Black Hat Marketing Tricks Could Poison Your Brand

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Marketers are on a constant hunt to get their brand name and message spread to a greater audience, and sometimes those efforts turn unethical. Black hat marketing tactics, whether you know you are employing them or not, may seem like they’ll benefit your brand, but the long term negative effects are crushing. This presentation goes through what you need to know about black hat marketing in order to protect your brand. Find out: - Types of black hat marketing - Policies against black hat marketing you need to be aware of - Ways to avoid being banned from critical sites such as Google, Facebook and Twitter


Black Hat Marketing Tricks Could Poison Your Brand

Black Hat Marketing


White Hat (Good Guys)

Black Hat (Bad Guys)


Black Hat tactics can have serious consequences


Types of Black Hat Marketing


Click Bait

Content meant to attract readers with intriguing, and often misleading, headlines that don’t fully

explain what the post is about

Source: #BlackHatMarketing

Click Bait

Facebook is putting in the work to put an end to click bait based on time away from Facebook and number of Interactions



Doorway Pages

Poor-quality pages where each is optimized for a specific keyword or phrase, or specifically written to rank for a particular phrase and

then funnel users to a single destination

Source: Google Support #BlackHatMarketing

Doorway Pages

Google Webmaster Guidelines state: “Don’t deceive your users” and “Avoid tricks intended to improve

search engine rankings.”


BMW admittedly used doorway pages - their German website influenced search results to ensure top ranking when users

searched for "used car."

Source: BBC News #BlackHatMarketing

Craigslist Harvesting

Collecting the email addresses of people that are posting to Craigslist, or even using Craigslist content as your own.


Craigslist sues PadMapper for 'mass harvesting' listings

Source: #BlackHatMarketing

Cookie Stuffing

Loading users’ computers with fraudulent cookies even when they do not click on a link.

Source: #BlackHatMarketing

Cookie Stuffing

Legitimate affiliate marketing uses cookies to track when a link is clicked on, in order to credit the referral source



Showing different websites to search engine robots and users



Serving a page of HTML text to search engines and showing images or Flash to users


OR !

Inserting text or keywords into a page only when it is a search engine and not a human

#BlackHatMarketing used improper SEO tactics and got clients banned from Google and Yahoo.

Source: The Wall Street Journal #BlackHatMarketing

Policies to be Aware of


Google’s Guidelines

Google has strict guidelines that are meant to actually help marketers in the long run, and they are great for marketers to keep top of mind.

Source: Google Support #BlackHatMarketing

Google’s Guidelines

They cover international content, mobile content, link schemes, redirects, comment spam and more


Facebook Promotions


Facebook Promotions

Source: Facebook Page Guidelines #BlackHatMarketing

Twitter Guidelines

Get Rich Quick

Source: Twitter Guidelines #BlackHatMarketing

Twitter Guidelines


Instead of Black Hat, Try White Hat


White Hat Marketing


White Hat = Long term Success

Black Hat = Short term Success


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