Back Up to the Woods and the Wolves Cc Style

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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Title: The Woods And The Wolves Cc Style Category: Books » Twilight

Author: trails of red tears I cry 4 uLanguage: English, Rating: Rated: T

Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance

Published: 03-14-10, Updated: 06-05-10Chapters: 12, Words: 7,439

Chapter 1: info first 

This fan fic I delicate to my cousin Cc because she well family...

about the story:

Jared imprints Bella and the Cullen's are back she in love with Jared now and Edward is trying to


her from going to him Victoria is still there trying to kill Bella the only problem is that Bella has


secret too that she doesn't know about

Chapter 2: Preface 


The Woods And The Wolf 

The woods were quiet nothing out of the ordinary only the girl standing in the middle of 

the woods holding herself  

with her arms across herself like she was going to break into half she was looking around

like a lost puppy she had

trails of tears running down her face like a river from her brown chocolate eyes they

looked gone soulless. She

stood there calling to no one but the woods. A couple of days later around midnight a

scream pierced the night

sounding so lonely and horrible then there was a bang of a door the white house lite up like

a lite with a soft glow of 

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light from one room to the next a big shadow of the chief of police ran over it then there

was a another door banged

open. Then came a gruff voice. 

''Bella honey wake up'' Charlie yelled at his daughter who was thrashing on the bed cryingher heart out for the

stupid leech who left her. 

''Bella your going back to Phoenix to live with your mother I am calling her

tonight''Charlie said to his daughter

who looked at him like he grew two heads her eyes were puffy,with a glint of sadness and

they were empty her chest

was uneven. 

''NOO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME'' she screamed at him then like she didn't know she yelled

at him she started crying

again her heart breaking into more pieces then it was. 

This was only beginning of the heart breaking of Bella Swan tale... 

in the distant about a mile away to be exact a lone short hair but thick fur of brown wolf 

the size of a miniature

horse howled with his loneliness.

review please do you like it love it

Chapter 3: chapter one The Planning 

Chapter one


Victoria's point of view

It was a sunny day in forks Washington everything was perfect one broken hearted girl a


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that's lonely doing patrol work I have always wondered what the wolfs done to the place I


to hunt and to kill that was in the image in my head a helpless human laying in a heap of 


and me drinking it venom pooled in my mouth as I imaged Bella Swan bleeding and me


greedily no Edward Cullen to stop me as we speak I building a army of newborns to go

after the

Cullen's while I play with the fragile human I like to taste ever so often,foot steps


made me get out of my thinking. 

''yes'' I murmured quietly to my personal slave Riley I made him just for me he just


mistake for me to clean up and feel guilty. 

''the Swan girl is in her house cooking, I just thought I let you know'' Riley muttered I


and saw he was kicking the dirt I chuckled stupid fool I thought. 

''well what are you doing here go on go watch her'' I snarled the last part I got in a hunting

crouch ready to kill him if necessary because newborns are stupid just like I was when I



''really Victoria I am going back I just wanted to inform you'' he said his red eyes

twinkling a

little, I hissed a growl his eyes widen a bit but he ran off getting up from the crouch I got on


of the 40 foot tree and looked at the reservation the wolves were getting to hunt I can't wait 

 just to have that Swan girl to die. 

I laughed my head thrown back I laughed loud making it boom of the trees and echo


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you wait Bella your stupid vampire boyfriend will ever forget you ever were here.

Chapter 4: chapter two The Planning Rileys pov 

Riley's point of view

The sun was out making my skin sparkle like diamonds. I watched the Swans get up go to


school then come back the girl Bella was cooking dinner ugh the stupid human food smells

horrible like a stinky sock boiled in sour spoiled milk gross I shuddered watching humans


boring I wanted to kill them instead of them running around like stupid turkeys with thereheads

cut off I laughed at the thought maybe I better go to Victoria and tell her what the girl was


Jumping down from the perch on the tree I was on I landed on a crouch getting up like a


human I am not I started running full speed the forest landscape a blur around me the

smell of 

wild life around me stunk like sour milk I smirked tonight I will go to Canada and hunt a


that ventured off a path I smelled the air searching for her bingo I found you Victoria's her


of fresh strawberry's scent (i don't really know they never described it) filled my noes

yum,not I

looked around and saw her I was in awe there she was standing there like a goddess out of 


I was in love no I thought mustn't think that her flame of red hair flowed around her with


wind blowing gently against it. I cleared my currently burning throat and started speaking.  

''the Swan girl is in her house cooking, I just thought I let you know'' I said in a rush only

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vampires can hear me. 

I suddenly looked down at the ground kicking the dirt I was nervous I

saw that Victoria turned and chuckled at me was I that funny? Did she know I loved her?


did she realize that I was worth something more then a piece of crap then my parents


of me? My mind raced at all the possibility's I felt kinda funny like my insides were going


explode into tiny hearts.

''well what are you doing here go on go watch her'' Victoria snarled 

going into a protective

crouch and hissing. I tried to settle her by backing off a little and explaining I rushed on.  

''really Victoria I am going back I just wanted to inform you'' I said in a light tone my eyes

sparkling a little,she hissed a growl I widen my eyes a little, 

and booked it out of there I did not

want to see what was going to happen so I left forks and headed to Canada to hunt,i founda little

4 year old running down a hill before thinking twice I snapped her neck and fed draining

her of 

all that blood after I was done I grabbed a rope ties it to a tree and hung the little girl on it

looking like she committed suicide I ran out of there like a human on fire. I headed back to

Forks to finish what I started.

Please review

oh to anybody who is confused I made Riley's past up because Stephanie did not so I made

it up

and so far so good! 

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 Chapter 5: Tonight The Bon Fire 


Me:I do not own twilight

Bella:yes you do

Edward: no she don't

Me:exactly Edward

Alice:true I have seen it

Emmett:Guys can we get with the program


Emmett:what was that for?

Rosalie:stop acting like a baby and leave the poor girl alone

Me:that was mean! I do own twilight!

Victoria: yes! I finally get a say in this world HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

Jasper:dude everyone stop fighting your giving me a headache!

Jake: you bloodsuckers don't get headaches

Jared:okay can we please get on with the story

Me:moving a long...

Bella:why can't Edward be in this story

Me:cause this is my story and Edward is a bad person and I own this story not you!


Alice:am I in this story


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Alice:why I have seen it

Me:no that's a lie now I have some writing to do now no buts good day to you farewell until later 










disclaimer: I don't own twilight or the characters only the plot and setting maybe another 

character I still don't know yet who knows.?

Bella point of view


Tonight I am going to Jake's house,to go to the bonfire. I feel empty hollow like I am going to

 bust into

a million peaces maybe I will be myself again no I thought maybe I will get over Edward Cullen

I just

hope he will not come back and break my heart.

''Bella!'' Charlie yelled from down the stairs I was currently in my room trying to decide what to


''yes dad I am almost done'' I lied I gazed at the dress(on profile) I never wore Alice had boughtme on

the many

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occasion I never went to mentioning Alice made my eyes water no I will not cry over another Cullen so

long as I shall live. A lie I know it I gazed at the dress it was black evening dress a large black 

 bow in

the front with cross-over straps in the back of the dress the deep v-neckline with gathered pleatsacross

the top part of the dress that would probably outline my body curves I don't really have oh well Iam

wearing it. I got it from the hanger It was hanging from and got the black skinny jeans they have

slits in

them. I have in my dresser to wear underneath the dress so It will look better. Going in the

 bathroom I

got in the shower got out got dressed and put my hair up in a scene style also put makeup on tocover 

my dark circles underneath my eyes after all that was done I looked like a goth person really but


Alice would be proud taking a picture on my phone of myself I saved it grabbed my purse (on profile)

its a silk satin black purse with a bow on top a single handle now ready I slipped my flats on.

( all of the cloths are on my prfile I am going to try and make a wikipida just for this story)

I walked down the stairs with confidence not thinking just walking wich is pretty cooli reachedthe

 bottom of the stairs I took a deep breath my lungs filling in with the scent with forest mint andmens

colone making souble sure I didn't fall I steped of the stairs and went in the living room were

Jake and

Charlie was waiting I stepped in the room and they gaped at me like fish out of water ther eyeswiden I

could see if they went futher out they would fall out. I cleared my throat making all eyes on myface.

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''ready to go?'' I asked sweetly to Jake he recovered quickly though I could have sworn I saw aglint of 

something in his eyes I wished I hadn't seen in my life.

''hey Bella nice outfit''Jake said his eyes running up and down me like a scanner, I swallowed the puke

I was holding back down.

''thanks Jake I had nothing else so...'' my voice trailed off as I kept thinking of the other people


for us.

''Jake I expect her home after midnight not later or before got that'' Charlie threatened I almost


out loud on the expression on Jakes face it was priceless.

''got it '' he muttered a low hiss then like he never did it he walked to the door grabbed my armand we


Chapter 6: this is a note please read 

Okay so here is the thing I will not post for a while my lap top is under surveillance and taken

away so

 please be patient I will work on the next for chapters while my laptop gets fixed.

Okay and for readers of CiciFreakingSutton her laptop is sick with worms and virus so

 please be patient we are writing on the stories together and this also gives me the chance

to edit. So until next time.

Chapter 7: please read impotant 

To people who read my story's

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I will not upload for a while because my computer is being taken away for a week or two I hope

anyway I will be working on all my chapters and type them I should be done with 5 chapterseach if not

I will still be writing this story.

Chapter 8: Imprinting and Trouble 

sorry i have not updated I had writters block so plez review

When we got to La push I was taken aback there was a lot of boys with tan skin with flab's of muscle looking like they owned the place I had to admit I knew they were werewolf's but I did

not know they had that many of them I was out numbered by them. Huh so much for girl time

with Emily.

'' hey guys'' I said in a shaky squeaky voice.

I was nervures as a new person, they all looked very older then there normal age and they hadthat stare that bored right into your soul I shivered they were over powering at times.

'' hey Bella how you've been haven't seen you in forever'' Embry said in a relax tone. I shook 

a little as the wind started blowing me away I suddenly felt a pair of warm a little to warm armson me looking up I was in the boys a wolf arms his eyes that held me they were brown with gold

liquid rings I was captured by them. I heard someone clear the throat but I did not look away the

guy suddenly went stiff frozen where he stood .

''Damit Jared?'' Jake yelled pausing for a few seconds before blowing up again.

'' how could you on my own best friend?'' what was he talking about? Before I could aske

the boy that was holding onto me swooped down and kissed me the only thing I heard was

the screaming and raged Jacob exploding into a wolf next to me then nothing. 

review please i am posting again in a day

Chapter 9: sorry this is a note read it though 

okay i got my laptop back! this weekend i will update about two storys which one though i

have a new one i will upload firday night its been a heck of a week so i came to a vote i will

not post on the week days only weekends of course i will write but not upload so until


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 Chapter 10: forgotten? or memory loss? 

( I am so sorry for not updating the first thing was that my computer had 27 trogens eating

it so it had to be dumped also when I got it back the stupid virus got it and ate some of myhard drive so I had to get it dumped again. Then i have been getting writers block so I will

be having trouble so I need ideas thanks. I been busy from school to having bad trouble at

home I hope you guys will forgive me I am going to update more this summer I love you

guys who are reviewing I in the clouds cause of it okay well any way here is the chapter I

hope you like my cousin said it was good) 

Disclaimer: I won nothing but the plot. 

Me: I need twilight 

Heaven: nope sorry 

Me: (whining) wwwhhhhyyy? 

Heaven: you will do greater things. (All strict and serous) 

Me: sure I will «.

words: 1,577 pages 6 

Here is a song lyric you must listen to if you have not already 

Celia westbrooks 

New moon

Where are you its twilight,Where are you tonight?

Somethin deep inside me,Follows you in the night.

I cannot explain it,There is no fear in me.

For I would rather perishThan live apart from thee.

We know hate is strong,

And the world is wrong,And the moon and the sun can't relate;

But we carry on, this forbidden song,Because love is much stronger than hate.

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 New Moon, new life with you.Tell me what's wrong, what's right, what's true?

The further you try to run away,The closer I'm drawn to you

 New day, new me, new moon.

Come with me it's twilight,

Run away with me.Dance me into midnight,

Shine your love on me.Fatal and immortal,

Fascinating, free.Take me on a Forks flight,

High above the trees.

We know hate is strong,And the world is wrong,And the moon and the sun can't relate;

But we carry on, this forbidden song,Because love is much stronger than hate.

 New Moon, new destiny.

Tell me, is this my tragedy?Eclipsed by your love,

Blinded and confused, but closer I'm drawn to you New day, new birth, new moon.

It's my tragic flaw, to be in your arms,

Where the force is so strong I can't breath;I am Artemis, you're my nemesis,

You're the one thing my heart can't release.

 New breath, new birth,

 New death, new earth, New day, new me, new moon.

Previsoly on The Woods and The Wolf Cc Style 

When we got to La push I was taken aback there was a lot of boys with tan skin with flab's of 

muscle looking like they owned the place I had to admit I knew they were werewolf's but I did not know they had that many of them I was out numbered by them. Huh so much for girl time with


'' hey guys'' I said in a shaky squeaky voice. 

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 I was nervores as a new person, they all looked very older then there normal age and they had that stare that bored right into your soul I shivered they were over powering at times. 

'' hey Bella how you've been haven't seen you in forever'' Embry said in a relax tone. I shook a

little as the wind started blowing me away I suddenly felt a pair of warm a little to warm arms on

me looking up I was in the boys a wolf arms his eyes that held me they were brown with gold liquid rings I was captured by them. I heard someone clear the throat but I did not look away the guy suddenly went stiff frozen where he stood . 

''Damit Jared?'' Jake yelled pausing for a few seconds before blowing up again. 

'' how could you on my own best friend?'' what was he talking about? Before I could aske the boythat was holding onto me swooped down and kissed me the only thing I heard was the screaming 

and raged Jacob exploding into a wolf next to me then nothing. 

 Here is chapter 9

Forgotten? Or memory loss?

 Beep. Beep. Beep. 

I woke to a heart monitor recording my breathing which was heavy because I was in pain too

much to even recognize how to breathe.

I was in.

A hospital.

In pain.

As reality hit me I was in a hospital in pain and all because «. I thought for a moment replaying

and relying on my memory of the past weeks, hours, days, years even, I did not know.

The Cullen family moving for a job in la.

Jacob coming to visit me off and on the pass month.

Me and Jacob going to Lapush for the bonfire.

Us getting there me feeling overruled by the boys who were tall and tan.

The guy named«Jared looking like he saw the sun for the first time.

Jacob vibrating really badly his form looking blurred morphing into a large animal and then I feltchunks of flesh come of my skin and me screaming in pain then all the other stuff is blank.

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Then I realized something Jacob is a werewolf I knew it! So are all the other Lapush kids thatSam uley hangs out with.

Oh god. Was all I thought before I fainted again.

I woke up to a nurse jabbing a needle through my vain and my arm bleeding.

'' oh my'' the other nurse cried out coming through the door then everything started spinning Iwas in too much pain to register anything else.

I blinked my eyes opened I noticed my face was covered in gauze the white color great I thought

I saw nothing really only to my right that someone was sitting in a chair asleep and not myfather.

He had black spiky hair looked cropped , which looked like it had rain drops in it his skin was

red brownish he was not wearing a shirt my face flooded with a blush his chest was muscular 

long rounded muscles roped his arms and chest my mouth watered but I pushed it away. Hisshorts like jakes was sweat pants men I thought.

I tried to remember his name when the images of Jacob mad and yelling

''Damit Jared?'' Jake yelled pausing for a few seconds before blowing up again. 

'' how could you on my own best friend?'' what was he talking about? Before I could aske the boy

that was holding onto me swooped down and kissed me the only thing I heard was the screaming and raged Jacob exploding into a wolf next to me then nothing. 

Then it clicked I remembered his name Jared!

I cleared my throat well trying to anyway.

''hello'' I tried to sound better but just sounded lame and desperate for water my felt like I hadsomeone sandpaper my mouth to smooth the edges.

Jared jerked awake his eyes found mine lighting up like a Christmas tree then going back tonormal.

'' Bella your awake'' Jared said dumbly he got up then stretched showing off men. I swallowed

my drool again dam I am supposed to be in pain and here I am drooling over a guy I barley knowI need help. Then the worst happened.

A/ N (I should have ended like this but I am not that mean«.yet)

My heart monitor beeped high then went back to normal Jared looked at me and grinned like Ithought again men and their egos! I was feeling:

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Blushing I looked away and noticed water.

''water'' I said in a croak Jared smiled and nodded grabbing it he handed me the straw and water I

drank it, gulping, inhaling which ever you call it I did cause I was really thirsty.

I drank the last swallow feeling good on my throat I felt it go down all the way to my stomachokay that was weird.

'' how long was I out?'' I asked clearing my throat again his smile disappeared leaving a small


'' you've been out two weeks in a coma I thought you would never come out of but you did'' hesaid and reassured himself at the end grinning. Then thought of something else.

'' do you remember me or anything else?''

I thought nodded at his question.

'' yes I remember your name which is Jared right?'' I asked he nodded then gestered for me to

contunie I did.

The vampires Cullen moved because« something about a job in La

There were

Alice Cullen

Carlisle Cullen

Emmett Cullen

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Esme Cullen

Jasper hale

Rosaline hale

There was another I can't remember'' I said finshed his eyes glowed lighting up he was hiding

something but I was not worried.

Then there the pack 



Sam the leader 







'' that's it I think am I right?'' he nodded then there was a flash back 

Red hair red eyes

Victioria's after me I screamed.

'' Bella what's wrong ?'' Jared asked

'' Victoria after me she a vampire '' I said in a wisper then I blacked out.




Tell me what you think I need advice and a few idea I get writers block so please do review

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 Chapter 11: scars 

Okay I am so sorry for not updating I am getting ready for Cali in a few days don't worry though

I will be writing the whole time I hate that whatever you think can't just type itself oh well here itis this is called scars when Bella sees herself since the '' Jacob incident'' I would also like toexplain Jared is keeping his distance because he feels guilty from the accident not being able to

help also like in the previous chapter she cannot remember Edward only the rest of the Cullen's Ihope you enjoy this chapter I need help with new ideas so please email me for advice I do know

that my grammar and punctions are bad I am not good at that so please I hope you enjoy also Ithink I may do a twitter for this story! So that I can give you guys sneak peek.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and the tittle

Me: I want to own twilight

Jared: no

Me: why?

Jared: I already have someone controlling my life I don't need another 

Me: (pouting) I won't control you

Jared: ha-ha sure that's what everyone says

Previsoly on the wolf and the woods cc style 

'' do you remember me or anything else?''  

 I thought nodded at his question. 

'' yes I remember your name which is Jared right?'' I asked he nodded then gestered for me to

contunie I did. 

The vampires Cullen moved because« something about a job in La 

There were 

 Alice Cullen 

Carlisle Cullen 

 Emmett Cullen 

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 Esme Cullen 

 Jasper hale 

 Rosaline hale 

There was another I can't remember'' I said finshed his eyes glowed lighting up he was hiding 

 something but I was not worried. 

Then there the pack  



Sam the leader  







'' that's it I think am I right?'' he nodded then there was a flash back  

 Red hair red eyes 

Victioria's after me I screamed. 

'' Bella what's wrong ?'' Jared asked  

'' Victoria after me she a vampire '' I said in a whisper then I blacked out  

Playlist while typing this

''I once knew'' - Dead Celebrity Status

''damage'' -plumb

''cut'' -plumb

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''forgotten''- Avirl Lavigne

'' snuff" -slipknot

'' addicted'' -Kelly Clarkson

'' soul mate'' - Natasha Bedingfield

Words: 1,845

Pages: 7

Okay so here is the chapter 


 I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut  My weakness is that I care too much

 And my scars remind me that the past is real  I tear my heart open just to feel 

 Drunk and I'm feeling down And I just wanna be alone

 I'm pissed cause you came around Why don't you just go home

Cause you channel all your pain And I can't help you fix yourself 

You're making me insane All I can say is 

Scars are in perfection they are the definition of you or someone else, like Emily no wonder Sam

felt horrible about the scars I look in the mirror and realize this is the new me. The worst part isthat I am worse then Emily my scars show the full me a Skelton outline perfection there raw and

sore every part of my body is hurting no matter where it is. I feel bad because Jacob has nottalked to me in almost four months Jared is always stalking me but in a good way where I don't

feel lonely it's like I have a hole in my chest but I have no clue why only Jared can heal itanytime he is with me but lately just been looking to see if I was okay then leaves I feel like I did

something wrong.

 I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut  My weakness is that I care too much

 And our scars remind us that the past is real  I tear my heart open just to feel  

I start my truck and head over to Lapush to see Jared when I noticed a big brown wolf the size of a minture horse following me but running close to the road I pretend I don't see it and drive faster 

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making my truck sputter at me I just drive and drive not knowing where am going just to escapemyself and my damaged brain away. 

 I tried to help you once

 Against my own advice

 I saw you going down But you never realized That you're drowning in the water 

So I offered you my hand Compassions in my nature

Tonight is our last stand  

I park my truck on the side of the road and sit there staring at nothing but straight ahead lookingat nothing but my reflection on the window there I see the monster of scars the outline of my

face but there all bumpy and nasty to look at. There a bang at my door I look to see Emily givingme a small smile I smile back making my face hurt I want this pain to stop hurting I got out of 

my truck and look at Emily studying me just gazing at me like I'm a piece of art to look at.

'' hi Emily how are you?" I ask in low tone noticing that she just staring at me in shock. Looking

at my scars like I was some sort of freak which I hated I hated Jacob for these scars but a part of me still forgives him.

'' nothing much Bella just getting the boys food ready you could help.'' She said I nod and we

walk in the kitchen and fix like a whole bunch of food and put it in a plates now finished Inoticed there were 24 plates of food different kinds I gaped but I looked at the door, all of the

 boys look like real hungry wolfs ready to fight for the food I went out the back door and walkedto the beach.

Jared pov (yeah!)

I was on patrol for the whole day this week and I was taking the area around Bella's house andnoticed her truck was gone I started panicking my imprint was gone and I had no clue where the

distance I heard a rumble Bella's car I ran into the woods and chased after it and saw my Belladriving. I saw her look at me from the corner of her eye but she looked away to quickly , I felt

sad how was I going to talk to her with her feeling guilty about the scars I will admit they are badthere like a Skelton there no way to get around them unless she gets surgery. But I feel useless

around her because she never talks to me and when she does I hear the sad note in her voice howshe does not want me to talk so I go home and think about the conversation we had.

 I'm drunk and I'm feeling down

 And I just wanna be aloneYou shouldn't ever come around 

Why don't you just go home?Cause you're drowning in the water 

 And I tried to grab your hand  And I left my heart open

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 But you didn't understand  But you didn't understand 

Go fix yourself  

Flashback of yesterday's conversation.

 I am sitting in her bedroom looking at the mess on her floor and thinking of how to tell her of how I care for her not love yet we still need to sort out the issue of the problems at hand. 

'' Bella do you care about me?'' I asked my face masked with hope but not showing. She looks at me her face was full of pain and sadness I wanted to do something for that look to go away. 

'' Jared« I '' she trailed off as she faces the window , watching the tree leaves fall of their 

branches looking lonely.

'' Bella all I am asking is do you feel anything towards me'' I whispered the last words because

this is too painful for me to ask. She looked out the window before turning towards me a smile plastered on her face, then looks down on the ground. 

'' Jared I care for you really I do I just need time to sort out a couple of thing I mean I barely

remember anything that happened 5 months ago , I just found out my best friend is a werewolf the guy I like is a werewolf and I am trying to remember what I am missing.'' She nearly yelled 

then looked at the window I got up and crossed the distance between us and hugged her I had noclue how to comfort a girl and this was complicated because. 

1 I remembered the leech she does not  

2 I am a werewolf and she not  

3 I am a guy and she is a girl 

4 I am dangerous she not  

5 she feels guilty and I have no clue how to help 

6 god help me because I have no clue how I would deal with this if the leeches come back  

She hugged me back and we sat there on her bad for 2 hours just comforting each other until 

Charlie came home and ushered me out with a glare that would sent a shiver of fear down anormal person back. 

End of flash back 

 Now I finished my patrol I saw Bella on the beach holding herself together I jogged down thereand went over to her and sat beside her she reached over and grabbed my hand and we sat there

on the sand a werewolf and a girl who lost her memory and has scars that look like a outline of 

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her Skelton who knows what will come next I don't know she doesn't it is up to us to keep up thecomplication and get the past behind us.

 I can't help you fix yourself 

 But at least I can say I tried 

 I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life I can't help you fix yourself  But at least I can say I tried 

 I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life 

(A/N; Ha-ha you thought I would leave you like that nope here are a few sneak peeks )  

''Oh my fucking god Jacob help'' Jared yelled Jacob ran in and gasped and yelled for Sam

he came in and was flabbergasted. 

''Bella'' a velvet voice said I looked up from my computer that I have been using for online

schooling and gaped standing by my rocking chair was a pale face he was looking at mewith hope. 

'' do I know you?'' I asked 

Here is another peek  

Ha-ha why didn't I think of that Emmett laughed I smacked his head grinning and rubbing

my stomach that was 6 months pregnant. 

That is it..

 Note: I will update soon tell me what you think 

Ps.  Need ideas





Chapter 12: bloodsuckerlover? whats that? 

Disclaimer: I own nothing only the plot and maybe a new wolf 

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 New moon


Breaking dawn

Me: give me the right to own the Lapush pack 

Jared: no can do

Me: why not?

Paul: cause we wouldn't be the Lapush pack we would be the«.

Sam: we would be the loser pack 

Me: whatever.. Any way I own nothing

Previsoly on the woods and wolves cc style

 I'm drunk and I'm feeling down

 And I just wanna be aloneYou shouldn't ever come around 

Why don't you just go home?Cause you're drowning in the water 

 And I tried to grab your hand  And I left my heart open

 But you didn't understand  But you didn't understand 

Go fix yourself  

Flashback of yesterday's conversation.

 I am sitting in her bedroom looking at the mess on her floor and thinking of how to tell her of 

how I care for her not love yet we still need to sort out the issue of the problems at hand. 

'' Bella do you care about me?'' I asked my face masked with hope but not showing. She looks at me her face was full of pain and sadness I wanted to do something for that look to go away. 

'' Jared« I '' she trailed off as she faces the window , watching the tree leaves fall of their branches looking lonely.

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'' Bella all I am asking is do you feel anything towards me'' I whispered the last words becausethis is too painful for me to ask. She looked out the window before turning towards me a smile

 plastered on her face, then looks down on the ground. 

'' Jared I care for you really I do I just need time to sort out a couple of thing I mean I barely

remember anything that happened 5 months ago , I just found out my best friend is a werewolf the guy I like is a werewolf and I am trying to remember what I am missing.'' She nearly yelled then looked at the window I got up and crossed the distance between us and hugged her I had no

clue how to comfort a girl and this was complicated because. 

1 I remembered the leech she does not  

2 I am a werewolf and she not  

3 I am a guy and she is a girl 

4 I am dangerous she not  

5 she feels guilty and I have no clue how to help 

6 god help me because I have no clue how I would deal with this if the leeches come back  

She hugged me back and we sat there on her bad for 2 hours just comforting each other until Charlie came home and ushered me out with a glare that would sent a shiver of fear down a

normal person back. 

End of flash back 

 Now I finished my patrol I saw Bella on the beach holding herself together I jogged down there

and went over to her and sat beside her she reached over and grabbed my hand and we sat thereon the sand a werewolf and a girl who lost her memory and has scars that look like a outline of 

her Skelton who knows what will come next I don't know she doesn't it is up to us to keep up thecomplication and get the past behind us.

 I can't help you fix yourself 

 But at least I can say I tried  I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life

 I can't help you fix yourself 

 But at least I can say I tried  I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life 

Playlist while typing

'' monster'' Lady Gaga

'' Easier to run'' Liken Park 

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'' cry little sister'' Gerard McMann

'' blame it'' T-pain

'' half gone'' life house

''Beautiful Disaster'' Kelly Clarkson

Pages: 6


Chapter 12

Complication is my middle name

The weeks and days past as a blur me and Jared talked and found more about each other in asimilar way were the same the thing I hate though is through the past days I've spent with the

 pack the more I feel like they're keeping something from me and I want to know what it is. Thething about that is when the new pack member Leah came by the other day and started off asking

and saying things I never heard a person say to me in my life... I think.

 F lash back of  F riday night at the bonfire

 I was going to visit Jared because he said that he was taking patrol tonight after the bonfire so I 

 just took a sip of my coke I knew I would hell for it later it wires me up making me act weird. So I walked away from the beach and towards the woods were we usually talk by the log with the

 packs names carved in them it was a pretty big log 15 inches long and 45 width , I sat therethinking to myself and wondering how I ended up in this situation of not remembering anything 

expect a few thing I get flash backs of bronze hair and golden eyes filled with lies , guilt and lovebut I did not who the person was. I sat on that dame log for a whole 30 minutes drinking my soda

by the time I was done I was jumping from the excitement of just sitting there in the middle of thenight in the woods and not caring if Victoria was coming.

''ha-ha-ha'' I sang out loud following silence then a laugh from a person I never heard before

laugh I looked behind me and saw a tan girl she had black hair and brown eyes she wasdefiantly Quileute I wondered what she wanted I looked further in the woods and saw a glint of 

wolf eyes I looked at the girl raised my eyebrow in question. 

'' the stupid bloodsucker leech lover I swear when they come back you will be running to them'' 

 she told me laughing at the end I wondered what the heck she was talking about. 

''what your name, have we met before?'' I asked in a rush

'' the name is Leah Clearwater and no we have not met why would I meet and talk to abloodsucker lover?'' she sneered I looked confused at her I did not know what she was talking 

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about what was a leech lover and what did it have to deal with me? I wondered for a moment but before I could ask Jared came over to me in wolf form and growled at Leah and butted me over 

to the deeper in the forest I looked at Jared and he stared at me with those lonely eyes that light up every time he sees me maybe I will remember the past and find out what they are hiding from


okay this was a difficult chapter to write then type up because I kept changing it so I would

like at least 2 or more reviews before typing and uploadeding the chapter. 


Trails of red I cry 4 you 




It will not bite you so please review

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