Batman Continues - SimplyScripts€¦ · Web viewEXT. ARKHAM ASYLUM – ROOF – NIGHT Batman lands on the roof of the Asylum and walks over to a window looking down into the Asylum.

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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Batman ContinuesBy Trevor Melton

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman, its characters, aspects, or anything else relating to it. That right belongs to Bob Kane and DC Comics. I am claiming no right to any aspects of this sequel to Batman Begins by David Goyer. I am making this screenplay on the assumption that the ending of the leaked script was changed and that The Joker is no longer the villain. Please do not sue me for I am making no profit from this screenplay what so ever.

Cast of Characters:

Christian Bale……………Bruce Wayne/BatmanTim Booth……………………….Victor ZsaszCillian Murphy……………Jonathan Crane/The ScarecrowRoselyn Sanchez……..Talia Al GhulGary Oldman………………..Detective James GordonMorgan Freeman………….Lucius FoxGuy Pierce…………………..Harvey Dent/Two-FaceKatie Holmes……………..Rachel DawesMichael Caine…………..Alfred PennyworthTom Wilkinson…………..Carmine FalconeLiam Neeson………………..Ra’s Al GhulKen Watanabe……………..UbuJulianne Moore.....Detective Sarah EssenColin McFarlane……….Commissioner Gillian B. LoebBarry Dowden……………..Detective FlassBrittany Murphy....Dr. Harlene Francis QuinzelSusan Sarandon.....Dr. Leslie ThompkinsRutger Hauer……………..Richard EarleJeri Ryan..........Vicki Vale



The camera makes its way toward the dark gothic city. It would almost seem like we’re flying right toward it. We stop on a tall building near the center of the city. WAYNE INDUSTRIES is stenciled on the building’s mid area. At one of the balconies to the building, there are a couple of gargoyles and crouching between them is THE BATMAN, long cape wrapped around his costume as he looks down to the streets below.

BATMAN (V.O.)“My story is something not for the Weak at heart. I am Batman. I am What most people would call a Vigilante.”


DR. THOMAS WAYNE and MARTHA WAYNE are shot by JOE CHILL in the alley.

BATMAN (V.O.) “The death of my parents caused a

Sense of dread in me that no one Could ever fully understand.”


BRUCE WAYNE is sword fighting with HENRI DUCARD on the ice.

BATMAN (V.O.)“I was trained in many different Forms of the martial arts.”


Batman is fighting Ducard, now in his complete Ra’s Al Ghul attire inside the train.

BATMAN (V.O.)“But nothing could’ve ever prepared Me for the trials that I would go Through when I returned to Gotham City.”


A flash of lightning strikes in the distance revealing The Batman to us in a very haunting light as he looks in the direction of a sudden police siren’s sound.

BATMAN (V.O.)“The fear that Gotham has gone Through continues to this day, but With my help, I believe that I can

Stop the fears once and for all and Put an end to the corruption. Only Time will tell if I am really Making a difference.”

Batman stands up and pulls out his grappling gun. He fires it and starts off of the building moving at an amazing speed as he begins his pursuit of the police car.


LT. JAMES GORDON stands over a dead man’s body. His throat has been slashed. This man is wearing an overcoat and has a hat lying by his side. Gordon sighs as he walks over to DETECTIVE FLASS

who is standing off to the side chewing some gum.

FLASS“Horrible way to go, don’t ya Think?”

GORDON“You’re just lucky that you still Have a job, Detective. If I was Commissioner...”

FLASS“But you aren’t, Lieutenant. Loeb Is. You would do well not to Infuriate him more then you already Have.”

GORDON“Don’t threaten me, Flass. Loeb Isn’t your real boss in the first Place. He’s in Arkham.”

FLASS“Watch what you say, Gordon. You Might not like the results.”

Flass moves over to a few police officers.

BATMAN (O.S.)“Having more problems?”

Gordon jumps as he hears the sudden voice from behind him. He turns around to see Batman standing behind him with his cape wrapped around him as he stands in the shadows.

GORDON“I hate it when you do that. Coming From out of nowhere.”

BATMAN“Shouldn’t Detective Flass have Been relieved of his duties?”

GORDON“I’m afraid that no one has Anything on him except for your Accusations.”

BATMAN“He was at the drug drop the same Night that Dr. Crane and Falcone Were there.”

GORDON“Agreed, but until there’s some

Concrete evidence, Commissioner Loeb isn’t going to budge.”

Batman comes a little closer to Gordon, but remaining in the shadows so that the other officers don’t see his presence.

BATMAN“What’s the case with this one?”

GORDON“One lone man, throat slashed, and Left for dead after the attack. From what the other officers have Said this guy was a common Criminal. I actually remember Seeing his face in lock up. I have A feeling that the victim was Trying to mug the killer and was in Turn killed himself. Our guys found Some hand prints on the railing and Boot prints on the other side of The bridge. It’s possible that the Killer was trying to kill himself

Before the mugger arrived.”

BATMAN“Think the prints will bring up Anything?”

GORDON“No telling. This city doesn’t have A very good print system as no one Ever cared to register prints to Us.”

BATMAN“I’ll see what I can do on my end.”

GORDON“You think this might be related to The kidnapping of Gotham University Students?”

BATMAN“At this point I wouldn’t rule Anything out.”

Gordon turns away from Batman for a moment to see the ambulance coming their way.

GORDON“Well, let’s hope that something Comes up in...”

Gordon turns back to where Batman was, but sees that he has disappeared.

GORDON (Cont’d.)“...a while... I hate it when he Does that.”


A dark figure stands at the mirror in his bathroom. There is little light in the house so it’s hard for anyone to make out a certain person. A hand brings up a sharp knife that has dried blood on it and turns the knife over in his hand. He smiles a little before he takes the knife and makes a long cut on his arm with the knife, causing blood to flow out. He has no pain on his face as he does this as if it isn’t even registering. This is VICTOR ZSASZ.

ZSASZ“My family should’ve never died. They will be avenged. I will be Avenged. I should’ve never gambled My money away... I know my mistake Now. The life at the dock...Oh, Yes... I only helped to end his Suffering... I will end all Suffering from all of those who Feel that they are so perfect... They have not met perfection, until They meet me...”

A smile creeps across Zsasz’s face as he looks at the knife with complete admiration.


Batman sits at the large computer in the Batcave typing away. ALFRED PENNYWORTH walks down the stairs with a tray in his hand. The tray is holding some type of meat on it with vegetables on the side and a glass of tea. Batman seems to almost ignore him as he continues to type on the computer console.

ALFRED“If I may be so bold, sir, please Do take some rest before you pass Out. You have had many restless Nights since the GCU students

Started disappearing.”

BATMAN“No time to talk, Alfred.”

ALFRED“And he says I’m stubborn.”

Batman smiles and turns to face Alfred.

ALFRED (Cont’d.)“Sir... of all the bats in Gotham, Did they really need a bigger one?”

Batman just looks at Alfred.

BATMAN“Size does matter, Alfred.”

ALFRED“Very well, sir.”

Alfred sets the tray down and looks at the screen. There are several shots of the students that were abducted.

ALFRED (Cont’d.)“Sir, you’ve looked through those Articles and photographs a million Times. Please eat.”

BATMAN“Alfred, I think I’ve made a break Through though.”

ALFRED“And that would be?”

BATMAN“Before Dr. Jonathan Crane started Working at Arkham Asylum as head Psychiatrist, he was actually a Leading Psychologist at Gotham University specializing in fears And phobias. He was fired for those Strange teaching methods. Now, If I’ve looked at the old schedules Correctly it reveals that all the Kidnapped students had taken one of Professor Crane’s classes at one Point.”

ALFRED“Heavens! Have you alerted Lt. Gordon yet?”

BATMAN“No. I just have discovered this, But I will make sure at our next Meeting. I think that the murderer Earlier tonight could just have Been Dr. Crane.”

ALFRED“But you said that the killer was Trying to commit suicide before he Killed the mugger.”

BATMAN“Exactly. Crane was hit with his Own gas and was infected with it. It’s logical to believe that the Fear gas finally got the best of Him and he couldn’t take the fears Anymore.”

ALFRED“How convenient for him.”

BATMAN“I have to find his lair, Alfred. I Owe it to those missing students.”

ALFRED“Just consider trying to get some Sleep tonight. Remember, you have That luncheon with D.A. Harvey Dent Tomorrow.”

BATMAN“That’s right. I almost forgot. Thank you, Alfred. I’ll take your Thoughts in mind.”

ALFRED“Good night, sir.”

BATMAN“Good night, Alfred.”


D.A. ASSISTANT RACHEL DAWES sits at her desk writing something on a notepad. She looks up as she hears a yelling sound coming from the next room.

VOICE (O.S.)“I’m telling you that you’re making A mistake!”

Rachel gets up and walks to the office and opens the door revealing DISTRICT ATTORNEY HARVEY DENT pacing around his office with the phone at his ear.

DENT“Carmine Falcone is not insane! He Is making this up in order to stay

Away from the justice that he Deserves! You had better expect a Meeting later this afternoon. Do You understand me?”

Rachel leans against the door and crosses her arms as she looks on. Dent slams the phone down on the receiver and screams as he slams his hand on his desk. Rachel runs over to him.


Rachel takes Dent’s hand into hers and looks at it. Dent quickly moves his hand away and looks away in anger.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“Harvey, what’s wrong?”

DENT“It’s Falcone. They still won’t Release him from Arkham Asylum.”

RACHEL“Well, after what Jonathan Crane Did to him I wouldn’t think so Either.”

Dent turns around grabbing hold of Rachel’s shoulders and shakes her as he says the next lines.

DENT“That’s not the point! We had him, And they’re letting him slip Through our figures!”

RACHEL“Harvey, stop it!”

Dent finally stops realizing what he’s doing. He pulls away from her and turns around again.

DENT“I’m sorry, Rachel. I didn’t mean To lash out at you like that.”

Rachel places an arm on his shoulder.

RACHEL“It’s alright, Harvey. Don’t worry. We’ll get him one way or another.”

Dent turns back to Rachel and places a hand on her face.

DENT“You’re so beautiful, Rachel. I Want you to know that without you I Don’t think I’d be able to get Anything done around here.”

RACHEL (Smiling.)“That’s just silly, Harvey. Seriously, you shouldn’t think such Things.”

DENT“It’s hard to help but to say such Things to you. I do love you after All.”

RACHEL“And the feeling is of course Mutual, but let’s not let our Feelings get in the way of our Duties. We do have a drug lord to Put away after all.”

DENT (Nodding.)“Agreed. Let’s get on to the asylum And see what we can do from that End.”

Dent starts to walk out of the office, but stops when Rachel turns to his exiting direction and speaks her next line.

RACHEL“You’re forgetting something.”

Dent turns back around and looks at her oddly.

DENT“And that would be?”

RACHEL“Your luncheon with Bruce Wayne Today.”

DENT“Oh, yes. Forgot all about it. Cancel it, will you?”

RACHEL“Sir, Bruce is a very close friend Of yours, and mine. I think we Would benefit from this meeting. Perhaps he may be able to help out As well.”

DENT“You know as well as I do that

Bruce is a playboy. He’s far from a Police officer or a lawyer.”

Rachel smiles a little to herself for she knows better.

RACHEL“If you say so, but still, it would Help us a great deal to have Wayne Industries on our side.”

DENT (Nodding.)“You’re right as usual. Alright, We’ll keep to the meeting.”

RACHEL (Smiling.)“I was hoping you would.”


Bruce, Dent, and Rachel all sit together at a table in a busy, elegant restaurant. They all have a quick laugh as we arrive on them.

BRUCE“It was quite hilarious. The look On Alfred’s face was priceless.”

DENT (Smiling.)“How is the old fellow doing?”

BRUCE“He’s been quite well actually. Very happy lately.”

DENT“I’m glad to hear it. What about You? Have you been able to fully Readjust to life in Gotham again?”

BRUCE (Quick glance to Rachel.)

“For the most part.”

Rachel smiles and places a hand on Dent’s hand. He looks to her and smiles at her. Suddenly a cell phone rings. Dent pats his jacket pocket and takes out the phone from his interior breast pocket.

DENT“Just a moment.”

Dent answers the phone.

DENT (Cont’d.)“Dent. Go.”

Dent listens in on the other line as he looks back and forth between Bruce and Rachel.

DENT (Cont’d.)“Alright. Hold on just a sec.”

Dent stands up and places his hand on the phone.

DENT (Cont’d.)“If you two would excuse me for a Minute. This is important.”

BRUCE“Of course.”

Dent nods and walks away from the table going toward the restroom. Bruce and Rachel look at each other.

RACHEL“He does that a lot.”

BRUCE“Any idea what the calls are About?”

RACHEL“Probably more problems with Putting Falcone away.”

BRUCE“Harvey’s been working really hard On that hasn’t he?”

RACHEL“Too hard. Sometimes he gets Violent over it.”


RACHEL“Yeah... Tell me something, Bruce. You’ve known him longer then I Have... Has he ever had any anger Management problems?”

BRUCE“I wouldn’t really know... I never Went to school with him. I was in And out of every private school you Could think of and well, he made Sure to stay in one place. Sorry I Can’t really help you there... But I can say that he looks really Tense of late.”

RACHEL“Arkham Asylum won’t release Falcone into police custody.”

BRUCE“And I thought the Asylum was in Connection with the police Station.”

Rachel leans forward some as she lowers her voice.

RACHEL“Just because Gordon is a Lieutenant now and Falcone is in The Asylum doesn’t mean that there Isn’t still corruption in the Police department.”

BRUCE (Nodding.)“Detective Flass.”

RACHEL (Nods.)“But from what I hear, it isn’t Just him. Commissioner Loeb isn’t Much better. The Commissioner can Overthrow decisions of the Asylum In emergency situations, but Loeb Isn’t budging when it comes to Falcone.”

BRUCE“I had my suspicions of him when he Ordered a task force after me.”

RACHEL“That did happen just after you Took out Falcone and Crane’s drug Ring.”

BRUCE“But Loeb may have just been Responding to vigilantism. It is Illegal after all.”

RACHEL“After what I’ve seen you do, I Think a lot differently about it. You stopped Ra’s Al Ghul from Taking over Gotham City.”

BRUCE“I just hate that he died in that Train wreck. He deserved to rot in A cell for what he was trying to Do.”

RACHEL“You did the best you could in the Situation.”

BRUCE (Nodding.)“Perhaps.”

RACHEL“You do more then anyone would ever Ask of you. Remember that.”

BRUCE“I will.”

RACHEL“So, is there anything that you can Do about Carmine Falcone?”

BRUCE (Smiling.)“I’ll see what I can do on my end.”


The TUMBLER rolls its way down the streets of the Narrows in Gotham City.


Batman sits in the tumbler driving down the road. A small screen lights up as Alfred comes on the screen from inside the bat cave.

ALFRED“Sir, Bambi called. She said that She was quite sad that you decided To reschedule your meeting this Evening.”

BATMAN“She’ll survive, Alfred. Just keep A watch on my vital signs if you Will. There’s no telling what is Going on in Arkham these days. Last Thing I need is to end up captive In there.”

ALFRED“Of course, sir, oh, and don’t Forget the new feature that Mr. Fox Added to the Tumbler for you.”

BATMAN“The shields, Alfred. Yes, I know.”

Batman switches off the screen and turns back to his driving.


The Tumbler stops in an alley. Batman climbs out of the vehicle and jumps down. He turns to the exit of the alley seeing the entrance of Arkham Asylum straight ahead. Batman brings up a small electronic device.


The shields on the Tumbler come up around the vehicle. Batman walks away from his ride and pulls out his grappling gun. He shoots the gun up to the roof of the Asylum. It takes hold of a side of the building and pulls Batman up to the roof.


Batman lands on the roof of the Asylum and walks over to a window looking down into the Asylum. Inside the window a single person walks past. She has blond hair as she continues walking down the hallway. Batman lifts up the glass.


The blond haired doctor, DR. HARLENE FRANCIS QUINZEL, stops as Batman lands on the ground from his jump above. She turns around and shrieks a little before she realizes who is standing there before her in the darkened hallway.

DR. QUINZEL“Oh... It’s you...”

BATMAN“You’re Dr. Harlene Francis Quinzel Are you not?”

DR. QUINZEL“Yes... I’m the doctor that took Over for Dr. Crane after his... Problems started... I don’t think You should be here.”

BATMAN“I won’t be here long.”

DR. QUINZEL“I don’t think that matters, Batman. The point is that I don’t Want you upsetting the patients. They were already horrified enough

For the frightening images that They were witnessed to with Crane’s Scarecrow mask. The last thing I Want is more fears from your Bat Costume.”

BATMAN“I won’t be here long. I just need To ask Carmine Falcone some Questions and I’ll be out of your Way.”

DR. QUINZEL“This place is not your own Personal little playground. I will Not let you make a mockery of this Establishment like you and Dr. Crane did before. Jeremiah Arkham Has put me in charge of keeping This place in order and I will not Let him down. I have a job to do.”

BATMAN“And so do I.”

DR. QUINZEL“Vigilantism is far from a job.”

BATMAN“Falcone is all I want and then I’ll leave.”

DR. QUINZEL“This is non-negotiable. I’m Calling security.”

Dr. Quinzel walks away from Batman. Not a good idea. Batman comes right up behind her taking her arm.

DR. QUINZEL (Cont’d.)“Let go of my arm, you monster!”

Dr. Quinzel slaps Batman on the face with her free hand.

BATMAN“I want Falcone!”

DR. QUINZEL“Or what? You’ll wrap me up in one Of your... what do you call those Things? Batarangs? You do not work For the police. Come back here with Commissioner Loeb and a warrant, And I’ll consider it. Otherwise, Get out of here!”

BATMAN“Looks like I’ll have to do this The hard way then.”


Another view of the same hallway is shown. Batman is now walking down the hallway. In the background is Dr. Harlene Quinzel handcuffed to a pole.

DR. QUINZEL“You won’t get away with this, Vigilante! I’ll see you in court!”

Dr. Quinzel frowns in sadness as she tries to use her strength unsuccessfully to get the cuffs off her hands.


CARMINE FALCONE sits on the cold floor of his dark cell. His eyes are wide with fear as he looks forward saying nothing. The entrance door opens as Batman steps into the room. Falcone looks up at Batman and screams.

FALCONE“No! Stay away from me!”

Batman casually shuts the door to the room and walks over to Falcone. He takes something out of his belt. It’s a small injection gun. He takes it to Falcone’s arm as he struggles to get away.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“”Stop it! No! Please don’t!”

Batman injects the fluid into Falcone. He seems to relax some as he shakes a little and then begins to get ground of what’s going on.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“What the devil...”

He looks up at Batman.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“You! Well, if it isn’t the freak That attacked my legally abiding Club.”

Batman pulls Falcone to his feet and pushes him into the wall.


“It was illegal and you know it!”

FALCONE“Let go of me, you maniac! Where The hell am I anyway? Let me out of Here!”

BATMAN“I’m afraid that’s up to the good Doctors here at Arkham Asylum.”

FALCONE“Arkham? Why am I in Arkham?”

Batman lets go of Falcone and moves a few steps away from him.

BATMAN“Dr. Crane betrayed you. He used His fear toxins on you to make you Crazy and unable to talk about the Real plans that Ra’s Al Ghul was Trying to accomplish.”

FALCONE (Shocked.)“How? How did you know The Boss’s Name?”

BATMAN“That doesn’t matter, Falcone! Point is that he and Crane failed. Ra’s is dead and Crane is out on The warpath. And I have a feeling That you might just know what he’s Up to and where I can find him.”

FALCONE“What are you talking about? If I’ve been in here all this time Under that fear toxin then how am I Supposed to know where he’s at Now?”

Batman pushes Falcone against the wall again.

BATMAN“Because you were in on Ra’s Al Ghul’s plans!”

FALCONE“Yeah and half of the other riff Raff in Gotham City. Do you have Any idea what kind of money the League of Shadows will pay for good Services?”

BATMAN“I don’t care if they’ll give you a Back massage and a dry martini. I Want Jonathan Crane! He has been Kidnapping students from Gotham University probably for his fear Experiments. I want it stopped!”

FALCONE“The GCU students! My God! He’s Started the back up plan.”

BATMAN“What backup plan, Falcone?”

FALCONE“The Boss wanted to have a fall Back plan in case something Happened to our main one. Crane Brought up the idea of using the GCU students for the experiments That they’d do called phase fear For all.”

BATMAN“And that was?”

FALCONE“The fear toxins would be upgraded To a stronger formula using the Students as genii pigs, and then The stronger toxins would beIntroduced into the air by an air Balloon.”

BATMAN“That’s an absurd plan.”

FALCONE“It was Crane’s idea not mine or Anyone else’s. You’ll find him Working in the same place that you First caught me. That very club That this all began. Never thought He’d be there did you?”


Batman lets go of Falcone and starts to leave the cell. He stops as Falcone talks again.

FALCONE“Hold it! I told you what I knew. Get me out of here!”


“That’s up to the staff here. I’d Say that you’ve got a few days Before you’re sent to Stone Gate Penitentiary.”

FALCONE“No! Batman, you can’t!”

Batman turns back to Falcone angrily. He is reminded of something that Falcone said to him long before he ever became Batman.

FALCONE (V.O.)“You miss your Mommy and Daddy? Come down here again, I send you to Them.”

Batman rushes forward punching Falcone in the face. He falls to the ground.


James Gordon sits at his desk looking over photos of murders. A few of them is of the mugger at the bridge. There are however pictures of two women that we haven’t seen before. Gordon puts his hands on his head and sighs.

BATMAN (V.O.)“Aspirin always helps.”

Gordon jumps from the sudden voice behind him. He sighs again as he sees that Batman is standing before him.

GORDON“Oh, it’s just you.”

BATMAN“You seem more stressed then Usual.”

GORDON“You got that right. Two more Murders earlier today no less. Both Killed the same way as the mugger On the bridge. We believe it was The same blade used to kill the Mugger as well.”

BATMAN“Fear toxins?”

GORDON“Afraid not. Pardon the pun.”

BATMAN“I thought not. Crane couldn’t be Committing these murders anyway. He’s too busy kidnapping GCU Students and using them for his Fear experiments.”

GORDON“How could you know that?”

Batman pulls a file out of his cape and tosses it on Gordon’s desk. Gordon looks threw it.

BATMAN“Crane used to be a professor at Gotham University. Look up all the Students that were kidnapped and You’ll see that they had all taken At least one of Crane’s Psychology Classes.”

GORDON“My God. Any idea where he’s Keeping them?”

Gordon turns around when he doesn’t here Batman say anything. Batman isn’t there.

GORDON (Cont’d.)“One of these days I’m gonna nail His feet to the ground!”


Victor Zsasz comes into his living room. He isn’t wearing a shirt and for good reason. He has two fresh cuts on his chest similar to the one that he made on his arm the night before. He sits down in the chair and closes his eyes.



Mr. Zsasz walks down the street. There is no emotion in his eyes as he moves. The scar from the cut on his arm is exposed as he’s wearing a tee-shirt. A woman walks past Zsasz, but stops and turns back around seeing the cut on his arm. She walks back over.

WOMAN“Hey, you have a nasty cut there.”

ZSASZ“Yes. Cut myself trying to make Dinner last night.”

WOMAN“I’m a nurse. I could probably help You with that. I bet it still Hurts.”

ZSASZ (Smiling.)“Oh, yes. Horribly.”

The woman leads Zsasz onward. Another woman comes running up to them out of breathe.

WOMAN 2“You are way too fast for me, Girlfriend. Oh, who’s this?”

ZSASZ“My name’s Victor.”

WOMAN 2“Nice to meet ya. I’m Christy.”

WOMAN 1“She’s a cook in the restaurant at The hospital. We were going to go To a movie later. You’re welcome as Well if we get that there fixed up For ya.”

CHRISTY“Dang. Mindy, that wound looks Bad.”

MINDY“Yeah, I’m hoping it didn’t hit any Major arteries.”

ZSASZ“I would probably already be dead If it had.”

MINDY“True, but if you’re willing to let Me I’d like to check it anyway.”

ZSASZ”Lead the way then ladies.”

Zsasz smiles evilly.



Mindy and Christy lead Zsasz into the apartment. Mindy sits Zsasz down in a chair.

MINDY“Christy, get me a wet washcloth, Will ya?”


Zsasz smiles as he pulls the knife from the mugger killing out of his pocket. He stands up just as Mindy turns back around. Zsasz grabs her and puts his hand over her mouth to keep her from alerting Christy.

ZSASZ (Whispering.)“You’re a nice girl. However, nice Has no meaning to anything anymore. Kindness is only skin deep. No one Really cares about the suffering of Others. Not even you.”

Zsasz slits Mindy’s throat. She falls to the ground in a heap. Christy starts out of the bathroom with the wet cloth in her hands.

CHRISTY“Alright, I’ve got it right...”

Christy stops in mid sentence. She drops the cloth in shock. She screams as she runs toward the bedroom and slams the door.

ZSASZ“Tisk, tisk, dear. Everybody dies. Why should you fear it? Come out And face your own destiny.”

Zsasz waits a second and runs up to the door as fast as he can going right threw the very poorly enforced door.



Zsasz stands up looking at Christy as she has dialed 911 and is talking into the receiver.

CHRISTY“I need help! This psycho just Killed my friend and now he’s after Me!”

Zsasz runs over and takes the phone receiver. He pushes her onto the bed and hangs up the phone.

ZSASZ“That was foolish, dear Christy.

You must pay for your betrayal.”

CHRISTY“Why are you doing this?”


Zsasz brings up the knife for the kill and slashes it down quickly.



Mr. Zsasz opens his eyes, no affection existent in them at all.

ZSASZ“It is far from over.”


Batman is crouched in a tree. He is looking through a pair of binoculars at the club from a small distance away. The club looks less active then it ever did as it’s broken down and there are no customers going inside or out of the club. Instead there are several ninja garbed figures moving around the club slowly. Batman pulls up a small communication device and presses into it.


ALFRED (V.O.)“Go ahead, sir.”

BATMAN“It’s worse then I thought. Crane’s Taken over Ra’s Al Ghul’s League of Shadows.”


Alfred is sitting at the large computer console in front of him. He places his right hand to his chin. He has a look of worry on his face.

ALFRED“Are you sure?”

BATMAN (V.O.)“There’s no mistake.”


ALFRED (V.O.)“Then I’d suggest extreme caution.”

BATMAN“Agreed. I’ll keep you posted.”

ALFRED (V.O.)“Should the police be alerted?”

BATMAN“Not yet. They’ve got worse Problems right now. I’ll handle Crane.”

Batman turns his binoculars toward a different part of the dock to see a cop car arrive at the club. A single man gets out of the car. It’s Detective Flass! He makes his way to the entrance, only being stopped by the shadows long enough to be checked and then goes inside.

BATMAN (Cont’d.)“Well, well, Detective. Still Working with Crane I see.”

Batman jumps down from the tree, his cape flapping behind him as he goes.


Two League of Shadows members stand on the roof watching over the perimeter. A swooshing sound is heard behind them as a batarang wraps itself around the two ninjas. They try to turn around to see who did this, but are met with a boot hitting them both square on, knocking them to the ground. Batman looks down at the two laying before him and moves on again.


Detective Flass makes his way onto the empty dance floor of the completely dark club. There is no life inside the club. Flass looks around everywhere.

FLASS“Crane? Dr. Crane?”

CRANE (V.O.)“Well, if it isn’t the good... or Should I say crooked detective of The Gotham City Police. To what do We owe the honor?”

Flass looks everywhere for the source of the voice, but can’t see anything from the darkness.

FLASS“It was bad enough when you were Kidnapping students from the University, but now you’ve gone too Far.”

CRANE (V.O.)“What are you talking about?”

FLASS“You’ve killed three people, Crane. The whole department is out there Right now looking for you. They Know you did it. Well, all of them Except that fool Gordon.”

CRANE (V.O.)“Perhaps you are the fool. Gordon Is right. I am not killing Anyone... At least not yet...”

(Evil laughter.)“By the end of this week, not even Those other murders will matter. A Massacre will cause those kinds of Things you know?”

FLASS“You didn’t kill that mugger and The other two women?”

CRANE (V.O.)“Of course not, you imbecile. I Have better things to do then to Just kill anyone that I damn well Please. I am a scientist. My time Is precious to me. Now if you’re Finished, I have to get back to my Work.”

Suddenly an alarm sounds in the club. Flass looks around seeing red lights flashing all over the now partially lit club. He looks up to a catwalk and sees a slender figure standing before him, but he can’t make out anything on him.

FLASS“What’s that?”

CRANE (V.O.)“Someone’s stepped into my trap. I Have a feeling that we’ll find our Batty friend in the club. Find him And kill him, Detective. Better

Yet, bring him to me. Take a few Shadows with you.”

Several ninjas come out of the darkness and into the blaring red lights as they move over to Flass. Flass takes out his pistol.

FLASS“The bat is yours, Crane.”

Flass and the ninjas walk off into the darkness going toward the back rooms of the club.


Batman is in a hallway in the back area of the club. There are many doors in this hallway. This is more then likely the hall that Crane, Falcone, and Flass were having their meeting in during Batman Begins. Batman walks up to one of the doors. He looks in to see a woman standing in the far corner of the room with a very frightened look on her face as she seems to be trying to move away from an unseen force.


We’re seeing what the woman in the room is seeing. There are rats covering the floor. They’re crawling up her body and up her pant legs. She screams as she tries to swat the rats away.


Batman tries to open the door, but it’s locked. He kicks the door in and walks inside.


Flass and the ninjas turn around hearing the noise.

FLASS (Smiling.)“We’ve got you now.”


Batman has a small air gun in his hand and on the woman’s neck. She relaxes as the antidote tries to take effect. However, she suddenly looks at Batman and starts screaming again, trying to make him move away. Batman has a look of shock that the antidote didn’t work.

FALCONE (V.O.)“The fear toxins would be upgraded

To a stronger formula...”

Batman puts another antidote cartridge in the gun and moves toward the woman again. He clicks the gun on her neck again. This time she finally relaxes completely and looks at Batman, still frightened, but not frantic.

WOMAN“You’re Batman!”

BATMAN“Very perceptive.”

WOMAN“What am I doing here? Last thing I Remember was... studying in my Dorm...”

BATMAN“There’s no time for an Explanation, Ms...?”

WOMAN“Talia... My name’s Talia.”

They both hear movement from outside the door.

BATMAN“The rest of the pleasantries will Have to wait.”

Batman steps in front of TALIA AL GHUL protecting her from what will happen. A Shadow comes in the room doing summersaults over to Batman. The Shadow kicks Batman in the stomach as he stops in front of the Dark Knight. Batman grunts as he falls to the ground. Talia screams, but out of instinct punches the Shadow right in the face causing him to fall from the sudden shock. The Shadow quickly gets back up however and stares at Talia angrily.

SHADOW“You shall pay for that, girl.”

The Shadow advances toward Talia, but Batman trips the Shadow over from the ground. He hits the ground again, this time hitting his head. He groans as he continues to lay there. Batman stands back up and looks at Talia.

BATMAN“That was a nice punch.”

TALIA“We make a good team don’t you


Batman starts moving toward the door with Talia in toe.

BATMAN“We have to find the other Students. Dr. Crane has many of Them here.”

TALIA“Crane? Professor Crane? I had him For Psychology a few years back.”

BATMAN“I know.”

Batman and Talia come out into the hall only to have to duck back in as several small flying stars come right at them from different sides of the hallway. The Shadows walk out of their dark hiding places with Flass leading one group of them with his gun in front of him.

FLASS“It’s over, Batman. Come out and We’ll go easy on you.”

Talia and Batman stand at the door barely glancing out.

TALIA“What should we do?”

BATMAN (Into communicator)“Suggestions, Alfr... I mean... Old Friend.”

Talia looks at Batman oddly. She then smiles a little looking at Batman’s mouth. She raises and eyebrow as she turns back to the hallway.

ALFRED (V.O.)“Your tear gas balls might do the Trick.”

BATMAN (Into Communicator)“Understood.”

Batman goes through his belt and pulls out several grey balls. He hands a few of them to Talia.

TALIA“Now, Batman. Not on the first Date.”

BATMAN (Smiles.)“Throw yours to your right and I’ll through to the left.”

They both throw their balls in their respective directions. The gas comes out quickly. Batman runs out of the room taking Talia by the hand. He shots his grappling gun up to the rafters of the hallways. They both move up high as Flass and the ninjas cough, trying to get through the tear gas. Batman and Talia stop at the rafters and sit from them as they look down at the cloud of gas. Talia looks to the side and gasps. Batman turns to what she’s looking at. There are three ninjas staring at them.

SHADOW #1“Theatricality and deception Remember? We learned the same Things that you learned, Wayne!”

Talia looks at Batman shocked.

SHADOW #2“Come with us. He is waiting.”

BATMAN“Well, I’d hate to disappoint him.”

Batman takes Talia and shoots his grappling gun again. They swing down as the ninjas jump down trying to stop them, but they both manage to dodge the ninja’s attack. They continue down through the remains of the gas and right into Detective Flass. He screams as they crash right into him. Batman and Talia continue to run down the hallway and turn down different hallways as they keep going. The ninjas try to follow suit, but seem to be stopping as the two continue to get closer to the main dance hall. They both stop as they see the ninja’s completely disappear.

BATMAN“Something’s wrong.”

TALIA“What do you mean?”

BATMAN“They all backed off. It’s like They wanted us to go this way.”

TALIA“You realize of course this is Probably a trap?”


Suddenly a gunshot rings out. They both duck as Flass comes running their way trying to get in a good shot at them.

BATMAN“Looks like we’ve got no choice. Come on!”

Batman takes Talia’s hand again and they both run along.

TALIA“What about the other students?”

BATMAN“If we beat Dr. Crane, we should be Able to save them.”


Batman and Talia emerge from the back door into the darkened dance floor. They stop in the center as they look on into the darkness around them. Flass sneaks out of the same door and hides in the darkness smiling. The room no longer has the flashing red lights going on and off. Suddenly a large spotlight comes on around the area that Batman and Talia are standing in.

CRANE (V.O.)“Welcome, Batman. I was afraid that You’d never come for me. You should Never worry someone that Specializes in fear. It isn’t very Nice.”

BATMAN“Where are you, Crane?”

CRANE (V.O.)“Oh, I’m everywhere, Batman. You Should know that someone with the Power that I possess can do Whatever I choose. You’ve reached a Dead end, and you’ve also caused The imminent death of that student That you cured of my toxins. It’s Amazing how easily you cured her Since she was hit with a much Stronger and different dosage of my Toxins. You’re more resourceful Then I thought.”

TALIA“What did you do to me, you Monster?”

CRANE (V.O.)“Now that would be telling, my Dear.”

FLASS“And it would make no difference.”

Flass comes a little out of the shadows smiling. He crosses his arms and continues to look on.

BATMAN“Crane, you’re insane. Stop this Charade and release the students.”

CRANE (V.O.)“You’re no fun, Batman. Haven’t you Ever wondered what fear is really Like?”

Suddenly a pair of red eyes light up from the catwalk above. They all look at the glowing eyes before them. The eyes begin to walk further down the catwalk and toward the stairs beyond.

CRANE (V.O.)“I experienced the fear first hand Thanks to you. You have no idea how Invigorating it was for me. It Truly helped me to understand fear In ways that I had never Experienced it. By showing me my Fears, Batman, you managed to Create something that the world Will grow to fear. Something that Experiences no fear. Something of Pure unrelenting evil.”

At this point the figure, obviously DR. JONATHAN CRANE has made his way toward the bottom of the steps. A light slowly seems to fall over him. It starts at his feet. He seems to be wearing some brown shoes of some kind. They look almost cloth like. The light, most likely a spotlight coming from somewhere, moves up a little revealing a pair of brown pants with a straw belt. Then brown gloves and a red shirt appear to us. Finally at the neck hangs the same noose from before. Then we come up to the mask and the hat beyond that is holding in some straw for hair. We are now witness to THE SCARECROW.

BATMAN“It isn’t Halloween, Crane.”

The Scarecrow walks forward a little and hisses at Batman and Talia. He reaches for a small bag at his side, hoisted over his shoulder. He pulls out a small jack-o-lantern and throws it at both of them. They move away as it hits the ground and explodes, causing gas to come out of the remains. Batman and Talia keep their distance from the gas.

SCARECROW“Dr. Crane isn’t available anymore, Batman. What you are now witness to Is the master of fear. I am fear Incarnate. I am The Scarecrow!”

TALIA (Laughing.)“If you only had a brain.”

SCARECROW“I have had enough small talk. You Will pay for what you did to me, Batman.”

BATMAN“Bring it on, Scarecrow.”

A ninja comes out of the shadows and quickly throws a large scythe to The Scarecrow. He catches it in one hand and stands ready to fight.

SCARECROW“Fear is everything!”

The Scarecrow comes forward with the scythe, slashing it toward Batman. He ducks out of the way of the weapon having it only hit him just barely in the side as he moves around The Scarecrow quickly.

SCARECROW (Cont’d.)“What’s wrong, Batman? You’re not Scared of my scythe are you?”

Talia steps forward to help Batman against The Scarecrow, but Flass moves quickly behind her with his gun. He grabs hold of her and points the gun right at her head.

FLASS“Let’s leave this a one on one Fight. What do ya say, love?”

Talia tosses Flass over her shoulder causing him to crash on the ground in pain.

TALIA“Never call me that again, you Pig.”

Talia starts walking away from Flass again, but Flass grabs hold of her leg suddenly causing her to trip up and fall. Flass jumps on Talia and tries to keep control of the situation.

The Scarecrow swings his scythe again narrowly missing the tips of the ears on Batman’s mask. Batman takes a batarang and throws it at The Scarecrow hitting his hand that holds the scythe. He is in pain as he drops the scythe to the ground. Batman runs toward The Scarecrow. He hits him dead on right in the chest, sending him to the ground. However, The Scarecrow has a backup plan as he pulls out another jack-o-lantern and throws it at Batman again. He laughs evilly as he watches on with Batman consumed in the smoke, but Batman just barely manages to pull his cape up to block the gas. The Scarecrow’s laughter stops as he realizes that Batman had the cape in the way the whole time.

SCARECROW“Damn you, Batman!”

The Scarecrow tries to punch Batman in the face, but he catches his hand before the punch can be laid and twists his arm around causing The Scarecrow to turn his body around all the way. He screams from the pain.

BATMAN“Looks like I’ve found your fear, Scarecrow. The fear of pain.”

FLASS (O.S.)“Let him go, Batman!”

Batman looks over to see Flass has control of Talia again as she’s on the floor pinned down by Flass who has his gun pointed at Talia’s head.

TALIA“Don’t listen to him, Batman. Finish The Scarecrow!”

FLASS“Let him go, or she dies!”

SCARECROW“Do I sense a fear of her death in You, Batman. What will you do. Will You secure me and let the pretty Lady die, or will you let go of me

And let her live another day? The Fear of a decision. You do have Many fears in your life, Batman. Especially fear of exactly what you Are... A BAT!”

Suddenly several small sections of the walls slide away causing many bats to come pouring into the room. The bats fly around the room everywhere. Batman stands up and looks at all the bats in awe. The Scarecrow gets up at the same time and looks on in delight.

SCARECROW (Cont’d.)“Having The League of Shadows on Your side always helps when you Need to learn someone’s true fears. Especially when it comes to you, Bruce Wayne.”

Batman turns to The Scarecrow in horror.

SCARECROW (Cont’d.)“Ah, another fear. The fear of Being figured out by one of your Enemies. How saddening it is, Batman. The truth will soon be wide Known.”

Batman thinks fast and quickly removes two things from his belt. One is an air gun and the other is a batarang. He throws the batarang at Flass knocking the gun out of his hand. The second he takes to The Scarecrow’s shoulder as he releases the contents into his blood stream. The Scarecrow falls to the ground. He seems to be almost going into spasms. Talia kicks Flass in the groan. He grunts and falls off of Talia. She gets up and kicks him in the stomach.

TALIA“Filthy creature.”

BATMAN (Looking back)“I’ve been called worse.”

TALIA“Not you. Him.”

Batman walks over to Talia. He takes another vial of the same toxins and puts it in the air gun. Talia backs away thinking that he’s going to inject her, but he bends down and injects Flass. He, however, doesn’t go into spasms like The Scarecrow did. Talia walks over to Batman and looks down at the trembling Scarecrow behind

him. The bats continue to move around the large dance floor.

TALIA (Cont’d.)“What did you do to them?”

BATMAN“Gave Scarecrow a dose of my own Version of the fear toxin. Flass Got a dose of some memory eraser Chemicals that only erase the past Few minutes of time so that he Won’t remember hearing Scarecrow Say my real name. Hopefully they Won’t remember my identity anymore After the effects wear off... If They wear off without the antidote In Scarecrow’s case.”

TALIA“Amazing. You are an amazing man, Mr. Wayne.”

BATMAN“Make sure you keep that under your Hat, or I’ll have to give you the Same treatment I gave Flass.”

TALIA“Oh, believe me. I promise.”

Batman picks up his communicator.

BATMAN“Alfred, now would be a good time To call the police. We’ve got two Important people here for them.”

ALFRED (V.O.)“Understood. And what of The League Of Shadows?”

BATMAN“Don’t know. Probably fled. They Knew that Crane wouldn’t be able to Stop me. Most of them may already Be miles from here.”

ALFRED (V.O.)“Understood. I’ll make the call Now.”

Batman puts away the communicator.

BATMAN“You were right.”

TALIA“About what?”

BATMAN (Smiling.)“We do make a good team.”

Talia smiles her beautiful smile at Batman as she leans forward toward Batman’s face. She kisses him on the lips passionately. Batman stops the kiss and looks into her eyes. There is nothing but sincerity. Batman returns the kiss. The bats continue to move around the room. They break the lip lock and look into each other’s eyes as we FADE TO...


Talia sits on the edge of an ambulance with a blanket around her shoulders. Gordon walks over to her and smiles as he leans down to her.

GORDON“Are you alright, Miss?”

TALIA“I’m fine. The name’s Talia.”

GORDON“Talia who?”

TALIA“Why do you want to know?”

GORDON“I’m sorry. I don’t want to startle You. I’m a cop. I just need your Name for the record so we can mark You off as one of the missing Students. We’ve already got the Full names for everyone else. You’re the last.”

TALIA“Oh... Well in that case, my last

Name is... Head.”

GORDON (Nodding.)“Very well, Ms. Head. You were Quite brave before trusting in the Dark knight as he’s told me. Thanks To you and he, Jonathan Crane won’t Bother anyone else again.”

TALIA“Are the other students alright?”

GORDON“They’re fine. Batman’s antidotes Worked well. Perhaps you should go Home and get some sleep. You’ll be Expected back at the university Bright and early tomorrow after All.”

TALIA“Yes, of course.”

Gordon pats her shoulder and walks away. Talia stands up and puts the blanket back in the ambulance. She starts to walk away from the dock, but looks up at the roof of the club. Batman is standing there looking at her. Talia blows a kiss Batman’s way.

TALIA (Cont’d.)“Till our next meeting, Dark Knight.”

Talia starts walking away. Batman turns away from the edge of the roof and walks away himself. Detective Flass is pulled out of the club in handcuffs. Gordon notices and starts over.

FLASS“Gordon, you’ve got nothing on me! I have my rights!”

GORDON“What were you doing here if you Weren’t involved in Crane’s plans?”

FLASS“I heard you and that Bat talking In your office. I came down here to Give him backup.”

GORDON“Why is it that I don’t believe You? Perhaps it’s because you Thought Batman was a threat Yourself. Also Batman said he saw You down here with Falcone and Crane when all of this first Started. I think we’ll find all the Evidence we need in the club anyway Though. I’m sure your prints are Everywhere in there.”

FLASS“That proves nothing!”

GORDON“Get him out of here!”

The officers take Flass away. The Scarecrow comes out next in a stretcher. He’s babbling on and on in a different language. From the roof, Batman comes back over looking down listening in to what The Scarecrow is screaming. The voice language sounds so familiar to Batman. Almost something from his past...



UBU, dressed as Ra’s Al Ghul, sits in his chair speaking in the language, Urdu.



Batman stands there in shock of sorts. He has a small recorder in his hand obviously recording what The Scarecrow is saying. COMMISSIONER GILLIAN B. LOEB walks over to Gordon with his hands in his pockets. He smiles a little as he takes one hand out of his pocket and places it on Gordon’s shoulder. Gordon looks over at Loeb and smiles a little himself.

LOEB“I’m beginning to wonder if I was Wrong about The Batman.”

GORDON“I was a little concerned that he Wasn’t true when I first saw him, But I came to realize myself that This city needs him.”

LOEB“I’ve realized it needs sound Officers like you as well that can Trust and give his loyalty. I have A feeling that since Flass has Finally been implicated in his Dealings that he’ll be spending a Lot of time in Stone Gate. I could Use a new Detective on the force Especially with a killer on the Streets.”

GORDON“Sir... are you saying that you’re Going to willingly promote me to Detective?”

LOEB“Absolutely. You’ve done well as a Lieutenant on the force. I feel That a small step higher is good For a rising star like you. Just Think, some day you might be Standing in my shoes.”

GORDON“Oh, sir. I’m not so sure about Commissioner.”

LOEB“I’m starting to have a lot more Faith in you, Detective. You Deserve this promotion. I wouldn’t Give it to anyone else.”

Loeb extends his hand to Gordon. Gordon smiles and receives the shake proudly. Batman smiles from the roof top. Another officer walks over to Gordon and Loeb.

OFFICER 1“Commissioner, we just got word From the radio operator. There’s Been more murders.”

Batman narrows his eyes as he listens in.

LOEB“Where at?”

OFFICER 1“Bakers Street. You’ll have to see It for yourself, sir. It’s pretty Bad.”

LOEB“Alright. Gordon, let’s move.”

Gordon and Loeb make their way over to a squad car. They get in and the car takes off away from the docks. Batman releases his grappling hook and swings away.


We are looking at an extremely gruesome sight. There is a family of four, mother, father, son, and daughter, sitting at their kitchen table. Food is still warm as it sits in front of the family members who are all now dead. Their throats have been slashed. It appears that their hands are tied to the chairs to keep them restrained.

GORDON“Same as before. Throats slashed And nothing else.”

LOEB“From the look of things nothing Has been stolen from the house. He Just wanted to kill them and leave As before.”

GORDON“Well, the only thing that actually Was stolen by this guy was the Knife that he used for all the Kills. That knife was taken from The first kill, the mugger on the Bridge.”

LOEB“How does someone get away with This in a building full of people?”

GORDON“No clue. I guess it’s true what They say. No one in the city cares About the lives of other people in It. Even if that includes Children.”

The same unnamed officer from the docks comes out of a room and over to Gordon and Loeb.

OFFICER 1“There was a baby.”

Gordon looks at the officer in shock.

GORDON“No... Don’t tell me that he...”

OFFICER 1“I’m afraid so.”

LOEB“Death toll is up to eight now.”

GORDON“Well, we officially have a serial Killer on our hands. I’ll start Putting together my reports for What’s going on. I’m sure I’ll find Something.”

LOEB“I know I can count on you, Gordon. Let’s get the morgue people here to

Take care of the bodies.”

Gordon walks over to the window in the kitchen. There is a fire escape beyond the window. Standing outside is Batman. Gordon opens the window a ways and then turns back to look at the bodies at the table.

BATMAN“Any leads?”

GORDON“None that I can see. It just Doesn’t make any sense. None of the Victims are related to one another In any kind of pattern.”

BATMAN“That may be the point. We may just Have a sociopathic killer on our Hands. He could possibly just be Killing for the fun of it and not Care who it is that he actually Kills. Anything is possible when it Comes to a corrupt mind.”

GORDON“Agreed. I just hope we can catch The bastard before he does Anymore.”

BATMAN“He’s been working very quickly to Get the death toll up. It’s like he Wants to be noticed. The attention Is really making him continue to Move forward. It was just last Night that he killed the mugger on Gotham Bridge starting his rampage Of terror. Now the death toll is up To eight and it’s only been his First full day. There will probably Be another murder first thing in The morning if he keeps to his Current schedule.”

GORDON“We’ll be working hard at the Station. I hope you’ll be able to Help us, friend.”

BATMAN“Don’t worry, Jim. As usual, I’ll See what I can do on my end.”

GORDON“Glad to hear it. I don’t know what

Gotham City would do without you.”

Gordon turns back around to see that Batman is no longer standing there. He smiles and shuts the window.


Talia Head walks into her front door. She feels a little shaky still from what she’s been through tonight, but walks over to the phone anyway and begins to dial a number into the receiver. She waits for an answer on the other end.

TALIA“It has begun.”


From the view that we’re looking at, we can only see from the nose down of the person that we’re looking at. He has a strange facial hair arrangement that looks shockingly familiar. There is a receiver to his mouth as he begins to talk.

MOUTH“Very good, daughter. Did you take Care of Jonathan Crane?”


TALIA“He’s been taken to Arkham Asylum. That is where he’ll remain.”


MOUTH“Very good. However we must keep in Mind that the detective was able to Cure Carmine Falcone of Crane’s Toxins. I have word that he will be Released shortly. They will not be Taking him to Stone Gate Penitentiary like the detective Felt they would.”


TALIA“The corruption of Gotham Continues, father?”


MOUTH“Yes, it does. However, your part Of the tale is not over. You must Complete the mission.”


TALIA“I will. I sense something about The Batman that is very Intriguing.”


MOUTH“Do not let the detective pull the Wool over your eyes. He’s very Intelligent. The last thing we want Is for him to become suspicious of You.”



There is a knock at Talia’s front door.

TALIA (Cont’d.)“Hold on a second, father. I have a Visitor.”

Talia puts the phone to her side and walks over to the door. She opens it to find no one standing there. She looks down at the ground and sees a flyer laying there at her front door. She picks it up and looks at it. It says: “WAYNE CHARITY FOUNDATION HOLDS FIRST ANNUAL CHAIRTY BALL FOR THE NEEDY. YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE AT WAYNE INDUSTRIES.” Talia puts the phone back to her ear.

TALIA (Cont’d.)“I will be in touch, father. I have The next part of the plan already Worked out.”

Talia hangs up the phone and smiles half happily and also half evilly.


We move away from the mouth, downward as the man puts the phone down on the receiver. We go to a back shot of the man as he stands in front of a wall looking at the beautiful paintings that

decorate it. He turns around revealing that he is in fact RA’S AL GHUL.

RA’S AL GHUL“Be prepared, detective. Your fears Are far from over.”


Bruce Wayne sits at his desk in the library. He is wearing a robe and is concentrating on the voices from the tape recorder that are playing at his desk. He turns the recorder off and leans back, looking at the door as Alfred comes in. He is carrying a tray that has a bowl of water, a washcloth, some pain killers, bandages, and a newspaper on it.

ALFRED“Another rough night of crime Fighting can always bring about the Nicest little bruises.”

BRUCE“Even ones that I didn’t realize That I received until I got home. The Scarecrow managed to get one Good slice in me with that scythe Earlier.”

ALFRED“I do wish you’d take more care for Yourself. I’m very worried about You.”

Alfred sets some water on the table. He puts a washcloth in the water and dabs it out.

ALFRED (Cont’d.)“I’ll have to clean the wound First.”

BRUCE“Can’t that wait till later?”

ALFRED“Not unless you want it infected, Sir. I really don’t believe that Would be the best idea. Do you?”


Bruce takes the robe off revealing he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath. There is a gash in his side, not a very big one, but still there.

Alfred dabs the water on the wound. Bruce winces a little, but holds the pain in.

ALFRED“Alright. Now, just take two of These and they’ll ease the pain. I’ll wrap the bandages while you Take them.”

Alfred begins to patch up the wound as Bruce takes the pills and puts them in his mouth. He takes the glass of water on the desk beside him and drinks some of the water to make the pills go down. Bruce then looks at the newspaper and sees a strange headline. He picks it up to read the main headline: “CARMINE ‘THE ROMAN’ FALCONE RELEASED FROM ARKHAM ASYLUM WITH CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH.” Bruce reads a little further and sighs as he throws the paper down and looks away.

BRUCE“I should’ve known that Commissioner Loeb wouldn’t take Falcone to Stone Gate. It’s like That man doesn’t know which side to Be on. He releases a criminal that He knows is guilty, but at the same Time he gives Jim Gordon a Promotion to detective after Flass Was arrested. I can’t get his angle In all this.”

Bruce leans back in his chair and sighs.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“You know, old friend, sometimes I Wonder if I’m really doing any Good. No one really cares when it Comes to the crimes. I could keep On and on doing this same thing Over and over again. Going out Night after night and for what? I Capture the thief, but they won’t Stay locked up long.”

Bruce stands up and moves to a bookcase. He looks at the books as he puts his hands behind his back and sighs again.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“At some point even I will go down. It could be The Scarecrow, Carmine Falcone, or just some punk that Gets lucky. Either way there’ll be No mistaking it. I will have Finally failed, and there will be No one that cares of the legacy of

The Batman.”

ALFRED“That’s rubbish. After all the Lives you’ve saved and the Criminals that you’ve brought to Justice I would’ve thought that you Were beyond that.”

BRUCE“It’s much more then you could ever Know. No matter what I do, someone Will always manage to get hurt. There’s a serial killer out there Now, Alfred. He’s killed eight People in only two days and there Are no leads behind it. Gordon and The rest of the police are frazzled Over it and I’m at my wits end.”

ALFRED“You can never give up, Master Bruce. As I’ve told you many times Before, when we fall we are better To learn to pick ourselves up.”

Bruce turns around and smiles.

BRUCE“Yes, I remember. Your words are Always a comfort to me.”

ALFRED“And I would hope that they would Also help you to better understand The life that you yourself chose.”

BRUCE“Yes, of course. Thank you, Alfred. Will you be off to bed soon?”


Bruce turns back around, but turns to face Alfred again when he starts talking again.

ALFRED (Cont’d.)“I heard what you were listening to On the tape when I walked in. What Was that strange language?”

BRUCE“It’s called Urdu. I heard it when I was traveling the world, before Returning to Gotham with you. It Was the language that Ra’s Al

Ghul’s double was using when I First met the both of them in the Himalayas. The Scarecrow was Speaking it earlier tonight.”

ALFRED“Why would Professor Crane be Speaking in that language? I Remember that he was working with Ra’s Al Ghul, but how and why would He know the language?”

BRUCE“I believe it was a clue. I haven’t Figured out what he was saying yet, But I will find a way to translate It soon.”

ALFRED“Well, I should remind you that the Wayne Charity Foundation is having The charity ball tomorrow night.”

BRUCE“I remember.”

ALFRED“I take it that you’ll be taking Bambi there correct?”

BRUCE“No, Alfred. I had someone else in Mind already.”

ALFRED“Very well, sir. I just ask that You get some sleep. Mr. Fox called Earlier. He said he wants to have a Meeting with you in the morning.”

BRUCE“I’ll do that, Alfred. Thank you.”

ALFRED“Goodnight, Master Bruce.”

BRUCE“Goodnight, Alfred.”

Alfred walks out of the room. Bruce sighs as he looks back at the desk and the tape recorder on it. He moves back over to it and turns it on again as we hear Crane’s rantings some more.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“What does it all mean? The Scarecrow was using Ra’s Al Ghul’s

League of Shadows for his plans... Flass was still working with him as Well... He was speaking in Urdu When he was being taken out of the Club... What is with the references To Ra’s Al Ghul? He’s dead. It Makes no sense.”

Bruce turns the recorder off and starts out of the room, but turns back one last time.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“Ra’s Al Ghul... Isn’t that Arabic?”

Bruce walks over to the bookcase and pulls out a book that has Arabic symbols on it. He flips through the book and stops at a certain page.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“Of course! Ra’s Al Ghul in English Means The Demon’s Head...”

Bruce reads a little more in the book and then puts it back in the shelf.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“I remember the rumors of him being Immortal. At the time he was just Ducard. There was nothing else Known about him. That’s why I saved Him from dying in the fire at his Monastery. Then I learned that he Was really the real Ra’s Al Ghul And that the other fellow was Really a stand in for him... Maybe A bodyguard. But I saw Ra’s die in The trolley. He couldn’t have Survived that crash. There’s no way For it to be even remotely Possible. Even if he had survived, His body would’ve been crushed with No way to have repaired his Skeletal structure quickly enough For him to ever mount any new plans Here. This is getting me no where.”

Bruce walks out of the room.


We see an establishing shot of the mansion of the Falcone Family. A limo pulls up to the mansion and out steps Carmine Falcone dressed in his best as he walks up the steps and enters the front door.


Falcone looks around the mansion seeing how dead it seems. A butler walks up to Falcone and takes his coat.

BUTLER“Welcome home, sir.”

FALCONE“Thank you, Jeffrey.”

The butler walks away toward the closet to hang the coat up. Falcone’s main body guard walks up to him with sadness in his eyes.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“What’s wrong, Martin?”

MARTIN“Sir, everyone has left. Your wife Was afraid for her life as was Everyone else. They were all Fearful that the Batman was going To come here to start trouble with The family because of your capture. In turn, everyone left a few days After you were sent to the Asylum.”

FALCONE“My whole family has vanished?”

MARTIN“With no forwarding address, sir.”

FALCONE“Even my daughter, Sofia?”

MARTIN“I’m afraid so. Christine took Everyone when she left. Myself, a Few other guards, and a couple Members of the staff are all that Is left.”

FALCONE“I bet that’s what the Batman Wanted from the beginning.”

Falcone walks further into the house and makes his way to his study.


Falcone sits down at his desk and Martin stands in front of the desk with his hands behind his back.

FALCONE“He wants rid of my whole family Because he knows of the threat that We have always been on Gotham City. Well, he wasn’t able to completely Ensnare me. In fact, it was his Fault that I was released in the First place for giving me the Antidote to Crane’s toxins. He Actually thought they would move Me, ME! THE ROMAN! To Stone Gate! That man is insane and I’m going to Prove it. For I will drive him Insane in my own little way. I will Bring new meaning to the name Falcone. Such new meaning will have To bring my family back to me. I Will not stand for the treachery And the problems that the Batman Has caused me. And I know just how To deal with him.”

MARTIN“How’s that, Mr. Falcone?”

FALCONE“Have you heard about the murders?”

MARTIN“Yeah. Eight people dead in the Past two days. Why?”

FALCONE“I want you and the boys to find This serial killer. Station Yourselves all over Gotham and look For anyone that could possibly be Suspicious enough to be our serial Killer. Bring him before me. And Once you do we’ll see just how Intelligent he really is. He won’t Deny me of my vengeance. Of that You can be assured of.”


Victor Zsasz has just finished giving himself five new slashes on his body in different locations. He seems to be trying to make many multiply slashes to have four slashes in a row so that he can put a fifth slash through the four. He smiles wickedly as he looks at himself in the mirror.

ZSASZ“The ending of useless life can be

So invigorating. Eight Purifications there have been and Many more there are yet to achieve. Oh, yes... There will be so many More.”

Zsasz rubs his right hand through his blond hair as he laughs quietly and evilly to himself.


Harvey Dent sits in his office writing something. Rachel Dawes leans in on the door. She has a newspaper in her hand at her side as she looks at Dent sadly. Dent looks up at Rachel and smiles a little.

DENT“Hey, doll. How are things?”

RACHEL“I don’t guess you’ve seen the Papers have you?”

DENT“What’s wrong?”

RACHEL“It’s all over the Globe, Harvey. I Was debating over whether or not I Should show you this, because I Knew you’d be mad about it.”

DENT (Standing up.)“What happened, Rachel?”

Rachel walks over to Dent and hands him the paper. He looks at the headline in shock and suddenly begins to anger as he looks on. He throws the paper down and turns away.

RACHEL“I know how you feel, Harv, but Please don’t get mad about...”

Dent screams as he picks up his chair and tosses it right threw the window. He then bangs his hands on his desk in rage and falls to the ground.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“Harvey!”

Rachel runs over to Dent and bends down to him.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“Harvey, please don’t do this to


DENT“I can’t believe this! Falcone was Mine! He was MINE!”

RACHEL“It isn’t your fault, Harvey.”

Dent stands back up and paces around.

DENT“I’ll tell you whose fault it is! It’s Batman’s fault! If he hadn’t Given that antidote then at least Falcone would still be in Arkham!”

RACHEL“Batman did what he had to do. He Probably felt that he would be able To get Falcone moved to Stone Gate If the toxins were taken out of Him.”

DENT“Oh, so now you know what Batman Will do huh? Have you been talking To him? Do you like him more then Me? Is there something you want to Tell me, Rachel?”

Dent is screaming this at Rachel as he shakes her shoulders angrily. Rachel pushes Dent off of her. He hits the wall and looks at Rachel very angrily.

DENT (Cont’d.)“Don’t you ever do that again!”

RACHEL“Harvey! You have to stop this! We’ll get Falcone one way or Another. Please believe me.”

DENT“I can’t believe you! You’re having An affair on me with the Batman. I Know it!”

RACHEL“No, Harvey! I’ve always been Faithful to you! I would never Betray you like that and you know It!”

Tears come to Dent’s eyes as he slides down the wall and back to the floor. He pulls his head down into his arms.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“I’m going to call someone for you. You need some help to get through This, Harvey. I know you’re not Like this. Something has changed in You. Don’t worry. I’ll get you the Best. What was the name of that Woman that you and Bruce are such Good friends with?”

DENT (Weakly.)“I don’t need a psychiatrist. I am Not crazy!”

RACHEL“I never said you were, but you Have got to get yourself some help And if it’s from one of your Friends then she might be able to Help you a lot better. Now what’s Her name?”

DENT“Thompkins. Dr. Leslie Thompkins.”


Bruce Wayne and LUCIUS FOX walk down a long hallway in Wayne Industries.

FOX“...And I must tell you, Bruce, I Think we’ve come a long way since Richard Earle was in charge of the Company.”

BRUCE“Let’s not even talk about him. He’s been driving me crazy for Months begging to be let back into The company.”

FOX“Well, you’re not actually going to Let him are you?”

BRUCE“Not a chance. I know there are Certain people that you just can’t Trust in this world.”

FOX“Especially in this city.”

Bruce stops and puts a hand on Fox’s shoulder.

BRUCE“But you I know I can trust. I Always have.”

FOX“The feeling’s almost mutual.”

BRUCE“Why’s that?”

FOX“Your methods of trying to get Things done are a little strange And you know it.”


Bruce and Fox walk into a large office. This is Bruce’s office. He goes over to his desk and sits down making himself comfortable. Fox sits in one of the chairs in front of his desk and crosses his legs as he looks at Bruce smiling.

FOX (Cont’d.)“Everything is going smoothly here, But your night life is the one that I’m concerned about.”

BRUCE“I know you are. To tell you the Truth, I have been as well.”

FOX“I’ve noticed that you were Wincing today just from walking Down the hallway...”

BRUCE“An injury from last night. Had a Run in with Dr. Jonathan Crane and A scythe.”

FOX“Bruce, I know that I shouldn’t Mess in the life of your Alter ego... Hell, I probably Shouldn’t even know about it, but I Just want you to know that I will Support your decisions till the End.”

BRUCE“I’m glad to hear it. This company Would fall apart without you

Running it.”

FOX“Or you making sure to keep the Greedy board members from trying to Sale it off again. They’re pretty Lucky that you didn’t fire them Like you did with Mr. Earle.”

BRUCE“Yeah, well, I’m going to settle Things with Earle tonight. I Invited him to come to the charity Ball tonight so we can discuss his Permanent disappearance.”

FOX“What do you mean by that?”

BRUCE“He’s lucky I didn’t have him Thrown in jail for what he did. I Was just being generous to him Because I was happy that I had won My first victory against the Corruption in this city. I think he Needs to see a new country perhaps. Let him go somewhere where I’ll Never have to be bothered by his Whining again.”

FOX“That sounds good to me.”

BRUCE“I was hoping it would. So, I have A question for you. I heard that we Were working on something for the Gaming industry. Computer games for Children. What has that branch come Up with? I remember that you set up That wing a few weeks ago.”

FOX“Yes, we want to try some new Angles for the company now that You’ve taken over if that’s Alright.”

BRUCE“Of course. Far be it for me to Keep you from making children’s Games. The kids of this city need Something to get their minds away From the crime that goes on in it. The last thing we need are more Kids to become criminals.”

FOX“That was my thoughts exactly. I’ve Hired some good men down there. Real computer experts. One of them Has already come up with a Wonderful game concept that he’s Going to start working on this Week. Mr. Edward Nygma is his name. He’s going to make a game called The Riddle of the Minotaur.”

BRUCE“Sounds intriguing. Keep me updated On it.”

FOX“I’ll make sure to do that. So who Are you going to be bringing to the Ball tonight?”

BRUCE“You’ll just have to wait to find Out. She’s a very beautiful woman.”

FOX“Interesting. How did you meet Her?”

BRUCE“Long story, my friend. Very long Story.”


Harvey Dent lies on the long chair sighing. Sitting beside him is DR. LESLIE THOMPKINS, an older lady wearing a dress coat and skirt.

LESLIE“Harvey, you must understand that You’re anger is not only hurting Yourself, but your girlfriend as Well. Rachel is very concerned About you from what she’s told me. She hasn’t seen so much anger out

Of you since she started getting to Know you and you were both fighting All the time over who was guilty in Your cases and who wasn’t.”

DENT“I remember. She and I have been Through a lot.”


“And you have the chance to go Through many more adventures in Your lives. Don’t let your former Self return.”

Dent’s eyes enlarge. He sits up and looks at Leslie almost like he’s scared.

DENT“Do you think that’s it? Could Big

Bad Harv be coming back?”

LESLIE“You shouldn’t even mention his Name.”

DENT“Sorry. Can’t help it.”

LESLIE“Listen, I can help you to keep him Down, but you’ll need many Meditation treatments as well as Hypnosis to do so.”

DENT“I’ll do anything, Leslie. Please Just help me and promise that what I’m going through doesn’t leave This room. I don’t even want Bruce To know, ok?”

LESLIE“I promise. Remember? Doctor Patient confidentiality. I cannot Say anything to anyone.”

DENT“Glad to hear it.”

LESLIE“Come back tomorrow morning and We’ll begin the treatments.”

Dent and Leslie both stand up. Dent hugs Leslie.

DENT“It is good to get to talk to you Again after so long, Leslie. I’ve Missed you.”

LESLIE“As have I missed you. Please tell Bruce tonight at the charity ball That I said hi and to come see me Soon.”

DENT“I’ll make sure to do that.”


Victor Zsasz is leaning up against a pillar in the subway. He is pretending to be reading a newspaper as he surveys the people that are moving in an out of the trains and about the area of the station. He sees an elderly couple holding hands and moving toward the train. Zsasz smiles and folds the paper as he walks forward to get on the train.


Zsasz sits down in a seat on the far side of the train from where the old couple is sitting. The lady puts her head on the man’s shoulders as they sit there and wait. The train starts off down the tunnel leaving the station behind. Zsasz opens up the newspaper again and pretends to read it as he takes glances at the couple.

A woman standing in the center of the aisle, holding a hand hold looks over to Zsasz and smiles a little. Just from looking at the way she’s dressed and how messed up her hair is, it is easy to tell that she is a lady of the night. She chews her gum loudly in her mouth as it half way hangs open half the time. She walks over to Zsasz, taking each hand hold as she goes so that she doesn’t fall, and sits down beside him.

WOMAN“Hey, good lookin.”

Zsasz is not at all interested in her it seems as he continues to take small glances at the old couple.


WOMAN“Whatcha reading there?”

ZSASZ (Glancing at paper.)“The Gotham Globe. It’s an article By Vicki Vale.”

WOMAN“Oh, yeah.”

(Laughs oddly.)“The Bat-woman. She’s a weird one, That girl. She thinks there’s

Something behind the Batman, but She just can’t get close enough to Get the scoop on him.”

ZSASZ (Looking forward.)“Right...”

WOMAN“I haven’t seen you down here Before. Of all the men that have Came on this train, not one has Looked as fair as you, dear sir.”

Zsasz actually looks at her for the first time. He raises an eyebrow toward her.

ZSASZ“I am far from fair.”

WOMAN“I would disagree.”

ZSASZ“You do not know me.”

WOMAN“Nor do I ever know any man that I Have been with until I have been With him if you catch my drift.”

Zsasz turns away from the woman.

ZSASZ“I have no time for things such as You are asking.”

WOMAN“Surely you do. I haven’t met a man Yet that didn’t feel they had time To make for a lady such as myself.”

Zsasz turns back to the old couple. Then back at the lady. He thinks of it and smiles.

ZSASZ“I could use a little fun I guess.”

WOMAN“Glad to hear it.”

Zsasz pulls a piece of paper and a pen out of his pants pocket. He writes something on the paper and hands it to her.

ZSASZ“That’s my address. Can you find It?”

WOMAN“Oh, yeah. I’ve been in that area Before.”

ZSASZ“Good. I’ll see you say... seven?”

WOMAN“Seven would be wonderful.”

The train stops at the new station. The old couple gets up to exit. Zsasz stands up as well and gets off the train smiling at the woman before he goes off in the same direction as the old couple. Two men in suits stand in the station looking at Zsasz as he follows the old couple, a look of evil in Zsasz’s eyes. They both nod to each other and follow slowly behind.


Gordon and Loeb look down at the two bodies of the old man and old woman that Zsasz was after from before. They are in an unoccupied section of the station that looks to be just an abandoned part of it.

GORDON“Why would those people be here?”

LEOB“Probably just talking somewhere Where no one would be around to Hear.”

Gordon puts on a glove, bends down, and picks up the woman’s pocketbook. He looks inside it and sees a brochure for Gotham City.

GORDON“They were tourists. That’s what Happened. They got lost down here Probably trying to look for a Specific exit. Our perpetrator may Have pretended to have been just a Nice person and lead them back here To kill them.”

LOEB“Jesus. Where are they from?”

Gordon looks through the pocketbook a little more. He pulls out a card and looks at it. Probably the woman’s driver’s license.


“They’re from Metropolis.”

LOEB“Superman wouldn’t be happy about That.”

GORDON“We don’t need Superman to take Care of this monster. We have Someone already that can defeat This killer.”

LOEB“I hope so for your sake, Detective.”

GORDON“Believe me, sir. He’ll have it all Figured out, and I’d bet soon.”

LOEB“Alright, let’s wrap up quickly. We’re both due at the Wayne Foundation Charity Ball before Seven.”

GORDON“That’s right. Almost forgot about It. I have to go home and change. I Hope Barbara’s ready to go.”

LOEB“I’m sure she will be.”

VOICE (O.S.)“Commissioner!”

Gordon and Loeb turn to see a woman walking up to the both of them. She has long red hair. This is none other then DETECTIVE SARAH ESSEN.

LOEB“May I help you, madam?”

SARAH“I’m Sarah Essen. We spoke a few Days ago over the phone.”

LOEB“Oh, yes. I remember now. Detective Gordon, this is your new partner. This is Detective Sarah Essen. She’s just moved here from Chicago. I assure you that she’ll be nothing Like Flass was.”

Gordon gets a twinkle in his eye as he looks at Sarah’s beauty. He can’t help it even with knowing that he was already married. Gordon extends his hand and Sarah shakes it.

GORDON“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Detective Essen.”

SARAH“Please just call me Sarah.”

GORDON“Then you may call me Jim.”

LOEB“Well, Detective Essen I’ll allow You to finish up here with the Boys. Gordon and I are expected Somewhere and we can’t keep our Wives waiting.”

Sarah looks to Gordon and seems a little saddened to realize that Gordon has a wife. She looks away from him. Gordon looks down in shame himself. He starts to move off with Loeb. Sarah sighs and turns to the men down there at the murder scene. Sarah looks at the carnage that occurred to the old couple and seems to show remorse for these two people that she never knew.


Bruce is looking at himself in the mirror. He is straightening out his bowtie. He checks his hair as well and takes a comb to it and then turns and exits his room.


Bruce walks down the elaborate stairs just as the doorbell rings. Alfred was already in the foyer dusting a shelf so he just stops and walks over to the door as Bruce slowly walks toward the door as well. Alfred opens the door to reveal a very beautiful Talia Head, or as we now know her as Talia Al Ghul. She is wearing a sparkling dress, crystal shoes, and a stunning diamond necklace. Bruce and Alfred are both shocked from the look of the lady before them.

BRUCE“Come in, Talia.”

TALIA“Thank you, love.”

Talia walks into the foyer and sizes its luxurious beauty. While she’s doing that Bruce is busy examining her. He finally returns to reality and walks over to her. He takes her hand.

BRUCE“You look very beautiful tonight.”

TALIA“Oh, thank you, Bruce. You’re not So bad yourself.”

BRUCE“I’m surprised that a college Student could afford such lovely Things.”

TALIA“I can thank my father for the help There. He’s a lawyer.”

BRUCE“Well, I hope he doesn’t plan to Sue me for custody of your love.”

TALIA (Laughing.)“I don’t think he could ever deny Me of my happiness.”

Bruce turns away from Talia and to Alfred.

BRUCE“Would you get the car ready, Alfred? We have to be there soon or We’ll be late.”

ALFRED“Right away, sir.”

Alfred walks out the front door. Bruce turns back to Talia and kisses her on the lips.


The same woman that was on the train before talking to Zsasz is walking down the street in a rundown neighborhood. She crosses her arms from the cold as she continues to walk and look at all of the numbers on the houses. She stops looking everywhere. She sighs and takes the little piece of paper out of her pocketbook. She looks at it, puts it back, and then starts walking again. Finally she discovers the house she’s looking for and walks up the steps of the front porch. Not too far away from the house is

a single black car sitting there. There are two silhouettes in the vehicle.


The same two men from the train station sit in the car waiting.

MAN 1“We should’ve taken him after the Old couple was killed.”

MAN 2“I wanted to make sure that this Was the guy.”

MAN 1“What more proof did you need? He Killed two old people in cold Blood.”

MAN 2“And if he kills that woman that he Saw at the train station as well Then we’ll know he’s our man.”

MAN 1“Mr. Falcone will give us a Promotion for sure.”

MAN 2“Don’t count on it. Martin has Always been his number 1. We’ll Never move up that far in the Falcone crime business.”

MAN 1“What are we going to do about the Killer?”

MAN 2“We go to the windows and watch Them. See their reactions. We’ll Strike he’s killed her, if he kills Her.”


Victor Zsasz sits on the floor. He has his eyes shut. He looks as if he could be meditating, but he doesn’t have his legs crossed or his hands in the position for the normal look of meditation. He has his hands in his lap and he’s actually on his knees, but his face is forward, not downward, so he can’t be praying either. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Zsasz opens his eyes and looks toward the front door. He smiles

a little and stands up. He walks toward the door and pulls on the knob. Standing before him leaning on the doorframe is the lady of the night from the train. She still chews her gum with her mouth wide open as she tries to make a smile while chewing the gum.

WOMAN“Hey, cutie pie.”

ZSASZ“You’re early.”

WOMAN“Well, I couldn’t resist. I wanted To see you again and thought we Might get to know one another a Little better.”

Zsasz moves out of the doorway and lets the woman in the door, but he stops her short letting out his hand in front of her face implying to give him the gum. She spits the gum out in his hand and he lets her in. Zsasz looks repulsed from the gum and throws it outside on the lawn.

ZSASZ“You have any idea how nasty that Stuff is? Chewing it in your wide Open trap. It’s just a bunch of Disgusting sugar.”

Zsasz shuts the door.

WOMAN“Well, it’s a lot better then Chewing tobacco don’t you think?”

ZSASZ“True. Thankfully, not many people Around here are on that habit.”

WOMAN (Laughing.)“You have to go to hick country for That, baby.”

Zsasz nods in agreement and walks over to small wet bar.

ZSASZ“Would you like a drink?”

WOMAN“Oh, I’d love one.”

ZSASZ (Smiling evilly.)


The woman sits down on the couch as Zsasz begins to prepare the drinks. He takes something from his pocket. It’s a couple of pills. He puts the pills in one of the drinks and stirs them in as they dissolve in the drink. He picks up the drinks and moves over to the woman and sits down beside her. She takes her drink and toasts his glass and she sips the drink.

WOMAN“You never told me your name.”

ZSASZ“Nah did you tell me mine. But if You must know my name is Victor.”

WOMAN“A pleasure, Victor. I’m Carla.”

Zsasz actually fakes some passion in him and takes her hand that isn’t holding the glass and kisses it lightly.

CARLA“Oh, Victor, you are a tease after All aren’t you?”

ZSASZ“You have no idea, my dear.”

Carla finishes her drink and sets the glass down on the small end table beside her. She turns to Zsasz and looks it him with lust in her eyes.

CARLA“So what do you say we get Started?”


The Wayne Royals Royce pulls up to the front entrance of the large corporate headquarters of Wayne Industries. There are many people walking up the steps to the entrance of the building dressed and ready for the occasion. There are even two spotlights on each side of the steps to show the elegance of this party. Alfred steps out of the car and quickly moves to the back so that he can open the door. After the door opens, Bruce steps out of the car followed shortly after by Talia. There are many reporters, one of which being VICKI VALE, taking pictures of the couple as they make their way up the steps to the entrance of the building.

VICKI“Mr. Wayne what is your stand on The newest technology offerings From Wayne Industries?”

REPORTER 1“Who is your lovely friend there With you?”

REPORTER 2“How did you meet her?”

Bruce and Talia just keep walking and enter the main entrance to the building. The reporters are kept from entering by the muscle standing at the entrance.


TALIA“You’re very popular, love.”

BRUCE“You have no idea, Talia.”

TALIA“I can’t wait to see more. Tell me, Will there be music and dancing?”

BRUCE“As far as I know there will. Why?”

TALIA (Smiling.)“Well, you know us College Students. We always love a good Party.”

BRUCE (Smiling.)“I can’t wait.”


Zsasz falls onto the bed first as Carla comes down on him and kisses him on the lips. She pulls his shirt off of him and sees the slashes on his body. She looks at him in shock.

ZSASZ“My cat did that before I threw him Out on the streets earlier.”

CARLA“They all look pretty recent and Bad. You should get checked for a Disease. That cat couldn’t had Something.”

ZSASZ“Don’t worry. I’ll go tomorrow.”

CARLA (Smiling.)“Alright.”

Zsasz and Carla continue their deed as they quickly remove their cloths and Carla mounts Zsasz, going up and down as she screams in delight. Zsasz basically lies there emotionless as he continues to just lay there looking at her. Slowly, so that Carla doesn’t notice, Zsasz pulls the knife from out of between the two mattresses. He moves it to his side and waits as this continues. Then, just as the climax is reached Zsasz actually does react showing that it is over and just as it ends, as quick as that, Zsasz pulls the knife up and slashes Carla’s throat and tosses her off the bed and onto the floor before she can fall on him spilling blood on him and the bed. She lies on the floor with the last look on her face being shock as blood pours from neck onto the floor.

Zsasz smiles evilly and tilts his head a little as looks down at his eleventh kill. Zsasz takes the knife and makes another mark near to the other two fresh marks that have been made from the old couple. Standing outside the nearby window are the two goons. They walk away from the window, but Zsasz doesn’t notice them.


Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul walk into the ballroom to see couples dancing to slow classical music while others sit at tables talking, drinking their wine, and eating many delicacies. There are a few balcony areas where people are sitting up high watching all of the activities on the dance floor. There are small staircases that lead up to these balcony sections, but all of the balconies are full already.

BRUCE“So you see we built the ballroom Just for the specific occasion of Having parties and such here. Just One of the many improvements since Lucius Fox and I took over Wayne Industries from Richard Earle.”

TALIA“How wonderful.”

Talia looks around the room seeing how dull it actually is.

TALIA (Cont’d.)“I guess my hopes of a swinging Party were wrong after all.”

BRUCE“What’s wrong with this?”

TALIA“You just want to put some life Into the company, Bruce. All I see Are a bunch of old people and Several uptight rich snobs, no Offense.”

BRUCE“None taken. I do understand what You mean, but this is something for The elite of Gotham as they are Here to help with many important Charities.”

TALIA“I understand that, but it doesn’t Mean that we can’t add a little Life to this party.”

Talia smiles a little as she walks away from Bruce and through the crowd on the dance floor.

FOX (O.S.)“I think you’ve got your hands Full.”

Fox walks up to Bruce smiling. He shakes Bruce’s hand as they look on at the crowd.

BRUCE“You have no idea, Lucius.”

FOX“She looks a little familiar. Isn’t She that girl that the Batman Rescued at the... Oh... I see where You picked her up now.”

BRUCE“Yes... She figured me out because The Scarecrow and the League of Shadows have big mouths and Mentioned my true identity. We had A natural attraction to one Another.”


“What’s her name?”

BRUCE“Talia Head.”

FOX“She has a beautiful first name... Can’t say the same about the last.”

BRUCE (Laughing.)“Agreed.”


Victor Zsasz walks out of the bedroom and back into the living room, wearing only his pants, wiping the blood off of his hands. There is a sudden knock at his door. Zsasz is shocked that someone else has shown up at his house. He creeps over to the door, but just as he’s getting to the door it is suddenly kicked in and in steps Falcone’s two muscle men.

MAN 1“You’ve been very bad, dear sir.”

MAN 2“Afraid we’ll have to take you to The boss.”

ZSASZ“I’m not going anywhere.”

Zsasz pulls out his knife from his pants as it was behind his back in his pants. He jumps for the nearest man trying to slash his throat, but the other man runs up quickly punching him in the face. Zsasz goes right through a nearby side table beside the couch. He stands back up and slashes the knife again at the two men, but they jump back a little. Zsasz spears one of the men sending him right into the chair toppling the chair over on its back. The other man comes up behind Zsasz taking hold of Zsasz’s stomach. The other man stands up and starts punching Zsasz in the stomach and the face.

MAN 1“You’re pretty tough, mister. But You’re not tough enough for Carmine Falcone’s muscle.”

MAN 2“The big man wants to meet you, my Friend. Let’s go.”

The man that wasn’t holding Zsasz punches him really hard in the face knocking him out this time.


Talia Al Ghul is walking around the dance floor past all of the people slowly dancing to the music from the band. She then notices something and smiles. It’s a sound system probably for a DJ. Talia walks toward the DJ stand. On the other side of the ballroom, Bruce and Fox are looking out at the crowd in awe.

FOX“Looks like things are going very Well tonight.”

BRUCE (Nodding.)“Agreed. As long as the press stay Outside, I’ll be very happy.”

DENT (O.S.)“You and me both.”

Bruce turns around to see Dent and Rachel walking up to Bruce and Fox. They are both dressed very elegantly and seem to make a very beautiful couple. Bruce shakes Dent’s hand and gives Rachel a quick hug. Dent then shakes Fox’s hand, and Fox kisses Rachel’s hand.

BRUCE“I’m glad that you guys could join Us tonight. This party wouldn’t be The same without its favorite District Attorney.”

DENT (Laughing.)“Oh, please, Bruce. You give me far Too much credit.”

BRUCE“The credit is greatly deserved, Harvey. I’m just happy to be Standing here with three of the Most important people in my life Right now.”

DENT (Smiling.)“Well, I’m happy that I could be of Help to you. Hunny, I’ll go get us Something to drink.”

RACHEL“Thank you, Harvey.”

Dent walks away. Rachel moves a little closer to Bruce. Fox sees that Rachel wants to talk about something important so he excuses himself.

FOX“Excuse me. I think I’ll go try to Find my wife now.”

Fox leaves as Rachel and Bruce nod to Fox.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“He’s getting worse, Bruce. His Anger problems. You should’ve seen Him last night after he found out That Falcone was released. He threw A chair out the window for Christ Sake.”

BRUCE“Have you approached him about the Anger problem?”

RACHEL“Yes. I sent him to see Leslie Thompkins. She’s trying to help him As much as she can.”

BRUCE“Happy to hear it. I haven’t talked To Leslie in awhile. I should give Her a visit. I’m sorry about what Happened with Falcone. I was Certain that he’d be transferred. Leave it to the Commissioner to do Differently.”

RACHEL“Oh, I don’t believe it was just Him. I think Jeremiah Arkham had Something to do with it as well.”

BRUCE“Wouldn’t surprise me. That man is Just as crazy as the rest of his Family.”

RACHEL“Bruce if you would, please don’t Tell Harvey that I told you about His problems and that he’s seeing Leslie. He’d be really mad at me if I did.”

BRUCE“Don’t worry. I won’t say a thing.”

Commissioner Loeb, his wife, Detective Gordon, and his wife Barbara walk into the ballroom. Bruce waves to them. They all wave back before they move into the hall a little more.

RACHEL“You didn’t invite Arkham did you?”

BRUCE“Of course not. Last person I want Here is him.”

RACHEL“Glad to hear it.”

Dent walks back over to both of them and hands Rachel a glass of champagne.

DENT“This place looks fabulous, Bruce. You’ve really spared no expense to Make everything perfect for this Evening. Don’t worry. When we leave I’ll make sure to drop a generous Donation in the box.”

BRUCE“That’s great to know, Harvey.”

DENT“Let’s go on out there for a dance, Darling.”

RACHEL“Alright, dear.”

Rachel sets her glass down and takes Dent’s and sets his down as well. They both start out to the dance floor. Bruce begins to realize that Talia is nowhere in sight. He surveys the area trying to find her, but isn’t being very successful. Suddenly some bright party lights come on around the entire ball room and they begin to move around everywhere. The band stops playing and everyone on the floor stops dancing. The sound of a record being scratched like a DJ would do is heard and everyone looks to the DJ stand to see Talia Al Ghul standing there. Bruce puts his hand on his head and sighs.

BRUCE“Just great. There goes our charity Contributions.”

Talia pulls the microphone over to her mouth and smiles.

TALIA“Hey everybody! Let’s get this Party started up in here!”

Fox walks back over to Bruce. He places his hand on Bruce’s shoulder.

FOX“Oh, yes. Your hands are definitely Full. She is without a doubt a College student.”

Talia places a record on the player and lets it begin to play as the song “Salt Shaker” by The Yin Yang Twins and Lil John starts playing. Talia makes her way down to the dance floor. She starts dancing as soon as she gets to the center of the floor. Her dancing seems almost in a sensual way as she turns her attention to Bruce and uses her fingers to motion for him to come over to her.

FOX“You’d better get over there.”

Bruce starts out to the dance floor as Talia dances her way over to him. Bruce seems really weirded out about this whole experience as he makes it over to her and Talia immediately begins to dance very seductively toward Bruce. It takes a little bit for him to get into it, but he is soon dancing with Talia as well. Everyone stands off to the side in complete shock of what they’re seeing but no one so as much as Dent and Rachel as their mouths are almost wide open.

RACHEL“I’ve known Bruce all my life and Never have I seen him do that.”

DENT“Guess he learned a lot traveling Around the world after all.”

As the song continues on everyone else actually starts to get into it. That even includes the old people as they are fascinated by this new occurrence. RICHARD EARLE walks into the building shocked at what he’s seeing as everyone is actually dancing to rap music. He sees Fox and his wife and walks over to them.

EARLE“What the hell is going on here?”

FOX (Laughing.)

“Well, what does it look like, Mr. Earle? Everyone’s having fun is What it is. This place doesn’t have To be all business twenty-four Hours a day.”

EARLE“You people have turned this Company into a zoo.”

FOX“And you tried to hack it apart by Selling it off to anybody and Everybody. I don’t really know What’s worse, do you?”

Earle just stands there in anger, but turns away.

FOX (Cont’d.)“I’ll go get Bruce for you.”

Fox and his wife move away from Earle and over to Bruce and Talia as the song stops.

TALIA“Now that was something else.”

BRUCE“Very invigorating actually.”

Fox and his wife move over to them.

FOX“Earle is here.”

Bruce looks over to see Earle standing near the entrance. Bruce becomes all business again as the next song on the tape “Get Low” also by The Yin Yang Twins and Lil John starts playing.

BRUCE“Excuse me, Talia.”

TALIA“But this song is good as well. Dance with me, love.”

BRUCE“I have business, Talia. I’m Sorry.”

Talia just shrugs as she starts dancing by herself again, but moves over to Dent and Rachel as she sees them dancing pretty good themselves and joins them in the dance. Bruce shakes hands

with Earle as he, Fox, and Fox’s wife come back over to the entrance area.

EARLE“What did you want, Bruce. I know There’s a reason that you wanted me Here. Now what is it?”

BRUCE“I want you to disappear.”

EARLE (Laughing.)“Not a chance. You’ll never be rid Of me.”

BRUCE (Smiling.)“I could just send you to Stone Gate. That’s where you have Belonged all this time for what you Tried to do but I was nice to you About it because my parents trusted You before and I didn’t want Someone that I thought was one of Their friends to end up in jail Like a common criminal.”

EARLE“Then if you know how important I Was to them, have me back in the Company. I’m needed now more then Ever because of this foundation Party alone. What is with this Music?”

BRUCE“It’s my girlfriend’s thing. I Hired a band and if you look on the Other side of the ballroom you’ll See a band sitting there. They may Be a bit confused about the music That’s now playing, but they were Hired.”

EARLE“And apparently you wasted your Money hiring them if you’re going To let your bimbo of the evening Handle this party.”

Bruce grabs hold of Earle’s coat and tosses him into a seat.

BRUCE“I will hear no more about Talia Out of you, Earle. You know nothing About her, and you never will. You Will take my offer and leave Gotham

Or I’ll make sure that you’re in Stone Gate before tomorrow morning, Do you understand me?”

Earle gulps a little as he seems very frightened of Bruce now. Fox smiles as he puts his arm around his wife’s side. Earle just barely manages to get out a nod from his fear.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“Good. Now, I want you to get to Gotham International or you’re Going to miss your flight. Take Your family and as much luggage as You can carry. I will arrange for Everything else you own to be flown To your new destination later.”

Bruce leans in on the chair and looks Earle straight in the eyes. He’s only inches away.

BRUCE (Cont’d.)“Now, I don’t ever want to see your Face in Gotham again after this Night. If you so much as even think About coming back I will make sure That you wind up in Stone Gate the

Second you step off the plane. Now


Earle stands up and makes his way out of the ballroom as quickly as he can.

FOX (Laughing.)“Very subtle, my friend.”

BRUCE (Smiling.)“Just one more problem taken care Of is all.”

FOX“And very well I might add. Now, Why don’t you get back out on that Dance floor and show your girl a Good time?”

BRUCE“That’s a good idea.”

Bruce starts back out. Another song starts, this being “Freak-A-Leek” by Petey Pablo and Lil John. Fox looks to his wife.

FOX“What do you say? Shall we?”

MRS. FOX“I thought you’d never ask.”

They both walk out onto the dance floor themselves and join in on the fun. Bruce has joined Talia, Dent, and Rachel in the dancing as they now dance to the new song.


We’re looking down upon the dance floor from one of the many balconies in the ballroom. There are two men standing in the balcony. They are both looking down at Bruce, Talia, Dent, and Rachel. We can now see who both of them are as we are revealed to Ra’s Al Ghul and Ubu. Ra’s shakes his head and sighs as he looks on.

RA’S AL GHUL“My daughter can be so Embarrassing. I didn’t teach her Dancing skills for her to show Herself off in this way. Especially In front of all these people.”

UBU (Speaking in Urdu.)“Should we take the Batman now?”

RA’S AL GHUL“Oh, please talk English, Ubu. There’s no reason to continue our Former charade of making people Believe you’re really me. Besides, It matters not anyway. The Detective has no clue that I’m Still alive so that works to my Advantage.”

UBU“Then should we attack him now?”

RA’S AL GHUL“No. There are too many people here To mount any kind of attack and Even still, our plans are working Very smoothly anyway so no need to Escalate them too quickly.”

UBU“Why did we come here tonight if we Weren’t going to reveal ourselves To him?”

RA’S AL GHUL“You need to learn to be patient, Ubu. We will have our retribution Soon, but not yet. That will all

Come in due time.”

Ra’s narrows his eyes as he continues to watch the dancing and smiles evilly.


The music changes to “Shake That Ass Girl” by 50 Cent as Detective Sarah Essen suddenly runs into the ballroom wearing the same cloths she was wearing from when we first saw her. She makes her way through the crowd and over to Gordon, Loeb, and their wives. Loeb and Gordon stand up as they see Sarah coming over to them.

LOEB“What are you doing here, Detective?”

SARAH“I’d hate to interrupt your time Here, but we’ve got a problem.”

GORDON“What is it?”

SARAH“You won’t believe it. You’d both Better come with me.”

Gordon turns back to his wife.

GORDON“Stay. Enjoy the party. I’ll be Home later.”

BARBARA“Alright, hunny. Be careful.”

LOEB (Looking at wife.)“You too, dear. Stay and have some Fun.”

Loeb and Gordon take off with Sarah as Barbara and Mrs. Loeb sit back down in their seats and just look at each other worried for what came up. Talia and Bruce watch as Gordon, Loeb, and Sarah leave.

TALIA“Go if you need to.”

BRUCE“I’m needed here. I’ll see what the Problem is after the party.”


“Are you sure?”

BRUCE“Yes. I want to stay here with you. This is our first date and I don’t Want it ruined like I fear many Others will be.”

TALIA (Smiling.)“Alright.”


Carmine Falcone sits at his desk reading a book. He’s wearing his silk robe and smoking a cigar as he reads with his reading glasses hanging on his nose. There is a knock at the door.

FALCONE“Go away! I’m busy!”

A voice comes from behind the door.

MARTIN (O.S.)“You might want to see this, boss.”

Falcone is frustrated, but he puts his book down anyway sighing.

FALCONE“Fine. Come.”

Martin enters first followed by the two muscle goons carrying Victor Zsasz in as he struggles to try to get out of their grasps.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Who’s this? Someone that tried to Sneak onto the property? I don’t Have time to deal with burglars. Just chain him in the dungeon.”

MARTIN“Sir, this is your man. The man That has now raised his death toll To eleven people as of an hour Ago.”

FALCONE (Laughing.)“So this is the man that has risen To serial killer status in only a Few days huh? Let him have a seat.”

The two men drag Zsasz over and force him into one of the chairs in front of Falcone’s desk. They make sure to keep Zsasz restrained as they

continue to stand behind Zsasz. Falcone edges them off.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“That won’t be necessary. He knows He’s outnumbered here. Good job, Boys. You’ve cault a vicious killer And managed to only get a couple Bruises. I guess you’re not as Invisible as I might’ve originally Thought, Mr...?”

Zsasz remains silent. One of the two men steps forward again and slaps Zsasz on the back of the head. Zsasz jumps up to jump over the chair at the goon, but Martin pulls a gun out and points it right at Zsasz’s head. Falcone laughs.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“As I said before, you’re Outnumbered here, and outgunned as Well correct?”

MAN 1“His knife is still at his house.”

FALCONE“Glad to hear it. Even less of a Chance that you’ll try to attack us Wouldn’t you say?”

Zsasz stands there breathing very heavily. He looks from one man to the next and then finally back to Falcone.


FALCONE“Beg pardon?”

ZSASZ“Zsasz. My name is Zsasz. Victor Zsasz.”

FALCONE (Smiling.)“As in the clan Zsasz right? I’ve Heard of your family. They’re well Known.”

ZSASZ“You don’t know my parents.”

FALCONE“Yes, I did. They were friends of Mine at one point. I was sad to Hear of their demise a few years

Ago. Boating accident right?”

ZSASZ“How would you know that?”

FALCONE“I always keep tabs on everyone That I’ve ever had association with No matter what kind of falling out We might have. And if I remember Correctly you moved on with your Life as a computer engineer, and Then you started becoming depressed About life and started gambling to Ease the pain. Last thing I heard About you was from a good friend of Mine. Have you ever heard of Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot?”

Zsasz becomes even angrier then he already was. Martin tightens his grip on his gun and is ready to fire at any moment. Both of the other men stand ready to pull Zsasz away from Falcone if they have to.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“I guess my intelligence group is More correct then I thought. You Lost everything to the birdman and Wanted to end your life so you went To Gotham Bridge to take the Plunge, only you met one of my Former employees and killed him.”

Zsasz reacts to this statement.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Oh, yes. He used to be under my Pay role. I guess I was the only One that knew that though since it Never came up in the police Reports. Terrible way to go, but he Was always a waste to the Organization in the first place.”

ZSASZ“What do you want from me, Falcone?”

FALCONE“I want what everyone wants, Especially you, my friend. Revenge. You’ve been slowly seeking your Revenge by murdering innocent People that have never met you, but I’m offering something much better. You can get your life back with my


ZSASZ“I’m listening.”

FALCONE (Smiling.)“The Batman took everything from Me. My drug ring was destroyed, my Family split town, and everything That was promised to me by The Demon’s Head was never delivered Because he died before that could Be accomplished. However, if we Work together to destroy the people That want to end the corruption Then we will achieve total victory Over this decaying city.”

ZSASZ“How do we do that?”

FALCONE“By hitting them where it hurts the Most. Kill Batman.”

ZSASZ“Oh, really? You think it’s that Easy do you?”

FALCONE“For a man that can kill eleven People in a two day period and then Mark the kills on his body, I would Say so. You’re a survivor, and this Is how you’re going to survive. Think about your family. What would They have told you to do if they Knew that you could have the whole World in the palm of your hand. This is your chance. The future of Gotham City lies in the both of us. We can run it into the ground and Then build it back up again all for Our own wishing. What say you, Victor?”

Zsasz sees a pen lying on the table. He looks at Falcone and smiles. In a flash, Zsasz grabs hold of the pen and jumps over the seats grabbing hold of Man 1. He thrusts the pen right in his throat as Martin starts firing his gun. Zsasz pulls Man 1 in his way causing Martin to shoot his own man. Man 1 falls to the ground as Zsasz makes a run for the exit. He kicks the door open and runs out into the hallway.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)

“Get him now!”


Zsasz slides his way into a large kitchen. He ducks down behind some tables. He sees a block of knifes and takes one out of the block. He then makes a fresh cut on his arm from killing Man 1. He takes the other four knifes out of the block as well and puts them in his pockets. He moves back toward the entrance of the kitchen and the door suddenly opens as Man 2 enters with his gun first. Zsasz strikes before Man 2 can react slashing the man’s throat. He falls to the ground gagging. Zsasz makes another cut right beside the same one that he’d made only seconds before and rushes out of the kitchen.


Zsasz emerges in the hallway only to be met by a whole sea of bullets coming his way from further down the hallway. Zsasz bursts right through the next door in front of him getting away from the gunfire being produced by Martin and several other goons.


Zsasz ducks behind a bed as a Martin comes into the room and starts firing at the bed hoping to hit Zsasz. Two more goons come into the room as well firing their guns. Zsasz pulls out two of his knives and flings them at the goons hitting both of the goons between Martin right in the throat. Martin stops firing shocked at what he sees. During the ceasefire Zsasz jumps through the glass in the window outside. Martin starts firing at the window, but stops just after.



Zsasz makes two more cuts on his arm beside the first two fresh ones and starts running around the side of the mansion to the front gate of the fence that surrounds the grounds. Right as he turns the corner he stops in shock as he sees Falcone standing there pointing a gun directly at him.

FALCONE“I knew I’d find you out here so This is where I came to first

Thing. Victor, I offered you the World. Why would you go and start Killing my men like that? From the Look of your arm you managed to get Four of them before coming out Here. Even while stressed out you Still managed to keep to your nasty Habit. I like that about you, Victor. You’re nothing if not Persistent of it. But this game is Over. Join me or you will die.”

Zsasz takes the last of his extra knives and holds both knives in his hands ready to fight.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Haven’t you ever heard that you Should never bring a knife to a Gunfight? Don’t resist me, Victor.”

Zsasz hears several guns clicking behind him. He turns his head to see Martin and several other goons pointing their guns at him from behind. Falcone smiles.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“As I said before, it’s over.”

Zsasz looks down actually showing the emotion of sadness. He drops both knives on the ground and sighs.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“You’ve made the right choice, Victor. You won’t regret the Decision either. Of that you may be Assured.”


Gordon, Loeb, and Sarah all stand around the dead body of Carla. She still has the same exact expression left on her face from before.

SARAH“She was a hooker. Her name was Carla Johnson.”

GORDON“So we’re in the house of the Killer... Amazing. How did he Manage to slip like this?”

LOEB“They all do after awhile. Serial Killer always manage to get sloppy. This one just managed to last a

Little longer. On up to his Eleventh victim.”

SARAH“They had sex just before he killed Her. Forensics are working on a Match from the semen. We should Have a match soon.”

GORDON“If we look hard enough we might Find his identity somewhere in this House.”

Gordon begins to walk away from them, but stops as another officer comes in the room. He has a large knife in a bag. The knife is bloody.

GORDON (Cont’d.)“Ah, the murder weapon. If we Tested enough of the DNA on it, We’d probably find the remains of All eleven killed.”

LOEB (To Sarah.)“Now who did you say reported This?”

SARAH“A neighbor across the street. She Said that she heard fighting in This house. She looked outside and Saw two men carry another one away. She said the men weren’t cops. They Were wearing suits and they put him In a black car and took off.”

GORDON“Jesus. Somebody figured him out Before we did and took him.”


GORDON“I doubt it. They don’t care about What goes on in Gotham. They think We’re too far gone to care about What we do.”


Gordon, Loeb, and Sarah go into the living room and look at all of the officers that are dusting for prints and looking for information about the killer. Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes walk into

the house suddenly and look around everywhere as Gordon and Loeb notice them and walk over.

GORDON“I’m glad you both could come down. Sorry you had to leave the party.”

DENT“Well you guys did as well so it’ll Be alright I guess. What’s Happening here? Whose house is This?”

LOEB“The killer’s.”

Dent looks at Loeb in disgust for the reasons of Falcone being released. He then turns back to Gordon.

DENT “You mean the man that has killed Ten people.”

SARAH (Walking over.)“Eleven actually. There is another One in the man’s bedroom.”

GORDON“We thought that since we were Close to figuring out who the Killer was that it would be a good Idea to start involving the DA’s Office so we would be able to get The court issues over with.”

DENT“You guys still don’t know a name.”

OFFICER (O.S.)“I do!”

Everyone turns around to see an officer coming forward with what looks like bills.

OFFICER (Cont’d.)“His name is Victor Zsasz.”

LOEB“Strange name.”

DENT“That name sounds familiar to me, But I can’t exactly place where From.”


“Well, what matters now is that We’ve got a name to work from. All We have to do is figure out who Kidnapped him.”


GORDON“He’s been kidnapped by two men in A black car according to someone That lives across the street.”

Dent looks over at Loeb and suddenly has a look of suspicion.

DENT“You know something.”

LOEB“What are you talking about?”

Dent pushes Loeb up against the nearby wall.


DENT“No, Rachel! This man released Carmine Falcone for no reason other Then the fact that he is working With Falcone. Everyone knows that There has always been corruption in The police force here. Except it Wasn’t just Detective Flass that Was the problem. You are too, Loeb And you can’t lie to me about it Either! I want the truth! Did Falcone catch up to Zsasz or not?”

Gordon and Sarah pull Dent away from Loeb. He straightens his shirt out and looks at Dent full of rage.

LOEB“I can’t believe the people of Gotham elected you in the first Place. You had no right to lay your Hands on me. I’ll have you removed From office by tomorrow morning if I have to. Point of fact is, Dent, That I have had nothing to do with Falcone’s release. That was all Jeremiah Arkham and the rest of the Staff at Arkham Asylum.”


“Your name’s all over the paper as The man that pardoned Falcone. You’re just a Commissioner, Loeb. You’re not the fucking President of The United States. Falcone deserved To fry and you let him go to Terrorize Gotham for another day, And now he’s got a serial killer Probably on his pay roll. You made The mistake Loeb, and I’ll see you Burn for it.”

LOEB“Not before I see you burn, Dent.”

GORDON“That’s enough! The last thing we Need is fighting here. What’s done Is done. We’ll settle things with You too later. However, if Falcone Has enlisted the aid of Victor Zsasz then we’ve got our work cut Out for us. Let’s go hunt ourselves A serial killer and drop all of This before I have both of you put In lock up for the night.”

LOEB“You don’t have the authority, Gordon.”

GORDON“When lives are at stake, I’ll make It mine.”

SARAH“Alright people, let’s get out of Here. I want three men to remain And keep watch in case Mr. Zsasz Returns. You are to radio in Immediately. No one tries to be a Hero. Call us back here as soon as You have him in sight. There should Be no mistakes if we keep cool and Follow the laws by the book and That goes for everyone.”


The Royals Royce pulls up to the front door of the mansion. Alfred does the same routine that he did at Wayne Industries, getting out of the car, making his way to the back, and opening the door. Bruce and Talia step out of the car and Alfred shuts the door.


“I’ll just pull the car around and Be inside myself, sir.”

BRUCE“Alright, Alfred.”

Bruce and Talia turn to go inside the house, but Bruce takes a quick look to the sky and sees that the Batsignal is light and shinning brightly on the night sky.

TALIA (Sighing.)“I guess our date is over now.”

BRUCE“No. I won’t be long. Go talk to Alfred for awhile. Help him watch My vitals as I’m out there and I Promise you I’ll be home soon so we Can continue our night.”

TALIA (Smiling a little.)“Alright. Watch yourself.”

Alfred returns from the garage looking at the sky.

ALFRED“I take it a change in attire is What the doctor ordered.”

They all three walk into the mansions as quickly as they can.


The tumbler rolls down the street at fast speeds as it makes its way toward police headquarters.


Detective James Gordon stands beside the Batsignal. He continues to look into the sky as Detective Sarah Essen walks forward and crosses her arms.

SARAH“This is a waste of time. I don’t See why you trust him.”

GORDON“He’s a good man, Sarah. You Weren’t here when he first showed Up and saved us all from an Invasion of ninjas.”


“Ninjas? Jim, you’re a strange man To trust him. He’s a vigilante. Isn’t what he’s doing supposed to Be illegal?”

GORDON“You’ve seen the corruption here. It was a lot worse before he showed Up. He’s like a savoir to this City.”

SARAH“Savior? He’s not God.”

GORDON“No... But at least he’s willing to Help us.”

Batman lands on the roof and walks over to the two detectives.

BATMAN“You called?”

GORDON“First off, Batman, I’d like for You to meet the newest edition to The force straight from Chicago. This is Detective Sarah Essen, my Partner.”

BATMAN (Nodding.)“Detective.”

Sarah just simple turns away.

BATMAN (Cont’d.)“Have I done something wrong?”

GORDON“She’s not used to seeing someone Like you.”

SARAH“I don’t like the fact that you’re Trying to uphold the law. That job Belongs to an officer of the Police. If you want to help, get Rid of the Halloween costume and Put on a badge. That is a symbol of True justice.”

BATMAN“My Batsymbol is a symbol that Represents that same justice in This city. I’m only trying to Help.”

Sarah removes herself from the discussion completely as she starts toward the stairs and goes back downstairs.

GORDON“Sorry, Batman. She’s a tough Person for anyone to get along With. I heard from Loeb that she Gave a lot of people a hard time in Chicago before coming here, but at Least she gets the job done.”

BATMAN“Fair enough. What was the reason For the call?”

GORDON“We have a name for the killer now. Victor Zsasz. We think he’s been Kidnapped by Carmine Falcone. Half The department’s out looking for Him and I’m going to go out with Detective Essen shortly to join the Search. I was hoping we’d have your Support as well.”

BATMAN“You can count on it.”

GORDON“Glad to hear it. Good luck to you. We’re all going to need it.”

Batman walks to the edge of the roof and looks down.

BATMAN“Watch yourself out there, Jim.”

Gordon looks at Batman in shock. He is surprised that Batman is showing so much care for Gordon. Batman jumps off the roof. Gordon smiles a little to himself and walks for the stairs.


Alfred sits at the Batcomputer as Talia paces around behind him.

ALFRED“I tell you, he’ll be quite Alright, Ms. Head.”

TALIA“I know, Alfred. I’m just really Worried about him right now.”

ALFRED“I understand. I myself have found Myself in your same position from Time to time. However, I came to Realize that he has gone through Extensive training over the years And even I understand that he does What he must do to help make things Better.”

Talia stops pacing and looks at Alfred.

TALIA“What kind of training has he had?”

ALFRED (Sighing.)“He hasn’t told me much about the Traveling that he did. All I know

For sure was that he trained in the Martial arts by a man that we both Know to be dead now.”

TALIA(Trying to be interested.)

“Who was that?”

ALFRED“His name was Ra’s Al Ghul.”

TALIA (Fake surprise.)“I’ve heard of him. Isn’t he known To be immortal?”

ALFRED“All lies. He died a few months ago When he tried to take over Gotham.”

VOICE (V.O.)“So certain you seem to be, Butler.”

Alfred and Talia look around the whole Batcave looking for the location of the voice.

TALIA“Who was that?”

ALFRED“I’m more worried about why the Alarm hasn’t gone off.”

VOICE (V.O.)“After all you have watched the Detective go through you still are So naive to what is really going on

Around you. The detective himself Hasn’t even put it all together. Also, your little security devices Around the estate are easily Discovered and easily disarmed so

That is how I have managed to join You now.”

TALIA“Don’t worry, Alfred. I’ll protect You.”

VOICE (V.O.)“A useless effort.”

Suddenly Ubu comes out of the shadows taking hold of Talia.


Talia pulls Ubu over her shoulders and causes him to crash on the unforgiving ground. Talia takes Alfred’s hand and leads him toward the stairs. However, just as they reach the stairs, Ra’s Al Ghul walks down them.

ALFRED (Cont’d.)“Ra’s Al Ghul!”

RA’S AL GHUL“In the flesh, Mr. Pennyworth.”

Talia moves Alfred behind her to protect him.

TALIA“Stay behind me!”

RA’S AL GHUL“Oh, I don’t believe that’s going To help him or yourself, my dear.”

Ubu comes up behind Alfred and puts his hands on his shoulders. Alfred looks back to see Ubu has hold of him. Talia stands there with a small smile on her face, but then removes the smile as she turns back to Alfred.

TALIA“Please don’t hurt him!”

RA’S AL GHUL“Oh, you have no need to worry. I Have no intentions of hurting the Detective’s surrogate father or his Beautiful girlfriend. I have other

Plans for you then hurting you. You Will both come with us now.”

ALFRED“How can you still be alive?”

RA’S AL GHUL“It will all be explained in due Time, old man. In the meantime, we Must make our exit. Follow me.”

Ubu pushes Alfred and Talia forward up the steps to the exit of the Batcave.


A car pulls up to the entrance gate of the mansion. The car then goes into the shadows further away from the gate and into the bushes. Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes step out of the bushes seconds later and sneak over to the fence surrounding the estate.

DENT“Rachel, I really don’t want you Going in there. This is going to be Very dangerous.”

RACHEL“I don’t care, Harvey. I’m going With you. You’ll need help in There. If you won’t call the police For help, then I’m going with you.”

DENT“Loeb won’t help us. He doesn’t Believe that Falcone’s behind Zsasz’s capture.”

RACHEL“But Gordon and Essen do. Call them For help.”

DENT“It’s too late for that now. We Have to go now or not at all. I Won’t let Falcone get away with his Crimes any longer.”

RACHEL“Then I refuse for you to go alone If you won’t call for help.”

DENT“Alright. Just make sure to stay Close to me and keep quiet.”

Dent walks over to the fence and begins to climb it. Rachel follows suit and climbs right beside him.


Dent and Rachel drop into the estate and creep around the grounds making sure that there aren’t any goons patrolling around outside. Suddenly a goon actually does come around to the front of the house. They both drop down behind a large bush beside the Mansion and hide while the good walks around the area.

RACHEL (Whispering.)“This is suicide.”

DENT (Whispering.)“I take it you’ve never lived Dangerously before.”

RACHEL (Whispering.)“You’ve forgot my meeting with Jonathan Crane in Arkham Asylum.”

DENT (Whispering.)“Good point.”

Dent looks out from the bush and sees the goon going around the other side of the house.

DENT (Cont’d.)“Come on.”

Dent and Rachel make their way out of the bush and move over toward the front door of the mansion. Dent starts to make his way for the door. Rachel stops him short.

RACHEL (Whispering.)“Are you crazy? You can’t just Waltz in the front door. That would Be suicide.”

DENT (Whispering.)“Then what do you suggest?”

RACHEL (Whispering.)“This is a big mansion. There has To be more then one entrance to This place.”

DENT (Pondering.)“I guess you’re right. Come on.”

They both start off in the same direction that the goon had went and to their surprise run

right into him as he’s just been standing there the whole time. Rachel screams and takes Dent’s hand for them to start running. The goon, who is actually Martin now that we see him in a little more light, pulls his gun up and cocks it. They both stop in their tracks.

MARTIN“Hello, Mr. Dent... Ms. Dawes... Mr. Falcone will be very pleased to See you both.”

DENT“You knew we were here the whole Time didn’t you?”

MARTIN“I have very acute hearing, Mr. Dent. You may have been whispering, But I heard everything that you Both were saying. Also, I saw your Car go by. No one ever drives by This estate except someone that is Here to see Mr. Falcone, and of Course, I was right. Come with me.”


Carmine Falcone stands at his fireplace drinking an alcoholic beverage. He uses his poker to stir the fire a little. Standing in the background between to armed men is Victor Zsasz. He is in handcuffs and has been stripped down to only his pants. He’s not even wearing shoes now. Falcone turns around and looks at Zsasz. He’s shaking very terribly as he stands there in a cold sweat and anger all over his entire face. Falcone smiles a little at the way Zsasz is acting.

FALCONE“You’re not looking so hot. Could It be because you haven’t killed Anyone since killing four of my Men?”

Zsasz lowers his head as he continues to shake uncontrollably.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“By George, I think I’ve finally Figured you out, Victor. Killing to You is like drugs. Everyone has to Get their high or they go insane From it, not that I’m saying you Weren’t already insane that is.”

Falcone walks over to Zsasz and puts the poker in his face.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“I bet you could turn this into a Weapon of pain if you wanted. You Would kill me in an instant with This poker and you’d feel all Better wouldn’t you? Of course that Wouldn’t last for long. You’d need To get your high again and again And again until there’s no one Left. What will you do when the Whole world’s population is dead, Victor? You’ll be even worse then Wouldn’t you? I may be no Psychiatrist, but even I can tell When someone’s a junkie. You my Friend are the first killing junkie That I think I’ve ever seen. If I Had my way, I’d kill you now, but As I’ve told you before, I need you For my plans. You will help me or At least die trying. You’re the Only one that can kill the Batman And you’ll prove that theory to me Tonight. I have a feeling that Batman will be coming for us soon, Victor. Can you feel him coming? I Have left you cut and dry like this Because it will cause you to feel More evil within you. You need your Fix badly, Victor, and I tell you Now Batman will give you such a Fix. His fix will be the ultimate Fix for you that could last longer Then any other kill that you could Ever make. Now doesn’t that sound Good to you?”

Zsasz just continues to look down at the ground not responding at all.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Before this is over you’ll think Of me as a father.”

Dent and Rachel are lead in at gunpoint by Martin. Falcone turns to them and smiles.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Well, well, well, this is a Surprise. It must be my birthday. Hello, Harvey. It’s always good to See an old friend.”

DENT“You’ve never been my friend, Falcone.”

FALCONE“Oh, please, call me Carmine, Harvey.”

DENT“You may call me, Mr. Dent.”

Rachel grabs hold of Dent’s hand and holds it tightly as in saying to stop. Falcone turns to Rachel and smiles.

FALCONE“Ah. Rachel Dawes. The girlfriend. How sweet. Now you can both die Together.”

A tear comes to Rachel’s eye as she looks down. Dent is furious.

DENT“Leave her out of this, Falcone. This is between you and me.”

FALCONE“Indeed it is, but you see I have a Serial killer here that is just Dying to get his hands on Someone... Especially young Beautiful girls like her. Isn’t That right, Victor?”

Zsasz slowly starts to turn around as he continues to stand there in a drenching sweet and shakes continuously. He looks to both Dent and Rachel, but focuses on Rachel.

DENT (Looking at Zsasz.)“You touch her and I’ll kill you!”

Zsasz smiles a little before he turns his attention back to his pain.

FALCONE“But I’m about to let Victor have The greatest kill of them all... The Batman. But I don’t personally Like the fact of my mansion being Destroyed in the process. I say we Move to somewhere else for the Finale. What do you say, Victor.”

Zsasz barely nods before pulling his head down.


A limo pulls away from the mansion just seconds before the Tumbler makes its stop at the mansion. Batman jumps out and uses his grappling gun on the fence. He pulls himself up and over the fence and to the other side where he lands gracefully. Batman makes his way to the front door and kicks the door right in as he starts looking around the inside for movement as he continues to stand outside to make sure that no one is in there waiting to fire. Suddenly the sound of police sirens can be heard as several cruisers stop in front of the mansion. Batman sees a button panel beside the front door and presses the button for the gate to open electronically allowing the police to come inside.


Batman enters the main foyer and looks around the place. It looks as if there are bullet holes everywhere in the walls from some kind of attack. Gordon, Sarah, and Loeb enter the foyer with several other cops. The many unnamed cops make their way through the mansion with their guns raised.

SARAH“So Gordon wasn’t lying when he Told me that you drive a tank.”

BATMAN“That’s right. It gets me where I Need to go within minutes. Probably The fastest one in the world. Military didn’t want anything to do With it.”

GORDON“Just where do you get these Wonderful toys of yours anyway?”

BATMAN“That is my little secret, Jim.”

Suddenly two of the unnamed officers come into the foyer.

OFFICER 1“Several hallways are all shot up, Sir. There’s a dead body or two in Different places. One in the Kitchen. Blood everywhere.”


“Mr. Zsasz was here.”

GORDON“Agreed. Any sign of Falcone?”

OFFICER 2“None, sir.”

LOEB“Where could they have gone to?”

BATMAN“Falcone was bound to have left Some sort of clue. I have a feeling That he wants revenge for what Happened to him and he believes he Can get it by having Zsasz kill me. I’m sure they wouldn’t leave Without helping me to figure out Where they were.”

LOEB“Alright people, look for anything Suspicious.”

Everyone spreads out as they continue to search the mansion. Gordon and Sarah follow Batman as they enter the study.


Batman, Gordon, and Sarah walk over to Falcone’s desk. They can see that a majority of the mess in the house happened in this room. The fire in the fireplace is still burning, but slowly dying away.

BATMAN“Struggling. I’m getting that out Of most of this. I think Zsasz was Struggling to get away. That’s Probably the reason for the mess Here and the dead guards. I don’t Believe Zsasz was up to Falcone’s Plans.”

GORDON“Is he still not up to them?”

BATMAN“I would say so. Falcone is Actually trying to force a maniac To do his bidding. That may seal His own fait. You should never try To use a psychopathic killer as Your pawn in a higher battle. Falcone’s in over his head this


SARAH“Is there anything that can give us A location?”

Batman looks at everything on the desk. He spreads some of the papers around, reading them to himself. He then turns to the wall and sees something written in blood.

BATMAN“Get the light.”

Sarah walks over to the light switch at the door and turns the light on. They now see written in blood “Harvey... Rachel... They will die the building’s beginning.”

GORDON“My God. They have the district Attorney!”

BATMAN“And his girlfriend.”

SARAH“Building’s beginning? What’s that Supposed to mean?”

BATMAN“The construction site.”

GORDON“Of course. The new bank that’s Being built.”

BATMAN“That site is very dangerous. They’ve only begun to lay down the Main structures of the building.”

GORDON“You’re going to be walking into a Trap. Let’s all go. Take backup and Stop them with numbers.”

BATMAN“I will not risk more life. I will Go alone.”

Batman starts for the large window behind the desk.

GORDON“You can’t, Batman. You’ll be Killed.”

Batman turns back to Gordon and smiles a little at him before turning back.

BATMAN“Thank you for the concern. But I Can handle it.”

Batman opens the window and jumps out. Gordon and Sarah watch on as Batman makes his way back to the Tumbler.

SARAH“What are we going to do?”

GORDON“We’re going to go help him. Loeb And the other officers will Probably go back to the station, But I’m going to go help him. You’re welcome to join me if you Like.”

SARAH“I will. I won’t let you go in There alone. We have to save the District attorney. Batman can’t Save him, Rachel, and take care of Falcone and Zsasz all by himself.”

GORDON“That’s why we must go. Come on.”

Gordon and Sarah rush toward the exit of the study.


The long black limo pulls up to the construction site and stops. Martin is the first out of the car pointing his gun in the door as Victor Zsasz gets out next. He’s still wearing the handcuffs and is shaking horribly as sweat continues to pour down his face. Martin pulls Zsasz to the side as Dent and Rachel step out followed shortly by Falcone and two other guards all holding guns.

FALCONE“Here it shall end. All of my Problems will finally be taken care Of for good. Mr. Dent, you and your Lovely little girlfriend will have Five minutes to get in the site and Find yourselves a nice little Hiding place. After that, Mr. Zsasz Will be allowed to have his way

With you. Good luck to you both. You’ll need it.”

Dent takes Rachel’s hand and they both run into the site as Falcone stands there smiling. He turns back to Zsasz who is looking at him with pure hatred in his eyes.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Come on, son. You can’t stay mad At dear old dad for too long now. Besides I’m giving you what you Want. Two living specimens are just Waiting in there for you to hack Them to bits. And then the main Event. Oh, yes. The Batman will be Yours, Victor.”

ZSASZ“You too will be purified, old Man.”

FALCONE (Laughing.)“I highly doubt it, Victor. I Offered you my hand in partnership As we would take over Gotham Together, but you’ve forced my hand And I will see you rot in my Dungeon if you continue this Treachery. Time?”

MARTIN (Looking at watch.)“Three minutes.”

FALCONE“Just two more minutes, dear Victor, and you’ll finally have

Your drugs.”


Dent and Rachel are running through the construction site trying to find a good place to hide. Rachel trips over some boards and falls. Dent runs back over and helps her to her feet.

RACHEL“This is futile! He’s going to kill Us anyway!”

DENT“Not if I have anything to say About it. He won’t lay one hand on You. I’m trying to find some kind Of back exit to this place. Maybe If we can get back on the main road

Then we’ll be able to make a dash For the police station or Something.”

RACHEL“I wish the Batman were here. He’d Save us.”

DENT (Showing anger.)“We don’t need him. We can survive Without him.”

RACHEL“Stop being so pigheaded, Harvey. He’s a savior of the people here.”

DENT“He’s an outlaw and I don’t want to Hear anymore about it.”

FALCONE (V.O.)“Time’s up, friends!”

RACHEL“Oh, no!”

Dent grabs Rachel’s hand again.

DENT“Come on!”


Martin takes the handcuffs off of Zsasz’s hands. Zsasz lunges for Martin, but Falcone cocks his gun, as does the other two goons.

FALCONE“You should no better then to try That, Victor. Give him his toys.”

One of the two other goons takes out two large knives. He hands them to Zsasz. He looks at the knives and sighs as he walks toward the construction site and enters.


Dent and Rachel are crouched down on the second floor of the building. They are behind several crates in the room. Dent has an electric drill in his hand ready to attack. Rachel is shaking as she holds her hammer. Dent places his free hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down.

DENT (Whispering.)“Don’t worry. There’s one of him

And two of us. He doesn’t stand a Chance.”

RACHEL (Whispering.)“I wouldn’t count on it.”

They can both hear the sound of footsteps as they crouch there looking at each other. The sound of the movement seems to be making the sound of coming up. The steps seem to get louder as the gravel under the feet crunch. Suddenly the steps stop as there is no noise at all. Dent and Rachel try not to breathe heavily, but are having a hard time not to from their panicking. Suddenly a head peeks around the site of the crates showing his bright blond hair first.


Rachel screams as she and Dent both jump up. Rachel moves behind Dent and stands there just barely gripping her hammer. Dent turns on the drill and stands there frightened himself. Zsasz just laughs at what he’s seeing.

ZSASZ“You’re both so pathetic. I have Never seen such scared rats in my Entire life. You shall both die, And die such a horrible death at That. I will enjoy every... Single... second of it as well. I Think I will start with the darling Girlfriend, Harvey. You shall Watch as I slaughter her right in Front of your helpless form, Because there is nothing that you Can do.”

Dent’s face of terror suddenly turns to that of rage. He takes a stronger hold on the drill.

ZSASZ (Cont’d.)“Harvey, you then will die yourself As you’ll realize that you have Nothing left to live for as your True love has just died in front of You and the only thing that will Remain is your own pain and grief. Harvey Dent will be no more.”

Dent walks over to Zsasz and stands in front of him now seeming calm.

DENT“There’s just one problem with


ZSASZ (Confused.)“And that would be?”

BIG BAD HARV“You’re talking to the wrong Harvey.”

Zsasz face turns to shock as Big Bad Harv picks up Zsasz by the shoulders and tosses him right into the crates. The knives fall to the ground a few feet away from all the action. Rachel screams as she watches on and looks at Dent in shock for his actions.


Falcone, Martin, and the other two guards stand by the limo listening to the fighting going on in the construction site.

FALCONE“Someone’s getting their ass handed To them.”

BATMAN (O.S.)“And that’s about to be you!”

Batman suddenly swings in from out of nowhere on a Batrope and kicks Falcone right in the stomach as he lands right on top of him. Martin and the other two guards pull up their guns to fire, but Batman jumps away going into the shadows before they can. Falcone looks up in shock as he sees his men are pointing guns at him.

FALCONE“Don’t shoot me, you idiots!”

Batman throws out a batarang at the goons and it wraps around all three goons’ legs sending them all crashing to the ground as the struggle to get out of the rope. Falcone stands up and looks on in fright as Batman comes out of the shadows looking at him in rage.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Come on, Batman. You don’t want to Fight me.”

BATMAN“Think again.”

FALCONE“Well, see you have bigger problems In the construction site, dark

Knight. Fact is that our little Killer friend is in there killing The district attorney and his Little woman. I bet you would just Hate for them to be harmed wouldn’t You?”

Batman looks up in shock hearing the fighting going on the construction site. He launches his grappling gun and ascends to the second floor of the building. Falcone smiles as he walks to the driver’s door of the limo. The driver rolls down his window.

FALCONE“I think it’s time that we get out Of here.”

DRIVER“Agreed, sir. What about your men?”

FALCONE (Nodding.)“I’ll untie them and we’ll get out Of here. Stand by.”

Falcone moves over to the other side of the car. Just as he bends down to help his goons a cop car starts blazing up to the site with the sirens blaring. Falcone is in shock as he completely stops what he’s doing and runs to the car. He opens the door and takes a small case out of it.

FALCONE“Gordon shouldn’t have gotten Involved. He’ll have to pay now.”

Falcone then runs into the construction site just as the cop car stops. Gordon and Sarah jump out of the car with their guns raised. They move over to the open door.

SARAH“Was that Falcone.”

GORDON (Nodding.)“Batman’s already here. Those goons Are wrapped up and ready to go to The station. Come on. Let’s see if We can help.”

Sarah nods as the two detectives go into the site.


Batman lands in the second story and is shocked to see Harvey Dent knocking around Zsasz. He moves over to Rachel quickly as he sees her standing by herself with her arms crossed, scared out of her mind.

BATMAN“Are you alright?”

RACHEL“I’ll live.”

BATMAN“Harvey’s anger has got the best of Him again.”

RACHEL“Yes, but this time I’m thankful That it did.”

BATMAN“Me too. I was very worried about Both of you.”

RACHEL“I’m glad to hear it.”

Zsasz takes a shot at Big Bad Harv right to the mouth and then turns right around and roundhouse kicks Dent right in the mouth sending him to the ground. Batman makes his move to help Dent, but stops suddenly as Falcone comes in with a gun pointed his way.

FALCONE“Not any further, Batman.”

Zsasz and Big Bad Harv stop their fighting as well as they look to Falcone. Falcone looks at both Dent and Zsasz as they are both a bloody mess.

FALCONE (Cont’d.)“Things obviously didn’t turn out The way they should’ve. I’m very Disappointed in you, Victor. I Thought you could handle a simple Lawyer.”

BIG BAD HARV“You’re going to pay, Falcone!”

FALCONE (Shocked.)“My... I’ve never seen you so Angry, Harvey. I do hope you don’t Need anger management. That Wouldn’t look too highly on the

Voters come election time.”

Zsasz screams at Falcone as he suddenly runs right toward him and knocks him to the ground. A shot rings out from Falcone’s gun that hits the top of the building at nowhere in particular. Big Bad Harv gets into it as well as he takes hold of Falcone after Zsasz pulls him up and head butts him, sending the crime boss back to the ground. Zsasz sees his knives lying on the other side of the room and runs for them. Batman notices and takes off for the knives as well, but Zsasz already has them in his hands before Batman can ever get to them.

ZSASZ“Falcone said I’d be fixed if I Killed you.”

BATMAN“Do you believe everything that Falcone says?”

ZSASZ“Enough! You will die now!”

Zsasz springs toward Batman with the knives outstretched. Batman jumps out of the way as Zsasz runs right into a hammer from Rachel’s hand. Zsasz stumbles from the sudden hit by the hammer. Batman is shocked.

BATMAN“Nice job.”

Rachel pushes her hair out of her eyes with her hands and smiles a little.


Rachel backs away as Batman picks up Zsasz and hits him right in the face, but Zsasz is still half way awake as he takes the two knives and slashes at Batman with them, ripping a few slashes into the armor of Batman’s suit. Batman winces as he backs away.

ZSASZ (Laughing.)“So you’re not invincible. You are Human after all, Batman. Very Good.”

Gordon and Sarah come into the room with their guns raised as Big Bad Harv picks up Falcone and starts chocking him on the wall. Gordon and

Sarah try to pry him off of Falcone, but Big Bad Harv just pushes them both off of him.

GORDON“Harvey, stop this!”

BIG BAD HARV“Stay out of this, cop! This is Between him and me!”

FALCONE (Gasping.)“Help me, Gordon... I’ll see you... Loose your badge if... you Don’t...”

GORDON“Let him go, Harvey. It isn’t worth It.”

RACHEL (Moving over quickly.)“Please listen to him, Harvey. Please just let him go.”

Dent suddenly relaxes a little as he hears Rachel’s voice trying to get him to snap out of his current state.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“Harvey, I love you. Don’t give in To this anger anymore. Don’t kill Him. You’ll ruin your life. Please Stop it.”

Dent lets go of Falcone. He falls to the ground gasping. However, he sees the little case that he brought in here and slowly grabs it so no one notices him. Dent and Rachel hug. Sarah turns to help Batman, but Gordon stops her shaking his head.

GORDON“He can handle him.”

Batman continues to try to move away from Zsasz as the blood continues to pour down his suit. Zsasz takes in the smell of his blood.

ZSASZ“I’ve never tasted the blood of a Bat before. Tell me, are you a Vampire, Batman? Is that why you Only come out at night? Does the Criminals not strike during the Day, or is it just that you stay in Your coffin during the day?”

Falcone pulls out a vial of some chemical. He opens the top of vial and stands up looking on evilly.

FALCONE“Hey, Gordon!”

Gordon, Sarah, Dent, and Rachel all turn around to see Falcone throwing the chemical right toward Gordon. However Dent suddenly jumps in front of Gordon as the chemical goes right toward Dent’s face. He tries to pull his face away, but the chemical manages to hit the left side of his face as well as his left hand as it was also in the path of the chemical. His flesh burns as he screams from the pain. Sarah runs over to Falcone and punches him right in the face. Falcone falls to the ground as she takes out the cuffs and cuffs Falcone’s hands behind his back. Rachel falls to the ground crying as she rips the sleeves of her coat off and tries to save Dent’s face and hand. Gordon stands there in shock for what just happened. Batman kicks Zsasz in the stomach suddenly as he tries to slash at Batman again. Zsasz is surprised from the sudden kick and drops the knives in the process. Batman takes Zsasz by his golden blond hair and rams his head right into a nearby board. Zsasz steps back a few steps, looks at Batman smiling, and falls to the ground out cold. Batman takes out the Batcuffs and cuffs Zsasz’s hands behind his back. He picks up Zsasz and moves over to everyone else. Sarah takes Zsasz away from Batman’s custody as Batman looks on in shock as he sees Rachel knelling over the form of Harvey Dent. He is in horror at what Dent’s face and hand looks like now.

BATMAN“Harvey... NO!”

Batman falls to the ground as well. Rachel takes his hand as they both look on at the injured form before them. Gordon looks down saddened. Sarah places a hand on Gordon’s shoulder.

SARAH“There’s nothing more we can do, Jim. We have to get Zsasz and Falcone to jail.”

GORDON (Nodding.)“I know... Let’s go.”

Sarah and Gordon take the barely conscious Zsasz and Falcone down the steps and away from everything else. Batman tries to get his focus

back. He stands up and picks Dent up into his arms. Rachel stands as well, trying to wipe the tears away.

BATMAN“I’ll take him to Gotham Memorial. Pray that they can cure him.”

RACHEL“I will... I’ll make my way there. You just hurry and get him there.”

BATMAN“Don’t worry. He’ll be ok.”

Batman takes off with Dent’s body as he shoots his grappling gun and they both go down toward the street below. Rachel starts crying again as she turns and starts walking toward the steps.



The Tumbler rolls into the Batcave and stops at its normal resting place. Batman steps out of the Tumbler and makes his way over to the Batcomputer. He looks around not seeing Alfred or Talia anywhere.

BATMAN“Alfred? Talia? Where are you two At? I never heard anything from Either of you while I was out Earlier. You guys here? Alfred! Talia!”

Batman runs up the steps to exit the Batcave.


Batman runs out the clock entrance to the Batcave in a frenzy as he looks for Alfred and Talia. He moves to the exit of that room.


Batman emerges into the parlor looking for them, but still sees nothing. However, as he starts to exit the parlor, he turns to the fireplace and sees a note pinned to the wall. He moves over to the note and yanks it from the wall. It reads: “THOSE YOU HOLD DEAR ARE NOW MINE. YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM AS THIS IS THE PUNISHMENT FOR YOUR BETRAYAL. HAVE A WONDERFULLY MISERABLE LIFE WITHOUT THEM, DETECTIVE. REGARDS, A FRIEND.” Batman crumples the note and throws it into the

open fire. He flings things off the mantelpiece above the fireplace and falls to the floor.

BATMAN“Alfred... Talia... Who could’ve Done this? Why would they do this? I will find you both... I swear It... I won’t let those I care for Die...”

Batman looks up into the air and screams in pain. Lightning flashes through the room from the outside as he continues to scream.



Harvey Dent lies bandaged up in a bed. We cannot see the extent of the injuries, but we know it’s bad. A doctor and a nurse come into the room as the doctor turns on the light. Harvey stirs and awakens as he looks at them.

DOCTOR“It’s time to see the extent of the Damage.”

The doctor slowly takes the bandages off of Harvey’s face as he sits there breathing slowly. The doctor finally removes the last of the bandages. The nurse is in shock as is the doctor as they look on.

DENT“Give me a mirror.”

They both just keep standing there in shock.

DENT (Cont’d.)“I said give me a mirror!”

The nurse hands the mirror to the doctor and he gives it to Dent. Dent looks at himself in horror and drops the mirror on the ground as it breaks into a million pieces.

DOCTOR“Now, Harvey, we can repair this. With multiple surgeries, we may be Able to repair the damage.”

Dent grabs hold of the doctor’s coat. We can’t see his left side, only his right.

DENT“May be able to! I don’t believe


Dent slings the doctor right into the nurse as they both fall to the ground. Dent jumps up out of the bed and runs out the door.


Rachel is carrying some flowers toward the Dent’s room as Dent suddenly comes rushing out the door. Rachel stops in shock.


Dent has his hands over his face, but looks up in shock as he turns his full head to see Rachel. Lightning flashes as we now get to see TWO-FACE in his full form. Even his hand is the same ugly color and texture that his face is. His lips on the left side are gone completely revealing his teeth as well as his eyelids completely revealing his full eye. His left ear is no longer there only leaving a hole where the ear used to be.

RACHEL (Cont’d.)“My God! Harvey!”

Rachel suddenly faints from the sight before her, falling to the ground. Two-Face walks over to Rachel. A tear comes to his right eye and falls off splashing right on Rachel’s right cheek.

TWO-FACE“Goodbye, Rachel.”

Two-Face walks over to the large window at the end of the hall and opens it. He turns back to Rachel one last time before he climbs out the window into the pouring rain.


Carmine Falcone sits in a cell, wearing the standard orange attire. He has pure anger on his face as he looks forward.

FALCONE“They haven’t seen the last of Me... Oh, no. The Roman will rise Again. Next time, Batman, you’re Ass is mine.”

Lightening flashes behind Falcone as his evil face appears to be even more evil as he looks forward smiling.


Dr. Harlene Quinzel makes her way down the hallway, her heels clicking as she goes. She writes something on a clipboard as she moves on. She looks in a small slot at a cell door and sees Dr. Jonathan Crane sitting there with a straight jacket on and his Scarecrow costume sitting beside him. He is full of fear as he looks forward.

CRANE“No! Stay away from me! Go away!”

Dr. Quinzel walks away from the cell and makes her way over to another one and looks in. Inside sits Victor Zsasz staring forward, smiling directly at her.

ZSASZ“Well hello, Dr. Quinzel. You look Very scrumptious tonight.”

DR. QUINZEL“Get some sleep, Mr. Zsasz. You Won’t be killing anyone tonight, or Ever again for that matter. You are In good hands here. We will find a Way to help you.”

ZSASZ“A useless effect. The Purifications will continue. I will Bring this world into a much better Light then it has ever been. You Wait and see! I will not fail, Dr. Quinzel! I WILL NOT FAIL!”

Dr. Quinzel moves away from Zsasz’s cell and further down the hallway. We can see from Dr. Quinzel’s shadow that her shadow looks a lot different from what it should be. Her shadow seems to be wearing a strange jester’s hat and costume. Her shadow is also skipping along on the walls instead of walking. A soft laughing sound is heard in the background. The laughing is actually the sound of a girl’s laughing. It’s Dr. Quinzel’s shadow that is laughing. The future of Dr. Quinzel is before us as we see what she will become. Lightning flashes again as the laughing continues.


We see an establishing shot of a jet moving over the Atlantic Ocean as dawn is upon us.


Ra’s Al Ghul stands at one of the small windows in the jet looking out. His hands are crossed as his cloak billows behind him.

RA’S AL GHUL“Ah... Another beautiful day is Upon us, Ubu.”

Ra’s turns around and moves over to Ubu.

RA’S AL GHUL (Cont’d.)“This day will mark the beginning Of our retribution. Nothing will Stop us from completing my plans of World domination.”

Alfred and Talia sit in sets tied up and with gags in their mouths. Alfred is struggling to try to say something. Ra’s nods to Ubu. Ubu goes over Alfred and takes the gag out of his mouth.

ALFRED“How can you be so cruel?”

RA’S AL GHUL“It’s called revenge, old man. Your Master deserves everything that is Coming his way. There will be no Dawn for the detective once I’m Through with him. Retribution will Strike its ugly head upon him and I will once and for all complete my Ultimate mission of world Domination.”

ALFRED“You are nothing but a terrorist.”

Ra’s is angered by this and slaps Alfred across the face.

RA’S AL GHUL“I am an environmentalist. The Things that people do to their Earth is beyond even me. However, They will all pay for the treachery That they have caused this planet, And it will start with the Detective and those that he deems Friends and loved ones. Namely the Both of you.”


The jet continues to move across the ocean as Ra’s Al Ghul laughs evilly.



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