basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid

Post on 20-Dec-2016






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Department of Ophthalmology


Pictures for Practical Exam

retinal detachment 1.

2. corneal abscess

3. Acanthamoeba keratitis

exsudative, age- related macular degeneration 4.

anophthalmos 5.

central retinal artery occlusion 6.

retinal arterial branch occlusion (macular area) 7.

basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid 8.

basal cell carcinoma 9.

Basal - cell carcinoma 10.

congenital glaucoma 11.

congenital glaucoma (end stage) 12.

traumatic cataract and iris rubeosis 13.

nuclear cataract 14.

mature cataract 15.

focal chorioretinitis 16.

corneal cicatrix 17.

congenital iris coloboma 18.

vernal conjunctivitis 19.

acut bacterial conjunctivitis 20.

acut bacterial conjunctivitis 21.

retinal hemorrhage after ocular contusion 22.

conjunctival cyst 23.

iris tumor 24.

acute dacryocystitis 25.

allergic dermatitis of the eyelids 26.

descemetocele 27.

disinsertio of the levator aponeurosis 28.

diabetic retinopathy 29.

cavernosus hemangioma of the upper eyelid and eyeball dislocation 30.

eyeball dislocation and ptosis 31.

ectoprosthesis 32.

cicatriceal ectropion of the right lower eyelid 33.

senile ectropion of the lower eyelid 34.

endophthalmitis 35.

senile entropion of the lower eyelid 36.

congenital entropion of the lower eyelid 37.

exophthalmus (Graves disease) 38.

exsudative, age- related macular degeneration (Khunt-Junius, end-stage)


„cooked fish eye” following alkali injury 40.

arcus senilis (Gerontoxon) 41.

prosthesis bulbi (left side) 42.

hemangioma of the upper eyelid 43.

herpes zoster ophthalmicus 44.

hemangioma in von Hippel – Lindau disease

(before and after irradiation) 45.

foreign body in the eye 46.

foreign body in the lens 47.

Kaiser-Fleisher ring in Wilson disease 48.

esotropia 49.

keratoprotesis 50.

dendritic keratitis (stained with fluorescein) 51.

keratitis with hypopyon 52.

marginal keratitis 53.

acute keratoconus 54.

deposits on the surface of the contact lens 55.

penetrating keratoplasty 56.

penetrating keratoplasty (three times) 57.

leucoma corneae 58.

leucoma corneae 59.

epibulbar dermoid on the limbus of the cornea 60.

luxation of the lens into the anterior chamber and iris coloboma 61.

retinal tear and retinal tamponad with elastic silicone sponge 62.

macula corneae 63.

exophthalmus maligna 64.

megalocornea 65.

megalocornea (side view) 66.

uveal melanoma and nevus,

fluorescein angiography picture on the right side 67.

melanoma of the ciliary body 68.

melanoma of the iris 69.

membrana pupillaris persistens 70.

microcornea 71.

conjunctival nevus 72.

benign neurofibromatosis 73.

zonular opacity of the cornea 74.

panophthalmitis 75.

background diabetic retinopathy after focal laser photocoagulation 76.

proliferative diabetic retinopathy after panretinal photocoagulation 77.

phthisis bulbi 78.

pterygium internum 79.

congenital total ptosis of the upper eyelid 80.

retinoblastoma and leucocoria 81.

retinoblastoma 82.

intraoperative picture, brachyterapy, Ru 106 contact irradiation 83.

corneal staphyloma 84.

scleral staphyloma 85.

Steven- Johnson syndrome 86.

subconjunctival hemorrhage 87.

foreign bodies on the cornea and conjunctiva 88.

symblepharon 89.

congenital coloboma of the upper eyelid 90.

conjunctival tumor 91.

orbital tumor 92.

corneal ulcer (Mooren) 93.

bacterial corneal ulcer 94.

central retinal vein occlusion 95.

vulnus ruptum corneae et sclerae et collapsus bulbi 96.

xanthelasma of the upper eyelid 97.

uveal melanoma 98.

pseudophakia and posterior capsule opacification treated with

posterior capsulotomy 99.

traumatic mydriasis with partial cataract 100.

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