
Back Pain in Pregnancy Easy take home answers for

improving maternal health and comfort and labour outcomes

Heather Bruce 1

Three magic helpers

  Moxa (sacral fan)

  Magnesium (no Calcium)

  Massage (opening pelvis) releasing whatever is blocking the Qi and Blood flow to the placenta, the birthing area and the reproductive organs.

Heather Bruce 2

Originating Experiences   My focus was always maternity being a new mum when

starting acupuncture college.

  35 years working with pregnancy and acupuncture in a specialised urban Brisbane practice. (Initially discovering that what was published did not touch my own personal maternal experiences, or those of my patients).

  Recently working with a closed community of Christian women In NZ who attempt to have at least 12 babies each; aiming past 16.

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Use of moxa

  Moxa penetrates to the channel level, promoting Qi and Blood movement, removing stasis, warming cold, elevating yang and drying cold damp (Abbate, 2006).

  Whilst it is heating, ‘tonification with moxa provides gentle reinforcement to the patient’s deficiency condition’. (Abbate, 2002).

  By improving circulation, pain is relieved. (Flaws, 2005).

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Evolution of moxa on back pain

  When training dads to help in birthing, with the massage and deep pressure I was suggesting, hurt.

  Using moxa meant the pain in the preparation sessions eased right back – often to none felt.

  Side effects? Back pain gone, mum relaxed, baby repositioned.

  Anyone with back ache/sciatica is helped – not just pregnant women

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Why choose moxa?

  Relaxes and rejuvenates

  Self help and self empowerment

  It is safe, cheap and effective

  I don’t have to be so hands on

  Dad gets to become more useful, strengthening the intimacy bonds and allowing them both to have faith in their preparation efforts when birthing.

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Coincidentally   Ki Qi strengthened and if baby can – baby moves to

being perfectly positioned.

  This instantly often removes the source of the back ache - Baby turns into the right spot.

  OP and breech and lateral lie ..

  (No need to moxa Bl 67).

  MAJOR adjustment - get mum forwards facing (straddle chair) and relaxed (warm, Magnesium and moxa).

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Sitting forwards – why?

  When using moxa, mum is astride a chair (facing its back).

  The pelvis as an organic structure opens or shuts depending on the state of tension and posture

  If mum is in a tilted forwards position, the pelvis opens 28% more, allowing an easier labour and birth.

  When mum tilts forwards there is more likelihood for the heaviest part of baby (the head) to move/fall forwards, away from her back and off her nerves, into the more optimal fetal position for birthing. (Scott, Sit Up and Take Notice 2003)

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Ideal working position in late pregnancy

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Leaning forwards position allows the body and pregnant uterus to relax – giving baby more room. When using using moxa in this position mum calms, letting go, then giving more space to allow baby to move to the more optimal position. This alone often instantly reverts breech or OP baby to OA – thus far easier to birth.

If breech - position for ease of natural birthing

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If head down – lying in mum’s LEFT side - OA

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Needles and sitting forwards

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Missing link in changing fetal position

  Sitting forwards to have the moxa administered.

  This allows the pelvis to open up to 30% more, and the moxa use in the sacrum relaxes all of mum’s body.

  Often the reason why using moxa on Bl 67 does not have the desired result in turning babies.

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Examples from your own clinic   You may find if you ask women coming in for other

pregnancy related problems that they also have extraordinary back or structural pain – but have stopped mentioning it as no one seems to have an answer.

  Here – you will – instantly.

  They can go home and use these techniques safely and with great results.

  This works for all – not just when pregnant

Heather Bruce 14

Back Pain in Pregnancy

  Back pain in pregnancy affects at least half of all pregnant women. (Greenwood, C and Stainton, C. 2001)

  The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health state in their online publication that lumbar pelvic pain is common in pregnancy with a prevalence ranging from 50-70%, with 14-22% of all pregnant women having serious PGP (pelvic girdle pain), 5 – 8% having severe pain and disability’.

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Why is there pain?

  Pain in general is seen as result of a loss of adequate circulation of Qi and Blood (Flaws, 2005), and can be easily remedied by improving the quantity, quality and circulation of both.

  Lower back pain is seen as the most common sign that the Kidney Qi/ Yang /Yin and/or Jing is weakened. (Maciocia, 2005, Flaws, 2005).

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Common pregnancy pain triggers

  Past trauma (stuck Qi and Blood)

  Past cold invasion – general life or ‘therapeutic’ (esp in modern maternal hospital context)

  Not enough exercise (causing Stuck Qi)

  Not enough rest/relaxation – compounded in Magnesium and Blood/Yin deficiency

  Lack of Kidney Qi/Yin/Jing to nourish pregnancy and her own body.

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Possible reasons for pain

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Mildred Seelig   Seminal work on gestation and the role of magnesium

  Early Roots of Cardiovascular, Skeletal and Renal Abnormalities

  Mildred S. Seelig, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.N.

  Goldwater Memorial Hospital New York University Medical Center New York, New York 1980

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Magnesium supplementation works on all these levels

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Deviations from text book ‘normal’

– people have had lives 1 - Past injuries (C. very bad car accident in years past, with

engine lodged in her lap, massive head and body injuries, and a vast amount of scars)

2 - Coccyx pain from epidural

3 - Broken coccyx from earlier life accidents

4 - ‘Bad back’ from bad start to pregnancy - (in bed, can’t be mum – one of study group – maybe past maternal depletion, with no actual injuries or incidents)

5 - Spina bifida repair – scars to normal Qi flow

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#1 – Acquired traumatic injuries

  Last pregnancy C section as broken pelvis, intense pubic pain, ankles and legs not supporting body, stopped work, bed rest from 25 weeks.

  After extensive scar work, moxa and freeing all circulation, GV 1, eight extra work, with Magnesium, moxa often at home, is easily mothering active 10 month old plus is 22 weeks pregnant.

  (Accidentally pregnant from the normalisation of her broken body work

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#1 - Through windscreen, engine landed in lap,

broken legs & ankles

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Came to get help for terrible ankle pain

  As a result of earlier car accident, she has horrendous ankle and leg and pelvic pain.

  Also back.

  After treating all the scars, and giving her Blood tonics, Vit B Complex and Magnesium, she was accidentally pregnant – first baby only 6 months old.

  Couldn’t birth as back and pelvis too unstable.

  Now pregnant hopes to birth naturally. As another C section and a toddler and a newborn is too daunting.

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#5 – Congenital - spina bifida repair, back ache, wants VBAC

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40 weeks - Lying on stomach, supported by ‘pillow towers’

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Induce . . but ..

  Will the energy flow with this amount of disruption? GV 1 and Bl 62, Moxa first in the sacrum to loosen, the needling – especially of all the scars.

  She felt cheated as was epiduralised ‘in case’ with 1st birth.

  Wants to be natural this time, but has terrible back pain, and pelvic instability.

  Awful home environment and scared to stay with her husband,; this doesn’t help starting labour. (Safety issues)

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Smokeless moxa is better than none.

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Ki Qi in Pregnancy

  Kidney Qi forms the foundation for the pregnancy, and circulation to the lower back. (Noll, & Wilms 2001).

  If there has been a past accident or local trauma, it is reasonable to expect that the lower back pain may be aggravated with the greater load of pregnancy. (Flaws, 2005).

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Calls on the Kidney Qi

  We can expect a decrease in maternally available Ki qi, as pregnancy calls for an increase Kidney Qi to be channeled to the uterus to make the new being. (Scott, 1979)

  Whether pregnant or not, at times of lessened sleep, more work or stress load, or in general ageing, other manifestations of Kidney complex weakness are likely (Maciocia, 2005).

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Back pain in pregnancy origins

  Deficiency of Ki complex - A state of pregnancy is possible when the woman has sufficient Qi and Blood and Jing to spare (Flaws, 2005).

  A weakening of these vital substances present with warnings such as lower backache. (Flaws, 2005, Maciocia, 2011)

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Yang Qi is used for:

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Do women come in with back pain?

  Whilst women typically do not come in for resolution of just the back pain some are crippled by it and the associated pelvic girdle problems.

  When researched over half of all women experience it to some degree.

  There may be a number of co morbidities that could lead to ‘high risk’ medical classification as the pregnancy progresses if left untreated.

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Small random clinic sample   Looking through my cases, I chose the pregnant

women who had come in for any reason, and then selected the back pain ones to be included in this study.

  Other groups – for induction, changing fetal positioning and stopping miscarriage/stabilising pregnancy were removed.

  All who experienced moxa on their sacrum FELT better. No negative experiences.

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Table one – common identifiers Name Age parity Preg Condition

A 22 34 1st Exceptional back /PS pain

S 23 40 2nd Acute back and leg pain and induction

M 38 16 1st Much bleeding/potential Misc/v bad back

S 22 35 1st Severe back pain/Gestational Diabetes

C 34 28 2nd Excruciating back pain

K 33 27 2nd PS pain and back ache

A 35 33 3rd Sacro iliac joints too painful to walk/back pain

S 23 37 2nd Back/body pain/anxiety/(previous dead baby 32 wks) VBAC

L 41 38 2nd Anxiety/back ache

V 37 32 4th Acute pelvic girdle pain and back ache

V 38 29 1st Back pain/insomnia

L 40 16 2nd Back ache/anxiety/ Insomnia

M 35 28 1st Acute back/speed addict - needs to detox

L 27 32 2nd Gestational Diabetes, back pain, wants VBAC

M 36 40 4th Backache/not coping

J 35 26 2nd Intermittent sciatica and severe anxiety VBAC

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Valerie – 37yo Sample case   32 weeks, in pregnancy lots of pelvic girdle instability, resulting in

shooting pains down legs – mainly left.

  Stopped breastfeeding early last time thinking that would fix it but made it worse.

  Now pregnant again and it is crippling her.

  Moxaed sacrum. She couldn’t believe it - no longer feels as though she will break in half when she stands up.

  She did have ice to help with pain after all the babies. I assured her not to ever use ice again.

  Continued with moxa at home and did not need further treatment as the moxa nightly was enough to hold symptoms at bay.

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Alana – 22yo – 34 weeks   No aches in her body at all, till 20 weeks. At this point

her husband went with the army overseas and she fretted.

  All S & S started then. I gave her a Magnesium drink before I started working with her. She looked completely distressed and worn out in pain.

  She had been seeing a physio weekly for 14 weeks. It was not working – he only gets her to do an aqua class, where she can move around with no pressure on leg and do stretches

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Life/sleep disruption   Back and leg hurt unless lying down – but that hurts


  Also wakens her at night and it totally disrupts her sleep and life.

  Most painful when first gets up from any position, then it is OK after walking about for 200 metres, then after another 200 she is in severe pain again.

Heather Bruce 38

Easy answers   Magnesium orally

  Magnesium transdermally

  Moxa on sacrum – and baby shifted off the ROA to LOA (perfect position for birthing)

  Allowed the pain from baby’s lie to instantly resolve.

  She got up off the chair and could not believe what that had just happened – it did not hurt to move – there no pain anywhere.

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Acupuncture works!   In a forwards seated straddling chair position, needles

were inserted.

  deeply (3 inches) the three locations of GB 30, plus Bl 60 and GB 34.

  I showed her husband how to massage her sacrum – and we continued to do this whilst the needles in. Liv 2 sedated.

  In standing, she could not believe that she could – as it was a tricky position – and no pain anywhere in her back!

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Enhances baby position, GB30, all sacral points easily accessible

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Pelvic girdle issues

  She now mentioned another problem - pubic symphysis pain – it had been totally overshadowed by the back.

  I used moxa directly on the point where the central midline and the pubic bone merge - CV 2 - and instantly all PS pain gone.

  Showed him again what to do, emailing him the instructional eBook. (This package and the ‘What Dads Can Do’ manual/DVDs are available from the shop on the site you are on presently)

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  No pain – although next morning she reported still not sleeping as the inner heat/hot feet at night and worry about husband going back to the front line taking up her time

  Her back and pubic bone not a problem at all.

  She needed more work on the Yin depletion, but choose to stop with just one session.

Heather Bruce 43

Modern maternal self care   In Chinese medicine, maternal weakness can be

explained through a combination of imbalances and deficiencies that may be partially relieved through simple lifestyle considerations and dietary additions.

  Modern women seem less likely to pay attention to their own levels of hydration and nutrition.

In both pregnant populations studied, I find pregnant women are not drinking enough water, and not eating primarily for healthy baby development.

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Maternal nutrition   Baby is made from what mum ingests and how well her

body works. (West, 2001)

  In my clinic, all patients are educated as to the role of more nutrient dense foods, and the need to supplement at least Vitamins B and C, Magnesium, and Zinc to allow better gut assimilation. (Bloemraad-De Boer, 2007)

  In addition to a diet rich in protein, (Maciocia, 2005) fat and vegetables, Vitamin C in small frequent quantities is recommended for good collagen repair and structural regeneration. (McArdle, 1999)

Heather Bruce 45

Magnesium Depletion Markers

  Ligament and muscle aching and cramps/spasms, twitching, irritability.

  Emotional unrest and insomnia, possibly with feelings of heat in the afternoon, with flushing; maybe extending into feelings of being overwhelmed and not coping emotionally. (Sircus, 2007)

  (Sound like Stuck Liver Qi overlain with Blood deficiency?)

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Magnesium in life

  Magnesium is essential for muscle and nervous function, (Sircus, 2007) for resolving all spasms, cramps, restless legs, irritability and depressive tendencies as well as keeping cardiac and adrenal systems working optimally (Dean, 2007, Durlach 2004).

  Pre eclampsia, gestational diabetes and all clotting plus all gut and nervous and sleep problems may be simply Magnesium deficiency.

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Mildred Seelig

  Seminal work on gestation and the role of magnesium

  Early Roots of Cardiovascular, Skeletal and Renal Abnormalities

  Mildred S. Seelig, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.N.

  Goldwater Memorial Hospital New York University Medical Center New York, New York 1980

Heather Bruce 48

Where we get Magnesium from?   From foods grown in soil containing Magnesium

  In 2004, the Journal of the American College of Nutrition released a study which compared nutrient content of crops at that time with 1950 levels. Declines were found as high as 40%.11

  Dr. Donald Davis, lead researcher for the study, offers one explanation for the dramatic declines:

  During those 50 years, there have been intensive efforts to breed new varieties that have greater yield, or resistance to pests, or adaptability to different climates. But the dominant effort is for higher yields. Emerging evidence suggests that when you select for yield, crops grow bigger and faster, but they don’t necessarily have the ability to make or uptake nutrients at the same, faster rate.”12

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Processed foods   It is these removed portions of the plant that often contain the highest amount

of minerals such as magnesium.

  Refined oils remove all magnesium. The result of oil refining is a zero magnesium product. Safflower seeds, for example, contain 680 mg of magnesium per 1,000 calories. Safflower oil lacks magnesium entirely.8

  Refined grains remove 80-97 percent of magnesium.9 At least twenty nutrients are removed in refining flour. And only five are put back in when refined flours are “enriched”.10 Magnesium is not one of them.

  Refined sugar removes all magnesium. Molasses, which is removed from the sugar cane in refinement, contains up to 25% of the RDA for magnesium in one tablespoon. Sugar has none.

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Why it is missing in modern life

  Lowered magnesium availability in foods due to industrial farming practices

  Dietary habits leading to low magnesium uptake, such as consumption of sodas and carbonated beverages

  Excess stress or illness, which lowers the ability of the body to utilize magnesium

  Mineral imbalances, such as excess calcium, which blocks cellular magnesium activity

  Metabolic differences in individuals, such as excess magnesium excretion by the kidneys, sometimes resulting in magnesium losses and deficiency

  Stress: chronic, low grade creates adrenal deficiency

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Magnesium in pregnancy

  As per Mildred Seelig’s seminal work (small for dates, stillbirths, placental clotting disorders, unexplained fetal morbidity.

  Magnesium is crucial to prevent pre eclampsia, cerebral palsy, gestational diabetes, maternal depression and insomnia. (Sircus, 2007)

  As in dairy cows, a Magnesium deficiency leads to insufficiency of milk supply and mastitis/milk fever

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Yin Deficiency = Dehydrated and Magnesium Depletion

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2 issues of homework to enhance the successful treatment

  Improving maternal Magnesium exposure (limit Calcium as it is a Mag antagonist). All pregnant literature stresses use of Calcium, not of Magnesium.

  Avoidance of cold. All Asian cultures protect women for their reproductive lives.

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Yang deficiency is endemic in my pregnant women populations.

Cold exposure causes stagnation, contraction, lack of circulation. Ice is used as the treatment of choice for all trauma, is actively sought in all consumables, sleeping in air conditioning

  In acupuncture theory, cold consumes the Yang. (Tureanu & Tureanu, 1999) Cold weakens the Kidneys, as a source of energy. (Roemer, 1999)

  Yang Qi is seen as being unnecessarily exhausted through exposure to cold, (Betts, 2006), cold causing stagnation of its flow. (Roemer, 1999).

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Yang deficiency S & S

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Where do we get cold?

  In Australia and NZ just birthed women are now routinely ICED as ‘best practice’ in hospitals.

  Damaged perineums, engorged breast and all labour wards offer and demand the use of ice - often in the birthing area as baby emerges.

  Repair work in theatre exposes traumatised new mum to cold transfusions (from fridge), freezing O2 in nostrils, ice as a recovery tool and very chilly operating conditions

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How can back pain originate?

  Loss of vitality (centre marker of Kidney Qi expression) leading to many problems of Qi and Blood stagnation, causing back weakness and pain. (West 2006).

  Any past exposure to cold through previous ‘icing’ of injuries, the ingestion of cold food and drink, (Maciocia, 2005) exposure to drafts or walking on cold floors with no footwear results in the cold energy ‘splinters’ interrupting and wasting Yang Qi. (Tureanu & Tureanu , 1999)

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Yin and Yang Depletion in pregnant population

  Yang Deficiency in pregnancy may present in many ways, but symptoms are more severe when concurrent Yin/Jing Deficiency is greater than the Yang deficiency. (Maciocia, 2005)

  She may present as having hot feet at night, sometimes with the entire leg out of the bedclothes. (part of ‘5 hearts hot’), very under noticed, yet endemic in ‘high risk’ pregnancy.

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Results not only dependent on great clinician care

  Increasing hydration, protein and Magnesium intake may make a positive effect on the pregnancy, by improving maternal Yin and Yang Qi.

  Table 2 shows the spread of problems in the studied patient population.

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TABLE 2 Acupuncture identifiers Name Age parity Preg Condition Yin Def Yang Def

A 22 34 1st Exceptional back /PS pain Y Y

S 23 40 2nd Acute back and leg pain and induction Y

M 38 16 1st Bleeding/potential Misc/v bad back Y* Y

S 22 35 1st Gestational Diabetes/severe back * Y

C 34 28 2nd Excruciating back pain Y*

K 33 27 2nd PS pain and back ache Y Y

A 35 33 3rd Sacro iliac joints too painful to walk Y

S 23 37 2nd Body/back pain//(prev dead baby) Y* Y

L 41 38 2nd Back ache/anxiety

V 37 32 4th Acute pelvic girdle pain & back ache

V 38 29 1st Back pain/insomnia Y

L 40 16 2nd Back ache/anxiety/ Insomnia Y *

M 35 28 1st Acute back/speed addict Y* Y

L 27 32 2nd Gestational Diabetes, back pain, VBAC

M 36 40 4th Backache/not coping Y* Y

J 35 26 2nd Intermittent sciatica & anxiety/VBAC Y Y

Heather Bruce 61

How to make an instant difference

  The focus of this work is the area directly affecting the nerve and blood supply to the pelvis - the sacrum.

  A lit pure moxa stick is to be held about 1 - 2 cm away from the skin, moving in an upwards direction and outwards as a sunray pattern, for three to five minutes in total. Away from a breeze.

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Moxa Sacral Fan

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Holding moxa away from your own Lu 10,11

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Direction of moxa flow

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How long?

  Usually no more than 3 minutes.

  Ensure she is not in a draft.

  This may mean tenting’ towels around her so there are no breezes happen even if it is outside and windy.

  Have all hydrated and not hungry to start this as it can ‘space’ everyone out as the moxa is potent.

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  Does show her what depth and strength he needs to use at home.

  Enhances the back pain relief and is a huge help in moving the stuck qi.

  Childbirth education that works

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Part of home care

  I usually start with the 3 minute moxa so they can feel just what could be achieved quickly at home.

  When the massage is completed, usually after the needle part of the session, she can feel just how easy and open her pelvis could feel with his home ministrations.

  Greatly increases partner intimacy, confidence and bonding leading into an easy approach to childbirth education and joyful birthing outcomes.

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Pelvic Opening Massage

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Directions of massage/alternate home massage position

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Very deep pressure 45 degree on Bl 35 towards perineum

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TABLE 3 Results - Back relief Age, gestational age, parity

Presenting condition Pain relief - total

Pain relief - mostly

1 A 22 34 1st Exceptional back /PS pain (back OK - hip now) Y

2 S 23 40 2nd Severe back pain/induction Y

3 M 38 16 1st Bleeding/Misc?/v bad back Y

4 S 22 35 1st Severe back aching & GD Y

5 C 34 28 2nd Excruciating back pain ongoing Y

6 K 33 27 2nd PS pain and back ache Y

7 A 35 33 3rd Sacro iliac joints too p/ful to walk mostly Y

8 S 23 37 2nd Body pain/(prev dead baby) Y

9 L 41 38 2nd Back ache/anxiety Y

10 V 37 32 4th Pelvic girdle pain Y

11 V 38 29 1st Back pain/insomnia Y

12 L 40 16 2nd Back ache/anxiety/insomnia Y

13 M 35 28 1st Acute back/speed addict Y

14 L 27 32 2nd GD/back pain Y

15 M 36 40 4th Backache/not coping Y

16 J 35 26 2nd Intermittent sciatica/anxiety Y

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Back pain is a warning

  Has mum enough Kidney Qi/Jing to impart to baby?

  Has mum got previous Stuck Qi and Blood issues in the background (may undo easy birthing attempts) Take extra Magnesium supplementation (without Calcium)

  Has mum been exposed to cold and is that cold still resident to waste her Yang?

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Birth outcomes from sacral moxa Name Presenting condition

F/Up moxa at home Birth outcome

1 A, 22, 34,1st Exceptional back /PS pain Y Still pregnant

2 S 23 40 2nd Back pain relief/ induction Y Easy natural immediate

3 M 38 16 1st Over bleeding/potential Misc/ v bad back N Elect C (mum initially 120 Kg)

4 S 22 35 1st Severe back aching/ GD Y OP/ induction failed/C section

5 C 34 28 2nd Excruciating back pain Y Induced easy natural

6 K 33 27 2nd PS pain and back ache Y Spontaneous natural

7 A 35 3rd Sacro iliac joints too p/ful to walk Y Spontaneous home water

8 S 23 37 2nd Body/back pain/anxiety/(past 32 week dead baby) N Elect C (Dr scared her about uterus potentially rupturing – there is much mention of possible dead babies to worry mums in late pregnancy)

9 L 41 38 2nd Anxiety/back ache Y Spontaneous easy natural

10 V 37 32 4th Extreme pelvic girdle pain No need (fixed!) Spontaneous easy natural

11 V 38 29 1st Back pain/insomnia Y Spontaneous easy natural

12 L 40 16 2nd Back ache/anxiety/ Insomnia N Induced easy natural

13 M 35 28 1st Acute back/speed addict/ No need (fixed!) Still pregnant

14 L 27 40 2nd Back pain/Seeking VBAC / Gestational Diabetes/ Y Induced easy VBAC

15 M 31 22 2nd Morning sickness, weakness, extensive back ache Y Still pregnant

16 M 36 40 4th Backache/not coping N Spontaneous home water birth

17 J 35 26 2nd Intermittent sciatica, v anxious N Spontaneous easy natural

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Moxa plus . .   All these women in my clinic attending my clinic are

sent home with instructions for husband to moxa and massage at home.

  All are also sent home with B Complex, Zinc in a form they can assimilate, and lots of Magnesium – oral and transdermal.

  All used moxa by choice at home as it gave instant relief, allowing better sleep.

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Extra tips to mums to be   Plenty of water, protein and vegetables

  Always sit forwards.


  Magnesium (without Calcium)

  Moxa at least three times weekly leading you to the birth, or from when back ache is a trial (and all other deficiency S&S).

  Massage & points pressed, following the moxa

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Could just be magnesium alone . .   Joanna, 5th birth.

  Usually very long, slow, hard affairs.

  This pregnancy only difference was taking lots of Mag.

  45 mins start to finish – husband and midwife did not make it.

  Only one case of mastitis (usually at least 5 by then) when she forgot to take the Mag for three days.

  Why try to only make one change on her life, when many can do such a stunning job?

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Moxa and Magnesium

Are essential additions to every pregnancy

More found on

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Thank you

Heather Bruce

Brisbane, Australia

Christchurch, New Zealand

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