Bc Correspondence

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Bc Correspondence


    By-Dilshad Zaidi

  • 7/31/2019 Bc Correspondence


    Business letters

    Memorandum, Notices & Circular

    Meetings Minutes & Agendas


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    1. HEADING - contains the name, address, tele/fax number,

    Email address of the firm therefore most firms use letter

    heads. The name & address are printed on the top

    middle of the page & other information is given in the


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    Contact numbers: Fax:E-mail:

    1, Nariman point, Munbai-400001


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    2. DATE enables quick reference in future & helps in promptaction & orderly filing. The date should be typed two

    spaces below the last line of the heading & should be

    typed in the right hand corner. Names of the month &

    year should be written in full & no suffix such as st or

    th should be used.

    USE IT

    31 January, 2009January 31, 2009


    31-3-200931st Jan., 200931stJanuary, 09


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    3. REFERENCE It helps to link correspondence for the

    prompt reply & quick action. Also it serves to identify the

    department or section from which the letter is sent.


    Reference: 7 / MA / 09

    some letterheads contains two lines for references

    Your references.

    Our references..

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    4. INSIDE ADDRESS It contains Name & full address of the

    firm or individual to whom the letter is written. It should

    be written two lines below the reference. Special care

    should be taken to spell the addressees name correctly.


    Superline Electronics Limited

    A1, Nehru place, New Delhi-60

    Messrs Ram Aggarwal & Sons

    A1, Nehru place, New Delhi-60

    Where a firms name contain a personal name, Messrs should be


    When you wish to direct the letter to a particular official, an

    attention line two spaces below the inside address should be given

    Attention: The Sales Manager or

    Attention: Mr. R.K. Lalwani

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    5. SALUTATION Its a greeting of the addressee. Shouls be

    written two lines below the inside address. Official &

    formal correspondence may use Mr. before the surname ofthe addressee.


    For Official correspondence Sir/Madam

    For Business correspondence Dear Sir/ Dear MadamFor Saluting firms Dear Sirs/ Dear Mesdames

    For Informal letters My Dear

    6. SUBJECT LINE The purpose of subject line is to let reader

    know immediately what the letter is about. In some casesthe subject line is mentioned before salutations.


    Subject: Payment of Bill No. 897 of July, 09

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    7. BODY OF THE LETTER It contains the message to beconveyed. Body text of the letter should be single spaced

    with double spacing between paragraphs & without

    paragraph indentation.

    The main body consist of following:

    Should open with acknowledgement or gratitude. Its a Introductive

    paragraph which may include reference to previous correspondence.

    Opening paragraph:

    Main paragraph:

    Closing paragraph:

    It conatins the subject-matter. It must contain all relevant details. Useof bullet or numbered list is advised.

    The concluding paragraph states the action expected from the reader.It should be firm so as to motivate the reader .an offer or a requestmay be made here.

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    8. COMPLEMENTARY CLOSE Its usually given below theclosing paragraph & only the first letter of the close is

    capitalised. Some letters may also have Participialclosure (thanking you & Regards.) after the closingparagraph which may or may not be used. Closure should

    correspondence with the salutation as shown below:Eg:SALUTATION COMPLEMENTARY CLOSE

    Sir/Madam Yours faithfully or

    Yours respectfully

    Dear Sir/ Dear Madam

    Dear Sirs/ Dear Mesdames

    My Dear Mr. Ghosh

    Dear Madhu

    Yours faithfully or

    Yours truly

    Yours sincerely

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    9. SIGNATURE It leads authenticity & is placed below the

    closure Name of the person signing the letter is typed

    below the signature. Women should indicate maritalstatus. Few forms are shown below:

    For Rama Enterprises

    Ram Dass

    Sole proprietorship

    Partnership firm

    For Ram Dass & Bros.Ram DassPartner

    Managing Director

    Super India Ltd.Ram DassM.D.


    For Super India Ltd.Ram DassDirector


    On behalf of Super India Ltd.Ram DassSales Manager

    Limited company:

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    10. IDENTIFICATION MARKS Initials of the person dictating

    the letter & person typing are given. It helps fixing

    responsibilities. It can be in either of following form:


    CBG : OPA


    CBG- opa

    11. Enclosure Abbreviation Encl. is written to indicate that

    some documents are attached with the letter such as

    invoice, bill, receipt, catalogue price list etc. it is typed

    after signature against which number of enclosure ismentioned.

    Eg: Encl.: Two orEncls.1) Agreement

    2) Invoice

    Eg:CBG are initials of person dictatedOPA are initials of person typed

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    12. COPY DISTRIBUTION If the copies of the letter are to be

    sent to persons other than the addressee, names of

    persons are typed below the enclosure notation as shownbelow


    Mr. R.B. Chatterjee

    Miss Anuradha

    13. Postscript When the writer forgets to mention some

    important point in the main body, he can add the message in

    this part. It is not a good practice & should be avoided. Can

    also be used to emphasize main points of the letter.Eg:

    P.S.Please remember the low price offer is valid till December 09.


    Marketing Manager

    Purchasing Manager

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    1. On behalf of your company you are making

    enquiries, seeing Quotation about some required

    products. Write a letter for same to the supplier.

    2. After you have received the details you

    requested, Write a letter for placing the order of

    the product.

    3. Write a letter as a supplier asking for the

    payment of bills.

    4. After the delivery of the product you ordered,

    Write a letter of complaint against some

    damaged items.5. On behalf of supplier write a apology letter for

    sending the wrong invoice.

    6. Write a letter for the new product launch on

    behalf of your company.

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    Memorandum (Interoffice memo) is a short piece of writing

    used to transmit message from one person or department

    to another within the same organisation.

    The main purpose of the memo is to records or convey

    information & decisions or to make short requests.

    Memo has no inside address & Unlike a memo, letter has a

    formal appearance.


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    (Company name)

    DATE : __________________

    FROM /DESIGNATION: __________________ DEPT : ____________________

    TO / DESIGNATION : ____________________ DEPT : _____________________

    SUBJECT(may/may not be):______________________________________________








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    No. Date:

    To : Mr. A.K. Arora, Clerk

    From: S.C. Bansal, Manager

    You remained absent from your duties on the date & for theperiod mentioned below. Please note that you have earnedsalary & emoluments for the said period.

    Date: march 20,2009 Period 10:00a.m.-5:00P.m.

    R.M. Sharma

    cc to

    GM, north zone


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    Offices notes are usually for a horizontal

    communication. Exchanged between officers

    of almost equal ranks asking for suggestion or

    seeking or giving information about matters

    concerning their respective departments

    Usually meant to be put on notice board &

    follow memo format

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    A directory of all employees is being prepared . All

    members of the staff are requested to provide the

    following details:

    Name Residential Address Contact Number

    1.______ _______________ ___________

    2.______ _______________ ___________

    Ashok Dhawan

    5th April, 2009

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  • 7/31/2019 Bc Correspondence


    Office circulars are meant to convey

    information to a large number of people

    Such information is usually of general nature& not confidential

    Office circulars are formal in nature. These

    are used to inform employees changes inworking hour/promotions/order/insist on

    punctuality etc. it should be brief, precise &


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    (Company name)

    Ref no: __________ DATE : __________________

    SUBJECT : ________________________________________________


    Copies to: FROM /DESIGNATION: ________________

    a)_______________ DEPT : ____________________b)_______________

    DEPT : ____________________


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    Sub: change in office timings

    This is to inform all that from november 1st, 2009 , theoffice timing will be as follows.

    8:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Morning session

    12:30 a.m.-1:30 a.m. Lunch

    1:30 a.m.

    5:30 a.m. Evening sessionEmployees are expected to strictly adhere to these officehours.

    B.K. Mittal

    Personnel Officer


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    No. Date:

    Sub: use of office telephone for personal calls

    It has come to my notice that some members of the stafffrequently misuse office telephones for making personal calls.This results in telephone lines being busy & office calls have towait. You are requested to avoid making personal calls, exceptduring emergency, from office telephones.

    S.C. Bhatia



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    Requesting a Department head for submission of

    monthly report


    use of office telephone for personal calls

    Notice:Providing details of list of holiday

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