
Now a lot of people eat in fast food restaurants

And it makes people very fat

Obesity in children is increasing

Because a lot of parents give fast food to their children now

But if we don´t educate our children better, they can be fat all their life and it isn´t good for them

Alcohol is another substance which impacts on our metabolism

Obesity can become a very big problem in life

The things in our world aren´t ready for overweight people

Obese people are rejected by society and they have problems to integrate

Overweight people can do sport to improve their health

Now a lot of people have reconsidered that obesity isn´t good

There are a lot of types of exercises.

The easiest exercise to do is running

You can run outside or inside.

If you do a lot of sport you can get very good abdominals

Nutrition is very important to be a healthy person too.

It isn´t good to eat too many buns or sweets.

If you do everything that we have said you will get a very good body.


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