


A Thesis ProposalPresented to the

Department of Political ScienceSchool of Law and Governance

University of San CarlosCebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfilmentof the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts major in Political Science(Public Management and Development)




March 2012


This thesis entitled Achieving Universal Primary Education: Effective Implementation in Mandaue City prepared by Bea B Suan in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF ARTS major in POLITICAL SCIENCE – PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.






Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of __________

RHODERICK JOHN S. ABELLANOSA, M.Pol.Sci., M.A. Phil.Chair of the Defense Committee



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF ARTS major in POLITICAL SCIENCE – PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT.

RODERIC R. POCA, M.Pol.Sci.., LLB Chair, Department of Political Science School of Law and Governance

Chapter 1


Rationale of the Study

Education together with the other aspects of life, such as health, environment as well as

economic dimension is one of the contributing factors of development. Through time, education

was considered as the most significant factor among all aspects. The role of education is so

encompassing that its benefits were over spilled throughout the other phases of life. Combined

with sound macroeconomic policies, education is fundamental for the construction of globally

competitive and democratic societies. Education is a key in creating, applying, and spreading

new ideas and technologies which in turn are critical for sustained growth; it augments cognitive

and other skills, which in turn increase labor productivity, and improving these aspects would

make development possible (Bruns, Mingat, and Rakotomalala 2003, 1). Even our grandparents

had always reminded us that there is nothing more important wealth that their children could

inherit from them other than education.

With the significance of education in every one’s life, government had been making

policies that would encourage children to go to school and learn. Since before, various states had

been making compact with each other, thereby committing themselves to pursue the goals

relating education by creating policies for an international implementation. And this compact

was formed since the 1990 World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand,

followed by the World Education Forum in Dakar towards the 2000 Millenium Development

Goals to be achieved by the year 2015. All of these conventions may differ in its timeframe.

However, they are one in their commitment to achieve an education for all or recently known as

universal education by the Millennium Development Goals. This policies were crafted

internationally, nevertheless includes the implementation in the regional or local level since it is

a worldwide goal. However, in the Philippines studies by UNDP had showed that goal number

two of Millennium Development Goals which is achieving universal primary education is one of

the three goals which are still at the low level of implementation in the Philippines. It means that

Philippines are at a snail’s pace in its drive in achieving universal education and improving its

quality. Eradicating poverty and environmental goals were the primary purpose of the

government leaving education behind. In this light, this study aims to evaluate the

implementation of Millennium Development Goals at the city level by looking into its initiatives

that intends to response to this developmental goals and how sound these initiatives in the

achievement of the goal.

Theoretical Background


Since before, education is a concept that holds the foundation of all other rights,

opportunities and enjoyment. Education is almost at the same age of the people born at time of

civilization. Hence, it’s been part of our culture that we must always treasure. It is a fundamental

human right; perhaps the most human of all human rights because it is reading and writing that

sets human beings most apart from other creatures (Delamonica, et a l., 2001). It was viewed as

an integral part of the over-all human development. Or, as Margaret Akpomi (2009) puts it,

” Education is undisputedly recognized as the bedrock of any meaningful development.” It was

well said in many policies, agreements and international conventions since 1940’s. It is a great

independent variable (Kingston, et al., 2003), because it stands on its own and sends an impact

towards all aspects of human development. Almost all professionals in different fields and

disciplines recognized education as an essential part of progress. Most common of all

understanding is that, education could address poverty reduction and can help achieve economic

growth by providing economic benefits. As what Cohen and others (2005) had said that, “Over

the past century, there are three approaches advocated to escape the consequences of widespread

poverty as well as rapid economic growth and environmental problems.” These three approaches

were identified and differentiated as:

The bigger pie approach says: use technology to produce more and to alleviate

shortages. The fewer forks approach says: make contraception and reproductive

health care available to eliminate unwanted fertility and to slow

population growth. The better manners approach says: eliminate violence

and corruption; improve the operation of markets and government provision

of public goods; reduce the unwanted after-effects of consumption;

and achieve greater social and political equity between young and old,

male and female, rich and poor (Cohen, 1995).

Cohen (2005), had also implied that in this approaches the need of achieving education

whether formal or not is necessary to support the aforementioned approaches. Nevertheless,

education does not only help economic growth but brings as well political and social stability

through proper knowledge of governance and leadership. Coming from its premise as basic

human rights, it encompasses not just economic, social and political but all aspects of life that

could either benefit or not the person possessing it.


The first part had showed the significance of education in order to achieve other human

rights. Unfortunately, despite of its laid importance it seems education was undermined not just

by individuals but even with the larger scope, which is the government. This problem which we

currently have in this present system is not a brand new dilemma. Hence, this has emerged past

centuries from today. That is why, the goals of achieving an education for all is not somewhat

new because since before this goal has been on the international agenda such as in Universal

Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 which was aiming for a free and compulsory education to

all the children (EFA Global Monitoring Report, 2005). It was reaffirmed through time as a set

of goals in some conventions and agreements which may only have some revisions and

amendments. Few years after the 1948 UDHR setting of goals in achieving education, the

commitment towards this has been reaffirmed throughout the time until the present through the

different forums and agendas,

In 1990, the World Declaration on Education for All

noted that the generally poor quality of education

needed to be improved and recommended that

education be made both universally available and

more relevant. A decade later, the Dakar Framework for Action

declared that access to quality education was the

right of every child…. Through the MDGs, the international community has

reaffirmed its commitment to achieve universal primary education by the year 2015 (EFA Global

Monitoring Report 2005, 27-29)

Furthermore, supported by Birdsall and Vaishnav,”the practice of setting goals for

universal primary education is not a new phenomenon”. Beginning in 1934 with the International

Conference on Public Education in Geneva, developed and developing countries have repeatedly

pledged to “leave no child behind” by promising that boys and girls the world round would be

given the opportunity to enjoy the privilege of basic education. Unfortunately with all these plans

made, actions are missing and progress is invisible. It had only experienced growth in theories

but not in practice. In this study, Millennium Development Goals would be assessed considering

the fact that it is the present setting of goals emerging from the previous commitments of

Education for All. Specifically, this study would focus on the achievement of goal number 2

which is the universal primary education. As well as with the other goals in the MDG,

prioritizing education has been set since the previous commitments to development. In the

Millennium Development Goal 2, achieving a universal primary education by 2015 was at a low

level in most countries specifically of poor countries.

That is why stronger commitments by every state must be made with these goals in order

to implement and achieve this all within the allotted time of achievement and in order to

experience development. It is only through deep evaluation of the methods and strategies used

that could bring out this goals. Locally developed strategies, based on national consultation and

participation through representative political structures, accountable and capacitated institutions

and adequately incentivized public servants are the key to effective implementation of MDG

strategies and policies. (UNDP, 2010) Thus, achieving MDG by 2015 is possible if only equality

and commitment in the implementation will take at hand.


It is learned from the previous part the importance of education and the failures of the

government to implement development goals towards education. Hence, this crisis had led to

many scholars and researchers to conduct a study examining the different areas of education.

Significance studies related to education emerged from this framework of Millennium

Development Goals covering the different aspects of education.

Studies such as of Colclough and Al-Samarrai( 2000) focused on the public spending of

education in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. They argued that schooling for all is achievable

even in the poorest countries provided that governments are willing to reform both the private

and public costs and efficiency of school systems. Moreover, related studies and reports about

education also exists such as those studies focusing on the assessment of the relationship

between public education spending and education outcomes at the primary school level (Al-

Samarrai, 2003),financing capacity development between countries in Asia(Briones,),analyzing

emerging approaches, strategies and experiences of investing in local government in the

Philippines(Briones),return to investments in education through human development theory

(Pshacaropoulos, et al., 2001), improving the measurement of educational attainment for a broad

group of countries(Barro and Lee, 2000), updating the global and regional cost estimates for

achieving EFA by 2015(Delamonica, 2001), fast -track initiative as an approach for donor

financing the low-income countries(Birdsall and Vaishnav, 2005) and the profitability of

investment in education (Psacharopoulos.). These are the studies which discussed and assessed

how universal education in different areas could be achieved by looking or studying specific

factors or aspects of education and of development.

Among all of these is the study that is the most relevant with this paper crafted in the

same setting but having a different focus. The study by Professor Leonor Briones from the

National College of Public Administration and Governance which focused on the experiences of

the Philippines as part of the localization of MDG in Asian countries. Though it studies the

localization of the policy, nevertheless it implicitly assess the implementation of MDG in the

Philippines by looking into its approaches and strategies. It studies the local capacity

development investments for the MDG localization in the Philippines. Its objectives was to

review and analyze the emerging approaches, strategies and experiences of investing in local

government capacity development in the Philippines and to provide initial data towards

establishing a baseline of current investments in local CD in the Philippines. According to

Professor Briones,” Philippine culture places high value on education as the key not only to

personal advancement but to national development as well.” The status ascribed to education is

also evident in the recognition of the importance of training and CD.” That is why; in the

gathering of evidence it tries to examine different phases in the implementation of this MDG at

the local level. It tries to examine the trends in decentralization of decision-making, the

increasing amounts of ODA being channeled through general budget support mechanisms, the

increasing in-country inequalities at the local level and the role of effective and accountable local

governments in meeting the MDG goals. This study includes two cities as case studies

specifically NueveEcija and Bulacan as suggested by UNDP Bangkok. Donor country was also

chosen, which combine resources to directly finance a portion of the recipient governments’

education budgets, instead of each financing many separate, sometimes small

“projects.”(Birdsall and Vaishnav 2005,257). Her study, since focused on the local capacity

development entails the participation of government agencies and institutions. In the end, it was

concluded that the importance of capacity development has long been recognized for the

achievement of social and economic development in the Philippines and the MDG as a global

commitment had increased the role of the capacity development. In the end of her study it

produces a demand in the Philippines which is by the advent of regionalization and

decentralization has increased the responsibilities of local government units for the delivery of

basic services especially of health and education.

However, these study though it involves localization and the assessment of the

government’s method of implementation which is the same with this paper but differs

specifically on its specific objectives. While it studies the implementation and the localization of

MDG as a whole, this paper would specifically assess the implementation of MDG goal number

2 which is achieving universal primary education in Mandaue City. Professor Briones research

encompasses the focus of this paper since her study is a general assessment of MDG being

localized and implemented in the Philippines. Nevertheless, as this study would assess the

implementation of goal number 2, it implicitly evaluate the effectiveness of their implementation

by particularly looking into the educational projects or programs initiated in order to address the

need and importance of education especially of the primary education, which is the basic of all.

Proclaimed by the Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Education

programmes should be designed to promote the full development of the human personality and

strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Professor Briones studies examined the capacity development of local government units

in the implementation of MDG as a whole, however in this paper; it focuses on the mere

implementation of MDG particularly highlighting goal number two which is to achieve a

universal primary education by 2015. This paper would center on the implementation of MDG

focusing on the service delivery of education by identifying the initiatives of the city in order to

respond on what has been provided in the goal. This study would specifically identifies the

educational programs and projects made by the city from the year before and after MDG had set

its foot in the ground, its goals or objectives, methods and respondents in order to compare and

to determine the improvement of this goal by looking through its indicators, in terms of the

number of primary students enrolled in two phases of time, the proportion of pupils starting

grade 1 who reach grade 5, and as well as the literacy rate of 15-24 years old. This study is

different from others since it does it not only studies the over-all localization and implementation

but looks into the micro-level of implementation of policy which could contribute to the

achievement of a universal primary education. From the Millennium Development Goals, goal

number 2 which is achieving universal primary education targeted that by 2015, children

everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling with

the indicators and to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably

by 2005, and at all levels of education no later than 2015. (Bruns, et al., 2003). Moreover, the

attainment of universal primary education depends even more crucially on education system

reform than an incremental financing. So this paper would serve to be a contributing study and

assessment to the implementation of Millennium Development Goal. Based from the assessment

done by UNDP, achieving universal primary education is one of the 3 goals which are still are at

the low level of implementation. Nevertheless, other country such as Africa was keener on

implementing goal number 2 as a step to address poverty. Education for all coming from MDG

was now slowly crawling towards the agenda of the Philippine government. Along with

“Education for All”, the Philippines is also committed to pursue eight time bound and specific

targets under the Millennium Declaration which it signed on September 2000. The Declaration,

in general, aims to reduce poverty by half in 2015(22.65 percent proportion of the population

below poverty incidence and 12.15 percent below subsistence incidence by 2015). With the

adoption of the Declaration, the Philippines likewise affirmed its commitment to the Millennium

Development Goals (MDG) geared towards reducing poverty, hunger, diseases, illiteracy,

environmental degradation and discrimination against women. These goals have been

mainstreamed in the country’s Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) 2004-

2010 including policies and plans related to children, access to primary education and gender

equality.(Philippine Education For All Report). Education was not strongly implemented but

nevertheless the commitment of the Philippines with EFA will serve as a stepping stone in

further achieving universal primary education. Explicitly, while this paper focuses on the

implementation in terms of the service delivery it examines as well how strong is the local

government and public officials in the implementation of this goal and what methods or

approaches they had took in order to achieve this. The findings of this study may be used as topic

for the next paper who wishes to study and focus on education as the fundamental right and way

for development.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework


The goals set and being laid in the different agendas comes from the need to address

poverty. Thus, these goals must be implemented and act out in the realm in order to solve the

dilemma which is reduce poverty as a whole and to achieve over-all development. These goals

should not remain on papers but be seen upon the outside of it. With these, frameworks are made

in order to commit every state to do an action to all the goals being known. One of the prominent

frameworks when it comes to the achievement of the developmental goals is the Dakar

Framework. This framework is a collective commitment to action made by the participants of the

World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in April, 2000. It posits the obligation of the

National Governments for ensuring the Education for All goals and targets to be reached and

sustained, which is a responsibility that can be met most effectively through broad-based

partnerships within countries, supported by co-operation with regional and international agencies


institutions. Dakar would commit theirselves to act the following goals:

Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education,

especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged of children

Ensuring that all children, with special emphasis on girls – including the

poorest, working children and children with special needs - complete a good

quality primary education by 2015.

Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people are met through equitable

access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes.

Providing equitable access to basic and continuing education programmes for

adults, and achieving at least a 50 per cent reduction in current gender

disparities within a decade.

Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, as

a milestone towards achieving gender equality in education programmes,

institutions and systems by 2015.

Improving all aspects of the quality of education so that recognised and

measurable learning outcomes are achieved, especially in literacy, numeracy

and essential life skills. (World Education Forum 2000,iii)

Dakar Framework tends to commit their actions toward these goals and use these goals as

well in assessing the implementation of every state. Nevertheless, as we are on the 21 st century

having these new developmental goals which are the Millennium Development Goals, we are

committing ourselves to the new framework that it had made. We assess development

specifically through MDG’s achievement within the span of time it plans to achieve. Using its

own goals, targets and indicators, determining the development of a country would be easy,

though in truth it’s difficult to take.Considering the fact, that there have been an existing

frameworks in the commitment of action with the aforementioned goals, it would be best to use a

policy- analysis framework considering that in every agendas no matter how they seems to be

in convergence , there have been differences in some aspects of its goals. Thus, analysing the

policy in all its phases would help in understanding how government institutions act and

implement the policies, what are their initiatives, do they really address the achievement of

goals, what are their methods, is it compatible with the goals, and so on. Using the framework of

policy-analysis and focusing in the implementation aspect, the flow of the study will be:

Goals/ Odjectives Respondents









Educational Programs/Projects

FIG. 1. Flow of the Research Process


1 Statistical Data from the City Government; analyze and evaluate

2 Interview the Participants to assess the effectiveness of implementation




Methods Respondents

Implementation of MDG 2

1:initiatives Educational programs/ ProjectsGoals, Methods & Respondents

2: impactsreaction of respondentspopulation of primary students(before & after)proportion of pupills starting gr. 1-5literacy rate of 15-24

RESPONDENTS: Mandaue CityGovernment& PTA ENVIRONMENT: Mandaue City

Treatment of Data OUTPUT


Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to evaluate the level of achievement of Mandaue City of the Millennium

Development Goals particularly by assessing the implementation of these goals in the city level

by the time it reaches its ground. The focus of the study will be in Mandaue City highlighting

goal # 2 two which aims in achieving a universal primary education by 2015.

In order to carry out this main objective, the following specific objectives will be

addressed in the succeeding parts of the study:

1. To determine the initiatives of Mandaue City in response to goal number two by

determining the following:

a) Programs/ projects prior and after the onset of MDG in Mandaue

b) Budget allocated in the implementation

c) Goals, respondents as well as the methods used in the implementation of the


2. To evaluate the impacts of the projects and programs by looking into the following :

a.) Reactions of the parents and teachers to the programs

b.)Population of primary students enrolled before and after the MDG had reached

Mandaue City

c.)Proportion of pupils starting grade 1-5 from the years before MDG in Mandaue

and after MDG had reached Mandaue up to the recent times.

d.)Literacy rate of 15-24 years old prior and after the coming of MDG in the city.

Significance of the Study

As this study focuses on the localization thru adoption and implementation of a certain

global policies, this will be a helpful study generally concerning on education as well as

implementation. This paper would be helpful, first to the developmentalist who aims on studying

various aspects of education and implementation that could propel development. Moreover, this

would be a contributing study about MDG, which as other studies had, were only to evaluate

financial, institutional aspects and others. So, as this paper studies the other sides of education

and implementation, this will enrich the previous studies. Lastly, this study would help public

policy students and even public leaders on what methods or approaches would be appropriate in

a certain process in order to reach their goals and in order for them to reflect from this study in

the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used in the localization.

Scope and Limitation

Thefocus of the study is the goal number 2 of Millennium Development Goals which will

specifically identify educational programs and projects of the city, funds allocated for the

programs, its goals, methods as well as the respondents in the city. Goal number 2 has given

priority since the importance of this aspect seems to be disregarded which in fact based from

studies; it is education that laid the way for the development of other areas. Furthermore, it

merely studies the educational projects and programs since among all available studies; it has

always been financial aspect that has been looked upon. This study covers 10 out of 27

barangays in Mandaue City which have their own public and private elementary schools. These

10 barangays will be chosen based on their school-aged population. School-aged population in

this study covers only the population of children that studies at elementary level, which age

ranges from 7- 12, both, boys and girls. And it includes 10 selected parents and teachers in each

chosen barangay, chosen through the membership in the Parent’s Teachers Association (PTA).

However, this study does not dwell on other aspects of achieving universal primary

education such as government costing, public expenditure, health of children and infrastructural

aspects. School-aged population would not include high school students or college students.

Then, barangays with a small number of school-aged children will not be included.Lastly,in this

study parents and teachers selected does not cover parents and teachers who are not so active in

meetings and academic activities.


Assessing the implementation of Millennium Development Goals in Mandaue City will

employ a descriptive research design. As what the term clearly implies, it is descriptive in the

sense that it aims to present or to prevail conditions, relationship, opinions and even beliefs. This

is also descriptive since it determines the relationship between variables. After data will be

gathered, information will be treated by looking or linking the variables towards what was really

happening. Through descriptive research it will show the relationship of variables that forms the

results. In this study, every single variable will be assessed in order to determine the level of

achievement of these international agenda in the local level.

By identifying the right design of the study, it will be easier to understand the problem

and to know on how and what to do with the problem, and how data will be treated. In this study,

survey, interview, and data-analysis will be used as the most appropriate method in gathering the

needed information of the study.

Research Environment

The study will be carried out in MandaueCity,located at the Northern part of Cebu which

consists of 27 barangays. The study will specifically focus on Mandaue City for the convenience

of the researcher and the easy access of data. Other than that reason, Mandaue will be the focal

area of the study considering that it is one of the three highly urbanized cities in the island of

Cebu and which forms a part of the Cebu metropolitan area.

Respondents of the Study

The problem that will be looked upon in this paper is the implementation of the MDG

and how is its level of achievement in Mandaue City going? Thus, participants of this study

would at first-hand involve the City Government of Mandaue. Moreover, in order to really assess

the implementation of MDG goal number 2 in this study and to determine the appropriateness of

the government’s initiatives towards the recipients of the educational programs, parents and

teachers representing the voice of their little children will be included. Summing up, the

participants of this study will be the City Government of Mandaue and which also include 10

parents and 10 teachers from the selected 10 schools in MandaueCity, which were chosen

through the population data. These participants will be chosen based on their active involvement

in school activities and on their membership in Parents, Teachers Association (PTA).

Research Instrument/s

In order to facilitate and to pursue the objectives of this study, certain methods and

instrumentation will be used in order to conduct the study. For an easy and reliable source of

information, this study will be conducted through the use of a statistical data, documents and a

questionnaire.First, the statistical data of the population will help determine the barangays with

the highest population in terms of the school-aged population. Second will be the documents

presenting the iniatives or programs of the citytogether with its goals, methods and budget or

resources allocated which are made to address educational problems. Lastly will be the

questionnaire to be used to the parents and teachers participants that would assess on what are

the impacts of the iniatives to the children and even to theirselves.

Data Collection Techniques

In this study, data will be gathered in two ways: through the respondent itself providing

the information and through interviews with the selected participants. First, the researcher will

personally ask the city office responsible of all the statistics relating to population of all

barangays as well as population of the school-aged children from grade 1-6. On the other hand,

in order to gather data from the other participants, parents and teachers, interviews will be

conducted individually or by groups.

Data Analysis

Gathered or collected data from the city government and from the respondents will be

analysed by objectives. It means, data gathered that would specifically address one objective

would be analyse based on the goal of the specific objective. Statistical documents from the city

government relating the population of all barangays will be analyse by just comparing the

numbers. The barangay which belongs to the 10 highest populations of school-aged children will

be included in the assessment. Then, when it comes to the educational programs/ projects taken

by Mandaue City, the one which address the goals of Millennium Development Goals will be the

one to be considered, disregarding the others. Using the indicators of Goal number 2 of MDG,

the achievement of the educational programs in the city will be compared to it so as to determine

if such initiatives address the goals of development in education.

Definition of Terms

Educationreferstothe result produced by instruction, training, or study;

Effectivenessin this study refers to the state of productivity or the capability to produce a result

Implementationrefers tothe act of accomplishing some aim or executing some order

Millennium Development Goalsrefers to theeight international development goals that all 193

United Nations Member States and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve

by the year 2015. 

Policy Analysis involves the systematic comparison and analysis of a set of policy alternatives to

determine which option is most likely to achieve a set of objectives - whether political,

economic, social, or otherwise.


In this study there will be four (4) chapters. Each chapter would comprehensively

explain and discuss every part of the study. Through these chapters, the objectives will be

achieved and theproblem as a whole would be clearly understood by everyone and the methods

being laid will be put into practice.

So, chapter 1 contains the introduction, rationale, theoretical background, the problem

and the methodology of the study. And then, in chapter 2 we will discuss the methods or how

data collection takes place, how statistical data be acquired from the government and how other

participants react to such information’s. After the data collection, Chapter 3 will analyse the

gathered data using the framework of the study. The last chapter, which is chapter 4 will

synthesize the results and will provide a conclusion of the study, the summary and




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