
Sara has been a sales clerk for five years, but is looking for a change. She'd like to become an entrepreneur, but she's not sure that she's ready or qualified for that kind of job. Which of the following makes entrepreneurs different than workers?

Student Response A. Their willingness to take risk B. Being a human resource C. Contributing to business's growth D. Keeping up with the pace of production

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All of the following are ways that a successful business is most likely to earn greater revenue EXCEPT

Student Response A. convincing customers that its product is better. B. convincing customers that its product is less expensive. C. strategizing an effective marketing

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campaign. D. requesting a tax reduction from the government.In a market-based economy, which of the following is the ultimate goal?

Student Response A. Tax reduction B. Greater profit C. Tax exemption D. More investment

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Which of the following would MOST likely change the income distribution demographic? Student Response A. An economic slump B. A political scandal C. An influx of immigrants D. An aging population Value Correct Answer Feedback

Which of the following BEST describes a global economy? Student Response A. Regionalism B. Interdependence C. Polarization D. Divergence All of the following are ways that a successful business is most likely to earn greater revenue EXCEPT Student Response A. convincing customers that its product is better. B. convincing customers that its product is less expensive. C. strategizing an effective marketing campaign.D. requesting a tax reduction from the government.

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Danielle recently lost her job at a customer service call center because her job was outsourced to India. Which of the following is the BEST course of action for Danielle to recover from this setback?

Student Response A. Write a blog calling for government policies that prevent jobs being outsourced B. Boycott the company that shipped her job overseas C. Focus on learning new skills that will allow her to compete in the job market D. Find a job at another call center

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Maria wants to start a new software company, but she lives in a remote community where few skilled software programmers live. Which of the following is the MOST cost-effective strategy for building her workforce? Student Response A. Hire employees Value Correct Feedback Answer

with no programming experience and invest in their training B. Use the Internet and other technologies to hire remote employees who want to telecommute C. Offer a generous salary and benefits package to attract employees to her locationD. Relocate to a city where there are many software programmers

Maria and Clark are the owners of a popular line of women's clothing. Although they've made it a point to make their products in the United States, rising prices are making it difficult to make a profit. They want to remain in the same area, but they're thinking of looking for cheaper manufacturers in other places. Which of the following options would be the BEST practice for them to find the cheapest garment manufacturers?

Student Response A. Expansion

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B. Extension C. Relocating D. Offshoring All of the following benefit from a business's earned profits EXCEPT the Student Response A. company's competitors. B. employees. C. business owner.D. local community.

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Which of the following plays the MOST important role in allowing all companies, no matter the size, to compete in the global market?

Student Response A. Technological advances B. Effective marketing C. Government subsidies D. A talented workforce

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Each of the following will likely occur as a company generates more profit, EXCEPT Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

A. business expansion. B. employees are rewarded. C. expenses are doubled.D. productivity increases.

Leon recently opened a nursery that sells flowers, trees, and shrubs grown by local farmers. Leon sells Student Response A. goods. B. income. C. skills. D. services. Sara has been a sales clerk for five years, but is looking for a change. She'd like to become an entrepreneur, but she's not sure that she's ready or qualified for that kind of job. Which of the following makes entrepreneurs different than workers? Student Response A. Their willingness to take risk B. Being a human resource C. Contributing to Value Correct Feedback Answer Value Correct Answer Feedback

business's growthD. Keeping up with the pace of production

Medicare Rights Center (MRC) in New York helps people with disabilities receive good, affordable health care. It also has programs that train volunteers to educate Westchester County residents about Medicare issues. MRC is considered a nonprofit organization because it Student Response A. focuses on New York, which is known for being a busy business center. B. uses the money it earns only as a means to further help the community. C. aims to generate revenue solely by focusing on health care services.D. needs to employ thousands

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of workers to sustain its service.

A multibillion-dollar car manufacturing company and a small-town souvenir shop are alike in that they

Student Response A. both aim to expand globally. B. both seek to educate the community. C. both operate as nonprofit organizations. D. both offer goods and services.

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Each of the following will likely occur as a company generates more profit, EXCEPT Student Response A. business expansion. B. employees are rewarded. C. expenses are doubled. D. productivity increases. Value Correct Answer Feedback

Kelly runs a successful shoe company and is ready to open her first store overseas in France. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a problem for her as her company becomes multinational? Student Response A. Offending French customers by adopting local customs B. Violating local French safety regulations C. Communicating with French employees D. Inflation affecting international revenues Which of the following would MOST likely happen to less efficient companies in a competitive environment? Student Response A. They would carry on as usual. B. They would close down. C. They would receive additional money from investors. Value Correct Answer Feedback Value Correct Feedback Answer

D. They would be taken over by the government.Successful businesses benefit society by providing all of the following, EXCEPT

Student Response A. higher standards of living for the entire society. B. employment opportunities for members of the community. C. goods and services that people need and want. D. ever-growing business debts and liabilities.

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Which of the following reasons BEST describes why competition is strong in an oligopoly? Student Response A. Because the market emphasizes consumption B. Because there is Value Correct Feedback Answer

little difference between products C. Because the supply of products is very lowD. Because the demand for products is very high

In a market economy, the focus of production is on

Student Response A. supplying an infinite demand. B. fair and equal distribution. C. quality over quantity. D. efficiency and profitability.

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The Nook is the only bookstore in George's neighborhood. Which market structure is this an example of?

Student Response A. Communism B. Oligopoly C. Socialism D. Monopoly

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Pure H2O is a company that provides water to consumers and operates as a water distribution monopoly. Why is the company permitted to operate as a monopoly? Student Response A. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly in an effort to conserve natural resources. B. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly in an effort to provide consumers with the best service. C. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly because it pays its taxes annually.D. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly because of its

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campaign to promote water conservation.

After a period of loss, sales in the electronics industry have started picking up again. What is this part of the business cycle called?

Student Response A. Resuscitation B. Restoration C. Recovery D. Recession

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A microeconomist working for a toy manufacturer might study Student Response A. prices of similar toys made by competitors. B. census data on the number of families with children ages 5-12 in higher economic classes. C. a drop in the inflation rate at the beginning of December. Value Correct Feedback Answer

D. recent changes in the unemployment rate of parents of children ages 512.Although sales have been consistently high for booksellers in the past, the demand for some goods and services has decreased for almost a year in all of the stores around town. What is happening to the economy?

Student Response A. Secession B. Succession C. Recession D. Resolution

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Which of the following reasons BEST describes why competition is strong in an oligopoly?

Student Response A. Because the market emphasizes consumption B. Because there is little difference between products C. Because the supply of products is very low

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D. Because the demand for products is very highWhich of the following are often permitted to operate as regulated monopolies?

Student Response A. Appliance companies B. Textile companies C. Insurance companies D. Utility companies

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Which of the following does NOT occur when there is monopolistic competition? Student Response A. There are many buyers and sellers. B. There is perceived difference of products among consumers. C. There is little differentiation between the products themselves.D. There are many buyers but no

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Although sales have been consistently high for booksellers in the past, the demand for some goods and services has decreased for almost a year in all of the stores around town. What is happening to the economy?

Student Response A. Secession B. Succession C. Recession D. Resolution

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The Nook is the only bookstore in George's neighborhood. Which market structure is this an example of?

Student Response A. Communism B. Oligopoly C. Socialism D. Monopoly

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Which of the jobs below is affected by seasonal unemployment?

Student Response A. A part-time lifeguard B. A night guard at the mall C. A crime scene

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investigator D. A mathematics teacherWhich type of economy grants individuals the freedom to make their own economic decisions?

Student Response A. Traditional economy B. Mixed economy C. Planned economy D. Market economy

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In which type of economic system does the government control resources, pay wages, and provide all services?

Student Response A. Communism B. Socialism C. Capitalism D. Democracy

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A number of stores on Faulkner Street sell fresh fruits and vegetables. The products appear to be identical and the prices differ little, if at all. What type of market structure is this? Student Response A. Perfect competition Value Correct Answer Feedback

B. Oligopoly C. MonopolyD. Monopolistic competition

Which of the jobs below is affected by seasonal unemployment?

Student Response A. A part-time lifeguard B. A night guard at the mall C. A crime scene investigator D. A mathematics teacher

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A microeconomist working for a toy manufacturer might study

Student Response A. prices of similar toys made by competitors. B. census data on the number of families with children ages 5-12 in higher economic

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classes. C. a drop in the inflation rate at the beginning of December. D. recent changes in the unemployment rate of parents of children ages 512. Pure H2O is a company that provides water to consumers and operates as a water distribution monopoly. Why is the company permitted to operate as a monopoly? Student Response A. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly in an effort to conserve natural resources. B. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly in an effort to provide consumers with the best service. Value Correct Feedback Answer

C. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly because it pays its taxes annually.D. Pure H2O is permitted to operate as a natural monopoly because of its campaign to promote water conservation.

What do you call a supply that is not used up?

Student Response A. Excess supply B. Collateral C. Overabundance D. Surplus

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A microeconomist working for a toy manufacturer might study

Student Response A. prices of similar toys made by competitors. B. census data

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on the number of families with children ages 5-12 in higher economic classes. C. a drop in the inflation rate at the beginning of December. D. recent changes in the unemployment rate of parents of children ages 512.Yves took a class in macroeconomics, which meant that he was studying

Student Response A. limited resources. B. individual businesses. C. individual purchasing decisions. D. the overall economy.

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In a declining economy, how do businesses prefer to reduce their workforce?

Student Response A. Through retirement and natural attrition B. By hiring temporary and contractual employees C. By giving incentives to workers for them to resign D. By laying off workers and rehiring when they need more

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What determines the value of each good or service in a bartering exchange?

Student Value Correct Response Answer A. Power B. Wealth C. Needs D. Desires


An increase in productivity indicates that workers are

Student Response A. producing more goods or services in the same amount of time. B. satisfied with their working environment and their jobs. C. taking fewer breaks.D. well-trained in their jobs and responsibilities.

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Which type of economy grants individuals the freedom to make their own economic decisions?

Student Response A. Traditional economy B. Mixed economy C. Planned economy D. Market economy

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Prices become higher when a unique and highly desireable item is auctioned

Student Value Correct Response Answer A. because the supply and demand are equal. B. because the demand and supply are kept unknown. C. because the supply is higher than the demand. D. because the demand is higher than the supply.


Which of the jobs below is affected by seasonal unemployment?

Student Response A. A part-time lifeguard

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B. A night guard at the mall C. A crime scene investigatorD. A mathematics teacher

In a declining economy, how do businesses prefer to reduce their workforce?

Student Response A. Through retirement and natural attrition B. By hiring temporary and contractual employees C. By giving incentives to workers for them to resignD. By laying off workers and rehiring when they need more

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A number of stores on Faulkner Street sell fresh fruits and vegetables. The products appear to be identical and the prices differ little, if at

all. What type of market structure is this? Student Response A. Perfect competition B. Oligopoly C. Monopoly D. Monopolistic competition Recently, oil was discovered in an island in the Pacific. An oil refinery from Texas wants to enter this foreign market without actually building their own facility on the island. Which of the following is the BEST way for the oil refinery to enter this foreign market? Student Response A. Franchising B. Turnkey projects C. ExportingD. Licensing

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Why is managing an international business even more complex than handling a domestic business?

Student Response A. Physical facilities need to be in place for the business to be successful.

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B. Additional and different economic, social, and political environments need to be considered. C. The domestic environment does not involve as many costs and risks for the business. D. It always involves transporting key personnel from the home country to the foreign country.Suppose a weak Japanese currency reduces labor costs in Japan. If you were a multinational firm owner, why might you feel competitive pressure to shift more of the firm's production to Japan?

Student Response A. I must be the first multinational firm to help Japan, or else their country might lag behind in the

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global market. B. I must be the first multinational firm to train Japan's labor force so that my competitors will be discouraged to invest there. C. I have to take advantage of Japan's lower production costs, or else my company might lose global market share. D. I have to take advantage of Japan's cheap labor force so that I can influence my competitors to also shift their production there. To enter the foreign handbag market, Karen subcontracts the manufacturing of her handbags to an overseas firm. After the first production cycle, Karen is devastated to learn that her handbags' zippers are not as durable as the originals. Which disadvantage of contract manufacturing does this situation illustrate?

Student Response A. Risk of losing specialized technology to partner B. Lack of access to local information C. Lack of quality control over distant contractorD. Difficulty in finding a compatible partner

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Heather's chain of clothing stores is expanding to India and South Africa. She plans to adjust her designs and marketing to reflect the tastes of the local populations. Which phrase would best sum up Heather's approach? Student Response A. Think globally and act locally B. Globalization of production C. Think locally and act universally Value Correct Feedback Answer

D. Globalization of markets Gabriel Hudson is an IT expert working with an outsourcing company based in Romania. He uses teleconferencing to talk with his contacts in Bangkok, Thailand. Teleconferencing as a way of communication is an example of Student Response A. technological innovation. B. business expansion. C. business creativity. D. offshore outsourcing. Reggie's ice cream parlor is popular because of his fried ice cream. Customers are amazed how the ice cream remains frozen despite being fried. Reggie plans to market his fried ice cream to another country, but he wants full control over foreign operations. Which entry mode is BEST in Reggie's situation? Student Response A. Exporting B. Wholly-owned subsidiary C. Franchising D. Joint venture Heather's chain of clothing stores is expanding to India and South Africa. She plans to adjust her designs and marketing to reflect the tastes of the local populations. Which phrase would best sum up Heather's approach? Value Correct Answer Feedback Value Correct Feedback Answer

Student Response A. Think globally and act locally B. Globalization of production C. Think locally and act universallyD. Globalization of markets

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Maya creates unique, customized furniture made from rattan, a local pliable wood in her country. She wants to export her products to the United States. Which of the following is a disadvantage of exporting her furniture? Student Response A. Foreign trade barriers are in place for rattan furniture. B. Maya will have to train staff in the United States. C. Exporting a bulky and heavy product entails high transportation costs. D. Furniture Value Correct Feedback Answer

makers in the United States will have access to Maya's designs. Ajay is the head of a firm that is interested in introducing their brand of home appliances to foreign markets but has a relatively low amount of financial resources at this time. Production costs in the home country are high. What would be the BEST option for Ajay's firm? Student Response A. Discard the plan to export since home appliances can be bulky and expensive to export. B. Open appliance stores in several countries before slowly expanding elsewhere. C. Export directly from the home country.D. Move production to a country with low

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costs and export from there.

Reggie's ice cream parlor is popular because of his fried ice cream. Customers are amazed how the ice cream remains frozen despite being fried. Reggie plans to market his fried ice cream to another country, but he wants full control over foreign operations. Which entry mode is BEST in Reggie's situation? Student Response A. Exporting B. Wholly-owned subsidiary C. FranchisingD. Joint venture

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Jaime runs a plant that manufactures designer shoes. She has gained a comparative advantage over plants making similar products. Which of the following statements is true? Student Response A. Jaime was unable to access the same cheap raw materials as her competitors. Value Correct Feedback Answer

B. The competition spent time on training rather than actual production. C. Jaime's workers have improved their production rate compared to their competitors.D. The competitors have invested too much in new technology. Suppose a weak Japanese currency reduces labor costs in Japan. If you were a multinational firm owner, why might you feel competitive pressure to shift more of the firm's production to Japan?

Student Response A. I must be the first multinational firm to help Japan, or else their country might lag behind in the global market. B. I must be the

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first multinational firm to train Japan's labor force so that my competitors will be discouraged to invest there. C. I have to take advantage of Japan's lower production costs, or else my company might lose global market share. D. I have to take advantage of Japan's cheap labor force so that I can influence my competitors to also shift their production there. Maya creates unique, customized furniture made from rattan, a local pliable wood in her country. She wants to export her products to the United States. Which of the following is a disadvantage of exporting her furniture? Student Response A. Foreign trade barriers are in Value Correct Feedback Answer

place for rattan furniture. B. Maya will have to train staff in the United States. C. Exporting a bulky and heavy product entails high transportation costs.D. Furniture makers in the United States will have access to Maya's designs.

Which of the following is a long-term effect of protectionist trade barriers? Student Response A. There is a decrease in prices of domestic products as consumer consumption rises. B. There is an increase in demand for imports and a subsequent Value Correct Feedback Answer

increase in sales. C. The local market becomes more accessible to foreign companies. D. There is an increase in supply of domestic products leading to market expansion. To enter the foreign handbag market, Karen subcontracts the manufacturing of her handbags to an overseas firm. After the first production cycle, Karen is devastated to learn that her handbags' zippers are not as durable as the originals. Which disadvantage of contract manufacturing does this situation illustrate? Student Response A. Risk of losing specialized technology to partner B. Lack of access to local information C. Lack of quality control over distant Value Correct Feedback Answer

contractorD. Difficulty in finding a compatible partner A nation with abundant natural resources will likely have a comparative advantage in the production of goods that require these raw materials. Which of the following is an example of this statement?

Student Response A. A country with the required raw material for the production of certain goods can trade with other countries for final products. B. A country with abundant amounts of iron ore has a comparative advantage in the production of steel. C. A country with abundant amounts of

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iron ore has all the necessary capital for investing in steel company stocks. D. A country with abundant amounts of silver has a comparative advantage because it is wealthier than other countries. Gabriel Hudson is an IT expert working with an outsourcing company based in Romania. He uses teleconferencing to talk with his contacts in Bangkok, Thailand. Teleconferencing as a way of communication is an example of Student Response A. technological innovation. B. business expansion. C. business creativity. D. offshore outsourcing.Patricia works for a domestic manufacturer. How would she likely feel about a protectionist trade barrier?

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Student Response A. She would support it because domestic goods would be less expensive to purchase. B. She would support it because domestic sales and prices would increase, making her company more profitable. C. She would oppose it because import prices would drop. D. She would oppose it because it would increase the amount of exports.

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An engineering company is considering implementing a turnkey project in a neighboring country. Why might the company have reservations about implementing the plan?

Student Response A. The company would have difficulty maintaining quality control remotely. B. The company would have to bear the full burden of start-up costs and risks. C. The company may create a viable competitor with access to the same technology and methods. D. It may be difficult to find a compatible business partner.

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Lizzie is the CEO of a large corporation that offers accounting services to several companies. She has tried to acquire her closest rival, but her rival's management is opposed to the idea. In order to gain a competitive edge, Lizzie starts a campaign to persuade her rival company's shareholders to vote out its existing management in the hopes of replacing it with a management more amenable to an acquisition. Which method of acquiring a company is Lizzie using?

Student Response A. Tender offer B. Proxy fight C. Synergistic value D. Hostile takeover

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Which of the following BEST explains why members of a cooperative enjoy reduced costs for their goods and services? Student Response A. They have greater bargaining power. B. They have increased profit margins. C. They raise their prices. D. They have little competition.A popular vegan restaurant merges with a vegetable supplier. As a result, the restaurant lowers production costs because vegetables are available at a more affordable price. The vegetable supplier now has a ready customer and is no longer worried about a surplus of stocks. Which of the following BEST describes this situation?

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Student Response A. Synergy B. Conglomeration C. Redundancy D. Innovation

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Maxine runs a small bakery and has four people working for her. Her workers deliver cakes and bread to their customers using a motorcycle that Maxine also owns. During a bad storm, one of the workers skids on the bike and injures a pedestrian. The injured man sues the worker and Maxine, and Maxine is ordered to pay compensation to the injured man. Which of the following reasons BEST explains why Maxine is held liable? Student Response A. A sole proprietor has protection against legal action only if the owner or employee is operating on company premises. B. A sole proprietor shares the operation of his or her business with every employee who works for the business. C. A sole proprietor is protected Value Correct Feedback Answer

against legal action only if his or her employees sign forms claiming full responsibility for their actions.D. A sole proprietor may incur a liability and become responsible to pay for any damages or personal injuries caused by his or her employees. As the sole proprietor of her own catering business, Maggie has ________ control over managing and operating his or her business.

Student Value Correct Response Answer A. no B. partial C. less D. full


Which of the following describes how a privately held corporation differ from a publicly owned one?

Student Response A. In a privately held corporation, there are more

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than 25 shareholders; in a publicly owned corporation, there are fewer than 25 shareholders. B. The stock of privately held corporations is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission; the stock of publicly owned corporations is regulated by shareholders. C. In a publicly owned corporation, shares are traded on public stock exchanges; in a privately held corporation, shares are not traded on public stock exchanges. D. In a publicly owned corporation,

shareholders are involved in daily operations of the business; in a privately held corporation, shareholders have less direct involvement.As the sole proprietor of her own catering business, Maggie has ________ control over managing and operating his or her business.

Student Value Correct Response Answer A. no B. partial C. less D. full


A company that offers high-quality leather shoes merges with another company that sells designer clothing. This type of merger is called a

Student Response A. market extension merger. B. product extension merger. C. horizontal merger. D. vertical merger.

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Cynthia owns a small company that creates one-of-a-kind wedding gowns in New Jersey. Seeking to expand her business, she meets with Purita, a wedding cake designer, for a possible merger. Cynthia is seeking a

Student Response A. vertical merger. B. product extension merger. C. market extension merger. D. horizontal merger.

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Like sole proprietors and partners, shareholders of S corporations pay income taxes based on their

Student Response A. contributions to the start-up capital. B. position in the corporate structure. C. personal assets upon incorporation. D. proportionate share of business profits.

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Lizzie is the CEO of a large corporation that offers accounting services to several companies. She has tried to acquire her closest rival, but her rival's management is opposed to the idea. In order to gain a competitive edge, Lizzie starts a campaign to

persuade her rival company's shareholders to vote out its existing management in the hopes of replacing it with a management more amenable to an acquisition. Which method of acquiring a company is Lizzie using?

Student Response A. Tender offer B. Proxy fight C. Synergistic value D. Hostile takeover

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Maxine runs a small bakery and has four people working for her. Her workers deliver cakes and bread to their customers using a motorcycle that Maxine also owns. During a bad storm, one of the workers skids on the bike and injures a pedestrian. The injured man sues the worker and Maxine, and Maxine is ordered to pay compensation to the injured man. Which of the following reasons BEST explains why Maxine is held liable? Student Response A. A sole proprietor has protection against legal action only if the owner or employee is operating on company premises. B. A sole proprietor shares the operation of his or her business with Value Correct Feedback Answer

every employee who works for the business. C. A sole proprietor is protected against legal action only if his or her employees sign forms claiming full responsibility for their actions.D. A sole proprietor may incur a liability and become responsible to pay for any damages or personal injuries caused by his or her employees.

Magda and Helen share the ownership and the profits and losses of a interior design company. Magda and Helen are operating a Student Response A. partnership. B. sole proprietorship. C. corporation. D. cooperative. Kaylen would like to become the sole proprietor of her own fitness training Value Correct Feedback Answer

business. Which of the following describes how she is MOST likely to raise capital? Student Response A. By tapping personal savings B. Through partner contributions C. By looking for prospective investors D. Through sale of shares of stockA company that offers high-quality leather shoes merges with another company that sells designer clothing. This type of merger is called a

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Student Response A. market extension merger. B. product extension merger. C. horizontal merger. D. vertical merger.

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The ability to build a power base and establish beneficial connections requires ________.

Student Response A. human skills B. political skills C. technical skills D. assessment skills

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The Management Standards Center (MSC) is based on an analysis of management activities and focuses on ________. Student Response A. what effective managers should be able to do, rather than what they know B. what skills efficient managers should have C. what education is needed by effective managersD. what

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effective managers know, rather than what they should be able to do

Mintzberg developed his ten managerial roles by ________. Student Response A. closely monitoring the work activities of five chief executives B. determining what managers should be able to do C. surveying thousands of managers in hundreds of organizationsD. conducting research while teaching at UCLA

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An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost, but with many defects, would be ________.

Student Response

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A. efficient and effective B. increasing efficiency C. concerned with inputs D. increasing effectiveness

Supervisor is another name for which of the following?Student Response A. first-line manager B. team leader C. top manager D. middle managerAn organization is ________.

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a. a group of individuals focused on profit making for their shareholders

b. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose

c. the physical location where people work

d. a collection of individuals working for the same company

An organization is ________.

Student Response A. a group of individuals focused on profit making for their shareholders B. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose C. a collection of individuals working for the same companyD. the physical location where people work

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Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ________.

Student Response A. commanding, organizing, leading, and staffing B. planning,

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organizing, leading, and directing C. planning, coordinating, staffing, and directing D. planning, organizing, leading, and controllingAccording to Mintzberg's management roles, the ________ roles involve receiving, collecting, and disseminating information.

Student Response A. decisional B. informational C. interpersonal D. technical

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Mintzberg developed his ten managerial roles by ________.

Student Response A. closely monitoring the work activities of five chief executives B. determining what managers should be able to do C. surveying

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thousands of managers in hundreds of organizations D. conducting research while teaching at UCLA Which of the following is to Mintzberg? Student Response A. entrepreneur B. spokesperson C. resource allocator D. disturbance handler A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what process? Student Response A. controlling B. leading C. directingD. commanding

not an example of a decisional role according

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The effectiveness of managers of ________ are generally not judged by their ability to maximize profits.

Student Response A. small businesses B. Fortune 1000 corporations C. international organizations D. not-for-profit organizations

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Which of the following is not a philosophy topic relevant to the study of management?

Student Response A. the Protestant ethic B. the liberty ethic C. the market ethic D. the democratic ethic

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Which of the following is not one of the six sets of behaviors that, according to research, is responsible for more than 50% of a manager's effectiveness?

Student Response A. organizing and coordinating B. motivating

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employees and handling conflicts C. strategic problem solving D. making human resource decisionsSupervisor is another name for which of the following?

Student Response A. first-line manager B. team leader C. top manager D. middle manager

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Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the ________ management process.

Student Response A. organizing B. planning C. leading D. coordinating

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Unlike the manager of a small business, the most important concerns of a manager in a large organization are focused ________.

Student Response A. externally, particularly on stimulating change B. internally, particularly on the allocation of resources C. on planning ways to improve performanceD. on financial matters

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Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ________.

Student Response A. commanding, organizing, leading, and staffing B. planning, organizing, leading, and directing C. planning, coordinating, staffing, and directing D. planning, organizing,

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leading, and controlling Mintzberg developed his ten managerial roles by ________. Student Response A. closely monitoring the work activities of five chief executives B. determining what managers should be able to do C. surveying thousands of managers in hundreds of organizationsD. conducting research while teaching at UCLA

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An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost, but with many defects, would be ________.

Student Response A. efficient and effective B. increasing efficiency C. concerned with inputs

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D. increasing effectivenessDivision manager is associated with which of the following levels of management?

Student Response A. team leaders B. top managers C. first-line managers D. middle managers

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The Management Standards Center (MSC) is based on an analysis of management activities and focuses on ________.

Student Response A. what effective managers should be able to do, rather than what they know B. what skills efficient managers should have C. what education is needed

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by effective managers D. what effective managers know, rather than what they should be able to doAn organization is ________.

Student Response A. a group of individuals focused on profit making for their shareholders B. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose C. a collection of individuals working for the same company D. the physical location where people

Value Correct Feedback Answer

workToday, the basic management functions are considered to be ________.

Student Response A. commanding, organizing, leading, and staffing B. planning, organizing, leading, and directing C. planning, coordinating, staffing, and directing D. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Imagine that your marketing company has just merged with a manufacturing organization. You have been asked to help provide some "basic" managerial training to the engineers in the research and development unit of the new sister company. To make sure you are covering the necessary issues, your boss has asked to see an overview of materials that you will be providing the engineers.

Another fact that engineers need to learn is that supervisors may frequently be referred to as ________. Student Response A. first-line managers B. top Value Correct Answer Feedback

managers C. project leaders D. middle managersThe study of ________ helps managers gain a better understanding of motivation, leadership, trust, employee selection, performance appraisals, and training techniques.

Student Response A. anthropology B. sociology C. political science D. psychology

Value Correct Answer


Technical skills include ________.

Student Response A. familiarity with and interest in a general field of endeavor B. leadership and efficiency in a certain specialized field C. skill and interest in a general

Value Correct Feedback Answer

field of endeavor D. knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what process? Student Response A. controlling B. leading C. directingD. commanding

Value Correct Answer


An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost, but with many defects, would be ________.

Student Response A. efficient and effective B. increasing efficiency C. concerned with inputs D. increasing effectiveness

Value Correct Feedback Answer

All of the following are managerial roles that are more important at the higher levels of the organization except ________.

Student Response A. leader B. figurehead C. disseminator D. negotiator

Value Correct Answer


The organizing process is more important ________.

Student Response A. than any of the other management processes B. for top-level managers than it is for either middle- or first-level managers C. for top-level managers than it is for first-level managers only D. than leading at all levels of management

Value Correct Feedback Answer

The ability to build a power base and establish beneficial connections

requires ________. Student Response A. technical skills B. political skills C. assessment skillsD. human skills An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost, but with many defects, would be ________.

Value Correct Answer


Student Response A. increasing effectiveness B. concerned with inputs C. increasing efficiency D. efficient and effective

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what process? Student Response A. leading B. commanding C. directing Value Correct Answer Feedback

D. controlling

Unlike the manager of a small business, the most important concerns of a manager in a large organization are focused ________. Student Response A. internally, particularly on the allocation of resources B. externally, particularly on stimulating change C. on planning ways to improve performanceD. on financial matters

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A manager's pay typically expands as his or her ________ increases. Student Response A. responsibility B. experience C. seniorityD. education

Value Correct Feedback Answer

According to Katz, the four critical managerial skills can be classified as ________.

Student Response A. technical, political, interpersonal, and conceptual B. technical, interpersonal, political, and controlling C. technical, political, conceptual, and empiricalD. interpersonal, political, empirical, and technical

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Which of the following is a central difference between capitalist and socialist economies?

Student Response A. Managers in a capitalist economy do not need to follow governmental regulations. B. The government owns most of the goods-producing businesses in a capitalist economy. C. Efficiency is more important

Value Correct Feedback Answer

than effectiveness in a socialist economy. D. Effectiveness in a socialist economy is often measured by how many people an organization employs. Which of the following is to Mintzberg? Student Response A. spokesperson B. resource allocator C. entrepreneur D. disturbance handlerA deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose is ________.

not an example of a decisional role according

Value Correct Answer


Student Response A. a process B. an assembly operation C. a structure D. an organization

Value Correct Answer


Which of the following is not one of the six sets of behaviors that, according to

research, is responsible for more than 50% of a manager's effectiveness?

Student Response A. making human resource decisions B. strategic problem solving C. motivating employees and handling conflicts D. organizing and coordinating

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Good management is concerned with ________.

Student Response A. high efficiency and high equity B. high efficiency and low effectiveness C. low efficiency and high effectiveness D. high efficiency and high effectiveness

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Which one of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skills?

Student Response A. decision making B. communicating with customers C. product knowledge D. using information to solve business problems

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Supervisor is another name for which of the following?

Student Response A. team leader B. first-line manager C. middle manager D. top manager

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ________.

Student Response A. planning, organizing,

Value Correct Feedback Answer

leading, and directing B. commanding, organizing, leading, and staffing C. planning, coordinating, staffing, and directing D. planning, organizing, leading, and controllingOne of the common characteristics of all organizations is ________, which is typically expressed in terms of the organization's goals.

Student Response A. its systematic structure B. its goals C. its people D. its purpose

Value Correct Answer


One of the common characteristics of all organizations is ________, which is typically expressed in terms of the organization's goals.

Student Response A. its systematic structure B. its goals

Value Correct Answer


C. its people D. its purpose A human resource manager attending a local Society for Human Resource Management meeting would be functioning in which role? Student Response A. leader B. disseminator C. informational D. liaisonOrganizing includes ________.

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Student Response A. defining organizational goals B. determining who does what tasks C. hiring organizational members D. motivating organizational members

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the ________ management process.

Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. organizing B. planning C. leading D. coordinatingThe roles of disseminator, figurehead, negotiator, liaison, and spokesperson are more important at the ________ levels of the organization.

Student Response A. supervisory B. middle C. lower D. higher

Value Correct Answer


Organizations that are well managed ________.

Student Response A. compete on an international basis because they have the best products B. always have the lowest-cost products C. develop a loyal customer base, grow, and prosper D. choose the best suppliers for

Value Correct Feedback Answer

their productsIll-structured problems ________.

Student Response A. force managers to deal with incomplete or ambiguous information B. present familiar circumstances C. are easily solved D. are routine

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Lower-level managers typically confront what type of decision making?

Student Response A. non-programmed B. nonroutine C. unique D. programmed

Value Correct Feedback Answer

If all criteria in the decision making are equal, weighting the criteria ________.

Student Response A. improves the criteria B. improves

Value Correct Answer


decision making when large numbers of criteria are involved C. produces excellent decisions D. is not neededA policy ________.

Student Response A. is used frequently when a manager faces a structured problem B. allows little discretion on the part of the manager C. offers strict rules as to how a problem should be solved D. requires judgment and interpretation

Value Correct Feedback Answer

A ________ is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she can or cannot do.

Student Response A. solution B. rule C. procedure D. policy

Value Correct Answer


Which type is characterized as a careful decision maker with the ability to adapt or cope with unique situations?

Student Response A. conceptual decision makers B. analytic decision makers C. directive decision makers D. behavioral decision makers

Value Correct Answer


Which of the following group techniques allows group members to meet together, but at the same time facilitates independent thinking?

Student Response A. brainstorming B. electronic meetings C. nominal group technique

Value Correct Feedback Answer

D. groupthinkWhereas most people can only easily assimilate two or three variables, neural networks can ________.

Student Response A. perform qualitative reasoning and numerical calculations B. identify correlations among hundreds of variables. C. perform operations in a rapid step-by-step process D. rely on specialized knowledge about a particular problem area

Value Correct Feedback Answer

In which step does a decision maker want to be creative in coming up with possible alternatives? Student Response A. allocating weights to the criteria B. identifying Value Correct Answer Feedback

decision criteria C. analyzing alternativesD. developing alternatives Which of the following is most likely a situation in which groupthink has occurred?

Student Response A. Group members ask questions of those members who voice an opinion different from the majority view. B. Members who hold different points of view avoid deviating from what appears to be the group consensus. C. Influential group members dominate the discussion and the decision-making process. D. People affected by the decision are not given the opportunity to participate

Value Correct Feedback Answer

in the decision-making process.To help survivors of downsizing cope with their new stress, managers might want to ________.

Student Response A. provide counselors for employees to talk to B. individually call employees into the office intermittently with those being downsized C. provide job search assistance D. offer some form of severance pay


Correct Answer


If employment planning shows a surplus of employees, management may want to reduce the organization's workforce through ________.

Student Response A. downsizing B. expansion C. recruitment D. jobbing


Correct Answer


Three types of orientation are job orientation, work unit orientation, and organization orientation.

Student Response not answeredtransition that ________.

Value 0%

Correct Answer True

Successful orientation, whether formal or informal, results in an outsider-insider

Student Response A. increases the probability of a surprise resignation B. makes the new member feel uncomfortable C. lowers the likelihood of high work performance D. helps the new member feel fairly well adjusted


Correct Answer


current U.S. labor laws, designed to encourage collective bargaining and to balance workers' power against that of management, may be a barrier to labor and management working as cooperative partners.

Student Response not answeredeffectiveness of training.

Value 0%

Correct Answer True

Surveying the reaction of participants is the most valid way to assess the

Student Response not answered

Value 0%

Correct Answer False

What is not a factor that can influence compensation and benefits?

Student Response A. appearance and sex B. geographical location C. seniority D. employee performance levels

Value Correct Feedback Answer

The selection process is ________. Student Response A. an exercise in prediction B. not related to performance in the job C. the steps taken to determine who is best for a jobD. the steps taken to determine how to best train employees Human Resource Management activities and functions such as staffing, attracting and developing an effective workforce are the sole responsibility of the HR department.


Correct Answer Feedback

Student Response not answeredlast from a few weeks to several years.

Value 0%

Correct Answer False

As a downsizing option, ________ are a temporary involuntary termination that can

Student Response A. layoffs B. early retirements C. transfers D. attritions


Correct Answer


Which of the following is not an option for downsizing?

Student Response A. reduced workweeks B. early retirements C. attrition D. Internet hiring

Value Correct Feedback Answer

Successful orientation, whether formal or informal, results in an outsider-insider transition that ________.

Student Response A. increases the probability of a surprise resignation B. makes the new


Correct Answer


member feel uncomfortable C. lowers the likelihood of high work performance D. helps the new member feel fairly well adjustedWhat traditional training method involves employees working with an experienced worker who provides information, support, and encouragement?

Student Response A. vestibule training B. simulation exercises C. job rotation D. understudy assignments


Correct Answer


To use a physical exam as a selection device, a company must ________. Student Response A. prove that the test has nothing to do with insurance B. prove that supervisors do not need physical abilities to Value Correct Answer Feedback

perform their jobs C. be sure the physical requirements are directly related to successful job performanceD. have an insurance carrier that does not require the testing

The selection process is ________. Student Response A. an exercise in prediction B. not related to performance in the job C. the steps taken to determine who is best for a jobD. the steps taken to determine how to best train


Correct Answer Feedback


Being a manager, with no environmental uncertainty or threat of competitors' new products, would be relatively simple without ________.

Student Response A. government regulations B. diversity C. organizational change D. cultural differences


Correct Answer


In spurring organizational change, outside consultants are usually more ________, whereas internal managers may be more ________ in the changes they initiate. Student Response A. resistant; bold B. highly paid; risky C. drastic; thoughtfulD. cautious; friendly


Correct Answer


The effort to assist organizational members with a planned change is referred to as organizational design. Student Response not answeredGrade for: fm6r 7-105________ actively and enthusiastically support new ideas, build support, overcome

Value 0%

Correct Answer False

resistance, and ensure that innovations are implemented.

Student Response A. Change generators B. Whistleblowers C. Change screeners D. Champions of change Score:


Correct Answer



Computerization is a technological change that replaces people with machines.

Student Response not answered

Value Correct Answer 0% False

When grocery stores installed scanners to read the product price, this was an example of managing what change category? Student Response A. competitors B. technology C. structure D. peopleIn the view that with training, anyone can be creative, creativity is a fourfold process consisting of ________ incubation, inspiration, and ________.


Correct Answer


Student Response A. ideas; procedure B. inclination; illustration


Correct Answer


C. perception; innovation D. indoctrination; institutionalizationInnovative organizations tend to have dissimilar cultures.

Student Response not answered

Value Correct Answer 0% False

Managing in the dynamic, chaotic world of global competition, organizations must create new products and services ________.

Student Response Value A. that offer the customer what they want B. and adopt teams as the best way to improve the organization C. at competitive prices and in the correct location D. and adopt state-of-the-art technology if they are to compete successfully

Correct Answer


In spurring organizational change, outside consultants are usually more ________, whereas internal managers may be more ________ in the changes they initiate.

Student Response A. resistant; bold


Correct Answer


B. highly paid; risky C. drastic; thoughtful D. cautious; friendlyGrade for: fm6r 7-4Computerization is a technological change that replaces people with machines.

Student Response not answered Score:

Value Correct Answer 0% 0.0% False

Innovative organizations tend to have dissimilar cultures.

Student Response not answered

Value Correct Answer 0% False

Assembly-line technology is changing dramatically as organizations ________.

Student Response A. develop new products for the market B. find new markets for their products C. replace old manually controlled machines


Correct Answer


with newer machines D. replace human labor with robots________ may be necessary when resistance comes from a powerful source.

Student Response A. Facilitation and support B. Education and communication C. Coercion D. Negotiation

Value Correct Answer


Internal forces that stimulate the need for change tend to originate primarily from the impact of external forces or from ________.

Student Response A. change in technology B. the forces of competition C. customer demand for the products the company produces D. the internal operations of the organization


Correct Answer


If Kraft Foods hired a consultant to decrease group friction and enhance cooperative

work relationships, this would be an example of managing what change category?

Student Response A. technology B. structure C. competitors D. people Score:


Correct Answer



Grade for: fm6r 7-95________ refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas.

Student Response A. Creativity B. Imagination C. Innovation D. Interpretive thinking Score:


Correct Answer



One of the primary views of the change process is that change is ________, while the other view is that change is ________.

Student Response A. costly; conservative B. occasional; continuous C. optimistic; pessimistic


Correct Answer


D. problematic; encouraged Score: 0%

Research into the effect of structural variables on innovation shows that ________. Student Response A. organic structures negatively influence innovation B. time pressures actually cause people to be more creative C. frequent interunit communication helps create barriers to innovation D. the easy availability of plentiful resources provides a key building block for innovationFor ________ to be effective, there must be mutual trust and credibility between managers and employees.


Correct Answer


Student Response A. participation B. education C. negotiation D. coercion Score:


Correct Answer



As change agents, managers should be motivated to initiate change because they are committed to ________.

Student Response A. improving their organization's performance B. promoting the welfare of their employees C. managing and want to do the best they can for everyone D. meeting the competition head-on in the market


Correct Answer


Labor markets are an internal force for change.

Student Response

Value Correct Answer False

not answered 0% Score: 0.0%

Research into the effect of structural variables on innovation shows that ________.

Student Response A. organic structures negatively influence innovation B. time pressures actually cause people to be more creative C. frequent interunit communication helps create barriers to innovation D. the easy availability of plentiful resources provides a key building block for innovation


Correct Answer


A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing what change category?

Student Response A. people B. competitors C. technology


Correct Answer Feedback

D. structure Score: 0%

Any manager can be a change agent.

Student Response not answered Score:

Value Correct Answer 0% 0.0% True

________ refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas.

Student Response A. Creativity B. Imagination C. Innovation D. Interpretive thinking Score:Next Question


Correct Answer



Probably the most visible technology changes in recent years have come through managers' efforts to expand corporate financing.

Student Response not answeredproduct, service, or method of operation.

Value 0%

Correct Answer False

________ is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful

Student Response A. Innovation


Correct Answer


B. Imagination C. Interpretive thinking D. CreativityAssembly-line technology is changing dramatically as organizations ________.

Student Response A. develop new products for the market B. find new markets for their products C. replace old manually controlled machines with newer machines D. replace human labor with robots


Correct Answer


Negotiation refers to covert attempts to influence, twisting and distorting facts, or withholding information.

Student Response not answered Score:

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer False

E-mail might cause a breakdown in communication because

Student Response A. e-mail cuts down on face-to-face interaction, and nuances in expression are lost in e-mail. B. e-mail requires more time to carefully compose a thought that would take seconds to say in person. C. e-mail makes it more difficult to figure out who has sent which file and at what time. D. e-mail can take a long time to get to the intended recipient of the message.


Correct Answer


company's marketing department must work with and be closely involved with the information technology (IT) department in order to function effectively.

Student Response not answered Score:

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer True

A business only has to worry about initial costs in its technological investments.

Student Response not answered Score:General Feedback:

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer False

New technology often comes with additional costs, like maintenance, upgrades, and training. Chief information officers must decide if introducing new technology into the company will be a cost-effective move.

Next Question The MOST common goal of hackers is to

Student Response A. add files to a system. B. disrupt the operation of a system. C. rearrange folder structures. D. impersonate company employees.

Value Correct Answer


The boundary between work and home has blurred dramatically because of the increased use of technology.

Student Response not answered Score:

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer True

Alicia and her university friends always dreamed of starting a company together, but they all relocated to different parts of the country after graduation. Which of the following is a feature of remote conferencing that could enable Alica and her friends to build a "virtual" company

without being in the same place? Student Response A. It allows national and international calls to be made for free over the Internet instead of over traditional phone networks. B. It enables many people to join a common discussion regardless of their physical location. C. It helps businesses and their clients use the Internet as they discuss different aspects of a particular project in relation to current market trends. D. It allows clients and customers to meet in a much more informal, relaxed way to discuss projects. Value Correct Answer Feedback

Samari needs to hire a chief information officer (CIO) to lead his company's growing information technology (IT) department. Which of the following skill sets is MOST important for Samari to look for when considering whom to hire as his new CIO?

Student Response A. Organizational skills B. Marketing skills C. Advertising skills D. Intrapersonal skills


Correct Answer


Peter recently began a new job at an advertising firm. During his orientation, he learned that the company's network is accessible only to employees or authorized users. Unauthorized users are kept out by specialized firewall software protecting the network. Which of the following terms describes the advertising firm's network?

Student Response A. Intranet B. Extranet C. Exonet D. Internet


Correct Answer


Which of the following BEST describes how businesses convert raw data into information?

Student Response A. By selling the data to a business intelligence firm


Correct Answer


B. By having information technology specialists review the data for accuracy C. By storing the data in a data warehouse D. By organizing and arranging the data to reflect the demographics of the company's customersWhich of the following is an example of an idea that would belong to the company, and not the employee?

Student Response A. A cook develops a new recipe by changing a few ingredients and processes in a family recipe. B. A journalist writes a memoir about all of the


Correct Answer


people she interviewed throughout her 50-year career. C. A computer scientist writes a software program that makes the current project easier to maintain. D. An engineer develops a prototype for a new wing design for a model airplane.Estella wants to get a quantitative idea of which marketing campaigns had the most success in the past year, so she tasks her company's management information systems (MIS) department to analyze last year's sales data. In the context of this assignment, which of the following is MOST critical to the MIS team's successful evaluation of the data?

Student Response A. Making use of software B. Extraction of information from raw data C. Storing raw data securely D. Creation of a


Correct Answer


company server and networkConverting data into useful information is the easiest task of an information technology department.

Student Response not answered Score:General Feedback:

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer False

Figuring out how to sort the data you collect into a manageable form of information can be very challenging. Unless the data is properly sorted and displayed, the infor

A company's marketing department must work with and be closely involved with the information technology (IT) department in order to function effectively.

Student Response not answered Score:General Feedback: the Internet as a tool both

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer True

In today's world, a marketing department must consider for collecting information on its customers and distributing inform

Raw data can boost a business's sales and overall growth even before it has been interpreted.

Student Response not answered Score:increased use of technology.

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer False

The boundary between work and home has blurred dramatically because of the

Student Response not answered Score:General

Value 0% 0.0%

Correct Answer True

Once a worker has access from home to office files, and the office has


access to the employees through smartphones or live video conferencing, the workday can extend dramatically.