Post on 18-Mar-2022






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LESSON # 1 AP 201


1. Read Genesis 1: 28- 3: 6; 1

st Tim. 2:14. Why is this dispensation labeled


2. Read Genesis 3:1-4:7. Why is this called the dispensation of Conscience or

Moral Responsibility?

3. Read Genesis 8:15- 11:32. This dispensation is labeled Human Government.

How did it began with, and does man’s direct moral responsibility to God

continue? Explain.

4. Read Genesis 12:1- Ex. 18: 27. Discuss God’s unconditional promise of

blessings through Abram’s seed.

5. The Fifth Dispensation is found in Exodus 19: 1-40; 38. What does this

dispensation began and ends with. See 1st Tim. 1: 8-10; Jer. 7:23; Rom. 3: 19-

20; John 1:29; Rom 3:21. What is it called?

6. Read Acts chapter 2: John 7: 37- 39; 1st Cor. 12: 12-13. Why do you

suppose this Six Dispensation is labeled the Church. Explain.

7. Read Rev. 20: 1-15: This last of the ordered ages which condition human

life on earth. This seventh Dispensation is the Kingdom. In your opinion why

is this Dispensation called or labeled Kingdom?

8. Read Genesis 12th

chapter. Here you will find the first of eight major

covenants. The first is called the Edenic Covenant. What is a covenant and

what did the Edenic Covenant Achieved?

9. Covenants that are unconditional are usually declared with two words.

What are they?

LESSON # 1 AP 201 (continued)


10. The Adamic Covenant is found in Genesis 3: 15-19. It is one of three

universal and general covenants. All other covenants are made with what

nation? Also discuss the element of this covenant e.g. The serpent, Satan’s tool

curse, etc. Start with verse 15.

11. The Third Covenant is Noahic Gen 9: discuss the element of this covenant

e.g. man is made responsible Gen 9:5. See Rom. 13: 1-7.

12. The Abrahamic Covenant is the Fourth. Read Gen. 12: 1- Ex. 18:27. This

is what kind of a covenant?

13. Mosaic Covenant Exodus 19. Discuss the element of this covenant.

14. The Palestinian Det. 30:3 discuss the element of this covenant.

15. The seventh is the Davidic. 2nd

Sam 7. Discuss the element of this covenant.

16. The Eight is the New Covenant Hebrews 8. Discuss the element of this


LESSON # 2 BI 202


1. Read Matthew 12: 34; Luke 11:13. What do these verses have to say about

man’s nature?

2. Read Mark 7: 20-23; Luke 11: 42-52. In your opinion, what is man capable


3. Read Luke chapter 15 and 19:10. What is the condition of man in these


4. What does Mark 1:15, Luke 15: tell us about man?

5. What does man need to repent? Luke 15:10.

6. What does John 3: 3, 5, 7 tell us about man’s need?

7. What will ultimately happen if man does not repent?

(Matt. 16: 25; 18:3; John 3:16.)

8. Read Genesis 1:26-31; James 3:9; Eccles. 7:29 and discuss the first state of

man, whether or not he is a rational and moral being.

9. Read Genesis 2: 15-17; Ps. 14: 2-3; Romans 5:12 1st Tim. 2:14. Discuss the

corruption of the natural man.

10. Who was deceived in the Garden of Eden?

11. Read Psalms 14: 1; 53: 1; do you think that the opening line of both of

these psalms give us insight into the heart of man? Explain.

12. Read Ezekiel 18: 20; Rom. 6:23; Prov. 6: 16-19; Psalms 5:5 and discuss

how sin can be overcome?

LESSON # 2 BI 202 (continued)


13. Read Jude 1:6; Ezekiel 28: 11-19; Isaiah 14: 12-17. In your opinion is this

the origin of Sin.

14. Read 1 John 3: 4; Roman 3:23; Isa. 1: 2; 1st John 5:10; Isaiah 53: 6; 1


John 5:17. What is Sin?

15. Read Romans 5:12; Genesis 3: 1-24; 1st Peter 1:23; Psalms 51:5; Romans

5:18; John 3:18 and discuss how sin entered into the world.

16. Read Eph 2:1; Rom. 6:23; Isaiah 59: 1-2; 1st Cor. 15: 54-57; Ezekiel 18: 20;

Luke 16: 19-31; Rev. 20:14 and discuss the Result of Sin.

17. Read 2nd

Cor 5:21; Titus 3:5; Isa: 64:6; John 10:10; Gal 2:16; Eph 4:24;

Eph 2: 8-9; John 20: 30, 31. Discuss the Remedy for sin.

18. Read the following: John 12: 31; 14: 30; 16: 11 who is Jesus speaking of?

19. Read 2nd

Peter 2:4; Jude 6; 1st Cor 6:3. What are the circumstances of

these creatures?

20. Read Psalms 103:20; 104:4; Psalms 68:17; 2nd

Samuel 14: 20. What do

these verses tell us about Angeles?

21. Define the word Angel and the various ways the name is used.

22. Read Mark 5: 1-20; Matthew 8: 28-34; Luke 8: 26-37. The bible indicated

that many Angels joined Satan’s rebellion against God. See 2nd

Peter 2:4; Jude

1:6; Rev. 12: 4; do these scriptures teach demon possession? Discuss.

23. Read James 2:19. Are demons aware of their predicted ultimate defeat?


LESSON # 2 BI 202 (continued)


24. Read Mark 3:11 and discuss how they are portrayed.

25. These demons do not possess material bodies like humans and are

repeatedly call what. Matthew 8: 16.

26. Read Matthew 12:22; Luke 8: 26-36; Luke 13: 11-17 and discuss what they

can do when they enter the body of individuals.

LESSON # 3 BI 203


1. Read the book of Romans. Do you think that this book embody the Doctrine

of Grace? Why.

2. The word Salvation implies what idea to you?

3. Redemption is defined as.

4. In 1st Corinthians Paul speaks of the vanity and childish delight in tongues.

What is your opinion of this gift then and now?

5. In 2nd

Cor. 6 Paul speaks of separation. What does the word imply?

6. Read 2nd

Cor 8: 1-9:15. How would you summarize Paul’s doctrine of


7. Read Gal 1: 1-2:14. How did Paul receive his Gospel?

8. Galatians 3: 19-24 tell of the true intent of the law. Discuss briefly.

9. Read Ephesians and define the world Predestinated.

10. What does Paul mean by Adoption?

11. What mystery in Ephesians was hid in God? Explain.

12. Read Philippians. The key- verse is 1: 21. Paul is speaking of Triumphing

over suffering. What do you suppose he means by this key verse?

LESSON #3 BI 203 (continued)


13. Is the epistle of Philippians the secret of peace? Please quote the

appropriate verses that unlocks the secret.

14. Read Colossians. In this epistle Paul speaks of a mystery that had been

hidden but is now made manifest. Please discuss this mystery.

15. Read Col 2: 9-16. What was blotted out and why?

16. Read 1st Thessalonians and discuss what you think Paul meant by election.

17. Paul mention in the first three verses of 1st Thessalonians the three

necessities of the Christian life. What are they?

18. Read 2nd

Thessalonians. What is the order of events leading us to the Day

of the Lord?

19. In your opinion who is Paul referring to in 2nd

Thessalonians verse 7 as

“he who now letteth”?

20. Read 1st Timothy. Find the key-phrase. Do you think this epistle is a guide

for churches? Explain.

21. Read 2nd

Timothy. Describe what “a good soldier of Jesus Christ” is.

22. Read Titus, 1st Timothy 3: 4, 5; 5:17 and describe the Functions of the


23. Read Philemon, Read Leviticus 25: 50; James 2:23. Paul uses the words v.

17, 18 “Receive him as myself”. If he hath wronged thee or oweth thee ought,

put that on mine account”. Explain how this relates to “Imputation” and what

is “imputation”?

LESSON # 4 BI 204


Book: New Testament Survey By Walter N. Dunnett

Read the Gospels.

1. Distinguish between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Which group is more

prominent in the Gospels?

2. There are three literary divisions of the New Testament. They are (1)

Historical Literature (2) Epistolary Literature (3) Prophetical Literature. List

some of the books that are included in each division.

3. What two important messages were communicated in the Upper Room


4. What is meant by the “Synoptic Gospels”?

5. While each gospel has its distinctive emphasis, a number of great events or

areas are common to them all. For instance the announcement of the Saviour

by John the Baptist Matthew 3; Mark 1; and Luke 3: Name other common

characteristics found in all three books.

6. Give at least one important biographical fact about each of the writers of

the first three Gospels.

7. State the five major discourses of Christ in the book of Matthew.

8. Read John and state his purpose in writing this Gospel.

9. John places emphasis upon three important words: signs, believe and life.

Define and show the importance of each of these words.

10. What does the Epilogue of John emphasize?

LESSON # 4 BI 204 (continued)


11. Read Acts chapter 13-20 and name, what provinces were each of Paul’s

three missionary journeys centered.

12. Summarize in your own words the account of the proclamation of the

Gospel in Jerusalem. (Acts 1:12- 8:3)

13. Read 1st Thessalonians. What subject does each chapter close with?

14. Read 2nd

Thessalonians. What doctrinal problem arose among believers

between the writing of the two Thessalonians Epistles?

15. Read 1st and 2

nd Corinthians. What was the immediate occasion for Paul’s

writing 1st Corinthians?

16. What was Paul’s major purpose in writing 2nd


17. Summarize the teaching of 1st Corinthians 15

th chapter concerning the


18. What significant doctrine do Galatians clearly defend?

19. Read Galatians 1: 16- 2:10. State the basic claims presented by Paul in

Galatians as the genuineness of his message.

20. Read Romans. What was the occasion of Paul’s writing of this epistle?

21. What Old Testament character does Paul use in Romans and Galatians to

illustrate justification by faith?

LESSON # 4 BI 204 (continued)


22. How can a man be justified by God? (Romans 3: 21-5: 21)

23. State some of the main responsibilities which the Christian has in doing

the will of God. (Rom. Chapter 12- 15)

24. Read Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians. Do each of these

epistles contain references to Paul’s situation?

25. Why do you suppose that Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians and Philippians

called “Prison Epistles”?

26. List several reasons for calling Colossians and Ephesians the twin epistles

of the New Testament. (Col 1:18; Eph. 1:22, 23; Col 3: 9-10, Eph. 4: 22-24;

Col. 3:18-4:1; Eph 5:22)

27. How is the doctrine of imputation illustrated in the book of Philemon?

28. What was the Colossian heresy?

29. What is the central theme of Ephesians?

30. Name at least three of Paul’s experiences in Philippi prior to his writing

the Philippians epistle (Acts 16: 9-40)

LESSON # 5 BI 205-


1. Read 1st and 2

nd Timothy and Titus. Why are these epistles called the

Pastoral Epistles? Illustrate your answer with reference from the epistles.

2. What was Timothy’s family and spiritual background prior to joining Paul

in ministry?

3. What is the Theme of the book of Titus?

4. Read 2nd

Timothy chapter 2. What are the seven metaphors used by Paul to

describe the believer?

5. Read James, Hebrews and 1st Peter. What is the key statement in James’


6. Does James 2: 14-26 compliment or contradict Romans 4? Explain your


7. Briefly summarize the ministry of Peter prior to Christ’s death.

8. What is the Central plea of Hebrews? (Heb. 6:1)

9. Read Hebrews 4: 14- 10: 18. Discuss how Christ is represented in these


10. List as many warning as you can find in this letter of Hebrews example;

Heb. 2: 1-4, the warning of neglect.

11. Read 2nd

Peter, Jude, 1st 2

nd and 3

rd John. What common concern links

these books together?

LESSON # 5 BI 205 (continued)


12. What is the key word of 2

nd Peter l: 2 and in its various forms, how many

times does it occur in this epistle.

13. What is the teaching of 2nd

Peter concerning the Scriptures?

14. Compare 2nd

Peter and Jude in reference to their statements concerning

false teachers.

15. What illustrations of Old Testament godlessness are used by both 2nd


and Jude?

16. What is the primary purpose of 1

st John 5:13?

17. What is the key word of 2nd


18. Read Revelation. Why is it worthy of diligent study of every believer?

19. In the Book of Revelation John uses a key phrase four times. What is that

phrase and how it is used to divide the book?

20. What enemies of Christ are defeated in Revelation 17: 20 in order to

prepare the way for the new heavens and the new earth?

LESSON # 6 BI 206


1. Read Matthew and Luke’s Gospel. How many persons are named in each of

their genealogies?

2. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Name at least 8 women associated

with Christ.

3. Name the sons of Joseph and Mary, the brothers of Jesus.

4. Name the Twelve Apostles.

5. What five incidents are recorded in the period of Jesus’ infancy?

6. What are we told of Jesus between the ages of twelve and thirty?

7. Read Mark 1: 1-13; Matt. 3: 1-17; 4: 1-11; Luke 3: 1-23; 4: 1-13; John 1:1-

51; 2: 1-12 and name three great incidents in the Opening Events of Jesus’


8. When, where, and why did Christ choose Twelve Apostles.

9. Read John 2: 13-23; Mark 11: 15-19; Matt. 21: 12-13; Luke 19: 45-48. How

many cleansings of the Temple was there, and when.

10. What in John’s Gospel explains the evangelistic success recorded in Acts


11. How many times was Jesus anointed; by whom, and where?

12. How many draughts of fishes were there; and what happened at each.

LESSON # 6 BI 206 (continued)


13. How many times did Jesus feed people, and where. Give details.

14. Who confessed that Jesus was the “Son of God”? When, where and why.

15. Name three people that Jesus raised from the dead. When and where?

16. What two groups of persons did Jesus send on a mission and why?

17. What happened at the Transfiguration of Christ?

18. Who were the Herods, and how many of them do we read of in the


19. Read Matthew 27: 3-10; Acts 1: 16-19. What did the chief priests do with

the silver pieces that Judas cast down in the temple? Give details.

20. How many Jewish and Roman trials of Jesus were there.

21. Read the Gospels; Acts 1: 3-12; 1st Cor. 15: 5-7. How many times did Jesus

appear after His resurrection, give at least five?

22. What was Christ’s final commission to his Apostles?

23. Where did Jesus tell his disciples to “wait for the promise of the Father”

and with what were they to be baptized with?

24. What was to happen to the Apostles after receiving the Power of the Holy


25. Where were the Apostles when Jesus was taken up into heaven?

LESSON # 6 BI 206 (continued)


26. How many days wait was it, before they received the baptism of the Holy


27. Read John 20: 19-23. What happen in the place where the disciples were

assembled? Discuss in detail.

28. What number was there among the disciples waiting in Jerusalem and

what happened to them on the day of Pentecost?

29. What was the Theme of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost?

30. What number was added to the church, and who were they?

31. List some problems of the early church. How were they solved?

32. There are several official of the Roman government that Paul had contact

with. Name three and discuss the outcome of each contact.

33. Give a description of Stephen. Why was he stoned to death and who was

present at his stoning?

34. What happened in the Temple in Jerusalem before and after Peter’s

second sermon?

35. Who forbid Peter and John not to preach in the name of Jesus?

36. Who was the Chief persecutor of the fourth persecution?

37. What was Ananias’ role in Paul’s conversion?

38. By whom were wonders and signs done?

39. Who was Philip? Briefly describe his ministry at Samaria and to the

Ethiopia eunuch.

LESSON # 7 BI 207


Stewardship; Separation, Two Natures; Indwelling Spirit

1. Read Lev. 27: 30; Deut. 16: 17-18; Proverbs 3: 9-10; Malachi 3:8; 1

st Cor.

16:2; 2nd

Cor: 9: 7. Discuss the seriousness of keeping vows and covenant


2. Read Genesis 14: 18-20. Is this stewardship before the Law? Explain.

3. Read Gen. 28: 22. Who is Jacob and what did he vow?

4. Read Deut. 14: 22-26. This tithe is under the Law. What was the purpose of

this tithe?

5. Read Deut. 14: 28-29. What was the purpose of this tithe?

6. Read Lev. 19: 9-10; Deut: 24: 19-21. What was the purpose of the remnants

of the harvest?

7. Read Ex. 30: 1-14. Was the poor exempt from this ransom?

8. Read Ex. 25:1; 26:7; Deut. 16: 10-11; 23: 21-23. Would you agree that this is

a freewill offering? Explain your answer.

9. Read Deut. 15: 7-8, 10. Do you think the church today should be generous

to the poor?

10. Read Proverbs 3: 9-10. Is this a promise? Does material blessing always

have a Spiritual significance?

11. Read 2nd

Cor. 9: 1-15. In your own words what do these verses teach?

LESSON # 7 BI 207 (continued)


12. Read Matthew 23: 23; Luke 11:42. What did Jesus have to say concerning

the paying of tithe?

13. Read Neh. 9:2; Isa. 52: 11; Ezek. 6:21; John 15:19; Acts 2:40; Eph. 5:11;


Thess. 3:6. In your opinion is separation proper conduct for the Christian?


14. Read 2nd

Cor. 6: 11-7:1. What is the Christian to be separated from and

separated unto?

15. Read Lev. 8:14; 1st Peter 2:9. In the dispensation of grace, all believers are

unconditionally constituted a “kingdom of priests”. Are Christians to be

separated from the world? Explain your answer.

16. Read John 17th

chapter. In Christ’s High priestly prayer, how is the

Christian related to the world.

17. Read Romans 7th

chapter. What does Paul do in this crisis between the two


18. Read Psalms 51:5. What does the scripture have to say concerning the

natural man?

19. What does Gen 6:5; Mark 7: 21-23 tell us about the natural man.

20. Read Rom. 8:7-8; 1st Cor. 2:14; Eph. 2:3. In these scriptures there is a

threefold incapacity of the unconverted man. What are two of them?

LESSON # 7 BI 207 (continued)


21. Read 2

nd Corinthians chapter 2. Paul divides men into three classes,

natural or sensual, spiritual or the renewed man, and carnal or fleshly. See

James 3:15; Jude 19. Explain in your words, these three classes.

22. Read John 3rd

chapter. Why is regeneration necessary?

23. Read John 6, 7, 8; John 4: 14. What is the result of believing Jesus Christ?

24. Read Colossians 1: 24-27. How is Christ viewed in these verses?

25. Read 2nd

Peter 1: How do Christians partake of the divine nature?

26. Read Luke 11: 11-13; John 14. To those who ask the Father for the Holy

Spirit, where will He abide?

27. Acts chapters 1 and 2. With what were the followers of Jesus baptize and

filled with? Describe the event.

LESSON # 8 ES 201


Before embarking into the Major Prophets read 2nd

Peter 1: 20-21. The books

of the prophets cover the same ground historically as the books of Kings and

Chronicles and to appreciate the prophets read them before answering the

questions of this study.

1. Read Isaiah 53: and Luke 24: 25-27. Who is Isaiah speaking of?

2. Read Isaiah 11. How would you outline this chapter?

3. Where in Isaiah do we find Christ’s birth, family, anointing and character.

4. Where in Isaiah do we find Christ’s gentleness, death, and resurrection?

5. Isaiah 34th

chapter speaks of what day?

6. Read Isaiah 61. Explain why Christ did not finish reading the passage from

the prophet in the synagogue at Nazareth. (Luke 4: 18-19)

7. Read Jeremiah and Lamentations. When was Jeremiah called to be a


8. Jeremiah was contemporary with what prophetess.

9. Why was Jeremiah so unpopular and what did his enemies do to him?

10. How is Christ pictured in Jeremiah 2:13; 8:22; 23:4; 23:63; 30:9; 50:34?

11. Why was Jeremiah called the weeping prophet?

12. Name three prophets that had the God-given title “son of man”.

LESSON # 8 ES 201 (continued)


13. Read Ezekiel. Who was his contemporary?

14. In Ezekiel chapter 1, who is “the man” upon the throne? What is the “bow

that is in the cloud” And who or what is “the fire”?

15. Read Ezekiel 3: 16, 17: What was Ezekiel’s responsibility?

16. Give a brief biographical picture of Daniel.

17. How did Ezekiel recognize Daniel (Ezek 14: 14.20; 28:3?)

18. How did Daniel receive his “skill and understanding”?

19. What chapter suggests that Daniel was a diligent student of the scriptures?

20. How does the book of Daniel relate to the book of Revelation? (Daniel.


LESSON # 9 TH 201


1. Who were Hosea’s contemporaries?

2. Hosea prophesied during the reign of what kings and to which tribes.

3. What happen at the close of Hosea’s ministry that involved the Assyrians?

4. Name Jonah’s contemporaries.

5. Name Jonah’s predecessor.

6. To what kingdom did Jonah ministered to?

7. In your opinion why was Jonah considered an intermediary between the

Jewish world and the Gentile world?

8. What was Amos doing when he was called by God?

9. Who was Amos’ main audience?

10. Read Amos 7: 10-17. What was he accused of?

11. Who was Obadiah’s contemporary.

12. Against which people was Obadiah’s prophecy directed.

LESSON # 9 TH 201 (continued)


13. Read Obadiah aloud. What does the Bible each about the consequences

which fall upon the nation which oppresses His chosen people? Does Genesis

12:3 apply to today, and end times?

14. Read Joel, what is the focus of his message and where did he live?

15. What does the phrase “The day of the Lord” refer to?

16. Name three main purpose of Joel’s prophecy.

17. Read Micah. Give a biographical sketch of him.

18. Read each chapter of Micah and record the main content of each. Which

chapters refer to judgment and which to promises.

19. Read Nahum. How many kings ruled over Judah during Nahum’s


20. Who was the ruling empire of Nahum’s time?

21. What other prophet beside Nahum was sent to preach to Nineveh. Do you

think the Nineovites were of the same generation?

22. What is Nahum’s characterization of God?

23. Read Zephaniah, who was reigning over Judah during his ministry?

24. Give a biographical sketch of Zephaniah.

25. Read Zephaniah 1:2-6; 3:14-20; what is his message mainly about?

LESSON # 9 TH 201 (continued)


26. Read Habakkuk. What does his name mean and who was his


27. Compare Habakkuk 1:1 with 3:1. Also l: 2 with 3:18-19. What is your


28. What words spoken by Habakkuk describes how saints should live?

29. Read Haggai. What does his name mean and where else does his name

appear in the Bible.

30. Haggai and Zechariah were companions in the prophet’s ministry. Read

Mark 6:7. How was the principle of co-working practice in New Testament

times and what are the advantages of a dual witness?

31. Name three important names beside Haggai mentioned in his book, and

who are they.

32. Read Zechariah. What does his Hebrew name mean, and give a

biographical sketch of him.

33. What are the four main purposes of the book of Zechariah?

34. What words introduce each of Zechariah’s Visions?

35. Read Zechariah 7:5; Acts 13:3. Mourning and praying are often associated

with fasting in the Bible. Why.

LESSON # 9 TH 201 (continued)


36. What are your reflections about this truth; “not by might nor by Power,

but by My Spirit, says the Lord of host”. (Zech. 4:6)

37. Read Malachi, is there any biographical information concerning him? And

who was his contemporary.

38. List the main subjects of Malachi’s message.

39. In your opinion tell why Malachi is considered both a conclusion and a

connecting link.

40. Read Malachi 3:8; Lev. 27: 30-33; Numbers 18:20-32; Deut. 14: 22-29; Ex.

30:13; Lev. 7:14; Num. 15:19-21; and 2nd

Cor.8:9. Do the principles of tithes

and offering apply to today? If so, how.

LESSON # 10 TH 202


Secure a copy of “Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ”

by A.T. Robertson for this course. Check your local library.

1. Using a parallel New Testament (Authorized and Revised Versions turn to

Matthew 4: 1, 2; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4: 1-2. Do the following in Matthew.

Underline “Jesus led circle (into) underline devil, he hungered. In Mark circle

(into, in and being tempted). In Luke underline Jesus led, circle (in, being

tempted), underline devil, he hungered. Which Gospels imply that the

temptation was spread over the forty days and which one does not necessarily

cover the whole experience of those days?

2. Why are Matthew, Mark and Luke called the synoptic.

3. Do you agree that there is a problem with harmonizing these Gospels?


4. What is the Q documentary hypothesis and what is its meaning?

5. In your own words why do you suppose that eighteen years of Christ’s life

is omitted from all four Gospels?

6. Parables were Christ’s chief method of teaching. Which two parables of

Christ set the principles of interpreting most if not all parables?

7. Name at least 5 parables that discern or picture Christ.

8. In what parables is Christ’s Second Advent taught, and for what purpose is

it said he will return.

9. Read the parables of the Virgins and the Talents and tell how they are


LESSON # 10 TH 202 (continued


10. Read the book of Acts. Who added to the church daily?

11. On the day of Pentecost, whom did the Holy Spirit fill.

12. How were the Apostles able to speak to so many different nationalities?

13. Who was the book of Acts addressed to and what does the Bible tell us of


14. What brought about the death of Ananias and Sapphira?

15. While Stephen was being stoned, what did he see?

16. What unbelieving Jew spearheaded the persecution of the Christians?

17. Describe Saul’s conversion.

18. Give a biographical sketch of Paul.

19. Read Acts 9:7 and 22:9. What did Paul’s companion hear?

20. After Paul’s baptism, what did he do.

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