Bo Sanchez’s How to Find Your One True Love (Book 2) How · How to Find Your One True Love Book 2 Bo Sanchez #1 Bestselling

Post on 19-Mar-2018






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Bo Sanchez#1 Best-selling Author of 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich

and Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

After the #1 Bestseller, How to Find Your One True Love, comes this much awaited and exciting sequel…

The Complete Course Manual on How to Attract, Choose and Marry the Partner of Your Dreams

Bo Sanchez’s How to Find Your One True Love (Book 2)Is the Answer Many Singles Have Been Praying for…

Singles, get ready! Because Bo Sanchez’s How To Find Your One True Love (Book 2): The Complete Course Manual will take you further where his Book 1, How to Find Your One True Love, ended. In this exciting course, he will virtually hold your hand and lead you step-by-step through the journey of finding your One True Love.

Here’s a tiny fraction of what you’ll learn from Book 2:• In Book 1, Bo Sanchez discussed the eight Prisons of Fears and Internal Blocks.

But in The Complete Course, you’ll learn how to get out of those Prisons of Fears and overcome those Internal Blocks.

• You’ll learn how to get out of a bad relationship — which is crucial so you’ll be open to a new one!

• You’ll learn how to develop your charm, which you’ll discover is actually tied to Christian Values.

• So you can clarify and focus on what and who you want, this course will help you write your Must-Have and Must-Not-Have List.

• Through an 18-Point Moral Inventory, you’ll define what you need to change inside you. Because at the end of the day, right character is very attractive!

• Through a 6-Item Emotional Health Evaluation, you’ll learn what you need to mature in you. And equally important, you’ll know if a boyfriend or girlfriend is emotionally healthy as well.

• You’ll also find out if you and your potential OTL are compatible.• You’ll learn how to encourage your boyfriend to propose marriage (This is

important!)• You’ll discover the three Counterfeit Love Styles to watch out from your

partner.• And so much, much more!

Log on to and join the OTL Network of Happy Singles whose mission is to make as many alumni members as possible.


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ISBN 978-971-93671-4-7


How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

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� Learn to live a fantastic life. Log on to

How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

Bo Sanchez#1 Bestselling Author of 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich

and Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

After the #1 Bestseller, How to Find Your One True Love, comes this much awaited and exciting sequel…

The Complete Course Manual on How to Attract, Choose and Marry the Partner

of Your Dreams



8 Secrets of the Truly RichHow to Find Your One True Love

Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

THE BOSS SeriesHow to Be Really, Really, Really Happy

You Can Make Your Life BeautifulYou Have the Power to Create Love

Fill Your Life with Miracles

SIMPLIFY SeriesSimplify and Live the Good LifeSimplify and Create Abundance


The Way of the CrossSpecial Prayers for the Rosary

How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

A note from the Author to the Owner of

How to Find Your One True Love Book 2:The Complete Course Manual on How to Attract, Choose and Marry the Partner

of Your Dreams

Congratulations!This Complete Course offers a more comprehensive, more detailed, more step-by-step approach than my first book, How to Find Your One True Love. While my first book touched the surface of the topics, we’ll go in-depth and apply the truths you learned in the book — which makes the difference between night and day. And like my first book, I speak to the same audience.

1. I speak to all singles, but especially to mature singles: those nearing 30 and beyond.

2. I speak to men and women, but especially to women. So if a man is reading this, please mentally translate “Woman” and “Girl” and “Sister” to “Man” and “Boy” and “Brother” for topics that are adaptable to both genders.

Turn the page and start your exciting journey of finding your one true love.

HOw tO FinD YOur One true LOve BOOK 2

The Complete Course Manual on How to Attract, Chooseand Marry the Partner of Your Dreams

ISBN- 978-971-93671-4-7

Bo SanchezBestselling author of 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich and Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

Philippine Copyright © 2007 by Eugenio R. Sanchez, Jr.

Requests for information should be addressed to:SHEPHERD’S VOICE PuBLICATIOnS, InC.#60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109P.O. Box 1331 Quezon City Central Post Office 1153 Quezon CityTel. No. (+632) 411-7874 to 77; Fax. No. (632) 727-5615e-mail:

All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, except for brief quotations, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Cover and Layout by Rey de GuzmanCover Photo by Ed Santiago

How to Find Your One True Love Book 2


Introduction 9

Step #1: take Responsibility for Finding Your One true Love 13Action #1: Form Your Support Team for Operation OTL 15Action #2: Grow in Character 17Action #3: Get Emotionally Healthy 22Action #4: Know Yourself 47

Step #2: Know What’s Stopping You Inside 51Action #1: Study the Different Kinds of Internal Blocks and Prisons of Fear 52Action #2: What Are Your Internal Blocks and Prisons of Fear? 69Action #3: How to Get Out of Bad Relationships 72 Step #3: talk to Lots of Guys 77Action #1: Straighten Out Your Theology 79Action #2: A More Complete List of Places to Go 82Action #3: Meet Three-New-Men-a-Week Challenge 84Action #4: Take the “Hello” Challenge 87Action #5: Develop Your Charm 88Action #6: What Is Your Body Saying? 90Action #7: Opening Questions and More… 92Action #8: Prepared Answers Will Help 94Action #9: Be Direct in Your Admiration if You Like Him 95

Step #4: Have As Many Friendly Dates As Humanly possible 99Action #1: Follow the Rules of Friendly Dates 101Action #2: Date with Zero Expectations 103Action #3: Tell Everyone You’re Open to Friendly Dates 104Action #4: Connect with Him 106

Step #5: Be Attractive 111Action #1: Rate Yourself—How Attractive Are You? 112

Action #2: Choose Three Attraction Secrets to Work On 113Action #3: Love Your Body’s Unique Beauty 115Action #4: Have a Makeover — Inside and Out! 117Action #5: Be as Super Healthy as You Can Be 125

Step #6: Know What You Want in a Spouse 129Action #1: Know the Differences between Your Lists 130Action #2: Check for Red Flags 132Action #3: Write Your Must-Have List 135Action #4: Write Your Must-Not-Have List 137Action #5: Write Your Wish List 139

Step #7: enter into Courtship 141Action #1: Review Actions in My First Book 142Action #2: Watch Out for These Three Counterfeit Love Styles 144Action #3: Are You Compatible? 149Action #4: How to Encourage a Man to Propose Marriage 152Action #5: 70 Questions for Engaged Couples 157

Step #8: trust God and enjoy Life 173Action #1: Know the Difference between Aloneness and Loneliness 175Action #2: Make Relationships a Priority 177Action #3: Open Your Heart to Others 179Action #4: Give Warmth Now 180Action #5: Be Committed to Non-Stop Growth 182Action #6: In Your Loneliness, Connect to God 184

References 186

Single Men (or Women) Log 187

How to Find Your One True Love Book 2


I believe marriage is one of the greatest things in this universe.God invented it, designed it, created it and blessed it.Some people ridicule and criticize the idea of having a course like this. They

say, “Why will I deliberately search for my spouse? That’s totally absurd, juvenile and unspiritual. I’ll leave that to God, thank you.”

But this same woman will deliberately search (shop, hunt, read ads, call up the yellow pages, ask referrals from friends) for a nifty pair of shoes, or a cool cellphone or a pretty camera.

Hey, why don’t you leave all those things to God, too? Sit at home, pray and read your Bible, and believe that tomorrow, God

Himself will come like a FedEx truck to deliver to you a nifty pair of shoes, or a cool cellphone, or a pretty camera.

I believe that not taking responsibility for your future is absurd.This is what How to Find Your One True Love Book 2: is all about: It’s about

seriously committing yourself to search for your One True Love.I’ll be your Life Coach, guiding you through this exciting, scary, difficult,

happy journey.In this course, you’ll be answering some questions about yourself. (OK, a lot

of questions.)And you’ll be doing some things that you’ve never done before. (Get ready!)By the way, as you can see, this manual is thick.Don’t be overwhelmed.If you do even some of the most important activities in this manual, the

chances are high that you’ll be sending me a wedding invitation one of these days. And I look forward to that!And lest you spend all your time holed up in your room answering the

questionnaires for the next three months, I want you to already practice Step #3, while you’re still completing Step #1 and Step #2.

Why? Because Step #3 is where you talk to lots of guys.Yep, I want you to go out there and meet new single men!You know what? I have a sneaking suspicion that a few people bought my book and bought

this course manual not so much for the details of the activities I’m recommending


(they probably know the stuff already), but because I’m giving them permission to find a spouse.

For them, just owning my book and this course manual is a deep symbol of God’s blessing for their future. For once in their life, a spiritual authority is not ridiculing their desire to get married, not calling them shallow, not labelling them “spiritually immature” for looking for a spouse.

Friend, I’m not only allowing you.I’m anointing you.I’m commissioning you to go and bear fruit.If kings anointed their knights by laying the tip of their sword on the knight’s

shoulders, I’m using this course manual to do the same thing. Friend, I’m placing this course manual in your hands.

Go. Find your man (or woman).

And have great fun doing so.

Your Life Coach,

Bo Sanchez

P.S. With this book, you will also test-drive the membership in the OTL Network of Happy Singles, whose mission is to help single members become alumni members (because they got married!). OTL Members get three monthly newsletters from me filled with practical wisdom and important strategies on how to become the most attractive single person and a phenomenal human being that they can possibly be. For more details, check the last pages of this book.



How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

Before you start, I want you to write five things you’d like to happen to your life (goals) by going through this course… One of the best ways of writing goals is by putting it into prayer form. Write a love letter to God and tell Him what you want to happen as you take this course. I gave you some more writing space after the goals for whatever else you want to tell Him.

Dear Lord,

Here are my goals, Lord, for this course:







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How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

steP #1:

take responsibility for Finding Your One true Love

Action #1: Form Your Support Team for Operation OTL

Action #2: Grow in Character

Action #3:Get Emotionally Healthy

Action #4: Know Yourself


If you want to take personal responsibility for finding your one true love, you have to find yourself so that you can find your One True Love.

I must warn you: The following exercises in Step #1 are a lot. As I said in my introduction, don’t get tied up doing all these exercises. While doing them, I want you to start going to Step #3: Talk to Lots of Guys. Is this clear?

Good. Enjoy!


How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

Action #1: Form Your Support Team for operation oTL

Don’t do this alone.Finding your One True Love is one of the most important decisions in your

life. Mess this up and you mess up your entire life.So for your own good, form a Support Team around you that will pray for

you, encourage you and advise you. Call them your OTL Support Team.Ask yourself. Who are the closest people in your life that are encouraging,

positive and level-headed when it comes to finding you a spouse?Nope, they won’t make decisions for you. Only you can do that. But you can

get their suggestions that are very important for an emotionally-charged decision like finding your spouse.

Sign up your own parents (as honorary members), closest friends and spiritual leaders if they fit the criteria. Actually, the ideal is for you to do this together with other single men and women who are also taking this complete course or at least have read my book. You’ll understand each other. But include wise, married people as well in your OTL Support Team.

Ask each of them, “I want to seriously take responsibility for finding a spouse. Can you be my Prayer Partners?”

When they say, “Yes, of course!” ask a follow-up question, “Will you mind if I talk to you once in a while to get your advice and suggestions?”

Write four or five potential members of your OTL Support Team below.







Here are a few responsibilities for each member. (Ask gently. They’re volunteers!)1. Pray regularly for your intention that you find your OTL.2. Be available to talk once in a while.3. Give you feedback on how you can improve your character, personality,

etc.4. Encourage you to do the assignments in this complete course.5. Evaluate potential OTLs, (Note: I repeat, they don’t make choices for you.

You make them but their comments are important.) They wake you up if this potential OTL is hazardous to your future well-being, or encourage you to continue to date him if they see great potential that you don’t see.

That’s it!

Let’s now go to Action #2: Grow in Character…

Action #1: Form Your Support Team for Operation OTL


How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

Action #2:Grow in character

Let’s not kid ourselves: Character is attractive.More than smooth skin and long legs and a pretty face, your character is your

#1 Attraction Secret.John T. Molloy conducted a huge study of 2,000 engaged couples, and after

thousands of surveys, focus groups and interviews, one of his findings was this: Men are attracted to beauty, but marry because of character. In other words, they may date beauty but they will only marry character.

Physical beauty may make him look. But for him to keep on looking to the point of wanting to marry, you’ve got to have character.

In order to help you know what specific areas you need to grow in, I prepared a Moral Inventory below. I found this Moral Inventory from the Recovery Movement (Alcoholics Anonymous, Substance Abuse Anonymous, etc.). I adapted and edited it for our use. Because they deal with millions of people from all walks of life, the Recovery Movement’s Moral Inventory is broad enough to help people from all sorts of cultures and religions.

A. 18-point Moral Inventory

You can rate yourself 1 to 10 for each, 1 being “no success” and 10 meaning “habitual success.”

How am I doing in each of the following virtues?

______1. Thankfulness: I always thank my God and others for what they have done. I can honestly say that I’m a thankful person.

______2. Gentleness: I can control my temper. I don’t have outbursts of selfish anger or unrighteous rage.


______3. Forgiveness: I have no hatred or bitterness toward any other person anywhere on this earth. I refuse to take revenge when people criticize, condemn, reject or complain against me. If at all possible, I try to repair broken relationships as quickly as I can.

______4. Humility: I consistently consider others as equal with myself. I have a teachable spirit.

______5. Courage: I take the risk of doing what’s right, keeping fear under control.

______6. Trust: I’ve surrendered my life to God. I’m free from useless fretting, worry or anxiety.

______7. Perseverance: It’s normal for me to keep doing what’s right. Even when things get difficult, or stressful or unrewarding.

______8. Submission: I don’t fight those placed in authority over me, even if they’re less competent or gifted. Ultimately, I follow God’s authority in my life.

______9. Generosity: I regularly give to my family, church, community and the poor. Generosity is a normal behavior to me.

______10. Love for Family: I spend as much time as I can with my family, honoring and serving them as the priority in my life.

______11. Simplicity: I resist materialism where things are more important than people.

______12. Selflessness: I have laid aside envy and selfish ambition. I don’t entertain jealousy of another’s success.

______13. Spiritual Intimacy: It’s the routine of my life to spend time with God each day in prayer, spiritual reading and “practicing the presence” of God all day long.

Action #2: Grow in Character


How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

______14. Self-Control: My thought life is free from all intentional impure thoughts and sexual fantasies. My actions are free from enslaving habits and vices.

______15. Truthfulness: My yes is yes and my no is no. I practice honesty both in my relationships with others and myself.

______16. Language: I abstain from slander, gossip and biting criticism. I use my tongue to build others up, giving words of encouragement, comfort, help, inspiration and challenge.

______17. Industry: I work hard, using the time and talents that God has given me to develop myself and serve others.

______18. Cheerfulness: I can remain joyful during times of difficulty, hopeful that God is still in control through uncertainty.

On the next page, you’ll zero in on what needs your attention…


B. Write two priority Areas of Growth

There are no right or wrong answers, passing or failing grades. use the Moral Inventory to point out the areas of your character that need more growth than others. Write down the two areas where you scored the lowest. These are your priority areas for growth. A quick reminder: Though it usually takes years to see maturity, changes have to start now. Aside from writing down the two priority areas, write the specific weakness as well.

Example: Problem One: Gentleness Score: 2

Specifically, I can’t control my anger and I shout easily, especially to people at home

priority One: Score:


priority two: Score:


Action #2: Grow in Character


How to Find Your One True Love Book 2

If there’s sin involved, confess to God. (If you’re a Catholic, confess to a priest as well.) Being aware of these weaknesses — and writing it down here — is half the battle won. How to overcome your weakness is beyond the scope of this course. You need to work on these weaknesses separately, reading books, attending seminars, asking counselors and spiritual leaders on how you can overcome these two priority areas of your character.

Let’s now go to Action #3…

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