Beachcombers English Science Maths Homework RE

Post on 02-Apr-2022






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Homework Thankyou for all your support with the children’s homework, especially the Maths work. It has certainly helped the children become more confident Mathematicians. We will continue to send the Maths sheets on a Friday, weekly spellings and daily reading and feel that this is more than enough homework for the children, so we don’t expect any of the home learning tasks to be completed. However we know some families enjoy the creative tasks so we will still send the ideas home.

Beachcombers We can’t believe this is the final half term of the year. It’s a sad time for us, but an exciting time for the children! They have completed their SATS tests and we were amazed at the enthusiasm shown by the children to complete these, they were actually disappointed when we had complet-ed them!

‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! Do you? That’s good because you’re about to become an expert Beachcomber! ‘

We are all ready to enjoy our new and final Year 2 topic which is called

‘Beachcombers’, hence our visit to Lytham St Anne’s.

English Our English learning will be based around the book called ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley. In this book Stanley goes to the seaside and with his stick in hand his imagination takes over and the magic begins. The children will be learning to use their senses to describe the seaside setting and they will be writing their own magical seaside stories. Once we have been on our visit to Lytham, the children will also write a recount of their visit. Please ensure your child is still reading every night, even if it just one page as it is so important for your child’s development.

Topic As Artists we will be sketching the seascape at Lytham and bringing our sketches back to add more detail to them. On our visit we will collect shells and pebbles to use back at school to make amazing patterns. We will also be using sand to create sand art pictures and looking at artists who have used sand in their pictures. In Geography we will learn about the coastal line and features of United Kingdom and the names of the different seas and oceans in the world. In History the children will be comparing what holidays to the seaside were like 100 years ago compared to now.

Dates for the diary

Class Photographs 5th June Visit to Lytham St Annes 18h June Transition Day 1st July Sports Day 9:30 am 9th July Reports to parents 12Th July Year 2 Moving Up Performance AM 16th July Year 2 Moving up Performance PM 17th July Drop in sessions about reports 17th July Finish for Summer 19th July

Science As Scientists the children will build on their knowledge about habitats,

learning about where different animals and plants can be found at the

seaside. They will sort and classify things found at the beach to decide

whether they are dead or alive and complete a fair test investigation

comparing sea water and tap water.

Maths As Mathematicians we will be embedding all the Year 2 Maths skills that we have learnt during the year. Children will revisit multiplication and division and continue to use new methods taught, such as column addition, column subtraction and bar modelling. They will also learn more about the practical side of Maths by learning about capacity and reading scales. In amongst their daily Maths lesson, we will continue to teach ‘Quick Fire Maths’ session which covers all maths skills.

For Your Information This half term will fly by because there are so many events. Please keep an eye out for emails , texts or letters for further information. Year 2 children will get the chance to meet their new teacher and classroom on 1st July at the Hothfield site. All children will take part in the school sports day on 9th July. That morning, please can you bring your child to school in their PE kit, and give them their school uniform in a bag to change into for the afternoon. On Tuesday 17th July in the morning and Wednesday 18th July in the afternoon, there will be a Year 2 Moving Up performance, when we will say our goodbyes to our lovely Year 2 children.

RE In RE lessons this half term we will be

learning about special days in different

religions, and why they are special. They

will also reflect on all the RE learning

across the year and the passing of time.

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