Behold Magazine Summer 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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Dr. Sandra J. DeLoatchProvost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Aurelia T. Williams (B.S. ‘94)

Chair, Computer Science

CRACKING THE CODENSU A Leader in Cybersecurity

CRACKING THE CODENSU A Leader in Cybersecurity


2 From the Desk of the Interim Vice President for University Advancement 3 NSU Blazes Trail to Build Relationship with Cuban Neighbors 8 UniversityNews 10 CRACKING the Code

NSU A Leader in Cybersecurity

24 AlumniNews

14 Honor Roll of Donors


Dr. Aurelia Taylor Williams (B.S. ’94), NSUComputer Science Department Chair, andDr. Sandra J. DeLoatch, NSU Provost and

Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Photo by Keith Cephus

ANTHONY STOCKARD, the Director of Theatre for Norfolk State University’s College of Liberal Arts, talked with The Magazine about the 2014-2015 production year.


Q: What do you think about Norfolk State?A: I love Norfolk State University. There is such a beautiful transformation going on here.

Q: What has changed at the NSU Theatre Company since your arrival?A: Well, just about everything. Norfolk State University Theatre Company is brand new. We are enjoying our inaugural season. Our lastest production, Dreamgirls became the first sold-outperformance for theatre on NSU’s campus in two decades. Then there is the construction of the new Brown Hall building and its twobrand new state-of-the-art facilities. It is going to be a beautiful facility and will be the new home of the NSU Theatre Company.

Q: Tell us about some of the productions you’ve put together with students this semester?A: This season we presented A Musical Tribute to Whitney Houston, A Raisin in the Sun, For Colored GirlsWho Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enufand Dreamgirls. I also had the pleasure of directing this year’s Mr. & Miss NSU Pageant.

Q: Tell us about your background?A: I started out performing in theatre in high school with a touringcompany. When I attended Alabama State University, I continued mystudies and began directing as well. I attended graduate school atBrandeis University in the Boston area and began my professionalcareer as an actor and director. After spending some time performingoff-Broadway and in film and regional theatre, I took over a theatrecompany in Birmingham, Alabama, as artistic director. Later, myformer chair at Alabama asked me to teach and I said no. She broughtit up again and I agreed only if I was able to continue with mycompany. The university agreed and I took the opportunity to teach at my alma mater. I spent five years there helping with acquiringaccreditation, developing curriculum, directing and innovating theproduction process.



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Q: Do you think HBCU Theatre programs are overlooked? If so why?A: I do. I think that young students of color do not realize that if they want to study ina theatre program they need to go to an HBCU.HBCU theatre is the only place where lead rolesand stories for people of color are the main content. Anywhere else, they will have to wait for shows that include roles for people of color.Almost all of America’s best black film actorscome from the theatre and studied under people of color with plays that told their stories.

Q: What productions can fans expect during the summer and going into the fall of 2015?A: This month, we will be presenting Lady Day atEmerson’s Bar and Grill. It is a musical about thelife of Billie Holiday. It is going to be an amazingshow. People should check out our website formore information. (

Q: Tell us about some of the talent on the NSU Theatre roster? Will we be seeing them on Broadway or the big screen one day?A: There is a plethora of talent in the company.Four theatre performance students who have stoodout this year are Christopher Lindsay, BriyanaGuadalupe, Juspin Jones and Indya Jackson. Chris, Briyana and Juspin were honored by beingselected as Irene Ryan Acting Competitors by the Kennedy Center’s American College TheatreFestival. Juspin is graduating in theatreperformance this semester. I encouraged him to consider graduate study and took him to NewYork to audition for schools. He currently hasaccumulated more than $750,000 in scholarshipsand stipends collectively from top graduateprograms. Indya Jackson is on her way to Disneyfor an internship this summer. Therefore, I am surethey will see the success they seek. Whether it betelevision, film, theatre or Broadway in particular.

Q: With the emergence of African-Americanwriters, actors and producers who have beenfeatured in television and film in the last few\years, what type of future do you see forNSU students interested in the career field?A: The amount of diversity and inclusionappearing in the entertainment industry hasdramatically increased the amount of careeropportunities that are available. There hasalways been high demand for diversity in design, technology, directing andmanagement. Many students find success as directors, producers, lighting designers,scenic designers, costume designers alongwith the dozens of other career choices thattheatre affords students.

Q: Will the NSU Theatre feature any original productions next season? If so, can you provide us with any details?A: We are working on an original piece for the 80th anniversary of theUniversity. It deals with the Norfolk 17.That is all I can tell you without givingout too much information. I am alsoplanning to present LangstonHughes’s Black Nativity. It will bea huge production and NSU’sholiday gift to the HamptonRoads community.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share?A: If people have not been to a show on campus, you should.It’s your obligation to do so. It will only take one show to get you hooked. Ourstudents work hard and areextremely talented.

Scenes from Dreamgirls

* Interview conducted prior to spring commencement

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From the Desk of the Interim Vice President forUniversity Advancement

The word “BEHOLD” is often used by those who love Norfolk State. It sums up the excellence of the University and pride felt for it. That is why when it came to naming

the magazine featuring the accomplishments and progress taking place at Norfolk State “BEHOLD,” easily came to mind.


Eddie N. Moore Jr.Interim President and CEO

BOARD OF VISITORS 2014-2015 Thomas N. Chewning Rector Lloyd Banks, Jr. Vice Rector Lula B. Holland, COL (Ret) Secretary Lamont Bagby Elwood B. Boone, III Dr. Byron L. Cherry, Sr., COL (Ret) Bryan D. Cuffee Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce Larry A. Griffith Peter J. Kao Beth Murphy Michael D. Rochelle, LTG (Ret) Dr. Melvin T. Stith

PRESIDENT’S CABINET Dr. Sandra J. DeLoatch Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs Gerald E. Hunter Vice President Finance & Administration Edward M. Willis Vice President Student Affairs Dr. Deborah C. Fontaine Interim Vice President University Advancement Marty L. Miller Athletics Director Clementine S. Cone Executive Assistant to the President for University Compliance Dr. Paula Gentius Assistant to the President


Stevalynn Adams Interim Director, Communications and Marketing Michelle D. Hill ’96 Director, Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Stanley M. Donaldson ’04 Director, Media Relations Regina Lightfoot Communications & Marketing Specialist Christopher Setzer ’97 Assistant Creative Designer Matt Michalec Assistant Athletics Director for Communications Nigel Brooks (M.A. '15) Contributing Writer Sharon R. Hoggard (M.A. ‘04) Contributing Writer Gail Kent Contributing Writer Markis Bowers '16 Contributing Photographer Keith Cephus Contributing Photographer DéQuan Moss '15 Contributing Photographer

BEHOLD is published twice a year by the Office of Communications and Marketing.Contact: Stevalynn Adams | |

Call us: 757.823.8373

R ecently Interim Presidentand CEO Eddie N.Moore Jr. quoted a poemby Roe Fulkerson that

contemplated what it meant to be abuilder and a wrecker during auniversity conference. The poemchallenged those in attendance toexamine their life and answer whichrole they play—a builder who workswith care, patience and a well-madeplan or a wrecker content with thelabor of tearing down.

BEHOLD Magazine is dedicated to the builders of Norfolk StateUniversity. In every issue, those highlighted help build upon thefoundation of builders who have come before us. This issue features aspecial section, in which we say “Thank You” to all who by their actionsand financial support serve as the stones and the mortar that have helpedNSU to transform students’ lives and our communities.

Our Honor Roll of Donors is our way of acknowledging and thankingeveryone for his/her part in helping today’s students actualize theirdreams and their potential. The list highlights those who generouslygave to the “I AM NSU…Because” Annual Campaign that ran fromJuly 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014. It was a resounding success,breaking all records in terms of number of donors, amounts our donorscommitted to and exceeding our fundraising goal of $3 million to $5.2 million. You—our donors and supporters—through dedication and commitment continue to help us to build so that each of our studentscan climb their ladder to success.

Nearly 40 years ago, Provost Sandra J. DeLoatch had the vision and the foresight to begin teaching computer science classes and thenact as a key player in initiating Norfolk State’s Computer ScienceDepartment in 1990. The path that she helped pave has placed theUniversity today in an enviable position. What grew out of those initialactions was the establishment of two degree programs in informationassurance, which is closely related to what is now called cybersecurity.

That vision and foresight has set NSU apart from its sister institutions as a leader in educating and graduating African-American and minoritycybersecurity professionals. And because of our history of success in the field, Norfolk State has been awarded several grants that haveplaced the University at the forefront of developing measures to combatcyber threats to our nation’s military and national security infrastructure. Over the past several months, NSU received $30 million in awards for cybersecurity and has been tapped by President Barack Obama and the Department of Energy to lead a major education and workforceinitiative. Additionally, the University has been a National SecurityAgency and Department of Homeland Security Center of AcademicExcellence in Information Assurance Education since 2009 and willnow establish a Center of Excellence in Cyber Security in partnership with the Air Force Research Lab, along with Old Dominion and TennesseeState universities.

Over the past 80 years, Norfolk State has had many “firsts” and earned numerous awards and accolades for its achievements and many accomplishments. As we celebrate our 80th Anniversary this year,we must always remember that with each triumph and achievement, weare building a stronger, more sustainable NSU. To you—our donors,supporters, achievers and visionaries—we say “Thank You.”

Behold the Green and Gold!

Deborah C. Fontaine



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While many Americans are gearingup to visit, explore and trade withCuba for the first time, students,alumni and faculty of Norfolk State

have been nurturing a relationship with the isolatedcountry for many years.

President Barack Obama announced last yearthat he was re-establishing diplomatic relationswith Cuba. The United States severed itsrelationship with Cuba in January 1961, with therise of Fidel Castro’s communist government.

Led by Dr. Geoffroy de Laforcade, director ofInternational Studies, Norfolk State has been oneof the few institutions that has traveled and sentstudents to Cuba. “Interest in Cuba has gonemainstream. I was pushing people-to-peopleexchanges and doing serious work in Cuba longbefore the U.S. government’s decision to moveforward. I think NSU made a valuable contribution.” As a former journalist, de Laforcade begantravelling to Cuba in 1984. He has a special interestin the country and has received academic honors asa result of his work there. “We have had not one – but four – study-abroadprograms there in recent years, and we are the only

HBCU (Historically Black Colleges andUniversities) to have done so.” Dr. Charles Ford, professor of history,organized the first NSU trip to Cuba in 1999. Then a year after de Laforcade arrived at NSU, he set up the next trip in 2009, and students havebeen returning ever since. De LaForcade has beenable to forge relationships with Cuban scholars and artists, organizing a U.S. tour of three Cubanscholars and artists in 2012. Most recently, inFebruary, the professor worked with renownedmuralist Salvador Gonzalez Escalona, whoexhibited in d’ART Center in Norfolk. When students travel to Cuba – as they dowhen they participate in other study-abroadprograms in the International Studies Program –they study a variety of disciplines, includinghistory, migration, comparative religion, racerelations, governance, social work, environmentalsustainability, visual arts, public health,technological innovation, ethics and entrepreneurship. “My interest is in helping young Americansunderstand that our problems are not that differentfrom theirs,” says de Laforcade. “Young Cubansare very hungry for ideas and exchanges. We are

sowing the seeds of real synergy and cooperationjust by helping to clarify what each side’s needs are.” Some former students who participated in theexchange from earlier years have learned Spanishand maintained the relationships they began fiveand six years ago. “This has taught my studentsthat their dreams about generating internationalrelationships are very powerful.” De Laforcade says that while Cuba’sinfrastructure – especially technology – is lacking,there is much we can learn from each other. Cubacan offer unique and valuable perspectives onsocial work, service-learning, education andpreventive health. “Most Cubans are proud that their country is independent and relevant, but they also want to reform their country. At the same time, old-fashioned political posturing still matters.” As for the future of the Norfolk State andCuban liaison? “I hope hundreds of (Cuban) students will want to study here in the next two to five years.” That’s when the mysterious island just 90 milesoff the coast of Florida will truly transition fromfoe to friend.


NSU Students in Cuba

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Sometimes college students, new or continuing,can get overwhelmed. The stress of managingclasses, time for studying and newresponsibilities as a college student can take itstoll. And, before they realize it, the student finds

themselves falling behind in reading and homework, thenfailing a class or two and finally withdrawing from thedemands of student life or from the institution. Norfolk State University alumni Melvin T. and Patricia L.Stith well understand the rigors of academic life and theyknow what it takes to succeed. The Stiths also know thatNSU offers a valuable resource, both human and sometimesmonetary, for students to help them stay on track towardobtaining a degree . . . the Spartan Success Center. Designedto improve student achievement, increase retention andreduce the time to degree completion, the Stiths awarded thecenter with a $400,000 gift from Melvin T. Stith ’68 in honorof his wife Patricia L. Stith ’68.



Patricia L. Stith ’68 and Melvin T. Stith ’68

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Melvin Stith made the presentation at the university’s 80thAnniversary Gala held in March. “It was in honor of my wife’s 45th wedding anniversary,” he said in a recent interview. “NSU is sospecial to both of us. We feel that we couldn’t have accomplished allthat we have without NSU.” The Spartan Success Center . . . soon tobe renamed the Dr. Patricia Lynch Stith Success Center, representsthe life work of Patricia L. Stith. “She has been dedicated toretaining students so that they can attain their goals. And, the firsttime I saw the center, I started calculating... putting together aproposal including the amount of a gift,” Stith explained. “I want to set an example to alumni everywhere that we need to step up our giving to the university.” The Stiths have demonstrated their love and commitment to NSUover the years. First, with their annual giving including the TomJoyner HBCU Scholarship Fund and a $50,000 gift to the ObieMildred Lynch Endowed Fund to help keep students enrolled. A$100,000 contribution created the Melvin T. and Patricia L. StithAlumni House back in 2005. “We are so proud of the spirit of NSU,how absolutely gorgeous the campus is today and how the faculty, staff andstudents continue to build the brand by showing their pride,” Stith continued. “With this donation, we can do more... more of everything,” said Dr. Eleanor L. Hoy, director of the Spartan Success Center and NSU’sofficial retention czar. The retention czar and her team of advisors recentlytook 100 freshmen on a trip to Nags Head during the freshmen retreat. “Itwasn’t all fun and games,” Hoy quickly added. “We had an English tutoringsession, etiquette classes, and so much more.” Newly relocated from Bowser Hall to the Nursing and General EducationBuilding, the Spartan Success Center stands ready to provide the following services:

• Academic and non-academic counseling• Exam of Writing Competency (EWC) assistance• Tutoring – Smarthinking Online Tutoring – Residential Life and Housing Tutoring – Structured Student Session for High Risk Course• Mentoring• Freshmen retreat• P.A.S.S. (Preparing for Academic Scholarship and Success) Study Session• Community outreach and more

A portion of the $400,000 gift will help the success center create, sponsorand host the national Dr. Patricia L. Stith Advising and Retention Conferencethat will be held biannually on the NSU campus beginning in spring 2017. The conference will showcase innovative and successful strategies to advisingand retaining first- and second-year students with a special emphasis onenhancing retention in underrepresented populations. Patricia L. Stith willserve as chairman of the inaugural conference planning committee to developthe conference theme, establish program requirements and oversee theconference’s implementation. Additionally, two scholarships will be funded to be awarded each spring toone female and one male student who exemplifies the “Spartan” ideas of pride,integrity, curiosity, excellence, engagement and civility in their pursuit ofacademic success. Recipients of the scholarships will be selected from one ormore programs offered by the Spartan Success Center. “We wanted to have afund that would help us not lose kids who owed a mere pittance on their tuitionbill,” Stith said. Every student that makes it through impacts the university’sgraduation rates.” The Stiths’ donation will also establish the Spartan Successfor Excellence Endowed Fund which will provide operational support for thecenter’s areas of greatest need to enhance or expand one or more of itsadvising and retention programs. Finally, the Spartan Success Center will be renamed the Dr. Patricia LynchStith Success Center, with an official sign unveiling taking place in the fall of 2015.

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The Norfolk Mission College Bell is returning to the Norfolk State campusas a part of the University's new communications tower. Weighing 2,000pounds, the bell—dating back to 1884—will be one of the main featuresto hang from the tower’s ceiling. Although it will not toll, the bell will

serve as a symbol of achievement, representing exceptional pride and history toits Spartan family. The bell was donated by the Norfolk Mission College AlumniAssociation to Norfolk State. Before that, it hung in the old mission schooltower from 1884-1916 at the Princess Anne Road and Chicazola Streetlocations. When the college closed, the bell tolled for school childrenwho attended Booker T. Washington High School and the oldDunbar School.

In 1974, the bell was unveiled and dedicated to NorfolkState in the east corner of the original Lyman BeecherBrooks Library. At the time, Norfolk State envisioned thatthe bell would be suspended in a special bell tower oncampus, rising out of a reflection pool. Now, 131 yearsafter it was forged, the bell will a be feature on a collegecampus once again.

NSU’s Dr. Mikhail A. Noginov was recently named one of Virginia’sOutstanding Scientists for 2015 by Governor Terry McAuliffe andScience Museum of Virginia Chief Wonder Officer Richard C. Conti. Dr. Noginov, a professor of physics and a researcher in NSU’s Centerfor Materials Research, is credited for his cutting-edge research in theareas of metamaterials, nanoplasmonics, random lasers, solid-statelaser materials and nonlinear optics.

Gov. McAuliffe said that it was an honor to recognize Virginia’sleading scientific minds. “The 2015 Virginia Outstanding Scientistrecipients are at the forefront of their fields and are recognized fortheir contributions to future technologies.”

Faculty Member Wins Prestigious Award

The inscription engraved on the bell reads: “Presented to The Norfolk Mission College By the Colored

Citizens of Norfolk, Va., May 8, 1884.”

Mission College Bell Makes A Return By DE’QUAN MOSS '15

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Jennifer Bailey, a junior at Norfolk StateUniversity, is on the fast track to blazing herown path inside and outside of NSU. Bailey

has been recently named a U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) Greater ResearchOpportunities (GRO) Fellowship award winner.Through fellowships like this one, the EPAassists in increasing the nation’s environmentalworkforce and its ability to advance the nation’sresearch and development enterprise. Bailey isthe latest Norfolk State student to receive thisprestigious fellowship. A family history of attending NSU led her tothe University. “My sister was in the DNIMASprogram and graduated with a Bachelor ofScience in biology. She is my biggest influence,and I’ve always looked up to her,” says Bailey.The Dozoretz National Institute for Mathematicsand Applied Sciences (DNIMAS), begun in1985, is a rigorous and highly successful honorsprogram for students majoring in science,technology, engineering and mathematics. It aims to increase the number of graduatescapable of earning advanced degrees in basicand applied sciences. “I love that NSU wants tochange the severe shortage of minority scientists in the world,” Bailey said.

She likes that faculty and staff know the names of their students. “They are willing to do just about anything to make sure you haveeverything you need to succeed,” Bailey said.NSU Assistant Biology Professor Maureen Scottquickly provided wise counsel and guidance to Bailey while at NSU. “She has beeninstrumental in my educational and professionalpursuits as a mentor. She introduced me to theworld of research. She helped me find mypassion and future career plans,” Bailey said. “I am very proud of Jennifer. She serves as agreat example of a student pursuing academicexcellence and obtaining prestigiousopportunities to reinforce her career goals,”Scott said of her third student to receive theprestigious EPA Fellowship. Bailey is active on and off campus,encouraging youth to pursue careers in STEM at Girls Inc., serving as a student ambassador,vice president of the biology society, peermentor and a tutor for Student Support Services. She knows that students can lose momentumand become too comfortable during the last twoyears of college and she works to stayenthusiastic. “Knowing what the future holds forme, keeps me motivated,” says Bailey, whoplans to earn her Ph.D. in toxicology andenvironmental pathology from BrownUniversity. “I know what my endgame is. I know what I need to do in order to get there.”


Biology Student Among Prestigious EPA Fellows


Larry P.Johnson (MFA ’15)created a lifelike sculpture of his mother toraise awareness of osteoarthritisand the need for a cure.His tributegenerated local mediaattention.

Photo by De’Quan Moss

Photo by Nigel Brooks

Assistant Professor Maureen Scott (left) with biology major Jennifer Bailey.

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Nobody knows the exact number of unarmed people of color who have died during an encounter with the police.Not even the U. S. Department of Justice can provide theexact figure because local police departments self-report thoseincidents. According to the most recent FBI report of

justifiable homicide, nearly two times a week somewhere in the U.S., awhite police officer killed a black person between 2005 and 2012.

One certainty however, is that the recent spate of incidents has led peopleto take to the streets and demand a change in the status quo. It began withthe 2012 death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, and the subsequenttrial and release of then neighborhood watch captain George Zimmermanin 2013. The next flash point came in August 2014, when it was learnedthat unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, was killedin an encounter with a white police officer. Then what seemed to be thetipping point was the decisions by both a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri,and one in Staten Island, New York, to decline indicting the police officersinvolved in the deaths of Brown and Eric Garner in New York.

The Ferguson incident brought nightlyprotests and what had been welling upover the years came spilling out becauseof the sense that the lives of Blackpeople—especially Black men—didn’tmatter, weren’t worth enough to care about.During the 2014 holiday season the air wasfilled with chants of “Black LivesMatter, “handsupdontshoot,”“Icantbreathe”




#Black LivesMatter

Hundreds staged a “die-in” on Kalamazoo (Michigan) Mall on December 5, 2014, to protest the decisions by two separate grand juries not to indict officers in the deathsof Michael Brown and Eric Garner. AP Photo

—The New Civil Rights Movement?By SHARON R. HOGGARD and REGINA LIGHTFOOT

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and “thisstopstoday,” rather than “Silent Night,”“Jingle Bells,” and “We Wish You a MerryChristmas.”

Are we on the brink of a new Civil RightsMovement? “For the most part,” says Dr. ElsieBarnes, NSU professor of political science, “the protests are the continuation of the civil rightsmovement of the 1960s.” Dr. Angela Shuttlesworth,assistant professor of social work, says, “There is a definite desire to transition from reactionarymoments to a progressive and proactive moment.”Dr. Andrew Arroyo, assistant professor ofinterdisciplinary studies, adds, “We are seeing anew Civil Rights Movement. I do not, however,view this new movement strictly as a racial one.Many streams are converging to create a movementthat is deeper and wider than anything we have seenbefore.” Shuttlesworth agrees, “With the increase of social enterprises, we will begin to see a CivilRights Movement that includes a public-privatepartnership focused on advocacy of many issues. It will be a tad bit harder to identify the successesgained of so many moving parts due to the multiplecauses, multiple organizations with little to nosharing of data and a competition for limitedresources.”

What is different from the 1950s and ’60s is the useof social media. Ferguson National ResponseNetwork organized a 30-city protest in which highschool and university students walked out of theirclassrooms on December 1 at 12:01 p.m. CentralTime—the moment Brown was killed.#ShutItDown saw the blocking of major highwaysand intersections, while #BlackOutBlackFriday hitretailers with a boycott on one of the largestshopping days of the year.

Had it not been for the bravery of a citizen, WalterScott’s death at the hands of a police officer couldhave been mired in deception for years. FeidinSantana videotaped part of the events when the 50-year-old Scott was chased by a North Charleston,South Carolina, police officer, who fatally shot himminutes later. In the video of the event, policeofficer Michael Slager is shown walking over toScott’s body in what seems to be an attempt totamper with evidence. The mainstream news mediashowed the video and it went viral on social media.That video changed the tone and the tenor of theevents from one in which the officer said he killedin self-defense to one in which he was fired andcharged with murder.

Social media have played a pivotal role in the BlackLives Matter campaign. Videos of police officersusing excessive force have cropped up onFacebook, Instagram, Twitter and citizen blogs.“Social media facilitated a great deal of theprotests,” said Dr. Arroyo. “One aspect of socialmedia, ‘hashtag activism,’ emerged not only as aparticularly effective organizing tool, but also as avehicle for activism itself.”

Dr. Arroyo believes that hashtag activism is adeceptively powerful tool. He says that it enablesvictims and allies to express sentiments and

generates attention and dialogue with theuninformed. “The proliferation of flash mobs, theOccupy Wall Street movement, activism elsewherein the world, the acquittal of George Zimmerman inthe death of Trayvon Martin involved thewidespread use of social media in all of theseexamples to disseminate information andcommunicate strategies to friends and strangersboth near and far.”


“People need to mobilize the power of the ballotbox (voting),” said Dr. Barnes. That’s exactly whathappened in Ferguson. In April, residents tripled theAfrican American representation on the city councilby adding two new blacks to the six-member bodythat had previously had five white members andone black. Voter turnout increased from 12.3percent of registered voters a year ago to 29.4percent. The mayor, who is white, will cast the tie-breaking vote. “In addition, ongoing collaborationwith community organizations and political officialsshould be strengthened to ensure open dialogueabout such matters. Collaboration is needed to buildtrust on both sides,” said Dr. Barnes, longtime civilrights activist, political commentator and collegeprofessor. She has observed many social upheavalsand renewals, and believes that bridges must bebuilt so that all sides can be heard. “Building trust isnot an easy task,” she said. Dr. Shuttlesworth saysthat tactics and resources should be shared acrossgenerations to ensure optimal success. Dr. Arroyoagrees, “I see the potential for young leaders toemerge from our colleges and universities, andespecially our HBCUs…Needed are elders withinthe HBCU community who will train and mentoreager young persons in how to effect changethrough a cohesive, sustained response to injustice.”



“ We are seeing a new Civil Rights Movement. I do not, however, view this new movement strictly as a racial one.” — Dr. Andrew Arroyo

Thousands protested police killings at a gathering in Foley Square park in New York City. AP Photo


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Twenty-one years ago, Aurelia Taylor (B.S.’94) received her degree in computer science from Norfolk State University. Taylor and eight of her classmates traded the campus environment for one inside the hush-hushconfines of government intelligence. They became specialists in information assurance, now calledcybersecurity. As for Taylor, she went to work for the

Department of Defense at Fort Meade, Maryland. Keeping cyberspace safe from would-be criminals—whether domestic or foreign—has become one of the highest government and business priorities,as illustrated by the Sony Entertainment security breach in 2014 and the WhiteHouse hack earlier this year. NSU is helping to meet the nation’s high demandfor cybersecurity experts by launching a master’s degree in cybersecurity in thefall of 2015. In fact, NSU has cracked the code when it comes to educating and graduating African-American cybersecurity professionals dating back more than 20 years. The university’s computer science program can be traced to one person, whois still on campus: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sandra J.DeLoatch, Ph.D. Dr. DeLoatch was a young math instructor at NSU in the ’70s,taking stints away to complete her own graduate work that included computercourses. When she returned permanently to campus in 1977, she began teachingprogramming classes in addition to math. Computer science courses were in demand, and NSU began offering more ofthem, eventually developing a computer science concentration as one of themathematics degree options. The Computer Science Department was established


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NSU has been designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education through academic year 2020 by the National Security Agency and theDepartment of Homeland Security. The University first received the designation as a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education in 2009.

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in 1990 and was accredited the following year.NSU launched the master’s program in computerscience in 2003. “We were one of the first HBCUs to bedesignated by the NSA and the Department ofHomeland Security as a center of excellence, Dr. DeLoatch says. “The recognition andplacement of our students in good companies havehelped our program a great deal.” NSU’s alumni have been in high demand indefense and intelligence settings such as theNational Security Agency (NSA), Department ofHomeland Security, Northrop Grumman and theSpace & Naval Warfare Systems Command(SPAWAR). Other graduates were recruited by techfirms such as Lucent Technologies and Verizon.Many alumni have gone to graduate school at theUniversity of Maryland, Virginia Tech, GeorgeWashington University and others. In 2010, NSUwas recognized as a “Top School for PreparingCyber Security Professionals” by U.S. BlackEngineer and Information Technology magazine. Because of the program’s history and success, itjust received another huge shot in the arm. InJanuary, the U. S. Department of Energy’s NationalNuclear Security Administration awarded a $25-million grant to NSU as the lead institution in aneffort to educate, train and develop cybersecurityprofessionals. The grant aims to foster partnershipsamong HBCUs, federal laboratories and studentsinterested in science, technology, engineering andmath as early as kindergarten. NSU is leading a 13-member consortium with Dr. DeLoatch as theprincipal investigator. Vice President Joe Biden, Virginia Gov. TerryMcAuliffe and other dignitaries visited campus toannounce the grant and to participate in aroundtable discussion on cybersecurity. In addition, NSU was just recently awarded$4.98 million by the Department of Defense toestablish a Center of Excellence in Cyber Securityat Norfolk State University in partnership with theAir Force Research Lab. This five-year effort willbe led by Dr. George Hsieh, professor of computerscience, and includes two partners: Old DominionUniversity/Virginia Modeling, Simulation andAnalysis Center and Tennessee State University.The main research objective of the Center is todevelop a cloud-based, big-data-analytics-capablecyber analysis, simulation and experimentationenvironment to enhance situational awareness and decision support capabilities for cyber defenseand cyber training. The Center will also performrelated education, outreach, and workforcedevelopment activities. Dr. DeLoatch credits two of her formerstudents, Gregory Patrick (B.S. ’95) and AureliaTaylor (now Williams) with helping to launch thecybersecurity initiative. Dr. DeLoatch served as the

principal investigator for software developmentcontracts awarded to NSU by the Department ofDefense (NSA) from 1987-94. Patrick and TaylorWilliams worked with her on the project while theywere students, which served as the impetus fortheir employment at NSA after receiving theircomputer science degrees. Both Patrick and Taylor Williams have earned

doctorates in computer science and returned toNSU as computer science faculty. “Our current undergraduate and graduatestudents are often selecting positions withemployers before graduation,” says Dr. TaylorWilliams, who now chairs the Computer ScienceDepartment. “We have relationships with manylaboratories and industry partners that seek ourstudents for summer internships. Our best students(3.0 GPA or better) often are able to choosebetween the opportunities made available to them.” Dr. Taylor Williams started programming at theage of 10 while participating in a gifted program.“I received my first computer in the eighth grade,”she says. “My aunt, a programmer for IBM, wasmy role model. “At NSU, Dr. DeLoatch became my mentor,and today I try to do the same, especially forfemale students who haven’t had the sameencouragement that I had when I was young.” NSU has graduated hundreds of African-Americans, women and other minorities in thecomputer science field, Dr. Taylor Williams says.The Computer Science Department has graduatedalmost 500 students (499) since 1993. Of thatnumber, 96 percent were minorities and 49 percent were females. Now with the cybersecurity grant, NSU is poised to extend and replicate its successful education and graduation ofcybersecurity professionals. “I am immensely proud of this initiative,” Dr. DeLoatch says of the Computer ScienceDepartment. “We have grown exponentially andhave come full circle.”


Vice President Joe Biden (seated), Congressman Bobby Scott and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe listen as NSUgraduate student Aaron McFall explains cybersecurity measures.

M.S. in Cybersecurity(Online)Begins Fall 2015The MS Cybersecurity degree will prepare students for technical and management cybersecurity positions. It is designed to focus on computer security and to increase the pool of well-educated security professionals.

FOUNDATION COURSESCSC 535 Computer Security ICSC 555 Management of Information SecurityCYS 564 Secure Operating SystemsCYS 573 Network FundamentalsCYS 672 Computer and Network ForensicsCYS 688 Human Aspects of ComputingCSC 697 Ethical Hacking and Penetration TestingCSC 721 Database SecurityCYS 755 Healthcare Information SecurityCSC 765 Advanced Topics in Information AssuranceCSC 795 Cybersecurity Capstone Project

All Courses Are Required

For detailed information, go to

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It began with their parents John Jacob Spruill and Retha WoodardSpruill. They made it one of their life's missions to see to it thattheir six children earned college degrees. From their parentsprayers and dreams came an orthodontist, financial advisor,training director/entrepreneur, transportation director,

anesthesiologist and obstetrician and gynecologist. The road to success for these brothers —Thomas Woodard, JohnSpruill, Joseph Spruill, Matthew Spruill and Linwood and MichaelSpruiell (who use the historical spelling of their last name) started atNorfolk State. The lessons they learned on campus have served themthroughout their lives as each one helped the other. Their perseverance haspaid off and they have created an unbreakable bond and a legacy that has endured. It wasn't easy."We came from nothing; however, we had the love andencouragement from our parents." said Thomas. "We lived in Norfolkpublic housing." Thomas, the eldest, showed the others what waspossible. He attended the Norfolk Division of Virginia State College(Norfolk State) from 1962-67 and he went on to become an orthodontist."At Norfolk State, I majored in math and physics," he said, “andcompleted the first four-year ROTC program receiving a commission inthe U. S. Army Reserve as an Infantry second lieutenant.” After NorfolkState, he entered the U.S. Army, and served with the elite Special Forces.After separation from active duty, he continued to serve in the U.S. ArmySpecial Forces Reserve while attending Old Dominion University andobtaining a master's degree in physics. While working in the spaceprogram, he discovered an Army program that would pay for dentalschool. That pursuit led him to Howard University School of Dentistry and then to orthodontics school at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Afterward, Thomas returned to the Army Dental Corps to repay hisschooling. He was chief of orthodontics at his last duty station. A BoardCertified Orthodontist, he is married to Cheryl P. Harris and they havethree children. He practices locally at Woodard Orthodontics with hisdaughter Dr. Monica Woodard. John followed Thomas, enrolling at Norfolk State in 1966. John’s first

major was cabinetmaking, but he changed to history after his first semesterand earned a Bachelor of Arts in history. While at Norfolk State, Johnencountered some of the most tumultuous and historic years at the collegeand in the city of Norfolk. “I was here at Norfolk State at the time thatMartin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, and there was an uproar atNorfolk State,” said John. “The student government took over TidewaterHall (Brown Hall) and the student government president ended up gettingexpelled.” Upon graduating in 1970, John moved to Washington, D.C. He worked for General Motors and General Motors Acceptance Corp. for 26 years and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal CreditUnion in the nation’s capital for seven years. He now resides in Suffolk,Virginia, with his wife Patricia Lynn Richards-Spruill, a registeredpharmacist, who is the director of experiential education at the HamptonUniversity School of Pharmacy. Now retired, he serves as a deacon and chairperson of the Diaconate Ministry at First Baptist Church Mahan Street in Suffolk. Joseph, who is deceased, followed John, graduating in 1972 with adegree in Industrial Arts Education. After college, he taught briefly in theSuffolk, Virginia, public schools system before relocating to Maryland. Hewas a certified welder, master carpenter, training director for the Virginiamass transit bus system and a manager for The Washington Post’stransportation department. Joseph also owned a very successful homeimprovement and remodeling business. He also generously gave back tothe community providing free lawn care and gutter cleaning services toelderly and widowed neighbors. Joseph had a passion for “classicMustangs” and restored them to showroom condition. He was married toAgnes Idella Bittle, an accountant, for 19 years before he passed away. Hehad three children. Their brother, Matthew, was next in line and graduated in 1982 with adegree in mass communication. The following year, he moved to theWashington, D.C. area, where he began a career in public transportationthat lasted 30 years. "The education and mentoring I received at NorfolkState University certainly prepared me for the professional success that I




From left to right are brothers: MichaelSpruiell, Matthew Spruill,Thomas Woodard, JohnSpruill, Linwood Spruielland Joseph Spruill.

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AlumniNewsachieved during my 30 year career in public transportation." In August 2014,Matthew retired as the director of Human Services Transportation for theFairfax County, Virginia, government. He affectionately remembers NSU. “Ihave very fond memories of my time at Norfolk State, and I hold dear the trueand lasting friendships that I made when I was there.” Linwood entered Norfolk State in 1973 and graduated in 1977 with abachelor of science in chemistry. “I wrestled with what I wanted to major in,”he said. “I talked to Thomas about it and stayed with chemistry.” Linwoodwent on to Meharry Medical College, graduating in 1981 with a medicaldegree. Following medical school, Linwood went to Detroit for an internshipat Wayne State University affiliated hospitals. He moved to Jackson,Mississippi, in 1982 to work as a physician in an underserved community. It was during his first visit to the community health center that he met his wife, Dr. Gloria Johnson Spruiell, a dentist. The two have been married fornearly 30 years and are the parents of two adult children. In 1987, Linwoodcompleted his residency in anesthesiology at the University of MississippiMedical Center in Jackson, where he was the first African-American residentaccepted into the Department of Anesthesiology. Michael, the last of the brothers, entered NSU in 1974 on an academicscholarship. A biology major, he was on a fast track, completing premedicalrequirements in three years at NSU and graduating from Meharry MedicalCollege in 1981. He met his wife Dr. Vera Goode at Meharry and this year theywill celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. They have two adult children.

Michael completed his internship and obstetrician/gynecology residency at theEastern Virginia Medical School. Michael received a National Health Servicescholarship while at Meharry, a requirement of the scholarship was that he"pay it back" by serving in a medically underserved area. He went toVicksburg, Mississippi. "It was the best experience I’ve had," Michael said.He has practiced obstetrics and gynecology in Virginia Beach for the past 27 years. He credits Norfolk State with providing him with a very goodfoundation. "I had a great experience at NSU," he said. “I don't think thestudents today are aware of the quality education you can get at NSU.” Their father passed away in 1985 and their mother in 2011, but they wereable to see their dream fulfilled. Each of their sons graduated from college and have begun a legacy in which their children are doing the same. As for the brothers, they have a bond and a commitment that has endured a lifetime.

The love that Ashley Canty andBoyzie Hayes III share for eachother is clear when you see the twoof them interact–and so is theirlove for Norfolk State University.

While college is the place where some studentsmeet some of their closest friends, establish careerconnections and learn about life, it is also the placewhere some students like Canty and Hayes meettheir life partners. The couple, both 26, took an interest in each other three years ago in a graduate masscommunications course they both took at J. HugoMadison Hall. They began to date after Hayes tookCanty to a grocery store before a tropical storm hitHampton Roads. They haven’t stopped talking since. The engaged couple, who plan to marry in July,were recently featured on NBC’s “The TodayShow.” They participated in a segment on the showafter Canty wrote a heartwarming letter aboutHayes’ unwavering support for her as she hasbattled through several health issues. Canty suffers from lupus. In the last year, she has also suffered from a stroke and wasdiagnosed with cancer.

Through it all, Hayes has remained by her side.He takes Canty to doctor’s appointments, helps herkeep track of her medications and has supportedher emotionally. But Hayes said he’s just doingwhat he is supposed to do. “He has been my rock,” Canty said. “He is ablessing from God, and I’m so glad I’m going tospend the rest of my life with him.” During the segment, which aired in February,Broadway actress Eleasha Gamble performed thesong, “This Man Who Loves Me.” Producers fromthe show also provided the couple with ahoneymoon cruise they plan to take after theirsummer nuptials. They will travel to Mexico,Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Despite some of the setbacks the couple hasexperienced, they look forward to their futuretogether and say Norfolk State has prepared them. Canty earned a graduate degree in publicrelations. She now works as an autism teacher at alocal high school. Hayes earned a graduate degreein media management. He works as an athleticvideo coordinator at Old Dominion University. They both credit NSU for giving them theeducation to pursue their careers. They also think

fondly of the campus because it is the place wherethey met and fell in love. “I think Norfolk State has done a lot for me as a person,” Canty said. “Even after I graduated,my professors have continued to be supportive andthey really are the ones who make this University. “NSU does something to you while you’rehere. This is really a special place.” Hayes agrees. “For me, I feel like I wouldn’tbe doing what I am doing now without attendingNorfolk State,” Hayes said. “The University playeda big role in developing my professional career andit’s also where I found Ashley, who I cherish.”



Photo by Markis Bowers

The brothers from left to right are: Linwood Spruiell, John Spruill, Thomas Woodard,Michael Spruiell and Matthew Spruill (inset).

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Norfolk State University inducted 16 inaugural members into the LymanBeecher Brooks Society at its 80th Anniversary Gala held Saturday, March28. The honorees included prominent education and business leaderswhom the University honored for their life time giving of $100,000 orgreater to Norfolk State. Actress Tasha Smith served as the mistress ofceremonies at a transformed Joseph G. Echols Hall. The honorees andspecial guests attended a VIP Reception in the Lyman Beecher BrooksLibrary Rotunda prior to the start of the gala.

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THANK YOU!Thank you to the over 4,230 donors who have made a difference in the lives and education

of the students at Norfolk State. Your generous support helped to raise more than $5.2 million.These funds help to provide much needed student financial assistance and help to enhance

the NSU experience for all students. Thank you for helping NSU continue its commitment to transform lives and communities for more students today and tomorrow.

Thank you for your support now and in the


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Every effort has been made to ensure accurate reporting of our donor gifts. If you find that we have made an error or omission, please contact Misti Goodson, Manager of Development Services &Stewardship, at (757) 823-8323.


$400,000-$1,000,000_________________Hampton Roads Community FoundationThe Ernest M. Hodge Foundation, Inc.U.S. Department of Education—Title III Matching Fund

$100,000-$399,999_________________City of NorfolkNSU Research and Innovation FoundationThe Smithfield-Luter Foundation, Inc.

$75,000-$99,999_________________Norfolk State University Foundation, Inc.

$50,000-$74,999_________________Anonymous (2)Commonwealth of VirginiaNewport News ShipbuildingNorfolk State University Alumni Association, Inc. (NSUAA)The Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VirginiaThe Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc.

$25,000-$49,999_________________ABNB Federal Credit UnionEstate of Mildred R. CraigNorfolk State University Athletics Foundation, Inc. Smithfield Foods, Inc.Team Henry Enterprises LLCThe TOWN FoundationTowneBank Community Relations

$10,000-$24,999_________________C&M Industries, Inc.Camp Marketing Services LLCCity of PortsmouthElectronic SystemsEstate of Peter D. Pruden, Jr.First Baptist Church South HillFreedom Ford, Inc.Hattie M. Strong FoundationHilton Norfolk AirportLockheed Martin University Matching Gift ProgramLumina Foundation for EducationMilitary Alumni Chapter Foundation, Inc.

Norfolk Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance CompanySucceed to Lead, LLCSUPERVALUThe George and Carol Olmsted FoundationTuskegee UniversityUnited Way of South Hampton Roads-Cox Charities

$7,500-$9,999_________________Chesapeake Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Ernst & Young FoundationPadillaCRTUniversity of VirginiaWashington, DC Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.

$5,000-$7,499_________________American Honda Motor Company, Inc.Concert ChoirMicron Technology Foundation, Inc.MorochSheraton Norfolk Waterside HotelStark Legum Inc.The Athlete's FootThe Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.The Peninsula Airport CommissionUniversal Leaf Foundation

Norfolk State University InterimPresident and CEO Eddie N. Moore Jr.visited with NSU student DerekSkinner at Sentara Leigh Hospital inMay 2015 to congratulate him forcompleting his degree in ComputerInformation Technology. Skinner, whowas diagnosed with sepsis, was unableto attend the formal commencementceremony, so President Moore visitedhim to wish him well in his recoveryand provided Skinner with several mementos from NSU.

B ASED O N G IF T S AND PLE DG E S RE CE IVE D J U L Y 1 , 2 0 1 3 - D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 4

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$$1,000-$2,499_________________AAMCO Kilmon Transmissions, Inc.Allied Research Technology, IncAllsafe Self StorageAlpha Kappa Alpha Lambda Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. HBCU FundAlumni Cheerleader Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.B.J. Willie State Farm Insurance CompaniesBAE Systems Matching Gift ProgramBasilica of St. Mary of Immaculate ConceptionBirdsong PeanutsBlacks in Government-Pentagon ChapterBoys Choir of Hampton RoadsCapital OneCharles Hendrick Insurance AgentChesapeake Controls, Inc.Chesapeake Sheriff's OfficeCity of ChesapeakeCollege and Career Scholarships, Inc.Combined Charities CampaignCompassion, LLCComputerShareConsulate Health CareCovenant Presbyterian ChurchDaryl L. Hines Insurance Agency, Inc.David L. Babson & CompanyEast End Baptist Church, SuffolkFirst Baptist Church - Bute StreetFirst Baptist Church of Norfolk Inc.First Baptist Church West MundenFrank J. Owens State Farm Insurance AgencyGarry W. Price Insurance Agency, Inc.Global Management Group LLCGrand Chapter O.E.S., VA PHAGregorys Professional Lawn Maintenance &Landscaping LLC Grove Baptist ChurchH & B Group, LLC

H.A.S. EnterprisesHBCU Direct, LLCHolt Butt & AssociatesILA - Local 1248Intelligent Illuminations, Inc.Jenkins Janitorial ServiceKalfus & Nachman, P.C.Kenneth W. Crowder State Farm InsuranceL.E.V.O.C. Family Services, LLCLambda Omega Chapter of Omega Psi PhiLiberty Tax ServiceLTD Associates, LLC, t/a Courtyard by MarriottMacArthur Shopping Center LLCMASAG II LLCMilt Rawles State Farm AgencyModern Psychiatry and Wellness LLCMonumental Baptist ChurchMt. Carmel Baptist ChurchMt. Lebanon Baptist Church

National League for Nursing, Inc.Orange Board of EducationPeninsula Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.People Express Airlines, Inc.Portsmouth Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Presbyterian Men of the Church of the RedeemerPrince George’s County MD Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Quadsworld, LLCReformation Lutheran ChurchSaunders and Matthews, PLLCSchool Board of the City of NorfolkShiloh Baptist ChurchSIDEARM SportsSixth Mount Zion Baptist TempleSt. John Baptist ChurchSupreme Chapter, O.E.S., InternationalJurisdictionTECNICOThe Herb Block Foundation

$2,500-$4,999_________________Ameriprise Financial Employee Matching Gift ProgramBerean Seventh Day Adventist ChurchChesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae ChapterDelta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.East Coast Repair and Fabrication, LLCExxonMobil FoundationFamily & Friends Day - KDFirst Baptist Church of Highland Park, Inc.Greater Northern Virginia Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Hidden Heritage Education, LLCHoffman Beverage Company, Inc.IBM Corporation, Matching Grants ProgramInstitute of Reading Development Inc.Interstate Batteries of Virginia BeachMarkel CorporationMcGuire Woods LLCMF & B Marine, LLCNew Calvary Baptist ChurchNew Journal & GuideNorth Philadelphia Seventh-Day Adventist ChurchOld Dominion UniversityPaige Paige & Paige Bail BondingPotomac Family Dining Group Operating CompanySecond Calvary Baptist ChurchShiloh Baptist ChurchSt. James's Episcopal ChurchSunTrust Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramThe Spartan Army Athletic AssociationThird Baptist ChurchUnited Way of South Hampton RoadsUniversity Sports Publications Co., Inc.



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The Poetry Society of VirginiaThe Virginian-PilotTidewater Baptist Minister's ConferenceTonya V. Edwards State Farm Insurance CompanyUnion Baptist ChurchVerizon FoundationVirginia Beach Pearls FoundationWells Fargo Community Support CampaignWest Hunter Street Baptist ChurchWLB Home Healthcare ServicesZion Baptist Church

$$750-$999_________________AllyAlumni Band Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Campostella Self-Storage Co., LLC, T/A AAAACavalier, Inc.Chesapeake Bay Mechanical Contractors, Inc.Community Baseball, LLC T/A PeninsulaPilots BaseballConcursive CorporationCox Communications of Hampton Roads, Inc.Dynamic BaseballEnterprise Rent-a-CarGina Grant Enterprise, Inc.National Council of Negro Women, Inc.Suffolk Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Wachovia Bank, N.A.Waller, Todd and Sadler Architects, Inc.

$500-$749_________________A/C Masters Inc.Altria Employee Involvement ProgramsAmerican Baseball Holdings LLC dbaD1Draftable BAMIEAT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign

Bachelor-Benedict Social ClubBAE Systems Shared Services, Inc.Black Women In SportCalifornia Community FoundationCee-Breeze Personal Care Services Inc.Chesapeake RaysCrab Pot Seafood, Inc.Crossroad Cleaners & LaundryDelaware Chapter-NSUAA, Inc. Economic Development Authority of the City of NorfolkEntercom Norfolk, LLCFidelity Charitable Gift FundFort Norfolk Plaza Cardiology Associates, Inc.Gamma Delta Omega Chapter, AKA Sorority, Inc.Grace Episcopal ChurchHart Baseball LLCHighground Services, Inc.Inomedic, Inc.Kendall/Hunt Publishing CompanyLabor of Love Total Healthcare, Inc.Legacy Planning AllianceManTech International CorporationMid Atlantic Pirates Scout TeamMid-Eastern Athletic ConferenceMike Duman Auto Sales, Inc.Mt. Zion Church of God in ChristNorfolk County High School ReunionNorfolk Sheriff's Office Deputy FundNorfolk Southern FoundationOld Virginia Mortgage, Inc.Pearson EducationPennoni Associates Inc.Raleigh-Durham Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Rise Baseball ClubRiverSource Life Insurance CompanySafelite Fulfillment, Inc.Sayo, Inc.Spirit of Faith Christian Center, Inc.The Marie V McDemmond Rev Liv TrustThermo-Trol Systems, Inc.

Thy Kingdom Christian ChurchTidewater Finance CompanyTropical DelightsUnion Baptist ChurchVirginia Beach Chapter-NSUAA, Inc. Virginia Beach Chapter of Les GemmesWard & AssociatesWork Program Architects

$250-$499_________________Reddix and Associates, Inc.Accurate Marine Environmental, Inc.Andre Marquez Architects, Inc.Bennetts Creek Little League ConcessionsBeskin Assoc. Inc.Blue Water Pools, LLCChrysler Museum of ArtCity of Norfolk Police DepartmentCLP Financial Group Inc.ClubCorp Service CenterCollegiate Licensing CompanyComfort Zone Restaurant and Lounge LLCDNIMAS Alumni Chapter-NSUAA, Inc. E.L. Willey Electrical ContractorsEbanks & Sattler, LLPEdward Gosman & Associates, Inc.EIB INC.Elite Child, Inc.Executive Collision CenterFirst Calvary Baptist ChurchFriends of Kenneth AlexanderGolden Key Honour SocietyGSVB, LLC dba Grand SlamHampton Roads Black Media ProfessionalsHampton YouthHilton Worldwide, Inc. Memphis Shared ServicesHope Cathedral International Inc.Ivy Heritage Foundation Inc.JaNay's Cleaners

John Deere FoundationLittle Bethel Baptist ChurchMiller's DesignMLK Day Celebration CommitteeMount Pleasant Baptist ChurchNational Sporting Events LLC dba TexasTournament BaseballNew Galilee Baptist ChurchNew Grafton Baptist ChurchNorfolk Sertoma ClubNSU Golden Key Honor SocietyPalmetto Hospitality of Fund I LLCPoplar Halls Elementary SchoolPower Mechanical, Inc.Providence United Church of ChristRRMM Architects, P.C.Southern Auto GroupSports Med Plus, Inc.State Farm Companies FoundationStroud, Pence & Associates, LTD.Sumitomo Machinery Corp.Surface Technologies of VirginiaThe GE FoundationThe Norfolk Stationery Co. Inc.Thompson Hospitality ServicesTides Baseball ClubTidewater Community CollegeTidewater Lawn & Landscaping ServiceTwo Men And A TruckU.S. AirwaysUpsilon Omicron Omega Chapter Alpha KappaAlpha Sorority, Inc. Urban League of Hampton Roads, Inc.Wells Fargo Matching Gifts ProgramWoman's Club of Norfolk


NSU honored six of its alumni at the 2015 Alumni Awards Dinner. From left to right are: Rev. Dr. Keith I. Jones (B.A. ’76), Dr. Joseph C. Melvin (B.S. ’81), Eiesha M. Horsley ’04,Dr. Tamara A. Jones (B.S. ’96), Dr. Tommy L. Bogger (B.A. ’68) and Nicolas A. Herbert ’04. Horsley and Herbert were honored as Graduates of the Last Decade.

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$$100-$249_________________Abyssinia Baptist ChurchAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.American Legion Second District, Dept. of VA AthleticsAmerica's CharitiesAO Davidson Council-District #1 OESBank Of America United Way CampaignBennett College for WomenBethany Baptist ChurchBoo Williams State Farm Insurance CompaniesBuffalo Wild WingsChesapeake Tree Service, Inc.College Insider, Inc.Decker, Cardon, Thomas, Weintraub & Neskis, P.C.Delta Zeta Chapter, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.Disabled American Veterans Chapter 26Dixon Golf, Inc.Dominion Physical Therapy & Associates, Inc.Dominion Psychiatric AssociatesEducational Services of Hampton RoadsGethsemane Community Fellowship ChurchGreene Anesthesia Services, P.C.Hampton University Honors CollegeHerff Jones CompanyHickory High SchoolHoneybee Golf ClubHospira Employee Giving CampaignJ.D. Hauling, Inc.Jabo's ConstructionKeith Matthews Funeral HomeKyrus Enterprises, Inc., T/A Lynnhaven Fish House Restaurant

Lake Wright Hospitality One, LLC, T/A Residence InnLawrence Landscaping & Maintenance Services, IncLevi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.Liberty UniversityM.E. SharpeMagnus Temple 3MCA Petroleum CorporationMilitary Alumni Chapter-NSUAA, Inc.Milt Rawles Enterprises LLCMilton Rawles, CLUNational Association of Educational Office ProfessionalsNew Life World Outreach Center, Inc.New Rose of Sharon Missionary Baptist ChurchNewtown Motel Associates, LLC, T/A SpringHill SuitesNichols & Associates, INCO.H. Smith & Son Funeral Home, Inc.Paul D. Camp Community CollegePhilly D, Inc. T/A D'EggPoseidon Industries, Inc.Progressive Lodge #80Pyramid Temple No. 1 A.E.A.O.N.M.S.Rabinowitz, Swartz, Taliaferro, Swartz & Goodove, PCRaebec Publishing CorporationRaytheon Matching Gifts for Education ProgramRichmond Public SchoolsRising Sun Lodge 2 F and A MRosco Lumber Yard, Inc.

School Board for the City of Norfolk Facilities ManaSeals Properties LLCSouth Carolina State University Tidewater-PeninsulaSouth Hampton Roads Panhellenic CouncilSuffolk Department of Social ServicesThe Dandridge GroupThe Ed-Tech GroupThe Lucy W. Wilson Revocable Living TrustThe Margaret Ann Pemberton Revocable TrustThe Palace, Inc.VAB Healthcare Consulting, Inc.VDR Educational & Athletic GroupVincent's Sports Turf ManagementVirginia Union UniversityXteriors Construction LLCYouth Solutions, Inc.

$1-99_________________4imprintA & D Painting and PowerwashingA.O. Davidson Council - District #1 O.E.S., P.H.A.ABS Consumer Products, LLCAdeline Ward Chapter OES No. 197Bank of America Foundation, Inc.Big Al'sTransmissionBriggs Home Health AgencyBrighton Light Chapter 118Chevy Chase Personal Training and Wellness ServiChurch Hill Classics, LTD

Crisis Pregnancy Center Of TidewaterDefran ConceptsDesert of Delaware-Desert ConferenceDine CollegeDream Hair Care Products Pamela B. MillsElizabeth Fragrant Rose Chapter No. 34 OESFas Glass LLCGlamour Girl EventsInner-View, Ltd.League of Extraordinary MenLes Smith for SheriffLivas Group Architects, PCLivingstone CollegeMacedonia AME ChurchMargaret Francis Chapter OES 101MARTA Employees Charity ClubNetwork for GoodOld Dominion University Women's CenterOmega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Pi Gamma ChapterOpportunity, Inc.Pathways To LifePepper Dining, Inc.Planned ParenthoodQVC Partners In GivingRhoda Chapter 231 O.E.S.Southampton County Virginia School FundSuffolk Redevelopment and Housing AuthorityT.R. Banks TruckingThe Kiski ClubTux ClubWilliams Fuel Oil, Inc.Willow Grove Beauty Chapter 102 OES

CAMPAIGN 2014 IN REVIEW BA SED O N CAM PA IGN G IVINGJ U LY 1, 20 13 – De ce m be r 3 1, 2 01 4



Faculty/Staff /Fr iends

$974,641Corporat ions & Foundations


BOV &Aff i l iated Boards


Athlet ic Ini t iat ives


Assets Held By Others $600,000


$1,728,661Total Alumni Giving




$721Average Alumni Gift

2,397Total Number of Alumni Donors

10.9%Alumni Giving Participation Rate

10Total Number of New Endowments

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SSPARTAN CIRCLE $50,000 + _________________Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. ChewningMr. Robert C. NusbaumMr. B. Kennon E. OutlawDrs. Melvin T. and Patricia L. Stith

UNIVERSITY CIRCLE $25,000-$49,999_________________Drs. Howard G. and Eloise C. AdamsZachary P. Hairston, D.D.S.Mr. Larry D. and Mrs. Denice D. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Devon M. HenryMr. Nicholas HerbertMr. Steve E. Lassiter and Family Mrs. Elisia A. and Mr. Eddie N. Moore, Jr.Mr. Charles “Red” StoneThe Family of The Rev. St. Paul Epps

1935 SUSTAINER'S CIRCLE $10,000-$24,999_________________Dr. & Mrs. Morry D. BrownMr. Don J. Carey IIIMr. Glenn R. CarringtonCol. (Ret.) and Mrs. Byron L. CherryMr. Charles R. and Clementine S. ConeMrs. Joyce D. DanielDr. Deborah C. and Robert Fontaine Mr. Tony E. GreeneMr. Clevester and Mrs. Dameron L. JonesMr. Marty L. MillerMr. Michael M. RiddickMrs. Joyce H. and Mr. Harold D. ShambleyMr. Paul W. StaubiDrs. Leroy E. and Minnie A. StiffMr. Fred D. Thompson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John E. WarrenMr. Joseph L. Wiggins

PILLARS $7,500-$9,999 _________________Dr. Robert B. and Mrs. Margaret G. Lee

CORNERSTONES $5,000-$7,499 _________________Dr. & Mrs. Tommy L. BoggerMr. and Mrs. Lewis C. BookerMr. and Mrs. Bryan D. CuffeeDr. Sandra Jean DeLoatchMr. and Mrs. Tony Fisher, Jr.Mrs. Faith M. FitzgeraldMr. Lawrence M. GarrettCol. (Ret.) and Mrs. Harold L. Hagans, Jr.Mr. Gerald E. Hunter

Ms. Crystal C. LassiterMr. Earl E. LeeMs. Christel L. LewisDr. Janet M. McKenzieMr. & Mrs. Mervin PitchfordMr. Archie W. RobinsonLTG (Ret.) Michael D. RochelleMr. Donald M. SparrowBobby N. Vassar, J.D.Col. (Ret.) James W. WhiteheadMr. Edward M. Willis

GREEN & GOLD CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999 _________________Ms. Stephanie AdamsMrs. Mona L. Adkins-EasleyMr. Peter H. AdrianMrs. April T. AllbrittonMs. Rhonda L. AllenErnette Y. Benson-Foulk, M.D.Mrs. Brenda L. BettsMrs. Joyce E. BlackMr. and Mrs. Cassell E. BrabbleMr. Ronald and Mrs. Demetria C. BrinkleyMr. Russell A. and Mrs. Parisiene T. ClarkMr. & Mrs. Charles R. ConeMrs. Eunice Randall CrockerMr. Shelton L. Darden, Jr.Mrs. Blanche Neal DugginsDr. & Mrs. Howard B. DuncanMr. Ernest M. Ellis Jr.Mr. Anthony C. EppsDr. Jared W. FloodDr. Dorothy M. FreemanMr. & Mrs. Douglas B. FullerDr. Paula GentiusMr. Larry A. GriffithMr. Michael A. HairstonMs. Michelle D. HillMr. Leon HinesMr. Robert E. HolmesMr. Earlie P. and Charolette C. HorseyDrs. Eleanor L. and Dr. Barry HoyMr. & Mrs. Charles J. HunterMr. Curtis L. HurdleJedidah C. Isler, Ph.D.The Honorable Raymond A. JacksonDr. Grady H. JamesThe Honorable Jerome JamesMr. Darrel E. JonesRev. Dr. Keith Ivan JonesTamara A. Jones, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Clarence LewisMr. Norman C. MackAliecia R. McClain, Ph.D.Ms. Beaulah A. MooreMs. Shelvee H. OsborneMr. Langston B. Powell, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Reid, Jr.Mr. Zackary N. RogersDr. Terricita E. SassMr. Philip M. ScottiMrs. Frances and Mr. Chester L. Steward, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. James E. SweatDr. Randolph Sykes Jr.Mr. Lynwood A. TurnerMr. Joel R. Wagner and Dr. Dianne Davis-WagnerMr. & Mrs. Earl H. WatfordMr. Sterling WeaverMr. & Mrs. Cecil E. Williams, Jr.Mrs. Davida H. Williams

LOYALTY CIRCLE $1,000-$2,499_________________LTC (Ret.) Crispin A. AbadDr. Danny L. AdamsMs. Stevalynn R. AdamsDr. Sacharia AlbinMs. Yvonne AllmondMr. Travis L. AmesAnonymous (2)Ms. Delores E. ArcherMr. Daniel B. ArmstrongMs. Laural J. ArmstrongMr. Kelvin W. ArthurMr. Carey AursbyMr. Ashley D. AveryMr. William A. BagbyMrs. Jennifer Ballard BakerMr. Michael BakerDr. Jean Marie BanatteMs. Cheryl Bates-LeeMrs. Brenda J. BennettMr. and Ms. John BlountMr. Jeremiah F. BondMr. Lonnie C. BonhamMr. and Mrs. Elwood B. Boone IIIMr. Wilmer BooneMs. Carol Boone-ThompsonMs. Pamela Finley BostonMrs. Sarah BradbyMr. Daniel C. BrockMr. and Mrs. Richard T. BrooksMr. Charles N. BrownDr. George W. BrownMr. James L. Brown, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. BrownColonel Sharalyn BrownMr. Victor W. BrownMr. Winslow G. Bullock, Jr.Mr. Leroy N. BurksMrs. Thelma Burns-BynumMr. Terry W. ButlerMr. & Mrs. Shedrick ByrdMr. Clifton D. CabarrasMrs. Maxine CainMr. Raymond S. Calloway

Mr. and Mrs. Michael CarpenterMrs. Thelma Y. CarrollAndria N. Chapman-Taliaferro, D.D.S.Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Chappell, Sr.Mrs. Bernice CheeksMr. and Mrs. Jacob L. CheeksMr. Emanuel ChestnutDr. Herman D. Clark, Jr.Mrs. Nadine V. ClarkeMr. Lorenzo B. ClemonsDr. Clarence D. ColemanDr. Lajuana M. Collins-MorganDr. Joy A. Cooley-DolesMr. Hudnall R. CroasdaleMr. and Mrs. Clifton J. CrockerDr. Nuria M. CuevasMs. Ayisha T. DabreDr. & Mrs. Venkateswara Reddy DondetiMr. Michael P. DorsoGeorgia M. Dunston, Ph.D.Mr. Stanley D. Edmonds Jr.Mr. Clarence E. ElliottDr. Brenda L. EllisMrs. Kathryn EppsMs. Frances P. Epps WilburnMr. Coley Faulk, Jr.Loretta Felder McKelvey, D.D.S.Ms. Alys B. FentressMrs. Brenda S. FinchMr. Elston S. FitzgeraldMr. Emmet T. ForbesDr. Charles H. FordMrs. Christy V. FordDeborah S. Foreman Ph.D.Mr. Kermit M. FosterMs. Julia L. FoxxMr. Reginald L. FreemanMr. Monecure FutrellMs. Joyce T. GainerMr. William L. GarrisonMs. Kimberly E. GaymonMr. Colvin D. GibsonDr. Frances C. GrayMs. Nicole D. GrayMr. Gregory O. GrimesMr. George F. Hall, Jr.Mrs. Beverly Boone HarrisLTC (Ret) & Mrs. James R. Harris, Jr.Mr. Antonio HarrisonMrs. Barbara A. HarrisonDr. Carl Wheatley HaywoodDr. Gladys C. HeardMr. and Dr. Robert HeardMr. Devon O. HigginsMr. Vincent M. Hinton, Sr.Ms. Valerie B. HolmesMr. Richard HookerDr. Chung C. and Mrs. Irene C. HsiehMs. Thorna HumphriesMs. Harriett B. HurdleMr. Harroll Ingram

Mr. Dennis IonnoMr. Marvin S. JacksonMs. C. Catherine JacocksMr. William Lee JamisonMr. Clifton JarvisMs. Vanessa Caldwell JenkinsMr. Glenn M. JohnsonMr. William H. JohnsonMs. Chloe’ E. JonesMr. Dennis JonesCol. (Ret.) & Mrs. Freddie L. JonesRev. James W. Jones Sr.Ms. Linda V. JonesMr. Otis S. JonesMr. and Mrs. William A. JonesMr. & Mrs. Leon H. JordanMs. Rita M. JordanMr. Donald T. JoynerMr. Anton V. KashiriDr. Michael O. KeeveLTC (Ret.) Timothy E. LambMr. Eugene LambertMs. Doris LanghorneDr. & Mrs. Curtis T. LangleyMr. Richard G. LarkinsMr. Donald D. LarrimoreMs. Glenda LassiterMs. Jacquelyn P. LeeDr. Ricky A. LeeMr. & Mrs. George A. Lindsay Jr.Mr. Walter L. Lindsay Jr.Dr. Denise M. LittletonMr. Charlie D. LoganMs. Jennifer LoganMr. Laurence T. ManningDr. Bennie L. MarshallDr. & Mrs. Larry MattixMrs. Lakeisha MayesMr. Stephen L. McDanielMr. Kenneth R. McIntyreMs. Deborah Y. McKissickMr. James C. McNairDr. Joseph C. MelvinDr. Floyd E. Miller, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. George E. Miller, Jr.Mr. Henry L. Mills, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Bidhu B. MohantyMr. Nash D. MontgomeryMs. Renata P. MoonDr. and Mrs. James L. Moore IIIMs. LaVerne MooreMrs. Dianne D. MyrickMr. Floyd R. Myrick, Jr.Ms. Nancy K. MyrickKeith H. Newby, Sr. M.D., F.A.C.C.Mrs. Sandra J. OlanitoriMr. Edward OwensMr. Donnell C. ParhamMr. Arnold L. ParkerJules G. Parker, D.P.M.Mr. Walter J. Parker

B ASED O N G IF T S AND PLE DG E S RE CE IVE D J U L Y 1 , 2 0 1 3 - D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 4


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Mr. Dennis D. PattersonMs. Vonda M. PattersonMr. Dwayne PaxtonJacquelyn J. Pelham, M.D.Mr. Carlton L. PerkinsDr. Robert K. PerkinsMr. and Mrs. Brian PinnerChief Theodore PriceMr. Morechell N. PryerLCT (Ret.) and Mrs. William RaineyMrs. Theresa ReaumeMr. Maris RenceMrs. Cleopatra J RiddickThe Honorable Scott RigellDavid W. Robertson, EsquireDr. Delanyard and Mrs. Barbara RobinsonMr. Ulysses S. RobinsonMs. Darnetta E. SaundersMr. Mark SchneiderMs. Geraldine A. SessomsMr. Christopher L. SetzerMr. Ollie L. Sherman, Jr.Mr. Philip C. SherrillMs. Jagdish A. SinghDr. Macki SissokoMr. Kendall SlattonDr. George A. and Mrs. Alma SmithLT (Ret.) and Mrs. James SmithMs. Carrie G. SneadDr. & Mrs. Kyo D. SongMrs. Beverly J. SpencerMr. & Mrs. Lincoln T. SpicelyMr. Lionell Spruill Jr.Mr. Tommy SpruillMrs. Crystal Square-WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Staton, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. StewardMr. and Mrs. Adrian P. StubbsMs. Andrea C. TatumMr. & Mrs. Lewis T. TaylorMrs. Patricia L. TerrellMr. and Mrs. Shelley M. ThomasMs. Paula C. ThompsonMr. Barry A. TovigMs. Alisha Michelle TuckerMr. Robert L. TurnerMr. Sherman VincentDr. James T. WalkeMr. Anthony H. WalkerMr. David J. WalkerMr. Jonathan M. Walker

Mr. Walter WallCdr. (Ret.) William L. Walton, Sr.Mr. George and Mrs. Margaret WatsonMs. Monica L. WhiteCol. (Ret) and Mrs. Moses Whitehurst, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Theodore O. Wilder Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James W. WilsonMr. Jimmie D. WilsonMr. Larry L. WilsonMrs. Pearl C. & Mr. James W. WilsonDr. Rowena G. WilsonMs. Julia B. WingardMrs. Eunice G. WoodsMr. Porter Wynn Jr.

HHERITAGE $750-$999_________________Dr. & Mrs. Hollie BakerDr. and Mrs. Carray Banks, Jr.Dr. Elsie M. BarnesMs. Coletta J. BeyMs. Wanda L. BooneMrs. Yvette M. BooneMrs. Marian A. BullockMs. Frances W. ChavousMs. Regina L. DaCostaMs. Alexis D. DavisMr. and Mrs. Clarence D. DemoryMr. Stanley M. Donaldson, Jr.Mr. Danny FentressMr. Fernando E. GainesLTC Derrick L. GilbertMs. Misti D. GoodsonMr. Hillard J. HairstonMrs. Estherine J. HardingMs. Joan B. HarveyDr. DeMarc A. HicksonT. W. HoffmannMs. Pamela D. HymanMs. Gloria D. JeffersonMr. Kenneth A. JohnsonMs. Tracci K. JohnsonMrs. Heather A. Johnson WallMr. George A. JonesMr. Jerry L. JonesMr. Samuel W. Jones, Sr.Dr. Page R. LawsThomas B. Leecost, MD, D.P.M., M.P.H.Mr. Charles D.L. LoganMrs. Joan K. MarshMs. Michelle D. Martin

Candace L. Moss, Esq.Mr. Donald R. MossDr. Jessica M. ParrottMs. Cheryl G. RiddickMr. Wendell C. SealMrs. Paula R. D. ShawMs. Josephine B. Stanley-BrownDr. Millard D. Stith, Jr., L.H.D.Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. ThomasMs. Tarrye L. VenableMr. Larry VickersMr. & Mrs. Michael W. WalkerMs. Natalie WellsMr. John L. Wilkins and Mrs. Dorothy S. WilkinsDr. Frances WilliamsMr. Floyd D. Young

DEAN'S CLUB $500-$749_________________Mr. Kirwyn J. AdderleyMr. Sherman L. and Mrs. Permelia M. AddisonMr. Ronnie E. AkersMs. Joy AllenDr. Belinda C. AndersonMr. Eugene AndersonMr. Harvie AndrewsAnonymousMs. Camilla AshbyMr. John R. BaskinMrs. Kathy P. BelfieldMr. Dan M. BishopMr. Sean M. BlestMr. Hugh BonnerMr. and Mrs. Roderick BridgersMs. Debra A. BrownDr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Brown, Jr.LTC John W. Brown Jr.Ms. Michelle R. BrownMrs. Angela C. Burrus-LeeMrs. Willie M. ButtsMr. William T. CarterDr. & Mrs. Jim ChenMr. Alton J. ChristmasMr. Bobby L. ClaiborneMr. and Mrs. Claude E. Clark, Sr.Mr. Claudell E. ClarkMrs. Debra R. ClarkMrs. Tomaya ClarkMs. Jenice CoffeyMr. Jesse E. ColeyMrs. Renee Reep Collins

Mr. William A. CooperMr. J. Craig CottonMs. Regina T. CrawleyMr. Theodore V. CrossDr. and Mrs. Adrian C. Dews, Sr.Mr. Christopher T. DoyleMs. Janice H. DrakeMr. Richard L. DunbarDr. Ernestine A. DuncanMr. George R. EasterMs. Sheila W. ElliottMs. Deneishia S. FisherTracey D. Ford Ed.D.Bruce E. Fuller, M.D.Mrs. Diane M. FullerMs. Twanda T. GainerMr. Kevin L. GainesMs. Dorothy Gardner FranksMs. Debra Goode Mrs. Brenda L. GrahamMr. and Mrs. Stanley Green, Jr.Mr. David GreerMrs. Joyce L. GreggMr. and Mrs. Robert GregoryMr. & Mrs. Louge GunnMaj. & Mrs. Darold L. HamlinDr. Sheila M. HarlestonMs. Genee' C. HaynesMrs. Margie B. HaynesMrs. Daun S. HesterMr. and Mrs. James T. Holmes, Jr.Ms. Karen J. HolmesJames W. Howell, Ph.D.Mr. Hugo HughesMr. Charles R. HuntMr. Ronald D. HuntMr. Russell E. Hurdle, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Claywood JonesMr. Earl JonesMr. Louis A. and Mrs. Olivia KearneyMr. David L. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Elijah C. KentDr. Rosalie B. KiahMs. Brenda H. KingMr. Donald R. LamMr. & Mrs. Floyd R. LongMrs. Helen B. and Mr. Lorenza LusterMr. Lamont D. Maddox, Esq.Mr. Joseph C. MaggioreMr. William R. MarrinerMr. David J. MasonMrs. Barbara Collins McCallMr. James S. McCoy IIIMr. Julius McCulloughMr. Donald MelvinMrs. Regina W. MobleyMs. Margaret M. MoriartyMrs. Winnie H. MorrowMrs. Leona MotenMr. Kerry D. MuldrowDr. Cassandra L. Newby-AlexanderMrs. Jacqueline NicholsonDr. Adebisi O. OladipupoMr. Vincent W. PaigeMr. Luther R. PalmerMr. & Mrs. Richard S. PittsMr. Craig D. Pooler-JonesMr. Padreus D. PratterMr. Garry W. PriceMr. Timothy D. ProctorMr. Arthur W. Reynolds, Sr.Mrs. Joan L. Rhodes-CopelandMr. Joseph D. RiddickMr. Marion G. RiddickMrs. Mary S. Ridley

Mr. James A. RogersSydana Rogers Hollins, Ph.D.Dr. Amelia Ross-HammondMs. Crystal P. SaulsberryMr. Lee G. SawyerDr. Martha B. SawyerMs. Jacquelyn ScottMs. Senegal SenghorMr. & Mrs. Clarence L. SessomsMr. Charles E. SmithMr. Herbert L. Smith Sr.Mrs. Danielle T. Smith JonesMs. Linda L. SmithMrs. Renee H. SmithMs. Trinette K. SpratleyMr. Melvin T. Stith, Jr.Dr. Clarence L. Stone, Sr.Mr. Darnell and Mrs. Lisa StreatMs. Tiffani-Dawn B. SykesDr. Raymond H. TademyMs. Carolyn TaylorDr. Fred N. Thomas, IIIMr. and Mrs. Rosser R. TurnerMr. Timothy VaasMs. Barbara WalkerMr. Earl C. WaltonMrs. Natalie Y. WellsMs. Monica L. WhiteMs. Inez C. WhiteheadMr. Dewayne R. WilcherMr. Arasble N. WilderMr. Charles H. Williams, Jr.COL (Ret) and Mrs. Howard M. WilliamsDr. Shirley S. WinsteadMs. Margaret S. WinstonMr. Calvin M. Woodhouse Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. WrightMrs. Kendra M. Youngblood

PARTNER'S CLUB $250-$499 _________________Ms. Lisa AbrahamDr. William K. A. AgyeiDr. Aftab AhmabMr. Juan M. AlexanderMs. Glenda AllenMr. Moses C. Allotey-PappoeMr. and Mrs. Vandybe Almond, Jr.Mr. Joshua AndersonDr. & Mrs. Samuel AndersonMr. William W. Anderson, Jr.Mr. Kenneth AndrewsMs. Sylvia J. AndrewsAnonymous (3)Dr. Wondwossen D. ArashoMr. Raru A. ArcherMs. Lenora E. ArmstrongMr. Frederick A. AshleyMrs. Leonthia P. AveryColonel Hubert E. Bagley Jr.Sheryl D. Bailey, Ph.D.Mr. John Baker, Jr.Mrs. Linda E. BakerMs. Teressa G. BakerMr. Harvey M. Barnes, Jr.Ms. Melissa J. BarnesMs. Stephanie L. BaylorMrs. Debbie V. BazemoreMs. Estella S. BellDr. Suely M. BlackMs. Dollicia D. BooneMs. Geraldine T. BooneDr. Paula H. BooneMs. Gloria E. BracyMs. Addie Bradley


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Mr. Curtis W. BranchMr. Reese BridgmanMr. Christopher L. BristowMrs. Rhonda A. BrittMs. Chevon M. BrooksMs. Berline B. BrownMr. Kevin BrownMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. BrownMrs. Edward L. Brown Sr.Mrs. Treganza Bryce-GoodmanMr. James A. Bullock, Jr.Mrs. Anne V. BunchMs. Audra L. BunchCynthia B. Burwell Ed.DDr. Helen P. Bessent ByrdMrs. Edythe D. CaldwellLTC (Ret.) Lawrence R. CarrMrs. Dorothy A. ChambersMs. Tahira DupreeMr. Franklin E. ClarkeMr. Ronald A. CoatsMr. Samuel L. CofieldMs. Sidika N. ColakogluMr. Alejandro ColbertMr. Robert A. ColbertMrs. Jane Harris ColemanMs. Noelle N. CookMr. Joseph Cooper Jr.Mr. John W. CoxMs. Eleanor A. CrockerMrs. Ethel F. Rollins CrossDr. Donna W. DabneyMs. Eloise D. DanielsMr. James H. DavisMrs. Alison D. Davis-Tariq

Mr. Juan L. DennisMs. Jonelle C. DeppMs. Beth A. DickersonMr. John A. DixonMrs. Helena L. DodsonMs. Nicole P. DortchMrs. Felicia R. DoswellMs. Mary DouglasMs. Ruby L. DowdMrs. LaVersa R. DrewMrs. Vernadette M. DrewRevs. James & Delores Edwards IIIMr. Frank T. ElliottMs. Regina EnglishMr. Rodney O. EvansMr. Edgar I. FarmerDr. Marvin D. Feit Ms. Sandra R. FennerMrs. Deborah H. FergusonMr. Kenneth FergusonRADM (Ret.) Evelyn J. FieldsMs. Rita FisherMrs. Debra A. FitzgeraldMr. Michael P. FlowersMr. Jeffrey R. FloydMs. Doris M. FulghamMr. Gregory W. GardenerMr. Dwayne GardnerMr. J.C. Gardner, Jr.Mr. Randall D. Gardner, Jr.Mr. Randall D. GardnerMr. Lester J. GarrettMr. Edward M. GayMs. Daphne L. GayleMr. and Mrs. Jackson C. Gerst

Mr. Omer GokusMr. Christopher GoodmanDr. Barbara G. GrahamMs. Verlaska W. Gravely-FrazierMs. Sheila GrayMr. James A. GreeneMr. and Mrs. Elverett E. GreggMrs. Kate GriffithMr. Robert F. Hagans Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. HaleyMs. Joyce A. HallMr. Aaron J. HammondMs. Debra A. HardyDr. & Mrs. George C. HarrisonMrs. Wilhelmenia Wright HarrisonMs. Carolyn HawleyMrs. Joyce B. HayMr. Phillip Hayes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James R. HaywoodMr. Kevin R. HeardMr. James E. HerringMr. Ralph HinesMs. Gloria L. HowellMs. Regina HumphreyMs. Gloria J. IngramMs. Tanya L. IngramMs. Valencia H. IngramMrs. Clarice A. JacksonMr. William P. JacksonMr. Thomas A. JamiesonMr. Clinton L. JenkinsCMDR (Ret) Everett Johnson IIIMr. Michael J. JohnsonMr. Dean W. JonesDr. Dorothy L. R. Jones

Dr. Eleanor Green Dawley JonesMs. Glenda R. JonesMs. Gloria JonesLeonard W. Jones, EsquireMrs. Luwanda Foster JonesMr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Jones Jr.Ms. Peggy S. JonesMr. Richard A. JonesMr. T. Irle JonesMs. Stephanie A. JordanMr. Ronnie A. JoynerMr. John W. KasiskiMs. Christina N. KeithDr. Mary KimbleDr. Margaret D. KnightMrs. Leatha Lamison-WhiteMs. Lynne A. LathamMr. and Mrs. Edward Lawson Jr.Mr. Garrett LegacyMs. Vicki Lewis BeckettMr. John D. LewisDr. Alvin C. LomaxMr. and Mrs. James M. LongMs. Regina Mack-AbneyMs. Tanya MaddoxLTC & Mrs. Tommy L. MarksMs. Deborah M. MarshMr. William T. Mason, Jr.Mr. Romuald L. MauricioMrs. Katrina Bracey MillerKhadijah O. Miller, Ph.DJan E. Milner, D.D.S.Mr. Alexander C. MooreMs. Janice A. MooreCol (Ret) Conrado B. and Mrs. Phyllis MorganMs. Ella E. MossMrs. Blanche G. MouzonMs. Barbara J. NicholsonDr. Patricia S. and Mr. Jimmie L. NixonMr. Joe E. NockMr. Marty K. OsborneMr. Kavin M. OwensMr. Nagaraj ParasaMs. Brynda E. ParkerMs. Zenobia C. PendletonDr. Annie S. PerkinsMr. Frank A. PerkinsMs. Patricia A. Perkins-SmithMr. Earl PlummerMs. Linda L. PorterMs. Johnnell Porter-PateMr. and Mrs. Lee A. PowellMs. Dionne L. PriceMrs. Rhonda C. PughMs. Suzanne PuryearMr. Wesley L. Quash Jr.Ms. Carolyn L. RaineyMr. Robert M. RandallDr. Patricia B. RavenellDr. Stephanie RichmondMs. Sharon S. RileyMs. Bonita C. RobinsonMr. Ervin L. RogersMr. and Mrs. Aaron B. RussellMrs. Loretta J. ScottMs. Patricia A. SeabronDr. Jeenson SheenMs. Delores R. ShieldsMs. Bernadette Y. SmithMs. DeVaughn Q. Scott SmithMr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Smith Jr.Mr. Clarence E. Square IIIDr. Marie St. RoseMr. William J. Stemple, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Chester L. Steward, Jr.Ms. Janese V. Stokes

Dr. Sam-Shajing SunMs. Sylvia A. SuttonMrs. Deborah D. SwinsonColonel Antoine TaylorMr. Ronald L. TaylorMrs. Joyce T. TerryMs. Elizabeth C. ThomasMs. Janet L. TimberlakeMr. Herbert L. TownesMr. Dewvaul W. Tracy, IIIPhilip C. Turner, M.D.Melvin E. UptonMr. Joe N. UrquhartMrs. Deborah P. VictoryMr. Alvin S. WalkerMr. Kenyon WalkerDrs. William E. & Rose M. WardMrs. Yolanda J. WardMr. Tyrone A. WareMr. Alex Watford Jr.Ms. Lisa WeatheringtonMs. Katherine WeinstockAurelia T. Williams, Ph.D.Mr. Damon E. WilliamsMr. Dwayne E. WilliamsMs. Karin D. WilliamsMrs. Margot J. WilliamsMr. Gregory W. WillisMrs. Margo C. WilsonMrs. Martha M. WilsonMr. Thomas L. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Terry G. WoodhouseMr. and Mrs. Christopher Wynder, Sr.

CCENTURY $100-$249_________________Ms. Linda AbbottMr. Bradford J. AdamsMs. Jennifer L. AdamsMr. Paul I. AdamsMs. Susanna C. AdamsMr. George F. Adkins Jr.Mrs. Teresa A. Adkins-JamesMr. Chijioke E. AkamiroMr. Imeh S. AkpanMr. Alexander AkuettehMs. Khadijah Q. AlexanderMs. Louise P. AllenMr. Kraig AlleyneMrs. Cheryl F. AmosMs. Diane Ampey-BrownMs. Jennifer L. AndersonDr. WaNelle J. AndersonMs. Dorothy T. AndrewsAnonymous (8)Ms. Meghan K. AntinarelliMrs. Melody S. ArmstrongMs. Jeraline S. ArtisMr. Percell Artis, Jr.Mr. Moses AtkinsDr. Tony AtwaterMr. & Mrs. Albert G. W. AveryMr. Malcolm Leon Avery Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. BagbyMr. Charlie E. Bagwell, Jr.Ms. Carla A. BaileyMrs. Eleanor Brown BaileyDr. Beryle I. BakerMrs. Mykia A. Baldwin-GrantMr. Daniel D. BanisterMs. Christine Shantell BanksMs. Dachelle D. BanksMr. Lloyd Banks Jr.Mr. Steven J. BanksMr. Kelvin A. Baptist


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Mr. Paul E. BarkleyMs. Rene BarnesMrs. Schonay M. Barnett-JonesMr. Fleetwood BarnsMs. Chamae C. BarringerMrs. Valerie BatesHattie and Ronnie BattleMr. Vernon A. Battle Jr.Mrs. Etta C. BaumMs. Ouida B. BaumMr. George S. BaytonMr. Kavonzo M. BeamonMs. Kerry A. BeardMr. Dominic A. BearfieldDr. Carol J. BeatheaMr. Quinton J. BellMrs. Ruth W. BellMs. Zelene B. BellMr. Michael BelloMrs. Sharon D. BerryMr. Roy S. BeskinMs. Kimberly D. BiggersMs. Albertine H. BlackettMs. Tashonia BlackwellMs. Janet M. BlountDr. Sharon B. BlowMs. Michelle C. BlytheMrs. Nan BoggerMs. Michelle A. Boomer-WilsonMs. Chanda BooneMs. Deborah F. BooneMr. Melvin L. and Dr. Paula H. BooneMs. Y. BooneMrs. Rita Demby BowenMs. Lula Quintile BowserMs. Yvette T. BoydMr. Charles J. BoyleMs. Fatima D. BranchMr. Frank Branch IIIMrs. Laverne Felton BranchMr. Aaron L. BraxtonMs. Nicole R. BraxtonMrs. Leona P. BrewerMs. Carmelita BridgesMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Briggs Sr.Ms. Lynn F. BrileyMs. Ebyn Devon BrinkleyDr. Regina E. BrisgoneDr. Wanda G. BrockingtonMs. Crystal D. BrooksMrs. Doretha P. H. BrooksMs. Sarah A. BrooksMs. Sylvia D. BrooksMr. Alvin L. BrothersMr. Cedric D. BrowerMr. Augustus BrownMr. Eric K. BrownDr. George W. BrownMr. Geravis A. BrownMs. Keva R. BrownMr. Kevin A. BrownMs. Laeunice O. BrownMr. Leroy BrownMr. Raymond BrownMs. Tessie BrownMs. Theresa BrownMs. Nicole B. BrownDr. & Mrs. Anthony H. BruderDr. Belinda E. BrusterMr. Douglas J. BryantMr. and Mrs. Henry Buck, Jr.Ms. Sharisse R. FeltonMr. Jonathan BungeMs. Janine K. ButcherMs. Elois F. ButlerMr. Joseph E. Butler

Ms. Eleanor F. ButtsRev. Georgia L. ButtsMrs. Regina F. BynumMr. and Mrs. Albert ByrdDr. and Mrs. Stenette Byrd IIIMs. Veronica O. ByrdMs. Theresa C. CaffeeMr. Edward R. Cahoon, Jr.Mrs. Bertha M. CaldwellMrs. Larraine M. CaldwellMs. Erica CalhounMr. Robert E. Calhoun, Sr.Mr. Thomas D. Calhoun, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. William T. CalhounMs. Barbara J. CalvinMr. William L. CameronMrs. Angela Allen CampbellMr. Gerry CanadyMr. Cleveland Cannida, Jr.Ms. Theresa G. CarballoMrs. Suzanne R. CardwellMrs. Beulah L. CareyMrs. Laurie D. CarpenterMs. Leonthena R. CarringtonMs. Berline R. Carroll-ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Percy CarterMichelle R. Carter, M.D.Ms. Nadja CarterMr. Roy A. CarterMr. Antonio O. CasonMs. Evelyn C. CasonMr. Calvin V. CeaserMr. Don Celata, Jr.Ms. Teresa Y. CendrowskiMr. Harold E. ChambersMr. Lawrence E. ChambersMr. Louie Chapman Jr.Ms. Joressa G. ChappellMrs. Barbara A. ChatmanMs. Dianne ChatmanMrs. Wendy D. ChatmanMs. Christine ChenMr. Linear C. Cherry IIIMs. Yvette A. CherryMr. Purvis ChessonMs. Marlin E. ChinnMr. Ira L. ChristianMr. James ChurchMr. Anthony ClarkMrs. Ella B. ClarkMr. Norfleet Claude Jr.Ms. Tounya L. ClaytonMs. Joyce A. ClementsMr. Bruce L. CloydMs. Tiffany L. CobbsMs. Brenda D. CofieldMs. Devona Y. CokerMs. Wilella CokerMs. Jill S. ColeMs. Monique T. ColeMr. Bruce A. ColemanMrs. Davida E. ColemanMrs. Jacquelyn Cooke ColemanMs. Nikki D. ColemanDr. Darlene G. ColsonMrs. Martha W. ConnerMr. Marty Sherrod ConnerMr. Gregory C. CookMrs. Cynthia Baxter CookeMs. Debra G. CooperMr. Freddie L. CooperMs. Mary Hall CooperMr. Michael C. CooperMrs. Alease S. Cooper LewisMr. & Mrs. Joseph M. CopelandMrs. Thelma D. Copeland

Ms. Tracey J. CorbettMr. Alfred Leon CorbinMr. Joseph Cosby Jr.Mr. William L. Coston IVMrs. Cynthia R. CottonMr. Joseph CottonMs. Geneva L. CouserMrs. Celestine M. CousinsMr. Benito CovarrubiasMs. Dana F. DavisMrs. Ethel CoxMrs. Catherine CoyleMs. Andrea R. CrawfordMr. Jimmy L. CrawfordMr. Leroy CrawfordMr. Melvin CrawleyMr. Mark R. CrowellMr. Tony L. CurryMr. Al D. CutlerHenry T. Cutler Esq.Ms. Marie S. CutlerMs. Heather Dacus-ShambleyMs. Corrie J. DaltonDr. Patricia A. White DanielMs. Debbie L. DanielsDr. Elizabeth DanielsDr. Marie-Claude DavidMs. Althea D. DavisMrs. Barbara W. DavisMs. Dianne DavisMs. Joyce G. DavisMs. Mary V. DavisMr. Michael DavisMr. Tariq DavisMrs. Vance F. DavisMr. William M. DavisMs. Debra R. DeanMr. Marc DeeringMrs. Prezillia E. DegreeRev. Yvonne V. DelkMs. Marie B. DelmonteMr. and Mrs. James M. DeloatchMs. Jocelyn N. DepassMr. Kevin J. DevantierMs. Kathy DialMs. Dione DillardMs. Faye R. DillardMs. Janice M. DillardMr. Joe DillardMr. Jerry D. DilworthMr. Timothy K. DixonMr. & Mrs. Willie L. DixonMr. Walter Dodson IIIMr. Marcus Lee DoggettMr. and Mrs. James DoughtieDr. Ransom DouglasMs. Jacqueline H. DowdyMs. Gracie H. DrakeMs. Donya L. DrewittMr. Cecil Q. DukeMr. Dwight E. DukesMs. Tammy H. DunnDr. Tahsin DurakMrs. Rosalyn L. DurhamMr. Brandon W. Duvall IIDr. Archie W. Earl, Sr.Mr. Michael M. EarlyMs. Shirrelle L. EastMs. Eula G. EdlerBishop and Mrs. Curtis E. EdmondsMs. Doris L. EdmondsMrs. Evelyn Lewis EdmondsMr. James L. EdmondsMs. Bonita EdwardsRev. Delores W. Edwards Ms. Jennifer J. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. EleyMs. Audra J. ElliottMrs. Linda L. & Mr. Jerry B. EllisMs. Shameena V. ElstonMs. Nicole EmanatoMs. Tammy N. EnnisMr. Lawrence E. EppleinMs. Audrey M. EppsMr. and Mrs. Gerald K. EppsMs. Elvira J. EtheridgeMs. LaShawn D. EuryMs. Debra L. EvansMs. Brenda L. ExumDr. Colita N. FairfaxMr. Melvin C. Fallis Jr.Mr. Joseph F. FaulkMr. and Mrs. Emery L. FearsMs. Claudette Fentress-HolmesMrs. Edna E. FerebeeMs. Joyce E. FerebeeMr. Kevin G. FergusonMs. Tina FergusonMs. Michelle FerraraLCT (Ret.) Anthony M. FieldsMr. James H. FilkinsMrs. Emma J. FinchMr. Linwood O. FisherMr. Michael Brian FlemingMs. Chatoya N. FluddMs. Rosemary W. FonvilleMr. Reginald A. FooteMrs. Arnicia R. ForbesMrs. Ovella FortsonMr. Chris A. FosterMr. Henry FosterRev. Joyce FosterMs. Yasmin Jeanine FrancisTerra M. FranklinMs. Tiffany M. FranklinMrs. Frances C. FrazierMs. Angela R. FreemanMs. Joyce B. FreemanMr. Basil W. FrithMrs. Selena W. FrostMr. Reginald FutrellJohnell GaineyMr. Clyde Thomas GamblesMr. Barry GardnerMs. Brandi C. GardnerMrs. Pavell C. GarnerMs. Ruth L. WareMrs. Karen Catlett GarrettMs. Esther White GaryMr. Kenneth H. Gaskins, Jr.Ms. Angelique GatlingMr. R. A. GayMs. Shati L. GeraldDr. Mary E. GibbonsMr. Gerald GibbsMr. Courtney GibsonMr. Harold L. GilbertMr. Kenneth A. GilesMr. Bryan J. GillMr. Derick M. GilliamMr. Malik A. GladdenMs. Carolyn S. GloverMr. Monroe T. GloverDr. Tamara D. GloverMr. Derrick C. GlymphMs. Joyce C. GlymphMr. W. Harvey & Mrs. Marie D. GoinesMs. Bernice M. Golden S. GonzalezMrs. Darlene GoodeMs. Dorsha Elizabeth GoodmanMr. Lowell T. GoodmanMs. Veronica Goodman

Mr. Devonson H. GoodwinMrs. Suzanne J. GoosbyMs. Alfreda C. GordonMr. Rodney L. GoreMr. Wendell J. GorumMrs. Brenda F. Gould-JohnsonMs. Tamra B. GrantMr. Anthony O. GrastyMs. Jeanette GrayMr. Preston GrayMs. Tanya A. GrayMr. Christopher GreenMs. Gloria E. GreenJ. Oswald GreeneMs. Lavonne U. GreeneMrs. Inita E. GregoryMr. Leon GregoryMr. and Mrs. Robert GregoryMs. Nadine F. GregryMs. Dollie GriffinMs. Kay F. GriffinMr. James GrigsbyMs. Karen D. GrigsbyDr. Fredric J. GrossRev. Dr. Faye S. GunnMrs. Beverly B. GurleyMr. Michael A. HageDr. Adolphus C. HailstorkMrs. Ruth S. HalfpennyMs. Chelsea S. HallMr. Richard V. HallMs. Tiffany HallMrs. Erica N. HamiltonDr. Leroy Hamilton, Jr.LTC Regina J. HamiltonMr. Barry HamlerMr. Louis W. Hammond IIMr. Calvin K. Hankins, Sr.Ms. Hiawatha HardingMs. Lillian HardingRev. & Mrs. G. Wesley HardyMr. James A. HardyMrs. Margaret H. HaroldMs. Freda A. HarperMs. Natisha N. HarperMs. Cynthia F. HarrellMrs. Claretha J. HarrisMrs. Denee W. HarrisMr. Frankie L. HarrisMs. Gale L. HarrisMr. James Harris Jr.Mr. Mervin R. HarrisMs. Melinda D. Harris PeoplesMr. and Mrs. Vincent L. HarrisDr. Barbara HarrisonMs. Cynthia Lynne HarrisonMr. Terrance T. HarrisonMs. Wyvonnie V. HarsleyMs. Djuna E. HartmanMrs. Joyce B. HarveyMs. Rosa S. HastyMrs. Dia M. HayesMrs. Lelia B. HaynesMs. Brenda D. HendrickMr. Samuel L. Henry Jr.Mrs. Hazel HickmanMrs. Sonya HigginbothamMs. Rosa Francine HightowerMr. Darnell L. HillMs. Youlander M. HiltonMr. Robert Bradley HinesMs. Yolanda L. HintonMs. Aisha HobbsMr. F. E. Hobson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. HodgesMrs. Sharon R. Hoggard


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Mr. Anthony J. HoldenThe Honorable Roxie O. HolderMr. William D. HollandMs. Michelle Holland-FrazierMr. David HollidayMr. Thurman D. HollinsMr. Thomas F. HollowayMrs. Bobbie H. HolmanDr. Bernadette J. HolmesMrs. DeAnna HolmesMrs. Helen HolmesMrs. Tonya M. HolmesMrs. Jelane N. HoneysuckleMs. Margaree G. HoodMrs. Patricia A. HoodMr. Gregory H. HopkinsMr. Lawrence L. Hopkins, Sr.Ms. Monica A. HopsonMs. Sonya Y. HopsonMs. Ruth L. HornThe Honorable Algie T. HowellMr. Cornelius N. Hudgins IVMs. Gladys HudsonMr. Walker L. HughesMs. Crystal HumphreyConsuela U. Hunt, M.D.

Mrs. Shelia W. HuntMr. Keith B. HunterMr. Rolland C. Hunter, Jr.Mrs. Leah T. Hunter TurnerMr. Dennis D. HurtDr. Sandy B. HutchinsonMrs. Evelyn A. HymanDr. Freda M. IngramMs. Angela D. JacksonMr. Anthony M. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Fred A. Jackson, Jr.Ms. Clarissa JacksonMr. Elmer R. JacksonMs. Joyce M. JacksonMr. Julian O. JacksonMrs. Olivia W. JacksonMs. Sonya E. JacksonMr. Warren L. JacksonMs. Deborah Jackson-McHenryMr. Milton JacobsMr. William L. James, Sr.Ms. Alethia R. JarrettMs. TishLara JarvisMs. Crystal D. JenkinsMr. Edward Jenkins

Mr. Jeffrey K. JenkinsMs. Rosalind B. JenningsMr. Torino R. JenningsMr. Andre G. JohnsonMr. Anthony JohnsonDr. Barbara L. Johnson Ms. Brenda F. JohnsonMrs. Cynthia M. JohnsonMr. Earnest JohnsonMr. Eric T. JohnsonMs. Erica JohnsonMr. & Mrs. James H. JohnsonMajor and Mrs. Jerry L. JohnsonMr. John Edward JohnsonMs. Keitha V. JohnsonMrs. Mamie B. JohnsonDr. Mamie L. JohnsonMrs. Marquita B. JohnsonMr. Peter JohnsonMs. Suzanne JohnsonMrs. Sylvia R. JohnsonMr. Timothy W. JohnsonMs. Lashandra D. JohnsonMrs. Vera B. Johnson-RansomMr. Rodyssieus T. JoinerMr. Arthur T. Jones

Mr. Carroll A. JonesMr. Christephor JonesMrs. Denise Arlene JonesMs. Diertra D. JonesMr. Frederick D. Jones, Jr.Mr. Garland JonesMs. Inez JonesMrs. Joyce L. JonesMajor (Ret.) Larry E. JonesMs. Nikole JonesMr. Robert L. JonesMrs. Shelia A. JonesMs. Tracy M. JonesMs. Audrey I. Jones-ProutMr. Melvin C. JordanMrs. Michele JordanMs. Ruth G. JordanMs. Gloria M. JoynerMr. Avis JudgeMr. John G. KamiruRev. Susan KarlsonMs. Lorraine KearseMs. Cynthia KellyMr. Maurice A. KellyMs. Shanetta L. Kemple

Mr. E. Reid KendallMr. Marcus A. KendrickMr. David R. Kenerson, Jr.Mr. Nathan KennedyMr. Kevin KernodleMs. Keesha M. KernsDr. & Mrs. Mushtaq A. KhanMr. Peter G. Kien, Sr.Mr. Seth KiernanMr. John A. KimeDwayne Kindrick, Jr.Mr. Jessie S. KingDr. Howard M. KinlawMrs. Musheerah KolenMs. Elizabeth H. LambDr. Kaysha LancasterMr. Samuel LaneMs. Mabel LarrimoreMs. Bernice LarrisMr. Carlon L. LassiterMr. Tyrus J. LassiterMs. Brenda L. LawrenceMrs. Constance Curtis LawsMr. & Mrs. Theophilus LawtonMiss Lucille A. LayneMs. Cheryl R. LeeMs. Regina L. LeeMs. Daisy M. LeeMr. David LeeMs. Rita B. LeeMr. Walter A. LeeMs. Bernestine D. LeGrandeMr. John LeGrande Jr.Ms. Isabel LeiteMrs. Nichelle P. LenhardtMs. Addie M. LenyonMs. Cynthia B. LewisMs. Helen Boyd LewisMs. Joann LewisMr. Norman A. LewisMr. Troy LindseyMr. Leonard S. LipscombMrs. Judieth P. LittlejohnMr. Vince M. LockhartMr. Calvin L. Logan IIMr. Alfred D. LogieMr. Linwood LyonsMs. Michelle L. MacFarlaneMr. Lawrence Maclin Jr.Ms. Monette MagrathMr. John D. MaloneMr. Clarence Marshall Jr.Mrs. Carrie A. MartinDr. Matilda J. MartinMr. Scott MartinMr. Larry MartinetteMs. C. L. MasonMs. Elizabeth A. MasonMr. Gregory A. MasonMs. Jonelle A. MasonMs. Amber M. MathewsMs. Corlisa L. MatthewsMajor (Ret.) James T. MatthewsMrs. Charlotte M. MaullMs. Michelle C. MaullMr. Melville L. Mauney Jr.Mr. Schuyler N. MaxwellMs. Kimberly A. MayesDr. Patrick MbajekweMr. Nathan J. McCallMr. Freeze A. McCarterMr. John W. McClellanMrs. Margaret McClenneyMr. J. O. McCloudMs. Naomi McCoyMrs. Ann K. McDonald

Ms. Barbara J. McDougleMr. Charles H. McElrath, Jr.Mr. Julian B. McGheeMs. Latoya A. McGloneDr. Carl B. McGowanMr. Joseph W. McIntyreMr. Lloyd G. McKenzieMs. Sherrill B. McKnightMs. Samirah McLaurinMr. James H. McLeodMr. Ira K. McMillan Jr.Ms. Dyanna S. McMullenMr. Delfon J. McRaeMrs. Elnora Melvin-SmithMr. Matthew B. MichalecLTC (Ret.) Alphonso L. MidgettMs. Beryl J. MilesMs. Pamela SchuylerMs. Rena J. MillerMr. Waverly L. Mills, Jr.Mr. Willie A. MillsMs. Mauritta E. MinorMs. Sonya Y. WomackMr. Christopher MitchellMr. David MitchellMs. Michele MitchellMs. Tarcela MitchellMr. Van B. and Janice MitchellMs. Juantina D. MizellMs. Robin D. Moment-DavisMs. Annette MontgomeryMs. Betty A. MontgomeryMs. Dianne MontgomeryMs. Michelle R. MontgomeryMr. Eric V. MooreMr. Gary D. MooreMs. Vivian R. MooreMr. Zachary MooreMs. Paulette J. MorantMajor Terry V. MorganMs. Locksie Morgan-PairMrs. Katherine P. MoriartyDr. Rasha MorsiMr. William MosbyMr. and Mrs. David J. MossMs. Rufonda M. MossMs. Adela J. MoutonMrs. Betty A. MurrayMr. Edward W. MurrayLeslie E. Murray, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. MurrayMr. and Mrs. Morgan L. MyersMs. Kelly MyrickDrs. Wilbur L. and Sabrina H. MyrickMr. Michael NelsonMs. Barbara A. NesbittMs. Shakima NesbittMr. William Winter NesbittMr. Dujuan L. NewsomeMr. Clarence A. NewtonMr. James T. NewtonMr. John NiblettMr. Charles NixonMrs. Cheryl D. NottinghamMr. Jakub NovakDr. Camelia M. OkpoduMr. and Mrs. Rudolph M. OldsMr. Darryl L. O'NealMrs. Petra L. OsborneMs. Elizabeth OutlawMs. Susan L. OutmanMr. Charles D. OwensDr. Olufemi O. OyesanyaDr. William J. PaceMr. Michael T. PackertMr. Jarrod M. Palmer

Ms. Shelley J. PalmerMs. Charlotte M. Pannell-Taylor Mr. Aearl ParkerMr. Erick J. ParkerMs. Sherese N. ParkerMr. Steve ParkerMs. Larice P. Parker-GibbsMr. Peter O. ParkesMs. Natasha E. ParksMs. Tina ParmentierAngela W. Parson-Hameed, M.D.Mr. Dennis J. Pasquantino, Jr.Mr. Charles E. PattersonMr. James C. Patterson, Jr.Major General LaWarren V. PattersonMrs. Myra E. PattersonMrs. Angela D. Patterson-MooreLynnell D. Peace, Esq.Ms. Arkitia S. PegramMr. S. Barksdale PenickMr. Anderson A. Peoples, Jr.Mr. Caesar PerryMrs. Dottie D. PerryMs. Lynette S. PerryMr. Shawn R. PerryMs. Kimberly D. PervallMs. Kendall K. PeteMs. Elaine H. PettitMs. Katheryn T. PhanMr. Jimmy R. Phillips, Jr.Mr. Thomas E. PhillipsMrs. Harriett S. PhippsMs. Corenthia R. PicouMs. Linda D. PiersawlMr. Michael Linzie PinesMr. Mark David PinnMrs. Jennifer PlattMr. Benjamin PlawskiMr. Charles W. PleasantsMs. Elizabeth L. PoirierMs. Bertha P. PolkMs. Kimberly Joy PopeCOL (Ret) Donald L. PorterMs. Gail PorterMrs. Josie C. PorterDr. Reynold O. PottsMr. Anthony PowellMs. Tammy Q. PowellMs. Karen S. PrattMr. William L. PrentissMs. Heather R. PressleyMr. Lorenzo PrestonMs. Jo-Ann S. PriceMr. Marvin D. PrinceMs. Maymie B. ProctorMr. and Mrs. Oliver W. ProctorMs. Sandra ProctorMs. Katie M. ProvidenceMs. Janet G. PughKimberly R. Pugh, Ph.D, RNMrs. Alise Ross PulliamMr. & Mrs. Challis L. Purrington, Sr.Dr. Frederick N. QuarlesMr. Melvin A. Queen Jr.Mrs. Anne B. RaginDr. Rakhim RakhimovMr. Adam RandolphMr. & Mrs. Clifton Randolph, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Randolph, Sr.Ms. Larena J. RascoeMr. Davone Jamal RatliffDr. & Mrs. Orren L. RayfordMr. Robert W. ReadMr. Charles ReavesMr. Philip J. Reddick


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Ms. Anitra R. ReedMs. Tamia L. HowellMs. Buena W. ReeseMrs. Catherine Jones ReidMr. Randy L. ReidMs. Euphazine Reid-KendallMr. Dean P. RhodesMr. Floyd N. Rhodes Jr.Ms. Jennifer RichMr. Charles O. RichardsonMr. Donald L. RichardsonMrs. Evette W. RichardsonMs. Jennifer N. RiddickMrs. Juanita G. RiddickMs. Lendora T. RiddickMrs. Lettie H. RiddickMs. Sandra N. RiggsMr. James RileyMs. Dawn A. RiosMrs. Evelyn S. RobersonMs. Brenda Edwards RobertsDr. Charlie D. Roberts Jr.Ms. Kimberly M. RobertsMr. Thaddus RobertsMr. Victor L. RobertsMs. Erika T. RobinsonMs. Felicia RobinsonMrs. Linda D. RobinsonMs. Ovetta D. RobinsonMr. Carl N. RodgersMrs. Clara Etheridge RodgersMrs. Alissa L. RorerLt. Col. Evangeline G. RoselDr. & Mrs. John B. RosenmanLTC and Mrs. Alphonso Ross

Mr. Travis RossMs. Catherine E. RouseMs. Christina L. RuffinMs. Debbie J. RuffinMrs. Thelma Q. RuffinMs. Pamela RussellMr. Rob SalmonDr. Kenard SandersMr. Derek SangsterMrs. Amy SargentMrs. Comarth G. SaundersMr. Eugene L. SaundersMrs. Pamela D. SaundersMr. Ronald L. SaundersDanyale M. SavageMs. Evangeline G. SawyerMr. Joseph L. Watson and Mrs. Bernice A. Sawyer-WatsonMs. Charlotte P. ScarbroughMr. John C. SchmittMr. & Mrs. Charles P. Scott, Jr.Ms. Evette ScottMs. Gloria J. ScottMr. and Mrs. Harry W. ScottMs. Josephine D. ScottMr. and Mrs. Robert T. Scott, Jr.Mr. Russell Scott Jr.Mr. Albert L. Seaborne Jr.Ms. Bridget SedlockDr. Robert M. Selden, Jr.Ms. Cynthia L. SessomsMr. Gordon L. SessomsMr. Parnell A. SessomsMr. Kiernan A. SethMrs. Karen R. Settles

Ms. Constance SeverinoMr. Gary S. ShafferMs. Darlene SheltonMs. Arnetta R. SherrodLieutenant Commander Paul N. ShieldsMs. LaTasha Sidbury-LeeMr. Solomon D. Simmons Jr.Mr. Major SimsMs. Latarche SinghMr. William S. Sivels Jr.Mr. Douglas B. SkinnerMrs. S. Annette SladeDr. Sally A. SledgeMrs. Toninette SledgeMs. Rashida C. SmallsMr. Antonio L. Sisco and Mrs. Erika O. Small-SiscoDr. Adrienne M. SmithMr. Andrew M. SmithDr. Beth Cross SmithMr. Clarence E. Smith Jr.Ms. Corlis J. SmithMs. Cynthia SmithMs. Deloris H. SmithMs. Felisa SmithMr. Jerry SmithMrs. Kris C. and Mr. Joseph SmithMr. Lee W. SmithMr. & Mrs. Obie SmithMr. Theodore SmithMr. William J. Smith, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. William L. SmithMrs. Alexis Smith-RussellMs. Yolanda Florena SonnierMs. Lisa V. Speller

Ms. Adrienne B. SpellmanMs. Karen SpencerMs. Shantese U. SpriggsDr. John H. SpurlinMr. & Mrs. James B. Spurlock, Jr.Mrs. Sheila R. StaffordMr. Bernell Stallings, Jr.Mr. Melvin StallworthMr. Alexander StanleyMr. Antonio C. StephensMrs. Jo Ellen StephensMs. Queen B. StephensonMs. Dara StevensMr. James C. StevensMs. Mary S. SteversonMs. Meshika W. StewartMs. Sharon M. StokesMr. Michael S. StradfordMs. Joy D. StraughterMs. Sarah E. SuissaMr. Munir M. SulaimanMs. Annette SumlinMr. Andre R. SuttonMr. Ernest SuttonMr. Marcus R. SwailesMrs. Judy S. SwainMs. Sarah S. SweattMrs. Deborah A. SykesMr. Chestley E. TalleyMr. William T. TaltonMr. Shawn Z. TarrantMr. Cecil A. TaylorMr. Charles C. Taylor, Jr.Mrs. Constance H. TaylorMrs. Evelyn L. TaylorMs. LaDonya S. TaylorMs. Lynn TaylorMs. Martha A. TaylorMr. Melvin J. TaylorDr. Sandra E. TaylorMr. Timothy C. TaylorMr. William E. Taylor, Jr.Ms. Priscilla TennysonMr. Paul R. TetreaultMr. Bert ThomasDr. Janet Y. ThomasMr. Johnnie E. ThomasDr. Lea Anderson ThomasMr. Russell ThomasMs. Bessie M. ThompsonMr. Billie L. Thompson, Sr.Ms. Deborah A. ThompsonMs. Sharron C. ThompsonMs. Verna ThompsonMs. Lorell H. ThorntonDr. and Mrs. Michael E. ThorntonMs. Yvette ThorntonMrs. Yvette M. ThorntonMr. James E. Thorpe IIIMr. Leon M. ThrowerDr. & Mrs. Stanley D. TicktonMr. Daniel and Mrs. Belinda Todd Ms. Brenda E. Todd-JacksonMr. Clayton H. ToppinMs. Bernita S. TownesMs. Patrena Y. Trice-HillMr. Duncan A. TrippMs. Carolyn Anne TrotterDr. Delano I. TuckerMr. Robert F. Tucker IIMr. Jeff TurnerMs. Shanika A. TurnerMr. Theodore D. Tyler, Jr.Mr. Allan D. UnsethMr. Bernard UpshawMs. Mary H. Urquhart

Mr. Matthew E. ValedonMrs. Nicole G. VandykeMr. Vincent L. VarnadoreMr. James A. VaughanMs. Thelma Ford VaughanMrs. Teia D. VaughnMr. & Mrs. John H. Vaughter Jr.Mrs. Larneil G. VaughterMr. Melvin M. Veale, Jr.Ms. Shirley L. VinesMr. Waymond Wade, Jr.Dr. Barbara U. Wilson WalkerMr. and Mrs. Michael WalkerMs. Gloria J. WalkerMs. Kennesha M. WalkerMs. Phyllis WalkerMrs. Priscilla J. WalkerMs. Sarah G. WalkerMr. Trenton L. WalkerLt. Col. Clyde H. and Mrs. Gail J. WallaceMs. Melody WallerMs. Veronica L. WallerMs. Fannie J. WallsMr. James C. Walston '76Dr. Louise M. WaltonMr. Herbert H. Ward Jr.Mr. Torilus O. WardMs. Lucia Ward-AlexanderMr. Wayne K. WarrenMs. Angela WashingtonMr. Clyde N. WashingtonMs. Pamela G. WashingtonMr. Reuben K. WashingtonMrs. Shonda D. WashingtonMrs. Theresa B. WashingtonMs. Kara G. Washington-ColeyMs. Marilyn H. WatkinsMs. Bernice WatsonDr. Ingrid E. Watson-MillerMs. Linda J. WeathersMr. Jamicyn WeaverMs. Mary L. WeaverMs. Norma E. WeldonMs. Darcy N. WespMs. Jennifer D. WestMr. John W. C. West IIMr. Paulus R. WestMrs. Vivian B. WestMrs. Robin B. West-VellereMs. Anita R. WhitehurstMs. Patricia WhitelowMrs. Elmira L. Whittington -BrownKevin P. Wigenton, Esq.Ms. Sarah WigginsMr. and Mrs. Wilbert WigginsMs. Roberta G. WilburnMs. Marietta E. WilleyMs. Audrey P. WilliamsMs. Brenda M. WilliamsMs. Deborah E. WilliamsMs. Denise F. WilliamsMs. Donna M. WilliamsMr. Gregory J. and Mrs. Deborah A. WilliamsMr. Herbert M. WilliamsMs. Renita K. WilliamsMs. Rita T. WilliamsMs. Tracey L. WilliamsMr. Wyatt Tyrone WilliamsMrs. Viola V. WilliamsonMr. and Mrs. Stephen A. PalmerMr. and Mrs. Claude WillisMr. Langston W. WillisMs. Veronica A. WillisMr. and Ms. Andrew S. WilsonMs. Annette V. Wilson


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Ms. Catherine WilsonMr. Jeffrey B. WilsonMs. Juanita M. WilsonMrs. Lillie R. WilsonMrs. Sheila S. WilsonMs. Eileen B. Wilson-OyelaranMs. Sherri L. WinneganMr. Dennis E. WinstonMs. Jacqueline WinstonMr. Morris S. WinstonMr. Michael L. WitherspoonMr. Christopher M. WittsMr. Jack P. Witty, Jr.LTC and Mrs. James E. WoodMs. Shirleigh Atterberry-WoodMrs. Betty J. WoodhouseMs. Ann J. WoodruffMr. Vernell A. Woods Jr.Ms. Shelly A. WoodsonMr. Richard A. WootenMs. Barbara T. WrightMs. Yvette W. WrightMs. Liyun WuMr. Ronnie WycheMr. David A. YeeChen C. YiDr. Hargsoon YoonMs. Eboni P. YoungMrs. Helen Cooper YoungMs. Margaret YoungMs. Yvonne YoungMrs. Latoya I. YoungerMr. Timmey T. Zachery

PPATRON $1-99_________________Ms. Jovita L. AbrigoMr. Anthony A. AbrilMs. Mardi D. AdamsMs. Mecca AdamsMs. Gloria E. AdderlyMs. Aurora C. AgustinMr. Frederick AikensMs. Angela D. AlbergottieMs. Helena M. AlexanderMs. Krystal AlexanderDr. William H. AlexanderMrs. Angela C. AlfordMs. Tinia AlfordDr. Abdinur M. AliMs. Deborah Y. AllenMs. Jennifer AllenMr. Marlon O. AllenMr. Marshall L. AllenMr. Michael AllenMs. Nicole AllenMs. Lynne N. Allen-LewisMs. Rinyka AllisonMs. Tameka AlmondMs. Alice AlstonMr. Kenneth AlstonMs. Mamie AlstonMr. Sam AlstonMs. Tori L. AlstonMs. Karla J. Amaya GordonMrs. Cormilla L. AmesMs. Danita G. AndersonMrs. Kimberly AndersonMs. Letitia E. AndersonMr. Michael T. AndersonMr. Robert L. AndersonMr. Roscoe Anderson Jr.Ms. Sandra AndersonMr. Shaun M. AndersonMs. Susan Latasha Anderson

Ms. Wanda K. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Wayne L. AndrewsAnonymous (8)Mr. Cleveland AnthonyMr. Erik M. AntonMs. Christine AntonucciMs. Doris V. ApacanisMr. Juan J. AponteMs. Stacey Dianne ArcherMs. Linda V. ArchieMr. Anthony D. ArmisteadMs. Cassandra McCoy ArmstrongMs. Shannon ArmstrongMr. & Mrs. James C. ArnoldMs. Patricia L. ArnoldMs. Janina S. ArringtonMr. Paul H. ArringtonMs. Wanda M. WhitfieldDr. Andrew T. ArroyoMrs. Dorethea Davis ArtisMs. Edna E. ArtisMs. Jadia ArtisMs. Minnie T. ArtisMr. Boampong A. AsareMrs. Marian Jeanette Edwards AshMs. Tonya D. AsheMrs. Antoinette AskewMs. Francine W. AtkinsMs. Sandra L. AtkinsMs. Denise AtkinsonMr. Vernon AunchmanMr. Kenneth B. AustinMs. Crystal AvalosMs. Michele D. AventMs. Pierre BaMr. Archie D. BaconMs. Annie A. BacoteMr. Athaniel W. BadgerMrs. Elouise M. BagbyMs. Phillita M. BagleyDr. Messaoud BahouraMs. Brittany A. BaileyMr. Rodjane BaileyMs. Shannon D. BaileyMs. Yameeka A. BaileyMs. Zaneta A. BaileyMs. Shawna N. BainesMs. Carolyn D. BakerMrs. Lisabeth P. BakerMs. Patricia S. BakerMs. Paula G. BalicatMs. Robin R. BallardMr. William P. BallardMs. Denise BallingerMrs. Dayna BandyMs. Betty J. BanksMs. Brandy BanksMr. Christopher BanksMs. Danielle N. BanksMr. Jonathan S. BanksMr. & Mrs. Rufus A. BanksMrs. Sharon D. BanksMs. Alice Fuller BarberMr. Joseph BardenMs. Lori D. BarefootMr. John N. Barnard, Sr.Mrs. and Mrs. Chauncey BarnerMs. Elizabeth D. BarnesMs. Jennifer C. BarnesMr. Lee H. BarnesMr. Leon A. BarnesMrs. Linda BarnesMs. Lisa G. BarnesMs. Wendy J. BarnesMs. Belinda BarrettMs. Deborah Barrett

Mr. Todd L. BarrettMs. Carolyn C. BarronMr. Charles T. BartlettMr. Winfred Basnight Jr.Ms. Dena M. BassRenison BatsonMs. Cynthia M. BattleMs. Deborah BattleMs. Deborah J. BattleMr. Joseph S. BattleMrs. Denise M. Watson BattsMs. Patricia BaughMr. Nathaniel S. BealeMs. Deborah BeckelMrs. Willie J. BeckettMs. Elvira BejongMr. Stephen D. BelechakMs. Burma N. BellMs. Lillie M. BellMr. Nathaniel S. Bell, Sr.Col. R. B. BellMr. Robert C. BellMs. Stacie D. BellMs. Matricia BellamyNedaro D. BellamyMs. Lena BenjaminMs. Beverly R. BennettMrs. Carleen Cogdell BennettMr. Carvarie BennettMr. Haywood BennettMs. Joan D. BennettMs. Patricia A. BensonMr. Kenneth BentonMrs. Vanginette H. BentonMrs. Ronda M. BerardMr. Howard BerryMr. Vincent R. BessMr. Robert L. Bethea Sr.Ms. Brenda F. BiddleMrs. Betty T. BillupsMr. Gregory V. BillupsMs. Annie BinfordMs. Camisa BishopMs. Kimberly D. BixlerMr. Charles L. BlackMs. Sharon M. BlackMrs. Phyllis V. BlackmonMrs. Barbara Blackwell

Mr. Curtis J. Blakely Jr.Ms. Jacqueline BlandMs. La-Tanya D. BlantonMs. Wenter F. BlountMrs. Inez A. Blount-MasonMr. Andrew Blow Jr.Mrs. Quana J. Bluford-FrostMr. Calvin Z. BoardleyMs. Annie D. BoatwrightMs. Elizabeth A. BockMs. Veronica Nimmo BoggsMs. Andrea G. BoldenMr. James Bolden, Sr.Mrs. Daynalyn Williams-BondsMs. Brigitte S. BookerMr. Lamont R. BookerMrs. Laura D. Booker-HudsonMs. Abreika BoonMs. Alexandra BooneMr. Antonio C. BooneMs. Jacqueline C. BooneMs. Ranashia BooneMs. Tracy D. BooneMs. Beryl F. BoothMs. Denee BottomsMs. Latonia S. BougouneauMs. Tania BoursiquotMs. Addie T. BowserMrs. Cynthia D. BowserMr. Scott M. BowserMr. Ernest BoydMs. Theresa A. BoydMs. Esther W. BoykinsRev. Felita D. BoykinsMs. Jane M. BoykinsMs. Anita E. BrabsonMrs. Angela Braxton-JonesMr. Tristan R. BreauxMs. Pam BrertonMs. Aliceteen J. Brickhouse DiggsMr. Dominic BrickhouseMr. Norris BrickhouseMr. and Mrs. Roderick BridgersMs. Gabrielle BridgesDr. Paula C. BriggsMs. Sonja BriggsMrs. Ada M. BrightMrs. Kiesha V. Bright-Harris

Ms. Winnie M. BrinkleyMrs. Barbara A. BrinsonMs. Salinder BroadyMr. William D. BrockDr. Karl B. BrockenbroughMr. Cuthrell BrockingtonMr. Kenneth F. BrookinsMs. Angela D. BrooksMs. Chelsea BrooksMs. Frances R. BrooksMs. Gladys S. BrooksMs. Renee R. BrooksMs. Shirley M. BrooksMs. Stacy M. BrooksMs. Ada L. BrownMs. Afryea L. BrownMr. Antoine D. BrownMr. Calvin BrownMs. Carla BrownMs. Carolyn D. BrownMs. Carrie L. BrownMs. Chariety C. BrownMr. Charles I. BrownMs. Cynthia L. BrownMs. Danielle Y. BrownMs. Dawn E. BrownMs. Donna M. BrownMs. Elita S. BrownMs. Gloria G. BrownMs. Jacqueline L. BrownMs. Jhonique C. BrownMrs. JoVern BrownMs. Linda G. BrownMs. Marquetta L. BrownMs. Marsha M. BrownMr. Melvin BrownMrs. Rebecca Williams BrownMr. Rodney J. BrownMr. & Mrs. Rogers N. BrownMs. Sharae N. BrownMs. Yolanda N. BrownMrs. Blanche Brown-CrockerMs. Torrie M. BrowningMrs. Emily Brown-RiddickDr. Norma W. BrumageMs. Patsy D. BrutonMrs. Belinda P. BryantMr. Darryl L. Bryant


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Ms. Mary G. BryantMrs. Odetta S. BryantMrs. Mona B. Bryant-ShanklinMrs. Edith R. BuffalowMs. Katherine B. BuffingtonMr. Booker T. BullockMr. James T. BullockMs. Pamela L. BullockMs. Rebecca M. BullockMs. Andrena P. BunchMs. LaCourtney L. BundickMr. Curtis G. Bunn, Sr.Ms. Allison S. BurchamMrs. Jacqueline D. BurgessMr. Cecil S. BurgettDr. & Mrs. Theodore N. Burke Jr.Mr. Adrian D. BurneyMrs. Ann D. BurneyMr. Kevin BurnsMs. Brandi BurtonMs. Gloria J. BurtonThe Rev. Myra BurtonMr. Cody ButlerMrs. Gloria Peebles-ButlerMr. James ButlerMs. Michelle ButlerMs. Sheria L. ButtsMs. Deborah H. BynumMrs. Maxine M. ByrdDr. Melendez O. ByrdMs. Tonimaria N. ByrdMs. Shirley A. CabarrasMr. James CabinessMrs. Mary F. & Mr. Wright Cade, Jr.Mr. Pierce A. Callaham, Jr.Mrs. Linda A. CameronMs. Crystal CampbellCol. Larry E. CampbellMr. Lawrence CampbellMs. Sandra N. CampbellMs. Tinia W. CampbellMr. Thomas J. CanadaMr. David CannadyMr. & Mrs. William E. CannadyMr. John W. CannonMr. and Mrs. Michael D. CardwellMrs. Mary D. CarltonMs. Darlene CarrMs. Teresa CarrMs. Cheryl D. Carrington GreenMs. Jamie CarringtonMrs. April L. CarrollMs. Martha CarrollCaptain and Mrs. Bruce R. Carson IIMs. Edith G. CarterMr. James A. Carter, Jr.Mrs. Ruby B. CarterMs. Linda Carter-AshbyMrs. Sharon F. CasonMs. Mary J. CasperMs. Heidi CavalloMs. Ann-Rene' ChallengerMr. Carlon ChambersMr. and Mrs. Michael S. ChambersMr. Spencer T. ChamblissMr. Justin ChanceMr. Jason A. ChandlerMr. Eun R. ChangMs. Michelle E. ChapmanMrs. Arlene ChavisMs. Marie T. ChavisMr. Kevin M. CheneyMs. Olivia J. CherryMr. and Mrs. Michael J. ChildsMs. Delcia M. ChisholmMr. Charles Chrisman

Ms. Anissa ChristopherMr. M. Yasin ChughtaiMrs. Carolyn ClaiborneMs. Alicia P. ClarkMs. Andrea Y. ClarkMrs. Bonita M. ClarkMr. Carl W. ClarkMrs. Helen H. ClarkMrs. Jacqueline B. ClarkMrs. Lenthia L. Willie ClarkDr. Linda ClarkMr. Richard ClarkMr. Curtis J. ClarkeReLita Shane' ClarkeRonnie E. ClaryMs. Carrie P. ClaudE. L. ClaytorMs. Andrea B. CleavesMs. Josephine ClementLCDR Marvin C. Clemmons, Sr.Mr. Kenny B. ClemonsMs. Tina ClemonsMr. Charles B. CloudMs. Tamara T. ClyburnDr. Boyd CoanMs. Candace Ashlee' CobbMr. Tyrone CobbMrs. Dana M. CochranMrs Cynthia Coker-LeRayMs. Gloria E. ColeMs. Gwen ColeMs. Jessica M. ColeMs. Oweida ColeMs. Solange ColeMr. Wajon ColeMr. & Mrs. Johnnie CollinsMr. Sheldon Christopher CollinsMrs. Shinese M. CollinsMs. Cynthia ColvinMrs. Jill E. ComessMrs. Karen L. CookMr. Alexceon CookeMr. Eric L. CooperMs. Monica CooperMs. Shernice D. CooperMr. Lee CopelandMr. & Mrs. Melvin L. CopelandMs. Patricia L. CopelandMrs. Sarah L. CopelandMs. Vanessa CopelandMs. Joy Umeka CoppageMs. Alisa M. CorbettMrs. Chastity Rena CorbettMs. Cynthia L. CorbettMr. Richard CorboMs. Wilhemena N. CornickMs. Bertha CorprewMr. James C. CorprewMr. Mario R. CorpusMr. Shawn E. CostleyMrs. Donna W. CostonMs. Patricia E. CottenMs. Sharon CouncilMs. Glorine C. CousinMr. Noel P. CraigMr. Dennis W. CrawfordMr. Frederick H. CrawfordHermes CrawfordMs. Susie M. CrawfordMs. Adriene R. Crawley-DentMrs. Rosalyn J. CredleMr. Darrell R. CrittendonMs. Shaquita CrockettMr. Horace Calvin CroffordMr. & Mrs. March Cromuel Jr.Mrs. Claudia Croom

Ms. Raven CrossMs. Robbie T. CrossMr. Spencer CrossMs. Andrea N. CrumpMrs. Catherine CuffeeMr. Kaldin CuffeeMs. Roshalle L. CuffeeMs. Mona S. CunnikinMs. Colleen C. CunninghamMr. & Mrs. Eugene Cunningham, Sr.Dr. James A. CurielMs. Felice Y. CurryMs. Alta L. CustisMr. & Mrs. Andrew L. CypressMrs. Kathleen M. DalbyMs. Charlene DaliousMrs. Gail D'AlmeidaMr. Gary DamewoodMs. Debra DandridgeMs. Alice M. DanielsMr. Carl L. DanielsMr. Kent L. DanielsMr. London Daniels, Jr.Mr. Wilbert L. Daniels Jr.Dr. Beatrice Darden-MeltonMrs. Kate F. DaughtreyMr. Darius K. DavenportMs. Linda S. DavenportMr. Michael A. DavidsonMs. Allison J. DavisMr. Andre S. DavisMs. Betty W. DavisMs. Cheryl J. DavisMr. Floyd L. DavisMs. Madelyn U. DavisMr. Marcus DavisMs. Margaret T. DavisMs. Mary DavisMs. Nikita L. DavisMs. Shelia G. DavisMr. Terrell L. DavisMr. William A. Davis, Jr.Ms. Adrian J. DayDr. Geoffroy de LaForcadeMs. Sophina L. DealMr. Mark DebastianiMs. Katherine E. DeberryMr. Phillip L. DeboeMr. Jerry DeBrauxMs. Nicole K. DeJesusMr. and Mrs. William T. DelkMs. Alvera E. DeLoatchMrs. Annie Wilson DemoryMs. Garnise A. DennisMs. Dina D. DentMs. Shaarvi DentMs. Cynthia DepassMs. Denise DepassMrs. Daphne H. DewsMr. Lionel DhileyMs. Mary DiamondMr. Devron DickensMr. Thomas DickensMr. Paul E. DickensonMs. Eve M. DickeyMs. Brinda DillardMrs. Dawn DillardMrs. Joyce S. DillardMs. Portia M. DingerMs. Letricia L. DinkinsMr. Terrence D. DixonMs. Lashondra K. Dixon-GordonMs. Fannie M. DixsonMr. Charles DohmeMs. Irene DolberryMr. Agyei Domfeh

Ms. Shyra L. DorseyMs. Kelley S. DoswellMs. Jody DotsonMs. Mary DotsonMs. May G. DouglasMrs. Millicent L. DoveMs. Robin DoveC. A. Dozier Ms. Dorothy Morton DrakeMs. Jennifer E. DraperMs. Ercelle D. DraytonMr. Damani J. DrewMrs. Marilyn H. DrewreyMr. Dontae DrumgoldDr. Joseph G. D'SilvaMs. Cynthia E. Duhe'-HarrisMr. Charles Leo DunbarMs. Gayle DuncanMrs. Theresa M. BelloMs. Marcia S. DunmoreRev. Calvin A. DurhamMr. Theodore A. DurhamMs. Shauna EansMs. Carolyn H. EasonMs. Darlene R. EastmanMr. Corey J. EatonMs. Eran M. Eaton-ParkerMs. Elizabeth V. EcclesMs. Beverly W. EdmondsMrs. Tracy D. EdmondsMrs. Elizabeth Edmonds-MyersMr. Freddie M. Edmunds, Sr.Ms. Sharmaine EdmundsMs. Deanna EdwardsMs. Deborah A. EdwardsMs. Geraldine EdwardsMr. Howard S. EdwardsMs. Jacqueline V. EdwardsMs. Michelle N. EdwardsMrs. Patricia B. EdwardsMs. Renita J. EdwardsMs. Winfield J. EdwardsMr. Ekeoma EkelemeMs. Gloria Eley-EppsMr. Jerrame ElliotMs. Colleen L. ElliottMrs. Sharlene ElliottMs. Avril M. EllisMrs. Deborah D. EllisMs. Paulette E. EllisMs. Rhonda B. EllisMs. Dorothy S. ElyMs. Tammy C. EnglishMs. Byesheba Maria EntzmingerMr. Mario A. Epps

Ms. Kirsten S. EricksenMrs. Dionne D. Espeut-MitchellDr. & Mrs. Edward E. EuleMs. Carolyn EverettMrs. Katherine R. EverettDr. & Mrs. Ira W. Falls, IIIDr. Ming FangMrs. Cynthia L. FaulconMr. Azeez FelderMr. Nathaniel L. FeldmanMr. Theodore R. FellsMr. Alfred R. FennerMr. Rico T. FerebeeMr. Larry T. FergusonDr. Anne FernandoMr. Wilbert C. Ferrell, Jr.Ms. Bregetta A. FieldsMs. Erma B. FieldsMrs. Paula FieldsMs. Sandra H. FieldsMs. Tonya FieldsMs. Lydia FigueroaMr. Kenneth T. FikesMs. Margaret A. FinneyMichael L. Fischer Ph.D.Mrs. Crystal E. FisherMs. Frankie G. FisherMs. Sherry FleglerMs. Sandra F. FlemingMs. Sondre M. FlemingMr. Terry A. FlemingMs. Joyce M. FletcherMs. Robin R. FletcherMs. Lorraine K. FloodMs. Aisha FlowersMs. Katrina N. FlowersMr. Sylvester FlowersMrs. Shirley I. FloydMs. Saundra D. FordMrs. Christine R. ForemanMs. Janice M. ForemanMs. Theresa E. ForsytheMrs. Duanne D. FosterMr. Jonathan FosterMr. Ernest J. FountainMr. Derrick L. FowlerMrs. Wilma Butler FowlerMr. Lloyd B. FoxMs. Shannon FoxworthMs. Harriet FrancisMr. Daryl S. FranklinMr. James FranklinMs. Mary L. FranklinMs. Jasmine FrazierMs. Jasmine Frazier


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Mr. Kelvin FrazierMrs. Veronica H. FrazierMr. Adrian L. FrederickMs. Alvina FrederickMs. Brenda FredericksCaptain Jeffrey D. FreelandMs. Angela FreemanMs. Carolyn FreemanMs. Cheryl H. FreemanMs. Cynthia D. FreemanMs. Leola L. FreemanMs. Tonya A. FreemanMrs. Faye Freeman-SmithMr. Eric W. FuerstenbergMs. Esonija S. FulghamMrs. Cathy D. FullerMs. Javanese FullerMs. Marcella Y. O. FulmoreMs. Sherrette A. FunnMr. Raymond A. FutrellMs. Stephanie P. MyersDr. Linda M. GagenMs. Alva GainesMs. Rosalind O. GainesMs. Margaret A. GalottiMr. David Gamble

Mrs. Jacqueline M. GambleMs. Angela GarciaMs. Dianne GardnerMrs. Velma GardnerMrs. Corey Y. GarlicMr. Randall D. Garnder, Sr.Mr. David L. GarrettMr. and Mrs. Wilbert W. GarrettMrs. Linda M. Garris-BrightMs. Mittie A. GaryMs. Hope Danee' GatlingMs. Eunice Parson GayMrs. Aretha GayleMr. Adrian D. GaynorMr. Demetris L. GeddisSgt. Kevin GenwrightMs. Hilary H. GersbachMr. Maurice L. GholsonMrs. Dorina A. GibbsMr. Jamel GibsonMrs. Jamel S. GibsonMs. Carrie M. GilbertMr. George C. GilbertMs. Sarah R. GilchristMs. Cheryl GilesMr. Reginald GilesMrs. Wendy L. GilesMs. Tina M. Gillespie

Mrs. Nancy W. GilletteMr. Philip S. GilletteMs. Geraldine GilliamMr. Jerome A. GilliamMs. Regina M. GilliamMs. Bridgett GipsonMr. Macklin GipsonDr. Tassew S. GizawMs. Mary P. GlassMs. Cynthia K. GlennMs. Debora A. GloverMr. Lawrence J. GloverMrs. Linda J. GmitterMs. Debbie L. GodfreyMr. George M. GodfreyMs. Tess T. Godwin-TurnerMrs. Debra L. GoldenMs. Deborah GomesMs. Shirley P. GoncalvesMs. Jessica GonzalezMs. Claudia GoochMs. Andrea C. GoodeMr. John C. GoodeMr. Andre Q. GoodmanMs. Annette GoodmanMs. Debra Goodman

Ms. Helena N. GoodmanMs. Marilyn M. GoodmanMs. Harriett F. GoodrichMrs. Vanessa L. GoodwinMs. Cherise J. BazemoreMr. Corey GovanMr. Kelly R. GraddyMs. Angela L. GradyMrs. Dana L. GrahamMs. D'Nita Andrews GrahamMr. James E. GrahamMr. Jonathan M. Graham, Jr.Ms. Sherri J. GordonMs. Theresa Renee GrahamMrs. Bessie L. GrandyMs. Cynthia GrantMs. Gale GrantMr. Wilfred A. GrantMr. Michael L. GranthamMrs. Andra M. GrantumMrs. Annie B. GravelyMs. Dionne S. GravesMr. Jesse C. Graves Jr.Mrs. Betty W. GrayMrs. Brenda M. GrayMs. Esther M. GrayMs. Gwendolyn F. GrayMs. Karen Gray

Ms. LaShunda L. GreenMr. Mandel S. GreenMs. Maxine C. GreenMr. Richard GreenMs. Thomasina G. GreenMr. Alan GreeneMr. Dudley L. GreeneMrs. Evelina W. GreeneMr. & Mrs. Joseph E. GreeneMr. Rodney E. GreeneMs. Vivian GreeneMrs. Helga A. GreenfieldMs. Gail G. GreenhillMs. Kimberly P. GregoryMr. Leon W. GregoryMs. Sabrina Y. GregoryMs. Bridget GriffinMs. Emma M. GriffinMs. Joyce W. GriffinMs. Laquita GriffinMs. Natonya GriffinMr. James L. GriggsMs. Ophelia GriggsMr. William M. Griggs IIIMs. Claudia E. GrimesMs. Kendra R. GrimesMs. Brandon Orman GrinageMr. Thomas GrindeMs. Priscilla M. GrinerMs. Maria Elena GuerreroMr. Sanjib GuhaMr. Val V. GuilfordMs. Melissa A. GunsMr. Richard GuzmanMs. Cassondra E. GwathneyMs. Mariam A. GwynnMs. Tiffany A. GwynnDr. Desideria S. and Mr. Bruce L.HackerMs. Shanita R. ShamleeMs. Gloria J. HagansDr. Ashley N. HainesMr. L. Bernard HairstonMs. Tyrea Tanicka HairstonMs. W. Beatrice HaleMs. Natasha HalidayMs. Janet L. HallMr. and Mrs. Joshua M. HallMr. Marvin K. HallMrs. Patrese F. HallMs. Shamin E. HallMr. Jason G. HalseyMs. Mizuki HamadaMs. Olivia B. HamiltonMs. Syble Hamler-ButlerMs. Sabrina HammondMs. Dedra E. HamptonDr. Tarin T. HamptonMr. Jeffery HankersonMrs. Marie E. HankinsonMs. Sabrina HanktonMs. Gwen HannonMs. Gwendolyn HannonMs. Bessie HardyMr. Ernest Hardy Jr.Mr. And Mrs. Stanley L. HardyMr. Theodore F. Hardy, Jr.Mr. Yvonn M. HardyMs. Pamela F. HareMs. Jocelyn D. HargroveMr. Vincent C. HargroveMs. Marie F. HargrowMr. Dewayne Earl HarleyMr. James HarmanMr. James HarmonMs. Jewetta HaroldMr. Leon E. Harper

Mr. Alphonso T. HarrisMs. Angela M. HarrisMs. Betty HarrisMs. Camelia M. HarrisMs. Cameo T. HarrisMr. Clarence HarrisMr. Clarence E. HarrisMs. Gina L. HarrisMr. Jeffrey D. HarrisMs. Jennie M. HarrisMrs. Lisa Y. HarrisMs. Michella HarrisMrs. Raquel M. HarrisMr. Ricky HarrisMs. Roshanda HarrisMr. Shelton HarrisMs. Terrisha HarrisMs. Yalanda A. HarrisMs. Dorothy M. HarrisonMs. Gail G. HarrisonMs. Barbara HartShann HartMr. Sterling HartMs. Gala U. HarvellMs. Joan HarwinMr. Jonathan HaskinsMs. Rachelle HasnasMr. Sean P. HassellMr. John G. Hatcher Jr.Mr. Marlon HatcherMs. Wanda HatcherMs. Susan D. HaughMs. Amanda K. HavermanMs. Delois W. HawkinsMs. Frances HawkinsMr. Kelvin Jerome HawkinsMs. Lucy J. HawkinsMrs. Marjorie E. HawkinsMr. Maurice C. Hawkins, Jr.Mrs. Mildred Lee HawkinsMs. Nancy V. HawkinsMr. Phillip Hawkins Jr.Ms. Tamika Nikhole HawkinsMs. Willie M. HawkinsMs. Tawana G. HawksMs. Kathleen R. HaydenMs. Angela K. HayesMr. Calvin HayesMs. Adrienne HaynesMs. Alice M. HaynesMs. Howretha HaynesMs. LaDonna HaynesMrs. Sonja Y. HaynesMs. Malaika L. HaywardMrs. Sheryll B. HeardMrs. Clementine M. HedgspethMrs. Cantana M. HendersonMs. Keisha A. HendersonMs. Laureen M. HendersonMr. Dwight D. HendricksMs. Joy HendricksonMs. Ersula F. HenniganMs. Beverly R. HerndonMs. Shirley HerndonMrs. Arleta C. HerringMr. Richard HerringMs. Gwen HesterMr. and Mrs. Brandon J. HickmanMs. Carolyn B. HicksMr. Jesse HighsmithMrs. Annie M. HightowerMrs. Betty J. HillMrs. Connie D. HillMs. Deborah D. HillMs. Lilyn A. HillMr. Marshall Robert Hill

Ms. Michele R. HillMr. Robert Hill Mr. Roger HillMs. Virginia T. HillMr. Richard HillianMs. Cheryl V. HindsMs. Jane W. HinesMs. LaToya HinesMs. Monika L. HinesMs. Margaret C. HinkleMr. Bernard D. HintonMr. Richard W. HintonMr. Shawn F. HintonMs. Vida L. HintonMs. Beverly T. HobbsMs. Patricia D. HobbyMrs. Alberta HobsonMr. Dean HobsonMr. Frederick HobsonMr. Michael L. HockadayMs. Lee A. HockeyMs. Delores A. HodgeMs. Carolyn Diane HodgesMs. Jacqueline W. HodgesMr. Roderick HolderMs. Sharlaine F. HolimonMs. Jo G. HollandMr. Levi HollandMs. Jade C. HolleyMs. Shelly L. HolleyMrs. Debora M.A. HollidayMs. Wanda J. HollisMs. Constance M. HollomanMr. Johnwyn D. HollomanMs. Shirley B. HollomanMs. Brenda A. HollowayMr. & Mrs. Kenneth HollowayMs. Sharon R. HollowayDr. Brenda Ellis HollowellMs. Maria C. HolmesMs. Stephanie HolmesMs. Kimberly HookerMs. Natasha I. HookerMs. Tyvon M. HorseyMrs. Ethel S. HortonMrs. Wanda L. HortonDr. Jiashi HouMrs. May T. HouMs. Grace L. HouchinsMs. Arketa R. CrenshawMs. Dorothea W. HowardMs. Jamie L. HowardMs. Nicole HowardMs. Zakiya HoyettMr. Errol A. HudsonMr. Leonard A. HudsonMr. Jonah HugginsMs. Ayesha N. HughesMs. Jacqueline HughesMs. Linda A. HughesMr. Larry J. HugheyMrs. Stephanie R. HumphriesMs. Melody HundleyMr. Vincent L. HundleyMs. Camilla J. HunterMr. Charles A. Hunter Jr.Mrs. Valerie HunterMs. Tamisha L. Hunter-EllisMrs. Franchon H. RobinsonMr. Vernon B. Hurdle Jr.Mr. Keith C. HyaterMs. Melody M. IannoneMr. Paul Imbrigato, Jr.Ms. Alfye L. IngramMs. Darlene IngramMs. Kineshia A. Irby


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Ms. Bettie M. IrvinMs. Patrice D. IrvingMr. Derrick IsabellCathy M. Jackson, Ph.D.Ms. Fannie D. JacksonMs. Francine JacksonMr. George C. JacksonMrs. Judy G. JacksonMs. Judy L. JacksonMrs. Karen L. JacksonMs. Kimberly N. JacksonMs. LaToya JacksonDr. Leroy JacksonMrs. Millie L. LittleMs. Rhonda S. JacksonMs. Laura Jackson-ClarkMs. Alecia T. JacobsMs. Dorothy K. JaggersMs. Cherie R. JamesMs. Faye JamesMs. Jacinta JamesMs. Louise E. JamesMrs. Natleen N. JamesMs. Sarelda D. James-GreenMs. Tawanna JamisonMs. Sandra B. JarvisMr. Alphonso Jefferson Jr.Mr. Darrell M. JeffersonMrs. Roxanna W. JeffersonMr. Alonzo JenkinsMrs. Cheryl Y. JenkinsMr. Godfrey JenkinsMr. Thomas JenkinsMs. Otealia K. JenningsMs. Alyssa JessupMrs. Michele L. JessupMrs. Karen P. JewetteMrs. Shari L. JohnMr. Antwane V. JohnsonMs. Briana JohnsonMrs. Carlene M. JohnsonMr. Charles E. Johnson, Jr.Ms. Delores D. JohnsonMr. Demitriss JohnsonMr. Eric F. JohnsonMs. Flora M. JohnsonMrs. Greta J. JohnsonMr. James M. JohnsonMr. Jay D. Johnson, Jr.Mr. Jerome JohnsonDr. Joan B. JohnsonMr. Joe W. JohnsonMs. Katharine M. JohnsonMs. LaVern JohnsonMs. Linda JohnsonMr. Martin JohnsonDr. Melencia M. JohnsonMs. Melinda B. JohnsonMs. Patrice L. JohnsonMr. Percy A. JohnsonMs. Regina F. GrayMr. Romonte E. JohnsonMs. Rosena T. Johnson Mrs. Rosetta B. JohnsonMs. Sandra M. JohnsonMr. Stephens JohnsonMs. Tracey L. JohnsonMs. Wanza N. JohnsonMs. Winter D. JohnsonMs. Karma Johnson-FreemanMrs. Lisa L. Johnson-HicksMr. Aaron JonesMrs. Alice E. JonesMs. Autumn JonesMs. Barbara E. JonesMs. Barbara J. Jones

Mrs. Bernadette Gallop JonesMr. Christopher L. JonesMrs. Dardress C. JonesMr. David E. JonesMs. Debra JonesMr. Derik B. JonesMr. Elliott C. and Dr. Dorothy L. R. JonesCaptain Elmore J. Jones Jr.Ms. Ethel W. JonesMs. Janice M. JonesMr. Johnathan JonesMs. Karen I. JonesMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. JonesMr. Kevin L. JonesMr. Kirk R. JonesMs. Martha S. JonesMs. Mary JonesMs. Nedra C. JonesMrs. Nicole H. JonesMs. Renee JonesMs. Tanisha JonesMr. Terence A. JonesMs. Vanessa D. JonesMs. Velma D. JonesMs. Wyoma JonesMrs. Janet E. Jones-MillerDr. Joseph F. JordanMrs. Tisha L. JordanMs. Tinisia Jordan-NewsomeMrs. Liana K. JorgensenMs. Andrea D. JosephsMs. Keya A. JoyMrs. Debra B. JoyceMr. Britton A. JoynerMs. Cynthia JoynerMr. Daryl J. JoynerMrs. Ethel M. JoynerMs. Janice J. JusticeDr. Lucy KachmarikMs. Monsurat O. KadriMr. & Mrs. Ronald A. KaufmanMr. Bryan J. KazmierskiMs. Harriette J. KearneyMr. Kentrell KearneyMr. Jon F. KellerMrs. Norma J. KempMs. Shirley KeyesMs. Willardine J. KiddMs. Melinda D. KilcreaseMs. Nikki V. KilgoreMrs. Isabel KilloughMr. Johnny KingMr. Leonard KingMr. Ronald A. KingMs. Keisha KirklandMs. Athelia KnightMr. Clarence Knight Jr.Mrs. Donzella A. KnightMr. Joseph L. KnightMs. Ruth S. KnightMr. Kenneth J. KnucklesMr. Douglas A. KoenkerMr. Richard KoonceMr. David M. KopelsonMr. Joseph W. KraftMs. Lisa M. KussmaulMr. Kenny KyleMrs. Amy P. LagasseMs. Stacy L. LamMs. Gloria LambMs. Heather B. LambMs. LaBarbara M. LambMr. Payton LambMrs. Mildred W. LambertMr. Jimmy Landrom, Sr.

Ms. Arnita L. LandyMs. Carleen A. LaneMr. Joseph A. LaneMs. Natalie LassiterMs. Paula G. LassiterMs. Shelly LassiterMr. Mark V. LawsonMr. Cary A. LazarusMrs. Carrie Marie LeeMr. Altovise Lee and Mrs. Cynthia V. Lee Ms. Diane LeeMr. Kamal LeeMrs. Latika T. LeeMr. Marcus J. LeeMr. Richard R. LeeMr. Russell R. LeeMr. Shaun LeeMs. Tamatha Terrell LeeMr. Walter LeeMr. Wiley Lee, Jr.Mrs. Ina M. LeidermanMs. Susan LeidyMs. Karen M. LeighMs. Lillian LemelleMrs. Erica L. LemonsMs. Rose M. LeopardiMs. Margaret R. LeopoldMs. Lawanza Lett-BrewingtonMs. Shanikka LeviusMrs. Paula Krukin LevyMs. Annette M. LewisMs. Desiree LewisMs. Kay W. LewisMr. Lesley LewisMr. Leslie N. LewisMs. Linda O. LewisDr. Marilyn W. LewisMs. Mazie LewisMs. Priscilla E. LewisMrs. Shelley N. LewisMs. Shirann C. LewisMs. Shirley A. LewisMrs. Willia D. Ligon-AllenMr. William L. LilleyMrs. Lillian LimleyMr. Willie F. Lindsey, Jr.Ms. Barbara LintonMr. W. LintonMs. Erica T. LinzyMrs. Millie L. LittleRev. William E. Liverman, Sr.Dr. Val Livingston

Ms. Pamela LockhartMr. Robert B. LongshoreSherry Renee LongshoreCaptain James P. LoperMs. Janet LopezMs. Kimberlee LovelaceMrs. Denise M. LovelyMr. Richard W. and Mrs. Mary Y. LovingoodMs. Tameka Yvesta LoweMrs. Rosetta M. LoweryMr. Winston C. and Mrs. Rosetta M. LoweryMs. Cindy C. LucasMs. Jacquelyn LucasMs. Keri LucrezioMs. Rhonda Y. LundyMs. Kimbirly A. MackMs. Tonya F. MackeyMr. Paul L. MacklinMrs. Candy Y. Maddrey-HollamondMark C. MadisonMs. Marie A. Maese-ThomasonMs. LaTrisha L. Major-BrathwaiteMs. Rhonda Major-MackMs. Henrietta S. MaloneMr. S. Angelo MaloneMs. Kimberly Malone-GeorgeMs. Reata B. ManningMrs. Michelle D. MarableMs. Robin MarableMrs. Patricia Carr MarkMs. Glennis Denise MarshallMs. Phyllis MarshallMs. Debbie MartinGlynis W. MasonMrs. Janett Y. and Mr. Oris P. MasonMr. Robert D. Mason Sr.Ms. Sharon M. MasonLTC Sheila MasonMs. Ashwyn MasseyMs. Sylvia MasseyMs. Valerie J. MastersW. M. MattersMs. Yolanda T. MatthewsMr. Willie D. MaullMr. Lawrence L. MayfieldMs. Lois MayfieldMs. JoAnne O. MazellMrs. Christine M. McCabeMs. Barbara H. McCallMr. Leslie Andrew McCallumMrs. Tyra O. McCann-YoungMs. Robin McClendon

Ms. Carolyn P. McCloudMr. Neil T. McCloudDr. Linda B. McCluneyMs. Jean M. McCoyMs. Patsy McCoyMr. Edward K. McCrayMr. Omar J. McCrimmonMrs. Linda S. McDanielMs. Amy J. McDewMrs. Marie W. McDowellMs. Marvis Bass McFaddenChristian McfallMs. Xaviera L. McFarlandMs. Kristina M. McGuireMs. Kimberly W. MclambMs. Ava K. McLeodMr. and Mrs. Andre A.McManusMs. Tracee McMillanMs. Kecia D. McMillianMr. Aaron McMullenDr. Toney L. McNair, Jr.Ms. Iman Khalilah McPheeMs. Angela McPhersonMr. Cedric N. MeekinsMs. Brittany MelecioMs. Waukesha L. MelvinDr. Aberra W. MesheshaMs. Isabel M. Mesias-HerrmannMrs. Awanta S. MilesMs. Candi M. MilesMr. Kenneth H. MillardMr. Allen D. MillerMs. Carolyn A. MillerMr. Herbert J. MillerMs. Barbara A. Miller-CagerMs. Allison MilletteMs. Laura J. MilliganMrs. Audrey W. MillsMs. DeSeana MinnsMs. Janelle MinnsMs. Angela MitchellMs. Emily MitchellMs. Eugenia MitchellMs. Sherrie MitchellMs. Vanessa D. MitchellMs. Cherri L. MizelleMs. Theodosia MontagueMr. Dennis MontgomeryMs. June M. MontgomeryMs. Waltron MoodyMrs. Allison J. MooreMs. Ashley Laine Moore


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Ms. Barbara D. MooreMs. Belinda MooreMr. Benjamin C. MooreMs. Gloria MooreMs. Karen A. MooreMs. Rowena L. BarberMs. Sade MooreMrs. Senie A. MooreDr. Shahrooz MoosavizadehMs. Charmey J. MorganMrs. Danielle M. MorganMs. Denise MorganMrs. Frederica C. MorganMs. Teresa A. MorganMs. Tamieka MoringsMs. Margaret MorrisMrs. Lakeshia Morris-EleyMr. and Mrs. James M. MorrisettMs. Stephanie MorrisonMs. Wendy Morton-HuddlestonMrs. Ayeisha S. Seawright MosesMrs. Vanessa W. MossMr. William E. MossMr. Morteza MostaghimMs. Daena P. MoussoMrs. Katherine Y. MuhammadMr. Jasper L. MullenMs. Wyndham R. MunnMr. Ernest R. MurphyMr. Harry A. MurphyMrs. Lorna W. MurphyMr. Melvin MurphyMrs. Alice T. MusapatikeMs. Zaynab MustafaMs. Tiffany S. MyintMrs. Angela MyrickMs. Cleo MyrickDr. George L. Nance, Jr.Mr. Anthony NapolitanoMr. Ronald NarcisseMs. Marilyn J. NataupskyMs. Velma G. NaylorMr. Raymond E. NealMr. Joseph W. NeelyMr. Frank R. NegronMs. Sharon NelsonMrs. Shirley Lee NelsonMrs. Mildred C. NewbyMr. and Mrs. Kelcey L. NewmanMr. Douglas J. NewsomeMr. Frank G. NewsomeMr. Thuong NguyenMr. Trinh K. NguyenMr. Caleb L. NicholsDr. Edwin J. NicholsMs. Ivy S. NicholsMs. Jacqueline NicholsonMs. Rhonda NicholsonMr. Heriberto NievesMs. Evangeline R. NixonMs. Maureen M. NixonMs. Flora A. NobleMr. Michael NoblesMs. Dorothy B. NorfleetMrs. Margie S. NormanMs. Allyson L. Walker NorrisMs. Valda T. NorrisMr. Steve NottinghamMr. Wardell M. NottinghamMr. Kevin M. NowalkMs. Kimberly NurseMr. Michael OdomMs. Stella A. OkaforMs. Ejenobo R. OkeMr. Obi E. OkoronkwoMr. Titus O. Olajide

Ms. Delores OliverMr. John O. OlukanniMs. Renee G. O'NeillMs. Dawn S. OnleyMr. & Mrs. Steven E. OpferMs. Barbara OreMrs. Evelyn and Mr. Reginald OsbyMs. Jenee N. OsterheldtMs. Iris Arline OteyMs. Carla E. OutlandMs. Dana R. OuttenGeraldine OutterbridgeMs. Claudette R. OvertonMs. Pamela OvwighoMs. Alvahdine D. OwensMr. Lee OwensMs. Doris OwesDr. Regina A. OyesanyaMrs. Noelia Pacheco-JohnsonMs. Jan C. PageMs. Karen H. PageMs. Etta A. ParhamMr. Larney L. ParhamMs. Melissa J. ParisMs. Evelyn A. ParkerMr. George J. ParkerMs. Gloria L. PitsenbargerLatousha N.P. Parker, Jackson, Pharm.D.Ms. Kathy J. ParkerMs. Kimberly S. ParkerMr. Larry T. ParkerMr. Leon ParkerMr. & Mrs. Michael A. ParkerSergeant Robbie T. ParkerMs. Vivian ParkerMr. Floyd White and Mrs. Kyle Parker WhiteMrs. Phyllis D. Parker-ClemonsMs. Jacqueline Y. Parker-MazyckMr. Duane E. ParmentierMs. Sheray PatilloMs. Shirley PatilloMs. Sheila G. PatrickD. R. PattersonMr. Jeffery L. PattersonMs. Evelyn PaulMs. Frenchettia PayneMrs. Susie G. PayneMs. Tia A. PayneMs. Tiffany N. PayneMs. Ruth PaytonStacey M. Pearson-Wharton, Ph.D.Ms. Anna S. PedosMs. Peggy W. PeeblesMs. Deborah L. PeeleMrs. Brendette Peele-HadenMr. & Mrs. Earl PeeplesMs. Marilyn Hill PeetDr. Evelyn S. PeevyMr. Walter PegramMr. William T. PennMs. Deshawn PennixMr. & Mrs. Samuel PeoplesMr. Shaun PeregoyMs. Leigh A. PerilloMr. Farley R. and Mrs. Tonya L.PerkinsCherng T. PerryMs. Darnice PerryMr. James M. Perry, Jr.Mrs. Sarah PerryMs. Tanya C. PerryMrs. Taunia M. and Mr. BroderickPerryMrs. Laverne Perry-BlountMr. James Person

Ms. Donna L. PetersMs. Vanessa PetersMs. Margaret P. PetersonMs. Melissa A. PetersonMr. Lawrence A. PettisMrs. Pamela D. PfautschMs. Gwendolyn E. PharrMs. Alma PhillipsMrs. Bridgett H. Williams PhillipsMs. Davida PhillipsMs. Carol R. PickettMr. Clifton E. PierceMs. Esther P. PierceMs. Michelle D. PierceMs. Linda L. PigfordMs. Tuawana PinkstonMr. and Mrs. Mervin PitchfordMrs. Delores R. PittMr. & Mrs. James R. PittmanMs. Stacey PittmanMr. Jason R. PittsMs. Pearline M. Pitts-HoltMr. Andre PixleyMrs. Crystal Barrett PollardMrs. Grace P. PontonMr. Brian P. PorterMs. Felishia PorterMs. Laquetta L. PorterMr. Marcus A. PorterMs. Tonecia T. PorterMr. William E. PortlockMr. & Mrs. Willis M. PotterMr. Jesse S. PoulsonMrs. Cheryl PowellMr. Edward D. PowellMs. Elease Z. PowellMrs. Felicia M. PowellMs. Kashon PowellMs. Stephany PowersMr. Vernon E. PratherMs. Charlene J. PreshaMr. & Mrs. Reginald W. PrestonMs. Nakesha PriceMs. Robin D. PriceMr. John E. Pride, Jr.Mr. Jesse PrinceMs. Renita J. PrinceMs. Angela PringleMs. Juanita B. PryorMs. Danna J. PtaszkiewiczMs. Deborah L. PughMs. Jessica M. PughMr. & Mrs. Randy PughMs. Brenda J. PulleyMr. Ossie D. PurvisMr. Eric A. PutmanMs. Diane J. QuartermanMr. Everett QuashMrs. Nikosha L. QuinerlyMs. Jeaninne L. RaefordMs. Cheri L. RaineyMs. Crystal D. RaineyMs. Maatenre RaminMr. Eric M. RamonMs. Noelia T. RamosMs. Diana R. RamseyMs. Kimberly RandolphMs. Rhonda W. RandolphMs. Tracie M. RandolphMs. Lucynthia RawlsMr. Anthony E. RayMrs. Linda M. RayMs. Martha J. RazorMr. Steven A. RedcrossMr. Steven E. ReddickMrs. Linda Redwine-Bell

Ms. Demeatrice S. ReedMs. Karla E. ReedMs. Patrina ReedMr. Alan ReeseMr. Jason B. ReevesMs. Dana Y. FeatherstoneMr. David J. ReidMs. Gloria ReidMs. Lauren ReidMrs. Marlene D. ReidMr. Randy L. ReidMr. Patrick I. ReillyMrs. Lara Stith RevelleMr. Thomas C. Revelle, Jr.Ms. Carolyn D. ReynoldsMs. Gretchen RhodesMr. Robert J. RhodesMs. Joyce RiceMajor Errol L. RichardsMs. Diane RichardsonMs. Sandra I. RichardsonMs. Valerie RichesonMr. Brian L. RicksMs. Shelley RicksMs. Shonelle L. RicksMr. Wallace M. Ricks Jr.Mr. Alex RiddickMs. Deborah A. RiddickMs. Pamela RiddickMrs. Diana L. Riddick-MullenMs. Rosalyn P. RiggsMrs. Linda P. RileyMrs. Mattie H. RoaneMr. Jonathan RobertsMs. Katina RobertsDr. Delores V. RobertsonMs. Andre C. RobinsonMrs. Armeta Haskins RobinsonMajor Darryl D. RobinsonMr. Earnest RobinsonMr. George E. RobinsonMs. Jessica A. RobinsonMr. Lindsay R. RobinsonMs. Mae W. RobinsonMrs. Mary M. RobinsonMrs. Vernetia Wilson RobinsonMs. and Mr. Louise M. RobisonMs. Linda E. RodgersMs. Margaret S. RodgersMs. Alice B. RodgersMr. James E. Rogers IIIMs. Lula S. RogersMs. Sinda S. RogersMs. Tracey L. RogersMrs. Frances Y. RolanMs. Ernestine Y. RollinsMs. Veronda RooksMs. Camille RoperMs. Elizabeth F. RoseMs. Judy C. RoseMs. Tanya R. RoseMs. Karen M. RosnerMs. Carla L. RountreeMs. Letitia M. RouseDr. Leon RousonDr. & Mrs. H. Alan RoweMs. Donna M. RowellMs. Adrienne B. RozierMs. Cheryl A. RuckerMr. Samuel L. RuffinMr. Vincenzo RuggieroMs. Jeanette A. RunnerMs. Patricia D. RuscakMr. Ricky A. RussMs. Erica RussellMs. Lori A. Rybolt

Mrs. Jocelyn O. Rice SaddlerMs. Donna SaleemMs. Glee A. SalladayMrs. Judy F. Salter-BrownMs. Eunice R. SampleMs. Shane B. SamsMs. Shariece Samuel Ms. Carmina M. Sanchez del ValleMrs. Bettye SandersMr. and Mrs. Russell O. SandersMr. Reginald SandsMs. Barbara Y. SaulsberryMs. Heather L. SaundersMr. John C. Saunders, Jr.Ms. Valerie Y. SaundersMs. Jacqueline L. SawyerMr. Douglas K. ScalesMs. Catherine SchaeferMs. Laurie SchmitzMrs. Delores V. ScottLTC (Ret) & Mrs. James L. Scott, Jr.Mrs. Joyce A. ScottMs. Nicole L. ScottMs. Veronica ScottMs. Priscilla Scott-ThomasMr. Jason M. SetliffMr. Kelvin SewardMs. Vanessa A. SeymourMs. Barbara M. ShabazzMr. Rasool A. ShabazzMr. Yusuf ShakirMrs. Clarice W. ShamleeMs. Carla ShandsMr. Herbert K. ShannonMr. Jerry J. SharfMr. Claude L. Sharpe, Jr.Ms. Cornelia H. SheadMs. Chara D. SheltonMs. Tomeica R. Bynum-SheltonMs. Awanda SheppardMrs. Jacquelyn Y. SherrillMr. Walter Sherrill, Jr.Mr. James A. SherrodMr. Robert A. ShieldsMs. Tonya C. ShieldsMr. Andre B. ShippMr. Sigmund C. ShippMs. Lavonia ShirleyMs. Patricia C. ShorterMr. Ellis S. SiegelMs. Sophia SillsMr. William M. SillsMs. Kiana Elise SilverMs. Arcelia L. SimmonsMrs. Pamela F. SimmonsMr. Robert L. SimmonsMr. Samuel D. Simmons, Jr.Ms. Dorothy A. SimmsMs. Shuntale SimmsMs. Taylor SimmsMs. Natasha SimonMs. Shavonne A. SimpsonMs. Clara J. SimsMs. Kimberly D. SingletonMr. Gary SinnigerDr. Mojtaba SirjaniMs. Connie M. SivelsMrs. Mildred SivillsMr. Donald SkillmanMs. Georgette SkinnerMs. Diane SkomarsMr. Jonathan SkuzaMs. Cecelia SladeMrs. Tammy R. King SmallMs. Alisia D. SmithMs. Barbara J. Smith


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Ms. Brenda R. SmithMs. Carmella J. SmithMs. Carolyn R. SmithMs. Cheryl SmithMr. David A. SmithMs. Dawnita R. SmithMr. Emile C. SmithMr. and Mrs. James H. SmithMrs. Janeifer R. Claud SmithMr. Keith D. SmithMs. Lauren M. SmithMs. Lettie H. SmithMs. Lynette D. SmithMrs. Margaret SmithMs. Marion F. SmithMrs. Mia R. SmithDr. Michael J. SmithMs. Robin SmithMs. Sandra K. SmithMr. Tariq J. SmithMr. Trevon SmithMr. Vincent SmithMr. William C. SmithMr. William T. SmithMr. & Mrs. Winston C. SmithMs. Bonnie B. SmithersMrs. Lillie R. Smith-HeathMs. Valerie M. SnellingsMr. William R. SnowdenMrs. Denise Snowden-LangleyMr. Douglas H. SohnsMr. Marvin SomersMs. Gloria A. SouthardMr. Wyanet SouthardMrs. Teresa R. SparksMs. Judy V. SparrowMs. Tawana C. SpellenMrs. Cynthia W. SpellerMs. Zenora E. SpellmanMr. Keith J. SpenceMs. Acquanetta SpencerMr. Rodney W. SpencerMrs. Vera E. Spencer-GrayMrs. Ruby M. SpicerMr. Richard M. Spiers IIIMs. Michelle E. SpringsMrs. Joan SpruillThe Honorable Lionell Spruill, Sr.Ms. Nadia C. SpruillMr. John K. StaffMr. Lawrence J. StancilMs. Trina E. StanleyMr. James L. StatonMr. Norman StembridgeMs. Karen I. StephensMs. Geraldine H. StephensonMs. Lisa D. StephensonMr. Craig StevensMrs. Cynthia M. & Mr. James StevensMs. Ann W. StewartMs. Argarita StewartMs. Joi Nicole StewartMs. Keesha N. StewartMs. Carolyn S. MelvinMr. Patrick Michael StockwellMs. Olive StohlmanMs. Jodi StrennMs. Rose StricklandMs. Dawn L. StubbsMs. Linda J. StubbsMr. Leroy L. StudivantMs. Tiffany SturgesMs. Chandra V. SturrupMs. Janneth SullivanMr. Otis L. Sumler IIIMr. Geronimo H. Suphin

Ms. Shirley A. SuttonMrs. Taunita L. SuttonMrs. Kim L. Svarney-MorrisMs. Carol G. SydnorMs. Andrea L. SykesMr. Rudolph SykesMs. Helen P. TabronMrs. Mercedes H. TabronMr. James C. TaliaferroMrs. Sharlamar F. Taliaferro-Savannah & Mr. Michael SavannahMs. Nancy TanMs. Joyce M. TansilMs. Tychera TatMs. Jessie TatumMs. Angela M. TaylorMs. Catherine D. TaylorMr. Christopher D. TaylorMrs. Gwendolyn Y. TaylorMrs. Jean McCoy TaylorMr. Maurice C. TaylorMrs. Phyllis R. TaylorMs. Rose M. JonesMrs. Shelia TaylorMrs. Tiffany D. TaylorMrs. Vernestine B. TaylorMr. Earlston V. TealMarion J. TeasleyMs. Adesola A. TellaMs. Medina TempleMs. Barbeta L. TerryMs. Cathleen A. ThomasMr. Kareem O. ThomasMs. Kianga R. ThomasMr. Ralph Thomas, Jr.Ms. Sandra ThomasMs. Vera ThomasMr. Wayne L. ThomasMs. Monica Y. Thomas-MooreMs. Candace L. ThompsonMs. Claudia E. ThompsonMs. Cleo ThompsonMs. Ellen C. ThompsonMr. Phillip L. ThompsonMr. Demond L. ThorneMs. Anne T. ThorntonMs. De Shauna K. ThorntonMs. Elsie SeaborneDr. Gwendolyn B. ThorntonMs. Latesha D. ThorntonMs. ReNecia D. ThorntonMs. Tracy D. ThorntonMs. Rita Threadgill-WilliamsMs. Tabitha ThreatMr. Mark ThurstonMs. Monica M. ThurstonMs. Cheryl D. TilleryMs. Cryshuda K. TilleryMs. Betty H. TillmanMs. Virginia D. TiradoMs. Brendina D. TobiasMs. Lydia M. ToliverMr. and Mrs. Luis A. ToppinMrs. Bernice B. TownesMr. Terry L. TraynhamMr. Edward D. TrotterMr. David H. TrumbleMs. Cecelia T. TuckerMrs. Delphia R. TuckerMs. Lueveatrice TuckerMr. Sean G. TullMr. Edward Turner, Sr.Mr. Lewis E. TurnerMs. Renee D. TurnerMs. Sherri R. TurnerMr. Louis M. TuttMs. Veronica M. Tutwiler

Ms. Bonnie R. TwineMr. & Mrs. Charles J. Twitty Jr.Ms. Michaela TwittyMr. Gary D. TynesMs. Dawn M. TysonMs. Constance L. UptonMs. Crystal ValentinMs. Jeanette H. ValentineMr. Ernesto ValesMs. Jesse K. VallejosMs. Charlette B. VanceMr. Derick S. VanceMs. Venattia W. VannMrs. Wysteria S. VarnerMr. Richard C. VaronaMr. Curtis S. Vaughan Jr.Ms. Debra VaughanMr. Derek L. VaughanMs. Lisa M. VaughanMs. Robena D. VaughanMs. Thomasine E. VaughanViola V. Vaughan-Eden, Ph.D.Ms. Brenda J. VaughnDr. Emogene J. VaughnMrs. Loretta VaughnMr. James Veale Jr.Ms. Michelle A. VeneyDr. Renuka K. VermaMs. Carolyn E. VernonMrs. Sally J. VickersMr. Darius VinesMr. Sylvester VinesMs. Riara VinsonAna Vivas-BarberMs. Erin O. WaldenMr. Charles A. WalkeMs. Audrey WalkerMs. Carlean V. WalkerMr. Dondre WalkerMr. Jesse Lee Walker Jr.Mrs. Linda C. WalkerMr. Melvin J. WalkerMr. Robert A. WalkerMs. Sandra WalkerMs. Simone WalkerMs. Tara R. WalkerMr. Tyrone L. WalkerMs. Alisha WallaceMr. Darden WallaceDr. Denelle L. WallaceMrs. Jamie W. McPhersonMr. Gerald WaltonMs. Gwendolyn L. WaltonMrs. Jean B. WaltonMr. Troy A. WaltonMs. Robin D. WardMs. Sheila A. WardMs. Sherrie WardMs. Wivona M. WardMs. Paula D. WareMs. Dawn WarrenMs. Adrienne WashingtonMr. Anthony WashingtonMs. Cheryl Y. WashingtonMs. Eunice E. WashingtonMs. LaTisha WashingtonMs. Raeandree A. WashingtonMr. Tawan J. WashingtonMs. Jamie L. WatkinsMrs. Helyn P. WatsonMs. Ofelia C. WattleyMr. Malcolm G. WattsMr. Virgil L. WaytesMs. Tracy J. WeathersMrs. Angela L. WeaverMs. Patricia Ellison WeaverMs. Charlene P. Webb

Ms. Melody M. WebbMr. Todd S. WebbMr. Darius O. WebsterMs. Helen J. WeissMs. Orlanda D. WelchMrs. Vanessa B. WellsMr. Brian WeltchMr. MC WesleyMs. Linda D. WestMrs. Orpah WestMr. Robert R. WestMs. Deborah R. WestfallMs. Bertina WestleyMs. Adriane WhippleMs. Shirley A. WhitakerMr. Carey WhiteMs. Delores L. WhiteMr. James A. White, Jr.Ms. Juliette WhiteMrs. and Mr. Lynette E. WhiteMs. Marilyn W. WhiteMr. Melvin WhiteMr. Robeson J. WhiteMr. Ronald L. WhiteMs. Tanya S. WhiteMs. Tarah S. WhiteMr. Clarence L. Whitehurst, Jr.Ms. Linda P. WhitehurstMr. Jerry WhitleyMrs. Marilyn WienerMs. Audrey M. WigginsMs. Dorothy WigginsMr. Johnnie WigginsMr. Kori WigginsMr. Melvin L. WigginsMr. Daniel WilbornMs. Elnora WilburnMrs. Shawkita K. WilderMrs. Cecelia Walker WilkersonMs. Thelma M. WilkersonMr. Olric R. WilkinsMs. Rosalyn WilkinsMs. Aretha I. WilliamsMr. Aurthor C. Williams Jr.Mrs. Beverly Perkins WilliamsMr. Calvin L. Williams Jr.Ms. Cheryl WilliamsMs. Cheryl WilliamsMrs. Cheryl H. WilliamsMrs. Danielle Elaine WilliamsMs. Delydia WilliamsMr. Derrick A. WilliamsMs. Ethel M. WilliamsMs. Fredonna WilliamsMs. Gina M. WilliamsMr. Ivan WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. WilliamsMs. Joan B. WilliamsMrs. Joyce A. WIlliamsMs. Juliette M. WilliamsMs. Kathy WilliamsMs. Kimberly M. WilliamsMr. Larry WilliamsMrs. Lisa M. WilliamsMrs. Marian C. WilliamsMs. Mary E. WilliamsMrs. Monica L. WilliamsMs. Nikkia S. WilliamsMrs. Pauline J. WilliamsMr. Reginald C. WilliamsMrs. Sabina L. WilliamsMs. Shamaine D. WilliamsMs. Tiffany WilliamsMr. Timothy G. WilliamsMs. Tracy M. WilliamsMr. Vernon T. Williams

Ms. Virginia C. WilliamsMr. Walter R. Williams Jr.Mr. Wayland WilliamsMr. Winston A. WilliamsMs. Yvette WilliamsMs. Darlene S. Williams-BrevardMr. Kenneth E. WillieMs. Karen WillisMs. Monique WillisMs. Cynthia WillsMr. Anthony WilsonMr. Ernest C. WilsonMs. Jerlaunda T. WilsonMr. Karl D. WilsonMrs. Kesha N. WilsonMs. Khaliah I. WilsonMs. Kimberly M. CummingsMr. Ricky J. WilsonDr. Rudolph WilsonMrs. Sandra A. WilsonMr. Sandrous WilsonMr. Thomas E. WilsonMajor (Ret.) Willie A. Wilson, Jr. Ms. Avis D. WimberlyMrs. Vanessa D. Windley-WilliamsMs. Linda B. WinkfieldMr. Donald S. WinstonMr. Terrance R. WinstonMs. Alberta S. WintersMs. Cynthia A. WintersMrs. Beverly E. WithersMs. Julia R. WoodMr. Michael C. Wood and Mrs. Mia A. Roberson-WoodMr. Ronald L. Wood, Jr.Mr. Warfield M. WoodJordan WoodardMs. Marietta L. WoodardMs. Kimberly WoodsMs. Linda C. WoodsMr. Orlando WoodsonMr. Orlando A. WoodsonMr. William WoodsonMr. Charles WorrellMs. Sonya R. WorrellMs. Carolyn E. WrightMrs. Josephine C. WrightMrs. Josephine Suiter WrightMrs. Sarah R. WrightMr. William R. WrightMs. Candace D. WyderMr. George WylieSgt. Joseph C. WynderDr. Bo XiaoMr. Godfred S. YamoahMr. Randall M. YanceyMs. Shirley A. YarnMr. Cervantes YoelMrs. Kathy A. YoungDr. Lynnette R. YoungMs. Allison B. YoungerMs. Marjorie YoungerMr. Ernesto YoungsMr. Abolhassan ZarandazchiMr. Timothy ZephyrMrs. Anne M. Zobel


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Dr. Aprilfaye Manalang says shedidn’t always know that she wasgoing to teach, but her mother sawa light in her that caused hermother to believe that teaching

would be her path. “Somehow she always knew that I shouldteach,” says Dr. Manalang, a first-year member of NSU’s Department of Interdisciplinary Studies.She joined NSU last fall after completing herPh.D. at Bowling Green State University. Herareas of expertise are American studies with afocus on race relations and religion. “I have always been fascinated with learningabout people and their lives,” she says, explainingher chosen field of interest. “In interdisciplinarystudies, we look at many aspects that affectpeoples’ lives, including politics, religion,economics and history.” The bubbly, enthusiastic young woman grewup in a military family in southern Italy andHampton Roads but has Filipino roots. HamptonRoads has the largest Filipino community on theEast Coast, and Virginia is the ninth largestFilipino populated state with 47,609. Her multi-cultural background has had astrong impact on her research and interest inteaching. For her dissertation, she studied the roleof Filipino immigrants’ religion and ethnicity inshaping public life. “I wanted to know, how doesGod tell me to be an American citizen? Religion

plays a strong organizing role. Immigrants bringtheir cultural traditions with them into thiscountry. It’s a way of preserving their culture andremembering their community.”

Dr. Manalang has continued her research sinceshe arrived at NSU. She won a $2,000-grant fromthe Virginia Foundation for the Humanities for herlocal community history project, “The Role of theBlack Church and Norfolk State University in theCivil Rights Movement in Norfolk, Virginia,”which included a panel discussion of civil rightsactivists that was broadcast on WHRO. NSU nominated her white paper on the localFilipino community for the National Endowmentfor the Humanities (NEH) Bridging Culturesgrant. This spring she spoke at Old DominionUniversity and Virginia Wesleyan College abouther ongoing research on the Hampton RoadsFilipino-American community.

As important as her research is to her,Dr.Manalang says her heart is with her students.“I love my students,” she says. “My students arewhat makes me happy in life. They have so muchpassion. They are young and ambitious. It’s anhonor and a privilege to be here with them in theclassroom. I’m deeply invested in my students.” Her students feel the same way about her.Students in her three first-semester classesorganized, raised funds and presented her with an “outstanding professor award”– a plaque torecognize her for outstanding teaching andmentoring. In addition, she received almost a 4.0 in student evaluations. “She is very giving of her knowledge, and her students appreciate her energetic,charismatic personality,” says Dr. Manalang’ssupervisor, Dr. Khadijah Miller, chair of theDepartment of History and InterdisciplinaryStudies. Dr. Miller says she has not known ofanother time when students have recognized theirprofessor in such a manner. “She was willing toroll up her sleeves and jump right in, and that wasone of the things that drew us to her.” Dr. Manalang says she is excited aboutcontinuing her research, writing a book andworking with NSU students. “I’m a pretty simple person. I want to be a good human being. I want to help craft a better society. It’s not aboutme; it’s about shedding light on what it means to be an American.”

New Professor Brings Expertise About Filipino Community to Campus


“My Students Are What MakesMe Happy in Life.” – Dr. Aprilfaye Manalang

Dr. Aprilfaye Manalang (center) is surrounded by her students. Photo by DèQuan Moss

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