Best Wedding Photography Tips You Need To Know Before Shooting Your First Wedding

Post on 21-Jan-2018



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Shooting first wedding is makes or breaks moment in the career of any wedding

photographer. Beginner photographers tend to be very nervous during this process. If you

follow some basic tips, it will be a wonderful experience.

We have given best Wedding Photography tips in this article for those who are going to

cover their first wedding. Follow it like a bible for your upcoming shoots. Many amateur

photographers start covering wedding during the initial days of practice for free. But when

you get paid for it for the first time. The pressure is significant. It is a big day of somebody’s

life and you must do it right just like a professional. Lot has been at stake, including your

reputation as photographer.

1. It’s not all about photography

Wedding photography is a complex process. It just includes 30 percent of actual clicking the

photographs. Rest of the time is spending on planning shoots, moving equipment and going

through schedule of the event. You have to build good connection with not just the couple

you are covering but the family involved in the wedding as well. Keep these best Wedding

Photography tips in mind when you go on to cover your first wedding.

2. Be a quick thinker

The weddings are fast paced events. Many things are happening simultaneously. You are

responsible for capturing all of those. Deploy your team skillfully. Many undesirable things

happen such as car malfunction, things go missing, health problems or even camera failure.

Be ready to face any situation and offer solutions in real time.

Be convincing towards people and guest. You have to be an excellent crowd controller to get

those amazing wedding group photos. You can make people comfortable by simply

cracking jokes, playing games, dancing or singing. These will result in more candid photos.

3. Practice your skills well

Once you have signed the contract, you are obligated to provide superior photographs to the

client. It will give you future clients as well. Practice your top photography skills because

there should be no excuses on the day of event. The couple expects you to perform well in

photography. Survey the situation of your gear. Make sure everything is working properly.

Start thinking about what kind of photos you want to take. How you can capture this event

different. Click some test photos to be sure. Sometimes when your camera is attached to the

speed light you cannot shoot at faster shutter speed. So do not freak out.

4. Get informed about the wedding location

The conditions at the venue will decide what kind of photographs you will get. Visiting that

area one day in advance will definitely help. It will also give you better idea about how to

cover the wedding. In case of destination wedding, you must research about the famous land

marks of that place in advance. Some venues even require prior permissions for the


Meeting the couple face to face before the wedding will be helpful too. By doing that you

will also come to know about their expectations from you.

Birta Photography – Wings Of Love

Marschallpl. 2, 1120


Wien (Vienna)

Phone no: +43 664 37 90 884, +36 30 308 8288


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