B2B marketers your best prospects are calling. Are you ready?

Post on 12-May-2015






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B2B buyers and marketers love phone calls because they are immediate and personal, so why aren't more B2B marketers including inbound calls into their marketing strategy? Learn how to bring inbound call intelligence to your marketing dashboard.


B2B Marketers: Your Best Prospects

are Calling.Are You Ready?

As a B2B marketer, which would you guess is higher quality?

A. inbound phone lead

B. inbound web lead

If you guessed A, you’re right.

A phone conversation beats an online engagement any day.

Why? #1

It’s immediate.

It’s personal.



It’s where deals are won.

And B2B buyers like conversations


In fact,

57%of tech buyers find it extremely important to be able to call during the research phase,

Source: Gartner: Tech Go-to-Market: Align Marketing Activities to Tech Buying Cycle Activity Streams for Highest Impact


40%say personal contact is very important during the evaluate and engages stages of the buying cycle.

Source: Gartner: Tech Go-to-Market: Align Marketing Activities to Tech Buying Cycle Activity Streams for Highest Impact

So if salespeople want inbound calls...

and buyers want conversations...

Why don’t more B2B marketers include inbound calls in their marketing strategy?


It’s time to change this around.

Not convinced?

Here are 6 reasons why you should start tracking and optimizing for inbound calls.

1. You’re only tracking and nurturing the online path to purchase (probably via a marketing automation tool).

76% of leading SaaS companies use marketing automation.

Source: Mintigo, “State of the Marketing Technology Industry”



2. Your marketing budget is growing, and you have to justify every dollar.

CMOs believe ROI on marketing spend will be the #1method for determining success by 2015.

Source: IBM Global CMO Study

3. Your highest quality leads come from inbound calls (you think).


But you have no idea where they come from or how to get more.


4. Your sales team is wasting time calling or qualifying bogus leads.

Only 25% of leads are legitimate and should advance to sales.

Source: Gleanster Research via http://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics

5. Your sales reps need more high quality leads.

Inbound calls are rated as an excellent lead source by 66% of SMBs.

Source: BIA/Kesley

6. You avoid actively driving more inbound calls because you can’t track them.

Of the top 30 B2B brands surveyed, only 20% displayed a phone number on their homepage.

Surveyed 30 leading B2B companies on the Inc. 5000 list.

So, you want to drive more inbound calls, but not sure where to start?

What if we told you...

1) It’s possible to get credit for and get credit for and measure the true ROI of the inbound sales calls you generate as a marketer.

2) It’s possible to optimize for more inbound calls, which are the highest converting lead type in the B2B path to purchase.


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