Back to School 2015-2016 Miss Latronica Room 164.

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Back to School2015-2016

Miss LatronicaRoom 164

Miss Adrienne Latronica

4th Grade

• Received degree from Saint Xavier University

• Third year teaching

• I will be teaching math, reading, and science this year.

• My hobbies include watching movies, traveling, swimming, and playing with my cat, Rex.

• Teaching is my passion!

• HSA handbook should be followed inside and outside the classroom. Please read the handbook with your child and return the signature page as soon as possible.

• Cell phones should be kept in locker during school day.

Be SafeBe ResponsibleBe Respectful

• Student behavior will be logged on a daily sheet (see welcome packet for example).

• Students will be rewarded for positive behavior and responsibility with homework.

• Parents must sign behavior logs each week.

Behavior Logs

• Star of the Week: Student with positive behavior

• Fun Friday: Extra recess will take place on Friday for students that make excellent choices throughout the week.

• Group Points: Students will work as a team to earn points, which can lead to winning a prize from the prize bin!

Classroom Fun

Grading Process

Tests: 30%

Homework: 5%

Classwork: 20%

Quizzes: 15%

Bellwork: 5%

Participation: 10%

Projects: 15%

98-100 A+ 73-76 C

93-97 A 70-72 C-

90-92 A- 67-69 D+

87-89 B+ 63-66 D

83-86 B 60-62 D-







Grading Scale

Late Work Policy

The late work policy is 10% off per day late. If a student turns in late work or has no homework more than once a week, parent contact will be made.


Cheating includes copying answers and/or turning in another person’s work. Parent contact will be made if student cheats on an assignment. The student will given an alternate assignment to complete for a grade.

Absent Work Policy

When a student is absent, he or she is responsible for asking for the missed work. Students have one day per day absent to complete missed work. For example, if a student misses school on Monday and returns Tuesday, he or she has until Wednesday to turn in Monday’s missed work. Once students get materials for missed assignments, it is the students’ responsibility to ask me any questions that they have about missed assignments BEFORE they leave for the day.

No Name Assignments

Assignments turned in with no name will result in a 10% point deduction.

Extra Credit

Extra credit may be offered throughout the grading period.

What’s the point of homework?

• Practice and build on what has been taught in class

• Complete unfinished class work

• Prepare for upcoming lessons

• Practice responsibility and develop good study habits

• Homework information is placed in take home folder.

• Homework will be given on most nights of the week.

• Students should practice multiplication/division facts, read, and study science words each night. I will be sending home math and reading logs each week.

• Homework should be returned to school on time.

Take Home Folder

• Homework, notes, or other handouts can be found in your child’s take home folder.

• Please check this folder each night.

• Please write your child’s name on anything that needs to be delivered to the office.

Take Home FolderThe take home folder has three parts.

1) “Leave at Home”- Graded papers, weekly newsletter, classroom information (this side of the folder needs to be emptied by you each day and should not return to school with papers still inside)

2) “Return to School”- Papers that require a parent signature for teacher, forms for office, homework that needs to be completed at home and brought back to school

3) Behavior Log- Kept in a clear plastic sleeve (teacher provided) inside the take home folder and returned each day

Math Goals

1) Learning to value math

2) Becoming a problem solver

3) Communicate and reason

4) Model math

5) Become fluent in math

Major Concepts

• Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions

• Problem solving

• Importance of writing in math and communicating understanding

Reading and Language ArtsYour child will:

• Strengthen comprehension skills

• Explore fiction and nonfiction texts

• Build reading stamina and fluency

• Read and analyze more complex reading material

• Use evidence and detail to support written claims

• Develop oral and written communication skills

• Topics: life, physical, earth/space science

• Implementation of new Next Generation Science Standards

• Science focus, deeper exploration of topics, connection of science to daily life, learn by doing

STEM• Technical subjects are connected

through STEM learning (science, technology, engineering, math)

• Hands-on learning

• Challenges students to analyze and question the world around them

• Common Core: set of skills designed for students to think critically, problem-solve, and be academically successful

• Common core outlines what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade

• College and career readiness

• Grade 4 math and reading Standards:

Miss Latronica’s Email:

School Phone Number: (773) 498-3355

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