Bloc Québécois 2011 Platform

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    essage from the eader of the Bloc Qubco s| 2-3-4-5

    eam w th Roots hroughout Qubec| 6-7-8-9

    G lles Duceppe: eader Who ares bout Qubec| 10-11

    Qubec ide t t | 12-13 Qubecs i terests| 14-15-16-17

    Qubec Values| 18-19-20-21

    Democrac a d ra spare c| 22-23

    Parlo s Qubec| 24

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io


  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    We de endQubec values,our de t t,our la guage

    and our culture.

    SS G R D R B Q B iS2of 2

    Gilles DuceppeLeader of the Bloc Qubcois

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    Wi R S R G Q B1of 2


    lets ta k the q e rea t ,pr x t and reg ns;

    ets ta k at na cap ta .Parlo s Qubec.

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    b q s de ands: that ederal policies promote the

    development o industries that have astrong presence in Qubecs regions:

    a policy to support and develop theforestry sector; continued agricultural supply manage ment and enhanced arm income supportpolicies; improved measures to support shermenaffected by the crisis; a tax credit for young graduates whodecide to work in a rural region.

    that all ederal programs be assessed ortheir impacts on regions.

    that regions have access to quality in rastructure: a harbour repair program andSt. Lawrence icebreaking fees coveredby Ottawa to promote maritime andintermodal transport; enhanced airport facilities and abolition of

    the regional air transportation tax; the reversal of border crossing closures; a greater federal contribution toinfrastructure funding. ets talk reg o s.

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    that Qubec City be treated as the nationalcapital that it is, and that includes ederalsupport for major infrastructure worthy of a

    capital. ets talk nat o al ap tal. that Montrals role as an economic, nancial

    and cultural centre be supported. ets talko tral.

    that the St. Lawrence River, the lifeline of Qubec, be managed on an integrated basissuch that greater economic development

    does not mean the destruction o its uniqueecosystems. This can only be achieved if Ottawa stops deciding everything unilaterally.P R nS Q B .

    Wi R S R G Q B2of 2

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    Photo : guy f. raymond

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    Gi S D PP : D R W R S B Q B


    lets ta k h nest ,peten e and deter nat n.

    ets talk leadersh p.

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    Q B iD n i y


    lets ta k t re, fren h, nat n.ets talk de t t .

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    Q B S in R S S1of 2


    lets ta k e n ,s sta na e deve p ent,s dar t and a rness.

    ets talk Qubec terests.

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    he b q s s tted t : presenting supportive policies or Qubecs

    strong economic sectors: a policy to modernize Qubecs industrial

    base that emphasizes productivity andenergy conservation; a policy to support and developthe forestry sector; an aerospace policy; a supportive policy for industry research anddevelopment, particularly for leading edgesectors like the environmental industry andthe pharmaceutical sector; withdrawal of the federal project to create apan Canadian securities commission, whichwould weaken Montrals role as a nancialcentre. ets talk eco om .

    proposing measures to reduce Qubecsdependence on oil: tax incentives to help families convert their

    home heating system and undertake energy ef ciency retro ts in their homes; measures to promote electric cars; support for the development of biofuels

    rom agricultural, household andforestry waste; renewable energy development assistance; support for companies that switch to moreenergy ef cient patterns of production. etstalk susta able developme t.

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    ensuring that everyone contributes their fair tofederal tax revenue: eliminate tax havens;

    impose a surtax on very high incomes andbonuses for corporate executives; abolish tax give aways for oil companies.

    ets talk sol dar t .

    making sure that Qubec is treated fairly by Ottawa and defending Qubecs positions indisputes between Qubec and Ottawa :

    demand the $5 billion owed to Qubec forvarious disputes that have dragged on or artoo long, like tax harmonization, equalizationand the Ice Storm. ets talk fa r ess.P R nS Q B .

    Q B S in R S S2of 2

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

    Q B V S1 2

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    Q B V S1of 2


    lets ta k e a t , env r n ent,perat n and respe t.

    ets talk values.

    bl b l l

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    he b q s tea s tted t s pp rt ng the va q e e kers:

    by ensuring that Qubec maintains itsability to provide Quebeckers with a social

    safety net through enhanced equalization,increased post secondary educationtransfers and an end to scal imbalance.

    ets talk fa r ess. by proposing substantial improvements

    to programs or the neediest o persons,

    such as the Guaranteed IncomeSupplement, employment insuranceand support for affordable housing.

    ets talk soc al progress.

    by proposing changes to the Canada LabourCode to allow the precautionary cessation

    of work and ban scabs.ets talk sol dar t .

    by showing a determination to protect theenvironment and ght climate change:

    a credible greenhouse gas reduction plan; increased support for researchand development and an end to theConservatives severe cuts; a climate change adaptation programto ght shoreline erosion along theSt. Lawrence. ets talk e v ro me t.

    by adopting a results oriented approach tojustice rather one focused on an ideology o retribution: oppose the proliferation of guns and theabolition of the Gun Registry; make rehabilitating young offenders andreintegrating them into society a priority;

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

    Q B V S2of 2

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    Par ns ga t , env r nne ent,p rat n, respe t.Parlo s



    oppose dogmatic, ineffective measuresthat turn judges into prison sentence

    dispensing machines; get tougher on organized crime, street gangsand white collar criminals. ets talk just ce.

    by advancing a foreign policy that favourscooperation, peace ul confict resolution andthe protection o civilians:

    implement a credible plan to bring Canadasinternational development assistance up tothe UN target of 0.7% of GDP; give priority to multilateral institutions forinternational cooperation; include clauses in trade agreements toprotect culture, workers rights and theenvironment;

    pull Canadian troops out of Afghanistan.ets talk cooperat o .

    by defending women from attacks on theirrights, such as the right to control their ownbodies, by instituting federal pay equity andre establishing the Equal Opportunities forWomen Program and the Court ChallengesProgram. ets talk equal t .

    by being a true partner of Aboriginalnations by establishing nation to nationrelations and providing better support ordevelopment initiatives. ets talk respect.P R nS Q B .

    Q B V S2of 2

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    Photo : guy f. raymond

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

    D R y nD R nSP R n y

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    D R y nD R nSP R n y


    lets ta k penness,nsens s and transparen .

    ets talk democrac .

    bloc qubcoi Policy m 2011 l c io

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform



    q y

  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


  • 8/7/2019 Bloc Qubcois 2011 Platform


    t r s par agente pr n pa e d b q s


    . rg

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