Banja koviljaca

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Banja Koviljaca

• Banja Koviljaca, is a well known natural spa, and tourist resort located in the visinity of Loznica. This spa and mineral springs offers many beneficial aspects to its visitors. The spa provides tratment and rehabilitation in:rheumatism of different origins, degenerative bone and muscle deseases,spinal column changes…

Kur salon- Spa hallKur-salon,spa hall – It offers services in the

field of congress organizing,good music,casino,restaurant,kitchen and other services which make this place a very special destination…

Bosna and Koviljaca villas are located within the park area,one of the most beautiful in Serbia. It offers

accomodation in 79 rooms totaling 200 beds.

The Gucevo resting place is located near the bath facility. It built in alpine style of arhitecture. A offers 216 beds in single and double rooms and


Gril restaurant “Tri Cesme”-It has a beautiful garden, where visitors can enjoy alive music in summer evenings.

The “Podrinje” hotel is representative hotel with two stars. The hotel offers accomodation in single and double rooms, including modern

suites, totalling 160 beds.

Banja Koviljaca is well known as the “Royal spa”, because the king Petar I often came here to enjoy in this natural fortune.This is reason why sulphur

bath got his name.

This place has a gorgeous view to whole park and inside has a caffe bar where visitors can

enjoy in nice drink or good food.

This is a motto of people why work in this natural spa. They want to say their patients that certain success is posible only if all of them gives their


ByBiljana and Miroslav

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