
Creating Bloodline animated Logo and Release date for the

ending of the Trailer.

I added the Bloodline logo into After Effects and added pre-keyed effects like Rain and Smoke.

Next I added shattering glass at the end to make it look like the screen got shot by a gun.

I also added an altered version of the bloodline logo to make it look like it took damage from the gun shots.


Here is the start of when i started to create the animation 'In Cinemas June 10,' in after effects after creating it in Photoshop.

I added the .png file I created in Photoshop into the composition.

Adding pre-keyed rain effects.

Next I altered the Transform effects of the .png file and changed the scale so it looks as if the text is coming towards you.

Here is the final animation created in Photoshop and used at the end of our trailer.

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