Blogging and SEO 101 - Zemanta Meetup

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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Blogging and SEO SEO 101


Today we are talking about blogging and



But before we talk about SEO, we need

to talk about blogging.


Because often the priorities get reversed.

First, why should you

listen to me?



Well, I am a professional SEO with



And a longtime blogger


Who is starting to see solid success

Let’s get real.


What is SEO?



SEO is the process by which great

content gets found by search engines and

new users.


So what is great content?


Great content compels the reader to

keep reading and share it with others

before coming back to read more.


“The key to good writing is to make

your reader read the next sentence.”

- CopyBlogger

But great content isn’t

just text.



It can be text.


It can also be images.


It can also be video.

Which helps SEO.


Don’t forget about




Let’s talk about blog branding for a



My boss’s site is this way. (his main site in on

the Svbtle network)

Keep it simple

@dohertyjf has the same layout for his site and his emails. He also

uses the same username across the Internet. Check out this post about

personal branding.

Be consistent


The better your site looks, the more likely people are to trust it.

Design matters


I didn’t think so. 1998 called, it wants its web design back.

Would you link to this?

Now onto the SEO part.



Since we are talking about blogging, let’s

talk about onsite SEO first.


Both users and search crawlers need to

be able to access your site.


And luckily, what’s good for your users

will also be good for the search engines,

especially on a personal blog.

Blogging and SEO Onsite

Best Practices



This helps you brand yourself, plus you have control over the SEO if you use

Wordpress. You’ll have to get hosting as well, which is usually a/b $6/month. I

use Moniker for buying domain and Bluehost or Dreamhost for hosting.

Buy your own domain name


Reason: These are terrible for SEO. They rarely rank for important keyword


Don’t use a .blogspot or


Make those “clean” as well. Wordpress does this out of the box; other blogging

platforms you have to finagle a bit.

And put keywords in your URLs


You should never write for search crawlers. Write for readers first, not the

other way around.

And in your text


Just a couple links and some social activity, and I rank #4 for “seo for

photographers”. I already see traffic for this term!

This stuff works


If a huge site like CNN can have a simple navigation, so can you. A simple navigation

with links to the most important pages is good both for users and for search

crawlers, as it prioritizes these pages in the search crawler’s eyes.

Have a simple navigation


Interlink Your Posts

Both in-context and with a Related Posts plugin/option Interlinking between your posts serves these


1) Flow link equity to important pages;

2) Good user experience;

A few other points


Consider using Google+ to get your author snippet showing in the SERPs.

Don’t use Flash or too much Javascript.

Think about what pages matter to users. Block tags and archives (usually).

(How to do this in Wordpress)

Link out to others (adds value to users, can use to build relationships)

Consider guest bloggers, because they’ll spread the word about their content.


Two #protips: a




Now go create useful and interesting

content so the next part is easier.

Linkbuilding and SEO



In a nutshell, the more links you get

from stronger websites, the more likely

your website is to rank for more and

more competitive keyword phrases.


I love linkbuilding with a blog because

you get to make friends.


Remember, people, not websites, link to



Do you use these?


You should be. Don’t be

afraid to tweet at people who

would be interested (don’t

annoy them).

Also, think about priming the

social pump before your post

is published. That’s how I get

influencers to share my stuff.

Do you push content out on them to

relevant people?




Do you follow relevant influencers and seek to

help them out?


Old school linkbuilding involved trying

to wrangle others into linking to you.


Begging for links doesn’t work. It’s

high output, low return, and I think it


But there is a better way!

Essentially, you were begging.


New school linkbuilding focuses on

providing so much value that people can’t

help but share.


But you need to target the content

curators and other bloggers to get on

their radar.

A couple important

linkbuilding queries



“[keyword]” “roundup”


“[keyword]” “day in”

A few more odds and ends



Track Everything (Google Analytics for sites, for social)


A variety of sources is good (organic, social, direct)




Find your voice through blogging

consistently. Write about what you know

and be an expert.


Blogging is best learned by blogging...and

by reading other bloggers.

George Siemens


Make friends in your industry who will

share your writing if it’s good enough.


Connect with influencers through social

media and their blogs. Provide them

value. Don’t be afraid to recommend your

writing if it’s good!

John Doherty

SEO Consultant at Distilled NYC.


Rock climber.

Company Blog:

Personal Blog:

SEO Consultant – Distilled!/dohertyjf



Thank You


Distilled NYC

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