Bible Story Jesus' first miracle. One day there was a wedding in the city of Cana in Galilee, Jesus’ mother was there and so were Jesus’ disciples and.

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Bible StoryJesus' first miracle.

One day there was a wedding in the city of Cana in


Jesus’ mother was there and so were

Jesus’ disciples and Jesus himself!

Um Dia havia um casamento na cidade de Canaã na Galiléia

A Mãe de Jesus estava lá, os dicipulos

de Jesus e Ele também.

Bible StoryJesus' first miracle.

When Jesus asked for some wine his mother

told him, “They have no wine.”

Jesus said to his mother, “My hour has not yet


Jesus was telling his mother that he wasn’t

supposed to do a miracle yet…

Quando Jesus perguntou por vinho, sua Mãe

disse:, “Eles não tem vinho.”

Jesus disse para sua mãe “Minha hora ainda não


Jesus tinha dito para sua mãe que ele não estava preparado para fazer o


Bible StoryJesus' first miracle.

But His mother had so much faith in Him and God that she told the

servants, “Whatever he says to you do it!”

There were six big stone pots for water and Jesus told the

servants, “Fill all these pots with water.”

So they filled all six pots full to the brim with water, and then Jesus said to them,

“Fill a cup and bring it to the person in charge of preparing the feast.”

Mas sua mãe tinha muita fé Nele e em Deus e

então Ela disse para os Servos, “Faça tudo o que

Ele falar!”

Havia seis grandes potes de pedra de água e Jesus

disse para os servos, “Encha todos esses potes

com agua”

Então eles encheram de agua todos os potes, e

Jesus disse: “Encha um copo e dê para a pessoa

que preparou a festa beber.”

Bible StoryJesus' first miracle.


They brought it to the man who was

in charge of preparing the feast.

And he didn’t know that Jesus had turned water

into wine.


Trouxeram-no ao homem que era responsável por

preparar a festa.

E ele não sabia que Jesus tinha

transformado a água em vinho.

Bible StoryJesus' first miracle.

***So, this man who didn’t know

that Jesus had turned water into wine

went to the bridegroom and said,

“This is the best wine I have ever tasted!

Usually men serve their good wine first and save the wine

that is worse for after but you have served the best wine

now!” This was Jesus’ first miracle

and he manifested the glory of God and all his disciples

believed in him.Wow wasn’t that great?? Jesus

turned water into wine! And Jesus can still do miracles for

you today!

***Então, esse homem que não

sabia que Jesus tinha transformado água em vinhoChegou para o Noivo e disse,“Esse é o melhor vinho que eu

provei!Geralmente os homens servem o seu melhor vinho primeiro e

deixam o pior vinho para depois, mas você tem servido

o melhor vinho agora!" Este foi o primeiro miracle de Jesus e Ele manifestou a gloria

de Deus e dos todos seus discipulos acreditaram nele.A surpresa não era grande?? Jesus transformou água em vinho! E Jesus pode fazer miracles para você hoje!

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