Bar admission Ceremony 2013 - Nova Scotia … admission Ceremony 2013 CALL TO THE BAR Friday, June 7, 2013 PREsiding

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Bar admission Ceremony 2013

Kenneth C. Rowe Heritage Hall, Pier 21Halifax, Nova Scotia

Friday, June 7, 2013

10:00 am

Bar admission Ceremony 2013

CALL TO THE BARFriday, June 7, 2013

PREsiding JusTiCEThe Honourable Justice

M. Deborah Gass

PREsEnTing OFFiCERsTimothy G.J. Daley QC

J. René Gallant

Reception to follow in theChrysler Canada Welcome Pavilion

Call to the BarAdmission List for Friday, June 7, 2013

susanna Ashley

Chase Barlet

Adam Bata

Alisha Brown-Fagan

Benjamin Carver

Michelle Chai

natalie Clifford

Jocelin d’Entremont

david dalrymple

nicole deveau

Conor doyle

Thomas dulong

geoffrey Franklin

Jodi Fraser

Lisa gillich

Alexander grant

ian gray

sarah greenwood

david Hamel-smith

denika Heaton

Andrea isabelle

Ludmilla Jarda

dary Jessome

david Jung

Alayna Kolodziechuk

noah Landry

gavin Leitch

Christopher Lirette

Kathleen MacClure

Margaret Macdougall

Angus MacLennan

Ronald MacLeod

Kaitlin MacMillan

sara Mahaney

Aaron Martens

John Martin

Laura McCarthy

shannon McEvenue

sarah Mcinnes

daniel McMillan

Paul Mcneil

Mark Mills

Christopher Montigny

Alison Morgan

Michael Murphy

Laura neals

Joshua nodelman

Fiona Orr

Charys Payne

daniel Roper

sarah shiels

Taayo simmonds

Hayley smith

Julie-Ann sobowale

Leon Tovey

daleen Van dyk

Jeffrey Waugh

shane Westin


From Timothy G.J. Daley QC President, Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society

On behalf of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, I want to congratulate you on your admission to the Bar today and welcome you to this ancient and honourable

profession. The diversity of the candidates for admission this year is striking. The range of educational, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and the variety of life experience that each of you bring to this profession leave me with a sense of confidence that you will renew and invigorate the practice of law in the service of the public.

As you go forward in your careers, I ask that you keep in mind that you will belong to a profession that is deep in history and tradition but also one that carries with it obligations. I also ask that whatever path you take throughout your career, you remember to support your colleagues in whatever way you can. While your hard work and focus have brought you to this point, admission to the Bar is truly a privilege. I therefore encourage you to find ways to contribute to your community, your profession and our system of justice generally. You will no doubt find, as all of us have, that by dedicating a portion of your energy to sharing your skills and time with others you will enjoy a reward far exceeding your contribution.

Today marks a beginning of a new stage in your lives and I and the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society are very pleased to share this event with you.


From the Honourable Chief Justice Michael MacDonald Chief Justice of Nova Scotia

Thomas Jefferson wrote that “... no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation.”

Welcome to the ever-shifting landscape that is the legal profession.

For my generation, perhaps the most profound change has been the advent of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. For you, it will likely be yet-to-be-enacted laws dealing with the environment or terrorism or security or privacy. Yet, at the centre of it all, you will, as we did, find ordinary people; many who are facing some of the most difficult times of their lives.

Put simply, your new job description is “helping people”. Think about it. The very essence of the legal profession, its raison d’être, is to help. It is a noble calling you should be proud of, one you should fearlessly defend.

I have no doubt you will help. In doing so, you will have an invigorating effect on our country’s legal landscape as well as on the legal profession. And it will repay you in kind.

In criminal law, for defence counsel, it is about the appropriate acquittal that may mean your client’s freedom. For the Crown counsel, it is the appropriate conviction that helps make our community safer.

For the family law litigator; having a direct effect on a child’s future. In civil litigation; a fair and just settlement that helps your client. In commercial law; that major deal signed, sealed and delivered.

Even if you never practise law in the conventional sense, your law degree will prove to be a versatile key that fits many doors, unlocking the entrance to careers in education, the civil service, politics and more. I urge you to keep these thoughts in mind as you begin your career.

Please accept my sincere congratulations and those of my colleagues in the Nova Scotia Judiciary on your admission to the Nova Scotia Bar.

See you in Court!


From the Honourable Joseph P. KennedyChief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia

On behalf of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, I welcome you to the practice.

You now have the opportunity to spend a lifetime in the service of the “Rule of Law” – the magnificent basic that allows our Canadian society to be the envy of much of the rest of the world.

An independant Bar ensures that we will continue to be so. You will find your place in that service, your special way of contributing.

Please never forget how lucky you are to be Canadian lawyers, and use that good fortune to the benefit of the people of Nova Scotia.

The Judges of Nova Scotia look forward to you joining us in the courtrooms of this province.

Welcome to the newest Barristers of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.

Order Of PrOceedings

Presiding Justice enters, everyone rises and the Court is formally opened.

Presenting Officers introduce and move for the admission of each individual candidate.

When applicants have been presented, all Oaths administered and all Orders granted, the Presiding Justice will deliver a short address.

The Court will be formally closed.

signing The rOll

Following the ceremony, each candidate for admission to the Barristers’ Society is required to sign the Roll of Lawyers. Admissions staff will direct you to the appropriate area.


Please note that cameras and video cameras may be used discreetly in the courtroom during the ceremonies.

declArATiOn On AdmissiOn

I, ________________________________________________, swear/affirm that as a lawyer, I shall, to the best of my knowledge and ability, conduct all matters and proceedings faithfully, honestly and with integrity. I shall support the Rule of Law and uphold and seek to improve the administration of justice. I shall abide by the ethical standards and rules governing the practice of law in Nova Scotia.

OATh Of AllegiAnce: (optional)

I, _______________________________________________, swear /affirm that as a lawyer I shall bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors according to Law.

susAnnA ELiZABETH AsHLEY of Wolfville is the daughter of Susan and John Ashley, and is married to Iliah Lorenz-Luca. Susanna received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in philosophy from the University of Toronto, and her Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with the Department of Justice Canada in Halifax, where she will be staying on.

CHAsE WiLLiAM BARLET is the son of William Charles and Belinda Neilson Barlet of Saint George, Utah, and is married to Ivan Nault. Chase received his Bachelor of Science in international business and economics from Brigham Young University–Hawaii and his common law and civil law degrees from McGill University. He articled at McInnes Cooper in Halifax, where he will begin practising as an associate in commercial litigation.

AdAM BATA is the son of Dr. Iqbal Bata and Dr. Nazlin Bata of Halifax. Adam received his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in life sciences from Queen’s University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. He articled with Stewart McKelvey and will be returning to the firm as a corporate lawyer.

ALisHA LEEAnn BROWn-FAgAn is the daughter of Harriet and William Fagan Sr. of East Preston. Alisha received her Bachelor of Arts degree in criminology and psychology from St. Thomas University in Fredericton, and her Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Alisha articled with the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission in Halifax, and will be associated with the Commission, practising in the area of family law.

BEnJAMin PAuL CARVER is the son of Ernest and Margaret Carver of Upper Northfield. Ben received his undergraduate degree from Dalhousie University and his law degrees from McGill University. He articled with Ferrier Kimball Thomas in Bridgewater and will be associated with that firm in the practice of law.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

MiCHELLE CHAi is the daughter of Ian and Susie Chai and partner to John-Douglas McDade. She is originally from Pickering, Ontario. Michelle received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Queen’s University, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and will be joining the firm as a litigation associate.

nATALiE dAWn CLiFFORd is the daughter of Frank Clifford and Catherine Martin of Blind Bay, Nova Scotia. Natalie received her Bachelor of Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University in 2009, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. She articled with Wickwire Holm in Halifax.

JOCELin PAuL d’EnTREMOnT is the son of Kenny and Yvette d’Entremont of Pubnico. Jocelin received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary’s University, and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. He articled with Bailey and Associates of Dartmouth, and will be associated with Hood & Fraser in Yarmouth.

dAVid REginALd dALRYMPLE is the son of Reginald Dalrymple and Marlene Johns. David received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in 2004 and his Bachelor of Laws in 2011, both from Dalhousie University. David articled at Bacchus & Associates Law Firm in Halifax, and will practise law as an associate of that firm.

niCOLE JEnniFER dEVEAu is the daughter of Randy Templeman and Lorraine Thorne of St. John’s, Newfoundland and is married to Richard Deveau, who is a Crown prosecutor in Halifax. Nicole received her Bachelor of Arts from Memorial University in 2003 and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2010. She articled with the Newfoundland and Labrador Legal Aid Commission, was called to the Newfoundland Bar in February 2011, and continued to be employed with the Commission until February of this year, when she returned to Nova Scotia. She is currently employed with the Halifax Regional Municipality Legal Services Department.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

COnOR PATRiCK dOYLE is the son of Angus and Julie Doyle, of Halifax. Conor received his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. He articled with Harry Thurlow of Cox & Palmer in Halifax, and intends to pursue a legal career in Alberta.

THOMAs duLOng is the son of Edmond and Joan Dulong of Quinan, Yarmouth County. Tom received his undergraduate degree from Saint Mary’s University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. He articled with Bailey and Associates of Dartmouth in 2012/2013 and will continue working there as an associate.

gEOFFREY JAMEs FRAnKLin of Halifax is the son of Nicholas and Jane Franklin. Geoff received his Bachelor of Arts degree in commerce and philosophy from the University of King’s College, and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie. Geoff articled with BOYNECLARKE, where he will continue as an associate in the commercial litigation group.

JOdi dEBBY-MARiE FRAsER is the daughter of Cyril and Kim Fraser of Dartmouth. Jodi received her Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Mary’s University in 2009 and her Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. Jodi articled with BOYNECLARKE LLP in Dartmouth following her graduation and will be relocating to Calgary to pursue her legal career.

LisA MARiE giLLiCH is the daughter of Al and Marilyn Gillich and is engaged to David Jozsa. Lisa received her undergraduate degree in political science from Saint Mary’s University and her Juris Doctor in French common law from the University of Ottawa. She articled with BOYNECLARKE LLP in Dartmouth and intends to move to Victoria, British Columbia to pursue her legal career.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

ALEXAndER CHRisTOPHER gRAnT is the son of Lieutenant-Commander Christopher Grant and Beverley Grant of Cole Harbour, and is engaged to marry Émilie Simard this summer. Alex received his Bachelor of Arts in French and political science from Dalhousie University, and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2012. He articled with Peter Coulthard QC of Sealy Cornish Coulthard in Dartmouth and will be joining the firm as an associate.

iAn MALCOLM PATTERsOn gRAY is the son of Malcolm Gray and Carol Patterson of Bedford, and is married to Annie Gray. Ian received his history degree from the University of King’s College and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2012. He articled with Dale Dunlop of Walker Dunlop in Halifax and will be associated with the firm.

sARAH LAuRETTA gREEnWOOd is the daughter of Douglas Greenwood and Kathleen O’Meara of Powell River, British Columbia. Sarah received her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University of New Brunswick, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with Pink Larkin in 2012 and will continue with the firm as an associate.

dAVid HAMEL-sMiTH is the son of Jacqueline and Christopher Hamel-Smith of Trinidad and Tobago. David received his Bachelor of Political Studies degree from Queen’s University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. He articled with Joshua Arnold of Arnold Pizzo McKiggan in Halifax and will be associated with Hamel-Smith & Co. in Trinidad.

dEniKA PAMELA HEATOn is the daughter of Pamela and Raymond Heaton of Vancouver, and is newly engaged to Justin Dunphy of Newfoundland. Denika received her Bachelor of Business Administration from Langara University College, Vancouver. She began her legal studies in Australia, then completed her law degree at the University of New Brunswick. Denika articled with Burchells LLP in Halifax.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

AndREA LYnn isABELLE is the daughter of Richard and Rhonda Isabelle of Gagetown, New Brunswick. Andrea received her Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction from Queen’s University, and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2012. She articled with Cox & Palmer and will be continuing with the firm as an associate in the areas of litigation and labour & employment.

LudMiLLA JARdA is the daughter of Dr. Rolande Colas and Harry Jarda. Milla received her bachelor’s degree in international development and globalization from the University of Ottawa, and her Juris Doctor from l’Université de Moncton. She articled with Patterson Law in Halifax and will be relocating to Ontario shortly.

dARY L.R. JEssOME is the son of Lawrence Jessome and Nora Jessome. Dary received his Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Francis Xavier University in 2007, and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. He articled with Stewart McKelvey and will be continuing with the firm as an associate lawyer.

dAVid dAE-WOn Jung is the son of Tom Sung-Yop Jung and Sunny Sung-Ae Kim of Seoul, South Korea. David received his Bachelor of Science degree from McGill University and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2012. David articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax.

ALAYnA KOLOdZiECHuK is the daughter of Walter and Darlene of Shelburne, Ontario. Alayna received her degree in history and philosophy at McMaster University in Hamilton, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with Patterson Law in Truro and is continuing with the firm as a corporate commercial lawyer after she is called to the Bar.

nOAH MiCHAEL LAndRY is the son of Armand and Margaret Ann Landry, and is engaged to Frances Pierce. Noah received his Bachelor of Arts and law degrees from l’Université de Moncton. He articled with Evans, MacIsaac, MacMillan in Port Hawkesbury and will continue as an associate with the firm.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

gAVin HEnRY HOWEs LEiTCH is the son of David Garth Leitch and Kathleen Bernadette Howes of Toronto, Ontario. Gavin received his political science degree from Université de Montréal, and his law degree from Université de Moncton. He articled with BOYNECLARKE LLP in Dartmouth, and intends to return to Ontario to practise law.

CHRisTOPHER AndREW LiRETTE is the son of Gerald and Anne Lirette, and is married to Nathalie Lirette. Chris received his Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology and his Juris Doctor from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax and will continue with the firm as an associate.

KATHLEEn MACCLuRE is the daughter of Alex and Barbara MacClure of Sydney. Kathleen received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Mount Allison University, and her Juris Doctor from Bond University, Australia. She articled with The Breton Law Group in Sydney.

MARgARET ELiZABETH MACdOugALL is the daughter of John and Mary MacDougall of Otter Brook, Colchester County. Meg received her Bachelor of Commerce degree from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law. She articled with Burchell MacDougall and will be associated with that firm.

Angus HugH MACLEnnAn is the son of Marian Beaton and Roderick MacLennan of Halifax. Angus received his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. He articled with Taylor & Silver of Bridgewater and will continue to practise with the firm.

ROnALd MACLEOd is the son of the late Theresa and Angus MacLeod of New Waterford. Ron received his LL.B from Dalhousie Law School in 1991 and was admitted to the Nova Scotia Bar in 1992. He subsequently moved to PEI, where he was admitted to the Bar in 1993. Ron has practised in PEI for the past 20 years, primarily in the area of management side labour and employment law. He is a partner in the firm of MacLeod, Robinson MacLean. Ron lives in Charlottetown with his wife, Jackie, and three daughters: Nicola, Lydia and Cameron.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

KAiTLin MACMiLLAn grew up in the rural Nova Scotia community of Upper South River. Kaitlin received her math and law degrees from Dalhousie University with the support of her parents, Paula and David MacMillan, and her fiancé, Jonathan Gauvin. She articled with Blois, Nickerson & Bryson LLP and is pleased to be continuing her career with the firm as an associate in the family group.

sARA MiCHELLE MAHAnEY is the daughter of Kenney and Beatti Mahaney of Shelburne. Sara received her Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Francis Xavier University in 2009, and her Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. Sara articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax, and will be an associate with the firm’s energy and natural resources, litigation and insurance defence practice groups.

AAROn dAVid MARTEns is the son of David and Beverly Martens of Langley, British Columbia, is married to Racheal and is father to Jonathan. Aaron received his Bachelor of Arts from Trinity Western University, and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie. He articled with Nadine Smillie of the Department of Justice in Halifax and intends to practise criminal law.

JOHn TOdd MARTin is the son of Ronnie and Gail Martin of Sydney. John Todd received his bachelor’s degree in economics from St. Francis Xavier University, and his Juris Doctor from the University of New Brunswick. He articled with Sampson McDougall Lawyers in Sydney.

LAuRA A. MCCARTHY is the daughter of Joseph McCarthy and the late Carolyn McCarthy of Halifax County. Laura is married to Lyle Howe and a proud mother to her four-year-old son, Tacari Howe. She received her combined honours degree in microbiology & immunology and biochemistry & molecular biology from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2012. She articled with Cox & Palmer of Halifax and will start her practice at Howe Law in Halifax.

sHAnnOn LEigH MCEVEnuE is the daughter of Kelly and Sinc McEvenue of Mississauga, Ontario and is engaged to be married to Mark McLean of Lakeview, Nova Scotia. Shannon received a Bachelor of Science degree from York University,

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

a Master of Arts degree from Mount Saint Vincent University, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and will be commencing a term as Judicial Clerk for the Hon. Justice Robert Barnes at the Federal Court of Canada on August 6.

sARAH Ann MCinnEs is the daughter of Donald Stewart McInnes and Shirley Mae McInnes of Halifax. Sarah received her Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Francis Xavier University, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax and will continue with the firm as an associate.

dAniEL MCMiLLAn is a native of London, England. He completed his Bachelor of Laws degree in 2006 at the University of Hertfordshire and in 2007, he obtained a post-graduate diploma in legal studies from the College of Law, London. He worked for several years in Bermuda’s financial services industry and moved to Canada in 2010. Daniel is married to Belinda McMillan, and they reside in Halifax with their son Oscar. He articled with Cox & Palmer, and will continue to be associated with the firm.

PAuL gREgORY MCnEiL is the son of Paul and Diane McNeil of Glace Bay. Gregory received his Bachelor of Science degree from St. Francis Xavier University, and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick. He articled with Sampson McDougall Lawyers in Sydney.

MARK ALEXAndER MiLLs is the son of David and Elaine Mills and the spouse of Adrienne Oliver, all of Kippens, Newfoundland. Mark received his business degree from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick. He articled with Cox & Palmer of Halifax and intends to practise with the firm of Mills & Gallant of Stephenville, Newfoundland.

CHRisTOPHER MOnTignY is the son of the late Roger Montigny and Glenda Montigny of Charlottetown. He is married to Laura Montigny and is the father of three girls ages six, four and four months. Chris received his undergraduate degree from the University of Prince Edward Island and his law degree from the University of

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

Toronto in 2001. He articled with Chris Turner of Fraser Milner Casgrain in Toronto, and is currently a partner at McLeod Robinson McLean in Charlottetown.

ALisOn Ann sWAnsOn MORgAn is the daughter of the late Terrence Swanson and Sally and Myles Krueger, and has two daughters, Gabrielle and Catalina Morgan. Alison received her Bachelor of Arts degree in linguistics from the University of Calgary and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with Patterson Law in Truro, and will be an associate with the firm following her admission to the Bar.

MiCHAEL MuRPHY is the son of Thomas and Coleen Murphy of Yarmouth, and is married to Joanna Thurlow. Michael received his bachelor’s degree in English from Dalhousie University in 2005; his master’s degree in English and creative writing from the University of Windsor in 2007; and his Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. He articled with McInnes Cooper at its Halifax office in 2012/2013, and will continue to work as an associate with the firm.

LAuRA CELEsTE MCKEnnA nEALs is the daughter of Susan McKenna and Paul Neals of Minesing, Ontario. Laura received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen’s University, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. In 2012, she articled with Pink Larkin and will continue on at the firm as an associate.

JOsHuA nELsOn nOdELMAn is the son of Dr. Perry Michael Nodelman and Wilma Nodelman of Winnipeg. He is married to Jenny Nodelman and is the father of Julia Dorothy Nodelman, who was born on July 24, 2012. Dr. Nodelman received his honours degree in English and history from the University of Winnipeg, his Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in English from the University of Alberta, and his Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. He articled with Robert David Chipman of Nova Scotia Legal Aid in Bridgewater.

FiOnA KATHLEEn ORR is the daughter of James and Robin Orr of Ottawa, and the mother of Ian, Cameron and Kellis. Fiona received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from McGill University and her law degree from Dalhousie University in 1987.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

She did her articles as a law clerk with the Federal Court of Canada, was called to the Bar in Ontario in 1989, and is the Vice-President and Senior Managing Counsel for Cola-Cola Ltd. in Toronto.

HARYs n. PAYnE is the daughter of the late Harry Payne III and Bonita Payne Fraser and partner to Zabrina Downton. Charys received her bachelor’s degree from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law. She articled with the Department of Justice Nova Scotia, Legal Services Division and will practise at Saskatchewan Justice in Regina, beginning on July 2 in its Child Protection Division.

dAniEL FRAnKLin ROPER is the son of Ken and Marilyn Roper of Charlottetown. Daniel received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Prince Edward Island in 2009 and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. He articled with Burchell MacDougall in Truro and will be associated with that firm in the practice of law.

sARAH AnnE sHiELs is the daughter of Harold and Grace Shiels of Dartmouth. Sarah received her Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and biology from McMaster University in 2009, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. She articled with Wickwire Holm in Halifax.

TAAYO THOMAs siMMOnds, of Spryfield, received his Bachelor of Arts with honours in political science from Dalhousie University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law. He articled with Stewart McKelvey and intends to practise law in Toronto.

HAYLEY ViCTORiA sMiTH is the daughter of Stephen Smith of Vancouver and Terry Kite of Prince George, British Columbia, and the girlfriend of Joe Fitzgerald of Halifax. Hayley received her undergraduate degree in political science from the University of Victoria in 2007 and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. She articled with BOYNECLARKE LLP of Dartmouth, and will be relocating to Yellowknife to pursue her legal career.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees

JuLiE-Ann TOLuLOPE sOBOWALE is the daughter of Ann Smith and Tony Sobowale. Julie received her Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of Windsor, her Master of Business Administration degree from Dalhousie University, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law. She articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax. Julie would like to thank her family and friends for their generous support and encouragement throughout her education.

LEOn s. TOVEY is the son of Jeffrey M. Tovey of Bellevue, Idaho, and Frances Helen Shannon of Nampa, Idaho, and is married to Katja Fennel. Leon received his Bachelor of Arts in English from Rutgers University in 2004 and his Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in 2012. He articled with Burchells LLP in Halifax and will continue with the firm as an associate.

dALEEn VAn dYK is the daughter of Alexander Stadion van Dyk and the late Sonja van Dyk. She has two children, Alexia and Raik. Daleen was born in Paarl, South Africa, and was raised in Zimbabwe. She received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from the University of South Africa in 2000. After working in the education sector for several years, Daleen moved to Nova Scotia and received her law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Daleen articled with Randall Balcome of Waterbury Newton in Kentville and will continue to be associated with that firm in the practice of law.

JEFFREY WAugH is the son of David Waugh and Kathryn Herbert. Jeff received his honours degree in political science with a major in history from Acadia University and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick. Jeff articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and will be joining the firm as a litigation associate.

sHAnE FinLAY WEsTin is the son of Peter and Loretta Westin of Halifax, and is married to Rebekah (Ryan) Westin. Shane received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He articled with Cox & Palmer in Halifax and will be practising with the firm of Carey Olsen in the Cayman Islands.

BioGraPhies – 2013 admittees


Captain Ricky James Eng articled with the Office of the Assistant Judge Advocate General (Atlantic) in Halifax, and continues to serve as a Legal Officer in the Canadian Forces. He studied at Royal Roads University and the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.


Jennifer Marie Chiasson studied at Cape Breton University and the Schulich School of Law. She articled with Maureen Ryan of Bedford Law and currently practises at Richardson’s Law Office in Lower Sackville.

stephen david Hiscock studied at Saint Mary’s University and Queen’s University. He articled at Clyde A. Paul & Associates and continues to practise at the Spryfield law firm.

Kathryn Anne (Katie) shen-Jia Lo studied at the University of Guelph and the Schulich School of Law. She articled with the Nova Scotia Department of Justice and works with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


graeme Edward Bailey studied at Saint Mary’s University and Birmingham University. He is an associate with Bailey and Associates in Dartmouth, where he also articled.

APRiL 2013

Jessica Michelle drohan studied at St. Thomas University, the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex, and McGill University. She articled with Sheldon Nathanson Barristers & Solicitors and continues to practise law in Sydney.

Thomas Leonard MacLaren studied at Acadia University and Cardiff University. He articled with Hicks, LeMoine and remains at the Amherst firm as an associate.

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