Basso Valentina When I was 9 years old my class and I did a project. It was called “acqua azzurra, acqua chiara” – “blue water, clear water”. One of.

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Basso Valentina

When I was 9 years old my class and I did a project. It was called “acqua azzurra, acqua chiara” – “blue water, clear water”. One of the lessons was carried out in the Tagliamento river. My schoolmates and I were very excited because we wanted to do this activity not at school , but in a different place. The fixed day we went to the river in Rosa (a small village near San Vito).

In this place we did a lot of different scientific experiments with the water. Finally we

reflected about the different states of the water: liquid, gaseous and solid. Every now and then I enjoy looking at the photos that I took that day because I like remembering

those moments.

Basso Valentina

I remember the river that flows near my house. When I was seven or eight years old, my sister, my

neighbour and I used to spend all the summer holidays together. We made a kind of hut on the left bank of the

river and there we played, chatted and enjoyed ourselves. When the weather was sunny and hot, we could also bathe in the river because the water was


Bortolussi Chiara

I have always loved water and in particular this small river because it reminds me of my childhood and especially of

the summer. We played games there, like walking the longer distance

in water – the winner was the one who resisted the longest – or building dams with stones and also played football or volleyball. It was great fun when we fell into the freezing

water.Then we ate, we played cards and again football: “adults”

versus “children”. So we spent a wonderful day with our friends and we had

a great time.

Bortolussi Chiara

Every Saint Mark’s Day (25th of April) we went to Tramonti, a small village in the mountains. We were always about 20 people and everyone got something

to eat from home.We used to spend the whole morning near the bank or in the stream of water, flowing nearby: the water was


Campaner Gianluca

The memory that I'd like to describe is very recent, indeed it dates back to 5-6 January 2011. Those days my parents and I went to Rome and we saw

the Tiber for the first time – how exciting! That river tells and sums up a lot of history! When I was on one of the bridges, I looked down at the water

and it was muddy, because it had rained, but, however, it was beautiful. The noise of the flowing

water was one thing with the smells of the city, the flavour of the roll with roast pig – typical of

Rome – and of the delicious “amatriciana”. I heard also the calls of the street vendors of scarves,

necklaces and pasta. An incredible view and an idescribable emotion!

Casetta Grazia

If one day someone asks me what is the most beautiful and unforgettable river that I remember, I will answer that it is that little river which flows at the back of my house. It springs up about twenty metres from my house to flow into a larger river of a nearby town. I will tell about it because it is full of memories. When I was a child I fell into it because I slipped on the ground. For example, one day my father put two wooden beams across the stream. I used to sit on them for hours, with my sister, our feet in the water. All around there were big trees that created a shadowy and peaceful place. There were also high and elegant flowers that I liked to admire. I remember those past moments with some sadness because life goes on fast and irregular, like the water runs quickly and unending.

Colautti Roberta

In Fiume Veneto, not far from my house, there’s an area of the park that is called “Mortol”, because it is the dry branch of a river that was cut out in the 1800s for a drainage. Indeed the society “Cotonificio Veneziano” was opening a new production centre for spinning cotton and the necessity was that the river, to bring more energy to the hydroelectric turbines, should be straight.For many years now the “Mortol” has been wetted only by rain and ground infiltration, but it still has vegetation and has developed a different flora.The Mortol is shaped like a horseshoe and in has a little garden and some trees because since 2000 the municipality has supported a greening project and for each born child a tree is planted.In this little garden the municipality allows people to have birthday parties and in a nice afternoon in July my friend Leo organized a birthday - summer party. It was only children and we were there alone. We had a lot of fun playing near the Mortol, also because it was safe – the water is shallow.Sometimes, when I go on my daily walk, I still remember that day.

Da Ros Erik

One summer afternoon , particularly sweaty, I cycled to the Tagliamento with a group of

friends. While my friends were sunbathing, I sat on a rock under the shadow of a tree and,

listening to music and relaxing, I gazed at the river.

Suddenly, just to have fun, I started to throw some pebbles into the river and they, every time, created lots of concentric circles which

sparkled under the sunlight.I was fascinated by them and slowly I started to remember the most beautiful memories from my

past, when I was a child, and I felt nostalgic.At that moment I wished I could go back in time to live again the moments spent, maybe with a

new awareness.Del Frari Giulia

The nearest memory of a river, that I have, goes back to two years ago. It was October and in my town it had been raining heavily for some days.One afternoon my sister and I decided to go and see the river “Cellina” because, in those days, the rain had risen a lot the water level. When I got near the river I felt terribly scared and worried because the river, that is usually quiet and crystalline, was rushing swift and muddy, with a menacing look. And what was even more frightening, the stream was carrying along pieces of wood because its energy had torn off some branches from the trees. I was so amazed that I asked myself a question: “Will the water come again transparent and clear? Fortunately, the answer to the question was “yes, it will”!

Durat Laura

One day, during the summer holidays, I was on the bank of the river “Tagliamento” with my friends. We didn’t have any homework and our days passed very slowly. The sun was very hot and we were very bored, so we decided to go canoeing in the river. Nobody had canoed before, but we wanted to try. We had a rubber dinghy and there were six of us. We knew the Tagliamento is a little bit dangerous, because there are strong streams. However, we decided to begin our adventure. While we were enjoying ourselves, we stopped by a trunk. We dived into the water and we played volley. We laughed a lot. Eventually, we took the dinghy back to the bank and returned home. We were proud of our little adventure, and relieved everything went well. We had spent a very exciting day!

Floriduz Gianluca

I like lying in your water, Tagliamento, when it flows slowly. I lie on a little peninsula made of stones. I find it comfortable. Your cold stream lets me forget my memories. Everything surrounding me becomes transparent. But my friends are still with me. I close my eyes to feel your current, that caresses my feet. I open my eyes and I can see the indifferent clouds that now are running above you, river. Even the sky admires your ineffable beauty. I can see the luminosity of the little ripples and the wind that is drawing on your water some stylized snakes. I am listening to your sweet and relaxing music. It is like a lullaby. Now it is only you and me, river!

Fasciano Viviana

I have gone many times to the Tagliamento river. Now I would like to remind the time when I went there with my class in 2004 when I still

was at elementary school. We did two experiments about the power of the water with our mathematics teacher and a biologist. In the first one, we built a very little raft and then we

put it on the water. We saw that the float followed the current of the water and it went to the mouth of the river. The other experiment

was the next.

Giusti Lodovico

We observed that the power of the current was not regular everywhere and proved this with a fishing rod that had a petrol can instead of the hook. I remind that I didn’t like the experiments because our teacher asked us many questions like in a science interrogation. Fortunately, there were my friends and I spent the rest of the day talking to them about football and our future.

Giusti Lodovico

When I remember this river I always have an image in my mind: refreshing water puddles and stretches of pebbles, from which some trees spring up here and there. In fact, when I see it, my mind thinks of summer when the Tagliamento cools our bodies hot with the scorching sun even if it is mostly dry with few water streams. That river also reminds me of when I go cycling with my father and my sister, who calls the place “the land of pebbles”, because there are so many, lit up by the sun, that they blind the sight. When I think of this river, it seems impossible to me to imagine it as a swollen watercourse.

Nadalin Marina

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I can’t believe that it can cover the whole expanse of pebbles and flood the surrounding fields in winter and in autumn. My grandfather told me that many years ago the Tagliamento overflowed its banks and reached his house In order to save the cow which he needed to live, he tried, unsuccessfully, to lead it onto the first floor of their house. It stopped on the landing and it was nearly carried away by the strength of the river.That watercourse reminds me of a mountain stream, limpid, crystalline, refreshing. But after a rainy day it looks muddy and the pebbles disappear under the water.

Nadalin Marina

This brown liquid reminds of the movement of slimy mobile sand, fast, without respite, fearful to our eyes.

But in the summer here it is: free, azure-green, it seems to reflect the surrounding vegetation. Its waters wash bad

thoughts away, and it reminds you that you are there, you are swimming in that welcoming, refreshing, small sea,

even if, when you dive into it, it seems that its currents, so strong, drag you away.

Nadalin Marina

One day my family and I decided to visit the Lake of Fusine. Perhaps it was the year 2002 –I don’t remember exactly.when I saw the lake, I was dazzled. I could hear all the noises, even the most trivial and small.Then I got into the boat, but after a few minutes I started to cry because the boat was moving too much, I didn’t like that.Maybe I look more like sailing that lake.One day we will return!

Odorico Silvia

My memories of a river are just a few, but there is one that I remember better. It was in 2002 and I still lived in Albania. Near my house there was a little river where my friends and I went to swim.

That time there was a big party there and we all tried to make it more funny

bringing with us sweets and drinks and organizing diving competitions – I even

won in one of these. That was one of the most beautiful parties I have ever taken part in. I also met a lot of new friends.

Prjska Klajdi

The river Zoppoletta is one of the many rivers that cross Zoppola and certainly one of the most

important since it gave the town its name. It rises in Ovoledo and flows behind my house, and then

divides via Roma and via S. Valentino and continues towards Fiume Veneto. I have walked a lot along its

banks and I have many memories from my childhood. As a child, with my brother and my

sister, I enjoyed building huts on its bank, while my father was watching us from the garden. During the

hot summer days it sometimes happened that, while playing and joking, we fell into the fresh water

and so we returned home wet.

Quattrin Evelina

Spring is the period when I still prefer walking along the river banks because it's precisely at that time

that the vegetation flourishes and we go and collect the first violets and primroses around there. In the late spring and the early summer we eat cherries

from the cherry trees that stand near the river. Even on these days, I love going for a walk with my dog Kikki, especially in summer when the vegetation is lush and you can see several little animals, such as the woodpeckers, the squirrels, the coots and many

other chirping birds.

Quattrin Evelina

The Luma is a little stream that flows for a short stretch behind my home. It’s a place full of remembrances, because I

used to go there and play with my cousin when I was a child. We imagined

to organize fashion shows and important events. In winter this torrent is

almost always frozen, whereas, in summer, it is covered with a lot of water

lilies. Whenever I think of that place I can go back in time when I was a child.

Ilaria Trevisan

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