LoadBalancing for Adaptive Finite Element Computation,” Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel and DistributedProcessing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’97), Las Vegas, NV, June 30-July 3, 1997, Vol. I, pp.460-469, CSREA, 1997.

437. B.K. Szymanski and C. Norton, “Monitoring Scientific Computations- –An Object-Oriented Approach,”Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Parallel Processing & Applied Mathematics - PPAM’97, Zakopane, Poland,September 1997, Vol. I, pp. 104-116.

438. V. Decyk, C. Norton, and B.K. Szymanski, “Experiences with Object Oriented Parallel Plasma Simu-lations,” Plenary talk, Proc. Computing in High Energy Physics’95, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September18-22, 1995, Ronald Shellard and Trang D. Nguyen (edts), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, pp. 26-30,also Technical Report PPG-1552, Institute of Plasma and Fusion Research, University of California, LosAngeles, CA, September 1995.

439. J.E. Flaherty, R.M. Loy, P.C. Scully, M.S. Shephard, B.K. Szymanski, J.D. Teresco and L.H. Ziantz, “LoadBalancing and Communication Optimization for Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Methods”, Proc. XVIIInt. Conference of Chilean Computer Science Society, Valparaiso, Chile, November 1997, pp. 246-255,IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA.

440. P.H. Fry and B.K. Szymanski, “Metacomputing: Parallel Computation Over the Internet,” Proc. ThirdInt. Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, PPAM99, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland,September 1999, pp. 17-31.


441. G. Chen, H. Lamehamedi, A. Vargun, and B.K. Szymanski, “Web- Enabled and Speculative High Perfor-mance Computing,” Proc. Int. SGI User’s Conference, SGI2000, Cracow, Poland, October, 2000, AGHPress, Cracow, 2000, pp. 75-90.

442. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “Linking spatially explicit parallel continuous and discrete models,” Proc.Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, Florida, December 2000 IEEE Computer Press, Los Alamitos,CA, pp. 1705-1712.

443. M. Hulber, D. Dillenberger, and B.K. Szymanski, “Scalable Distributed Java Workload Manager,” Int.Workshop on Performance-Oriented Program Development for Distributed Architectures, PADDA2001,Munich, Germany, April 2001.

444. G. Chen and B.K. Szymanski, “A Component Model for Discrete Event Simulation,” Parallel Processingand Applied Mathematics, 4th International Conference, PPAM 2001 Naleczow, Poland, September 9-12,2001 (Revised Papers), September 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2328, Springer Verlag,Berlin, June 2002, pp. 580-594.

445. K. Fialkowski and B.K. Szymanski, “Model of Pattern Processing Based on a Conceptor,” Virtual WorldsSimulations, WMC’03, Orlando, FL, January, 2003.

446. K. Mandani and B.K. Szymanski, “Integrating Distributed Wireless Simulation Into Genesis Framework,”Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 2003, pp. 203-209.

447. B. Szymanski and Y. Liu, “Loosely-Coordinated, Distributed, Packet-Level Simulation of Large-ScaleNetworks,” Proc. Winter Simulation Conference, WSC03, New Orleans, LA, December 2003, pp. 712-720.

448. B. Szymanski, C. Varela, J. Cummings and J. Napolitano, Dynamically Reconfigurable Scientific Comput-ing on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Grids, Proc. 5th International Conference PPAM03, (Revised papers) R.Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, M. Paprzycki and J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol. 3019, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 419-430.

449. Y. Liu and B. Szymanski, “Distributed Packet-Level Simulation for BGP Networks under Genesis,” Proc.Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 2004, SCS Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 271-278.

450. K. El Maghraoui, B.K. Szymanski, and C. Varela “An Architecture for Reconfigurable Iterative MPI Appli-cations in Dynamic Environments,” Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Parallel Programming and Applied Mathematics,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3911, Springer, 2006, pp. 258- 271.

IEEE 2005.

451. B.K. Szymanski, K. El Maghraoui, T. Desell and C. Varela, “The Effects of Heterogeneity on Asyn-chronous Panmictic Genetic Search,” Proc. 6th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Ap-plied Mathematics (PPAM07), Gdansk, Poland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4967,Springer,Berlin/Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 457-468.

452. C. Morrell, S.C. Geyik, T. Babbitt, and B.K. Szymanski, “Biologically Inspired Self-Healing Routingwith Preferred Path Selection,” Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, vol. 5151, 2008, pp. 229-240, invited plenary presentation at Bio-wire 2007, Cambridge University,Cambridge, U.K.

453. K. T. Desell, A. Waters, M. Magdon-Ismail, B.K. Szymanski, C. Varela, M. Newby, H. Newberg, A.Przystawik, and D. Anderson, “Accelerating the MilkyWay@Home Volunteer Computing Project withGPUs,” Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol.6067, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 276-288, invited plenary presentation at PPAM09, Wroclaw, Poland,September 2009.

454. Travis Desell, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Heidi Newberg, Lee A. Newberg, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Carlos A.Varela, “A Robust Asynchronous Newton Method for Massive Scale Computing Systems,” Proc. 2011International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering CiSE 2011, Wuhan,China, December 9-11, 2011, invited plenary presentation, arxiv:1702.02204

455. Sara E. Carney, Joel E. Cohen, Hanna Kokko, Philip R. LeDuc, LeghAnne Olsen, Ashlynn S. Stillwell,Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Joshua S. Weitz, “How to Solve the Tragedy of the Commons?,” Chapter 7 in Col-lective Behavior, From Cells to Societies, National Academies and Keck Foundation Initiative Conference,November 2014, The National Academies Press, 2015.


Selected Invited Talks

• Academic Institutions in US: Case Western University, Cleveland, OH; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH;Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA; Duke University, Durham, NC; Florida A&M University, Tallahassee,FL; Hartford Graduate Center, Hartford, CT; Harvard University, Boston, MA; Information Science Insti-tute, Los Angeles, CA; Kent State University. Akron, OH; Michigan Technological University, Hancock,MI; New York University, NY; Northeastern University, Boston, MA; Northwestern University, Evanston,IL; Notre Dame University, South Bent, IN; Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Princeton University,Princeton, NJ; Queens College, New York City, NY; Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; RiceUniversity, Houston, TX; Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; SUNY, Albany, NY; Temple University,Philadelphia, PA; Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL;University of California, Berkeley, CA; University of California, Davis, CA; University of California, LosAngeles, CA; University of California, Santa Barbara, CA; University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; Uni-versity of Delaware, Newark, DE; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; University of Houston, Houston,TX; University of Maryland, College Park, MD; University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC; Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Universityof Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Worcester Polytechnic University, Worcester, MA; Wright State University,Fairborn, OH; Yale University, New Haven, CT;

• Academic Institutions outside US: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; AGH, Krakow, Poland; AustralianNational University, Canberra, Australia; Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Hungary; CambridgeUniversity, U.K.; Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand; Central European University, Bu-dapest, Hungary; Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Deakin University at Geelong, Australia;Deakin University at Melbourne, Australia; Ecole TCA, Paris, France; Fibonacci Institute of Foundationsof Computer Science, Trento, Italy; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; Imperial Col-lege, London, U.K.; Indian Computer Society, New Delhi, India; McGill University, Montreal, Canada;Oxford University, Oxford, U.K.; Peking University, Beijing, China; Poznan Polytechnic, Poland; Queen’sUniversity, Kingston, Canada; Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Tokyo University, Japan; UniversidadeFederal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil; University of Berlin, Germany; University ofBrasilia, Brazil University of Cardiff, UK; University of Gerona, Spain; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil;University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong; University of Vienna, Austria; Warsaw Technical Uni-versity, Poland; Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, Western Cape University, Cape Town,South Africa; Wroclaw Technological University, Poland;

• Governmental and Industrial Laboratories: Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MA; Army ResearchLaboratory, Adelphi, MA; Boeing Computing Services, Seattle, WA; CISCO Systems, San Jose, CA;Create-Net, Trento, Italy; DARPA, Washington DC DTRA, Ft. Belovir, VA General Electric AerospaceDivision, Pittsfield, MA; General Electric Research Center, Schenectady, NY); Google, Inc., MountainView, CA Hewlett Packard, Language Laboratory, Chelmsford, MA; IBM Almaden Research Laboratory,San Jose, CA; IBM Future Direction Division, Poughkeepsie, NY; IBM Haifa Research Group, Israel; IBMHursley Park, UK; IBM Myers Corners Laboratory, NY; IBM T.J. Watson Laboratory, White Plains, NY;IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland; ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA;Institute for Advanced Studies, IMT, Lucca, Italy; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA; LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA; Lucent Technologies, Whippany, NJ; NASK, Warsaw,Poland; Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC; Naval Research Laboratory, Undersea WarfareSystem Center, New London, CT; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN; Office of Naval Re-search, Washington, DC; Office of Naval Research, London, UK; Raytheon BBN Technologies, Boston,MA; Rome Air Force Laboratory, Rome, NY; Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico;Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; Sun Research Laboratory, Burlington, MA; US ArmyMilitary Academy, West Point, NY World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland;


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