Auschwitz/Birkenau. Map of Auschwitz/Birkenau Birkenau was located in Oswiecim, Poland.

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Auschwitz/Birkenau was established on October 8th, 1941 and was liberated on January 27, Trains brought Hungarian Jews to within a few yards of the gas chambers at Birkenau


Auschwitz/Birkenau Map of Auschwitz/Birkenau Birkenau was located in Oswiecim, Poland Auschwitz/Birkenau was established on October 8th, 1941 and was liberated on January 27, Trains brought Hungarian Jews to within a few yards of the gas chambers at Birkenau The estimate number of the people who were killed in Birkenau is 1.5 million people. (although the highest estimate is 4 million) This camp was an extermination center and its purpose was labor work. Extermination process at Auschwitz/Birkenau Facts: * Gas chambers capable of disposing 2,000 people per day. * Birkenau was liberated by the Soviet Red Army. * By 1944, 6,000 people were killed in one day. Liberation at Auschwitz. Containing thousands of shoes and other items Bergen-Belsen Crematorium at Bergen-Belsen The location of Bergen- Belsen was in Germany. Bergen Belsen Map The establishment was in the year 1940 and the liberation of this camp was on April 15, Women Survivors at Bergen-Belsen Estimated of people killed in Bergen-Belsen are more than 35,000 people. British troops as they entered Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp Purpose of this camp was a prison for captured prisoners of war. Bergen Belsen - Concentration Camp Facts: * Most died from being shot, hung, starved to death, or killed by disease. * 10,000 unburied were found here. Westerbork View of Westerbork The location of Westerbork was in the Netherlands. Westerbork The establishment of this camp was on October 9th, (for German-Jews, but Germans took over this camp on July 1st, 1942) Liberated on April 12, Interior of the barracks at the Westerbork Transit Camp, after liberation Estimated killed: none Westerbork was a transit camp, where they only deported people to other camps. The purpose of Camp Westerbork was a transit for Dutch-Jews. Train station in the Westerbork camp Facts: * Liberated by Canadian forces. * As troops approached the camp, the Germans abandoned Westerbork. Drancy This multistory complex was the Drancy transit camp. Many Jews that were deported from France were held here until their deportation. The location of the camp Drancy was north of Paris, France. Establishment of Drancy was in August While the liberation was on August 17, 1944. Estimation of the number killed in Drancy was more than 3,000 people. Jewish prisoners arrive at the camp Purpose of this camp was an internment camp for foreign Jews in France. Drancy Facts: * Summer of 1942, Germans began the deportations of Jews from Drancy to extermination camps in Poland. * Prisoners died in this camp from lack of medical care or starvation. Jews arrive at the Drancy Transit Camp by bus Melk The location of the sub- camp Melk was in Austria. Melk was established on January 11, 1944 and liberated on May 5, 1945. The estimated number of people killed in Melk is 10,000 people. (not counting the unknown number which perished in the tunnels) The main purpose of this camp was to provide forced labor for the different tunneling projects in the surrounding hills. Very little is known about this camp. Facts: * It was a sub-camp of Mauthausen. * The inmates that arrived at Melk were of all nationalities: Poles, Hungarians, French, Italians, and Czechs. * Gas chamber was built better than at Mauthausen *It had its own crematorium Auschwitz/Birkenau: Pictures:Bergen-Belsen: Westerbork: Drancy: Melk:Maps:

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