
Every single kid counts.

Cheryl Doherty, Chief Executive Officer

“In 2014, our agency touched the lives of 22, 250 children,

youth and families.

Every single one of them matters.

As we grieve deeply for the four that we lost,

we are assured — now, more than ever — of

WHY we do what we do.

We do what we do because every

single kid counts.”

The size and complexity of Calgary has changed over the years and continues to develop in remarkable and yet many unimaginable ways. The landscape can seem hopeless.

At Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, we BELIEVE that we have an answer, and that answer is HOPE.

Cheryl Doherty, Chief Executive Officer Shawn Cornett, Board Chairperson

Growing up in a dysfunctional family, Karen left home for the last time when she was 16. She says, “I didn’t know where I was going to go, but I knew that anywhere was better than where I had been.” When Karen and John founded the Safe Haven Foundation in 1996, they wanted to create something Karen wished she would’ve had — something that would’ve made life easier. “John and I really wanted to provide young girls with the opportunities to make it in this world, to turn possibilities and probabilities into realities,” Karen says.

In 2000, the Safe Haven Foundation opened its doors to the first program of its kind in Canada, Haven’s Way. In 2004, the Safe Haven Foundation’s founding program became a partnership with Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, through which the Safe Haven Foundation and BGCC embarked on a journey together that would ultimately provide more services to teenage girls at risk of homelessness, at a lesser cost to the community. Haven’s Way provides young women — who may be experiencing homelessness or who may be unable to live at home due to emotional or physical abuse, or other domestic issues — with a safe, supportive environment where they can heal, increase their level of education, develop life skills and a build a support system.

Karen says, “Everybody wants and needs to belong in this world, and for so many of these girls, this is where they belong. This is where they can drive by and say, ‘That’s my home. I have good memories there. This is where I grew up.’ It is a forever home for them.” Karen and John developed Haven’s Way to offer a program that is individual and unique to each girl. John says, “We try as much as possible to make it like growing up in a family home.”

The Safe Haven Foundation has also given these girls the ability to pursue post-secondary dreams through a scholarship program, and provides a therapeutic and recreational fund that allows girls to experience the activities that so many of us take for granted. As the visionaries behind the Safe Haven Foundation and Haven’s Way, Karen says, “At the end of the day, we have the easy job. The tough job is the one that the girls face, and the mountains that they climb every single day. They can’t do it unless there is the program and financial support, and the support of the donors and the Calgary community stepping forward. The more that Calgarians can do that, the more Haven’s Way can continue to blossom and lives will be changed.”

Karen says, “Making an investment in Haven’s Way is making an investment in these girls. They are our tomorrows. They are our future. Making an investment in them is making an investment in all of our futures.”

Hope is a safe place to land in the world. Hope is embodied in our caring and passionate staff, donors, community partners and people like YOU who show, lead, tell, and prove to our kids every day that they are worth it, they are valuable, they have a place in this world, we believe in them, it will get better, and — above all else — there is HOPE.

These words are not simply random sentiments. They are connected to real kids, numbers, statistics and examples, which are plentiful, and they all add up to one thing…


Turning possibilities into realities.

“Why don’t we create what you wished you would’ve had growing up?” John asked Karen. It was this question, posed twenty years ago, that sparked a flame in John and Karen Sherbut to help adolescent girls at risk of homelessness. And it was from this question that the Safe Haven Foundation, and Haven’s Way, was born.

With your investment, and with our skilled, caring staff and our ever-growing continuum of services, collectively we can continue to help thousands of vulnerable children and youth by providing them with a shoulder to lean on, a warm bed and a safe place to be. Even more importantly, we provide care, focus, time, skills, support, HOPE…and a viable solution for each and every one of Calgary’s vulnerable children and youth.

We are grateful for your committed investment and dedication to every single one of our kids…because every single kid deserves a safe place to land in the world…because every single kid counts.

More than ever, we have HOPE FOR WHAT LIES AHEAD.

Adam came to Calgary at age 17 as a refugee from a war-torn country. He was alone in a new country, without his family, without shelter, without anything. Adam lived at Avenue 15 for five months before transitioning to the Infinity Project youth housing program. Through the support of Infinity, Adam graduated high school and is living independently. He has been awarded two post-secondary scholarships through Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, and is currently completing an ESL program at SAIT, with plans to become an electrician. Because of your investment, Adam’s future is full of possibilities.

At 15 years old, Jo dropped out of high school and was heading down a destructive path. She was harming herself in the form of cutting, was dating a drug dealer twice her age, and was prepared to throw her life away because she didn’t know there was any other way to live. Feeling that her life was hopeless, Jo sank into a state of depression. Not ready to give up on herself, she searched for hope and found Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary’s Hera program for girls experiencing or at risk of sexual exploitation. Hera’s holistic approach to wellness taught her how to take care of herself, give back to her community, and make positive life choices.Thanks to Hera, Jo was introduced to Haven’s Way, BGCC’s youth housing program for young women, where she was embraced as part of the Haven’s Way family. She started working part time and completed high school. Thanks to your investment, Jo found hope and healing.


“Before Avenue 15, I was desperate. I was homeless. I had nowhere to go because I was a new immigrant. I had noshelter and no family here. Through Avenue 15, I was connected with the Infinity Project. If I didn’t find them, I don’t know where my life would be or what would have happened...especially after coming to a new country, a new world with a new language. “

“As far as I know, people can’t help you like Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary can help you. People can help you for a few days, but BGCC helped me build a future. They made me more eager to learn at school, and to participate in other programs at BGCC. If I didn’t have BGCC, I don’t know where my life would be…maybe I would be dead, maybe from suicide, because you don’t know where to go if there’s no help. “

“Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, it’s a privilege to be part of it. They make your success easier. You may not realize it now, but for the kids, it’s the biggest, biggest thing. It’s a big thing for me and others…it’s indescribable. “

“I signed up with the intention of being able to finish school, but ended up getting so much more. Before Hera, I never felt safe enough to admit when I wasn’t okay. I buried my pain to try and protect myself. At Hera, I decided I wanted to be a strong, nurturing person who does good in the world. “

“I will never forget my time there because it was a lifeline when I was drowning in darkness. “ Jo

to step out and overcome their fears.

“I made friends, I learned to cry, laugh, love and trust. I am so grateful for what I have, and I owe so much of that gratitude to Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary. I hope that everyone can see the value in kids that seem beyond reach or troubled, because there is something there worth saving. “

Every single kid needs courage

Program highlights


to pursue their goals and dreams.

1, 046 community members invested 31, 168 hours of volunteering for our kids.

Our 828-HOPE centralized referral service for youth hit record numbers of youth calls, emails and texts, allowing us to provide resources, housing and support to the 547 youth who reached out.

100% of young women living at Haven’s Way, a partnership with the Safe Haven Foundation, successfully transitionedto independence.

Avenue 15 Youth Homeless Shelter’s model continues to succeed, with 85%

of our youth ending their experience of homelessness.

92% of our Home-Start families reported an improved sense of well-being for parents and children, resulting in an overall improved home environment.

Food and Nutrition at School (FANS) fed over 500, 000 servings of nutritious breakfasts, lunches and snacks to hungry children and youth in every quadrant of Calgary.

97% of our youth in Community-Based Care and Supports report they are feeling more hopeful about their future.

328 vulnerable youth were supported by eight Success Coaches through All In for Youth, a program that helps youth return to school by removing barriers preventing them from completing their education. Of those youth who participated,

94% of youth participants in our Aboriginal Leadership programs and 96% of participants in

our Aboriginal Arts programs reported an increase in knowledge of their culture and heritage.

Our eight respective Community Club locations supported 1, 458 children and youth in their social emotional learning.

320 campers attended Camp Adventure for the very first time.

The Calgary Learning Village Collaborative (CLVC), a partner program with BGCC, helped 808 vulnerable kids connect to recreational opportunities.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary presents over 40 programs at countless locations in every quadrant of Calgary, meeting with kids and families where they are and where they need us most.

In 2014, the collective agency supported approximately 22, 250 unique children, youth and families.

Every single kid needs opportunities70% reported an increase in school attendance.

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2014, the statements of revenue and expenses, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement

Chartered Accountants April 30, 2015

SUMMARIZED FINANCIALS AS AND AT THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND DECEMBER 31, 2013This summarized financial information is extracted from the annual financial statements audited by Deloitte LLP. A copy of the completed audited financial statements is available by visiting or by writing to Monzur Chowdhury, Director of Finance and Administration, Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, 731-13 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 1C8.

2014 2013

Assets $ $

Current Assets

Cash 1,174,955 1,646,202

Restricted Cash (Note 3) 102,878 472,469

Marketable securities (Note 4) 3,444,140 3,366,042

Accounts receivable 420,473 443,481

Government remittances recoverable 40,833 38,308

Inventory 122,901 57,790

Prepaid expenses and deposits 113,839 97,563

5,420,019 6,121,855

Tangible capital assets (Note 5) 7,075,011 7,125,412

12,495,030 13,247,267

of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overallpresentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary as at December 31, 2014 and the results of its operations, changes in net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.

Every single kid needs hope for what the future holds.

Chairperson Shawn Cornett


Vice Chairperson Danell Dumont

Board SecretaryNancy Brennan

HR Committee ChairMelanie Gaston Deliman

Finance Committee Chair/TreasurerJon Lam

DirectorsSupt. Guy Slater Thiloma Hofer Aidan Mills Karleen Batty


Expenses 2014Affordable housing

Amortization of tangiblecapital assets

Arts and Recreation Centre -The Hangar

Calgary Exhibition andStampede

Camp Adventure

Community partnerships




Affordable housing 70,375 62,142

Amortization of tangible capital assets 389,722 382,458

Arts and Recreation Centre - The Hangar 295,350 350,222

Calgary Exhibition and Stampede 316,636 297,587

Camp Adventure 432,685 450,552

Community partnerships 5,409,800 4,380,461

Community-based clubs 2,551,350 2,631,414

Employment programs 935,533 963,444

Food and Nutrition at School (“FANS”) 384,598 424,170

Fund development - Alumni program 313,489 267,323

Group homes, Avenue 15 shelter and foster care 6,235,901 6,189,520

Out of school care programs 264,242 277,348

Support services 1,057,617 804,873

18,657,298 17,481,514

Chart Title

Region 3 and Central RegionChild and Family ServicesAuthority

Donations and other income(Notes 9, 10 and 12)

United Way

The City of Calgary


$18, 657,867

Region 3 and Central Region Child and Family Services Authority 7,656,981 6,586,616

Donations and other income (Notes 9, 10 and 12) 5,119,007 5,398,053

United Way 2,842,404 2,493,963

The City of Calgary 1,589,080 1,488,493

Federal Government 379,994 638,338

Amortization of deferred donations related to tangible capitalassets (Note 8)

289,640 304,486

Calgary Exhibition and Stampede 340,813 297,595

Program fees and memberships 408,779 261,874

Fees for service 31,169 12,335

2014 2013

$ $Revenue

18,657,867 17,481,753

569 239Excess of revenue over expenses

Assets 2014Cash

Restricted Cash (Note 3)

Marketable securities (Note4)

Accounts receivable

Government remittancesrecoverable





Current Liabilities

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 9) 1,160,596 769,934

Government remittances payable - 9,145

Deferred contributions - program advances (Note 6)

4,418,404 5,392,180

Current portion of loans (Note 7) 47,853 62,533

5,626,853 6,233,792

Loans (Note 7) 17,945 26,904

Deferred capital donations (Note 8) 1,018,658 863,877

Deferred donations related to tangible capital assets (Note 8)

4,381,656 4,673,345

11,045,112 11,797,918

Net Assets

Internally restricted 1,449,918 1,449,349

12,495,030 13,247,267

Liabilities 2014

Accounts payable andaccrued liabilities (Note 9)

Government remittancespayable

Deferred contributions -program advances (Note 6)

Current portion of loans(Note 7)

TOTAL 2014 LIABILITIES:$11,045,112


Shawn CornettChairperson

Jon Lam Treasurer

Donor list

Donor list


Every single kid counts, thanks to donors like you. We thank the following who donated more than $250 between January 1 and December 31, 2014*. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this list, however, if you discover any errors, please call 403-717-2680.*The following list does not reflect donations made directly to Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary through the 2014 United Way of Calgary and Area Campaign.

INDIVIDUALS Anonymous (9)Marguerite and Rene AmiraultGordon AndersonRaymond AntonySharon ArmstrongNikki BadeAbby and Sandy BadwiGreg BagdonSherri and Mike BalmRichard BartremKarleen BattyClive and Ruth BeddoeStephen BeddoeHeather BeddoeOwen BeddoeStephen BelgraveMel BensonGary and Donalda BenthamRobert BetteridgeJack and Margaret BetteridgeRichard and Cathy BirdElizabeth BirnieStuart BirnieScott BjornsonKeith BlackGregory and Catherine BoggsBill and Debbie BonnerGreg BooneMark BreakellRon BrennemanRobert and Mary-Ellen BrockettCarisa BrowningJohn BurnettElaine Buttler

Melissa CabanaJuan CabreraWilliam and Patricia CardwellMonty CarterJo-Anne CazaTyler ChalmersClint and Debbie CheffinsPascale ClermontSidney ColdwellDiane CongoCathrine CookDavid CookJohn CordeauVeronica CorneyCorbin CoyesMary Anne CrooksBarry CrumpJames CummingsJanice DavisRobert and Kristin DawsonDavid Home and Leah Dawson HornePaul DeanJason DelimanTony and Rhonda DistefanoDan and Marlene DohertyLorenzo and Donna DonadeoSarah DonnellyMichael and Cheryl DoughertyAmy DryerDavid DuckettAlexander EakinsAlita EdgarBruce Edgelow

Gordon EldridgeSam ElfakhouriJack and Elizabeth EliasLauretta EndersGail EnnisDale and Cathy EnsDerek and Janet EvansGrant FagerheimNora FarrellElizabeth FaytLarry FichtnerMichaelle FikowskiRichard FilgateDavid and Laurine FilloAllen and Elizabeth FinchRyan FinleyPaul and Trisha FlanaganMurlyne FongTom and Jennifer FossJessica FoxMurray and Elaine FrameJack and Shauna FrederickShawn FreemanDennis and Lisa FrehlichAlex FulthorpeJohn and Robin GallowayTerry and Sandy GibsonDavid GillisMichael and Heather GiuffreLaura and Anthony GiuffreJean GiurguisJonathan GloverFrank GoodmanGlenn and Claire GradeenDavid and Sheila GraystonLynn GregorDavid GroutDavid and Diane GuichonRobert Hagerman and Jann Rogers

Tim and Lindsay HamiltonWilliam and Carolyn HammettMurph and Charlotte HannonBlair HardingLinda HaymourCole HendersonGlynn HendryBarry and Amy HenschThiloma HoferLinda HoholDebbi HolsteinGreg HoltDennis HopThomas and Janice HoustonDavid and Jacqueline HowardGordon and Linda HoyJeff HydeKyle HylandDixie InmanColleen IozziRob IrwinKimberly IsottiWendy JabuschJennifer JameusAdam and Maribeth JanikowskiPeter JekillMindy JoffeLeonard JohnsonAllan and Fern JohnstonKathryn KedroskyPaulette KennedyErvin KimakDenise KisilevichDan KlotzMatthew KlukasHarold Kreis

Paul KunkelPeter and Eleanor LandryRonald and Barbara LawJoel LefebvreLissi LeggeHarold and Elaine LemieuxJeffrey LerouxDova LevisWarren and Ann LloydMax and Lori LofChazaray LoneyCarole LongJake and Eva LongmoreRobyn LoreStephen and Mary LougheedDave LougheedRyan and Carolyn LuhningJohn MacDonaldDanielle MacDonaldRoland and Marianne MacKenzieKeith and Kathryn MacPhailElizabeth MaierGina MaireRobert and Joan MartinPatrick MatternBruce McbeanBlair McCormickAubree McIntyreRod and Jean McKayLindsay McKernessBruce and Dorothy McLeodBarbara McNeilJeff MetcalfJenny MewLesley MillerAidan and Tracey MillsAlan and Geri MoonDonald MorrisonDaniel Mueller

Stephen and Diana MulherinMary MulliganKerri MurrayDebra MyslickiAllan and Nancy NantesHelen NewsomeHarmen and Miriam NutmaJohn OlandTerry OwenJeff ParryHenk PaulTravis PeckhamGary and Leslie PeddleGayle PeddleBrigid PelinoDon PikeRay PisaniDonald PlewesNorma PlowmanOlivia PopowichTerry and Pauline PowerTodd and Kate PriceGreg and Debbie PultzBeth RankinRuth Ann RaynerDonald and Audrey RedmanJames RiceLynne RiddellJean-Sebastien RiouxScott and Erin RobinsonLinda RochowRoger RodermondVincent RodychChris RowlandJacqueline RoyGreg and Cindy RoyerJane RoyerGlen RumpelNeil and Gayle Rutherford

Gordon RutherfordRob SavoyLori-Ann SchultzSara ScottNancy SeamanBarbara and Bob ShaunessyBrent SherveyDarrin Hanik and Cindy Shryry - HanikClarice SiebensTed SmithEldon SmithAl SnowRod and Janet SobchishinRod and Janet SolesHelen SteeleJackeline StewartCarla StoeverJordan StorchGreg StorwickShawn StreetonPatrick SullivanSam SwitzerCrystal SzumilakAllan and Debra SzybunkaRob TedhamTom and Susan ThomasStella ThompsonJay TodescoRobert TravisAlexandra TremblayJim and Vivian TruesdaleKathi TurbideAdam TwaMelodi UlkuAnthony ValckxRia VarsanyiNick WalkerBrent WardLeah Weatherill

Stuart WeinmanBarb WiddowsonSusan WigmoreW. Brett WilsonKim WirthJan WittigDorothy WoolstencroftBarry and Marnie WorbetsRoy and Susan WrightRichard WymanTammy YeeDan Zilnik

MONTHLY DONORS Anonymous (4)Zuraida DadaFrank GoodmanLori HahnelLinda HaymourBarry and Amy HenschStephen and Mary LougheedXenia MarconiAubree McIntyreLindsay McKernessShu Hui Su TsaiStuart WeinmanJeanette White-Evans

LEGACY DONORS Anonymous (4)Bill D. BonnerShawn CornettPatrick DohertyCheryl DohertySandy GibsonJohn GulakKathryn MacPhailGary PeddleDiane ReidRon Reid

ORGANIZATIONSAnonymous (5)1008897 Alberta Ltd.5 Days for the Homeless591866 Alberta Ltd.ABC CoringAbsolute Pest Control ServicesADPAga Khan Council for the PrairiesAgrium Inc.Air Supply Furnace & Duct CleaningAlberta Beverage Container Recycling CorporationAltaLink Management Ltd.Amelco ElectricAnejo RestaurantAnnapolis Capital Ltd.Arrow Engineering IncATBATB FinancialATCO Ltd.ATCO Structures and Logistics Ltd.Average Joe’s Delivery Pro’sBaywest HomesBearspaw Benevolent FoundationBell MediaBerkhold Family FoundationBig Chief Meat Snacks Inc.Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBlizzard Wizard Hating & Air ConditioningBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.Bonavista Energy Corporation

Boogies BurgersBowa Environmental LPBowness High SchoolBowWest Community Support Service SocietyBoyden Global Executive Search CalgaryBreakfast Club of CanadaBreakfast for LearningBrookfield Residential Properties Inc.BTM Corporate Advisory Inc.Buffalo Wild WingsBunchBurnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLPCal Wenzel Family FoundationCalfrac Well ServicesCalgary Airport AuthorityCalgary Catholic Teachers Charities AssociationCalgary Motor Dealers AssociationCalgary Parking AuthorityCalgary Properties Lions ClubCalgary Southridge Lions ClubCalgary Sport and Social ClubCallow & Associates Management Consultants Inc.Canadian Online Giving FoundationCanadian Rocky Mountain ResortsCanadian Sanitation and Supply Association

Canadian Tire Jumpstart CharitiesCanadian Women’s FoundationCantares Venezuelan Cultural FoundationCapture the FlagCardel HomesCarscallen LLPCassis BistroCastle Financial Group Ltd.Cenovus Energy Inc.Chief Justice Milvain Elementary SchoolChildren’s Hospital Aid SocietyChina Rose Restaurant and LoungeChinook Energy Inc.CIBC Private Investment CounselCIBC World MarketsCity Wide TowingCKNW Orphans FundClairwood Capital ManagementClarke Vegetation Control Ltd.Clearview Plumbing & HeatingCommunity Natural FoodsConcorde GroupContemporary Office Interiors LtdCrave Cookies and Cakes Inc.Darden FoundationDenca Distributors Ltd.Desert BlumeDiamond G Ranch and Cattle Company Ltd.

Direct EnergyDJA Engineering Services Inc.Dragon Excavating Ltd.E & P Canada Ltd.Eagle CoptersEaton Industries (Canada) CompanyEcole Westgate School Parent’s SocietyEmco CorporationEnCana Cares FoundationEnerplus CorporationEnterprise Holdings FoundationEpcor Centre for the Performing ArtsErnst and YoungFiduciary TrustFirstEnergy Capital Corp.Flames Central & Wildfire GrillFluor Canada Ltd.Freehold Royalties Ltd.Future ShopG. L. Black Holdings Ltd.GlobalfestGowling Lafleur Henderson LLPGreat West BrewingGreg Rodin Professional CorporationHAB Family FoundationHawkwood Baptist ChurchHigher Ground AdventureHockey Helps the HomelessHSE Integrated Ltd.Hyatt Regency CalgaryIBM Canada Ltd.

Imperial Oil Charitable FoundationIndependent Order of Odd Fellows Crescent Lodge No. 81Industrial Alliance PacificIntact FoundationIODE - Municipal Chapter of CalgaryIon Projects Inc.JNC Holdings Ltd.John Beal Insurance Ltd.John Hickie Professional CorporationJohn Nesbitt Professional CorporationJubilations Dinner TheatreKeneco Environmental Services (2000) Inc.Kids Up Front Calgary FoundationKing George Elementary SchoolKival Electric Ltd.Latitude Art GalleryLoblawLory Oildfield Rentals IncManchester Bottle Depot Ltd.McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd.MEG Energy CorporationMelton FoundationMercatoMercato West

Merlo Vinoteca Inc.Michael R Shaw Outdoor FoundationMichaels Arts & Crafts (Signal Hill)Michaels Arts and Crafts (Beacon Hill)Michaels Arts and Crafts (Shawnessy)Mode Licensed Interior Design Studio Inc.Multiwood Inc.NAL Resources Ltd.Newman’s Own Foundation FundNexen Energy ULCNorthern Blizzard ResourcesNorthminster United ChurchOasis SpaOpenGateOx & Angela RestaurantPandell Technology CorporationPEARL FoundationPepsiCo Foundation Employee Giving ProgramPetrocom Construction Ltd.Prairie Merchant CorporationProact Chartered AccountantsQR 77/Westin Hotel Calgary Children’s

FoundationR/T Rentals Inc.RBC Financial GroupReed Construction Management Ltd.Retail Media Group Inc.River CafeRosedale SchoolRotary Club of Calgary ChinookRoyal Canadian Legion #1Royal Canadian Legion Branch #1 Ladies AuxiliaryRyan M. Doig Professional CorporationS.O. Asher Consultants Ltd.SafewaySears Canada Charitable FoundationSears Canada Inc. Calgary N.S.C.Select Building Services Ltd.Servus Credit UnionSidco Equities Ltd.Silver Springs Liquor StoreSouthhampton-Trane CalgarySpolumbo’sSt. Helena Junior High SchoolSt. Luke’s Catholic ChurchStanley Jones Elementary School

Stone Creek ResortsStrategic Oil & Gas Ltd.Subway Devco Limited PartnershipSuncor Energy FoundationSynoil Energy ServicesTangerineThe Antigua and Barbuda Association of CalgaryThe Blue CrossThe Burns Memorial FundThe Calgary FoundationThe Calgary Minerva Fundraising FoundationThe Calgary Rotary Clubs FoundationThe Canadian Legacy ProjectThe Forzani FoundationThe Greene Family Charitable FoundationThe Hilltop Ladies Curling GroupThe Home Depot (Beacon Hill)The Ranchmen’s ClubThe Toronto -Dominion BankThe Westin CalgaryThe Living RoomTheir OpportunityTHOD Investments Ltd.Trico HomesTrilogy EnergyUnitarian Church of Calgary

United Way of Greater TorontoUnited Way of the Lower MainlandUniversal Geomatics Solutions Corp.Urban Systems FoundationURS FlintVendemmia WinesVertigo Mystery TheatreViewpoint Charitable FoundationVincent Massey Junior High SchoolVulcan Eletrical LtdWaste Management of CanadaWestern Securities Ltd.Wild Bill’s DJ ServiceWild Rose BreweryWILLBROS CanadaWilliam Aberhart Senior High SchoolWorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd.York UniversityYuk Yuk’s

RACE FOR KIDS SPONSORS98-5 Virgin RadioAlberta Beverage Container Recycling CorporationADP

Brookfield Residential Properties Inc. Capital OneCardel HomeseasyhomesFunny 1060 AMSears CanadaServus Credit UnionThe Home Depot Canada FoundationWestJet Cares for Kids

SPLASH OF REDSPONSORSAllstreamAnnapolis Capital Ltd.Blackrock AutomationBrownstone Asset Management Inc.Burnet, Duckworth and Palmer LLPClairwood Capital ManagementEnerplusFidelity InvestmentsHSBC Bank CanadaKPMG LLPNexen Energy ULCPengrowth Energy CorporationProgress Energy Canada Ltd.Qualico CommunitiesRogers Communications

Rogers InsuranceSafewayThe Boeing CompanyThe Glencoe ClubTinhorn Creek VineyardsTriangle Enterprise Ltd.Trico HomesTWT GroupVermilion EnergyWestJet Airlines

THE FOLLOWING FUNDS AT THE CALGARY FOUNDATION Anonymous FundAshford Memorial FundD. R. Ashford FundDavid and Leslie Bissett FundDonald and Doreen Lougheed Gift FundDunfield Family FundLockwood Family FundLaBarre Family FundLarch FundPercy and Lois Cole FundStanley Brodylo FundTed & Enid Jansen FundWilliam and Constance Topley Fund




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Katie Davies, Senior Director of Services

BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF CALGARY731-13 Ave NE Calgary, AB T2E 1C8 | Phone: 403-276-9981 | Fax: 403-276-9988 | Em

ail: | Charitable Registration Number 106804669RR0001



Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgarybgcc1939










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