
Most people work for NCC because of their passion for Nature and the love of the outdoors. Its important from time to time to connect with the work we do on the ground to remind us of our achievements but also the challenges that are still to come. Its also a way to recharge the batteries and get re-invigorated in the important conservation work NCC does.

Time for Nature

A crew of NCC’ers (Kelly Eaton, Brendan Such, Kara Tersen, Larry Simpson and Marie Tremblay and I) got together and toured the newly acquired Lusicich property in the Crowsnest pass. The ladies did a flowering plant inventory and found over 50 species, which is a story in itself.

Highlights of the Week:

The 263 acre Lusicich Property (outlined in green) is located in the Crowsnest Pass Natural Area. As you can see it borders the north side of the Crowsnest Lake as well as just east of a 160 acre property NCC acquired from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

Crowsnest Lake

A scenic picture of the property from across the lake - The ridge on the left depicts the west boundary and the east boundary is not quite in the picture. Not part of the property, but a great reference point is the Crowsnest Mountain seen in the distance.

Crowsnest Mountain

NCC’s involvement in the Crowsnest Pass Natural area is primarily motivated by the objective of maintaining and enhancing wildlife linkage zones and corridors across and along the Crowsnest pass valley in SW Alberta. In addition the variation of climate and elevation gradient located along this east west valley creates habitat that supports a high diversity of species.

Facts on the Area

The Lusicich project has significant habitat value, including douglas fir forests, montane grassland, north-south, east- west wildlife movement corridors and consequently has significant connectivity for species including grizzly bear, elk and wolf. A previous visit to the property with Ian Barnett revealed at least one wolf kill of an Elk and possibly a second.

Facts on the Area

Pictures of the property

Bear claw marks

Adventure continues

Just west of Lusicich and on the edge of the other property NCC owns, the group explored a large Karsk that emerges from the cliff and caves to flow into Crowsnest Lake.

Then Larry and I toured the Cervo property, and the 3 miles of the Crowsnest river that we have conserved with our partners in the east block of the Crowsnest Natural Area. We stumbled upon a young cinnamon bear – or should I say Bailey my trusted Beagle did. No harm no foul though!

That night we stayed at the Casa Eaton in Fernie BC and, with the fortitude provided by red wine, we traded stories with Dave Eaton a renowned outdoors enthusiast himself. Its amazing what can get accomplished in these discussions – but never fully remembered the next day.

The next morning...Larry and I attempted to summit the 8,000 ft Mt. Broadwood-NCC’s 22,000 acre property in the Elk Valley, but a 250 meter cirque interrupted our goal. We saw a number of wonderful trophy rams at the summit as well as a number of females and young.

Next was the Flathead valley to see what 390,000 acres of conserved SE BC forestlands looks like. We camped overnight on the NCC property near the wardens cabin. We were able to spot a few more bears (yearlings) and probably the largest wolf I have seen in my life. He looked like the size of a small deer.

The picture is of the wardens cabin

Alberta Ranch was the next stop, where Larry and I tried our luck at fly-fishing in Pincher Creek that runs through it. We had lots of action including a 20” rainbow for me.

We returned to Waterton via the logging roads of the Flathead and got lost – let alone almost destroying my truck by the ruggedness of the road – or lack thereof.

Larry was re-learning the art of Fly-fishing, but he caught his fair share and learned a bit more about the sport that I suspect will become more frequently used on high end donor trips.

Pincher creek valley on the Alberta Ranch property

We stayed on Waterton property near the Waterton river. We invited Nancy Newhouse from NCC-BC over to stay , as we knew she was spending time in the area with her daughter.

We witnessed at last 40 cow elk and young emerge from the thicket on the Palmer ridge to graze in the evening. As well as a Snipe performing their unique “woo –woo- woo” sound that they make with their wings.

The last day we tried a little more fishing on the Waterton River, but the water was very high. Additional attempts were made to fish on the Brooks property that abuts the Belly River, as it flows out of Waterton Lakes National Park, but the local Rancher, Gordy West noted that a Grizzly was active in the area – so we took a pass and headed home via the cowboy trail.

Final Thoughts: Once every 50yrs for a “Time for Nature” is not enough!. Nothing could be better than a week in the field to re-connect with the work we do, the people we work with and the added bonus that no e-mails are piling up back at the office!

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