B 2016 BEACON - Amazon S3 · 2016 BEACON MARCH 2016 VOLUME 40 Number 3 BMBA EVANGELISM CONFERENCE First Baptist Church Sayre Sunday, April 17 4pm Executive Board Meeting 5pm Meal

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Every year I go to the doctor and get a physical. My health insurance thinks this is very important and they even pay for several of the tests

that are performed on me. I have discovered that with every physical new adjustment to my life seems to follow the appointment. My ad-

vice is don’t wait until you have an issue with your health to have a physical. I would encourage you to be proactive and not reactive.

How’s your evangelistic health? Obviously the Holy Spirit leads people to Christ as their Savior and Lord! But, have you evaluated your

own personal evangelistic practices? Are you intentional about evangelism? Are you bold in your evangelism? If you had an evangelistic

physical today, what adjustment would you need to make in your lifestyle?

March would be a great time to evaluate your evangelistic lifestyle. Beckham Mills Baptist Association will be providing some opportuni-

ties to help you! An Evangelistic Health Fair!

“Every Believer a Witness” Pastor Training, March 10, 10am-4pm @ the Baptist Center, Altus

Vacation Bible School Clinic at Fir st Baptist Church in Sayre on Saturday, Apr il 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Beckham Mills Baptist Association Evangelism Conference at Fir st Baptist Church in Sayre on Sunday, Apr il 17 at 6:00 p.m.

(Ex. Board Meeting at 4:00 p.m. and Ex. Board Dinner at 5:00 p.m.)

Connect 1 Sunday School Conference at the Beckham Mills Baptist Association Office at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Apr il 19. This

is open to all ministers, Sunday School Directors and anyone else interested in Connect 1 Sunday School. Free Lunch Provided.

My prayer is that you will check your evangelistic pulse!

“I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His

kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time

will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in

accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things,

endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” II Timothy 4:1-5 NASB

Sharing Jesus!

Danny Ringer

Director of Missions








1 B Robyn Whaley

1 C Stefan Valdez, Sayre, 2014

3 A Josefath & Silvia Sanchez

4 B Marvin Savory

5 C Clayton Carlisle, SWBCA, 2014

5 B Kevin Slough

6 B Alyce Floyd

9 C Will J Roberts, Willow, 2003

12 A Charles & Elizabeth Henthorn

14 B Penny Ringer

15 B Silvia Sanchez

21 B Casey King

25 C Casey King, Cheyenne, 2012

26 B R.B. Mathis

A—Wedding Anniversary


C—Church Anniversary



PO BOX 425

SAYRE, OK 73662-0425

2015-2016 OFFICERS

Director of Missions ............................... Danny Ringer

Moderator .............................................. Lance Whaley

Vice Moderator ........................................ Darren Mann

Clerk ........................................................... Arlene Epp

Treasurer ....................................................... Ray Smart




PO BOX 425 (1906 N WATTS) SAYRE, OK 73662-0425

www.bmbaok.org email: bmbaok@att.net OFFICE PHONE: (580) 928-2585


9:00 A.M.-NOON—1:00-3:00 P.M.

2016 BEACON MARCH 2016 VOLUME 40 Number 3




First Baptist Church Sayre

Sunday, April 17

4pm Executive Board Meeting

5pm Meal for Board Members

6pm Evangelism Conference

Individual Conferences for

Adults Youth


Nursery provided

Vacation Bible School Teachers Clinic

Saturday, April 9

9:30-12:30 Lunch Included

FBC Sayre

Conference Leaders:

Directors/Pastors—Lance Whaley

Preteen—Janet Dedmon 3rd-4th Grades—Julie Copeland

1st-2nd Grades—Lindsay McMullen Preschool—Karistin Young

Music—Jerri Headrick Crafts—Wanell Hines Missions—Mary Lakey


Dear Association,

I hope all is going well for you and your family. Things are

going great here at the BCM. We have been having a good

crowd each week. We had nearly 50 the other week. Just

about wore Bro. Will J. Roberts out going back and forth to

get more food. We have a great group of students coming

and participating.

We do have some events coming up pretty soon. BCM

Spring Retreat @ Falls Creek, April 8 – 10. The cabin is

open for those that want to stay there for the weekend. I

currently do not have the cost for this event yet. In August,

we go to Glorietta. This will be Aug. 7- 11 and the cost is

around $230. This is a trip for those that are college age and

those starting college this fall. The deadline to sign-up for

Glorietta is April 22.

God Bless

Benny Lockler

P.S. – Mar. 2- Eastside Elk City; Mar. 9- Prairie View;

Mar. 23- Sweetwater; Mar. 29 – Erick; Mar. 30- Leedey

Please pray for our

Pastorless Churches:

Hammon FBC

Eastside Baptist Church

And Give Thanks for

Answered Prayer:

Main Street Baptist Church

Has called

Larry Parvin as pastor!

Disaster Relief Training

Elk City FBC

Sat., March 5 8:30am-3:00pm

Open to everyone that would like

to be ready when a need arises. Training available in:

Food Service, Chain Saw

& Debris Removal

Jim Coffey (580/821-0848)

Mission Ignition is a hands-on

missions experience for kids in

1st through 6th grades. They will

learn about ways they can be involved

in missions and be challenged to

complete mission projects.

Saturday, March 5, 9 am to 3 pm

$15 per person

Portland Ave Baptist Church

Oklahoma City

REGISTER ONLINE AT www.bgco.org/missionignition


Hello Friends,

This week, we have experienced the sadness of losing a dear friend,

Maggie Santiago. Judy and I will be traveling to Hawaii for her service.

Please pray for the Santiago family in their loss.

But in our loss, the Lord has really been working here! We had 6 people

join the church in the last few weeks, some of them Maggie’s family mem-

bers! And on March 6 we will be baptizing one of her grandsons!!

We thank you for your continued prayer and support of

our work here. You are a blessing to us.

People Need Jesus!

We love you all!

Larry and Judy

Sunday School Conference For Pastors, SS Directors,

And anyone interested in SS growth!

Tuesday, April 19

10:30am-1:00pm@ BMBA Office (Lunch Included)

Led by Bob Mayfield

Sunday School Specialist, BGCO

“Every Believer a Witness”

PASTORS’ EVANGELISM TRAINING March 10, 10am-4pm; Cost—$24

@ The Baptist Center, 2515 N. Main, Altus

Register online at www.everybelieverawitness.org

Click on Conference, then Pastor Training

Sponsored by Southwest Association


March 5 BMBA Disaster Relief Training

@Elk FBC

March 5 Mission Ignition (OKC & Tulsa)

March 6-12 Week of Prayer for Annie Armstrong

Mission Offering

March 6-9 Evangelistic Services @ Willow Baptist

w/ Tim Tidenberg, Nairobi, Kenya

March 7 Ministers’ Fellowship @ Prairie View

March 7-10 State DOM Retreat

March 10 “Every Believer a Witness” Training

@ Baptist Center, Altus, 10am-4pm

March 13 Time Change—Spring Forward!


April 2 State Disaster Relief Training

April 4 Ministers’ Fellowship @ Sweetwater

April 8-9 BCM Retreat @ Falls Creek

April 9 BMBA VBS Clinic @ Sayre FBC

April 11-13 Danny on Vision Trip to Edmonton

April 17 BMBA Executive Board Meeting

Evangelism Conferernce @ Sayre FBC

April 19 BGCO Connect 1 Conf. @ BMBA Office

April 22-23 BGCO Women’s Retreat

April 29-30 BGCO Men’s Retreat

May 2 Ministers’ Fellowship @ Leedey

May 5 National Day of Prayer

May 6 Chaplain Manual Training @ BGCO

Jr. Camp 2016 May 31-June 3

Registration forms are all available on our website: www.bmbaok.org

If you prefer to have a packet mailed to you, call 928-2585

Or e-mail bmbaok@att.net

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