Auto Cad Project 1bhk Figure

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Auto cad project 1bhk figure

Command used in this :-

• Box- Creates a 3D box polygon mesh. Specify corner point of box:

Specify length of box: Specify a distance Specify width of box or [Cube]: Specify a distance or enter c

• Fillet –: 

  Modify menu: Fillet

 Command line: fillet

Current settings: Mode = current, Radius = current

Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: Use an object selection method or enter an option

• Rectang-Command line: rectang or rectangle

Current settings: Rotation = 0

Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: Specify a point or enter an option

• Trim-Command line: trim

Current settings: Projection = current Edge = current

Select cutting edges... Select objects or <select all>: Select one or more objects and press ENTER, or press ENTER to select all displayed objects Select the objects that define the cutting edges to which you want to trim an object, or press ENTER to select all displayed objects as potential cutting edges. TRIM projects the cutting edges and the objects to be trimmed onto the XY plane of the current user coordinate system (UCS).

• Pline-Command line: pline

Specify start point: Specify a point (1)

Current line-width is <current> Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: Specify a point (2) or enter an option The PLINEGEN system variable controls the linetype pattern display around and

the smoothness of the vertices of a 2D polyline. Setting PLINEGEN to 1 generates new polylines in a continuous pattern around the vertices of the completed polyline. Setting PLINEGEN to 0

starts and ends the polyline with a dash at each vertex. PLINEGEN does not apply to polylines with tapered segments

• Line-Command line: line

Specify first point: Specify a point or pressENTER to continue from the last drawn line or arc

Specify next point or [Close/Undo

• Pedit-Modify menu: Object Polyline

 Shortcut menu: Select a polyline to edit, right-click in the drawing area, and choose Polyline Edit.

 Command line: pedit

Select polyline or [Multiple]: Use an object selection method or enter m

The remaining prompts depend on whether you have selected a 2D polyline, a 3D polyline, or 3D polygon mesh. If the selected object is a line or an arc, the following prompt is displayed: Object selected is not a polyline. Do you want it to turn into one? <Y>: Enter y or n, or press ENTER If you enter y, the object is converted into a single-segment 2D polyline that you can edit. You can use this operation to join lines and arcs into a polyline. When the PEDITACCEPT system variable is set to 1, this prompt is suppressed, and the selected object is automatically converted to a polyline.

• Union-Modify menu: Solids Editing Union

 Command line: union

Select objects: Use an object selection method and press ENTER when you finish selecting objects The selection set can contain regions and solids that lie in any number of arbitrary planes. The selection sets are divided into subsets that are joined separately. Solids are grouped in the first subset. The first selected region and all subsequent coplanar regions are grouped in the second set. The next region that is not coplanar with the first region and all subsequent coplanar regions are grouped in the third set, and so on until all regions belong to a subset.

• Erase- Modify menu: Erase

 Shortcut menu: Select the objects to erase, right-click in the drawing area, and click Erase Command line: erase

Select objects: Use an object selection method and pressENTERwhen you finish selecting objects.

• Circle-Draw menu: Circle

 Command line: circle

Specify center point for circle or [3P (Three Points)/2P (Two Points)/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: Specify a point or enter an option

• Revsurf-Draw menu: Surfaces Revolved Surface

 Command line: revsurf

Current wire frame density: SURFTAB1=current: SURFTAB2=current

Select object to revolve: Select a line, arc, circle, or 2D or 3D polyline Select object that defines axis of revolution: Select a line or open 2D or 3D polyline

• 3dorbit –Command line: 3dorbit, 3do

3DORBIT activates a 3D Orbit view in the current viewport. If the user coordinate system (UCS) icon is on, a shaded 3D UCS icon representing the current UCS

appears in the 3D Orbit view. You can view your entire drawing or select one or more objects before starting the command

• Ucs-Tools menu: New UCS

 Command line: ucs

Enter an option [New/Move/orthoGraphic/Prev/Restore/Save/Del/Apply/?/World] <World

• Slice-Draw menu: Solids Slice

 Command line: slice

Select objects: Use an object selection method and pressENTERwhen you finish

Regions in the current selection set are ignored.

Specify first point on slicing plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>: Specify a point, enter an option, or pressENTER

• Cylinder-Draw menu: Solids Cylinder

 Command line: cylinder

Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=current

Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Specify a center point (1), enter e, or press EN


Lower wall-

Wooden floor-

Upper wall-



Some more commands used in this project are given :-

• Render• Light• Arc• Extrude

• Subtract• 3d• Move• Rotate• Revolve• Layers• Units• Snap• Grid

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