Birds Canada | Oiseaux Canada | - Changes in Ontario bird … · 2016. 10. 12. · 11 Blue-winged Warbler 7.2 12 Orchard Oriole 5.1 13 Osprey 4.8 14 Philadelphia Vireo 4.7 ... 72

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68 Ontario Birds August 2016


IntroductionThere have been many changes toOntario bird populations since the pub-lication of the first issue of Ontario Birdsin 1983. Some of these, such as the dra-matic increase in Wild Turkey (Meleagrisgallopavo) across southern and centralOntario, are evident to most observers,while others, such as the near extirpationof the Henslow’s Sparrow (Ammodramushenslowii) have slipped by largely unno-ticed by any but the most involved orinformed. In this article, through a seriesof 11 brief summaries by Ontario experts,an overview is provided of some of themajor changes that have taken place toindividual species and groups of birdsover the past three decades. The goal isnot to provide a comprehensive analysisof bird population change, but to high-light certain species and/or groups thatwill help provide insight into changes ofinterest to readers of Ontario Birds. Tobetter understand the information pro-vided here, and for a broader perspectiveon how Ontario’s birds are faring relativeto those across the country and the con-tinent, we highly recommend two recentpublications: The State of Canada's Birds(NABCI-Canada 2012) and The State ofNorth America's Birds (NABCI 2016).

The State of Canada's Birds (NABCI-Canada 2012) found that, on average,Canadian breeding bird populations havedecreased 12% since 1983, when effec-tive monitoring began for most species.For species with sufficient data to moni-tor their status, 44% have decreased,33% have increased and 23% have shown

Changes inOntario birdpopulations:1983-2016Michael D. Cadman, Andrew R. Couturier,Jon D. McCracken, Donald A. Sutherland,Kenneth F. Abraham, Lyle E. Friesen,Christian A. Friis, Kevin C. Hannah,Shawn W. Meyer, David J. Moore, Mark K. Peck, Douglas C. Tozer and D.V. Chip Weseloh

Wild Turkey. Photo: Daniel Cadieux

Volume 34 Number 2 69

little overall change. Some groups, suchas grassland birds, aerial insectivores andshorebirds, show substantial declines.Other groups such as waterfowl, raptorsand colonial waterbirds are increasing,due to careful management, changes inhabitat and reductions in environmentalcontaminants (NABCI-Canada 2012).

The situation at the continental scaleprovides additional cause for concern.The State of North America's Birds(NABCI 2016) — an unprecedentedvulnerability assessment of our conti-nent's birds, including Canada, the Unit-ed States and Mexico — concludes that432 of North America's 1,154 nativebird species (37%) require urgent con-servation action. In particular, birds thatdepend on oceans and tropical forests aremost imperiled due to severe habitatthreats, restricted ranges and decliningpopulations. Species that rely on coasts,grasslands and arid lands are faring poor-ly on average, while results for temperateforests, tundra, wetlands and the borealforest are mixed.

Familiar Ontario bird species can befound among the list of winners and los-ers at both the national and continentalscales. Interestingly, the 22% of Canada’sbird species that stay primarily year-round in Canada are doing very well gen-erally, with an overall increase of 50%since 1970. But the 15% that winter inSouth America have declined by 60% inCanada in the same period (NABCI-Canada 2012). The reasons for this pat-tern are unknown, but it suggests thatsignificant changes are underway eitherin the wintering areas, along migratoryroutes or both, and it is evident that the

fate of migratory birds is intertwinedwith that of resident species and habitatsoutside of the province. A full lifecycleapproach, addressing species' needs dur-ing breeding, migration and wintering,is essential for conserving Ontario's (andCanada's) birds.

The 25 species that have increasedand decreased the most in Ontario since1983 according to the Breeding BirdSurvey (BBS) are shown in Table 1. TheBBS is a road-side survey, so it representsterrestrial landbirds better than wetlandand colonial species, and can only pro-vide trends for areas with roads. As aresult, some significant changes in num-bers, such as those of the TrumpeterSwan (Cygnus buccinator) are not shownin this table, and there is no coverage forvast areas of northern Ontario’s borealforest and Hudson Bay Lowlands. Notealso that some terrestrial species, such asthe Northern Bobwhite (Colinus vir-ginianus) and Yellow-breasted Chat (Icte-ria virens) do not appear on the table,despite their near extirpation from theprovince over the past 30 years, becausethey are encountered so infrequently thatBBS does not track them reliably. Someof the patterns revealed in the table, suchas the large increases in many “big” birds,the expansion of species edging north-ward into and within the province, andthe decline of the grassland and aerialinsectivore species are expanded on in theaccounts that follow.

70 Ontario Birds August 2016


a) Largest Increases 1983-2013

Rank Species Trend

1 Wild Turkey 31.4

2 Canada Goose 18.1

3 Double-crested Cormorant 18.0

4 Sandhill Crane 16.5

5 Bald Eagle 14.5

6 House Finch 13.8

7 Red-bellied Woodpecker 11.6

8 Turkey Vulture 8.9

9 Palm Warbler 7.7

10 Northern Parula 7.3

11 Blue-winged Warbler 7.2

12 Orchard Oriole 5.1

13 Osprey 4.8

14 Philadelphia Vireo 4.7

15 Wood Duck 4.6

16 Blue-headed Vireo 4.4

17 Hooded Merganser 4.2

18 Pine Warbler 3.8

19 Cooper's Hawk 3.7

20 Brown Creeper 3.6

21 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 3.5

22 Ring-billed Gull 3.5

23 Merlin 3.5

24 Northern Cardinal 3.2

25 Mallard 2.8

b) Largest Decreases 1983-2013

Rank Species Trend

1 Loggerhead Shrike -11.0

2 Chimney Swift -7.8

3 Cliff Swallow -7.4

4 Common Gallinule -6.7

5 Bank Swallow -6.3

6 Evening Grosbeak -6.1

7 Rusty Blackbird -5.9

8 Black Tern -5.7

9 Blue-winged Teal -4.9

10 Purple Martin -4.7

11 Western Meadowlark -4.5

12 House Sparrow -4.3

13 Ring-necked Pheasant -4.2

14 Herring Gull -3.8

15 Tennessee Warbler -3.7

16 Tree Swallow -3.7

17 Red-headed Woodpecker -3.7

18 Brown-headed Cowbird -3.7

19 Killdeer -3.6

20 Bobolink -3.5

21 Spotted Sandpiper -3.5

22 Vesper Sparrow -3.5

23 American Black Duck -3.3

24 Upland Sandpiper -3.2

25 Eastern Whip-poor-will -3.0

Table 1. The 25 species showing (a) the largest increases and (b) the largest decreases in Ontario inthe period 1983-2013 according to the Breeding Bird Survey (Sauer et al. 2014). Nomenclature follows American Ornithologists’ Union (2015). Trend shown is annual % change.

Volume 34 Number 2 71

SpeciesAccountsOntario’s Goose Populations The story of geese in Ontario since thefirst issue of Ontario Birds is one of anoverall dramatic and positive response tohuman-caused landscape changes.Changes both within and beyond On -tario have resulted in more geese almosteverywhere. The main cause is that thegeese adopted new diets in the mid tolate 20th century by foraging in agricul-turally dominated habitats. With a singleexception among regularly occurringspecies, diets of geese during migrationand winter now consist primarily of

cereal grains left after harvesting, andgreen forage plants in managed rural andurban grasslands. For temperate breeding Canada Geese (Branta canadensis maxi-ma), this adaptation extends to all sea-sons as they also nest and rear young inagricultural and urban areas. Secondarycauses of population increases includelower harvest rates/higher survival ratesfor Canada, Cackling (B. hutchinsii),Lesser Snow (Chen caerulescens caerul -escens) and Greater Snow Geese (C. c.atlantica), a reflection of changing demo-graphics among hunter populations.

Greater Snow Geese. Photo: Brian Morin

72 Ontario Birds August 2016

Canada Geese in Ontario includetemperate breeders of the south and nearnorth, and subarctic breeders of theHudson Bay Lowlands (HBL). Temper-ate breeders increased from about 10,000to 180,000 breeding adults from 1980 to2006, but have since declined somewhat(CWSWC 2015). Subarctic breedersincreased throughout the mid 20th cen-tury to the late 1980s, to over 900,000birds, but have declined gradually sincethen and have been relatively stable forthe past decade at about 400,000 breed-ing adults (CWSWC 2015).

The Cackling Goose became recog-nized as a separate species from CanadaGoose in 2004 (Banks et al. 2004).Ontario-observed Cackling Geese comefrom the Baffin Island breeding segmentof the Mid-Continent Population (Abra-ham 2005), which grew from about 1million in 1987 to almost 4 million in2013 (CWSWC 2015).

Lesser Snow Geese breeding in On -tario’s portion of the HBL increasedfrom 120,000 in 1979 to over 400,000breeding adults in the mid 1990s (Abra-ham et al. 1998), part of a continentalpopulation explosion. The number hassince declined (Abraham 2007a) toabout 300,000 birds.

One of the most dramatic goose sta-tus changes we have witnessed is therange expansion of Greater Snow Goosein extreme southeastern Ontario, an areawhich now hosts 70,000-100,000 birdsfor short periods during spring and fallmigration to and from their breedinggrounds in the eastern high arctic(Morin and Hughes 2010). This, too, ispart of a continental growth spurt from

300,000 birds in the mid 1980s to 1.4million in 2009.

In similar fashion, the Ross’s Goose(C. rossii) has increased as both a migrantand a breeder in Ontario. A noteworthyrarity in 1982, it was removed from thereview list of the Ontario Bird RecordsCommittee (OBRC) for southernOntario in 2006 (Crins 2007). Thenumber of breeders in the Ontario HBLwas estima ted to be a few hundred pairsas of 2005 (Abraham 2007b), but haslikely increased since then. Its Ontariostatus reflects an increase from aboutonly 6,000 birds continentally in the1940s to over 2.7 million in 2014 and alarge-scale east ward range expansion(CWSWC 2015).

In Ontario, the pattern of increasedobservations of migrating White-front-ed Geese (Anser albifrons) mimics theRoss’s Goose story. The Mid-ContinentPopulation, from which Ontario white-fronts are derived, increased from about1 million to nearly 2.5 million between1986 and 2013 (CWSWC 2015); it isbeing observed in Ontario in increasingnumbers annually each spring.

The lone exception to this story of agriculturally-subsidized populationgrowth is the Brant (Branta bernicla),which continues to rely on native habi-tats in all seasons for its diet and nutri-tional needs. It regularly migrates to andfrom its low arctic breeding groundsthrough eastern Ontario and James Bayin spring and fall, but does not nest inOntario (but see Lumsden 1987a). Thecontinental population has been stablewith a long-term winter index average of136,000 birds (CWSWC 2015).


Volume 34 Number 2 73

Ontario’s Duck Populations Ontario’s duck picture over the last 33years is mostly good news, with only oneexception. Populations of almost all ofOntario’s breeding species are either sta-ble or increasing in numbers. Among thedabblers, the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)has increased the most since the early1980s, especially in the north. Data fromthe Southern Ontario Waterfowl PlotSurvey, ongoing through the early 1980s,shows a slight increase in the number ofbreeding pairs per year in the south (i.e.,0.5%), but both the Waterfowl BreedingPopulation and Habitat Survey (from theearly 1980s in northwestern Ontario) andthe Eastern Waterfowl Survey (ongoing

since 1990 in northeastern Ontario) showan approximate two-fold and 1.2-foldincrease in the breeding population ofMallards in the north (CWSWC 2015;USFWS 2016). At the same time, Amer-ican Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) declineddramatically by close to 30% in the southfrom the early 1980s and approximatelyby 20% in the north since 1990. Recent-ly, however, the breeding populationappears to have stabilized (CWSWC2015). Whether the increase in Mallardshas caused the decline in black ducks isstill unclear as landscape change and dis-turbance from cottage encroachmenthave also occurred concurrently.

Wood Duck. Photo: Saul Bocian

74 Ontario Birds August 2016

For the divers, Ring-necked Duck(Aythya collaris) increased by almost 20%in the northeast and over 200% in thenorthwest, with an overall increase in allregions between breeding bird atlas peri-ods (Leckie 2007). Similarly, the proba-bility of observation for cavity-nestingspecies, such as Wood Duck (Aix spon-sa), Hooded Merganser (Lophodytescucullatus) and Bufflehead (Bucephalaalbeola), also increased in all regionsbetween the two atlases (Bouvier 2007,Mallory 2007, Zimmerling 2007). Forexample, the Wood Duck has increasedby close to 10% and 40% in the north-ern and south ern parts of its range inOntario while the Hooded Merganserhas increased by 12% and 20% in theseres pective areas (CWSWC 2015).

Undoubtedly, some of the abovechanges stem from the creation of theNorth American Waterfowl Manage-ment Plan in 1986, which laid the foun-dation for species and habitat Joint Ven-tures, such as the Ontario Eastern Habi-tat Joint Venture. This partnership sup-ports “on the ground” habitat work,landowner stewardship and public edu-cation and outreach, which have allgreatly benefited Ontario’s ducks.

The Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors)is the exception to the positive outlookfor Ontario’s ducks. In southern On -tario, it declined by close to 8% per yearsince 1981, with large losses occurring inthe last 10 years (~14.8% per year)(CWSWC 2015). Similarly, a largedecline in the probability of observationoccurred in all regions between the twoatlas periods (Ross 2007). Breedingnumbers in northwestern Ontario, how-ever, show an opposite trend, with an

approximate two-fold increase in thepopulation between the early 1980s andrecent time periods (USFWS 2016).This result highlights the need to betterunderstand factors driving Blue-wingedTeal numbers in southern versus north-ern On tario.

With respect to staging birds, majorchanges have occurred in the distributionand abundance of ducks on the lowerGreat Lakes since the early 1980s. Forbay ducks (e.g., scaup [Aythya spp.],Redhead [Aythya americana] and Can-vasback [Aythya valisineria]), numbersincreased from the 1980s, then peakedin the mid to late 1990s, and since thenhave declined back to 1980 levels. Someof this change is related to steep declinesin the continental scaup population sincethe 1980s, as many of these birds stagein Ontario (CWSWC 2015). Some areas(e.g., Rondeau Bay and Lake St. Clair),however, continue to have large numbersof bay ducks which may explain losses inother areas (e.g., Long Point) (Smith etal. 2013). Similarly, numbers of seaducks (e.g., Black Scoter [Melanitta am -er icana], White-winged Scoter [Melanit-ta fusca] and Long-tailed Ducks [Clan -gula hyemalis]) staging on the lowerGreat Lakes increased from the 1980s tothe 1990s, but unlike bay ducks, contin-ue to be found in high numbers, espe-cially in the western and eastern basin ofLake Ontario. Presumably, the introduc-tion of exotic Zebra (Dreissena polymor-pha) and Quagga mussels (Dreissenabugensis) into the lower Great Lakes inthe early 1990s explains some of thesechanges. These introductions and theirsubsequent colonization greatly changedthe lower Great Lakes ecosystem by


Volume 34 Number 2 75

increasing water clarity and changingbiotic communities (Skubinna et al.1995). This, in addition to a new mus-sel food source and changes in winter icecover, has opened up new opportunitiesfor ducks to “short stop” during theirmigration. For example, during warmwinters more than 100,000 Canvasbacksoverwinter on the lower Great Lakes(Canadian Wildlife Service 2016).

Overall, Ontario’s duck populationshave improved since the 1980s and theirfuture continues to look bright.

Great Lakes Colonial WaterbirdsThe Great Lakes are home to more thantwo million colonially-nesting water-birds: 13 species of gulls, terns, cor-morants, pelicans and herons (Weselohet al. 2003, unpubl. data). Since the mid-1970s, the nests of these species havebeen counted, Great Lakes-wide, by the

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and theCanadian Wild life Service approximate-ly every decade. It is a huge undertakingthat takes two to three years to complete.The methods and results of the countsfor the first three decades, the 1970s,1980s and 1990s, have been publishedwidely (Weseloh et al. 1986; Blokpoeland Tessier 1997, 1998; Morris et al.2011, Rush et al. 2015 and referencestherein). The goal of this paper is to pres-ent the general results of the fourthdecadal survey (2007-08) in the Canadi-an Great Lakes for three representativespecies: the Double-crested Cormorant(Phalacrocorax auritus, henceforth cor-morant), the Great Egret (Ardea alba,henceforth egret) and the Herring Gull(Larus argentatus), and to discuss thechange in nest numbers of those speciesparticularly during the years of OntarioBirds, 1983 – 2016.

Great Egret. Photo: Brandon Holden

76 Ontario Birds August 2016

The study area included the shorelineand islands of the Canadian portions ofLakes Superior, Huron, St. Clair, Erieand Ontario as well as the St. Marys,Detroit, Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers,from the Minnesota-Ontario border tothe Ontario-Quebec border. Virtually allnest sites were accessed by boat (or truck)and ground counts of individual nestswere recorded; a very few sites had to beestimated from boats due to rough moor-ing or landing conditions.

The results and years of the fourdecadal surveys for the three species areshown in Figure 1. Within the OntarioBirds years, nest numbers of cormorantsincreased four-fold (405%) from 1989-2008. Nest numbers of egrets increased99.4% (i.e., they nearly doubled) andnest numbers of Herring Gulls declinedby nearly one quarter (23.7%).

The dramatic increase in cormorantnest numbers on the Great Lakes hasbeen ongoing since the mid-1970s andhas been well documented in both theUS and Canada (Weseloh et al. 1995);from 1989 to 2008, nest numbersincreased from 11,614 to 58,613. The

main reasons cited for this species’increase are reduced contaminant levelsin Great Lakes fish (the cormorants’ mainfood), the abundant food supply in theGreat Lakes due to the reduction of pis-civorous predators during the 1950s toearly 1970s and the increased protectionfor the species as a result of the Migra toryBird Treaty Act between the USA andMexico in 1972 and On tario provinciallegislation (Price and Weseloh 1986,Keith 1995, Weseloh et al. 2002). LakeHuron and Lake On tario had the largestnumber of cormorant nests in 2007-08with just under 21,000 and 20,000 nests,respectively.

With the exception of 1997-99, nestnumbers of egrets showed a steadyincrease (from 156 to 311 nests) butmuch slower than seen in cormorants. In1997-99, the number of egret nests haddeclined by 39.7% since the previous sur-vey with all of the decrease occurring onLake Erie where the number of nests (atits two Canadian colonies) declined from143 to 32. During that same period, thenumber of cormorant nests in Lake Erieincreased by 280%, including at the two


Figure 1. Trends in nest numbers of Double-crested Cormorants (DCCO), Herring Gulls (HERG)and Great Egrets (GREG) on the Canadian Great Lakes, 1970s – 2000s.

Numbers of D

CCO and



Numbers of G

REG nests


1976-1980 1989-1991 1997-1999 2007-2008Years







�� ��

Volume 34 Number 2 77

egret colonies; presumably egret nestswere usurped by cormorants as has beenwitnessed elsewhere (Gull Island, Pres -qu’ile Provincial Park, Brigh ton, On tario,D. Moore, pers. obs.). In contrast, nestnumbers have increased steadily on LakeHuron (217 nests in 2007-09; 70% of theCanadian Great Lakes total), due mainlyto growth of a colony on NottawasagaIsland, near Collingwood, ON. The pre-cise reason for the increase in egret nestsis not known but the four egret colonieson the U.S. side of western Lake Erie sup-ported over 1,400 nests in 1991 (Rush etal. 2015) and this was probably the nucle-us from which egrets spread into Ontario.

In contrast to cormorants and egrets,Herring Gull nest numbers declined dra-matically (from over 42,000 nests tounder 32,000) on all waterbodies exceptLake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.The largest declines occurred in GeorgianBay (Lake Huron, a decline of over 4,200nests) and in Lake Superior (over 2,900nests). Lake Ontario and the St. LawrenceRiver, together, gained 120 nests. Thedecline in Herring Gulls has been attrib-uted to several contributing factors:regime shifts within fish populations inLake Huron (Ridgway and Middel 2015)and resulting shifts in Herring Gull dietand reproduction (Hebert et al. 2008,2009), intentional release of raccoons andfoxes on breeding colonies by fishermento ‘control’ Double-crested Cormorants(Pekarik et al. 2016, C. Wes e loh unpubl.)and destruction of gull nests and dis-placement by cormorants (e.g., Somers etal. 2011).

Colonially-nesting waterbirds are top-level predators in Ontario’s aquatic envi-ronments, and as such are sentinels ofecosystem-wide changes in these habitats,especially on the Great Lakes. Dramaticincreases, as seen in cormorants andegrets, or declines in iconic species like theHerring Gull, signal these ecosystem-levelshifts. Continued long-term monitoringof these species is crucial for understand-ing the processes that are driving change,predicting population trajectories andconservation planning. The next wide-scale colonial waterbird census on theGreat Lakes is planned to coincide withdata collection for the third OntarioBreeding Bird Atlas (2021-2025).

Big Birds One of the most evident changes in Ont -ario bird numbers since 1983, for birdersand non-birders alike, is the increase inthe “big” birds in Ontario. The 12 largestbirds in the province by weight are shownin Table 2. All of these species, except theGreat Blue Heron (Ardea herodias), in -creased substantially between the breedingbird atlas periods (1981-1985 and 2001-2005). Of the increasing species, all butthe Tundra Swan (Cygnus colum bianus)more than doubled the number of squaresin which they were recorded betweenatlases, and the Tundra Swan increased by67% (Abraham 2007c).

Important conservation activities ofthe past century have contributed signifi-cantly to these increases. Prior to theMigratory Bird Convention Act of 1916,large-scale market hunting of birds, par-ticularly the larger species, was drivingmany birds towards extinction, andresulted in the extirpation of Ontario’s

breeding populations of Wild Turkey andTrumpeter Swan. One hundred yearslater, the MBCA is still important.Species such as the Tundra Swan andSandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) which,though still hunted in other parts of theirrange, are protected by the Act and its

associated hunting regulations to ensurethat populations continue to remainhealthy. The crane, in particular, hasbecome a familiar sight across much ofsouthern Ontario, whereas during theearly 1980s, its breeding range was justbeginning to expand southwards ontoManitoulin Island and the northern tipof the Bruce Peninsula. The first breed-ing evidence for the Rondeau area, faroutside its recently held range, was estab-lished during the year, 1983, that the firstissue of Ontario Birds appeared (Lumsden1987b).

Some of these large species, such asthe Canada Goose, Trumpeter Swan andWild Turkey, have benefited from rein-troduction efforts designed to establishself-sustaining breeding populations inthe province. In a highly human-modi-fied environment, these birds havebecome widely re-established across and, in the case of the Wild Turkey, wellbeyond, much of their former southernand central Ontario range (Bowman2007). The Wild Turkey reintroductionbegan in 1984 (Bowman 2007), and thespecies shows the largest increase inOntario of any bird tracked by the Breed-ing Bird Survey since that time (Envi-ronment and Climate Change Canada,unpublished data).

The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoce -phalus) also benefitted from reintroduc-tion programs, though the main reasonfor its increase in recent decades is anoth-er conservation milestone, the banning ofthe pesticide DDT (dichloro diphenyltrichloroethane) in the early 1970s inCanada and the US (Grier 1982). Thisban also helped in the increase of thefish-eating Double-crested Cormorant

78 Ontario Birds August 2016


Sandhill Crane, Double-crested Cormorant. Photos: Ken Newcombe

Volume 34 Number 2 79

(Weseloh et al. 1995), as well as the Gol -den Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and othersmaller raptors such as the Peregrine Fal-con (Falco peregrinus) and Merlin (Falcocolumbarius), both of which are alsomuch more common in Ontario nowthan in 1983.

The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)has been increasing in Ontario and acrossNorth America since the 1920s, perhapsdue to the increase and northern expan-sion of the White-tailed Deer (Odo coileusvirginianus), at least in the east (Kirk andMossman 1998). When Ontario Birdsbegan in 1983, the Turkey Vulture waspatchily distributed across southernOntario, with extensive areas, such asmuch of eastern Ontario, with very fewatlas records (Peck 2007). The species isnow widespread across southern Ontario

where the Turkey Vulture is now one ofthe most prominent birds in the sky andthe expansion has continued into north-western Ontario, though the numbers arefar smaller than in the south.

The success of conservation measuresin relation to these big birds should pro-vide inspiration as we face increasing con-servation challenges in the decades ahead.

Red Knot The Red Knot (Calidris canutus) is a hol-arctic breeding shorebird with three rec-ognized subspecies in North America,two of which nest in Canada. C. c. rose-laari breeds in western Alaska, winteringon the west coast of the southern U.S.,and Mexico, with smaller numbers inwestern Central America and northernSouth America. C. c. islandica breeds inGreenland and the higher latitudes of theCanadian Arctic, north of the ParryChannel, wintering in Western Europe.C. c. rufa nests in the central CanadianArctic and winters predominantly inTierra del Fuego, Argentina and Chilewith smaller wintering populations insoutheastern United States and northernBrazil (Clements et al. 2015). Bandingresults indicate C. c. rufa make up thevast majority of birds migrating and stag-ing in Ontario (SBRDM 2015).

Since the 1970s, shorebird populationnumbers in Canada have been showingmajor declines (NABCI-Canada 2012).In the mid-1980s, C. c. rufa numberswere estimated to be between 100,000 –150,000 birds, but have declined precip-itously since then. The most recent rufapopulation estimate is 42,000 birds(Andres et al. 2012) and from 1994 to

Species Weight (g)

Trumpeter Swan 10,500

Mute Swan 10,000

American White Pelican 7,700

Tundra Swan 7,000

Wild Turkey 5,800

Golden Eagle 4,400

Bald Eagle 4,325

Sandhill Crane 4,100

Canada Goose 3,050

Great Blue Heron 2,400

Turkey Vulture 1,830

Double-crested Cormorant 1,700

Table 2. The 12 largest birds in Ontario by weight(Cadman et al. 2007).

80 Ontario Birds August 2016


Figure 2. Individually colour-marked Red Knot banded in Argentina. Flagged birds allow researchers to trackindividual knots throughout the flyway providing valuable data on sex, survival and staging times. Photo: Mark Peck.

2002, demographic studies showed thatannual adult survival rates had declinedfrom 85% to 56% (Niles et al. 2008).The reasons for the survival and popula-tion declines remain imperfectly known.Several factors have been implicated inthe population decline, including re ducedavailability of food resources, de te r ior -ation of habitat along migration routesand climate change. For example, theoverharvest of horseshoe crab eggs inDelaware Bay reduced the amount ofavailable food to northbound migrantsduring their staging period. Without ade-quate food resources, individuals leaveDelaware Bay for the breeding groundsless prepared for their journey (i.e., withinsufficient fat reserves), resulting in areduced survival rate (Baker et al. 2004).Calidris canuta rufa has been designatedendangered in Canada under the Species

at Risk Act (SARA) and in Ontario underthe Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA).

In southern Ontario, C. c. rufa is con-sidered a rare spring and fall transient(Curry 2006, Black and Roy 2010), arriv-ing individually or in small numbers withonly occasional larger flocks forced downby poor weather onto the eastern shoresof Lake Ontario and the St LawrenceRiver. However, farther to the north, thesouthwest James Bay coast is known to bea critical staging area for several shorebirdspecies, including the Red Knot (Morri-son et al. 2001, Ross et al. 2003). Frommid-July to mid-August about 15% ofthe estimated population of C. c. rufastages along James Bay during theirsouthbound migration, gaining the nec-essary reserves to complete their migra-tion to wintering areas.

Volume 34 Number 2 81

International teams, partneringthrough out the Americas, have beenworking to determine reasons fordeclines observed in shorebird popula-tions in the Western Hemisphere. Withcontinued monitoring and the use ofnew technology (e.g., geolocators,molecular sexing and radio transmittertags — see pages 134 and 124 in thisissue), we now have a much betterunderstanding of Red Knot ecologythroughout the flyway. Due to thisresearch and coordinated conservationefforts, the Red Knot populationdecline has leveled off and, we hope, willimprove in the future.

Black Tern This “restless waif of the air, flittingabout hither and thither,” as describedby Bent (1921) was a common breederin wetlands throughout southern On -tario until the early 1900s (McIlwraith1894, Baillie and Harrington 1936).The Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) wasstill fairly common when standardizedbird monitoring began in Ontario withthe BBS in 1970, but by 1983, whenOntario Birds began, it had de clinedcon siderably (Figure 4). Today thespecies is even less common, as illustra -ted by various monitoring programs in -cluding the BBS (Environment Canada

Figure 3. Red Knots, White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis), Semipalmated Sandpiper (C. pusilla)and Dunlin (C. alpina) all stage in large numbers in southwest James Bay, Ontario, during southboundmigration. Photo: Mark Peck.

2014a), Bird Studies Canada’s Great LakesMarsh Monitoring Program (Tozer 2013,2016), the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlasprojects (Weseloh 2007) and surveysfocused on colonial marsh birds (Canadi-an Wildlife Service – Ont ario Region,unpublished data) (Figure 4). While thespecies is listed as not at risk by thenational body, the Committee on the Sta-tus of Endangered Wildlife in Canada(COSEWIC), it has been classified as spe-cial concern under Ontario’s ESA.

The population information forOntario is grim, with declines of 90%over the past few decades in some areas(Austen et al. 1994). Most Ontario bird-ers will personally attest to the disappear-ance of this attractive and sought-afterspecies from their own “hither and thith-er” wanderings. Sadly, the grim story isnot unique to the Black Tern. It is repre-sentative of declines in populations of sev-eral other marsh birds in southernOntario including: American Bittern(Bot aurus lentiginosus), American Coot(Fulica amer icana), Common Ga llinule(Gallinula galeata), Least Bittern (Ixo-brychus exilis), Pied-billed Grebe (Pod il -ymbus podiceps), Sora (Por zana car olina)and Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) (Tozer2013, 2016). The Black Tern, however, is decreasing faster than any other marsh bird.

What has caused Black Terns andother marsh birds to decline? The answeris not straightforward. Like other groupsof declining species, we can point to a longlist of factors that are probably responsi-ble, but there is no “smoking gun” expla-nation. This uncertainty has more to dowith the complicated ways that ecologicalprocesses influence population declinesthan with any shortcomings in our effortsto understand the decreases.

Population declines in Black Terns andother marsh birds in southern Ontariohave likely occurred due to loss and frag-mentation of marshes, changes in waterlevels, encroachment by urban sprawl,pollution and the spread of invasivespecies (Chin et al. 2014; Tozer 2013,2016). Loss and fragmentation of wet-lands is particularly troublesome for BlackTerns because they favour large wetlands

82 Ontario Birds August 2016


Figure. 4. Top panel: Mean number of Black Ternsdetected by the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) andGreat Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (GLMMP)in southern Ontario. Bottom panel: Mean probability of observation ofBlack Terns within Ontario Breeding Bird Atlassquares in the Carolinian and Lake Simcoe-Rideauatlas regions and number of occupied sites detectedduring Great Lakes colonial marsh bird surveys. See text for sources.

Probability of Observation (%


Occupied sites

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Atlas Colonial survey

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010BBS GLMMP













Volume 34 Number 2 83

surrounded by other wetlands (Naugle etal. 1999, 2000). Water level changes andassociated spread of dense emergent veg-etation, such as the invasive Phragmitesaustralis, can negatively influence theBlack Tern’s specialized floating nest sitesand surrounding open-water pools (Gra-ham et al. 2002, Zimmerman et al.2002). Urban sprawl and pollution maytake a heavier toll on Black Terns becauseof the effects of surface runoff of excessnutrients and chemicals on large aquat-ic insects and small fish, which are moreimportant for successful chick rearing byBlack Terns than for many other species(Beintema 1997). Great Horned Owls(Bubo virginianus) have recently beenidentified as a significant egg predator ofBlack Terns in the Kawartha Lakesregion (von Zuben and Nocera 2015),although this owl has declined in num-bers in southern Ontario over the past

couple of decades, which may suggestthat it is not a major factor contributingto Black Tern declines (Bird StudiesCanada’s Ontario Nocturnal Owl Sur-vey, unpublished data; Sleep 2007).Black Tern declines are also likely influ-enced by factors that occur duringmigration and on the wintering grounds(Heath et al. 2009).

Strategies have been prepared whichoutline activities needed to recover pop-ulations of species like Black Terns andLeast Bitterns (Burke 2012, Environ-ment Canada 2014b). Many of therecovery activities for these species willbenefit the other declining species. Wehave proven with waterfowl and raptorsthat we are capable of bringing back birdpopulations when they are in trouble.The same will hopefully be true in thefuture for marsh birds in Ontario.

The Black Tern isdecreasing faster thanany other marsh bird.

Black Tern Photo: Daniel Cadieux

Chimney Swift In 1983, when the first issue of OntarioBirds appeared, the Chimney Swift(Chaetura pelagica) was widespreadacross the southern half of the province,and was reported in 70% of the 10-kmsquares in southern Ontario during thefirst atlas (1981-1985) (Helleiner 1987).By the end of the second atlas (2001-2005), it was reported in only 44% ofthose same squares (Cadman 2007).From 2004, around the end of the sec-ond atlas, to 2014, the BBS has shown a further decline of 52% in the swiftpopulation, the 6th largest decline of anyspecies in that period, and the largest of any aerial insectivore (Environmentand Climate Change Canada, unpub-lished data).

The reasons for the decline are uncer-tain. The number of suitable chimneysis in decline, with old chimneys beingdestroyed or capped, and new chimneyshaving metal liners unsuitable for nest-ing or roosting birds. However, a studyhas shown that there are still a lot of suit-able chimneys going unused, so thatchimneys may not be the limiting factor(Fitzgerald et al. 2014). A study ofChim ney Swift guano (Nocera et al.2012) showed a shift in diet from pri-marily Beetles (Col eoptera) to less nutri-tious True Bugs (Hemiptera) that coin-cided with the advent of DDT use, and

suggests that changing insect popula-tions might be an important factor inaerial insectivore decline more generally.

Although swifts (and nighthawks) arenow far less numerous in the skies overthe cities than in 1982, large numbers ofChimney Swifts still roost communallyin some places, with the largest Ontarioroost occurring near the northern edgeof its Ontario range in a 46 m tall chim-ney at the shutdown Nuclear PowerDemonstration plant, near Chalk River.That roost was used by 2,563 birds on 1June 2014 and 1,456 on 19 May 2015(Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, unpub-lished data). Other cities such as Ottawa,Sault Ste. Marie and Toronto each hadmore than 1,000 swifts in large roosts on20 May 2015 (BSC 2015), but thosenumbers pale next to some historicalconcentrations, such as 10,000 birdsreported over Kingston on 14 May 1945(Bowman 1952).

Other aerial insectivores such as theBank Swallow (Riparia riparia) and BarnSwallow (Hirundo rustica) and the Com-mon Nighthawk (Chordeiles min or),have shown similar trends to the swift.All have a diet of flying insects, and theyall also winter in South America. Thissuggests either that changes in SouthAmerican wintering areas might beimportant factors in aerial insectivoredecline, or that long-distance migration

84 Ontario Birds August 2016


From 2004, around the end of the second atlas, to 2014, the BBS has showna further decline of 52% in the swift population, the 6th largest decline ofany species in that period, and the largest of any aerial insectivore ...

Volume 34 Number 2 85

Chimney Swifts.Illustration: Ian Jones

is more hazardous than previously thought due to the increasing humanfootprint on the landscape and perhapsthe rigours of climate change affectingthe birds at all stages of their annualcycle. Other factors that may play a partinclude the availability of natural nestingcavities such as the large (<50cm DBH)trees with “chimney” cavities in which

pairs of swifts nest. Logged hardwoodforests may have fewer of these rare trees(Zanchetta et al. 2014).

A recovery strategy is being writtenfor the Chimney Swift, in hope that thedecline can be halted in time for the200th issue of Ontario Birds.

86 Ontario Birds August 2016

Wood Thrush The Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)breeds in deciduous and mixed foreststhroughout its North American breedingrange. It was considered an uncommonbreeding bird in southern Ontario in the1930s (Baillie and Harrington 1937).However, the species underwent a signif-icant northward range expansion from itspopulation stronghold in the easternUnited States during the first half of the20th century and subsequently becamewell entrenched in Ontario. By the mid-1980s, the first Atlas of the Breeding Birdsof Ontario reported that Wood Thrushesoccurred in almost every square south ofthe Canadian Shield and that rangeexpansion was still trending northwards(Sadler 1987). BBS data from that timealso pointed to a significant populationincrease for the species in southernOntario.

The second Atlas reported that thespecies’ distribution had not changed sig-nificantly since the first Atlas (Friesen2007). It also noted that although severepopulation declines had recently beenreported in many parts of the species’North American breeding range, OntarioBBS data from 1981 to 2005 showed justthe opposite — a significant increase!Several possible explanations were givenfor the population spike: a three-foldincrease in forest cover south of theCanadian Shield in Ontario since the1920s (Larson et al. 1999), and a wide-spread ice-storm in eastern Ontario inthe late 1990s that, by opening the for-est canopy, produced a flush of optimumWood Thrush breeding habitat.

By 2012, however, BBS data fromOntario — where almost 80% of Cana-da’s Wood Thrushes occurred — werepainting a dramatically different picture

Wood Thrush. Photo: Claude King


Volume 34 Number 2 87

of the species’ population status. In Cana-da, the species had declined by 83% overthe preceding 41 years, and by 38% inthe 10 years from 2001 to 2011 alone(COSEWIC 2012a). Trends were simi-larly negative for the U.S., where BBSdata showed declines of more than 60%from 1966 to 2011 (Sauer et al. 2014).

The plight of the Wood Thrush ispuzzling for a number of reasons. It is oneof the more fragmentation-tolerant forestbirds, often found in areas having onlysmall, isolated woodlots (Sadler 1987,Friesen et al. 1999). The Wood Thrush isnot regarded as being a particular habitatspecialist, as are other forest songbirdssuch as the Cerulean Warbler (Setophagacerulea) and Acadian Flycatcher (Empi-donax virescens). Moreover, the WoodThrush produces two, and occasionallythree, broods in a single breeding season(Friesen et al. 2000, 2001). This buffersit from some of the worst impacts of pre-dation and nest parasitism, such thatnesting success and productivity can behigh, even in highly fragmented land-scapes (Friesen et al. 1999).

In summary, the Wood Thrush is nota species one would have expected to be‘at risk’ a few decades ago when OntarioBirds began. Nevertheless, it was desig-nated as threatened by COSEWIC in2012 and special concern by Ontario’sCommittee on the Status of Species atRisk in Ontario in 2014, because of therecent declines.

Identifying the reasons for the WoodThrush’s plight is full of complexities, notthe least of which is that the speciesmoves thousands of kilometers betweenits breeding and wintering ranges. Serious

problems could lie at either end of theannual migratory cycle, or even inbetween, and the scientific pendulum hasswung back and forth attempting to diag-nose where the stresses are most severe.One view is that habitat loss and degra-dation on the breeding grounds may bethe most important factors behind thedecline of long-distance migrants, includ-ing Wood Thrushes (Sherry and Holmes1992, Rushing et al. 2016). An alterna-tive view is that Wood Thrushes andother songbirds are limited primarily byevents on the wintering grounds (Ter-borgh 1989). Most of Ontario’s WoodThrushes overwinter in Nicaragua, Hon-duras and Costa Rica, where deforesta-tion rates are relentless and accelerating(Stanley et al. 2014).

Unfortunately, the Wood Thrush isnot the only temperate forest bird thathas flown into trouble. Of the 144 speciesthat breed in temperate forests acrossNorth America, 30 are on the ‘WatchList’ (NABCI 2016). The declines aremost acute for long-distance migrants,with species that migrate the farthest dis-tances tending to show the largestdeclines (NABCI-Canada 2012). Thedevelopment of sound management plansto stem the declines will require contin-ued monitoring and research of WoodThrushes and other long-distance mig -rants throughout their annual life cycle tounderstand the relative importance ofbreeding/wintering ground effects.

Evening GrosbeakThe Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustesvespertinus) is perhaps one of NorthAmerica’s most itinerant year-roundspecies, breeding across a vast expanse ofthe southern boreal and western conifer-ous forests in summer, and making occa-sional forays into the southern UnitedStates during winter. Considered to be anirruptive migrant, it is constantly on themove, tracking and capitalizing on high-ly ephemeral food resources. It is thispenchant for movement that likelyresulted in the significant expansion of itshistorical range from west of the RockyMountains to much of central and east-ern Canada over a century ago (Brunton1994). The human settlement of muchof the prairies during this time may havefacilitated this expansion due to theplanting of shelterbelt trees, such asManitoba maple (Acer negundo), whichprovided an abundant and reliable food

source that enabled them to survive harshwinters (Forbush 1929). Even today, thespecies remains highly nomadic and itsoccurrence, while exciting, is oftenunpredictable and enigmatic.

While understanding this transientnature was the focus of widespread birdbanding efforts in the last century, thisaspect of the species’ ecology also makesit difficult to track and systematicallymonitor. As a result, it has taken manydecades of data from several monitoringprograms to obtain credible status andtrend data for Evening Grosbeak popu-lations in Canada. According to long-term trend data from the BBS, popula-tions in Canada declined by -4.6%/yrbetween 1970-2012, with more severedeclines in Ontario (-5.9%/yr) duringthe same period (Environment Canada2014a). Data from the second OntarioBreeding Bird Atlas also indicated a sig-nificant decline, with the probability of

88 Ontario Birds August 2016


Evening Grosbeak. Photo:Ann Brokelman

Volume 34 Number 2 89

observation 30% less than during thefirst atlas (Hoar 2007). Christmas BirdCount (CBC) data also indicate a signif-icant decline, especially between 1980and 1998, with the most serious declinesin the Great Lakes region (NationalAudubon Society 2010).

While these long-term and wide-spread declines are concerning, it’s diffi-cult to pinpoint a single mechanism orissue responsible (Bonter and Harvey2008). Along with Bay-breasted Warbler(Setophaga castanea), Cape May Warbler(S. tigrina) and Tennessee Warbler (Ore -o thlypis peregrina), Evening Grosbeaksare thought to target the eastern sprucebudworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) asa prey item. For these species, there isstrong evidence that changes in their dis-tribution and population size are tightlylinked to the cyclical patterns in bud-worm outbreaks (Venier and Holmes2010). All four species were much moreabundant in the early 1970s, and theextent of their declines in recent decadesmirror declines in the severity and extentof budworm outbreaks across Canada,suggesting a critical link between thebirds and their insect prey. Forests dom-inated by spruce and fir, which theEvening Grosbeak prefers, have alsodeclined over much of the northeast inrecent decades, due to commercial tim-ber harvest, outbreaks of other forestpests, pollution, anthropogenic develop-ment and climate change (Ralston et al.2015). Finally, grosbeak mortality canalso be relatively high in winter, alongroads where birds aggregate to consumegrit or salt, or through window-collisionsat residential bird feeders (Gillihan andByers 2001).

Given the trend of declining popula-tion and concerns over apparent rangecontraction in recent decades,COSEWIC will assess the conservationstatus of this species at its November2016 meeting (COSEWIC 2016).COSEWIC will then forward its assess-ment to the Canadian government forconsideration and possibly formal listingunder SARA, invoking legal protectionand initiating recovery planning. Hope-fully, once the mechanisms responsiblefor these observed declines are identified,the current population trends can bereversed, and this charismatic and bois-terous bird will once again be a commonand widespread member of Canada’s avi-faunal community.

Bobolink and other Grassland BirdsSouthern Ontario is home to about 13%of the world’s Bobolink (Dolichonyxoryzivorus) population (Ontario Partnersin Flight 2008). As with other grasslandbird species, the Bobolink has experi-enced significant rangewide declines.

Before Europeans settled easternNorth America, Bobolinks would havenested in native prairies, savannahs, alvargrasslands, coastal meadow marshes,beaver meadows, burned-over areas andareas that were originally cleared for agri-culture by First Nations (Askins et al.2007, Riley 2013). Most such habitatwas destroyed following European set-tlement. For example, only 2% of nativetallgrass prairie remains in North Amer-ica (Samson et al. 2004) and even lessremains in Ontario.

At about the same time, Europeansettlement also brought sizable benefitsto grassland birds in eastern North Amer-ica. Many species adopted large acreagesof newly-created surrogate grasslands(pastures and hayfields) as nesting habi-tat. Though still fairly common andwidespread, the Bobolink is now desig-nated as a threatened species in Ontarioas a result of strong population declines.According to BBS results from 1983 to2013, this species has been declining byabout 3.5% per year in Ontario, whichis equivalent to a loss of about 69% of thepopulation since Ontario Birds began.

There are several factors responsiblefor Bobolink declines. Chief amongthem is loss of breeding habitat, espe-cially pasturelands and hayfields, whichhave either been abandoned outright(especially in eastern Ontario) or havebeen converted to other crop types,notably corn and soy, with an attendantreduced emphasis on the production of

beef and dairy cattle (McCracken et al.2013, Smith 2015). Habitat loss also fig-ures prominently on the Bobolink’s win-tering grounds and on migration routes.In addition, there have been changes inhayfield composition that negativelyaffect habitat quality for Bobolinks. Inparticular, there has been a dramaticmove from grass-based forage crops overto alfalfa (McCracken et al. 2013).

Poor reproductive output is also animportant factor. Nest losses are unsus-tainably high in hayfields when themowing period overlaps with the peak ofthe Bobolink’s breeding season (e.g.,Nocera et al. 2005, 2007; Perlut et al.2006; With et al. 2008). Bobolinks alsoface additional threats on their SouthAmerican wintering grounds, where theymay be exposed to direct human perse-cution and to toxic effects from insecti-cides used on rice crops (Basili 1997,Renfrew and Saavedra 2007, Renfrew etal. 2007).

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Bobolink. Photo: Saul Bocian

Volume 34 Number 2 91

A recovery strategy has been devel-oped for Ontario’s Bobolinks (McCrack-en et al. 2013). But even stabilizing thepopulation at its current level presents amajor conservation challenge, because wewill somehow need to address the contin-ued loss of agricultural grasslands in theface of global market forces. Creatingincreased market-demand for pasture-fedbeef may be part of the path forward.

In the meantime, the Bobolink’splight in Ontario is mirrored by declinesin many other grassland-obligate species,including Northern Bobwhite, Barn Owl(Tyto alba), Short-eared Owl (Asio flam-meus), Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovi-cianus), Hens low’s Sparrow, Grass hopperSparrow (A. savannarum) and Eastern(Sturnella magna) and Western (S. neglec-ta) meadowlarks. These declines beganeven before the first issue of Ontario Birdswas printed, and are mostly due to loss ofgrassland habitat and agricultural inten-sification.

Carolinian Birds The “Carolinian Zone” is the southern-most part of Ontario and Canada, exten -d ing as far south as 42°N. It is home tonumerous “Carolinian species”, the Cana-dian ranges of which are, or were, largelyconfined to that area extending roughlysouth and west of Toronto. Carolinianbird species, occurring primarily withinthe United States, reach the northernperipheries of their breeding ranges in thisarea. Several Carolinian species haveshown notable changes since 1983. Theseinclude three forest and woodlandspecies, the Hooded Warbler (Setophagacitrina), Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophusbicolor) and Red-bellied Woodpecker

(Melanerpes carolinus), all of which haveexpanded northward and the Yellow-breasted Chat, a species of early-succes-sional woodland, the range of which isretracting southward into the US.

The Hooded Warbler, Tufted Tit-mouse and Red-bellied Woodpecker, haveall increased by >200% between atlases.The increase in the Hooded Warbler israther remarkable given its apparentabsence or near absence from the provinceas a breeding species prior to 1949(Gartshore 1988). However, its recenthistory has been one of steady expansion,increasing from 21 to 81 squares withbreeding evidence between atlases. Itsbreeding distribution was largely confinedto the Carolinian Zone but now includesan extra-Carolinian distribution coveringat least 17 municipalities. The censusedpopulation is 436 territorial males with atotal estimated population comprising1,000 to 2,000 individuals in 2011(COSEWIC 2012b). This expansion isconsistent with the US portion of thisspecies’ range where BBS data indicate anorthward shift in the breeding distribu-tion of 115 km during a 26-year period(Hitch and Leberg 2007). The reasons forthis expansion are several and includeincreasing habitat availability, habitatconnectivity and climatic favorability(Melles et al. 2011).

The increases for Tufted Titmouse andRed-bellied Woodpecker have been noless dramatic. Tufted Titmouse increasedfrom 21 to 99 squares with breeding evi-dence and with a change in probability ofobservation of around 300% betweenatlases (Read 2007). Although subject toWest Nile Virus which resulted in locallysevere rates of mortality (Ladeau et al.

2007), Tufted Titmouse is neverthelessreasonably fecund with relatively highfledgling survival and with dispersal ofyoung by as much as 75 km from natalterritories (Ritchison et al. 2015). Simi-larly expanding populations in adjacentU.S. states combined with high dispersalrates of fledged young and increasingwinter survival due to climate change andthe availability of winter bird feeders areall thought to be factors in this species’increasing population (Price 2004,Ritchison et al. 2015).

Perhaps more conspicuous has beenthe increase in Red-bellied Woodpeckerover the past 30 years. Highly vocal andeasily detected, it formerly was known tobe a relatively rare and consummatelyCarolinian species in the province.

Between atlases, however, it increased by more than 250% in the number of squares with breeding evidence (from115 to 441). Moreover, both its range-edge and core range expanded northwardby 112 and 32 km, respectively (Bavrlic2007). This pattern of expansion is con-sistent with that observed elsewherealong the northern edge of this species’range. While expansion in the northeastbegan prior to 1950, it has been mostdramatic since the 1970s, facilitated byclimate change, the forced dispersal ofyoung from natal territories andincreased winter survival, particularly ofmales, through supplementary food pro-vided by bird feeders (Kirchman andSchneider 2014).

Among Carolinian species that havedeclined in the past 30 years, the case ofthe Yellow-breasted Chat is perhaps mostcompelling. While never common in theprovince, the chat has declined substan-tially since 1983. Recorded in 45 squaresduring the first atlas, breeding evidencewas found in only 27 squares during thesecond atlas (Eagles 2007). This declin-ing trend has continued unabated sincethe atlas and the species has now largelydisappeared from its former strongholdswithin Point Pelee National Park and onPelee Island and appears to be near extir-pation in the province as a breedingspecies. This decline is consistent withobservations in the adjacent US states ofMichigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and NewYork where BBS data indicate significantdeclines and a general southward retrac-tion of the species’ breeding range(COSEWIC 2011).

92 Ontario Birds August 2016

Red-bellied Woodpecker. Photo: Homer Caliwag


Volume 34 Number 2 93

Concluding DiscussionThe preceding accounts help illustratehow dynamic bird populations have beensince 1983 in Ontario. While definitiveexplanations for many of these changesare not yet available, most of the changesoutlined can be attributed with varyingdegrees of certainty to changes broughtabout by humanity. Although somespecies have benefitted from the devel-opment of large parts of the landscape,the overall pattern has been one ofdecline since the 1970s, even in a placelike Ontario with large undevelopedareas. The “ecological footprint” ofhumanity continues to expand withhuman population, development of theland and intensification of land-use, andchanges to the climate, so that birds aresubject to loss of or increasing change totheir habitat and in many cases their foodsupply. The patterns revealed in the Stateof Canada’s Birds (NABCI-Canada 2012)suggest that dealing with such extensivechange may be especially difficult formigratory species, and particularly thosethat migrate long distances, presentingchallenges to their populations and eventhreats to the existence of some species.

Since the first issue of Ontario Birdsappeared in 1983, we have seen largeshifts in our thinking about species at riskand conservation priorities. Back then inOntario, we were understandably very

concerned about the plight of diurnalraptors (especially Bald Eagle, PeregrineFalcon and Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteolineatus)). Those worries are now largelybehind us, thanks to stricter controls onpesticides, better community under-standing of the importance of raptors anda couple of very successful re-introduc-tion programs. It may sound odd today,but back then we were also quite worriedabout populations of Eastern Bluebirds(Sialia sialis). Their populations havesince rebounded magnificently, owinglargely to the large network of bluebirdenthusiasts and their nest box programs.We have also seen remarkable populationincreases stemming from the expansionand maturation of woodland in southernOntario (Larson et al. 1999) and easternNorth America (Askins 2000), perhapscoupled with a warming climate (e.g.,witness the huge expansion of HoodedWarblers and several other Carolinianspecies of woodland birds). Waterfowl arealso largely faring better, thanks to moreeffective wetland protection efforts andsubstantial financial commitmentsthrough the North American WaterfowlManagement Plan. Despite this success,marsh birds such as the Black Tern andCommon Gallinule continue to decline,suggesting that some of these more spe-cialized wetland species will require moretargeted conservation efforts.

A scant three decades ago, who would have predicted that such common and widespread species as Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow,Eastern Whip-poor-will, Common Nighthawk and Chimney Swiftwould have landed on the provincial list of species at risk?

94 Ontario Birds August 2016

On the downside, southern Ontariohas more bird species at risk than anyother region of Canada. We have seen thecontinued decline of grassland birdsacross most of the province. While notcommon in 1983, Loggerhead Shrike,Henslow’s Sparrow, Barn Owl and Nor -thern Bobwhite were once much morewidespread and even fairly “easy to find”.They are all now teetering on the edge ofextirpation. Although still plentiful,Bobolink and Eastern Meadow lark seemto be on the same trajectory. Arguably thebiggest conservation concern that hasemerged since 1983 is the decline of aer-ial insectivores. A scant three decades ago,who would have predicted that such com-mon and widespread species as BarnSwallow, Bank Swallow, Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferous ), Com-mon Nigh t hawk and Chimney Swiftwould have landed on the provincial listof species at risk?

The success of the MBCA of 1916and a ban on the use of DDT in Canadain 1972 indicate that much can be doneto rectify the changes wrought by human-ity, but it will require an unprecedentedeffort to prevent the projected climatechanges from occurring and furtherreducing bird populations. We sincerelyhope that by the time of the 200th issueof Ontario Birds, some of these processeswill be well underway, paving the way fora bountiful future for our birds and thosewho enjoy them so much.

AcknowledgementsThe changes described here have been quan-tified through various long-term monitoringprograms underway in the province, bothCit i zen Science volunteer projects such as theBreeding Bird Survey and Breeding BirdAtlases, and programs run largely by profes-sional biologists. Our thanks to all thoseinvolved in these projects.

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AuthorsMichael D. CadmanCanadian Wildlife Service – Ontario RegionEnvironment and Climate Change Canada867 Lakeshore Rd Burlington, Ontario L7S 1A1 E-mail:

Andrew R. CouturierBird Studies Canada P.O. Box 160Port Rowan, Ontario N0E 1M0

Jon D. McCrackenBird Studies Canada P.O. Box 160 Port Rowan, Ontario N0E 1M0

Donald A. SutherlandOntario Natural Heritage Information Centre, Ontario Ministry of NaturalResources and Forestry 300 Water St., 2nd Floor, North Tower Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8M5

Kenneth F. Abraham434 Manorhill Avenue Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6H8

Lyle E. Friesen132 Avondale Avenue South Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2C3

Christian A. FriisCanadian Wildlife Service – Ontario RegionEnvironment and Climate Change Canada4905 Dufferin St. Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4

Kevin C. HannahCanadian Wildlife Service – Ontario RegionEnvironment and Climate Change Canada335 River Rd. Ottawa, Ontario K1A OH3

Shawn W. MeyerCanadian Wildlife Service – Ontario RegionEnvironment and Climate Change Canada335 River Rd.Ottawa, Ontario K1A OH3

David J. MooreCanadian Wildlife Service – Ontario regionEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaCanada Centre for Inland Waters Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6

Mark K. PeckOrnithology/Department of Natural HistoryRoyal Ontario Museum 100 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6

Douglas C. TozerBird Studies Canada P.O. Box 160 Port Rowan, Ontario N0E 1M0

D.V. Chip Weseloh (Emeritus)Canadian Wildlife Service – Ontario RegionEnvironment and Climate Change Canada4905 Dufferin St.Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4

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