
Shave biopsy-SCC, BCCPunch biopsy-melanoma,depthBronchoscope-lung,bronchiColonoscope-colon,rectumNeedle biopsy, fna-Core needle biopsy-Clinical features to ask forDuration of lesion,Rate of change, sie changeChanges in character, lump to ulcer!"ssociated systemic symptoms fever, nausea, anore#iaP"$SDPain,"nesthesia"bnormal sensationS%elling,SmellS%elling of lymph nodeDysphagiaCharacter of pain if present&'o of trauma, toothache, habitsClinical evaluation (ippa)nspection palpation percussin ausculatationClinical features to evaluate for "P SSN SS*C BP"natomic location,Physical characterSie, shape of lesion, no single or multipleSurface ColorSharpness of lesionBoundary of lesion smooth or sharpConsistency on palpationPulsation*ymph node enlargement, e#amination)N Pagets, hyperthyroidism, and multiple myeloma check serum calcium, serum phosphorous, alkaline phosphatase and proteinSynonyms for s%elling (+umefaction, +umescence+ypes of biopsy",)-N"spiration biopsy,#cisional biopsy)ncisional biopsy-fluid in a lesion, esp intraosseous lesion-R"* Cytology (large tissue changes diagnosis, esp pemphigus, herpes, uterine cervi# malignancy!Needle biopsyN,.,R )N/,C+ D)R,C+*0 )N+- " *,S)-N 1&)*, "N,S+&,+)S)N2,N,.,R 3S, S3C+)-N, 3S, 2"34, 5-R &,6-S+"S)S

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