Better living through connected objects

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Better living throughchemistryjoggingcoffeedesign cakecatsdataconnected things


About me

Product & Interaction designerFirst UK distributor of the Arduino tinkerlondonPartner riglondon

Consultant designswarmFounder of connected lamps Good Night LampOrganiser of 4 year old London IOT Meetup

I design everyday products that take advantage of new technologies

We’ve run out of ideas

We need new stories.

What we want from the internet of thingsshould reflect what we want for our future.

It’s not about what we can imagine now but placing bets on a better, more exciting future.

With connectivity & the web as part of our lives.

What does success look like?

From clicktivism to activism with physical objects.

Air quality egg

Japan Geiger Maps

Oxford Flood Network

From large, slow, closed systems to faster, open, cheaper systems.

Bridging the technological gaps.

Good Night Lamp

Living with climate change.

Free idea: street lighting that changes color based on the level of pollution and during the daysynchs to my travel app.

Knowing where your food comes from, really.

They offer farmers the ability to share the origin of their food crops and the number of workers involved with the general public.

Giving people choice and information.

Product labelling for thefuture now

Reduce violence in the world.

Improve care & end of life .

What stands in the way of this vision for thefuture now?

•  Short term investment strategies.

•  Lack of public funds going directly to startups.

•  Impatient founders.

•  Software stories

But mostly ourselves.

We have to face the music and dance.

Thanks. Go out and make

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