
Dr. Luigi Benetti Scientific Head and Research Coordinator

Surgeon - Specialist in General SurgeryHealth Director of Prisma Centre – Schio (VI)

• May 2011

From the enthusiasm and competence of a group of doctors, physiotherapists and professional sport athletes comes………..

AURA... A laboratory of innovative ideas and applications ethically correct

For the improvement of human body physic performances

The preserving and passionate work of Aura Research Centre carried out in years of study, practice and tests made on people and athletes of different ages

gives birth to a device which is able to improve people wellness and physic performances acting considerably on the static/dynamic equilibrium of man:


Head of Aura Activator project is Dr. Luigi Benetti, Coordinator of AURA ACTIVATOR Research centre.




Anyone who carries AURA ACTIVATOR energetic device with himself is able to notice immediate salutary effects on his strength by making any action where it is required, on his equilibrium by favoring gestures where high concentration is needed and increasing his endurance to physical activity when human body goes in for a sport or a high working activity.


International patented AURA ACTIVATOR device is the result of a passionate team work which enables to obtain, through the direct or indirect physic contact with it, benefic effects as far as equilibrium, applied energy, recovery and endurance to physical effort are concerned.

AURA ACTIVATOR is an en er gy r eb a la n cin g d ev ice which thanks to its composition, em it s a low f r eq u en cy b iocom p a t ib le w av e . The en er ge t ic w av e emitted by AURA ACTIVATOR has the power to b r ea k t h e t oo b ig clu s t e r s o f w a t er m olecu les which, because of their size, slow up the continuous process of substance exchange between the cell and the various tissues of human body, that to say the input and output of waste. If t h is t u r n s ou t t o b e a fl u id in t e r ch a n ge w a t er is a b le t o in t e r a ct m or e q u ick ly a n d m or e e ffi ca c iou s ly w it h ce l ls im p r ov in g h yd r a t ion a n d r ed u c in g t h e t i r in g o f h u m an b od y .

Th e r esu l t o f AURA ACTIVATOR energy is an instant benefit on human body, on the quality of athletic movements, on time and way of performances and on the whole course of everyday life.


Real effects of AURA ACTIVATOR

With AURA ACTIVATOR we are dealing not only with simple technologic evolution but also with something innovative giving the following performances:

Performance Safety and wellness

More StrenghtMore ResistanceMore EquilibriumA better Muscolar Activity

Less Phisical EffortReducing Pain during / after Sport activitiesPreventing Muscolar / Articular accidentsHelp in preventing problems due to ripetitive and restrictive movements


Some of the most important physical characteristics are as follows:


At 37°C it emits the most energy and we have to consider that the optimal spectrum distribution conveyed in cal/chq/min. is between 9-10 µ .

The quantity of radiated energy for a certain λ emitted by a body in an unit of time and surface goes under the name of MONOCHROMATIC EMITTANCE,

While the total quantity of energy at any λ emitted by a body at any unit of time and surface goes under the name of EMITTANCE (W)

Electromagnetic wave


All bodies emit and receive electromagnetic radiations; at an atomic level this radiation can be used for our purposes thanks to quantum physics according to De Broglie’s Principle known as the duality principle

It states as follows:

“To any particle corresponds an electromagnetic wave of a stated energy and vice versa"

When the electron fall to a low energy atomic level they emit an electromagnetic radiation as quantum particles (photons)

Moreover it is known that in order to take an electron on a more high energetic orbit we have to support it with photon energy (light).

When both visible or ultraviolet light strikes an alkaline metal surface it emits electrons, we have the “Photoelectrical Effect”.

This effect was discovered by Hertz; the luminous energy of the incident radiation turns into mechanic and parts of it raises the emission of electrons.

Einstein says that: “Light is made of small quantum of energy (photons) which straggle themselves with a wave movement according to the speed of light”


As we have already stated all bodies emit and take radiant energy. Max Planck (1858-1947) discovered that “the energy taken or emitted by a body comes out as quantum energy and not as continuous energy as the quantum energy is (E):

The aforesaid equation allows us to consider the photon both as an energy particle and as a kind of lenght wave λ with a characthteristic frequency f.


Probably the infrared radiation (IR) is the Natural Electromagnetic Radiation (REM) more present in nature. It is emitted at night by inorganic substances which have been heated by sun light during the day. They are emitted by organisms as a consequence of metabolic reactions necessary to life. Human body is itself a quite powerful generator of IR whose emission depends on factors such as:

1-Blood circulation2-General wellbeing3-The state of neuro vegetative system 4-An inflammatory state can cause an higher emission of I.R.

Considering a constant biologic nutrition which guarantees the functioning of the we can assume that the IR analysis emitted by a body can guarantee us a feed-back on its generative processes, or it can interact on themselves through additional sources of IR.


The strenghtening or the decreasing of IR on biologic memebranes can rise or decrease the enregetic conversion processes acting on themselves, increasing or decreasing the biologic methabolism of the cell itself.This possibility of a quick intercellular communication, together with the charachteristic of biocompatible frequences to enter into resonance with the too big groups of water molecules (clusters), are the ground of AURA ACTIVATOR energetic potentials. This is demostrated by up to today studies.


Any human body is made of 70% water on average (80/85% at birth and 50/55% at death for natural causes). Life meant as that temporal process that goes from birth to death can be considered as a slow process of dehydration an its evident that the purity of our water depends on the purity of our organic fluids.

Ideal Conditions: Water molecules in our body are jointed in groups of one, two or three.

Not ideal Conditions: Water molecules can join themselves; These groups of molecules on cell surface can increase up to 200 (CLUSTER).

The causes of this phenomena can be numerous:

1- physical stress 2- emotional stress 3- trauma 4- bad habits of life 5- bad feeding6- pollution 7- electromagnetic pollution




Our body is made up of about 67 trillions of cells.

In order to nourish and expel its waste it leans on small openings (photovoltaic doors) of a diameter of about 20µ , corresponding to 3 water

molecules. Ionic door


In case of absence of ideal conditions water clusters positioned between the cell membrane and its nucleos can clog these openings causing the death of the cell or, what is worst, the adaptation to a new critic situation for the cell itself.

AURA ACTIVATOR effect through the in d u ced em iss ion of IR (b y p h o t on s a n d / or h ea t ) at the appropriate wavelength (4/14 µ) on water clusters b r in gs t h em b a ck t o t h e ir id ea l s t a t e o f 1 – 2- 3 a ggr ega t ed m olecu les , thanks to a r eson a n ce e ffec t already significant in a few seconds.




As we know water molecule is made of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen which bound themselves by using the unique hydrogen atom electron which sets itself on the oxygen atom high orbit.

The two hydrogen atoms (charge +) and the oxygen atom (charge - ) create the so said “Dipolar Moment", very important for the understanding of water behavior.














+ +






The negative effects of these macromolecule are the following:

Those elements set into the clusters are “concealed” so the cannot be used by the cell as nourishment or expelled by it as waste.

The macromolecule can close the “photovoltaic door” of the cell membrane forbidding the ions and electric charges exchange, altering the cell bioelectric function.

The making of clusters and the excessive water polymerization increases its volume and decreases its density causing a less adhesion of the interstitial liquid with the cytoplasm membrane and consequently a less poring of Ca++ into the cell.


If we succeed in rotating the H2O molecules we could break the dipolar bound between the cells themselves.

In order to rotate the molecules in the three possible directions we need to give them a quantum of energy at a well defined frequency (one pico second)

This is why has been found a material able to emit photons at a given Frequency with a wavelength between 4 – 14 µ.

This is essential in order to have that energy necessary for the molecules rotation.



= =







(b) (c)








energia frequenza lung. di onda

0,095 ev. 23x10 sg 13 micron

0,2 ev. 5x10 sg 3-6 micron


The electromagnetic wave, where the electric and magnetic field coexist quivering into different directions, is emitted by AURA ACTIVATOR producing resonance and synchronization of water molecule.

When photons crush themselves the negative charge O– receives a drive towards the electromagnetic field and on the other side the positive charge H+ receives a drive towards the other side giving birth to a mechanic couple which gives rotator movements to the water molecule. After half turn the electric field is reversed and a movement to the adjoining molecule is imposed. This begins to rotate into the same verse breaking the water clusters without breaking the hydrogen-oxygen bounds of the molecules.

Thanks to quantum physic which establishes the chemical-physical characteristics of matter, we know that these movements exist into water.

Therefore is possible to point out two levels of energy, i.e. 0,095 eV for the rotation and 0,2 for the oscillation (eV= elettronvolt, 1 eV = 1,6 x 10-12 erg).


According to Planck’s equation this energy can be given by photo-electromagnetic effect by a radiation I included between 4 and 14 µ which is the same radiation emitted by AURA ACTIVATOR:

By developing numerically Plank’s equation we have:

E=Quantity of energy emitted by the photonh= Planck’s constant (6,6256 x 10-34 Joule-sec = 6,5256 x 10-27 erg/sec)e= Light speed (3 x 1010 cm/sec)λ= Wavelength (Expressed in cm)

For a radiation of wavelength λ of 6µ

For a radiation of wavelength λ of 14.000 nm or 14µ


Some charachteristics of I.R. energy: Current International I.R. classification

Short Wave (near IR) Medium Field IRI.R. remote control

IR A = 0,7 - 1,4 micron (m)IR B = 1,4 - 3 m IR C = 1 - 3 m

A second working explained by AURA ACTIVATOR action is Resonance.All materials can emitt elecromagnetic radiations if stimulated by photons and/or electron energy (Compon effect) the intensity and frequency of the emitted wave are indipentend from the composition of the material itself. If we consoder tham most of the cells we are made of have an aproximate diameter of 10 – 100 µ and that the resonance frequency of an object is more or less similar to the diameter of the object itself, considering the relation f . λ = c


f = frequency c = Light speed (3 x 1010 cm/sec)

It follows that our cellss resonance frequence is set in the far infraredf = 3 x 1013 hz (banda distante dell'infrarosso)

A t h i r d w or k in g ca n b e q ick ly exp la in ed ………………..AURA ACTIVATOR………………….. H+,

(6,6256 x 10-27

) (3 x 1010


(13)(1,6 x 10-12


(6,625 x 10-27)

(3x 1010


(6)(1,6 x 10-12



AURA ACTIVATOR emits a biocompatible radiation of a lenghtwave included between 4 and 14µ

This energy is able to act on different physical substances in a not destructive way.

If this energy is radiated through human body ionizing effects are produced on organic water molecules, on cellular membranes, on galvanic pumps of the Ca++ system, of Na + K+ and on mitochondria.


Mitochondria are in in the cytoplasm of all animal and vegetable with aerobic metabolism.Mitochondria aim is to help the cell breathing and are made of breathing bags.

The cell breathing is the production of energy such as the ATP molecules through the catabolytes oxidation.

They also are tanks for the Ca++ ions which has to be present into the cell in minimum but constant quantities with great storages..

They are made of two cellular membranes the primary and the secondary one: the space existing between them is named inter membrane space.

The inner membrane in made of various envelopments recesses and projections named mitochondrial crests.

The aim of these structures is to wide the membrane surface which allows to set a greater number of ATP complexes and so give more energy.

The two membranes are relate to two different areas: the inter membrane space, that interposed between the outside and inside membrane, and the matrix, the space limited by the inner membrane.


The first membrane is very porous, in the inter membrane space there is an watery fluid rich of mineral salts and other substances.The second membrane inner space is more selective; inside the second partition lengthens in long folds on both sides, these take half space and are named mitochondrial crests. In these crests the breathing enzymes are set.

Anaerobic breathing (fermentation)

It indicates those reactions trough which complex molecules can be degraded without the intervention of molecular oxygen. The best known example is that of the glucose reduction known as anaerobic glycolysis.

The glucose chain of 6 carbon atoms, can be reduced by the glycolysis in smaller molecules.

In the muscle each glucose molecule is turned into two molecules of lactic acid

In the muscle the general glycolysis reaction in as follows C6H12O6 2C3H6O3 + 58 000 calorie lactic acid

This reaction shows that the esoso is turned into two triosi with the releasing of a quantity of energy lower than 10% of the energy hold in the glucose which is 686000 calorie.The most important product of the glycolysis is the pyruvic acid which can be turned into lactic acid in anaerobic conditions or together with oxygen it can enter into the aerobic cycle of breathing


Aerobic breathing is made up of all those reactions through which organic substances are reduced to carbon dioxide and water by the intervention of molecular oxygen.

This process takes place in the mitochondria and it’s strictly bound to their macromolecular structure.

The key compound to the carbohydrate reduction is the pyruvate that together with oxygen takes part to the Kerb’s Cycle known as the citric acid cycle.Here the pyruvate combustion doesn’t take place naturally but through a series of high energy bounds (ATP Synthesis)

The first step of Kerb’s Cycle is the acetate condensation with the oxaloacetate ( a compound made of 4 C atoms) in order to produce a & C atoms Cytrate.

Afterwards a series of reactions take place during which the molecule is progressively reduced to oxaloacetate.

The oxaloacetate bounds itself with the coenzyme acetate A , it recreates a cytrate molecule and a new cycle begins.

All foods are burned up during the Kerb’s Cycle, also the fatty acids and the amino acid take part to the cycle as pyruvate through the coenzyme acetate A.

This is one of the most classic examples of economy in nature: the seven enzymes of Kreb’s Cycle perform their duty with any kind of swallowed food.



The most important actions on human body are the following:

A)- By increasing the Ca++ ion in the cellular cytoplasm we obtain a general activation of the cell.

B)- It produces a remarkable decrease of the fatty acids per oxidation, it improves blood circulation and helps in burning cholesterol.

C)- The rise of body temperature permits the organism a more quick recovery thanks to the activation of basal metabolism D)- With the rise in temperature we have a more peripheral vasodilatation and consequently a higher input of Oxygen

E)- It helps muscles in draining lactic acid (all professional athletes by using AURA ACTIVATOR have noticed less physical tiredness and a better recovery from exertion)


F)- It increase the intensity of sleeping/waking rhythm as confirmed by EEG (R.W. COGHILL. Experimental test by Coghill Research Laboratories - Lower Race - Gwent NP45UH).

G)- It helps in discharging naturally gases and materials inside the organism entailing a healthy decrease of blood activity.

E)- It helps in carrying nourishing substances inside the cell easing the adhesion of osmotic process of the distinct molecules through the cell membrane, breaking cluters, lowering water volume, improving the contact with the cell membrane and it entering into the intracellular cytoplasm.

I) –It works also at a osteoarticular level by interfering positively in the inflammatory processes of articulations.


Lack of contraindication:

It isn’t a medicineIt isn’t an electro medical deviceIt isn’t doping


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Research Center AURA ACTIVATOR

Scientific Head and Research CoordinatorDr. Luigi Benetti

Surgeon - Specialist in General SurgeryHealth Director of Prisma Centre – Schio (VI)

Prof. Umberto TirelliDirector of Medical Oncology Department -Head of Medical Oncology Department Aviano (PN)

Professor of Medical Oncology by the Faculty of Medicine Udine UniversityExperienced in Chronic Tiredness Syndrome

Dr. Sara Carturan

Chemical, PHD Chemistry - Padova University (INFIN)

Dr. Renzo PozzoDoctor in Motor Science

University Teacher by Udine and Rome University Specialist in Training and Movement Theory

Dr. Mattia MichelusiDoctor in Motor Science

Dr. Giulio DeheshBiomedical Engineer

Dr. Marco Bettin

Doctor in Motor Science - Physiotherapist (Osteophatic Education)

Claudio Salvato - Masseur Therapist

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