
Little Brown Bats

By Clement


The little brown bat is sometimes called little brown myotis.

One if the most common bats in North America

Species of the genus Myotis Found throughout the world


As it's name suggests, its fur is dark brown and glossy

Typical wingspan is 8.7-10.6 inches Ears are small and black All teeth are relatively sharp Adult bats are typically 4.6-5.6 ounces


Little brown bats are insectivores, eating moths, wasps and mosquitoes.

They ecolocate to find their prey Often they use the same route every night. An adult can sometimes fill their stomachs

in 15 minutes!


The little brown bat is found all over North America from northern Mexico to interior Alaska.

It is the most abundant bat found in the United States.

Life cycle

Mating season is in the fall, but fertilization doesn't happen until spring.

In the spring little brown bats form huge nursery colonies.

The female little brown bat gives birth to only one baby. During birth, the female hangs right-side up!

Social Status

The nursery colonies can get as big as 1000 bats in a cave /forest

Social system

The little brown bat is colonial. In the summer, females gather in nursery

colonies, While males roost alone or in small

isolated colonies.

Endangered Status

Little brown bats are not considered endangered

They also have no conservation status.

Little Brown bat endangered

Significance to humans

These voracious insectivores help control pest insect populations, and also serve as bio-indicators.


Little brown bats hibernate in September and October, emerging in April - June.

Range and habitat

The little brown bat's range is a large portion of North America from Alaska to Labrador, south into central Mexico.


Chemical signals, produced by during the breeding season, play a primary role in the communication of the little brown bats.

Tactile signals synchronize mating.

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