Blog Traffic Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook Mini Course ... · marketing + blogging is what I breathe everyday, and what I do for a living. My community has reached nearly 5k ambitious

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1. Blog Traffic Mini Course Day 1



Hello. I’m Raelyn Tan , I help bloggers like you

build your dream blog business and live a life of freedom

Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

10 years ago, I wrote my first word online and hit the publish button. I’ve never looked back since. My name is Raelyn, and I’ve been blogging (first informally, then professionally) for 10 years. Before, I started a personal development blog, making my first sale around 3 months in. Shortly after, I realized that digital marketing is my passion, deleted all my previous blogs, and decided to start my own personal brand (what you see here!). Yep, I strongly believe in doing things you are passionate about. My academic background is in marketing – I major in Marketing at the National University of Singapore (the best university in Asia-Pacific and 12th in the world according to the QS World Ranking in 2015).


Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

My corporate background is in the digital marketing industry. Prior to this blog, I did content marketing & social media management at one of the largest telecommunications company in Singapore. Needless to say, digital marketing + blogging is what I breathe everyday, and what I do for a living. My community has reached nearly 5k ambitious bloggers across my email list and social media channels and it is growing fast. Digital marketing and blogging is a great love of mine as I love how the words I write can propel people to do things and change their lives for the better. What about you?

It’s time for you to stop existing and start living. Start working towards

living a life on your own terms, starting now. Let’s rock!

You desire to do work that you love and enjoy.

You want to spend time with the people you love, to travel the world, to live out

your passions or even just to take a break when you want to.

And you know that building a stable, thriving

online blog business will take you there.

If that’s you, you know what? Your journey is about to get a lot easier with me! J

Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

In this mini course you’ll learn: • 9 top proven strategies that will grow your blog traffic and audience • How to build a blog that attracts readers like bees to honey • The crucial mistakes that are stopping you from growing your blog

traffic • Develop a promotional strategy and action plan to grow your blog


I would like to reiterate that this mini course has been revised countless of times. Every single thing in this 12 days has been included for a reason. Some things may seem basic or fluff to you - but they are still included because many bloggers are failing precisely because they neglect these stuff. Some of the stuff mentioned may overwhelm you - relax and read through them again. If you’re reading this and only have 30 seconds to spare, it is better that you don’t start at all. This is not a get-rich-quick skimpy mini course, but a 12 day meaty, value-laden piece of blog goodness that will take some digesting and bring your blog much transformation, if you let it. If you are expecting something to just glaze your eyes over, this is not for you. Don’t waste your time. The people who’ve benefited the most from this guidebook actually sat down and read it, not skimmed through it. I’ve been through at least 5 iterations of this mini course to present the most crucial aspects of getting blog traffic as succinctly as possible. Ready? Let’s get to day 1! #yeah!


Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

Making your blog customer-attractive is the first step to attracting and retaining any traffic you have. No matter how much spikes of traffic you get, you’ll lose all your traffic if your blog is not attractive. Having a great blog going on attracts traffic to you and keeps your traffic around.

People start a blog and expect “techy traffic strategies” to push their blogs to success. Or they even want to know that magic place to post your blog link and get hordes of people to come. I love tactics, and these techy strategies are undeniably important, but they are only one part of the equation. The other part of the equation is actually having something that’ll get traffic.

Word-of-mouth, social media shares.. these are free organic traffic that will only happen if your blog is awesome and attractive to begin with. Many bloggers in my community fail to grasp this, and are obsessed with traffic numbers. While numbers are important, having a blog of substance is more important as you’ll still be able to build up traffic steadily as your blog is good and people come back, even if you only have a handful of new visitors everyday. Now that you are convinced that having a customer-attractive blog helps you to attract and retain traffic, and eventually skyrocket your blog’s audience; You must be thinking right now: How do I make my blog customer-attractive?


Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

1) Stand out from the rest

It is important to know how you will be different from the rest of the pack. Give your new and existing readers a reason to come back to you. Have a certain X factor that cannot be found everywhere else. Stand out and make your blog unforgettable.

Often times, we look at industry leaders and think that we can do the exact same thing and copy their blog’s unique qualities as our own. Whilst I encourage modelling successful blogs and learning from their journey, most successful blogs have their own X factor that cannot be replicated easily.

Besides, you have to give readers a reason to read your blog and not your industry leader’s blog.

Whether it’s how your blog looks, how you position yourself in your niche, or even your personality, make your blog stand out.

How can your blog stand out from everyone else?

2) Be known for something

Your readers and buyers are very realistic. They search and stick to blogs that will give them the best information available. After all, everyone has only 24 hours a day and nobody will read a blog when they know that there’s another blog that gives better information on the same topic.

Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

Consumers today are time-scarce. We skim through stuff, we get pissed off when internet explorer is slow… the list goes on.

As a blog that’s not “famous” yet, you have less articles and credibility than the more popular blogs in your industry.

Hence, to quickly establish expertise and create a blog of high quality, be known for something. Specialize in a specific topic or take an interesting angle. This will quickly build up an audience that loves you and listens closely to what you have to say.

What do you want to be known for?

3) Be authentic and real.

Because it gets tiring when you’re not doing things that feel good to you. Don’t be in a hurry to be someone else just because they are successful.

It will not result in any success because the reality is that you are you, not someone else and you will never be good at being someone else.

For instance, if you hate being on video then focus on blogging. If you hate 1-1 coaching, then create a digital product or have group coaching. If you hate google ads cluttering up your blog then create your own products and sell them. Little things like that add up.

If you are fun and relaxed in real life, don’t have a stiff and boring corporate blog. People will sense from ten feet away that what you have

Blog Traffic Strategic Guidebook


Day 1.

is a facade, and the few people you attract? You’ll hate dealing with them.

You are what makes your blog unique and interesting and awesome.

How can you incorporate YOU into your blog business?

If you learnt something today, could you please help by sharing this Blog Traffic Mini Course? It would really help with getting more people to know about this mini course. I am confident that it can help tons of other bloggers with their blog traffic too. I would greatly appreciate it, my friend!

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Thank you so much. You’re the best! See you tomorrow for day 2!


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