Automotive Managed Mobility in the age of connected vehicles

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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The auto industry draws many parallels with the mobile phone industry and increasingly they are aligning as one connected technology market. Mindset has shifted through necessity of survival from the global economic crash and through to the competitive survival of gaining share in the emerging markets. The other dynamic is the emergence of a technology-led sector with the buying public developing their purchasing habits from the must-have car to a must-have device which offers them transportation. Auto manufacturers had to develop their strategies quickly and adopt new approaches and accelerate culture change within their organizations. Speakers: Mr. Paul Warburton (Fujitsu)


0 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

Human Centric Innovation

Fujitsu Forum 2014

ICM Munich 19th – 20th November

1 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

Automotive- Managed Mobility in the age of the connected vehicle

Paul Warburton

Vice President of Global Automotive, Fujitsu

2 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

“ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it

living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped

by dogma — which is living with the results

of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the

noise of others’ opinions drown out your

own inner voice. And most importantly

have the courage to follow your heart and

intuition. They somehow already know

what you truly want to become. Everything

else is secondary.”

Steve Jobs - Stanford commencement

speech, June 2005

3 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

The age of the connected vehicle is truly with us…

4 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

The challenges for the market are common

5 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

The Need for agility has not been fully addressed

• Profile

• virtual car

• Music

• Navigation

• Phone

• Personal



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A very personal connection

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The Personalised Experience of the virtual Car…


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Users (Drivers) will demand greater flexibility

Digital mobility and the way it is managed has progressed rapidly over the past few years with the user demanding greater flexibility and device choice.

Managed mobility and the security associated with personal data is at the very centre of this revolution giving the user the assurance they need to operate in a safe and protected environment.

This level of managed mobility is a key consideration for the OEM’s if they want to offer real flexibility using their devices in a shared and collaborative world.

The OEM’s who start to see the car as a virtual vehicle that can be used with any device will in our opinion emerge as the winners in this competitive landscape.

The emergence of the virtual car as a secure environment which offers the ability to move a users profile between vehicles will be a key feature in the agility needs of the connected vehicle revolution.

9 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

Managed Mobility will be a key enabler to the next generation vehicles…

• Profile

• virtual car

• Music

• Navigation

• Phone

• Personal favourites

Biometric Security

Managed Mobility

Personal Profile

Personal Connection

10 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

Technology is only part of the challenge

Greater collaboration required

A change in culture within the market

Commercial models will evolve

New entrants will play a key role


Tariff based contracts

New channels to market

Consumer driven change

11 Copyright 2014 FUJITSU

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