

The Social Media for Creatives course is a learning course for professionals of all levels to learn about social media and what it can do for your brand, company or personal business. Through a series of lessons to be delivered through text based documents, audio podcasts and video based tutorials we aim to provide learners with the knowledge and knowhow to promote and enhance their online presence.

What was planned to be achieved

1. To create a learning course.2. To make 8-10 lessons for the course.3. Make 8-10 podcasts.4. Make 5-10 video tutorials.5. Create an Ebook.

What was actually achieved

1. We created the learning course.2. We made 8 lessons in total.3. We made 8 podcasts.4. We made 7 Video tutorials. 5. We created an Ebook.

Project planning and execution of project

1. Lost and unorganised at the start.2. Developed a weekly routine.3. Weekly milestones.4. Worked to our strengths.

Who did what1. Alan: Wrote lessons, narrated audio, Moodle implementation and created EBook.

2. David: Scripted audio, recorded and edited audio files, cover art & branding.

3. Robert: Scripted, narrated and created all the videos. Branding of videos. Created Quizzes.

Challenges encountered

Organisation: At the start, we had no fixed routine. We needed one, in order to get things done effectively.

Absence: In weeks where somebody was sick, we fell behind and had to do twice the work to catch up.

Challenges encountered continued

Creating something we hadn't done before. i.e An Ebook.Hit a bump after we took a week off to brand ourselves. Communication between team members wasn’t always the best.

What we would do differently

Be More organised from the beginning.

Record all audio using the same microphone and in the same room.

Communicate more effectively.

Possible future work on the project

Speak to educators and get feedback about our course.

Get it to a HETAC level.

Get course accredited by an Institute.


Work to your strengths.

You can always improve.

You should question everything even if you think what you created is great.

Any Questions?


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