Bangkok (English Pronunciation)

Post on 03-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Bangkok(English pronunciation: /bkk/[5]) isthe capital and most populous cit o!"hailand# $t

    is kno%n in"haias Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

    (& pronounced [krt*+pmah,+n-k.+n]( listen)) or simpl Krung Thep(help0

    in!o)# "he cit occupies 1&523#4 suarekilometres (265#4 s mi) in the

    7hao 8hraa 9ierdelta in 7entral "hailand& andhas a population o! oer 3 million& or 1;#2percent o! the countrmillion people (;;#; percent) lie %ithin thesurrounding ?angkok @etropolitan 9egion&

    making ?angkok an eAtreme primate cit&d%arBng "hailand

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Crand 8alace

    $! ou onl isit one maDor historicaltourist attraction in ?angkok& thisshould be the one# "he roalcompound lies up to its name& %ithspectacular structures that %ould putthe most decadent modern monarchsto shame# $t

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Wat Pho

    Gocated immediatel south o! the Crand 8alaceprecinct& Pat 8ho makes an eAcellent addition toour tour& proided our !eet are up !or more%alking# Llso kno%n as or Pat 7hetuphon)& thetemple %as built b Qing 9ama $ and is the oldestand in ?angkok# $t has long been considered a placeo! healing& and %as !amous centuries ago !or itspharmac and as "hailand

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Wat Arun

    Pat Lrun is something o! a triumphantcompleA& dating back to ancient battlesbet%een the !ormer Oiam and ?urma#Iaing !allen to the ?urmese& Lutthaa%as reduced to rubble and ashes# ?utCeneral "aksin and the remaining

    suriors o%ed to march Runtil the sunrose againR and to build a temple there#Pat Lrun& the "emple o! the Fa%n& %asthat temple# $t is %here the ne% king laterbuilt his roal palace and a priate chapel#

    $! ou climb to the top o! the prang Dustbe!ore sunset& ou are re%arded %ith anun!orgettable ie% as the sun sinks oerthe 7hao 8raa 9ier# Een i! ou don

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Wat Traimit, Temple of the Golden Buddha

    Oheer luck (or lack thereo!) makes thisattraction special# Furing the 1U56s& the EastLsiatic 7ompan purchased the land aroundthe temple# L condition o! the sale %as theremoal o! a plaster statue o! ?uddha& but thestatue proed too hea !or the crane beingused# "he cable parted and the Bgure %asdropped& being le!t oernight %here it !ell# $t

    happened to be in the rain season& and %henneAt morning some monks %alked past& thenoticed a glint o! gold shining through theplaster# "he coating %as remoed& reealing aJ#5 m ?uddha cast !rom 5#5 tons o! solid gold#

    Lll attempts to trace the origin o! thispriceless statue hae so !ar !ailed& but it isassumed to date !rom the Oukhothai period&

    %hen marauding inaders threatened thecountr and its treasures& and it becamecommon practice to conceal aluable ?uddhaBgures beneath a coating o! plaster# Ho onekno%s ho% it came to ?angkok& but here itstands aailable !or the admiration o! isitors!rom all oer the %orld#

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Wat Suthat

    Pat Outhat& adDacent to the GreatSwing& is one o! the oldest andmost beauti!ul o! ?angkok

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Giant Swing

    $n the center o! the bus suarein front of Wat Suthat standsone o! ?angkok

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Khao San Road

    "his is ?angkok

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Gumphini 8ark

    Gumphini 8ark is more thanDust an oasis o! nature inbustling ?angkok# =riginalldesigned to house "hai cra!tsand Xo%ers& it is a serene

    place %here people can strollpaths& take a paddle boatride or Dust sit and relaA and%atch others do theirmorning and eeningeAercises# Wisitors %ho strollalong the pond ma eencome across a %ater monitorliTard& a crocodileKlike reptile#Nree outdoor concerts takeplace on Ounda a!ternoons#

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Fusit 8alace

    Fusit 8alace is the nameo! the compound o! 9oalresidences& constructed inEuropean stle bet%een13U4 and 1U61 !or Qing9ama W# "he mostprominent building is theWimanmek @ansion& builto! golden teak %ood# "he%orldYs largest %oodenmansion& it contains J1eAhibition rooms as %ellas the throne room&bathrooms and bedrooms#$! ou isit the Crand8alace be!ore this onemake sure ou keep ourticket as it gies ou !reeentr into the mansion#

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)



    8attaa is a to%n on "hailandYseastern Cul! coast kno%n !or a %ildnightli!e scene that attracts

    international isitors& %eekenders!rom ?angkok and eApats# L uietBshing illage as recentl as the

    1U26s& itYs no% lined %ith resorthotels& highKrise condos and a largeseaside mall# etKskiing and

    parasailing are popular actiities at<

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Nong Nooch illage

    "he spra%ling park at HongHooch (pronounced RnungnutR) Willage oVers a littlebit o! eerthing on thespectrum# "here/1 @oo 4 Ha omtien&


  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    !omtien Beach

    Escape the bustle o! the maincit& but still enDo 8attaa

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Sanctuar" of Truth

    ?illed as Rthe magniBcence o!heaen recreated on EarthR&this massie building is astud in "hai architecturalstles# Eer aailable space isintricatel decorated %ith

    %ooden carings and theentire structure %as built topa homage to ancientreligions and philosophies K areaction to modern egotisticalbehaiors and attitudes# Phileisiting the sanctuar& guests

    can take in "hai cultural sho%sand "hai boAing& or goelephant trekking& horsebackriding& or hop on a speedboatto get around#

    Ldmission: >56 "I? !or adults&;;5 "I? !or children (%henpurchased at a discount online)Lddress: ;62/; @oo 5& Ooi Haklua1; & Haklua& ?anglamung

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    Wat #an$angwararam

    Ls %ith all o! "hailand;ndear o! his reign# "o the rightKhand side o! the path leadingto the temple there is a lake%ith attractie 7hinese

    pailions and other buildings#Pat Sansang%araram

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    %ini Siam

    L !un %a to see the%onders o! "hailand andthe %orld& @ini Oiamdisplas models o! someo! the most !amousinternational sites# Lmongthose on displa:?angkok

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


    &nderwater World Patta"a

    L trip to Znder%ater Porld isnot our aerage da at theauarium# Iere& at "hailand

  • 7/26/2019 Bangkok (English Pronunciation)


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