Barnstead Thermolyne Type F1500 Muffle Furnace

Post on 30-Jan-2017






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Type F1500Muffle Furnace

LT327X3 • 12/15/97




Model # Voltage Control

FD1535M 120 Single Set Point

FD1538M 208 Single Set Point

FD1530M 240 Single Set Point

FD1530M-26 240 Single Point Set

FD1534M 100 Single Set Point

FD1545M 120 Programmable (2 Ramp & 2 Dwell)

FD1548M 208 Programmable (2 Ramp & 2 Dwell)

FD1540M 240 Programmable (2 Ramp & 2 Dwell)

FD1540M-26 240 Programmable (2 Ramp & 2 Dwell)

FD1544M 100 Programmable (2 Ramp & 2 Dwell)


Table of Contents

General Information ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Alert Signals ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Safety Information ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Important Information ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Warnings .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Intended Use .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Principles of Operation ................................................................................................................................... 5General Specifications ....................................................................................................................................... 6Unpacking .......................................................................................................................................................... 7Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 8Single Setpoint Temperature Control (Automatic) Operation ............................................................................. 9Operation of 2 Ramp & 2 Dwell Programmable Models .................................................................................. 12Operating the Controller ................................................................................................................................... 16Implementing Programs ................................................................................................................................... 20Furnace Loading .............................................................................................................................................. 21Preventive Maintenance................................................................................................................................... 22Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................... 23Maintenance and Servicing .............................................................................................................................. 25Figures ............................................................................................................................................................. 29Replacement Parts List .................................................................................................................................... 31Wiring Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 32Ordering Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 33Material Safety Data Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 34Warning ............................................................................................................................................................ 38Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................... 39


General Information

Safety InformationYour Thermolyne Muffle Furnace has beendesigned with function, reliability, and safety inmind. It is the user’s responsibility to install it inconformance with local electrical codes. Forsafe operation, please pay attention to the alertboxes throughout the manual.

Important InformationThis manual contains important operating andsafety information. The user must carefullyread and understand the contents of thismanual prior to the use of this equipment.


To avoid electric shock, this furnace must:

1. Use a properly grounded electricaloutlet of correct voltage and currenthandling capacity.

2. Disconnect from power supply beforeservicing.

3. Have the door switch operatingproperly.

WarningWarnings alert you to a possibilityof personal injury.

CautionCautions alert you to a possibilityof damage to the equipment.

NoteNotes alert you to pertinent factsand conditions.

Hot SurfaceHot surfaces alert you to apossibility of personal injury if youcome in contact with a surfaceduring use or for a period of timeafter use.

Alert Signals


To avoid personal injury:1. Do not use in the presence of flam-

mable or combustible materials ; fire orexplosion may result. This device con-tains components which may ignite suchmaterial.

2. Caution: Hot Surface - Avoid Contact.To avoid burns, do not touch the interioror exterior surfaces of the furnace duringuse or for a period of time after use.

3. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.


Intended UseThe type 1500 furnaces are general laboratoryand heat treating furnaces. These furnaces areintended for applications requiring temperaturesfrom 212°F (100°C) to 2192°F (1200°C). Formaximum element life, it is recommended tooperate the furnace at temperatures from 212°F(100°C) to 1950°F (1066°C) for continuous use ortemperatures from 1950°F (1066°C) to 2192°F(1200°C) for intermittent use. Continuous use isoperating the furnace for more than 3 hours andintermittent use is operating the furnace for lessthan 3 hours.

The unit consists of 1) a heating chamber, 2) adigital temperature control and, 3) a power switch.See Figure 1, page 29 for overall shape andgeneral features of the unit.



Principles of OperationThe furnace chamber is heated by four electricresistance heaters which are embedded in arefractory material. The chamber is insulatedwith a ceramic fiber insulation. For safety, adoor switch is incorporated to remove powerfrom heating elements when door is opened.The furnace chamber is supported by thecontrol section which also houses the electricalconnections.

Two types of temperature controls are used:1) Single Set Point (Automatic) This is

an electronic control which enablesthe user to bring the furnace up to apreset point and hold that tempera-ture.

2) Programmable (2 ramp and 2 dwell)This control is designed to control aprogrammed temperature profile. Theprofile is in the format of ramps anddwell segments. The first ramp, RAMP1, starts at the initial measured Fur-nace temperature. This ramp is posi-tive going at a programmed rate untilthe programmed level is reached. Thesetpoint will stay at this level for aperiod determined by the setting ofDWELL 1. When the second rampreaches the second programmedlevel, the setpoint stays at that levelfor the duration of the segment. De-pending upon the model ordered,additional ramp and dwell segmentsmay be added.



General Specifications forFurnaces

#ledoM)62(&M0451DF °)62(&M0351DF °











































stloV 042 001 021 802

spmA 3.9 7.02 6.81 7.01

sttaW 0322 0702 0322 5222

.qerF 06/05 06/05 06/05 06/05

esahP 1 1 1 1


.tnoC 001 ° 6601-C °C 001 ° 6601-C °C 001 ° 6601-C °C 001 ° 6601-C °C

tnettimretnI 6601 ° 0021-C °C 6601 ° 0021-C °C 6601 ° 0021-C °C 6601 ° 0021-C °C

Note -26 models supplied with Europeantype cord and plug. All other modelsnot supplied with cord and plug.



UnpackingUnpack furnace from box. The owners manualand door handle are included in the box. Afterunpacking the furnace, attach the door handleand remove packing material from insidefurnace chamber. The furnace is supplied withone hearth plate. The Type 1500 furnaces donot come with a power cord becausecurrent requirements are too great to behandled by ordinary power cords andstandard wall supply. (Exception: the -26European models are supplied with a powercord.)



Site SelectionInstall furnace on a sturdy surface and allowspace for ventilation.

The electrical specifications are located on thespecification plate on the back of the furnace.Consult Barnstead/Thermolyne if your electricalservice is different than those listed on thespecification plate. Prior to connecting your Type1500 furnace to your electrical supply, be sure thetwo position power switch is in the OFF position.

Your 1500 furnace may be wired either directlythrough a conduit system or by using a powercord and plug which conforms to the NationalElectrical Codes and electrical code requirementsof your area. The terminal block to be used inwiring is located on the lower rear of the furnace.(See Figure 1, page 29 for wiring locations.)


WarningTo avoid electrical shock, thisfurnace must be installed by acompetent electrician whoensures compatibility amongfurnace specification, powersource and ground coderequirements.

CautionBe sure ambient temperaturedoes not exceed 104°F (40°C);ambients above this level mayresult in damage to the control-ler. Allow at least six inches ofspace between the furnace andany combustible surface. Thispermits the heat from the fur-nace case to escape so as notto create a possible fire hazard.For supply connections, use 14AW or larger wires suitable for atleast 392°F (200°C).

Note(-26) models are supplied with aEuropean cord set.

WarningDo not use in the presence offlammable or combustible chemi-cals. Fire or explosion may result;this device contains componentswhich may ignite such materials.

Hot SurfaceTo avoid burns, do not touch theinterior or exterior surfaces of thefurnace during use or for a periodof time after use.


Single Setpoint TemperatureControl (Automatic) Operation(Models FD1530M, FD1530M-26, FD1534M,FD1535M, FD1538M)

Controls and DisplaysPower Switch:

Turn power switch to the “ON” position. TheCONTROLLER will illuminate when power is on.

Furnace Power Indicator:The amber furnace power light will illuminatewhenever the door is closed. This light will go outonly when the door is open or when there is anover-temperature condition.

Door Safety Switch:The door safety switch removes power from theheating elements when the door is opened. Openand close the door a few times, note that theamber furnace power light will go out while thedoor is open. If the furnace power light does notgo out while the door is open, consult theTroubleshooting section before proceeding.

Control ButtonsTo illuminate the “DOWN” button, “SCROLL”button, and “UP” button, touch anywhere on thefront panel.

Digital Readout:The Digital Readout continuously displayschamber (upper display) and setpoint (lowerdisplay) temperatures unless the “SCROLL”button is depressed.

NoteWhen performing the operations withthe controller, remember that if morethan eight to ten seconds elapsebefore the buttons are used again,the display screen will automaticallyswitch back to displaying chambertemperature.If this happens, light up the frontpanel again and step through eachparameter until you reach the point atwhich the interruption occurred. Theparameter values you adjustedearlier will not be lost or altered.Holding down the SCROLL buttonallows longer viewing time.

NoteThe temperature control in thesemodels is a single set-point device.By using the UP or DOWN buttons,a specifictemperature can be chosen. Thecontrol will cause the furnace cham-ber to heat to the chosen tempera-ture and hold it at this temperatureuntil you turn off the power switch orselect another temperature.

WarningTo avoid electrical shock, this fur-nace must have the door switchconnected and operating properly. Ifthe furnace powerlight does not go out while the door is open, consult theTroubleshooting sectionbefore proceeding.

Single Setpoint TemperatureControl (Automatic Operation)


Start-up Display:When the power switch is turned on, thecontroller will perform a self-test to make surecontroller is operating properly. (If all four 1’s donot light up or fails to go to “8888” contactThermolyne.)

Adjusting Furnace Setpoint

TemperatureTo illuminate the “DOWN” button, “SCROLL”button, and “UP” button, touch anywhere on thefront panel.

Push the “UP” button or the “DOWN” button tomodify the temperature setpoint (lower digitaldisplay).

TuningThis control incorporates a self tuning featurewhich determines the optimum controlparameters for the best temperature accuracy.We recommend that you tune the furnace to yourspecific application to obtain the best results.Perform the following procedures when you firstset up your furnace and each time you changeyour load type or operating temperature.

To tune your furnaceLoad your furnace with a load characteristic ofthose you intend to heat in it.

Set the furnace’s setpoint to the temperature youintend to use for your application.

NoteIf the power to furnace is turnedoff or interrupted while in “tuning”upon returning power to furnace,the controller display will indicate“LinE FAIL” because sampleddata could be questionable. Torestart tuning, refer to Tuningprocedure. If the controller cannotmaintain temperature set-point,“TunE FAIL” will appear ondisplay. First, correct problemresponsible for not maintainingthe temperature setpoint, thenrestart the “tuning” procedure.

CautionDo not exceed limitations forcontinuous or intermittentoperating temperature shown inthe General Specifications.Exceeding these limits will resultin severely reduced heatingelement life.



Push the “SCROLL” button until ‘TUNE”appears. To start the tuning function, push the“UP” button.

When the tuning process is started, the lowerdisplay will flash ‘tunE” along with the furnacetemperature setpoint. During tuning, thetemperature setpoint cannot be changed. Tochange temperature setpoint ‘tunE” must beturned “OFF.” (To stop the tuning function,push the “DOWN” button.)

Changing Temperature IndicationPush “SCROLL” button once, “°C” will appear.This indicates temperature measurement.(Contact Thermolyne if control needs to bechanged to °F.)

Setting the High Alarm Temperature

(Over Temperature Protection OTP):Push “SCROLL” button until “AL.SP” (AlarmSetpoint) appears. The lower display shouldindicate 1100°C.

Depress either the “UP” or “DOWN” button toselect the OTP value you desire. Thermolynerecommends that you set the value either at themaximum operating temperature of the furnaceor a value of 20 degrees above your workingtemperature if you desire to provide protectionfor your work load.


NoteThe controller is fitted with amechanical relay which isde-energized in the alrm mode. Thisrelay, when de-energized, removespower from the heating elements. Ifthe primary control circuit fails, theOTP will control the furnacetemperature at the preset value youhave entered, it does not shut offthe furnace, but will maintain thechamber temperature at thatvalue.


NoteWhen performing operations withthe controller, if you depress andrelease either the “PAR,” scroll“UP” or scroll “DOWN” buttonsand more than six secondselapse before the buttons areused again, the display will auto-matically switch to displayingchamber temperature. If thishappens, you will have to stepthrough each parameter until youreach the point at which theinterruption occurred. Theparameter Values adjusted earlierwill not be lost or altered. Holdingdown on “PAR” allows longerviewing time.

Operation of 2 Ramp and 2Dwell Programmable Models(Models FD1540M, FD1540M-26, FD1545M,FD1544M, FD1548M)

Controls and DisplaysDigital Readout:

The digital readout continuously displayschamber (upper display) and setpoint (lowerdisplay) temperatures unless the PAR(parameter) button is depressed.

If a program is in either run, Hb or Hold, pressing“PAR” once causes the lower display to indicatethe current segment of the program (r1, d1, r2,d2, or Hb) along with °C or °F. If the program iscurrently in either d1 and d2, the value shownbelow these parameters (d1 and d2) reflects thetime remaining in the segment.

While the program is in run, Hold, or Hb, the setpoint shown on the bottom display is the currentworking set point.

When the controller is in idle, depressing PARshows each parameter and its current value inturn on the display. The parameter value caneither be modified with the “up” or “down” pushbuttons or left unmodified.

See Parameters for a list of the controllerparameters in order.

Power Switch:Set power switch to the “ON” position. TheCONTROLLER will illuminate when power is on.

Operation of 2 Ramp and 2Dwell Programmable Models

NoteIn the event of a thermocouplebreak (open circuit), the numericdisplay increases rapidly upscale,then displays “Snb” (sensorbreak) and may alternately flash“HiAL” (high alarm) and/or dAL(deviation alarm) and the sensorbreak power value. A reversedthermocouple connection orincorrect thermocouple will causethe display to read “ur” (under-range) and the control will main-tain the sensor break poweroutput value selected.


Furnace Power Indicator:The amber furnace power light will illuminatewhenever the door is closed. This light will goout only when the door is open or when there isan over-temperature condition.

Door Safety Switch:The door safety switch removes power from theheating elements when the door is opened.Open and close the door a few times, note thatthe amber furnace power light will go out whilethe door is open. If the furnace power light doesnot go out while the door is open, consult theTroubleshooting section before proceeding.

ParametersPROG - program options . By pushing up ordown buttons, three options can be chosen: run- to start program; idle - to end program; hold -to hold program until further action.

SP - set point temperature. When running aprogram, it is the last temperature valueattained. Push up or down button to set.TUNE - self-tuning feature. Push up or downbutton to set.LC - loop count . The number of times theprogram is repeated. Push up or down buttonto set.r1 - ramp rate #1. The rate of heat increase ordecrease in °/minute. Push up or down buttonto set.L1 - temp level #1. The temp level that r1 willattain. Push up or down button to set.d1 - dwell (soak) time #1. The amount of timein minutes to hold L1 temp level #1. Push up ordown button to set.r2 - ramp rate #2. The rate of heat increase ordecrease in °C/minute. Push up or down buttonto set.


WarningTo avoid electrical shock, thisfurnace must have the doorswitch connected andoperating properly. If power lightdoes not go out while the door isopen, consult the Troubleshoot-ing section before proceeding.

NotePush button “A/M” and light “OP”are inactive and not used.

NoteThe controller is filled with amechanical relay which is de-energized in the alarm mode.This relay, when de-energized,removes power from the heatingelements, If the primary controlcircuit fails, the OTP will controlthe furnace temperature at thepreset value you entered. It doesnot shut off the furnace but willmaintain the chamber tempera-ture at that value.

CautionRemember that whenever thepower switch is turned “ON”, thefurnace will begin to heat at thesetpoint temperature that waspreviously set. This value willremain unchanged for up to ayear without power being appliedto the control.


L2 - temp level #2. The temperature level r2 willattain. Push up or down button to set.d2 - dwell (soak) time #2. The amount of time inminutes to hold L2 temperature level #2. Push upor down button to set.Hb - “holdback.” Automatically places theprogrammer into “HOLD” if the measured valuedeviates more than a specified amount fromprogrammer setpoint. When measured valuereenters the holdback band, the timing for thesegment resumes. (Parameter is expressed in °Cand only functions when running a program).Push up or down button to set.HiAL - high alarm (over temperatureprotection). Push up or down button to set.Thermolyne recommends that you set the valueeither at the maximum operating temperature ofthe furnace or a value of 20 degrees above yourworking temperature if you desire to provideprotection for your work load.

The next three parameters - Proportional Band,Integral and Derivatives - are the three controlparameters of a P.l.D. control system. Theseparameters will be set when you tune yourfurnace. (See Tuning .)

Proportional Band (Prop)Integral Time (In.T)Derivative Time (dEr.T)

HPl - High Power Limit (%) This parameter limitsthe average maximum power that is applied to theheating elements. Remember that this parameterdoes not reduce the voltage to the elements. Itreduces the average power to the elements bycycling power on and off.C/F - Centigrade/Fahrenheit. Choose thedesired temperature unit by depressing the “UP”or “DOWN” push-button.

NoteAll temperature dependent pa-rameters are automatically con-verted when the temperature unit(C or F) is changed.



Tuning Your ControllerThis programmable control has an automatictuning feature which installs optimum tuningparameters to give the best temperatureaccuracy. No manual loading of tuningparameters is needed. We highly recommendusing this feature to provide the besttemperature accuracy the controller can attain.Perform the following procedures when you firstset up your furnace and each time you changeyour load type, operating temperature, orprogram.

To initiate the self tune featureLoad your furnace with a load characteristic ofthose you intend to heat in it.

If you will be using the controller as a singleSetpoint Controller, set the furnace’s setpoint tothe temperature you intend to use for yourapplication.

If you will be running a multistep program, setthe furnace’s setpoint to the value of L1 (templevel #1).

Push “PAR” button until TUNE is displayed,then push “UP” or “DOWN” button to turn tune“ON.”

During the operation, TUNE flashes in thelower display. Do not make any adjustments tothe controller parameters during this period.The self tuning is finished when TUNE nolonger flashes in the lower display.

Self tuning will calculate values for:Proportional band (prop)Integral time (Int.t)Derivative time (der.t)



CautionDo not exceed limitations forcontinuous or intermittent operat-ing temperature shown in theGeneral Specifications (infurnace manual). Exceedingthese limits will result in severelyreduced heating element life.

• Self tuning cannot be initiated while running aprogram.• A power failure will cause the TUNE parameterto revert back to NO. (Reset tune parameter toYES).• If there are alarm conditions during self tuning,they flash alternately with TUNE.

Operating the Controller

Single Set Point OperationThe programmable control can be used as asingle setpoint control or as a programmablecontrol. To use as a single set point control simplypush up or down buttons to choose a specifictemperature. The control will cause the furnacechamber to heat to the chosen temperature andhold this temperature until the power switch is setto OFF or another temperature is selected.

a. The setpoint temperature presently setin the control will be read out on thelower display.

b. To change this set point, depress the“UP” or “DOWN” push button until thedesired setpoint value is displayed thenrelease the button.

c. At this point the furnace will begin toheat if the new set point temperature youhave chosen is higher than the presentchamber temperature.



Programming ControllerTo run a program, first determine your ramprate, dwell times. and program levels. It ishelpful to graph your program out for ease ofloading the program into controller.

A maximum of 2 ramp and 2 dwell segmentcombinations are available, thus enabling 2different set point levels to be achieved. Eachramp is programmed by specifying thetemperature level (L1) and the required ramprate (r1). The programmer then automaticallycalculates the time that is required to attain thetemperature level (L1) based on the desiredramp rate (r1). Dwell segments (d1) then canbe attached to each temperature level (L1) tohold that temperature for a specified amount oftime.

Make sure the PROG parameter is set to idle(to stop program) when entering programvalues. (See Parameters .)

Push “PAR” until “r1” is displayed. Push “UP” or“DOWN” buttons and set ramp rate “r1” (heatincrease or decrease) in °C/minute.

Push “PAR” until “L1” is displayed. Push “UP”or “DOWN” buttons and set temperature level“L1.” This is the target temperature for the firstramp.

Push “PAR” until “d1” is displayed. Push “UP”or “DOWN” buttons and set dwell (soak) time“d1” in minutes.

Push “PAR” until “r2” is displayed. Push “UP” or“DOWN” buttons and set ramp rate “r2” in C/minutes.

Push “PAR” until “L2” is displayed. Push “UP”or “DOWN” buttons and set temperature level“L2.” This is the target temperature for thesecond ramp.



Push ‘PAR’’ until “d2” is displayed. Push “UP” or“DOWN” buttons and set dwell (soak) time “d2” inminutes.

Push “PAR” until “SP” is displayed. Push “UP” or“DOWN” buttons and modify set pointtemperature. After “d2” dwell time has expired,thus ending the program, the last temperaturelevel to be attained will be equal to “SP”temperature. For example, if after your programhas been completed, you want the furnace to coolto ambient, set “SP” to 20. This will be the lasttemperature level attained.

Push “PAR” until “LC” is displayed. Push “UP” or“DOWN” buttons and set “LC” (loop count -number of times program is repeated).

Skipping SegmentsIf you desire to skip a ramp or dwell segment,follow this procedure:

• for a dwell segment, enter a setting of “0”minutes.

• for a ramp segment, enter a high value such as100°/min. This will cause controller to skip to nextsegment as fast as the furnace is capable.

Setting the Holdback FeatureThis controller features a holdback (Hb) functionto ensure programmed parameter values areadhered to. Holdback is set in display units(degrees C or F) and represents the allowableexcursion of measured value away from thecurrent set point, either above or below, beforethe program is forced into hold (clock stops).



The program will remain in hold until themeasured value comes within holdback band(clock starts). This feature is active the wholetime that the program is running. (Holdbackfunctions only while running a program).

Push PAR until “Hb” is displayed. Selectdesired holdback setting - a setting of 20° isrecommended.

If a running program is forced into holdback,the illuminated dot below the “R” symbol oncontroller will flash and the PROG parameterwill indicate “Hb.” When the program is in“holdback,” it effectively lengthens the time ofthe program - if the holdback band “Hb” is settoo low, the program will never escape theholdback band, thus the program will never becompleted. If you do not want to use theholdback function, set “Hb” to an extremelylarge value.



Implementing ProgramsWhen you have finished programming and areready to run your program, push “PAR” untilPROG is displayed. Pushing the “UP” or “DOWN”buttons, you have three options: “Run” (to startprogram), “idle” (to stop program), “hold” (to holdprogram) - parameter values can be changedwhen hold is chosen.

Program ExecutionWhen “run” is selected, the program will start fromthe actual furnace temperature at that point intime. Also, the dot under “R” on the control willilluminate to indicate the program is running.

Program HoldTo adjust parameters while running a program,you must put control into “Hold.” Push “PAR” until“prog” is displayed. Push “UP” or “DOWN”buttons until Hold is displayed. When the dotunderneath “R” on controller flashes and “Hold” isindicated at the “prog” parameter, the controller isin Hold. Now you are able to adjust allparameters. To restart the program, set “prog” to“run” again.

Program IdleTo stop program, push “PAR” button until “prog”is displayed. Push “UP” or “DOWN” buttons until“idle” is displayed. This will terminate program.

NoteParameter values r1, L1, D1, r2,L2, r2, D2 and Lc cannot beadjusted while running a program.

Implementing Programs


Furnace LoadingFor best results of furnace loading, use lessthan two-thirds of any dimension of thechamber. If you are heating a number of smallparts, spread them throughout the middle two-thirds of the chamber.

• Keep objects away from thermocouple.• Block up load with small pieces of ceramic, or use the supplied hearth plate.• Use insulated tongs and mittens when loading and unloading furnace.• Always wear safety glasses.Use hearth plated supplied with furnace (Cat.No. PHX2) to protect bottom heating element.

Furnace Loading

CautionDo not overload your furnacechamber. If the load is to beheated uniformly, it should notoccupy more than two-thirds ofany dimension of the chamber.Failure to observe this cautioncould result in damage to furnacecomponents.


Preventative MaintenanceContamination is a major cause of elementfailure, therefore, when possible, remove thefume forming material before heating. (e.g.,cleaning cutting oil from tool steel).

Housekeeping is vital to your electric furnace—KEEP IT CLEAN! Run your furnace up to 1600°F(870°C) empty occasionally to burn off thecontamination that may exist on the insulationand elements. Run for approximately two hourswith the door slightly open .

Element life is reduced somewhat by repeatedheating and cooling. If the furnace is to be usedagain within a few hours, it is best to keep it at theoperating temperature or at a reduced level suchas 500°F (260°C).

During normal use the thermocouple in yourfurnace can become oxidized and causeinaccurate control; therefore, we suggest that ifyou regularly use your furnace you should checkyour thermocouple once every six months toassure the accuracy of your control.

WarningTo avoid electrical shock, thisfurnace must always be discon-nected from the power supplyprior to maintenance and servic-ing. Refer servicing to qualifiedpersonnel.

Preventative Maintenance



Troubleshooting The Troubleshooting section is intended to aidin defining and correcting possible serviceproblems. When using the chart, select theproblem category that resembles themalfunction. Then proceed to the possiblecauses category and take necessary correctiveaction.

melborP sesuaCelbissoP noitcAevitcerroC






melborP sesuaCelbissoP noitcAevitcerroC


















WarningDisconnect from power supplybefore servicing.


melborP sesuaCelbissoP noitcAevitcerroC










































Maintenance and Servicing

To Replace A Heating Element:a) Disconnect furnace from power sup-


b) Remove back terminal cover (SeeFigure 2, page 29.)

c) Loosen the nuts on the terminals ofthe element to be replaced.

d) Straighten the leads of the old ele-ment.

e) Open the door and pull the defectiveelement out. (It may be easiest to turnthe furnace so that the element to beremoved is on top.)

f) Slide the new element into place,threading the leads through the insu-lating porcelain bushing in the back ofthe furnace.

g) Bend the elements across the “U”shaped terminal clamp washer. Re-place the adjacent element leadacross the washer. Put the roundterminal clamp washer over the ele-ment leads and tighten the nut se-curely. Cut off any excess lead wire.

h) Replace the back terminal cover.

i) Reconnect furnace to power supply.

NotePerform only maintenance de-scribed in this manual. Contact anauthorized dealer or our factoryfor parts and assistance.

Maintenance and Servicing


To Replace The Platinel II Thermocouple:a) Disconnect furnace from power supply.

b) Remove the back terminal cover (SeeFigure 2, page 29.)

c) Remove old thermocouple by removingT/C bracket and the washer and nuts onthe terminal posts. (Make sure smallbracket between the two metal piecesdoes not fall out.)

d) Reassemble the bracket and platesremoved in step c to the new thermo-couple and secure to furnace back plate.

e) Insert the new thermocouple into thefurnace until tip extends approximately1" into the chamber. Make sure the T/Clead wire with the colored beads isconnected to the terminal markedpositive. (See Figure 2, page 29.)

f) Secure thermocouple extension wires toterminals (yellow to +).

g) Replace the back terminal cover.

h) Reconnect furnace to power supply.

To Replace Door Switch (Micro Switch):a) Disconnect furnace from power supply.

b) Turn furnace upside down and removebottom plate.

c) Disconnect the wires from door switch.Identify or mark wires disconnectedto insure proper placement and con-nection when reinstalling.



d) Remove two screws from door switchand slide switch from the wire rod.

e) Insert new door switch while sliding itover the wire rod. Secure door switchto furnace.

f) Reconnect wires identified or markedin Step (c) to new door switch.

g) Replace bottom cover.

h) Turn furnace upright and reconnect topower supply.

i) Test operation of door switch.

To Realign Door Switch:

a) Disconnect furnace from powersupply.

b) Loosen set screw on cam and adjust itso that the power is removed whenapproximately a 15° movement ismade with the door handle. (Whenopening the door.)

c) Tighten set screw on adjusting cam.

d) Reconnect furnace to power supply.

e) Test operation of door switch.

To Replace Temperature Control:

a) (Single Set Point Models) Simplygrasp control at top and bottom andpull straight out.



b) (Programmable 2 Ramp & 2 DwellControl) Turn out retaining screw locatedon right side of control and pull controlstraight out.




Figure 1 Figure 2



Figure 4Programmable Control (2 ramp & 2 dwell)

Figure 3Single Set Point Controller


Replacement Parts List

rebmuNtraP noitpircseD rebmuNledoM

11X11LE mottoBropoT,tnemelEgnitaeH,M5351DF,M0351DF


21X11LE sediS,tnemelEgnitaeH,M5351DF,M0351DF


51X11LE mottoBropoT,tnemelEgnitaeH,M4351DF,M8351DF


61X11LE sediS,tnemelEgnitaeH,M4351DF,M8351DF


A1X804CT elpuocomrehTIIlenitalP sledoMllA

43XYR yaleRetatSdiloS sledoMllA

65XYR )V021(yaleRlacinahceM,M5351DF,4351DFM5451DF,M4451DF

75XYR )tlov042(yaleRlacinahceM,M0351DF,M8351DF


87XWS hctiwSrooD sledoMllA

15X17NC tnioPteSelgniS,lortnoCerutarepmeT,M5351DF,M0351DF,M4351DF,M8351DF






1X723RC teSdroC 62-M0451DF,62-M0351DF

61XRS feileRniartS 62-M0451DF,62-M0351DF

731XWS )tlov021-001(hctiwSrewoP,M5351DF,M4351DF


831XWS )tlov042-802(hctiwSrewoP,M0351DF,M8351DF


67XLP )tlov021-001(thgiLelcyC,M5351DF,M4351DF


28XLP )tlov042-802(thgiLelcyC,M0351DF,M8351DF


A3X723RD )detalusnI(ylnOrooD sledoMllA

2XHP etalPhtraeH sledoMllA



A4X723TP srotalusnI/wetalPlanimreT sledoMllA


Wiring Diagram

Ref. No. DescriptionCN1 ControllerDS1 Cycle LightHR1 Heating ElementHR2 Heating ElementHR3 Heating ElementHR4 Heating ElementRY1 Relay, MechanicalRY2 Relay, Solid StateS1 Switch, PowerS2 Switch, DoorTB1 Terminal BlockTC1 Thermocouple

Wiring Diagram - All Models


Ordering Procedures

Please refer to the Specification Plate for the complete model number, serial number, andseries number when requesting service, replacement parts or in any correspondenceconcerning this unit.

All parts listed herein may be ordered from the Barnstead Thermolyne dealer from whomyou purchased this unit or can be obtained promptly from the factory. When service orreplacement parts are needed we ask that you check first with your dealer. If the dealercannot handle your request, then contact our Customer Service Department at 319-556-2241 or 800-553-0039.

Prior to returning any materials to Barnstead Thermolyne Corp. , please contact ourCustomer Service Department for a “Return Goods Authorization” number (RGA). MaterialReturned without an RGA number will be returned.






Please note the following WARNINGS:


This warning is presented for compliance with California Proposition 65 and other regula-tory agencies and only applies to the insulation in this product. This product contains refrac-tory ceramic, refractory ceramic fiber or fiberglass insulation, which can produce respirabledust or fibers during disassembly. Dust or fibers can cause irritation and can aggravate pre-existing respiratory diseases. Refractory ceramic and refractory ceramic fibers (after reach-ing 1000°C) contain crystalline silica, which can cause lung damage (silicosis). The Interna-tional Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified refractory ceramic fiber andfiberglass as possibly carcinogenic (Group 2B), and crystalline silica as carcinogenic tohumans (Group 1).

The insulating materials can be located in the door, the hearth collar, in the chamber of theproduct or under the hot plate top. Tests performed by the manufacturer indicate that thereis no risk of exposure to dust or respirable fibers resulting from operation of this productunder normal conditions. However, there may be a risk of exposure to respirable dust orfibers when repairing or maintaining the insulating materials, or when otherwise disturbingthem in a manner which causes release of dust or fibers. By using proper handling proce-dures and protective equipment you can work safely with these insulating materials andminimize any exposure. Refer to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) forinformation regarding proper handling and recommended protective equipment. For addi-tional MSDS copies, or additional information concerning the handling of refractory ceramicproducts, please contact the Customer Service Department at Barnstead|ThermolyneCorporation at 1-800-553-0039.



Barnstead|Thermolyne Corporation warrants that if a product manufactured byBarnstead|Thermolyne and sold by it within the continental United States or Canadaproves to be defective in material or construction, it will provide you, without charge, for aperiod of ninety (90) days, the labor, and a period of one (1) year, the parts, necessary toremedy any such defect. Outside the continental United States and Canada, the warrantyprovides, for one (1) year, the parts necessary to remedy any such defect. The warrantyperiod shall commence either six (6) months following the date the product is sold byBarnstead|Thermolyne or on the date it is purchased by the original retail consumer,whichever date occurs first.

All warranty inspections and repairs must be performed by and parts obtained froman authorized Barnstead|Thermolyne dealer or Barnstead|Thermolyne . Heating ele-ments, however, because of their susceptibility to overheating and contamination, must bereturned to our factory, and if, upon inspection, it is concluded that failure is not due toexcessive high temperature or contamination, warranty replacement will be provided byBarnstead|Thermolyne . The name of the authorized Barnstead|Thermolyne dealernearest you may be obtained by calling 1-800-446-6060 or writing to:

Barnstead|ThermolyneP.O. Box 797

2555 Kerper BoulevardDubuque, IA 52004-0797

USAFAX: (319) 556-0695

Barnstead|Thermolyne’s sole obligation with respect to its product shall be torepair or (at its own discretion) replace the product. Under no circumstances shall it beliable for incidental or consequential damage.


One Year Limited Warranty



Barnstead|Thermolyne2555 Kerper Blvd.P.O. Box 797Dubuque, IA 52004-2241Phone: 319-556-2241 800-553-0039Fax: 319-589-0516E-Mail Address:

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