
Unit: WeatherTopic: Season

Prathomsuksa 4

•What did you see from the video?

• How many season are there in the video?

Check your understanding!


season (N.)

spring (N.)

summer (N.)

fall (N.)

winter (N.)

weather (N.)


WH questions ask for information. They are different than Yes/No questions.

WH question

6 WH question words

- How are you?- What time is it now?- How is the weather in your home now?


Hello, Emma. How are you?

I’m good, Justin, how about you?

I’m fine. How about the weather in your town now?

It’s really great because it’s just turn to winter.

Everywhere was covered with snow.

I love that!

It looks nice.

Actually, I don’t really like winter.

My favorite seasons are spring and summer.

I love the way that plants are growing in spring.

Besides, I like to swim in the sea in very hot day.

I don’t like hot weather

;in fact, I really love cold

like in fall and winter.

I love snow

and the way that leaves are falling.

How romantic it is!

I don’t think so.

Anyway, what time is it now?

It’s 9 p.m.

And my favorite program is coming.

Oh! I have to go now.

It’s very nice to talk with you my friend. Bye.

Bye. Have a nice night.

It’s time for activity!!!!

Guessing game

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

Your turn!

Your turn!

Your turn!

Your turn!

Your turn!

Your turn!

Your turn!

Your turn!



season weather spring

summer fall winter

northern southern

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points

5 points


Instruction: write four sentences for each pairs about “ season around the world”, using the structure that you have learnt to complete the sentences.

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