Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina

Post on 02-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina


    . Z/. S Indi, 3 1 & 2) 4 98




    Zooogical Survey f Ind, 27-Jawaharla Nthu R

    Clcua-70 16,

    prt fm y decso d obse ms he ousons in the systemacs emtde t th geri nd speii ee re e to dequae derpons ad

    iin. Whie sggeg he dat o be onsidered or e desrpion o a ne

    spece o emode, Gode ( 1959 ) staed, "ny desipions publied today lk

    cet del wc, althugh he decrbed may no ppr imporan nertelss give

    uler me uded pcture he speies d y laer beoe mporane'

    Gdey's ( . ) oulne r he dripio o ne speies o mtde s out-daed

    bcue the sadrd apable t te dieren ops o eods e iel ier

    A wrke has al t b reul ug orec rminologyThe reet ppe del peiiclly with eos belog o e su bore

    yaimin Apr rm the de M frmul the ollowng rers shod be tak

    t cderion whie desribing a ew speies and/or genu

    Boy p -Ntural pture pon relion or fxation

    Cue-hickns beow lp regio mdbdy nd at il regions; moth or sried,

    ce f iion-fine disin or orse ; presene or bsene logiudia ies i uile

    at e ideniiion o vrious tx in the suborder Doryiin In soe publions

    h lniudnl ines hve been nsed i soi suue, reting erros

    detcts The presene o sch ies r idges observed by ocssig

    t h uemt surace o the tic h mr o ogiti ies is so

    mort xomi cr at the spci level ; hee ii ne can orret

    oune y i te trsvers setio trg mo

    Bo o he ext mer f ors; vtr o or so repre

    rgwise, g, he neck en nsta a

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina


    14 JOURNAL OF THE ZOOGC SOlY ND 3 I & 2 , 98

    Lateral chords Nature; widh in reatin t crpndng dyidh near midde regn

    we nuer and argemen of landuar on if presen

    Lip o-Of r cntuu, wel set r sighly fet; idr r narrwer than

    adjnn dy; genera sape; wdth at bas f neck diided by lp reginwdth = A

    p rgn-wdh divdd lip eginhegh B : hpe o lip ; arangmt f ai

    pplae. I disc, liples r clrzed peces are pesent ; the shu beiustrtd d

    described accuraey

    Amphids hpe f phidia puch ve absute width of aphid i, and its

    rt wh crepdig dwidh; psin fm nerr extemt Aboute pitn f

    ensl puches ( ues ) fm amphdia slit

    o-ze and shape mata! cviy i ery ipan; evey specal differeniatn

    huld e dscrid and iuraed in detail

    Teeth & Tooth-eneral appearance r shpe psin and ngth

    Odon tl Geneal appearance r ape bsoue engh and a wih eadwth

    wdth in relain t bdy cutce a tha evel ; length f dl bqu apertue nd io wthodnye lengh; any unque feure

    Guiding ringAcr ing Godey ( 161 ) and Cn ( 163 ) he guidg pptus

    h he sae bc stucture in a dyas, i e cpsing te fxed cetzd rig

    w o stng nd atached guding sheath Snce he poiin f the fxed gudng

    ng te and mprtant chracte it hud e mentned n mmetes r nrr

    en s w a the rt with he edwdth When he fxd rin s stery tuaed the

    heth i fded een when he dntoye fuy reracted henc he guding ring

    apper "dube

    Odntophoe General appearance any pcial eaure like curved r ked ec;

    ditncty or ply dercaed fm eophaea lining; abslue lenth and ra with

    odnyle length.

    OesphagusIf hee i any diference beween he ssue f nerr ender and basal

    exndd p:rt esophau ; h neror slende pr her expd grdually or uddenly

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina



    to fom the bs expded pat or offet by a costrction; bas expded pt s pecetge

    of totl oesophgea lengh or eck legth In o oup, he bl o egd pt of

    oesophgu ssuoudd by a wek or togmuscularsheth. he musce bud fomg

    hsheh my bstght d pelto the otudnl axs of the oophu, lghty

    wsted or sp. We spal, he arrnemet iher coce or nti-cockwse

    The dfeece nthe gemt of musce budess of txomc mpotce hs l

    eforts soud b mdeto ustate and decibtexct arranmet

    of d Cos ( 1970 hve how that the locaton of esophag gld ucei

    d th ofce contt fetue dffeet goups It s theefoe suggsted tht

    specl ce shoud be tkn i msug d ccutg the vue of l oeophel

    ds ( uuly 5, soetmes 3 ) and ther ofcs

    The exct shpe nd s of the osohgitetina jucio or cd ud be

    dscbed Soetims the cd i envoped by itetnl tssue whch my obcue its

    exct shp

    he pece o bc of a osophgo-itestil d nd of cdiac gands i oipotat

    Abve th neveng ometims there a two ml subve tructure, pobby

    esy on, the cutcuar linigof the oeophgu caed ''endois; thr prese

    and dvopmetshould b notd,

    Hion id f visbe, cospcuous or ncospcuous and position.

    Ne in Abolut posito fom teior end in mcrometre nd percntge cutd

    fom tot oesophel leth

    nin :Opcty d ze of grnue

    Pu : The engthi mcromtre and it rato with th anal body-width Microviiif vsble le, shod beltrated with exct lenth nd ih Ocaionall a pin

    ctelketrcteis preent at intetinerct jnctio. Smtme a cnstrcton i isibe at h testnerect jnctio rnc orcta acialo irtant rotaxoomicpoint ofview.


  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina


    14 JOURNAL OF THE ZOOGIC SOETY ! 3 ( I & 2 ), /98

    Rectum Absu n in mrmr nd t r ih nal odidh. he peece

    f ral land hOuld als nnd if il.


    Vl Psin hhr rrud r flu h ody r tad in a drssn li

    li a r rlik i lli-ranr r lniudnal

    Vagna -Shap and thins wall; alu ln and rai wi coepondng boy

    width slrid stally r n phinr-l ruur nrl inal ll

    Spal r huld e an n hin exc hpe ina ecue of is txonomic


    Genital ra Didelphc o onodelphi I f onodephcpodelphc o

    opihdelc ull monoelph r pseudomonodlphc n peudomonodelph pcie

    he engh f urn a i irmr ad it rltnhip wih h rpndin bdy


    Ovjecor: Its prsnce an deeopmn houd be indcated

    Uterus : Shape and len ; diffrnaon btwn disal glandular and px mucuar

    prthouldbe ne; he reene r absene of .z ogn r psudo-Z' on which

    e lobular scrzdodi of unknown rign n th lumn th dian uru.

    Ovduct : ae nd lent n rlain urus ; ximal xndd a wl or ekl

    delopd The oidu d ueu ar parad by phnr a m e ll wkly


    Ovary Releed oce twe; te nubr ow of oonia r ooce n goh

    zne and rina zn

    : r r aben shud b noed ; a ra i and p f


    Egg : n num

    Ta Sap slu ln, r wh aal bdwd nur n dio

    audal pr asnal a i r al rn

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina




    Malegonad :-The male gonad shouldbe llu,strated/descrbedwh hefollwing detas

    Testes (dorylaiina neaodes are diorchic) ; gonoduct evenually diffeeniated in a vas

    deferens and ejcuatry duct ejaculary glads if rsent ; setatza ith exact shae

    and lent

    Spicules :-The shape and exac length aon he edian lie is very iportant from

    taxnmic pont of view, he lengh shudfuer be indicaed in elaion anal bdy-


    Lteral giding ieces Shape and absolute length in micmetres

    Adana and . Ventromedian Suppements -Th nuber ; sced cntiuus r

    arrnged n asccls; f saced, regularl ireularly ; f i scicles the number f

    fascicles and nuber f sulemens i ech ascicles he sae beeen adanal and

    frst antrmedin suleet he osition f he las suln shuld s be ned

    Subventra papille The exac numbe, arrangeen ad he are ccuied

    Coplatory muscles :h xac nber and he area occuied

    Tai -Siil o dissiilar t feale ; &hae; abe lnth nd rati it anal bd

    widh; he uber and dstribuion f caudl ores ny her infran



    Juveniles, if availabl should alo be include n dscritions nd llustrtins

    Characters be cnsdered aar fr bdy densins : Siil r dissimil to

    adults in eeral shae and rholgy; length o ctive donosyle in icre

    lenth f relaceent odntsyle in micrmeres disne o elacn dnstle

    i fr anterir xtrei in icrmetres ; length ad idth ndial riiu i

    icroeres Tail sa and lengh

    Note: The icscoe hich is he st ioran insruen or a axnist shoul

    hav a ood esluion and illuinain arrage Aa fr his, a orke should

    us his isruen iall o observe he inute chaactes. ha ined encil huld

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina


    46 JURNL F TlE ZOGiC IY O DA ( ), 198

    b ued omininhe accuracy o curvatures ad exact pe, vz ad p, ampid,

    odonoye, aina picue ltera guiding pics, tc

    Som usful publcations on subjc {dsciptios illutratons, uremt

    ad dinosic tles teminology tc ae been eerd blo.

    AKWD M

    The u is ighy inebed o Pro D . Coomans and Dr M S Jirapuri who

    corbued ny id uch inspiration ad criiclly riewed e manucript. Tanks

    are also due the cor, Zoological Survy of Idi Ccutt fr proidin te rserc



    NDRSSY 1969, Taxm urct d Fem!in Prodorylamda n fm. and oy)aide d

    Man; 7 Opuc. zool., Bpest 9 833

    BAQRI, Q H. & COOMANS, . 1973 . A taxonomic revison of th nmato spce described by

    S. Stehven& Teuisn ( 1938 ) d S. Stkhoven ( 194) from Ntonal Virug Park (Zare

    Rep1blic ) I. Dyliae, Aporme end Lngord. Fndatio pour fvise Jes

    herhs iniqu n Afrqu Brux/s 02 : 1-57.

    QRI . & OA1S, A 97 A txonomic rvio f e N d9 pec derbed by

    S. kho & Teunisn ( 138 d S Stv ( 94) o tio Vg rk. Zie

    Rpb! I Actnoaa Rv Z f. 575

    R Q JRU modes of Hh l tts V v w 1pees

    f e gns E Thoe, 939 ( Dlam). Nmtlog 2

    R Q H A 1 Nmatods fm W el ( ndi ) V Rvw o the fly

    Thornmatde Sddiq, 1969 ( Dorylaimde:Nemtod ) Nemotlgico. 26: 83-07.

    OHN, E & SER S A. 1972. A trbuion to the taxonmy of the genus XiphnemoCb. 913

    }. Na'., 4: 6-5

    AN l9 ucure n mber of Doain N/gc 9 870

    MS, BAQRr, Q. H 92 Afn sp h gus Bondira Tn 39. Pc

    Hh Sc, W : 11

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina



    QER, E 61 ortons o eaens o nao s. ematolgc. 6 ; 26859.

    GODY, B 199 Dat o e onsdered bsev n here pssbe rp o w:

    eig dcriions of new speci atolg;ca, 4 : 2-216

    OOE B 19 T nur o sea guidig pus i Doyina. . Hlint

    R T pe S upl, : -06

    HY J, 197 A mogp sudy o net e Nygoaa &n yglel

    Entlgy Dp arc tch sv p 19 -4

    LOF P A A. COO MANS 90. n he dvle nd lcan f h ephge nulei

    e Doona. Poc X /n Symp (Waw 17 )Zz Pbl Pp ak olnc

    9 96

    NAIR, 193 T ns xoncu (d: Bloi ) Tp secis ga


    A 193 Th gu Axc (Neda ndiie) Sis w Vg slotzon

    (Pa I) maolgca 19 : H99

    NAR 1975. T gs xcu ( Nod Be!nide ) S cis w a l

    egon atc 0 359!

    N COOM 9 The gen A (emad Bdde) 1 Mohog

    Juenle g ns d l o es atolca 45

    NE & COOMAS 9 h eu Aoncu (od B!od) S wih

    Scoton Part 2 algca : 3539.

    NA & COON A 19 Aoncum (mo Bida VI A

    Ks gena nd CousionP lgca 1 : 3

    ID M R. 196 ata gen Cda n m Ponlla n gen. Lodlon-

    atn . sua ) ad mod n g Cysa f ) wit vd

    lassiion of rylaa ( atgca S

    DI it bt . N S an cagtt t N. S Nmoa:

    Dolaii a m ulted s i f aolga 1 83-

    OUHY J F. 3 rmnolo fm dv a n s sc

    ec o pa sci aga ;

    Q S. . AABO-GLO M AB F UI M _ ( 979 ) T "Z n

    pa: hsi f s fi r migo ga

    2 I '

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri 1981 - Caracteres Taxonomicos de Dorylaimina


    148 JURNAL OF THE .ZLOGC STY OF ND 33 ( I & 2 ), 198

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